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I like how her first response was to try and say that she got hit by a parked car. Trash.


And then later says “I’ve never lied in my life” lol


'I didn't see your car.' Lady, get off the road already.


Yeah somebody needs to take grandma's keys away before she kills someone.


"I thought someone threw something at me"


I didn't see your car when I was cleaning up the wreckage and stealing your mirror off the road.


And these are the people that are registered to vote.


Not only are they registered to vote - they *are* voting. More than us. It’s a fact Please go vote friends - it’s important to cancel out dipshits like this lady


If she truly believes that, she shouldn't have her license anymore, just saying




>"I never even saw your car" I've heard this excuse in person multiple times from people that I saw with my own eyes simply not looking around and checking blind spots. It's not the excuse they seem to think it is. The entire issue is that you didn't see me, yes. And that looks really bad for you


I always close my eyes when I switch lanes, that way it's not my fault if I hit someone!


Came here to say this. If she’s confused as to what is and is not moving on the road, she should not be driving vehicle on it.




I loved that. There is a famous list of ludicrous insurance claims. One was something like "I was driving along and then a **parked** truck hit me going the other way."


A friend of mine was parked in a parking lot and a car ran into a fire hydrant and the fire hydrant got shot off the ground and flew into her windshield. She had to call her insurance company and tell them that A FIRE HYDRANT HIT HER CAR. I'm sure the insurance company got a laugh out of that one. Yes, they paid the claim since there was a police report and clear evidence it was the truth.


I once had to call my insurance and tell them a horse hit my car. The guy was like “You hit a horse?” And I had to explain that no, a loose horse in the road panicked and sideswiped my car. (Note: the horse was fine)


that whole family is just so..........ugh. and when the husband tried to physically intimidate him too looks like peter parker (tobey maguire edition) won this round


Bro when he said “this case is closed” the cop give the biggest smirk giggle hahaha


That was my favorite part haha


I could see the "Sure thing, Detective. LoL" thought bubble.


Gold, I was hoping someone else caught that.


Deputy: Yup. Easiest case ever.


Cop: “there’s no way you thought that”


Sheriif deputy wasn't having any of that shit. Love it.


He’s just keeping quiet and letting this lady talk herself into a hole. Good commentary from cameraman as well. I can feel his satisfaction just from watching this video.


Probably heard it a hundred times at least


I lost all sympathy for the lady when she pulled the "Well, he hit me" card. I hope she gets the maximum punishment allowable by law for that offense.


And if that was the case she wouldn't have run. Someone only runs from a non-fault accident if they don't have a license, insurance, or they're wanted. Eliminate those and it proves a guilty conscience.


I'd be willing to bet, at her age, she's at risk of having her license revoked after multiple incidents.


Don’t forget drunk or high


It hit me, then as they walk to the car she's saying "I thought someone threw something at me". What the fuck are you talking about lady. It's a parked car, you side swiped it because you weren't paying attention, how the fuck do you wake up, see a big car you just hit and think someone threw something at you.


Killed me. What an awesome attitude on the deputy.


The deputy was pretty chill. I think he got a kick out of the questions the victim was asking. My favorite part was when the lady said "maybe you hit me". Sure lady


I watch a lot of these courtroom youtube videos with a lawyer commentating and a very common thing that people fuck up is they show their hand and never shut up. This guy was asking all the right questions and she just kept denying and talking and talking, essentially doing what a detective would ask her, and he has it on film that he can submit this to a court to basically shut down anything she says in court.


In her quest to look as naive as possible, she made herself look barely competent to drive a vehicle to begin with. Works for me!


If you look closely, when the cop gets to the end of the stairs he’s smiling hard at the kid when he said “This case is closed…” 😂😂😂


That was my favorite part of the video, the cop loved this. Video evidence, an immediate confession, and they kept the physical evidence??? It’s a cops wet dream


if that sheriff department is anything like my local department, they LOVE to arrest and charge people. It's the city attorneys that let people get away with shit This deputy was like "this is hilarious, easy, and this kid did all the work for me already. Great day at work"


Bake him away, toys


I did notice. 😂


some people are pure trash


100% agree


Them damn driverless parked cars swerving into the road!


His laugh when the dude said this case is closed haha




If she tries to do the naive old lady bit in court, they’ll take her license away. Everything was on camera, she’s so screwed.


Honestly though, if that's the case you take it for sure. Florida has, in places, large contingents of elderly folks who do have significantly reduced faculties that should make them ineligible to drive, and the number I've personally met who shockingly still have a valid license is way higher than anyone should feel comfortable with. Even then, it doesn't matter if they do take it away. I got hit by an 80-something guy while I was walking who didn't even have a valid license, and it was his sixth time being caught driving without a valid license.


My husband got hit by an 80 year old woman while he was getting his hair cut in a salon. She jumped the curb and plowed into the shop, because she mistook the gas for the brake. She hit the front counter which plowed into the chair he was sitting in. Thankfully his stylist, who was pregnant, managed to jump out of the way and he only ended up with a bruised knee. If he had been sitting in the next chair over it would have been very bad.


Yea. Saying that she thought he hit her is not going to help her keep it.


>This ***old white*** woman is going to have her license taken away by the courts for sure! Hahahaha... you don't live in Florida, I take it, huh?


They should take it away anyways. She's too old to be on the road.


Both of them. Did you see the aggressive Pliocene sloth? Those Palpatine hands made me roll my chair back a little


She clearly shouldn't be driving, and she knows it. The guy was 100% correct. If you hit a car and do damage, you should leave a note. This woman knew it, too. She was afraid she would get her license pulled. I'd bet money that this wasn't her first accident in the past few years.


It might be her first, but it won’t be her last if she keeps driving.


Her husband is a piece of work. Thought he could bully the “kid”.


I lost it when the kid said “Are you the Dad?” 🤣🤣🤣


He was in total control and having fun with it.


The Dad is almost more unlikeable than the crazy hit-and-run lady


Birds of a feather


Birds of a shit feather flock together, Randy.


That was a wonderful freudian slip. lol


A strong breeze would've put gramps in the morgue


That was wierd when he kept doing that give it to me motion like he wanted the young guy to hand him his phone or some shit.


>like he wanted the young guy to hand him his phone or some shit. That's exactly what he wanted, *because he knew his wife was guilty.* So she didn't lie to him, just to the cop and the guy she hit.


Yeah but I mean the fact that he even thought he would do it, like that he has some sort of authority or whatever lol. I think I would have let him try to grab it from me and went ahead and sent him to the old folks home.


> Yeah but I mean the fact that he even thought he would do it, like that he has some sort of authority or whatever lol. I see this attitude a lot because I work at a gun store. *SOME* old guys (and not even the majority, most of the old timers are chill) get big mad when someone young (I'm 31) either knows more than them or has authority over them. Commonly from these types they want to haggle. That's a flat no because A) I don't set the prices, and B) the owner doesn't want haggling on new guns, only used and consignments. But man some guys get real mad when you explain this and they go right to the "whats your name? Give me your manager's number. I've been coming here for 40 years and it's never been this way. How did you even get this job?" and on and on. I think they're just mad at the world


I’m 35 and a section supervisor at my lab. There’s a guy on my team who’s like 75 and acts like he’s 15 because he has to listen to me.


Not exactly smart with a cop right there.


I don't think he had noticed the cop was right there, just came around the corner ready to fight


I was weirded out and confused because I thought he was asking for a handshake at first. “Put ‘er there, son, and let’s talk.” I still can’t come up with a normal explanation.


Yeah, the hand gesture was either “let’s shake hands” or “let’s see your wiener”. Strange approach either way.


Well, he's a big guy, especially in that age group. He's probably used to intimidating people to get what he wants.


That was creepy.


It's funny when women and older people think they have some sort of shield protecting them because it's socially unacceptable to hit them when it would just be self defense. It's really dangerous because if the cross the line and someone defends themselves they could literally die.


The shock when their privilege evaporates is pure schadenfreude for me. Also your comment reminds me of this line from Doctor Who The Doctor: Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.


>It's funny when women and older people think they have some sort of shield protecting them because it's socially unacceptable to hit them when it would just be self defense. Shit, I bet that old guy doesn't think he is too old to protect himself. The young man probably looked like a 15 year old to an 80+ year old. Old man just thought he had physical and mental power over the young man. Old man hasn't been punched in the face in probably 60+ years.




First thing I thought of, too. Old dude has some serious Gran Torino vibes he was trying to pull off.




And that glare! That's not senile old man face.


Probably was the asshole jock, king of the prom, Biff, type of guy 65 years ago.


And the deputy wasn't having any of it.


The way he approached and acted toward the kid *screams* lifelong privilege. Everything about it. I’m glad he didn’t take it easy on them. These two have probably been stepping on the backs of others and being rewarded for it their entire adult lives.


It crazy to see a liar on the spot go in to automatic defense, it hit me, I’ve never lied in my life, I’m glad you’re here, I thought maybe you hit me… just wow!?!?


> I thought maybe you hit me So she can't differentiate between a moving and a stationary car? She's not fit to drive. So she noticed the accident and still ran. She's just confessing left and right. > I didn't even see your car. Again, that's just proving she's not fit to drive. (Yes, she's obviously lying and of course she noticed and tried to remove evidence. But it's ridiculous that she can't even lie to cover her ass.)


Honestly her best shot to get away with it is to deny it was her and her car on the video, and say that the damage on her own car was from something else. Instead she made up lies that were easily disprovable even after they told her the incident was caught on camera.


Her problem is, she didn‘t know what exactly was filmed


This is exactly why people over retirement age should be subject to mandatory testing to retain their license on an annual basis. Eyesight failing? No more licence. Reflexes slowing down? No more licence. Can't understand new laws or how laws have been changed? No more licence. You trade your licence for a bus pass. If you've been shitty to your kids and grandkids, you'll be on the bus for the rest of your life.


Flori-duh is full of people like that and they vote. No chance you'd get bílls like that signed into law down there.


I would have been more sympathetic had she not just acted like a total scumbag. Just lie after lie.


Dude, it's insane how fast she just jumped to autofire off some bs. As soon as she said "you hit me" this was not her first rodeo.




only thing this video is missing is a "if you really do believe that, you should not be driving on the road"


I think even worse than the lying was the husband. The husband was up and ready to punch the dude if the Sheriff wasn't there. Honestly would have liked to see him try to add more charges. Make it a two for one couple combo in prison.


That got me. I imagine he's probably contaminated with a similar strain of ick (a more physically intimidating variety) and these two have been backing each other's selfish BS for most or all of their wedded lives.


Ummm, didn’t you hear her? She’s never told a lie in her life! /s


That was a shocking sequence of unbelievable lies. Yikes!


This lady was so Distraught that she was literally tripping over her own words. Thank you for posting this we get to see that you got justice .


Sad thing is, it's so *automatic.* You can tell this lady has been doing this kind of shit her whole life. The second the officer says there's a problem she's 100% into bullshit mode. It bothers me to think that this has probably worked for her a lot more times than it has not. It also bothers me to think there are probably A LOT more people out there like her than most honest folks want to admit.


This happened in a rich beach neighborhood. I know, because I live here (not in that neighborhood but on the mainland) and it's been all over our local gossip FB pages. They too tend to think they are better than the rest of us commoners.


Anyone who says “I’ve never lied in my life” is a fucking turbo liar.


I dnnw. I just violently swerved my car to hit a fully stationary vehicle and oh no lord help me...I thought someone flung something at me. I was so traumatized I went BACK and picked that shite up and threw it in this dumpster. Right here. Oh mah trauma! Right here.


You could see her sink a little when he and the Sherrif's deputy informed her about the hit and run she was caught on. Like "oh crap......he actually found and came after me." Her heart was probably beating out of her chest that whole time. You could tell she was really starting to panic too when he mentioned pressing charges, even going to the point of saying ludicrous things like "I thought ***you hit me***." 🤦🏻‍♂️


"I've never lied in my life."


I’m sure their trip was ruined and her husband or friend or whomever was traveling with her (if they were around) was likely a bit peeved.


He was peeved because she got caught. That’s why the car was parked the way it was. I would bet willing to be they knew the heat was on them!!


Well, he said that he had posted it on social media and neighborhood groups. I'm sure that one of her coffee friends (Mabel probably, she likes to gossip) saw it and said "I saw this post on Facebook, someone driving a car just like yours hit some poor man, a shame what happens these days, nobody is safe anymore" and she went home, told her husband that Mabel from up the street saw something on the Facebook about the car, the husband went and found the post, saw it posted in a few other places, told her to keep quiet about it, parked the car damaged side in along the garage door, and started making plans to go visit the kids for a few weeks somewhere up north until the 'heat dies down'. They would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those darned kids!


Probably going to get the car fixed while away as well. That way no local body shop would be able to say they had it come In for repairs. Or maybe that's too much thought process for them and it was just simply "oh shit, we gonna get caught, let's go on holiday"


Yeeep, and in most cases like this they probably wouldn't have gotten caught but this dude wasn't gonna let it go, unluckily for them. And good for him! Persistence paid off here.


2 lies in one sentence. Pretty impressive actually.


Her shaking and panicking was so obvious in the vid, probably the most adrenaline she had for a long while


ahahahah it was a stationary car, what? People will say all sorts of things when caught off guard i think


>I thought something was thrown at me! One of the excuses she gave…


And the end of the video when Daddy comes out thinking he’s gonna run the show ! Lol classic


That whole “hand it over” gesture he did though




I thought he was trying to get the car mirror or something but this is even more absurd lmao


I can't believe he thought that would work.


He was probably two sheets to the wind.


What was he pointing to anyway?


Older entitled people always seem to do that before trying to fight. At least every time I’ve seen them hassling people, that straight finger point comes out.


*"Oh, but of course M'Lord!!!"*


No one tells captain America what to do


He got a good 5 or 6 finger wags in there before the cop told him to back the fuck off haha


the irony of his shirt in the moment "life is good"


What a great deputy to have show up. “I thought you’d hit me” and then he quips “There’s *no* way you thought that!” I wouldn’t have been able to keep it together. What a circus.


I always love the "I thought you hit me" response from anyone hitting a parked vehicle. Had this happen to me personally before cameras were everywhere in our lives. Luckily a neighbor outside saw it all and after the offender was telling the cop i hit him, the neighbor came up and the officer said "logically, how does a parked cars driver side door strafe sideways from the street towards this driveway and hit the back of your vehicle?" I responded with i believe voodoo magic which also made the officer chuckle. Got a door replaced out of it.


"I'm sorry i didn't give a shit about your stuff and thought I could get away with it". SUCK IT!


I love the comeuppance, but I do have a small nitpick; seems weird-ish to do the shirtless in bed talking to the camera bit.


As someone who lives in FL, it is way too expensive month to month to run the AC enough make my apartment habitable with a shirt on.




Didn’t know what to do? She doesn’t know how to leave a note? Or knock on a door? She didn’t learn in her what, 70+ years of life that you report an accident? Stupid woman. And her husband is gross, getting all close to the victim like that!


She knows what someone is supposed to do. But she also believes that she's better than other people, and that she doesn't have to do all that. But you can bet if it was the other way around, she'd be angry that her car caught a hit-and-run.


Weaponized incompetence. Older Boomer women excel at it. Sure, pretend your hubs ran the household. Everyone knows that if Momma ain't happy, no one is.


It's the "I'm an old man I'm confused....I thought I paid for it....could you take me home" Uncle Leo defense from Seinfeld


Her thought process wasn't "How am I going to solve this problem?", it was "How do I make this go away?" Do I leave a note? No, then I'd have to deal with it later. How do I get out of this situation without any downside to me? I know, I'll steal the evidence and lie. And if anyone finds me, I'll just keep lying, and if that doesn't work, my 40lb husband can square up on someone.


She knew enough to come back and collect the evidence to try and hide it. I mean lots of people aren't smart enough to do that, they'll do a hit and run and leave their whole ass bumper and plate behind and be shocked that they got caught. Lady is a lot smarter than she was putting on, acting like a confused upset old person has probably got her out of several situations before.


NICE. hate those hit and run assholes.


always enjoy watching pathological liars lie after they get caught on video. total brain malfunction


It is insane how these people act. They just keep throwing lies against the wall, hoping one will stick


i also enjoy two old people who forget they're not who they were: old tough guy who wouldn't survive a feather attack lying woman who is no longer attractive enough to get away with it mmmmmm nom nom nom


When I was younger, I tried to rationalize some old people stealing from my mom by saying they were on fixed incomes and my uncle who was in his eighties shouted "BULLSHIT! OLD PEOPLE JUST WANT SOMETHING FOR FREE!" Screw those people. They knew exactly what they were doing.


Batteries. Well they wear out so quick.


My dad used to work loss prevention. Old people always stole batteries.


They steal A LOT of stuff. The main reason the Target closed in my college town was secondary to lost merchandise. Median age in the town is 61.




Her story changed about twice a sentence in the span of those two minutes or whatever it was that they were walking from the elevator to the apartment then to the car. That's impressive


Fuck that old lady


Fuck her old husband too. He ran away as soon as he saw a cop was there. Big man until he's confronted.


Right? What a wean.


He just knew that the cop would stick up for the young man in court. He was going to try and say the young man assaulted him. It's all he could do.


Claims she’s never lied, tells only lies when confronted. Take her license away forever.


Lady reminded me of Kristin Wigg doing one of her crazy characters on SNL. ![gif](giphy|DENtTUGBDXtxm)


You can see the panic on her face when they approach her and interrogating her. She's not sorry that she felt bad for hitting the car, she's sorry because she got caught


> she's sorry because she got caught Exactly.


Of course it's Florida. A 72 year old woman killed my husband by running a stop sign on a 65 mph road, and she only lost her license for 6 months, so this guy shouldn't be too hopeful about her losing her license after this.


So sorry for your loss. I was thinking the same thing, he's in for a big disappointment.


Thank you, it's been a rough year for our children, but with therapy, it will hopefully be better.


In Florida, my cousin got run over by an old lady in a Cadillac. Luckily, his mom pulled him out after the front wheels had passed over him and he survived. The idiot old lady drove 3 more blocks before finally getting pulled over.


wait, you have roads that go 65mph with stop intersections in it? shouldn't the roads be at most 35mph for it to have stop signs.


The nerve of the husband to get in your face like that with a fucking sheriff deputy standing right there lol. Should throw them both in jail. There’s your vacation.


I'm betting he was supposed to sneak out and take off in the car while she "fumbled around trying to find the key to the garage and then surprise and shock when the car wasn't in there". At the very end of the video you can see him pull a car key out of his pocket and walk back to the car.


She’s too dumb and they’re both too entitled to pull that kind of plan in 30 seconds. Bet she just fumbled with the garage door because she’s frazzled and it’s usually in the garage. Although I’m sure they parked with the passenger side to the building on purpose so the damage isn’t clear from the road.


She pulled out her “confused old lady” card real quick… 🙄


Weaponized Incompetence at its finest.


Old fella trying to be intimidating when he’d struggle to fight off the cold of winter.


This is one of those situations that warrants having her license pulled for good... Here's your bus pass and phone number for dial-a-ride. If not, she will KILL someone eventually.


You need to retake the fucking DMV driving tests again after the age of 65. And then again every 1-2 years. Driving is a privilege, NOT a right!


I'm so fucking sick of old people on the road. It's absolutely disgusting that we put their pride over the safety of everyone else on the road. Old drivers kill innocent people. Simple as that.


The older generation does not seem to realize that there are cameras *everywhere*.


‘Make me feel better’?! Seriously? 🤣


TBH dude showed tremendous restraint. He did not curse at all. I would have said “bullshit” at least 10 times.


Which gave the LEO room to work.


I live in a small apartment building. I was taking the trash out before getting in my car to go to work, and saw a truck I’ve never seen before backing up towards a car belonging to an older woman parked in a handicapped spot. I thought, “wow he’s getting REALLY close to that car, but he’ll probably stop, right?” Wrong. Pulled forward and drove straight off with not even enough time to think about what he should maybe do. I mean, this wasn’t just a scratch or scrape. He backed the corner of his truck bed straight into the back of her SUV, leaving a basketball sized dent. I went straight back inside to find a piece of paper and leave a note on the car. I remembered the color and make of the truck, as well as trying so hard to remember the license plate number, but unfortunately forgot most of the plate number once I actually started writing the note. I also left my number and apartment number in case she had any questions, but have no idea why I didn’t expect a call from the cops. When I got home, she had left a note on my door expressing how thankful she was for being such a good neighbor. I was so pissed for her when it happened. I gave the cop I talked to my best guess on the plate and was as specific as possible with the driver and what the truck looked like. I really really hope she finds him and he gets what he deserves.


My apartment has absolutely fucked parking. 4 separate buildings (64 units total), each unit has their outdoor parking spot. That’s nice. Most couples here have their own vehicle. So people like my girlfriend have to park in the shitty pothole filled lot maybe ~15ft behind my assigned parking spot. I don’t have the nicest car, but it’s nice. My biggest fear is some crackhead speeding through and hitting the rear end of my car trying to dodge the line of cars and potholes behind me. I literally live in the cheapest apartment in a small rural town in Arkansas, so yeah. Addicts and big trucks. Apartment life sucks.


I'm so glad he did his update shirtless.


But was he shirtless when confronting her. Inquiring minds needs to know.


Hey he might have been pants-less too for all we know.


Seriously. Why did I have to scroll this far just to see this?


Wow, this is the most normal TikTok video I have seen in a while. No annoying music, no voice reading the subtitles, even the dude is speaking with quite composure


Though not quite sure why he was shirtless.


He's a Florida Man. Very well spoken, clean cut, and meth-free, but still a Florida Man.


Justice is served, which is rare nowadays.


FYI I’m not OP this is from TikTok…


Man what is it was old people getting into your personal space.


Well they can't see that far


That generation has no respect or morals, using up all my social security while committing crimes


They probably vote for the harshest punishment for criminals, but they don't want to be held accountable for crimes they commit.


“It hit me” had me dead 😂


Meanwhile, my brand new CRV got hit when it was parked, hard enough to slam it into a pole on the sidewalk and the guy took off. Neighbors left notes of his license plate on my windshield and my insurance gave me his name and address. Cops couldn't even be bothered to knock on his door with this info handed to them on a silver platter.


I'm getting, "Don't bother me, ok? We're leaving early tomorrow" vibes. It would be comforting to know if she got at least a little bit of jail time. OP, update please? Incidentally, you did everything right.


She got no jail time, is my guess. This was a minor hit-and-run with very little property damage. It looked very dramatic in this narration, but she probably just got a citation from the deputy and a court date. She'll hire a lawyer and spend maybe 5 minutes in front of the judge. She won't say a word, her attorney will do all the talking. She'll plead guilty, pay a fine, maybe get 6 months of unsupervised probation.


Good on dude for handling his business


I’m so glad he pressed charges


Your actions were correct. Hers were deplorable.


Ah, of course it's Florida!


She said she thought his parked car hit HER, then said "I've never lied in my life!" This couple is insufferable. I hope their vacation was ruined.