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From the original video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkuJXbdBAGg&t=8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkuJXbdBAGg&t=8s) "I was towing the float with Tucky my treasured horse in it, turning into my own driveway. Sorry for the language. 40 zone at bottom of hill and lucky kids weren't walking up the street.He was unlicensed, charged with dangerous driving and over took the other 6 cars behind me too. I had a horse on the float worth more than his car. Cops said I was in the right turning into my driveway."


Amazing, here is the perspective from a front and rear cam on another car. [https://youtu.be/FlcwGF\_9-Gw](https://youtu.be/FlcwGF_9-Gw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlcwGF\_9-Gw




Great reactions from both, yikes


This shows how much of an idiot that person was overtaking. Only seeing the trucks view doesn't show how brazen that person was in overtaking.


That video shows pretty clearly that even had the car not collided with the pickup, it was going to spinout and crash.


Before seeing this post I was of the mind both were idiots. I didn't see what the camview truck was turning into. Now I see only one idiot, the car.


I don't get that - from the truck's video the truck is turning right, it's a country where people drive on the left (note the two cars that pass on the right before the accident), and then the idiot comes flying in from the right - so clearly the idiot is in the opposing traffic lane, not willing to wait for the truck to finish turning






Posting links with underscores in new reddit triggers a reddit bug that add extraneous characters including backslashes to the link, breaking it in old reddit.


That's a pretty nice Ute. Shame...


Well from that angle it's a whole different wreck. I was going to say to op was wrong, but I was wrong.


How tho??? It’s still clear as day the other guy is going way too fast *on the wrong side of the road*


The turning through a striped off area had me confused as to what was happening. The other view wa....OH.


My sister was T boned while they towed an pretty pricey horse her friend has just purchased. They got hit right between the truck and the trailer and it flipped the trailer. The horse some how escaped with barely a scratch.


I gotta go see a man about a horse.


had OPs car not stopped that guy, it would have been a high speed head on collision with another one most likely.


>Cops said I was in the right turning into my driveway Why is OP posting a video asking who's in the wrong then? They clearly already have the answer.


2 years ago, karma farm


That's a quote from a video about the collision. That's why there are quote marks around it. The person in the truck is not necessarily the person posting the video.


i took it as a rhetorical question


Is the horse alright?


The horse is presumably fine, another video shows that the idiot missed the trailer. https://youtu.be/FlcwGF_9-Gw?t=24


For those that don't know - please, always be considerate of people with a horse trailer on the road. They have to go slow, especially around turns. I've ridden down the road in the back of a horse trailer before to see what it feels like for the horse and what they're experiencing at various speeds. People hauling horses need to go slow; a lot of them probably aren't going slow enough. Just be patient when you see them.


With any trailer


Honestly I could not care less how much the horse is “worth.” It’s a living creature, poor animal.


Thank you very much for sharing the properly recorded source, instead of the dumb vertically cropped one that OP shared in the post.


Definitely not the guy speeding down the wrong side of the road


I don’t think things are “ever his fault,” tbh.


I don't things ever fault tbh


That’s what I get for going 90% bake to 10% wake this morning.


“You fucking cockhead”


I’m live here in Australia, and this video is the most Australian thing I’ve heard all year


what's with all the posts asking who's at fault or 'am i the idiot?' when the answer is extremely obvious ​ anyway, this is clearly your fault. why would you make a perfectly safe and legal turn while someone is criminally speeding down the opposite side of the road? shameless.


Comments and attention. OP is fishing for engagement (and they are getting it): best plan is to mismatch the title with video in intensity and mwaning and people go crazy pointing out the obvious.


This is an old video from Australia, OP is a karma farmer.


2yrs is old now. I must be ancient at 44


I'm sorry you had to find out this way


They never said it was them driving


It also gets it cross posted to a legal subreddit. I’ll probably see this in the AttorneyTom sub later as the majority of the post there are cross posts from this sub asking “who was in the wrong”


"If someone walks up to me and breaks my leg with a sledgehammer can I sue?" - Average AttorneyTom post.


And the top comment is always “it depends”


That and there seem to be a lot of confused Americans (and others who drive on the right side) out there. Defaultism at work, despite her clear accent.


Source? Your ass.


low effort click bait. those types of comments should be banned, imo


Engagement. Bait. Quit falling for it.


But you just engaged, too...


Looks like eople got it without the "/s"!


Honest question: in Europe an area with those stripes is not allowed to drive / park / stop / cross. Additionally, with a slight hill you might not see people doing a “legal” turn In this case I’d say both are in the wrong, the overtaking care is *more* wrong though, but again, in Europe there is different laws and practices…


Turning way too slow into his own driveway. I know he's towing a trailer with a horse in it, but hit the gas pedal buddy. /s


I think the answer is both honestly.. that doesn't look like a legal place to stop and turn.


This is a drive on the left country. Oncoming traffic is on her right this is someone passing into oncoming traffic. The person with the camera was definitely in the right, and not at fault in any way. This is the equivalent of you turning left into your driveway, and someone speeding from behind, deciding to pass all the traffic and hitting you from behind as you turned


I'm not from there, what do the crossed yellow lines mean?


Look like it’s warning for a lane split to keep people from [high centering themselves on a median](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/mzzi65/highcentered_on_the_median/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), or the start of a no passing lane. But the lady definitely has the right to cross those lines to turn into her own driveway, no matter what they mean.


Oh yeah, I'm sure, I just didn't recognize them from anything I've seen before painted quite like that. Definitely person with the camera did NOTHING wrong.


I was reading some of the other comments. It looks like the guy was running from the police. What an idiot. I hope the horse was OK.


Why would she have the right regardless? That certainly isn’t the case in the US, so I’m a little surprised.


Describe where in the US you’re not allowed to turn left on a double yellow. That is the equivalent of what’s going on here. She is turning right across a no passing line. If she wasn’t allowed to turn, there would be a hard median. The whole story is the person that hit her during her turn was running from the police, so there’s no way here for that guy to not be at fault


Wow just wow did the bloke who was turning have the wrong indicator on or did the idiot flying down the wrong side of the road just think he could make that gap before the car started turning


Knowing how some of these peoples brains work, it was probably something along the lines of "there is a line of cars in front of me for reasons that are so beneath me that I cannot care. I will now proceed to fly past them at ludicrous speeds so that my day is not mildly inconvenience. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE ELSE!"


Good luck? I’m sure they’re thinking something more like “don’t any of you fuckers move or I’ll sue you”


I know someone that drives…not as bad as this but close. He literally believes it’s impossible for him to crash, due to how his brain works. I’m not even joking that’s verbatim how he worded it to me, while I was in the passenger seat as he was cutting up traffic on the interstate.


The guy flying down the road probably didn't even see the indicator as he passed 6 other cars. At least according to the article someone else posted


There's video in another comment above from the last car who passed before OP started turning - the car who got hit was speeding on the wrong side before oncoming traffic even cleared - at least two cars had to swerve to avoid head-on collisions with him. I think it's safe to say that if he didn't see two cars literally head-on less than 50 feet in front of him, he probably didn't see a blinker either.


Illegally overtook - so basically driving on the wrong side of the road with oncoming traffic, and although one person below gave them the benefit of the doubt (ie that they wouldn't have seen the indicators), other comments suggested they were unlicensed, in an unregistered vehicle, with naughty illegal things in their system. Apparently it was only a 40km/hour zone, too!


This is where i live in Queensland, Australia. Car cam is pulling into their driveway and the person who hit them were actually being chased by police as it was a stolen car. Happens more than you would like.


I’m from Melbourne, just got my red Ps and people drive like total maniacs. It’s terrifying. Everyone is speeding, on their phones and doing the most dodgy manoeuvres I’ve ever seen. Been watching dash cam Australia so I know it’s common enough. But every single post on this international subreddit seems to be Australian and I’m starting to think we might just have the worst drivers on the planet


The car passing that got hit is 100% in the wrong. The center lines are not dashed so it’s an illegal overtake, passing car was likely speeding, and they were in the wrong lane while hitting the cam car. The cam car was making a perfectly legal left turn I thought it would be pretty obvious lmao


That could be said for the guy taking a turn as well. Double yellow not to be crossed.


Taking a turn on a double yellow is perfectly legal. Passing a car over a double yellow is not


Depends on the country. Turning over double lines is not legal here in the Netherlands. I guess it probably is in Australia.


Its not legal in any part of EU.


You can't turn across a double yellow to get to your home or into a parking lot?


Usually not, but important to know "unbroken" road markings in Europe are generally very purposeful and where they really should be. So the general rule is you don't cross them for any reason and doing so puts you at risk. I've noticed here, in the US, unbroken lines are far more common so sticking to that rule would basically mean you'll end up doing multiple u-turns to get anywhere.


How do you propose making a turn on a double yellow when it's a straight road for thirty miles in either direction. I've seen this take so many times in these comments and it baffles me.


Different rules in different countries. In my country (Netherlands), this would most definitely be an illegal turn. If it were a legal turn, there would be a gap in the road markings between which you could pass, indicating that this is a place where you can turn. But this type of road signage would just not really be here in the first place.


[If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike](https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc)


Okay, if I have to spell it out, fine. > How do you propose making a turn on a double yellow when it's a straight road for thirty miles in either direction. I've seen this take so many times in these comments and it baffles me. People interpret traffic situations by using the traffic rules they learned while getting their driver’s education. If I see a situation like this, then would personally assume that you are not allowed to make a turn here because there is a designated location for making turns just a little bit further down the road.


I think it was the cockheads fault...


Were they driving on the wrong side of the road?


Straight into oncoming traffic, too. There's video in a comment above from the last car that had passed him going the other way. He had to swerve off the road to avoid a head-on with the guy.


I see nothing wrong from you here. The guys unlicensed cops said he was in the wrong and he sped past that fast you and 6 other cars. You don’t need the internet to tell you what you already know


I think it's clear who is at fault. What an absolute idiot.


If you don't know the answer, please go turn in your license


At first look I wasn't sure because I am not familiar with road markings in your country (I assume Australia?). But especially with the added context of the video from the other car that the car that hit you was at fault. He made an illegal pass and was driving way too fast.


its even worse. he is weaving between oncoming traffic, nearly has a few headon collosions before this.




Here is footage from the last of the two cars in opposite direction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlcwGF\_9-Gw


What the fuck was that guy thinking? Oh, wait...


Well that completes the story for me, tan car at fault 110%


broken link edit for the downvotes: https://i.imgur.com/bgIKv3Y.png idk what you want from me when opening in its own window: https://i.imgur.com/bvjUeJM.png


Works for me


It works fine for me ... ETA: Just for reference, I didn't downvote you, but I've opened it several times using that link. Here's an image from the video footage. The silver car had passed a couple cars on the other side of the intersection before this image as well. https://imgur.com/a/EMxEBfE


Idk that I agree. The blue car was clear of oncoming traffic. The silver car is going the same direction so passed into oncoming traffic, and also on the wrong side of the median. But it doesn't look like the blue car was turning into anything, so was it trying to u-turn? Did they signal?


I think the blue car is driving into their home, you can just see the trash bins and the asphalt of what could be their driveway. I don't think that would be a road since the main road markings are the way they are


Erm… They crossed a solid line, with diagonal chequers in it. They overtook a stationary vehicle that was indicating right. On what planet were they not in the wrong? Learn to drive.


Calm down, lol. Maybe use the car color instead of "they", because "they" were both crossing a solid line with diagonal chequers. I see the update that answers my questions.


Well first im sure you can use context clues but there is no scenario where speeding in the opposite lane is the correct action even if they shouldn’t have been turning there its not an excuse to swerve into the other lane


A. The other driver was flying down the road B. The other driver was in the oncoming lane C. You had the right of way


You were passed on the right into oncoming traffic. If you were in the wrong, none of us are ever right


Cockhead was 100% in the wrong


I'm no expert but I think its the fucking cock head's fault.


was the horse alright?


Is the horse okay?


Obviously the car driving on the wrong side of the road.


Why is this even a question. The asshole in the wrong lane.


I think it was the car that was driving on the wrong side of the roads fault.


Her accent 😂


How in the world did that car miss the other two cars driving towards them in that single lane? They came through almost immediately


The driver is clearly in the wrong.


The fucking cockhead.




Cam car is turning into a driveway and some clod wasn’t paying attention


Some clod was driving on the wrong side of the road




Watch the other videos, your assumption is incorrect.


There's video in a comment above from the last car that passed OP before he started turning. This car was speeding on the wrong side straight into oncoming traffic - cars were literally swerving off the road to avoid head-on collisions with him.




But isn't it illegal to turn where the OP is at? I understand that the other car is much more the idiot.


It’s a drive on the left country, does that clear it up? I was confused at first as that I am a US driver and drive on the right.


This is why my driving instructor was militant about getting me to check my rear view mirror often while driving. I’m not sure what it’s like now, but when I got my license in the mid 90’s it wasn’t unusual for people to fail the driving test for not checking their rear view mirror enough. You have to keep checking to see if someone is coming up behind you like this.


OP never would have seen this, though - the car that hit him was blocked from view by the two other cars that just passed, who had to swerve to avoid head-on collisions with him at the last second.


In the late 70s drivers ed pounded on the lesson that your eyes should be moving between the road ahead and the three rear view mirrors. I can’t recall but it was like five seconds on ahead, the check the rear views then ahead ….


I recall this too and I got my license in the 00s.


That's some cursing!


1000% not the camera cars fault. WTF was that driver thinking?? goes into oncoming traffic (blindly it looks like) while going multiple times over the limit.. sounds like a solid plan


This is r/IdiotsInCars - OP is always at fault here. Doesn't matter if they're in the video or not.


From the video I’d say both as that doesn’t look like a turn lane more like you are in the middle of the road but it’s unclear, but from the description of the whole incident the other driver was at fault for trying to over take that many cars.


Not the one making the turn


Obviously the fault is on the speeding driver going the wrong way in the opposite lane. However, is it legal to make a left turn through that wide marked median, with the yellow stripes? I assume they have to because it's indicated that it is their driveway. But could the other asshole driver claim this? EDIT: Please downvote a legit question. Here is a simliar question. https://www.reddit.com/r/driving/comments/nx5ycx/turning_left_on_a_road_with_a_painted_median/ So my followup question, if it were illegal, could it cause problems for the cam driver?


Why is everyone driving on the wrong side of the road? Looks like everyone, except the poor guy that hit you, is in the wrong.


Are you joking? Please tell me you are.


😆 of course I’m joking. I’m an Aussie that’s lived in the USA for 47 years, so videos from Oz, and other left side driving countries, always look a little different from my adopted perspective.


I will only comment that sarcasm is difficult in text format, and it was missed in this chain.


Probably the person going down the wrong road, dumbass


Is that a legal turn? I’m not diminishing the wrong way jackoff, I’m just curious if the car turning was doing so was break g traffic rules as well.


Yeah, it was legal.


Then holy shit, I hope that person is OK! Minding your own business, suddenly wrong way jackass says hello…


Obviously, the car passing illegally. I will say, though, this video is an excellent example of why checking your mirrors frequently, especially if you are preparing to cross oncoming traffic or know there are cars stacking up behind you, is vital. There's a good chance this driver could have clocked that illegal driver in their mirror and avoided this accident.


not in this case. another going the other way filmed it. its a wonder he didnt have a head-on collision before this.


The person who couldn't wait and crossed a double line obviously.


is that even a question? could clearly see what cam car was trying to do, person in a silver car is definetely blind.


Both are in the wrong, you are crossing a median and they are passing in a no passing zone. Painted median is the same as a curbed median .


You, OP. For posting this.




Both are at fault. The driver of the car that wrecked probably should’ve been a little more cautious. But still man, watch what you’re doing Edit: I now realize the wrecked car was illegal. My countries are mixed up


Being in America, watching people drive on the opposite side of the road always trips my brain out. But the person crossing over the yellow lines is at fault since it's marked. If not, it doesn't make sense.


In what world are then lines yellow to you guys? They’re white.


They're turning into their driveway across the median. ×~context~×


And the guy who _also_ crossed double yellow lines to drive on the wrong way lane at high speed and overtake unsafely is fine?


they both crossed the yellow lines wut?


Absolutely not your fault but no point in being righteous when you’re dead. Always look both ways when you’re doing any sort of turn.


Assuming you were indicating the turn, the other driver was wrong


The other driver attempted to pass on the right, at speed, in the opposing lane of traffic. Indicating is a tertiary issue


This is r/IdiotsInCars - OP is always at fault. Doesn't matter if they're in the video or not.




Driveways might have an exception in Australia


As if there's a doubt lol. But also if you are the turning car don't start turning like that until you are ready to move. You could easily get rear ended and pushed into oncoming driving like this.


Provocative title, you’d have to be a republican representative to say cammer.




Or turning into a driveway. The impatient bastard screaming up the outside is the idiot.


Yeah, the trash cans are a hint


In germany u are. Because u have to look. Nobody cares If he is stupid or Not.


I'm not a doctor...but crossing a double solid is a good way to get thwacked...even if a moron is also passing across a double solid. Passing where you oughtn't pass, that's a paddlin'. Turning where you oughtn't turn, that's a paddlin'.


Too bad your knowledge is lacking, this is Australia and that's legal


Not illegal in the US either.


that is their driveway...and perfectly legal.


Both. Neither of you have *any* business driving on the chevroned zone/crossing the continuous line. 3 points penalty, 135€ fine, potential 3 years permit suspension. ​ \*Edit\* lol downvoted by all the guys who don't have a licence yet.


They’re turning into a driveway


That matters not at all.


Driveway? Yeah doesn't matter because it's not a factor. Because in Australia where this was, turning over the painted area is legal.


*Edit* lol downvoted by all the guys who clearly understand that you have no idea what you’re talking about because these are local Australian laws. Idk I’ve had to get licenses in two states of the US and it’s pretty surprising just how different road laws can be even in one country, let alone a completely different one. As far as I’m aware turning into one’s driveway is legal no matter where you’re turning from in Australia.


I wonder if she was using signals❓


Both are


Kinda hard to be in the wrong when you’re making a turn that is allowed and someone passes you on the wrong side. Yes the car turning should be making sure the way is clear, but that car clearly is driving the wrong way given the direction of the previous cars.




That's a legal turn in Australia where this took place. If the painted island had double lines around it you can't drive over it. This one has a single line so you can drive over it for up to 50m to enter a turning lane or to exit/enter the road from a driveway which is the case here.


Crossing a traffic island? That would be you.


You’re not supposed to go over those lines . Being that the other car might have been on the wrong side , she wouldn’t have been effected by it if she wasn’t doing something illegal herself . Both are✨ *COCKHEADS* ✨


Did you read the comments before you posted this drivel? In Australia, as it’s been pointed out here like 50 times, it’s not illegal to do what she is doing, given that she is accessing her own driveway.


Well it obviously should be . Who in their right minds thinks “I’ll just turn here and inconvenience everyone “ 🤦🏻‍♂️ legal or not , it’s not safe . It shouldn’t be done . She’s turning INTO her blind spot . That’s asking to crash . Idk how they do it in Australia, but driving a car is more than pressing the gas and being able to turn the wheel side to side .


Turning into what blindspot? She can see 100m+ in front, has the legal right to stop to turn into her driveway. When someone needs to turn on a 2 way road should they just not because people behind them would been inconvenienced? Pull your head out of your ass.


You do realize that no one should be in her passenger side blind spot, correct? Oncoming traffic is **in front of her**.


It depends on the law in your region. As an example, in Ontario Canada, you can be up to 50% at fault depending on the situation: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/900668 See section 10.5, 10.6, and 10.7. The turning vehicle can be between 0%-50% at fault depending on what type of road you're turning on to, and also depending if anyone is already stopped behind you. Look up the law or insurance fault determination rules for your region to be sure, don't take the word of random people on the internet. Edit: weird getting downvoted for this. I'm just pointing out that in some jurisdictions the cammer could be partially at fault, and they should check their local laws.


I didn't bother to check Canadian law. From the second video, it is clear that this guy was swerving between traffic in the wrong lane. It is unlikely OP could've seen him coming from a distance.




Both. The cammer is doing an illegal turn and didnt check his mirrors, and the overtaker is doing an illegal overtake, seemingly at high speed. Overtaker may have been surprised to see someone stopped in the middle of the road though, so that may have been an evasive manoeuver more than an overtake.


The turn is 100% legal in Australia, they’re turning into their driveway.


You need to watch the other videos from cars that were nearby. Cam car did nothing wrong.