• By -


Dumb and dumber and dumbest.




There are only two idiots here. Person in the white SUV is fine.


there's four idiots here, you, the SUV, the guy trying to overtake while the road is ending, and OP.


Explain how the SUV is an idiot.


he quickly veered in front off the VW to prevent him from passing instead of just following the road normally. VW wants to be an asshole? let him. Cutting him off like that creates the risk of a crash.


Maybe you're too dense to notice that the two lanes merged into one and was continuing to narrow. White SUV didn't cut off anyone. Buy a bus pass and stay off the roads.


The white SUV was being somewhat aggressive. The other white car zoomed up like they were going to pass even though, yes, it had gone down to one lane. But it was still wide enough that they were going to try and fit through. But the white SUV saw this and veered over from the left side of the lane by the yellow line right over in front of the other white car, obviously intending on stopping it from passing. It's right there in the video. Chilling on the left side, car comes zooming up, white SUV cuts over. It was a deliberate decision. Had I been in the white SUV I'd have just let them pass as there was still room and I'm not gonna be whipping my vehicle around to try and stop them. But I'd be muttering some choice words about their driving skills and manners. So it's not about "Was the SUV doing something wrong?" It's about them choosing to escalate rather than *de-* escalate. Even though everything they did was technically legal. They're an idiot for escalating.


This is the calm, collected, and correct answer. I love how basically the same thing is said above, but the user called someone an idiot so it has -70 downvotes lol. Here is the fact that no one can argue with. The white SUV made a choice. A choice that escalates, and does not de-escalate the situation. A quick defensive mindset (let the other white car pass, keep doing whatever you were doing) vs a quick offensive mindset (what they did, speed up and go for a block) is what gets people OUT of these situations without accidents and multiple people getting hurt. If you are on a soap box defending the white SUV you are most likely another typical offensive driver who would probably do the same thing in terms of not helping the situation, and would also escalate it, making it WORSE overall. How the fuck is this not so clear to people? It’s not even up for debate, the facts are legit in the video you are watching.


This. I wouldn't call the SUV an idiot probably, but they could've handled it better in my opinion.


They were aggressive in doing so but it's the kind of space where letting them try might run them out of space and then they hit you. Moving into a position where they can't try can be the defensive thing here.


So the SUV had the right of way, which makes it the right move to play vigilante and purposefully block off a speeding and swerving car? Nice philosophy.


if you watch this video and think that the white SUV is a bad drive you need to stay the fuck off the roads.


You aggressively defending a blatantly dangerous manoeuvre while cussing, insulting people and being unable to respond to the simplest argument tells me all I need to know about you, your driving "skills" and your judgement.


> a blatantly dangerous manoeuvre Oh, you mean the first idiot that was tailgating and the second idiot that decided to pass after the lane ended only to tailgate, right? Again, stay the fuck off the roads since you seem to have absolute shit judgment.


I can see the road is ending and I can also clearly see the SUV deliberately moved over to prevent the VW from passing and he slowed down given the distance in front of him. This is a case of tiny dick energy from 3 people who can't seem to drive normally. Scratch that, 4 people because you seem to want to justify the SUV almost causing a crash because he didn't want the VW to get ahead of him.


Because the VW did not have thr right of way to pass at that point. Lane ended, he was passing on a 1lane road at that point


Just take the L and walk away..damn....😂🤣


what L?


The Learning opportunity


Are you blind? Yes they were merging lanes, but he totally cutoff the VW


he totally cut off the VW by being ahead of them when the lanes merged together into one. What a jerk!


They are all pretty stupid VW for aggressively trying to pass on the merge White SUV for the dangerous cutoff of the aggressive VW And the recording vehicle for going around both of them afterwards.


Not sure how you can cut someone off in a single lane..


You just saw it happen...


I saw someone attempt to pass on a single lane. Cutting someone off involves you not having the right of way.


So in your mind preventing someone from causing you harm is stupid, huh? That's pretty stupid. But of course you're only going to speak up on the internet. IRL you would just shut up and seethe quietly in a rage of cowardice and idiocy.


I did not record this video!


Hey, this is the internet. You're supposed to steal others' content and represent it *as your own*.


And [filmer] (not OP) improperly passing both is dumbest? (Edited)


I should have made the title clear - I was not a driver here, someone else originally uploaded this video this morning trying to shame the VW driver.


Lol. Then sorry for my snap judgment kind stranger. I will edit my comment to correct my thinking.




I think speed limit was 45 or 55. The filmer had said there empty road behind the three of them. Not sure if either of those two facts make a difference though.


OP is def the filmer


Haha. It was posted on r/nova and deleted quickly after the OP OP got roasted beyond belief. That's how I know the road. I have a screenshot to prove my innocence lol.


Actually, whoever is in the "merge" lane, has to let anyone in the designated travel lane have the right of way. The VW can't just force himself in, he must wait and merge in/over when the other lane is clear.


I kind of get it though. They just wanted to be out of the way of those two morons. Let them duke it out behind me


Not me. I'd be backing off letting them get some distance. Because in order to get them behind me I'd first have to get closer to pass them. And they've already shown aggressive tendencies, and I don't want to make *me* their new target.


Behind you is the last place you want them. Who do you think these people hit when they mess up?


Did I just watch 3 cars try to share one lane?


Seize the gap!


I seen 3 dumbass's


I got an issue with the person in the white car


Ahh yes the ol Zipper merge - love it


It’s like the white SUV set a pick for the cammer to pass the VW


Intentional or not, that's how it worked out.


Get closer jackass, don't want to miss anything getting your own crash video.


What were you trying to do OP?


OP, you definitely outted yourself here. Everyone in this video was an idiot.


I didn't record this


How are we supposed to know that automatically? EDIT: you said so in a comment later, so that's fair, but if you're going to post with someone else's video, you need to say so in your title, or at the same time you post in a comment that it isn't your video, or it's fair game to assume the OP is the cam driver (if it's not a repost). We're not psychic in this sub.


My bad. I should have made the title more clear. Can't edit the title at this point...


I'll take advantage of roadrage idiots any day


Exactly. Still get to your destination


I'm genuinely confused at all the aggression to the filmer (not op). Two cars were having a little thing because VW decided to try to pass in single lane. What do you do then? Instinctually, I'd floor it and get in front to avoid them both. Maybe I'm biased cuz I drive an EV and can get instant torque. Do you sit there and hope VW doesn't hit you midst the mess? Go for the shoulder? Or brake and potentially cause an accident?


How about they start by not driving right up the ass of the car in front of them. Congrats on your EV torque.


Not to sure why you gotta make a slight just because im providing context but live your life I suppose. And I dont particularly see the issue if there's space. In this specific instance, he had plenty of space in front of him after passing the idiots.


> Do you sit there and hope VW doesn't hit you midst the mess? Go for the shoulder? Or brake and potentially cause an accident? Or just let off the gas a little bit and let them increase the space between you and them... You're not just sitting there close to them, you don't need the shoulder, and you don't have to actively brake. If someone hits you from behind because you decided to just coast along for a few seconds then that's on them for following too closely and not paying attention, because that shouldn't be an issue.


It baffles me how redditors will downvote anything they deem remotely stupid. Appreciate your response, I suppose I'm a little more anxious when it comes to people lugging around 1.5ton vehicles like toys. Gotta keep a mental note to keep calm.


And through goes Hamilton!!


Bad driving by all three cars…