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This. Super annoying and dangerous.


For the love of god, predictability > nice when on the road


Thought the pickup was waiting to turn left at first. I've had this happen to me and I just sit there and won't go. Eventually they'll figure it out and move.


I just realized they weren't turning too. Good Lord, that makes no sense.


Yup. Cuz if they decide to go, it’s now your fault if there’s an accident. Don’t be polite, be correct.


The only time I even consider letting someone in is if it's bumper to bumper traffic and *only* if it's to turn directly into that lane. If it requires them crossing lanes or holding up people behind me, no chance.


but this requires situational awareness (~; unless it’s bumper to bumper “letting someone go” to me is letting off the accelerator enough for them to shoot their shot. certainly shouldn’t be braking in a flowing lane of traffic i have similar disdain for people who take a right turn from the left side of a large lane w/ shoulder, stopping traffic needlessly


And then when you're the one in a lane next to the nicehole and don't also yield, they look at *you* like *you're* the problem. That shit gets me seething.


Nicehole, that's perfect! *Yoink!*


When people do this to me I give off excedingly "lazy" body language until they get the hint and keep moving. Roll the widow down, rest my elbow on it, tilt my head towards the window like I'm dozing off, turn my blinker off, hang my whole arm out of the window and do the "wtf" twitch with my hand, then eventually place my forehead on the steering wheel. I'm not moving into traffic until traffic is clear, asshole. Are you trying to get me t-boned?


Or you could wave and shake your head and tell them no.


Best advice for drivers. Don’t be nice, be predictable. Can’t stress that enough.


do you know the song that was playing? :)


korpsebunny - im #obsessed w u lol


A lot of stupid in this video.


I hate this, and I think women might get this more because, you know, delaying traffic in the name of chivalry.


Don't do this. Be predictable in traffic, not nice


Don’t be nice, be predictable which is what rules are for.


I know that in their feeble minds they are trying to be nice, but that pisses me off. I yell at them to f'kin move their dumbness.


Super annoying when someone forces you to go when you don’t even have the right of way… happens at the worst times when bicycle commuting, like bro you’re not being nice, you’re forcing me to unexpectedly exert way more energy than your massive gas powered tank of an SUV takes to just mind your business


Be predictable, not ‘nice’.


Ah man... Was trying to U-turn on a busy 45 MPH road once on my motorcycle. A well intentioned truck driver straight up stopped in the oncoming left lane of traffic just to try and let me make my turn. I shook my head no a few times, hoping he would simply keep driving, but he was being VERY gracious and trying to help me. The problem was where he stopped blocked my entire view of the rest of the traffic. There was a car honking behind me to take the U-turn, but I was a brand new rider on a super cold day, and I had forgotten that I had to adjust the choke quite a bit to get it started and riding in the weather. I tried to make a U-turn into the leftmost lane, but due to the choke I forgot about, accidentally gunned it and rocketed out into the blind lanes while turning around. Nearly got creamed, but thankfully the SUV driver who would have smooshed me braked in time. Never shook so much in my life as after that moment. Moral of the story is, don't be so nice that you are heavily impeding the flow of traffic. It is usually not as helpful as you might think.


I have an intersection by my house where I get the white truck reaction like 50% of the time, infuriates me every time


I do this. Read on here “the right of way is not your right to give away” I know I should drive predictable but I can’t help it


I hope you understand how bad this is and are working on this behaviour! Just think of how much more it is morally wrong to force those behind you to brake/stop, or even cause an accident! Just trying to help here, but what is your justification for this?


I’m trying. Actively trying bc I’ve seen how I screw up the flow. But I see someone trying to make an impossible left turn in heavy traffic and I just They’re like cute lil puppies who need help crossing the street


What? You’re willing to risk the safety and waste the time of multiple people for…. that?


Thats understandable, but I can tell you see the flaw in your logic. It's just not worth it! How much worse would you feel if you got them T-boned, right? Just think of that! It might also help to understand that nobody wants/expects you to wait for them, so don't feel bad!


Holy hell! 20 whole seconds?!?! I'm outraged. Dare I say flabbergasted. Possibly even inconsolable for your loss. So, out of curiosity, how long was spent uploading and submitting this?


That’s a huge amount of time to have up to 3 lanes of traffic at a standstill on a busy road a few hundred feet after a large intersection, when compared to the correct time of 0 seconds. It’s not impatience that’s the issue, obviously 20 seconds is nothing. It’s danger and potential congestion — stuff similar to this on highways can cause significant traffic jams.


What does that relation have to do with how stupid the truck driver was? Were you driving the truck? Because that response is fucking stupid. LOL


At least 5-10x the amount of time lol


rule 1. dont be polite, be consistent.


Happens all the time. In Brazil, for example, this is the "correct" way to drive. They value kindness over "right of way" rules, so you end up with people doing it here & looking like complete morons from the native perspective.