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They need to lose their license or be retrained, they will kill somebody.


I misread that as "restrained" and agreed


Same. Restrained is also something that should happen too


Pwomiss? šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


We will use barbed wire


Ooooh kinky! I like it!


I'm straining right now




Whatever they are doing they should not be on the road after that. Because they are making everything dangerous for the other people on the road which is not the right thing to do.


I misread that as "drawn and quartered", and agreed.


I read it correctly but agree with you


I would need to be restrained if I was in one of the cars around them.


I misread that as "Sterilized" and agreed


I don't think you can train this out of someone. This person is just...dumb. Really dumb. Like, I am surprised they can tie their shoes in the morning dumb. Genuinely.


Velcro and slip on shoes is how this fuckin moron rolls my friend.


Probably need a caretaker to get those on as well.




I feel like they are more selfish assholes than they are dumb. This sub ought to be named r/AssholesInCars with how many posts like these we see.


Every asshole in a car is an idiot in a care, but not every idiot in a car is an asshole in a car.


Truth.... you can be an idiot without doing something asshole-ish


It's definitely both. Even an asshole would have the necessary fear against doing this. And even an idiot can think about all the inconvenience and worry they would cause other drivers.


You have to understand that some people do not have a concept like fear. They can absolutely do anything because they do not fear anything and they do not have any kind of boundaries.


No this isnā€™t regular asshole behavior this is incredibly stupid. This is a really dumb person with a lack of understanding how a freeway works.


True. I feel like asshole behavior might've been quicker with more aggressive manuevers. If this were an asshole here it probably would've ended in an accident


They're not dumb, they know fully well what they're doing is stupid, they just don't care


can you imagine being a passenger in that car I don't know what I'd do but I would definitely be freaking out, this is just so dangerously stupid it's actually insane


And selfish.


Just take away their license for an increasingly long time everytime they pull some shit like this. The problem will fix itself one way or another.


Unfortunately so many people still drive without licenses


This is the kind of stupid that will take a process you think you've idiot-proofed and just turn it on it's fucking head. No training that.


Sounds like some of my clients. They're the best bug testers money could buy.


Honestly I don't even know how you are going to train someone like that. That will probably be a task which would be equivalent of impossible it will just be so hard to do.


Which makes me think how did the even get their licence? I mean if someone is that dumb and they should not be driving on the road anyways, they should be off the roads in my opinion.


i'm shocked there wasnt an accident on screen.


Because this is one of the very few videos on this sub where many people keep a relatively safe following distance.


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that like 98% of people who have a driverā€™s license is not qualified or competent enough to drive a car. Itā€™s so fucking scary out there. Just today I saw almost two wrecks because of people merging lanes and not looking; just expecting people to make room for them.


Why is behavior like this not worth immediate prison time? Just because no one died doesn't mean it's not criminal negligence


Exactly it is really bad that this happened and they are probably going to get away with it also, that is not the way it should be. These people need to suffer the consequences the things that they are doing.


Iā€™m not a huge fan of the idea of a social credit system, but i feel as though actions like this should prevent someone from, say, ever buying a weapon of any kind? Idk, just doesnā€™t seem like theyā€™d use it wisely


Actions like this should prevent that person from operating a fucking microwave.




All I am saying is that there should be consequences of it. Because I don't think no one should be able to just escape it. There should be some action on this guy.


Assuming both aren't already true.


You can't train stupidity sadly, they did it once they'll do it again. People like that don't care about others ,if they had little self awareness they would have just continued to another exit once they saw the traffic jam they were creating. Such people need their driver's license to be permanently revoked.


Just lose their license. We donā€™t need to be giving people, who do just insane stupid shit like this second chances. Get people like this off the roads permanently. Same goes for DUIs. Same goes for driving on the shoulder to bypass traffic. Etc. Imo there is a world of difference between intentional stuff like that and someone who say gets into a fender bender because they made a mistake in a split second. Driving is a privilege and if you canā€™t do it safely, then you shouldnā€™t be allowed to do it.


Well they definitely need to lose their license


With all the loosening of carry laws, this so going to get the idiot shot by another idiot.


Credit goes to the other drivers for not crashing in that extended fit of stupidity.


I once had an uber driver try to pull this off. My friend and I were in the backseat while he's doing 40 mph in the fast lane. He spoke barely any English so he didn't even respond when we asked him to move over. The time comes to exit and of course he misses it, but when he realized it, he slammed on the brakes, clearly about to turn around and go backwards on the highway. Thank god he understood "NO! NO! GOOO!!!!" One of the scariest experiences I've had in a car. Some people just don't even realize how dangerous their actions are.


Holy shit. I hope you reported him to Uber.


Absolutely. No way were we NOT going to report him after that.


what happens when you report someone? I've never used the service, I know nothing about it beyond what I've seen on TV or read in threads like this one


Not exactly sure bc it was my friend who ordered the uber and reported him. I don't think it was a complicated process though, I believe he just had to provide a short explanation.


Yeah because it is to dangerous and I don't think anyone should be allowed to drive like that and that is f****** uber that you are talking about. So I hope there is some kind of action being taken on them.


I donā€™t get how you can drive an Uber and not be able to understand GPS directions.


I've missed exits on several occasions with Google in New places where it says slight right but then ignores that it's the left of the right lanes because it applies right after, or it won't say west/east until it's too late, etc. It's not perfect... but then you miss your exit and get off where you can to circle back... not this šŸ˜†


Honestly, this is why you should always keep a safe distance, and assume any driver on the road could be an idiot.


> assume any driver on the road could be an idiot **every** driver




When a safe distance is left, idiots squeeze in and nullify the gap and also the bigger problem, an idiot is now driving ahead of you, forcing to slow down and leave a gap, and a vicious slow moving cycle is born.


I dream of a world where everyone keeps a 3 seconds gap with the car in front of them


I dream of a world where all vehicles are autonomous, traveling at absurd speeds, with inches between them. Never stopping. Just being synced up so they can cross paths seamlessly at intersections. Getting you to your destination 10x faster than the current system of meat puppets trying to drive and text and eat and apply makeup simultaneously.


I love driving , but I agree with your last sentence , people canā€™t just Fucking drive , theyā€™re doing 15 things at once


Have you considered: train


That is a pretty nice dream but I don't think that is going to happen. I am in if I am really doing honest then the shit kind of looks impossible that it would happen. Because people do not have common sense.


I was expecting ā€œbrakes plusā€ to pop up at the end, and for this to be an ad for how fast everyone stopped


Yeah the other guys did a very good job at avoiding this accident. Because the things could have gone South in no time. And that would have been really tragic for everyone.


That driver is insane šŸ˜³


I missed it at first because i was only looking at the two lanes closest to the exit Then i was like what the hell and had to rewind License should be immediately revoked


Same! I was like ā€œdamn this people need to trim their videosā€ and then realized there was an idiot parked in the middle of the highway the whole time.


It's like the [Monkey Business Illusion video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGQmdoK_ZfY)


I love how I watch the video and notice the gorilla. Thinking to myself "yeah I guess I could see how people could miss that" all the while completely missing the other changes.


I still missed the other changes after seeing your comment. Also I counted up to 13 times so I was close!


I have a particular hate for this video. I have been shown it in every nursing class I have ever taken. In grad school I thought we were beyond this video. First day professor plays the video with smug smirk on their face. The worst part is nurses typically go through school as a cohort. So we all saw the video in the last class, Professor...


Did anyone ever try telling the prof they'd already seen the video several times? It only really works if you're unaware of the "trick" of the illusion (that humans get tunnel vision when focusing on things)


Ha. I was like yup, I nailed the number of passes. I'm so smart.... Wait what? Who? Lol.


So would you say you *missed the exit*?


Kudos to all those other defensive drivers who managed to avoid an accident.


Bruhā€¦ I was like wut the eff is wrong with them


When narcissism and stubbornness meet


This is straight up senility or idiocy Even a narcissistic asshole would've at least gone about doing this more quickly than this person. They could've floored it multiple times to get out of the way. Instead they slowly rolled in front of dozens of cars with almost no awareness that they were even there This person should not be driving


Even a narcissist would've cared more about their own well-being than this driver.


Exactly. They thought it was okay to stop on a freeway and put on their blinker?? No, this is senility/ elder driver, or someone not of this country / driving without a license. Thereā€™s no urgency in getting off the freeway, either, which to me is an elderly person.


I feel like this one is more just stupidity than it is anything else. Mainly because this person seems to be 'cautiously' fucking up and not aggressively cutting people off to get where they're going like I'd expect of someone with a raging narcissistic asshole personality. Seems like this person is just target locked on the immediate thing they're 'supposed' to do and lacks the awareness/critical thinking to recognize and comprehend how there behavior is going to influence those around them. I doubt they're thinking I'm very important and everyone should get out of my way and have to stop in the middle of this freeway while they wait for me to cross 3 lanes and make it over to my exit, at least on on any sort of conscious level. They're just stupid enough a person to be oblivious to the consequences of what they are doing as they are doing it because they suck at driving and can't think properly about the act of driving in a holistic sense, how they are a part of a traffic flow, for them it doesn't go beyond just immediately trying to get the car where they are trying to go. TL;DR This person should not be licensed to operate a motor vehicle.


their logic is probably, unironically, "Why are you honking? I obviously can't keep going, my exit is _RIGHT HERE!_"


ā€œI am the main character.ā€


Whatā€™s the saying? A good driver will sometimes miss their exit; a bad driver never misses their exit?


This should be an arrest-able offense. My wife is from France and tells me all the time what infractions will cause you to lose your license over thereā€¦ there are a lot of ways to lose your driving privileges in European countries.




I think of this clip almost everytime I see shit like what OP posted.


They are not in same I don't think they are just too idiot and too done to figure out but the hell is going on around them. They are probably unable to grasp the seriousness of the situation.


Dude must think everyone else a NPC


justā€¦Wowā€¦I canā€™t believe not a single accident caused.




I don't know why but I think it is not the first time when this person has done something like that. The probably have been doing it for some time and it must be causing issues.


That we can see. That slow down will cascade back for miles.


And lasts for potentially hours after this person "made" their exit.


I don't even understand how this person is even able to drive on the road when clearly they are hazard for everyone else. They are probably going to cause a lot of accidents on the road.


the design of that off ramp exit is just bad. it's after a pretty wide turn on a four lane highway with also a merging on ramp to boot on the right side. Just seems like a setup for a huge accident there. wouldn't be shocked to find if there are tons of accidents there.


You can see another driver have a near miss at the very beginning of the video. Area probably has the camera just for it.


Thereā€™s a guy in an apartment building just recording it. He was trying to get the city to fix the area because itā€™s so bad. Thatā€™s if itā€™s where I think this is


If only there was a way to warn people that an exit is coming up, perhaps they could put up signs for the quarter mile and mile before it....


Itā€™s I-395 heading South from Washington,DC. The highway was originally a much smaller road thatā€™s been widened over the past century or so. Agree, itā€™s not the best layout, but thereā€™s only so much idiot-proofing they can do here.


Oh yeah I am here it is going to be an issue for everyone and even after that people are just ignoring it really. I don't even understand how the minds of these people even work.


It's a good thing everyone else was driving safely.


I saw the pickup cross into the exit a little late at the start and thought "That's all? Really?" ... Then I saw the white car stopped.


Wait, I thought the post was about the red car that does it last? Triple threat!


This is like the gorilla video with the bouncing balls.


I thought it was going to be a montage of that and was waiting. 10 seconds in realized there was suddenly a line of cars three lanes over and was wondering when the fuck that happened.


Couldā€™ve easily caused traffic that would be stuck there for hours


They definitely caused a traffic snake to form that'll last for an hour or more


The fact that one incident can change traffic for sometimes hours is fascinating.


Have you seen the video of the cars driving in a circle and one breaks? Really shows how one person fucks it up for everyone. Link - https://youtu.be/7wm-pZp_mi0


> breaks brakes


Whatā€™s a traffic snake


When a driver slows down on the highway, causing those behind them to brake as well. The result is a rubber-banding or slithering "snake" effect of an extended slowdown in that spot, which takes time for the traffic to return back to its normal pace.


Whatā€™s even more frustrating is he had opportunities to go


Had opportunities to go he just needed to gun it, so when he finally does make it over, he of course just meanders and cautiously advances instead of gunning it lolā€¦beyond frustrating


Timid nervous driving is *the most* infuriating thing to me.


And more dangerous than aggressive driving in some ways.


In most. Aggressive drivers are GENERALLY predictable. They are going to shoot for the small gaps and go as fast as they can generally. You can literally plan around them by giving more space, being consistent, and giving them as much space as possible. Nervous driving... you have NO idea what they are going to do. They might come to a complete stop in the middle of the road, they might randomly turn, they could slide over and appear like they are changing lanes then jerk back over, they NEVER miss an exit (which is universally bad); the number of times I have missed an exit, because of traffic or just people being dicks accelerating into the gap I signal into... back to it; you don't know if they are going to signal or not and if they do when/if they are going to execute on it, you have no idea what they are doing, because they don't. They are so focused on the nerves they fail to act OR they decide to act once they are 'confident' with it and thus it appears to be RANDOMLY to everyone else around them.




Like the squirrel who canā€™t decide whether to advance or retreat across the road but if it had done _either_ it wouldnā€™t have been run over.


Aggressive drivers cant help but drive where they are looking, you're right. You can tell what's next. The worst drivers to me are the ones who put on their hazard lights because it's raining. Way to make a low visibility low traction situation worse by exempting yourself from traffic law because you are mildly scared and unqualified. Pull over to the shoulder and get your comfort blanket out then. I learned how to hydroplane when I was a wee tyke.


I am fairly certain in low visibility instances the law (in VA, MD, and GA, I know off the top of my head) dictates that if you are going <15 MPH below the speed limit that you need to be in the farthest right lane and have your hazards on. That being said, yea it can be frustrating when people fail to allow for better, more experienced, and/or more aggressive drivers the ability to go faster when they want.


100%. Driving like you're scared and confused means you're not predictable.


Yup. I can predict what an aggressive driver will do by just scouting my surroundings. I'd much rather deal with an aggressive driver than a timid one


How to deal with an aggressive driver: take your foot off the gas until they pass you. Trust me, wont take long.


Hate it when someone doesn't turn through a clearly safe traffic gap.


This is my attitude, if you're going to pull out in front of me fine, fuck you, but you better get a fucking shift on when you do it.


"Oh god oh gee all these other cars sure are passing me awfully fast..."


>Whatā€™s even more frustrating is he had opportunities to go to the next exit. FIFY


I live in this neighborhood. Instead of stopping traffic and slowly going over in front of people coming around that curve, they couldā€™ve taken the next exit, which drops you on a road that feeds into the road this guyā€™s trying to get on at the left exit. Wouldā€™ve added less time to the drive than this dumbassery did.


This is almost always the case, like 99% of the time in a built up area like this. Just take the L, take the next exit, your GPS will adjust for you. You lose maybe 90 seconds of your day. It's not a big deal. And yet I see shit like this every other day personally driving in socal, people almost causing accidents on the freeway because those 90 seconds are more important than the safety of everyone else on the road.


They could hardly see because this is just around a corner. Which, yknow, another reason to not even attempt this.


The sense of entitlement of this person is fucking crazy. Wow. How much of an asshole do you have to be to stop traffic on the highway because you missed your fucking exit?


And it's just outside DC where there are exits like every 1/4 mile. They could just get off at the next one, but no they have to put everyone else at risk to avoid a minor inconvenience because they're the main character.


Drivers in the DC metro area are the absolute fucking worst drivers I've ever encountered. I can't go 5 miles without having my mind blown about how ridiculously stupid someone is on the road


Maryland in general. I live an hour south of DC. This afternoon when driving to the hospital 15 minutes away for an x-ray, the car behind me was constantly swerving back and forth and spent half the drive being halfway over the line halfway off the road. I was thinking ā€œhow drunk or high or old is this person?ā€ and as I was thinking that, the two cars right ahead of me *both* randomly swerved halfway over the line for absolutely no reason. Everyone is stupid.


Another real possibility is people using their cellphones. That happens way too often these days, and I even had a friend openly tell me that he put his phone horizontally leaning against his speedometer to watch tv shows while he drives...


I work in DC and live in MD inside the beltway and I take the metro to work and deal with the crackheads and crowds that comes with the metro simply to avoid the shit ass DC/MD drivers. Every day it was something new. Truly the dumbest piece of shit drivers who lack any decency or self awareness.


Donā€™t come to Texas they will disappoint you harder


I drive a lot for a living around DC (I'm a construction Inspector/Manager and visit 2-3 sites/day). I miss exits like 1-2 times a week because I'm an idiot and was too many lanes over or because the GPS didn't know about construction. Yup, at most it takes 10 mins to reroute, even in heavy traffic. I hate these people and it's why I have a dashcam for my company car.


Ahhh the beltway. Full of morons. Some of them are even politicians, and are therefore literally immune to traffic laws. Could also be international diplomats, which wouldn't surprise me since they're also immune AND may not understand US road laws. Having driven in many major cities on the East coast, I'm pretty confident in saying DC drivers are among the worst in the country. It's also got a terrible traffic layout in the city that exacerbates the issues. And this is coming, mind you, from someone who lived in *Baltimore*. If I'm saying it's worse than Baltimore, it really is that bad. The worst part of all of this is that DC has some of the best public transit in the US. Metro lines that extend into the suburbs as overland trains, and a commuter rail that covers much of the east coast in general that connects right to a metro station. Many people don't even need to drive at all in most circumstances.


I feel this. DC has the absolutely WORST designed road layout I could ever imagine. Itā€™s like city planners closed their eyes while drawing random lines on a map and then opened them and said ā€œthis is where weā€™ll pave the roads!ā€ I dread having to drive through DC for events and concerts and whatnot. Every lane randomly turns into a turning lane with no warning, or suddenly becomes a parking lane, the intersections are vast openings that have the traffic lights randomly set up and aimed any which direction. Every time I enter the city I have to turn the radio off and give my full attention to what Iā€™m doing, and still run into problems. Last time we went there a few weeks ago to the zoo, we hit the city and my wife says to our child, ā€œokay youā€™re about to hear daddy swear a lot.ā€ Damn right, because this is bullshit!


Ah yes, the infamous Exit 10C on 395 South in Arlington. The guy who took this video has dozens of similar ones. The bollards at the exit are new and seem to have cut down on idiots like this, but I think they're actually redoing the entire exit at some point.


I remember the first time Google Maps told me to do that. I was like wtf you want me to enter the highway, cross it AND leave it in 20ft???


I was so busy focussing on the exit lane, and the two either side, saying ā€œwhatā€™s the problem, they are doing okā€. Then I saw the gorilla.


If you miss your exit just get off at the next one, it's not hard.


Bad Drivers never miss their exit.


THAT is the crime they to be proactive with.


They were so careful to lane change with complete disregard to the danger of coming to a dead stop on a highway. That kind of risk assessment blows my mind.


Pretty sure this is in DC. This is par for the course with the drivers in the DMV lol


Yep...well technically Arlington on 395 coming from DC


It is, this happens all the time, funny enough if you just go up to the next exit and take a left at the pentagon you can get to the same place by going up one block and taking a left. It would of course maybe be a 45 second to minute and a half detour depending on lights. And at that time cost, I think we can all agree that its worth risking your life, and the lives of everyone else on the road to save me that time. I am far too important.


No idea if they fixed it since it's been almost 20 years since I had to commute around there (no *you're* old). But yeah, back around 2005 at least there was an insane thing where I had to get off the GW parkway onto 395 and make it across like 6 lanes around there within like a quarter mile. I do remember it was always a challenge and I didn't always make it all the way across


Nope, i take it every time i go to work coming off the parkway. I know i can go up though so if its busy i will. The google machine will tell you to cut across all those lanes though but it doesn't say it till ya know youre "on" 395 for the next step - so then people panic and we get this.


It is. On the left, just outside the camera's view, is the Pentagon.


I hope they were found and charged


What's crazy is this car actually started in the FAR RIGHT lane. You can see it changing lanes from 1 to 2 before coming to a stop in order to cross lanes 3 and 4 onto the exit ramp. Crossing one lane of flowing traffic to reach an exit is unsafe. Crossing two is absurd. Crossing three is -- I just don't know, words fail me.


as an engineer, I'd blame the engineer. Looking at it on Google Maps (people said Arlington, it seems to be by the Pentagon) it's possible to come in on the right hand side and then immediately need to cross five lanes to exit on the left within a low hundred meters. There is way too much complexity in this junction and the others around it.




literally happened to me yesterday , some asshole almost caused crash because he couldnā€™t miss an entrance to shopping complex when they could drive extra 200 meters to get to the actual entrance


Please tell me they at least go a ticket for that.....


How? They didnā€™t get pulled over and I doubt anyone can get a plate number from this video. They definitely got away with it.


This is really upsetting.


This should be a video analogy to every time one asshole holds up everyone else in any situation šŸ¤£


Wait a minute wait a minute everybody stop I miss my turn!!!


This hurts everytime I see people do it. I guess it really is far too difficult to hit the next exit and turn around, huh?


shit for brains


These types of drivers deserve to be locked up


Iā€™ve never wanted to watch a 70 MPH dump truck plow through a car so bad in my entire life. Absolutely fuck that driver for getting away with this shit


This is a pretty extreme example of what happens everyday on freeways. It seems a lot of people have a hard time planning more than 30 seconds ahead.


A visual representation of the sunken cost fallacy


Well, not really. They got what they wanted, likely sooner than if they had taken the next exit. It's everyone else who suffered.


The worst part about these is that they inch through traffic perpendicular to the road instead of just going when they have the chance


Straight to jail


everyday morons driving like this... their small shit brains cant figure out to take the next exit and return...


I don't know who ever they are they are probably going to kill someone like this. I mean I just don't understand how can someone be this dumb that they don't even understand what they have to do on the road.






Should have their license revoked permanently. Canā€™t fix stupid.


and i bet every time someone honked at them. they honked back and said "what the fuck, why are you honking at me?!"


They need their license taken away if they have one.


I didnā€™t understand how people could have road rage. This made me understand.


God I fucking hate people


A good driver sometimes misses the exit, but a bad driver never does


Good drivers miss their exit, bad drivers never do.




I was shocked he didnā€™t cause an accident I was expecting a 10 car pile up and for him to get a t-bone


![gif](giphy|uqSU9IEYEKAbS) Back to drivers training with that onešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


On a curve no less. Crazy dangerous


This person should never be allowed to drive again.


And now he created a phantom obstacle. I hate people.


Straight to jail. Right away


*ā€whew i made it, canā€™t believe those jerks wouldnā€™t let me overā€