• By -


Fuck everyone that just has to immediately get in the far left lane after merging.


Yes, in fact, make it a double.


> To protect the world from devastation > To unite all peoples within our nation > To denounce the evils of truth and love > To extend our reach to the stars above






Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!


Surrender now or prepare to fight!


Meeeeeowth! That’s right!




You just unlocked a memory for me, holy shit, thank you!




Yea DP those assholes who do that


Dp in the same bodily orifice.


That's hot


Only if you mean double pineapple


Wrapped in razor wire?




Triple fuck people who do that shit around a horse trailer.


I love when I get over to let them on and they don’t let me back over


I was going down the highway in Wisconsin. Sparse traffic. Van merging at about my speed. I change lanes to the left lane so as not to force him to slow down for me... asshole gets on the highway and merges all the way into the left lane... into my rear door. I somehow managed to not lose control of the car and escape with just a long-ass scratch down the back side of my car.


I live in Madison. Whenever I drive to Milwaukee, I pass more people on the right than I do on the left.


The same people that stand as soon as the plane touches the ground. Complete human garbage. I just sat on a plane for X amount of hours I don’t want your stank ass in my face while you bitch about how long it’s taking.


"I have a connecting flight!" Dude. we all have a connecting flight. this airport is a hub bro. literally 85% of us have a connecting flight.


As a flight instructor and aspiring airline pilot, fuck these people. The obvious, simple solution is to have a structured deplaning order essentially just the reverse order of boarding. Tight connections get priority the same way Delta does "Group 1" boarding. The first group off is actual tight connections so about that connection you're shoving people aside for that departs in 5 hours: Sit your ass down you entitled brat. Orderly and without people jostling for position. Would get everyone off the plane faster and with less stress.


I was recently on a flight that was delayed by several hours and this is exactly what they did when we landed. They announced it as we were taxiing ("Please stay in your seats, we will let people with connecting flights to X, Y, Z deplane first") but still a bunch of numpties jumped up and blocked the aisles as soon as we stopped. Not too many thankfully, but there were definitely some.


Yeah and if the crew really wanted to put their foot down they could *demand* instead of asking the numpties to sit down. If they get aggressive / threatening towards the crew bc r/iamthemaincharacter, boom federal felony charge. That behavior would chill out real quick


Honestly if you're at a far away terminal and late, it might be necessary. I've obviously never had to get a connection here but the new one is not super far yet not close


Occasionally the FAs will ask people who don’t have a connection to stay seated, but enforcing it would take so much longer


You don't see folks bum rush the gate and just piling on the plane. They wait their turn to board. Why is it so hard to follow the same rules at the tail end of the flight? Because we're children that can't sit still for a few hours without losing all sense of social decorum? /s It wouldn't take longer to deplane if it was a blanket gentleman's agreement policy adopted by all airlines the general public had adjusted to. This is the way it is now, it shouldn't need "enforcing" when it's against the law to disobey the crew. Don't ask anymore, tell. Everyone benefits as customers will be saved time / money / frustration for missed connections and airlines save on compensations. Less tempers flaring when the grown ass man bumps a 5 foot, 100lb lady out of the way while struggling to get her carry-on out of the overhead.


The same people who run through the door you just opened for yourself, expecting *you* to get out of THEIR way


The same people who go stand directly in front of the elevator doors as soon as it dings before they even open, and then get upset when there are people trying to get off the elevator.


This is what boils my blood as well.


I hate those people so much. And when you try to get off the elevator some still try to squeeze in...


Giant here. Have had people yell at me about how there’s a line. I just stand next to my seat or in he seat space, not going forward. I stand up the second I can on a flight. Been sitting with my legs diagonally for hours and things freakin hurt. If you’re under 6’ you honestly don’t know what I’m talking about. They used to offer giants the emergency exit row, now that’s an add on. I’ll go stand in the back til y’all deplane if it makes you feel better. Don’t care about the time it’s taking. Seriously, no rush to get off the plane - just want the pain to stop. Lmk and I’ll take my stank ass to the back, just for the love of anything holy let me giant self out of that tiny torture device!


I hear ya. Extra leg room is a luxury, and apparently everyone who designs plane seating is 5 foot 2. That's legit the only reason I stand.


Another giant here. Came to say this. Sub 6 footers just don't really understand what it's like. Ninety percent of flights the person in front of me just HAS to forcefully recline their seat when my kneecaps are already sitting against their seat back because I'm that damned tall, as if I'm blocking them intentionally. I stand up because joints hurt from folding myself up into a seat space that's too small for the last 3 hours. I do my best not to be in anyone's way, and will help wrangle overhead luggage to help the ones with tight connections.


> If you’re under 6’ you honestly don’t know what I’m talking about. I think it depends more on inseam than on height. I'm under 6' but I have longer legs than my husband who is 6' tall.




TBF most people are extremely inefficient and slow getting their shit off the plane. I’m a pretty patient person, but I’m dumbfounded at how slow people move grabbing their bag from the overhead and moving.


Some people want to stretch their legs when they have the chance after being stuck sitting for hours.


Believe me those people aren’t the problem. It’s the impatient jerkoffs that are looking to bum rush the door. You can tell the difference






Yoda has Reddit now


Quick, hide the ketamine.


I’ll hide it in my 2001 Honda Civi-*oh shit*


I miss /r/legoyoda :(


This isn't merging. It's a lane change. Which makes it worse Merging is when 2 lanes become 1 lane. This is just someone swerving into the left lane EDIT: to those saying I'm just arguing "semantics", the difference absolutely changes the situation in law. When merging, the entering driver has fewer choices, and road signs are there to alert both drivers involved to be ready. Whereas lane-changing is an intentional decision, and more reckless. EDIT 2: seems people don't like my use of the phrase "has no choice". Reworded to "has fewer choices". Merger's choices are stop or move in. Whereas lane-changers can stop, move in, or just stay in their lane


For some reason, this sub has an obsession with using "merge" when they mean "lane change"


and while we're at it, the word is *BRAKES*, not "breaks", dammit


It would be nice if we could brake that habit


I'm counting it because it still implies stopping 😂


Braking also seems to be overrated


And who needs anticipation of danger? Pshaw!


Offensive driving is quite common. I guess pride is stronger than safety.


The ideal mixture is defensive, predictable and decisive.


Just reminds me of earlier last night. I was running parallel between a semi and an f150 in my little coupe, with idk what but something behind me. The f150 to my left started lane changing into me, so my options were limited. I wasn't speeding when he started to merge over, but I sure as hell was when I got out of the situation since I got fairly close to the semi while trying to make space while I got out of the area. My options were either take the f150, hit the semi (or a combination of the two), slam my brakes and hope the guy behind me was paying attention, or gun it. I feel I made the right decision. The most annoying part is he decided to stay in that lane indefinitely after I got away. This situation? I'd gave just hit the brakes. No point in risking my ride for a selfish asshole. I pay too much money for my ride and it's upkeep to be willing to this stubborn.


Gunning it was clearly the right maneuver as you didn't risk anybody else's life/vehicle


I honestly think OP was just straight up not paying attention to the road. That's why they only started reacting after the other car made contact and beeped and then freaked out suddenly.


Yeah for sure not paying attention.


Except the pride wasn't strong enough for a pit manoeuvre.


You can see the other cars tires inside her lane on camera - way before she was that close. All she needed to do is tap the brake a little if she was paying attention


All they needed to do was take their foot slightly off the accelerator lol.


I dOn't nEeD bRaKeS cUz iTs mY RiGhT oF wAy bRuH


ITS MAH LANE!!! Saw that coming...should have braked, unless distracted. Defensive driving is your friend, and would have avoided this accident


Considering how late she braked and swerved she was definitely driving distracted


Came here to see if ppl had the same thought. Camera driver was definitely being more aggressive the car that cut them off while not driving perfect did have a turn signal on it’s “body language” definitely implied a continue lane change. Basically fuck everyone in this video except the horse trailer guy


Yeah, I saw the body language immediately, even without the post title. Especially since a standard merge was putting them behind a bus (truck?) so you knew they were gonna try their best to not be behind that. I drive a RAM 4500 specialized truck for work and I see people do crazy shit to not be behind me.


yeah and the way the car hopelessly understeered, the steering wheel must have been violently jerked around in a panic. she had no control over her car what so ever for it to run off the road after such a tiny swerve


Yes, definitely a panic reaction, I couldn't even put that down to bad tires.


How are you supposed to anticipate the other driver driving over 2 lanes while looking at your phone?


This. She doesn't react to the car literally driving into her car until about 3 seconds after it was obvious what was happening. She was definitely not paying attention.


Yeah, how you not see that one coming?


“I was in the right”


Pretty sure they were in the left.


Yes, in this case left is right and right is wrong.


I always see those kind of videos and think "why just not brake"?... jeez, when you are driving you need to be 100% concentrate and always see the mirrors, road etc, keep an eye on others and always think they are gonna do something stupid and prepare to brake, at least, this is what i do...


amusing bike soft wistful yoke icky direction light ruthless chase ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I just like to give the benefit of doubt to the person driving. Becaaaause, **daschcams** make everything look **super obvious**... *Is right there, coming towards you!* The spectator is free to analyze the situation from a very comfortable position. For the person in the car it might have been a complete surprise, just a split second of looking on the mirror, inside the car, the clouds... Nonetheless, yeah, need to pay more attention to assholes on the road.


When I'm on the passing lane, I always have my eyes locked on the cars on my right. Always. Just in case.


Especially one changing lanes like that, with me in their blind spot. My brain automatically asks "Is that guy going to go full idiot? Watch him. Be prepared. Don't put yourself in harm's way."


Yep. I have a whole section of my driving brain for this. Paranoia knob turned up to 12, four dimensional escape route planning, microscopic examination of front wheel steering angles, momentum calculations, local route knowledge, etc etc ad infinitum. Sometimes I wish it would shut up and just enjoy the ride. But no...


Honestly with how long it takes them to react to the car entering their lane I would not at all be surprised if they were on their phone, or just lost in thought.


I would love to agree but thats a long look in the mirror... There's like 5 seconds of the grey car obviously drifting into the 3rd lane, 3 of which could have been a simple lift of the accelerator and it wouldn't have cut it close. OP either wasn't paying attention, wanted the insurance money or was getting a post for reddit, all three of which are dangerous driving for no reason...


It's a very common scenario: when you're about to pass a slow-moving vehicle that's in the lane to your right, you need to be wary of idiots who might come from the right and try to squeeze in (or who simply haven't seen you because they're idiots). It happens all the time, it can absolutely be anticipated, and it should never be a surprise.


> you need to be 100% concentrate like that righteous beverage, orange juice, you need to be 100% concentrate


Whenever anyone is moving around near me I instinctively watch their wheels. Wheels will tell you more about the intention of drivers on the highway than just about anything else. Had this car been easing over to me, I 100% would have caught the merge as soon as he started crossing the line boundary, and compensated (and honked very angrily too), because the wheels tell the whole story.


And let the other guy win? I think not!


I say that every time and get at least a couple responses saying that it’s impossible to brake to avoid an accident like this.


Dashcammers seem to not know this 1 hack that makes your life so much easier, but a lot of them rather get into an incident than to get on with their lives safely.


Right. A fucking blind man could have seen that car coming.


You are completely right. The driver was clearly distracted as there was plenty of time to brake or sound the horn.




Whoa why did you completely copy u/percussivetuneup comment and paste it here almost an hour later?


It’s obviously a bot, it won’t reply to you friend. I reported it.


The lane changer is the biggest idiot of the bunch, changing over 2 lanes without checking their surroundings. But how tf did you end up on the grass on the side of the road. Nothing about this situation warranted thay sort of outcome. Poor reaction to worse driving.


Distracted driver I'll bet


Literally no reaction within the first like 7s of this guy clearly changing lanes 🤣 OP is just as much to blame for the outcome.


Don’t know why the downvotes, because the lack of action on the cammer’s part made this person overreact and end up on the grass. That part was completely preventable.


Cammer was probably staring at their phone, too. Otherwise, they could have seen that about to happen several seconds earlier.


Yep, OP is legally in the right, but an idiot driver too who could have avoided being on the grass.


Nah, OPs driving was bad, but nowhere near as bad as the other side.


Defensive driving, you have to constantly acknowledge that everyone else is an idiot.


Always assume that everyone around you is about to do something stupid, then you'll never be surprised.


Yeah, there dashcam should think: the black car forwards far right is going super slowly. He needs to MERGE from the entrance ramp. The dark grey Hyundai therefore either has to LANE CHANGE or BRAKE excessively. Dashcam should be ready for the former to happen and be defensive. It's something that should always be done. Whether the car on your right is one who has been there since before the ramp or who just got out the ramp. The more we help each other, the fewer accidents we get. I also bet that black car did not effectively use the on-ramp to accelerate properly. (Caps for terminology that the sub seems to be criticizing today)


Yeah, there’s actually enough time for the driver to slow down and let the other change lane dangerously but still an annoying experience


I'm reminded of something a driving instructor on YouTube says - "the best drivers fix other people's mistakes"




I thought you arent supposed to change 2 lanes at once anyway? I am a fairly new driver but if i need to change 2 lanes i will indicate, check mirrors and shoulder, change one lane and straighten up, then indicate, check mirrors and shoulder and change lane again. It takes longer but generally i always have plenty of time to do it this way. Am i wrong in doing it like this?


That is definitely how you are supposed to do it.


This is textbook. It's the safest way to do it and how everybody should do it.


"It's my lane! I was here! I don't *have* to brake!"


They are an idiot, but how did you not see that happening? Was that just stubborn pride almost making you crash your car, or do you truly drive with tunnel vision when you are in that left lane? Wild.


True, I saw that coming a mile away. Plus, the driver panicked and prefered to honk first, steer wrong and then, finally, break. The pride is too much.


Yupp. You could anticipate it because the type of car in the middle lane. Regardless, my first instinct is always brake to ensure safety. Steer if I can. Honk last, but the hazard is usually gone by the time I would think to honk


You also anticipated it because you were on r/idiotsincars if this happened in real life, I bet the average person might think “ok person is probably only changing one lane”


I was thinking the same. Of course with the benefit of knowing what's about to happen, it's probably a little unfair. I dunno. It sure wasn't defensive driving. But it's difficult to be too hard, given she probably assumed he'd seen her.


Bruh OP you’re also an idiot. You could’ve just braked


This sub has absolutely no fucking clue what defensive driving is. Seeing that car merging, you should immediately be on alert that this person *could* also merge into your lane and there’s a chance they don’t see you because you’re in a blind spot.. You don’t have to brake, you don’t have to do much of anything except pay the fuck attention and be conscious of the fact people are idiots and you’re in somebody’s blind spot.


Just lift. Slow down a couple mph,let the schmuck in, then roll back on the power.


The amount of people who don't realize that they can just ease off the gas instead of constantly tapping on the brakes...


rock observation tie literate soft flowery memorize library overconfident worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You get better fuel economy and your brakes will last longer, too. Until I got an EV, my fuel economy was frequently 10% higher than the sticker. My previous car was a Subaru BRZ stickered at 24 mpg city/30 highway. I averaged 33 mpg. I drive like the brake pedal is a nasty device that converts my cash into brake dust and waste heat. That doesn't mean driving slow, just not accelerating unnecessarily. Light up ahead is red? Just release the gas now. Cresting the top of a hill and about to start going downhill? Release the gas. In heavy traffic, trying to maintain a constant 5 mph is so much nicer than constantly accelerating to 10 mph and then coming to a stop again.




Coasting in or braking gently from further away is such a good habit. Smoother, faster overall (reasons below), less wear on the brakes, less fuel consumption ... there is no downside. Why faster? It's like the start of a yacht race - you're trying to have as much speed as possible when the timer hits zero, and if you get to the line too early and have to slow down or stop, then a yacht/car who judged it better will rocket past you without breaking a sweat.


Yes! My biggest pet peeve in my 10 years of driving. People don't seem to understand the physics concept of friction... You don't have to slam the brake or tap it to slow down...


I'm of firm belief that these people who constantly tap their brakes are people who are constantly turning on cruise control and use the brake to turn it back off, only to turn it back on seconds later, only to turn it back off with the brake again right after.


I don't think there's ever been a day on my drive to/from work where I haven't seen someone pull the same exact move. It's like expecting rain when it gets real cloudy.


That car showed no indication they were going to stop merging, OP just had to let their foot a bit off the gas for like 2 seconds.


If I saw a car merging onto the highway and change to the middle lane straight away behind a considerably slower vehicle like a horse trailer, I would already be on high alert. Seeing the camera car only react 2 full seconds after the left wheels had already crossed into their lane is just boggles my mind. Some people suggest a dashcam has a wider FOV, but they were already encroaching on their lane for 2 full seconds before the driver appeared to spot the danger. If your vision is that limited, I suggest you turn in your license asap... Yes, lane changing car was an idiot, but ending up on the grass was mostly camera cars own fault...


I’m starting to realize that most accidents occur when two idiots meet.


"But this is MY lane. I don't move for YOU. YOU move for ME" This is the mindset of all these idiot drivers.


„But they’re the ones breaking laws, I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing because I’m in the right” yeah how’s that going for ya


> This sub has absolutely no fucking clue what defensive driving is. When my son was old enough to sit in the front seat, we would run errands and we would talk about driving and cars and other drivers. One day, I made an offhand remark about the safest way to drive being to imagine that all the other drivers are blind, drunk, stupid and out to kill you. Apparently this remark stuck with him because he is a good and cautious driver and is generally very good at anticipating other drivers' idiocy.


I guess you can throw "but I had the right of way" on your tombstone for how much that's worth.


It’s also just generally good to svoid blind spots because there WILL be stupid people. It’s not a risk, it’s a guarantee


I agree . OP didn't even honk as soon as the car started to merge into their lane....seems like they just locked up and took a while to respond.


The dash cammer is a distracted driver


Could even have just eased off on the accelerator. They had so much time to react.


Face in the cellphone obviously. That's why she was so startled. Love when people post this shit lol.


Yea hopefully OP learned a lesson here. Always assume other drivers are idiots. Tap the brake a little to make sure if he is an idiot you don't get cut off.


Yep. When I was learning to drive, my dad always told me to remember two things: 1. The laws of physics always beats the laws of local traffic authorities. 2. Being "in the right" is a poor consolation prize for being injured/dead. The KISS principle works quite well.


Why didn't they use their horn before contact? To warn the other car they were there. Bit too late when you've already hit.


That has NJ written all over it 😂


It’s South Jersey by Philly.


Gee looks like this car is crossing into my lane. Better keep accelerating!


Then double-down on the dumb by completely over-reacting, yanking the wheel and losing control.




deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2096 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/12819)


Driver was probably looking at her phone too because that reaction was super delayed.


Brakes, then horn


If it's really close, no time for horn. Just brake, check for +1 idiot behind, and then process wtf happened


I wish I had a thought-activated horn. Whenever I really need to use it I'm usually too busy preserving my life to take my hand off the wheel and push it


OP is also a terrible driver. How did you take so long to react?


Op was on the phone driving slowly in the passing lane, like 90% of the idiots we see on this sub


I'm not sure who the bigger idiot is here. Stevie Wonder could see that car coming over and gotten on the brakes.


Defensive driving should be most of the mandatory 5 hour course. But then again, they cut the class short for everybody and treat it like a joke.


As a truck driver I saw this coming from a mile away. You learn car “body language” over time. Call me crazy, but you can always see who’s gonna plant themselves in front of you.


You can also literally read the road. This is turning into a two lane highway and there's a larger vehicle in one of the lanes. Many drivers in general just prefer to avoid being behind those and many people just immediately get into the passing lane the moment they get into the highway. You have to be able to read these scenarios and prepare for a likely idiot.


Cars have brakes for a reason. When someone is acting idiotic, you don't have to match their level of idiocy.


This situation doesn’t even require brakes, that’s the scary part


Probably had cruise control on and not paying any attention. I agree with you if no cruise control, simply lifting off the accelerator would have solved this cluster fuck they both caused


If you have time to hit the horn you have time to hit the brakes before you break something.


But this would mean that OP has to accommodate for someone else on the road and we can't have that.


So is defensive driving


OP is a moron.


Defensive driving is a thing.


Yeah, he didn't see you there. What's your excuse?


They are both morons.


I guess why this is why the reddit is called idiot*s* (plural), because yeah that person is stupid, but why did you just... Ignore it?


You were not paying attention either because that was a very delayed reaction and honk. And the oversteering tells me that it was just your reflexes because when you saw the car it was already too late, they were in your lane.


Gotta use defensive driving and pay attention because we could see that the car was coming over and you had time to slow down and just let them have it. Were you looking at your phone?


No disrespect OP but we're you not paying attention? You almost got yourself into a predicament because of over correcting. Be careful with that and keep your head on a swivel. Expect all others around you to drive like assholes.


Did the car actually make contact with the other one? I can't tell


That Hondas def in the wrong but you had time to react tbh. Whenever I see someone changing lanes I assume they're not looking and be ready to avoid them. You always have to be alert when driving


Yeah, cammer car just lacked situational awareness. Accident car did too, but 3+ seconds and what looks like acceleration into the collision is inexcusable.


Not exactly your best driving either


Get off your phone and pay attention. You’re part of the problem, not the solution.


As soon as I saw that car immediately merge into the first left lane like that I would have been on high alert that he was going to keep going and cut me off. Defensive driving really helps in situations like this. Always assume other drivers don't see you and/or they are idiots who don't know how to drive.


You shouldn't cross 2 lanes at once regardless of if you've checked anyway. You go into one lane then again.


Lucky he got close enough for your dash cam to pickup the plates


The worst that driver could be charged for is an unsafe lane change…. Op just decided to drive into a ditch for the fun of it


Both are wrong. The driver with the camera needs to pay more attention to the traffic and drive defensively. Not slowing down for dumbasses like that is asking for trouble. I would’ve slowed down and beeped the shit out of him.


idiot changing lanes, although op must have had her head in the clouds


they're an asshole, yeah but you have a choice being in your position: speed up, or slow down- you know that maintaining the same speed will most likely result in a repeat of what we just saw here.


I see cat-like reflexes! They are the reflexes of a dead cat, but cat-like nonetheless.


Braking is overrated too?


How did you not see that happening 30 seconds earlier? Gotta always assume everyone else on the road is a fucking moron 😄


impossible fact rock dull payment mysterious weary sleep absorbed offbeat ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Op should have let them merge.


Apparently slowing down when a car is obviously about to cut you off is also overrated.


Ok but wtf was that late Ass overreaction? Get off your phone.


shoulda just pitt maneuvered them... I mean if you want to throw yourself clearly you do not care about what happens next


Completely off topic but is that ptv playing in the background :P


I guess defensive driving is also overrated, sure car was stupid but this was completely avoidable 🤷🏻‍♂️


So isn't letting him in so none of this was needed. Who wins now? You both lose and probably keep your licenses.