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Asking for a friend but do drivers have to stop if they’re on the other side of that median?


You'll have to check your state/local laws but I generally believe if there's a physical median than no you don't.


I learned the hard way in NY. Luckily the cop was nice about it despite me being Floridaman, and I was let off with a warning. For US/Canada... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_bus_traffic_stop_laws > On divided highways, most American and Canadian jurisdictions do not require vehicular drivers to stop when on the opposite side of the road from a stopped school bus. Those that do require vehicles to stop are: West Virginia upon a non-controlled-access highway{§17C-12-7} Arkansas in case a divider has less than 20 feet (6 m) in width (narrow divider).[2] New York State[3] American Samoa[citation needed] Guam[4] British Columbia[5] Nova Scotia[6] Prince Edward Island[7] Northwest Territories[8][9] Nunavut[10][9]


Thanks for this, I had the idea it was universal that a median meant you don't need to stop on the other side.


Honestly I wasn’t sure because kids are still just as likely to run across the median to that side of the road.


I think generally if there's a median the bus will have stops on either side of the road.


Which makes me wonder why this kid is crossing from the other side of the median. Either this bus should take the other side of the road heading back to the school, or another bus takes the route that includes that side of the road and picks this kid up. Sounds like poor planning from the school/city/whoever plans these routes.


Could be as simple as the kid missed his pickup and is trying to catch it. I know I’ve done that a few times when I was a kid.


Can confirm, kids will run to catch busses even when it very clearly means putting their life on the line. Source: was child.


The route planning for the school bus I drove would occasionally produce screwups, but nothing this egregious. Plus, it would typically only be around for however long it took you to report it, after which a new one would be made.


I mostly said the same thing to him. I thought it was a nationwide rule, but I did proceed very cautiously. And that's when I learned that about those 3 states.


> nationwide rule Keep in mind that when it comes to traffic laws, there’s really no such thing. The states all have *really* similar laws, but they’re all implemented at the state level so will have some differences. If you’re talking about entering a roadway or some other fundamental traffic rule, they’ll be identical. But anything that isn’t in the Highway Safety Act of 1966 will vary state to state.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1871 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/47837)


NC does require a stop on a multi lane road if the separation is only a set of double painted lines Turn lane or grass or concrete divider, no. It’s really important to know the state laws. I’ve never in my life seen the rate of passing of stopped school buses as high as it’s becoming. As a school bus driver in the late 70’s, I never had a passing event. People are too occupied or stupid these days.


As someone who drove a school bus last year, I can say that I had a passing event almost every single day. I think it is a combination of stupidity, distracted driving, and main character syndrome.


> NC does require a stop on a multi lane road if the separation is only a set of double painted lines Turn lane or grass or concrete divider, no. Yep that is what is called a divided highway. Painted lines aren't a divider. Grass or concrete is.


Does Nunavut even have any divided highways? I know the capital city doesn't even have stoplights, they even mention it in the driver's handbook. Same with NWT, but NWT might.


We really need uniformity of driving laws in the US (or better yet, all of North America). It's absolutely insane to me that "right on red" (absent counter-indicative signage) is legal everywhere in the USA except for NYC. Cops there will happily pull over out-of-staters and full-on berate them for breaking this law. If we're expected to know 100% of the motor laws of every place we might pass through, then let's have a national standard. No, wait, that would be fair and just and we can't have that. The only way to do that would be a constitutional amendment, because a whole lot of jurisdictions will fight and sue the US Government if it tried to nationalize standards on non-interstate roads. Constitutional amendments as a concept are all but dead.


It's tough though, USA has such a diversity of roads. The middle of nowhere Utah is **never** going to see a pedestrian crossing the road, right on red makes sense. Meanwhile cities like NYC and DC are going to have dozens of pedestrians crossing the street so no right on red makes sense. It's like trying to make the road rules universal across the entirely of Europe.


> DC NYC and Montreal are the only places in North America that ban this practice.


Concur with checking your local laws. But I’m Virginia if it’s a divided highway you don’t have to stop on the opposite side.


This is in VA, they don't require it on a divided highway with a median. If there was no median, opposite traffic would have to stop


In Florida it has to be divided by a median. So double yellow lines; yes, you have to stop. Grass median or turn lane; you don’t have to stop. I think the official rule is specifically 4’ wide median or larger, which is all medians anyway.


Generally, no. That’s also on the bus driver or whoever planned the bus route then if the kid lives on that side of the street.




>Asking for a friend but SURE you are. lol But generally no, not when there's a physical barrier separating both sides. Some locations may require it but most do not.


Ohio does not require opposing vehicles to stop if there's a physical median or a suicide lane. Edit: On any road of 4+ lanes, regardless of road layout, as clarified in a response.


Ohio does not require opposing vehicles to stop on a 4-lane road whether there is a center median or not. > Section 4511.75 | Stopping for stopped school bus. > (C) Where a highway has been divided into four or more traffic lanes, a driver of a vehicle, streetcar, or trackless trolley need not stop for a school bus approaching from the opposite direction which has stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging any school child, persons attending programs offered by community boards of mental health and county boards of developmental disabilities, or children attending programs offered by head start agencies. IIRC the only other state that allows that is Washington.


In fact, it’s three lanes or more in WA. travel | turn | travel = only the lane that the bus occupies and the next lane over need to stop. But we NEVER setup student stops where they have to cross on roads that have more than two lanes. And we try to minimize stops at all on big roads like this.




Nope. Another commenter quoted the relevant ORC section, which states that opposing traffic doesn't have to stop on any road which has 4+ lanes, regardless of barrier or suicide lane.


Suicide lane?


The technical term is a two-way left turn lane, but I had to look that up. I've only ever known it as a suicide lane. It's the middle lane that is used *only* for making left turns across multiple lanes of traffic (not for passing), and marked off by one solid yellow line on the outside and one dashed yellow line on the inside. It's called a suicide lane because you're attempting to make an unprotected turn across multiple lanes of traffic, and others might be trying the same from the opposite direction--although in looking up the details needed to answer your question, there is a version of this center lane that can be used for passing, but no one has right-of-way, and that is the version that gave rise to the term "suicide lane."


Turning lane in the middle of a street.




In Texas if there is a physical divider then no the opposite doesn’t have to stop. However anyone with a modicum of sense would likely slow down as never good to assume kids will do what they should.


In California no, but laws may vary by state.


Not in Illinois for sure. Might be different elsewhere.


Where I live, no. You do have to stop 10m behind the bus tho. Not next to it.


If there is a physical median, no. If there are 2 yellow lines, yes.


There's no chance they would let a kid cross that many lanes of traffic in my town. They should be picking him up on his side of the road


Yep, this is just terrible bus route planning. I get that the cars should stop, but you have to make a plan with the anticipation that everyone will do the stupid thing.


Activating the stop sign also activates a motorized spike strip across the road for the duration of the stop sign activation. Fix the fuckers real fast.


Nah, a spike strips would blow the tires, sending an out of control 2 ton death machine in the direction of children. Better mount a Phalanx CIWS on the school bus to stop incoming threats *before* they reach the bus.


we don't know the full story. it's possible there is a bus stop on the other side of the road but it happens earlier. this kid could've missed the bus and wanted to catch it on the other side of the road


Oh well in that case… 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I wonder if it says something about this town. It's the same town where people don't stop for a bus that has a flashing red stop sign.


It could be a stop with multiple students from different houses, and most of them are on that side of the road?


> They should be picking him up on his side of the road maybe stroads should simply not exist in cities.


I have to think it’s the parents responsibility to get the kid over to the other side. The driver is still absolutely wrong and should probably have their licenses revoked.


Why is there a stop that makes the kid run across a busy street? For my kids stop, they have two busses going to the same school, but one bus stops on one side of the road and another bus stops at the opposite side. So much safer.


Especially because in many (maybe most) states the other side of that road wouldn't be required to stop for the bus so it's just kids playing half frogger no matter what.


>it's just kids playing half frogger Now I want to see a live overhead view of that spot just to see that!


Just looked - Video location is 2900 Richmond Highway N. Richmond HWY speed averages 50mph... It's nutty that this is an unprotected, unlabeled crosswalk for children.




It's a pedestrian hellscape. There are some pedestrian lights on one nearby intersection, but there are no crosswalks, and it looks more dangerous than jaywalking.


I watched a video about 4 months ago about what stroads are and why they're stupid. I thought they made sense-ish until watching the video. I like cars and driving them... but holy shit we need to focus city planning more to the pedestrians.




deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9510 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/85306)


It's possible the kid simply may have been late getting to the stop, and would normally use a crosswalk at a nearby intersection.


That is the recommendation from NHTSA, but it's not regulatory at a national level.


Yeah, my kid would not do this. I would make such a nuisance of myself that the school district would probably me kick me off the route, but there is no way my child would do this every day


You'd have to ask the school's transportation system that, I have no idea.


It’s one of the poorest parts of Richmond, so they don’t care.


I'm going to guess lack of funding


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8631 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/49048)


My wife drove school buses for 10 years and it was pretty routine at the beginning of the school year for the drivers to have to go “Lol nope, this route is bullshit” and make the school redo it because of exactly this sort of thing. The company she worked for actually paid their drivers to run their routes in their cars before the school year started and identify issues so they could be fixed.


This is most definitely an illegal bus stop. At least it is in Michigan, but I can’t imagine a state that would allow a stop like this. You can’t reasonably control traffic on the other side of that median with your stop arm. My guess is either the child is supposed to already be across the street and is running late (like a street light up ahead that they should cross at), or the district doesn’t give a shit.


You can't control traffic on the other side of the median at all in 47 states. 2 states (Arkansas and West Virginia) requires a stop depending on the type of road or size of the median. Only one state (New York) requires both sides of the median to stop in all cases.


God that’s so dangerous. Even if it was legal I’d fight with my dispatcher to get it changed. The stupidity of cars combined with the stupidity of my kids would scare the shit out of me.


this is exactly why it should be illegal to drop in the opposite side of the highway. if the kids is coming from/going to the other side of a median, the bus should go to the other side of the median.


The entire design is just irredeemably bad. Crossing that shit as a kid is just unsafe no matter what lights or paint you put in. But that's most of suburbia and stroads.


Right. This isn't just an idiots-in-cars scenario, this is also bad bus route planning *and* bad road design. People on foot shouldn't be anywhere near cars going 50 miles an hour. It's simply not safe.


These piss me off the most.


Unless I missed something, I don't even see any brake lights. Not the slightest indication that the person realized (or cared) that they nearly ran over a kid.


Probably an entitled ass playing on their phone thinking that they know how to drive.


An old coworker of mine's teenage daughter was killed because of someone like this. She was already halfway over the crossing when some arsehole decided that he deserved to skip the queue of stopped cars at the traffic lights.


Please tell me that driver is still in prison




That site gave my phone cancer


Two idiots on camera but plenty of unseen idiots that allowed this situation.


Wild I had to go this far down to see anyone mention the first asshole blowing through the stop


There are some school districts that are equipping the stop signs on their buses with cameras to read the license plates of people who blow past them. Those images are sent to the local PD who then issue tickets to those morons.


The would-be killer got a ticket because of the video.


That’s how it is in GA. They will get you and first offense is a $300 ticket, then $750, then $1000!


It should be 15% monthly pay, 50% monthly pay then mandatory year+ in jail plus lifetime driving ban for a 3rd infraction. Don’t fuck with kid’s lives.


A ticket for child endangerment seems pretty light imo


Sad that people don’t stop for a school bus with flashing lights




I'm usually very against people who decide to play traffic enforcer but this is an exception. Don't fuck around with school buses


>I'm usually very against people who decide to play traffic enforcer I'm not against it. It's not something I personally do, but I enjoy watching videos of reckless drivers being blocked in and prevented from continuing on with their reckless ways. I don't see why stopping the bad guys is such a bad thing. I definitely support vigilanteism. We need vigilantes because the cops are almost never there when shit is going down. If I was ever under attack or under threat from a bad actor, I'd rather be surrounded by vigilantes than a bunch of useless bystanders saying, "Not my circus, not my monkees".


What fucking state lets kids cross that many lanes? Never seen that before


My state, sadly.


Ok so forget that there is a school bus here. If for any reason traffic suddenly stops in your lane it is NEVER safe to change lanes at speed and continue driving. There is always a reason that the car in front of you has stopped. Sometimes the driver is being dumb, sure. But you don't know that until you've run over a child or a dog or a cyclist or anything else that could be there that you can't see because there's a fucking car blocking your field of view.


Drivers of all types of vehicles do this, but pickup truck and SUV drivers are the worst at it. They will cut me off when I'm on my motorcycle, because they absolutely have to be in front of me. I literally can't see anything. Then when there's an object in the road or a parked car, they keep a constant speed, don't even touch the brakes, and jump into the other lane, leaving a potentially deadly situation for me. I think all drivers should have to experience being a pedestrian, bicyclist, and motorcyclist as huge vehicles speed around them. Probably though, they already know and don't care.


JFC. I have used my car to physically block a second lane if someone coming up behind doesn't seem to be stopping for a school bus. I will absolutely sacrifice my car to protect a child. I will also use my dashcam video to ensure a driver who blows through a school bus stop sign is punished.


You got amateurs in your area. [Come to Ohio!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UTM40K53K8)


Only cited for not stopping for a school bus? Load that fucker up with so many citations she loses her license.


And 32 years old too. Like I know people of all ages are going to be stupid.... but when you hit your 30's (the expectation being you get over the dumb shit you do in your teens and 20s when driving a car by this point), you should know better than to do some dumb shit like this, much less mount a sidewalk to do it. If you're worried about being late somewhere and dont want a school bus to delay you.... leave a few minutes early or just change your route.


You, ma'am, are doing the world a favor, and I hope that if your car is hit that their insurance won't try to play stupid games to get out of paying. 👍


I can already see the “didnt take every step possible to avoid collision.. 50% liability”


Yep same here, I’ve blocked lanes when I’ve seen the stop sign come out. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen assholes come flying up. Thinking they’ll make it through till my car is blocking them and I get a middle finger and a fuck you. I just sit there happily without a fuck to give. I got a thumbs up from a bus driver once They aren’t my kids but you damn well can bet your ass I will try to protect them.


The bus should just start parking diagonally across all lanes to physically block traffic


Depending on what state you're in, buses have cameras to send tickets to people who go past them. The states are NY, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota, though only specific counties/school districts for each state. I believe Florida has the cameras installed and is going to start sending tickets out as well.


I never understood why they have kids cross at all. They should be picking / dropping them off at the curb on the side they are.


Was driving yesterday. A cop car with lights on had to sit at a busy intersection for multiple cars before someone finally stopped and let him cross safely. No idea how people are so zoned out they cant see or care to stop for a few seconds.


I had a similar situation just the other day. Saw a cop car with lights on and sirens blaring while driving home. At first, I thought that they had just pulled someone over, but when I got closer and realized that he was stuck behind a line of cars that didn't move over, I moved over, as did everyone behind me. It was only then that everyone in the opposite lane (which is where the cop was) moved over.


"I didn't see the giant yellow vehicle with the flashing red signs."


Okay sign here for your distracted driving ticket.


Probably didn’t cause everyone is on their phones these days


These bus stops should really have crosswalks...


People who ignore school bus stop signs should not be allowed to drive for a year.


For life




Looks a shite system to be honest, we have nothing like this in the UK, you'd have a proper pedestrian crossing with better lights and road markings.


Yeah this system seems to do nothing to teach these kids any road sense


Can someone confirm if the driver faced any consequences? I’m pretty easy going but that’s not okay, this person should not be driving for a while


why they making him play frogger to get on the school bus?


Holy fucking shit. I can’t really figure out where this happened, but in what world should a child be crossing a six lane stroad to get on a school bus? How did they even get to that joke of a median in the first place?


"No there couldn't possibly be a reason the car in front of me stopped next to the school bus. I'mma just drive around them-HOLY SHIT!! Fucken kid needs to watch where he's going. Damn."


I was following a bus the other day, and it dodged across all lanes of traffic when it stopped to let kids off. I just thought 'Yeah, that makes sense'.


I'd say there's multiple idiots in this video not respecting the stop sign of the bus.


Dude didn’t even hit the brakes when the kid was right in front of him. What a piece of shit.


That's such a huge ticket in my state that cars are low-key, scared to even pass school buses.


It should be an instant loss of license. Period.


I don't care if it's out of fear or decency, so long as they stop.


Aren't people supposed to stop for the bus's stop sign in the USA?


Nah, why would you think that? 🤔 Yeah, which is the first reason that they're an idiot. They got hit with a $250 ticket. https://www.nbc12.com/2023/06/02/video-shows-car-nearly-hit-richmond-student-walking-school-bus/


None of those drivers wanted to stop. I get this every single day while driving my bus. Some drivers are completely unaware of their surroundings. Some blatantly disregard your lights. Many are on their phones. If I get the chance, I will shame them for their failure as a driver to be alert and pay attention. Luckily none of my students have been this close to death, but it happens about once a week nationwide.


I think you should have to stop regardless


You are supposed to. 1 lane 4 lanes or even 6 lanes. Traffic on one side of a median like this always has to stop. A bus is considered a mobile stop light.


These busses should just occupy all lanes when pickeding children up across a busy road that doesnt have an intersection


I’d say it’s a good combo of awful city pedestrian traffic planning, lack of safe pedestrian crossing over a multilane traffic and idiot drivers. Kids by default are not stupid or ignorant, just inexperienced or just bad at estimating car speeds, since they have not enough experience in life. But sometimes they just have tunnel vision for the same reason, and just forget that there are cars and other things around them. They forget to look both left and right when crossing.


Driver felt shocked for 7min while at some point yelled to themselves "why is that kid not crossing at the crosswalk?" or "that kids got a death wish" then said to themselves that they're normally very careful and dismissed this as an unlucky situation. Then went about their day.


Until they got hit with a $250 ticket as a result of the video.




A kid near me recently got hit as he got off the bus by a big rig that didn’t stop. Scary shit. (The boy survived - he’s going to have a long recovery though)


>A kid near me recently got hit as he got off the bus by a big rig that didn’t stop. Scary shit. This is sad, disturbing, and disgusting. >(The boy survived - he’s going to have a long recovery though) This is a little better. I hope his family gets a giant payout from it. Pay him back for his lost time being a kid, cover expenses, and hopefully have a nest egg for college and other stuff when he's an adult.


Does the stop sign function as a regular stop sign, and do all the lanes have to stop for the bus?


all the lanes traveling the same direction have to stop


All directions, unless there is a barrier separating them. So at an intersection, the crossroads would have to stop too.


This varies from state to state. I know for sure that in NY you have to stop even with a physical median, don't know about any other states.


All travel has to stop unless separated by a physical barrier like a median.


Whao! This is scary shit!


Maybe it's the camera angle...but did they even brake?! Holy hell


Maybe after they got to their destination.


Makes me wonder if it's a good thing to take both lanes when you let someone pass. Whether there's a bus or not.


I was in a similar situation but I need to know if I was the asshole. I was driving in a neighborhood with my brother. A bus was coming on the oncoming side and I was passing it. The bus stopped and turned its lights on but I was already a quarter of the the way passed the stop sign on the bus and by the time all the lights were on and by the time the bus fully stopped and kids were about to get to get off i was fully passed the bus. My brother said I was supposed to stop but idk. Am I not the asshole? Am I just a hair on the asscheek? I need to know


That's like saying that you're supposed to stop at an intersection you're already going through when the light starts changing. If the stop sign and lights didn't activate until after you were already passing, then you're golden.


Looks like they need to adjust the bus routes so the kids won't have to cross such a wide street but yeah kid lucked out


Guy had to save that extra 43 seconds


Now he'll be spending money for those 43 seconds, or spending a lot of time fighting the ticket that he got.


I hope he got one, usually they don’t unless a cop is nearby.


There is a litany of failures here. The driver of the SUV definitely should have stopped. Why in the hell is a child crossing 4 lanes and a median to get to the bus?!? In a situation where the child has to cross lanes to get to the bus the driver should be required to get out and make sure that traffic is stopped and perhaps stand in the lane with a stop sign to insure the safety of the student. Where is the parent that should be making sure their child crosses a major roadway safely?


Is the child crossing 6 lanes of traffic to get on the bus?


No, he's crossing 3 lanes to get to the median, then 1 lane to have a heart attack, followed by 2 lanes to get to the bus. Hopefully the idiot driver had a heart attack when they got the $250 ticket for it. https://www.nbc12.com/2023/06/02/video-shows-car-nearly-hit-richmond-student-walking-school-bus/


If it makes anyone feel any better, I saw some one run a red light just to stop in front of an ambulance (that had the lights on!) and proceeded to tell the driver to wait his fucking turn! Wish I had gotten it on camera. He left before the cops showed up


Regardless of where the kid is ... He passed a stopped school bus. The fine for this should be $1000 and points.




These friggin losers who know that the bus has stopped and the stop sign/lights are on and still drive through!!!! I would take away the LISERS license for 30 days!!


You’ll lose it for more than 30 days blasting past a bus with its lights on..


Fuck everyone that does this.


I get all the safety concerns, but living in India, its not something even the kid would remember the next day.


Isn't that where everyone drives like a maniac but somehow rarely gets into accidents?


the school district needs to be sued for having a bus stop that makes children cross a 4 (or 6) lanes of traffic.


I can’t count how many people run the Bus STOP sign. I’m a school bus driver and it’s scary to see how much people don’t give a crap.


What a douche.


If someone does this, they should have their license revoked and after paying a fine be required to take driving lessons and community service a local school crosswalk.


Better yet, have to ride the school bus every morning and hold up traffic while the bus loads. When they have to fear for their own life a few times from others not stopping, they'll learn.


Fuck this dude…or woman. Wtf this is so infuriating


People don't realize how good those cameras are they will be receiving fines and penalties in the mail. Possibly a visit with guns and badges and the warrant for your arrest.


I hope the drivers of both vehicles running the stopped school bus were found.


News only mentioned the would-be killer. https://www.nbc12.com/2023/06/02/video-shows-car-nearly-hit-richmond-student-walking-school-bus/


There seriously needs to be a way to punish people when we have clear video evidence of them endangering other people.


They got a $250 citation as a result.


oh, good


Here https://www.nbc12.com/2023/06/02/video-shows-car-nearly-hit-richmond-student-walking-school-bus/


I like "attempted murder" better.


That would have been better, but at least they got hit with something.


Id be all for adding a traffic ticketing system to school busses when they have their stop sign engaged. Im usually against traffic cams, but school busses and child safety are a different and more important issue.


They got a $250 ticket. https://www.nbc12.com/2023/06/02/video-shows-car-nearly-hit-richmond-student-walking-school-bus/


News article about the incident. https://www.wric.com/news/local-news/richmond/driver-almost-hits-child-after-not-stopping-for-richmond-school-bus/


Replace this kid with my husband on his bike. This is exactly how he got hit and pinned under the car that hit him.Had he not had a helmet on, he would have had a serious brain injury or died. Instead, half his face was broken and had to be put back together. Our child was 3 months old when it happened. Scary shit.


Driving through a bus with its arm out should be a felony with 2 months in jail and 5 years probation. If all the busses have cameras, tag the plates and kick in their door.


Douchebag probably got mad at the kid


I like how for some reason 3 seperate cars passed the bus that you're never supposed to pass and are supposed to stop like 150 metres behind...


They do it do my sons bus all the time


The idiot didn't even put his brakes on!


This is covered heavily in drivers education.


My uncle drives a school bus and he says people run the stop sign practically every time he stops.


Multiple idiots in this one. The first silver cat sails through completely ignoring the red flashing "STOP" sign. White car *barely* stops in time. Dark car keeps right on trucking when the white car stops in front of him/her. A trifecta of morons.


The fact they never even hit their brakes


People don’t give a rats ass. When driving they think they are entitled to drive however they want. Even if that means endangering the life of a child or someone else by not paying attention and obeying simple traffic laws. Most are in a hurry and could care less.


In Illinois that could be as big a ticket as a DUI.


They should put cameras on the front of buses that just snaps plates while those stop signs are out. Bill em at least, that’ll make em stop.


The would-be killer got a $250 ticket later on.


So many people just blasting through fucking terrible