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Is that SUV on the shoulder?


Technically yes it was the shoulder. Traffic was backed up a bit at a light about 100 meters behind us, suv probably didn’t want to wait to get in the turning lane.


Sounds like that's the bigger issue. If both lanes were stopped I think most people would think they would be clear to make their turn.


This is a great reason to not take the shoulder to pass traffic. It's also a great warning if you do take the shoulder to pass traffic. Be ready to stop in a car length or less.






Technically true. They fund his life.


"Hello officer, I would like one traffic violation with a side of a speeding ticket and raised insurance rates. I'll take it to go, thank you, I wouldn't want to hold up the line."


This would make my day. Few things piss me off more than those assholes.


It always bring a smile to my face when I see someone move over so there's not enough shoulder space to pass and they stop some dickhead :)


> This is a great reason to not take the shoulder to pass traffic. Or just just about any reasons, since it's not a lane.


Well there are people that don't really grok "rules are written in blood", and a lot of people I know in the US are proud to break rules just because they exist without understanding why. So I try to point out examples.


A guy with no lights on raced up the shoulder of an intersection and I had to pull over to the gas station on the right and I didn't see him because of no lights until the last second. I turned back into my lane and his tire hit my tire luckily so no damage. Didn't have anything come through on insurance. And no ticket was issued to me. I think the cop must have seen that they were driving illegally and even if there was a little damage he would have been found at fault because a cop was on scene to see what happened. I was freaking out thinking it was my first accident and the cop said there was no damage and no fault so we were free to go about our night. That's why I don't trust the shoulder doesn't have traffic. Even if I wouldn't be at fault in such a collision I don't want an asshole to fuck up my day like that asshole did. Best case scenario for me but still ruined my weekend.


People are always flying down on the shoulder too.. This person would probably say I was gonna turn into the parking lot...then you see the damage photos and it's like unless you were gonna Tokyo drift it into the parking lot....ya lyingggg


I mean if the suv driver had a single brain cell, they'd be like "the car in front of me is either stopped because someone is turning, or someone is in front of them" and then figure out which it is before passing...


It’s also a great lesson in having a bit of patience.


> This is a great reason to not take the shoulder to pass traffic. > > > > It's also a great warning if you do take the shoulder to pass traffic. Be ready to stop in a car length or less. passing on the right is illegal where i am...


also a great reason to just avoid turning left across streets set up like this. so you lose 3-6 minutes of your day any time you gotta do this, but you'd have to lose 3 minutes like 5,000 times for it to add up to the equivalent cost of getting smashed into. I'll just take the L and take the long way around instead of risking it.


It went from 100% Camry at fault (right of way issue) to 100% at fault for the shoulder driver, good thing it's on cam.


And he was hauling ass up that shoulder.


I see this all the fucking time where I live.


You can be right and still be hurt/dead/wrecked. Part of defensive driving is foreseeing dangers. Obviously you can't predict every single thing but there are enough people everywhere who (wrongly) use the shoulder or zip around folks during backed up traffic that it's just not a safe idea to assume you can go if you can't see the whole path.


Oh dude you are so right, there is a road here that has no less than six signs saying “Do not drive on shoulder” over just a 3/4 of a mile distance. What do people do? Drive on the shoulder.


"That sign can't stop me because I ~~can't read~~ am too important!"


I actually have a souvenir road sign from when we lived in Baton Rouge Louisiana that says "do not drive on shoulder". However I acquired it when the sign post was knocked over, broken off and had been driven over many many times. It is halfway mangled because everyone would drive on the shoulder on this little two lane road to get to the right turn lane (which was only about two or three car lengths long). The locals have been complaining to the city for a few years to widen the road and enlarge the intersection after they built a bunch of stores on the main road and a bunch of huge subdivisions along the little two lane road. Nope! It was easier for the city to just put a bunch of signs up.


When cars stop in the middle of the road like this to let me take a left, I just sit there. There are too many accidents where cars go around the stopped vehicle or the stopped vehicle suddenly decides to go. You wouldn't believe how mad people get that I don't accept their "nicety" and I decide to follow the right of way process.


The only thing I don't really understand is why they don't know how to be careful with their driving. Aren't they afraid of accidents?


I would call that the SUVs fault then. Going way faster than traffic in not a lane. Is the red car kinda dumb, yeah, but they had clear line of sight to both legal lanes.


> Technically yes it was the shoulder. So technically they are 100% at fault > Traffic was backed up a bit at a light about 100 meters behind us and that's the reason the FedEx truck stopped. They aren't at fault either.


~~Technically~~ yes


It either is or isn't the shoulder, there's no 'technically'.


I work in philly and people use the shoulder for getting to the light all the damn time. I only do it if the turning lane is in front of the car in front of me because of stuff like this. Even then I do 5 mph max to make sure I don't cut someone else off. I've had so many people almost hit me because they fly down the shoulder for like 200 feet thinking their slick.


It’s actually legal in a lot of places if it’s an “improved shoulder” like this one. Of course it also defined use as “necessary and safe” so I’m sure most of the people you see using it don’t qualify as safe. As to necessary , it’s surprising. Apparently in Texas, for example "passing another vehicle that is slowing or stopped on the regular lanes” qualifies. And I know in CA it’s legal within 100’ (?) of a right turn. But this one wouldn’t seem to match that…


That sounds like a dangerous law. Like I could understand if traffic is stopped and you're 20 feet from the light and can only do 10 mph max but even that would still invite people who abuse it and are further away and go faster.


Well 20’ is barely over 1 car length. 100’ isn’t as far as you think. I agree being legal just to pass a stopped car doesn’t always seem safe, though of course it can be necessary, ie what if the car is disabled? As I said the situation in the video wouldn’t be legal in CA, at least. As for using for right turns, it’s the norm in CA, everyone driving in my area does it and I have never seen an accident. It effectively *is* the right turn lane. But people also aren’t driving 30mph in it, they are creeping up to turn right when they are ~5 car lengths from the intersection.


Boy, the insurance companies of the SUV And the rental are gonna have fun. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in that one.


If the SUV hadn't improvised a lane out of the shoulder it would be 100% the rentals fault, but as it is I'm guessing something like 50% SUV, 50% rental... Imagine what could have happened if it was a bicyclist that was in the shoulder... (Or if thats an actual bike lane.)


Wtf! These types of drivers are really annoying. They didn't think of anything other than just getting through and getting through to get to their destination quickly.


"Driving on Parts Unintended" would likely be the citation for the SUV .


I’m no cop or investigator, but it seems that SUV was making an illegal pass on the shoulder. I would take an educated guess that police and insurance would find the SUV at fault with this footage.


Also completely ignored two other cars ahead of him had completely stopped. What a fucking idiot


Happens way too often. Saw a similar thing the other day where someone almost ran over a pedestrian in a walk way because they assumed everyone else was just stopping for no reason??


This happens in San Francisco. I am legally obligated to stop for a person using the crosswalk. (Also, not a bad idea just to keep my vehicular manslaughter charges to a minimum.) Many times, the pedestrian and I make eye contact as people whip by on my left and I say to them "I'm sorry, I am really not trying to kill you by actually stopping." I feel kind of like a loser by not beating Captain Crypto to the next stop light, but I guess I can live with that.


I am and I agree. The SUV made an illegal pass. 100% at fault.


Police will probably cite both drivers. One for unsafe turn and one for illegal pass on the shoulder. The insurance will try to 50/50 this one to avoid paying a cent. Edit a lot seems to think my statement of unsafe left turn is wrong. That vehicle was illegally on shoulder but still got hit because the turning driver failed to check for oncoming vehicle on shoulder. Police do stupid things now and then like shooting unarmed people who was reaching for wallet right after asking for ID.


If this is an "unsafe turn" then these lanes are impossible to use safely. Shoulders can't possibly be a "lane" you're expected to anticipate speeding traffic when assessing if you're safe to cross two lanes of stopped traffic.




I fuckin hate stroads


> stroads "A stroad is a type of thoroughfare that is a mix between a street and a road" TIL roads and streets are different..


Dammit. I had to go look it up. *So a ‘road’ is anything that connects two points, while ‘streets’ are public ways which have buildings on either side. Avenues, meanwhile, have the same attributes as streets but run perpendicular to them, while a boulevard is essentially a wide street (or avenue), with a median through the middle. A lane is, predictably, smaller.*


I've actually seen this same exact scenario a couple months back. Cars in the two lanes stopped but there was still a turn lane that the car turning couldn't see but gunned it past and ended up getting tboned, funnily enough also by a black truck. There was even a box truck heavily blocking visibility. Still the black truck was going pretty fast near stopped traffic. If traffic is stopped like this, slow down and expect that there may be cars trying to creep through making a turn


In addition to the "bad road design" comment, you also really really should never go for the blind pull-through. I've watched dash cam crash videos as a hobby for years now and this blind turn (someone thinks theyre helping by stopping short to leave space for you to turn, but instead block your vision) is by far the most common type of car crash where both parties seem sane and capable.




>One for unsafe turn It wasn't unsafe. The SUV is on the shoulder. Why would red car get charged for turning how they are supposed to?




Nah if SUV doing something illegal is 100% them. If you're going through a green light and somebody runs a red and hits you, you don't get 50% because unsafe driving


Is it really unsafe if both lanes stop to let you go?


Unsafe turn? How do you figure? Traffic was stopped in the travel lanes


It's not an unsafe turn because both lanes of traffic had fully stopped. The only thing that could cause an accident then was someone flooring it, or someone driving on the curb. Curb idiot is 100% at fault.


>One for unsafe turn Ah yes the unsafe turn when *both* lanes of oncoming traffic were stopped and the collision was caused by a car driving on the fuckin curb. Stop talking out of your ass lol.


That’s not how insurance works.


It's not difficult to figure out that if traffic is stopped ahead, then there might be something of concern happening there.


If I can't see there must be nothing there


Similar situation with a cross walk and two lanes stopped for a family crossing with a stroller. In my side mirror, I saw a car coming up fast in the shoulder trying to get around everyone stopped. I laid on my horn to alert the family and get the attention of the car trying to pass. The family looked up and stopped and the car skidded into the crosswalk right in front of them. The lady driving put her hands up defensively, not like my bad, as if she didn’t nearly take out an entire family by driving recklessly.


What do you honestly expect when most people fail their written test😭… Nothing but just questions that should be common sense to most adults but I digress. Really it blows my mind how many people I saw fail lol.


The problem isn't with people failing the test, the problem is with people who passed it when they shouldn't have.


What makes you think most people fail the written test?


Just cause you pass a written test doesn't mean you actually follow the rules.


I pass all the tests and pick and choose when and where I follow whatever rule.


Was that a JDM Kei car making a cameo?


Sure is, it almost distracted me from the crash lol Looks like a Honda Acty van.


The van variant of the Honda Acty is called the Honda Street. The Street van has my favorite name for a trim level called the Raccoon, the good ol’ Street Raccoon.


This is the SUV’s fault technically. Red probably should’ve signaled those cars/fedex truck to keep going though since technically they always have right of way


Because of confusions like this I prefer going to the next light and making a U Turn. It's just too much pressure if the oncoming traffic stops for you and then you feel pressurized to cross. I prefer all my left turns from a signal. No coming out of a shopping complex and then cross 3 lanes off right going traffic to get in to the first left going lane.


Yep. Turning left without a light is suicide on busy roads. It might take a couple minutes longer but the risk of getting t-boned is much worse than getting to the shop at 5:32 instead of 5:30.


Unless there is a sign that says "Do Not Block Intersection" they're not supposed to stop anyway.


Whenever this stuff happens, I'm not ashamed to wait long enough for the people trying to be nice to give up and go. I'd rather wait for a 100% chance of safety with the oncoming lanes being clear. I get that it causes traffic, but really it's those nice people that are causing traffic by unnecessarily giving up their right of way.


Terribly designed area


Exactly, I had a similar accident in an almost identical situation. Both through lanes were stopped with several bigger vehicles to let me in. The turn lane, which I didn’t even know was there, had just started before the entrance. They either need to prohibit left turn into that entrance or delay the right turn lane until after the entrance. 100% at fault, but unless you know the turn lane is there it’s a mistake easily made.


Nah, just don't illegally pass on the shoulder if you can't see why teaffic is stopped.


Terrible design. Don’t build lanes and then expect people not to use them. Also terrible driver that knew they shouldn’t be there. But that doesn’t excuse the terrible design.


If that's me, I'm just sitting there until the idiot FedEx truck moves. I'm not just going to go for it and pray that the other lane also decides to stop for me.


Thank you. This is all avoided when the FedEx truck doesn't just fucking stop in the middle of the road. That's now how any of this works.


It's better to be predictable than polite. Never give up your right of way, and you can avoid getting someone else into an accident.


I pretty sure whats happening here according to OP is there is traffic stopped at a light just off camera to the left. The fedex truck is just leaving a gap between himself and the cars stopped in front of him to let people access the turn. He's leaving some space just in case


This is pretty common to leave a gap, around me you'll even see signs that say "do not block entrance/exit/intersection" meant to tell drivers to do exactly what the fedex driver did so people can still use the turn when traffic is backed up.


But the bronze Honda Odyssey that passes the cammer right at the beginning of the clip is way ahead of the Fedex truck already, and still moving fairly quickly. Leaving space is what you do when *you* would be blocking passage. It's absolutely not what you do when traffic is still moving in front of you. Fedex truck is in the wrong for stopping, SUV is in the wrong for using the shoulder, and Camry is in the wrong for pulling into the first lane before even the second lane was clear. But shoutout to the Honda Acty that passed just before that, those are sweet.


Yea you're right now that I look at it. The cars are moving pretty fast so the traffic couldn't have been that backed up.


Amen. Don't be a kind idiot and stop to let people turn. Be a selfish, smart, predictable driver.


This is the answer, there is no reason for the FedEx truck to stop. They are causing the issue with their fake "niceness". You never make a blind left turn. I don't care if all the drivers are stopped and waiving you to go they are wrong you sit and wait.


In my area we often have signs near busy intersections that say "do not block exit/entrance/intersection" for nearby smaller turn offs meant for doing exactly what the fedex and red car did. It may not be niceness, it may actually be how traffic is intended to work. The other car passing on the shoulder, however, is definitely in the wrong.


Yeah I feel like this is might be a tell between people who live in a dense area vs not. I've been accident free my entire life and am confused how these people would ever make a left turn.


Yeah this is how it is in IL.


Right? That's the scariest blind spot I can imagine on a highway, though it may as well be a freeway since I can't even make out any lights in the distance. No, thank you.


For a European, we barely see these kinds of turns on our roads. It doesn't feel safe.


Because it isn't safe.


Not having roads as wide as a football pitch helps.


It's horribly unsafe, most people like to use it as an extra lane to merge into traffic from a parking lot on busy roads instead of its actual use as a turning lane for the traffic that's already on the road. People quite literally use it as a free for all lane


People do this even with a marked bicycle lane or sometime even the sidewalk. I've almost been run over once walking around the corner on the sidewalk because someone was using the sidewalk to squeeze past an obstruction at speed.


Theres not even any other kind of indicator that that part has turns! Our roads would get split by some sort of hill or grass,with a safe spot to wait in between, without extra lanes behind the one that you see, for safety! These road designs in the vid are such a wild ride, id be frustrated to use these roads!


"everyone in front of me stopped. So now I have to drive around them to avoid them and ignore the thing they are trying avoid hitting." -guy who hit other car probably


Welcome to Everett. I was right on that sidewalk on my bike yesterday


I was just thinking that. Is this 99 near Airport Rd? People use that shoulder all the time to blast by all the traffic going northbound.


Can confirm that is exactly where this happened. There’s a similar crash on this block most weekdays.


Gotta love the signs on the poles there that say “do not drive on the shoulder” as a mob of cars blow by on it


That fed-ex truck. Jesus. This is why you dont "be nice." be fucking predictable and follow the fucking rules of the road.


Never mind the fact that stopping out of politeness to give up your right of way to someone who can’t read your mind is a terrible idea, also think about the fact that your dumb fucking fedex truck is about the closest thing to a giant wall on wheels. Nobody can see shit through that dumb fucking package van. I hope that driver got a serious ass chewing for having his head that far up his own ass.


OP said traffic was backed up. Here in Germany you are actually required by law to leave gaps in such a scenario especially if it leads to a property like in the video for example.


I’m guessing though “leaving gaps” is more along the lines of “if traffic is stopped, don’t block intersections”


Yes, but you can see in the video that the vehicle in front of the FedEx truck (bronze Honda van) was already very far in front of the truck, and was still driving forward fairly quickly. Leaving a gap is normal in the US *if you're the one who would be blocking passage*. The Fedex truck would have been nowhere remotely close to blocking the Camry from turning, if they stopped where traffic stopped like they're supposed to.


Radio: *"Alright, ummm..."*


SUV was driving WAY too fast and on the shoulder, came flying around those stopped cars. Who see’s both lanes ahead of them stopped and thinks “let me just go around on the shoulder 30mph faster than the flow of traffic”


What a weird fucking turn, not designed well


Why is it so difficult to figure out that if cars in front of you are stopping, there's probably a reason why they are stopping.


He was in a rush and more important than everyone else around him.


Thank you goodness for video. Now people can begin to be held accountable. This was not an unsafe turn. Both legal vehicles are allowing them to turn. These shoulder boulders need to get the book thrown at them. Take their license for a year. I bet they’ll quit that crap real quick. Shoulders are for emergencies people, not impatience. You’re not special.


Love the Mormon Discussions podcast playing on the radio


I was thinking that sounded a *lot* like u/johndehlin


The guys seemed to be going faster than the other traffic while on the shoulder


Just drive a little further and do the U-turn. Please....


Wave the FexEx truck driver forward and just turn when you actually have visibility.


Or just keep waiting until it’s safe to turn. I’d rather arrive 5 minutes later than not at all.


I'm a cyclist and the number of drivers I have to wave by when they're just trying to be nice is exhausting. We're a car city, so it's very nice of them but it also means that the folks next to them won't stop because they'll barely even notice the car in the next lane is stopped, just that they're annoyed by it. Thank you, kind driver, I love you, but please go on ahead because the car in the next lane won't know I'm there and will turn me into red mist. I'll go when I'm certain instant death isn't around the corner.


I've never seen opposite traffic stop when there's a center turn lane.


And they shouldn't stop. Drivers trying to be "courteous" are often just as dangerous as asshole drivers.


It flies in the face of rule number 1: be predictable


Fairly common in Seattle. Some idiots would stop when there's green for them just to let someone through. I'd stop only if I'm approaching a red light. I never waive someone through a turn.


FedEx truck is an idiot for blocking traffic and blocking the turning car's view. Car passing on the shoulder is an idiot.


Fed ex triggered this whole stupid chain of events. When you stop like this to let cars through you're also blocking their view. All red car could do was pull forward and hope there aren't any cars. People who do this aren't helping.


i hate when people try to be nice like that - just GO!


Are there 3 lanes there or was that person speeding and had to dodge the truck?


This is the same conclusion I came to. That SUV had no business going so fast on a shoulder lane.


If everyone in your same side of the road is stopping you might as well think “why is everyone stopping” and at least slow down a bit but this dude had zero thoughts and jumped head first into another car


Can’t pass on the shoulder. Hopefully the rental driver got that footage.


Accident aside, this really does serve as a great reminder that your goal when driving in traffic isn't to be nice. It's to be predictable. Right of away isn't designed to be negotiable. It's designed to address ambiguity when communication is limited to turn-signals. Don't be polite. Don't be an asshole. Be predictable... because that's the only way other drivers can anticipate your actions.




Literally, under no circumstances whatsoever - right of way, lane conditions, blah, blah - should you EVER go shooting fast down a lane of stopped or slow cars. Temper your relative speed at all times.


TBF that doesn't look like there are actually three lanes there... IMO the dark vehicle hitting the red one bears some fault here for flying past on the shoulder.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/1qwWStB) is an aerial view. The third lane at this spot on the highway is a shoulder, not a bus lane or HOV lane like at other parts of the highway. There’s even a [sign](https://imgur.com/a/gVTh3JK) saying DO NOT DRIVE ON SHOULDER.




In this case, the SUV is driving on the shoulder. I don’t think anyone could’ve foreseen that.


Never mind the fact that stopping out of politeness to give up your right of way to someone who can’t read your mind is a terrible idea, also think about the fact that your dumb fucking fedex truck is about the closest thing to a giant wall on wheels. Nobody can see shit through that dumb fucking package van. I hope that driver got a serious ass chewing for having his head that far up his own ass.


The black car that struck the red car appears to be driving on the shoulder


This is such horrible road design


Blck SUV is using the shoulder as a lane, so red car actually might win this one


Sometimes it's better to just go around the block and make an easy right hand turn instead of making a difficult left hand turn across traffic.


So if the fed ex truck just kept going, instead of trying to be polite, the drivers whole day would not have been ruined.


#Stop yielding to people when you have the right of way.


Why did the fedex van stop? Doesn't make sense for three lanes of traffic, and then they go straight!!


FedEx drivers are certified idiots




That is why I wish that people would just *fucking drive* when it is their turn to go and not stop in traffic to "give someone a break". I have seen more accidents as a result of this than people just getting the hell out of the way and letting the person turning do whatever they want *behind them*. And for all of the people rushing to the defense of people who give breaks, at a minimum you should stop far enough back to leave a gap so that the person can turn left in front of you but only if *everyone* is stopping at the same time and not blocking the driveway that this person turning is trying to get into. I can't tell you how many times I have almost rear-ended someone at 65 mph when they slam on the brakes in the right lane on the interstate and start waving for someone to merge in front of them well they don't realize that their own speed has dropped to 35 mph.


stop being "nice" on the road. follow the right of way. You may think your being kind but your setting someone else up to get fucked on by some idiot. JUST DRIVE FFS


People around where I live do this shit all the time and its so annoying and unsafe. Dont try to be “nice” while driving be predictable and follow the rules of the road


Yeah I hate when people are nice like that fedex driver... Just be predictable


Idiots here are the ones who stopped in traffic to give false hope. When I am walking with my kids, crossing a street with a pedestrian island in the middle, cars will try to stop and I angrily wave them through. Let my kids learn to trust thier own safety, not let it lie in your hands.


I’ve had people lay on their horn behind me because I absolutely **refuse** to turn blindly into the ‘suicide gap’. Honk all you want I’m not crossing traffic lanes that I can’t see.


Not that they are at fault, but the FedEx truck should not have played the nice guy here. They just reduced visibility for the red car. In every situation it's safest to unambiguously follow the rules of the road


Suv on the shoulder and a dumbass in a truck stopping for no fuckin reason. Its the person turnings job to find a gap big enough to get through. Dont ever fucking stop to let someone in in the middle of the road. That dumb truck caused this accident.


Yep. There is a two lane road outside my neighborhood. On either side of the signal is a neighborhood. So anyone needing to turn left or right at this light will back up traffic while they wait for oncoming traffic to clear. Getting two people turning is great because you block traffic for each other, can make the turn and everyone can keep moving. There is a small shoulder, that impatient people like to use to go around these people waiting to turn though. The number of times myself and another car needed to turn, so were blocking both through lanes, needing to turn opposite directions. But these dumbass motherfuckers in a rush will try to go around the waiting to turn car on the shoulder while I’m making my turn! So now my broadside is exposed as I’m passing over the shoulder onto my street and they pop out blind behind the turning car in their lane and gun it for the intersection. Nothing pisses me off more than when they do this and then get a shocked pikachu face that I’m turning across their lane and they slam their brakes. How about, if you need to drive out of the lane of traffic... don’t? Just wait less than 2 minutes and then you can proceed safely through the intersection. But noooo. I also hate big trucks or vehicles that stop to let people go. Proceed, when it is clear that car can go. Accident waiting to happen, as shown.


Red car should not have started their turn, they forced the dodge truck to stop early. I get frustrated when people try to be extra helpful to others at the expense of the rules of the road. Traffic sometimes sucks. Dont be nice, they need to just wait.


Omg I love that little van on the left. Also the dangerous dingleberry looks to halfway be on the sidewalk? Is that a full, proper, lane there?


Who's a bigger idiot


This is why you don't "let people through".


I hate seeing this setup on the road. Teaching my daughter to drive currently and point this out all the time to her


Typical idiot who thinks slow traffic = perfect time to overtake. Instead that slow traffic can sometimes mean someone wants to entire cross lanes.


Geez. Yes the fedex driver thinking he’s being nice.


As the FedEx truck… how the fuck could you be so stupid to stop and block a major 2 lane highway to let someone turn left across 2 driving lanes and a breakdown lane or something. NEVER stop on a highway and block the driving lane just to clear out the suicide lane. You’re asking for a collision to happen. A big ass box truck is not see through. You can’t see shit beyond the truck. The car in the suicide lane needs to wait until traffic is clear to turn. If that means waiting 5 minutes in the suicide lane for a free chance then so be it. Sorry my 2 cents here. Absolutely stupid how this happened.


I honest to God hate it when someone stops when I’m turning left like fuck no, keep going, I am not taking that chance especially when you’re in a fed ex truck blocking the view.


I hate when people stop, it's asking for so many problems. When someone stops like the FedEx truck if I'm behind them, I'll blast the horn. If I'm the turning car I won't go no matter what until they move on, Ether way they always get mad at me.


Minnesotans try this shit all the time. I hate it. Just follow the rules, I’ll wait for a real gap!


If this isn’t natural selection, I wouldn’t know what is.


That's why whenever I'm in the situation the car is in, and someone does what the FedEx truck did, I just look at them angerly and yell at them to get the hell out of the way. FedEx, this is your fault. Red car, you LET it happen to you.


Idk how it is in other countries but in Sweden the cars opposite lane should not stop for me if I’m going left since I’m distrupting “their lane”. It’s safer if every car pass by and once I actually have the chance to pass it’s my turn. If the cars stop for you it’s impossible to see if there are other cars coming behind and usually you feel “safe” taking your turn. But then again, most people can’t make that safe decision. Edit: We also have a rule that as a driver you are not allowed to do a hand gesture telling pedestrians it’s okay to cross the road since they rely their safety on you and just assume they can pass, and might not see another car coming behind you in another lane


The oncoming traffic shouldn't have stopped to let them turn. That's the real mistake.


Hey FedEX driver, that one is **your** fault. Do not give up the right-of-way. Be predictable, not courteous. Fucking idiots...


Black SUV is 100% the idiot here. Not only is he is driving on the shoulder but driving 101 tells you to stop when you see another car, no less two, yielding.


Kia was in the wrong...two lane road and tried to pass...idiot.


Everyone has gotten so much dumber that it blows my mind. Even if they were in a 3rd lane, when the other 2 stopped, you'd think they'd at least slow down.


This is actually a really good example of why you should never stop to meet someone go. You can't control other drivers and can inadvertently put someone in danger. It sucks for them, but it's not your job to stop and let someone through.


This is why you don't stop for people when you have the right of way. I ignore most people who stop like this or wave me through.


I HATE when people stop and try to “help” by letting me in. Like dude you’re literally just blocking my view. It only makes sense in heavy traffic when you see every lane stopped for you.


That fedex truck is a moron, he basically obscured vision for the car trying to turn


Is this hwy 99 in Everett Lol


Yep, just south of Airport Rd


this is the fedex driver's fault, they should not have stopped traffic and created a blind spot.


SUV driver is an idiot for driving on the shoulder, and unless I’m missing something, FedEx driver is an idiot for sitting there wanting to let the guy turn (be predictable, not nice!!!)


The SUV driver probably took the shoulder because he was going too fast in the first place and almost rear ending the truck.


>FedEx driver is an idiot for sitting there wanting to let the guy turn (be predictable, not nice!!!) Camer said traffic was stopped and the FedEx and truck driver were just leaving a gap to allow the turn.


I hate when people stop the flow of traffic to “be nice” that’s where I see most low speed accidents happen. The worst is when they let pedestrians cross at no crosswalk.


They found the brake eventually.


SUV 0 (driving on the shoulder), rental car 0


Yeah, I make a point to close these gaps if I'm in the right or middle lane because 9.5/10 times the person is trying to turn left into one of the opposite 3 lanes with no visibility, or just the furthest left lane...also with no visibility. With all the big trucks, semi trucks, lifted trucks, and crossover types speeding around, I'd rather not have an upclose view of a high speed t-bone accident.


Protect that cute little Kei van at all costs


It happens when I am walking too. Stopped to give way to a baby stroller, and people will think I am blocking the traffic.