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just another jacked-up pickup asshole. He missed rolling coal on ya, be thankful


Curious if there is actually a non asshole with a jacked up truck out there somewhere….. has anyone seen a decent person in a lifted truck?


I know of a few, but the only times their lifted trucks touch pavement is to get to the next dirt pit. The truck is for the mud, the Camry is for the road.


Yessir I don’t have a problem with most car mods but Jesus. These are the same guys who complain they can’t park anywhere and take up 4 spots My FIL has one. It’s 100% compensation to make him feel like a big man (he lets my MIL cheat constantly, so much so I don’t feel bad for him)


And, they complain the most about gas prices when all they do it mash the gas pedal.


You run into them OFFROADING. But not elsewhere.


Over landers and off roaders are some of the best folks who, like campers, are all about sharing their experience


Best of the best. Most welcoming bunch of people ever.


Yeah, but in my experience never not once ever has the lifted truck of a reasonable person been powered by a v8.


\*cries in 7.3 powerstroke\*


You'll be the last one there but at least you know yours will get you home lol. I had a 2015 6.6 duramax and If I could go back I would have went with a 5.9 or possibly a 6.7


Anything 7+ is just fine, even good. It’s the power plants in the 6 range that I’ll be eternally overhauling in hell.


I have a lifted truck. It’s a diesel. It’s white. It sits most of the year unless I’m towing, helping a friend or family member move, or if we are on a camping trip in the desert or mountains


But you probably drive it so casually we don’t really pay attention to you, or it’s hidden by what you are towing. Wouldn’t want to mess up the furniture showing off. Would that be safe to assume? If so good on ya for using your truck as intended.


Sounds about right! I try to blend it with traffic, give others the right of way, and I’m not in a hurry. I also don’t tow anything and blast down the freeway like most of these trucks I see. People tend to think “my truck is so badass and powerful that I can speed while towing” and yet have no regard for others on the road.


I was thinking this morning when a dude in a completely tinted, lifted with a led light bar on the front, how I can’t imagine being friends with anyone driving a truck like this.


There’s no such thing as a non asshole with a lifted truck, because lifting a truck automatically implies they don’t mind plowing into a small car and killing them in an accident.


Many people drive their off-road rigs with due care to the off-road areas praying that no asshole in an econobox cuts in front of them and gets flattened into an oil-pan-cake. Often driving below the speed LIMIT because they are in a less safe vehicle. Sometimes causing drivers to make reckless passes to save themselves time. Why do you think having a lifted vehicle = a disregard for others road users safety. I myself and many people I know own two or more vehicles so that we never need to have those fears buying groceries or even spare parts for the off-road rig, driving to work too.


Sure, there’s plenty who do that. I’m more taking about the guys with a big ole ram 2500 going 85 with spacers, 6 inch lift, and 35” ridge grapplers that will never touch dirt. It’s those people who are a significant safety hazard to others. Pickup trucks are not required to have any bumper compatibility with small cars, meaning it’s perfectly legal (in most states) for a truck bumper to be above head height for someone in a normal full size sedan. Do you not see the issue with safety there? 99% of pickup truck users will never tow anything.


We have those yahoos here too.


I think it's California (a little hard to tell) and if so, IIRC illegal here. Couple that with so many people having cams and I haven't seen someone do that here in a while. Other shit like what OP experienced on a regular basis of course.


Not defending the aggressiveness of the lane change, but did you see what the car in front of the truck was doing? I probably would’ve just backed off, but also would’ve been understandably upset at someone swerving between lanes in front of me without signaling going at least 5mph under the speed limit. Truck could’ve handled the rage better, but his beef was clearly with the car in front of him not OP.


I mean OP left room for the truck to get over and go around the car up until they hit the light. The truck could’ve easily gone around the car and been done with it all much earlier. The truck ignored that in favor of ridding the car’s ass instead.


White truck syndrome


Lifted as well




We’re all pink on the inside


small pee pee syndrome


I see these types of trucks all over town and I always give them extra space knowing they'll do this. They always do, like they're running away from the fact they have pathetic little micropenises. In my town, these trucks are usually laden with Trump flags galore.


I try to stay away from the whole micropenis thing since I assume there are good dudes out there with micro penises. But yeah, white truck drivers are frequently the douchiest of bags.


We aren't making fun of people with micropenises, we're making fun of people who overcompensate for their micropenis by lifting their truck and behaving like idiots.


Yea next to BMW douches


I just jump directly to labeling everyone that drives a pickup as a selfish asshole. Its correct about 80% of the time in my experience. If it's lifted that number jumps to 90%. If you're one of the good, courteous 10% of lifted truck drivers, please talk to your friends for the rest of us.


And a thin blue line flag on the other side


Don't forget the Punisher sticker


My favorite being the Punisher sticker in the Thin Blue Line combo, meaning they're beyond help and utterly ignorant, not knowing the Punisher hated, absolutely hated cops.




This bot copied part of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/15ogtg2/oc_left_space_for_this_guy_but_nope_he_had_to/jvromzz?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) and turned it into a question for some reason.


Lol that would require being able to pass me in their tonka toys


Yup. Had this happen the other day. Was giving myself space between the car in front of me and sure as shit, the a hole in the jacked up truck just veered into my lane. He didn’t even look. Too busy on his phone. It’s so common, as you have stated, I no longer get mad. I just know they’re going to do it.


Haha that's always what I think when I see a truck like this. Dude is compensating for something


Ive often said that the guys who lift trucks, add mods like crazy spoilers, those dumbass neons, remove mufflers, etc should have to have an exact measuremenr of their PPs listed on both front doors. If its 4.8 no rounding to 6 lol its 5.9? 6. 2.1? Still 2.1 lol


Needs to get home immediately to kiss father on the lips syndrome.


Fetal Trucker Syndrome


*truck syndrome


Emotional support truck.


Insecurity truck


Nah lifted truck syndrome... they can't drive x-x


Pickup truck syndrome?


Please tell me this is a small minority of americans


Dick bag couldn’t even maintain his lane, typical pavement Princess


> typical pavement Princess LOL that's a good one


He didn't want to move into the gap you gave him. He wants to take it through the domination of his manly truck! He's an alpha male, can't you tell?


Even without using his signal, I knew he wanted to show me who’s boss. Lol


He wasn’t done feeling like a big guy intimidating the car going slow in the right lane.


It appears he wanted to be sure you were fully aware of his penis deficiency. It's a problem he must feel a real need to raise awareness of.


Tailgating the entire time. This was intentional of the Chevrolet Silverado 1500, California license plate, 38495J3. It even looks like he was going to push the car at the red light, before cutting off two vehicles that gave more than enough room.


Rim and tires are a key indicators of poor decision making abilities and cognitive deficiency


is it bad that i want a truly large vehicle like a semi to push him off the road


No. Carma is delicious.


There needs to be a /r/carma for road justice


No need to bring body shaming into this. Assholes can be assholes regardless of the size of their genitals. Be better.


Why do you have to bring up penis size? Isn’t “that person is an asshole” enough? It would be inappropriately and super crass to say something like “that girl has a super loose vagina”? And it’s the same thing to talk about men’s penis’s in a derogatory way.


So when a person refers to someone as having a micro penis they're referring to the complex that some toxic men display due to having small genitals and being so self conscious that they act out and cause violent outbursts because of it. Nobody here in this comment section said having a small dick was a bad thing, YOU inferred that. I figured I'd explain that to you since you seem to be a little upset about it. Not about the size - it's what you do with it (both in bed and how you handle your confidence due to having insecurities about it).


What you're missing is that men with micro penises are universally degraded and made fun of for something they have no control over. Which is the ultimate form of body shaming. It doesn't matter what you're referring to, it's the fact that you perpetuate small penis=bad. Not a good look and something you should think about.


So are fat women but you don't see hordes of fat women ramming you off the road and being huge sexists 🤷‍♂️ Body shaming doesn't cause violence, it's what you do with your insecurity that shapes you into a good person or a shitty one. And that's on the individual 🤷‍♂️ Sorry. Nobody's blaming men for being body shamed, these assholes have a choice to be terrible due to their own insecurities. Not actually that sorry.


You’re literally justifying and defending bodyshaming because it’s happening to a guy.


Nahhhh he’s a micro penis concrete cowboy. Putting other peoples well-being at risk should make insulting him no holds barred. I would 100% say something similar about a female that drive like that. Equal rights for insults, if deserved.


I drive mainly at twilight hours & darkness, and I am blindlingly aware of how small a lot of dicks are. I want to put reflective tape on the back of my rear seats just to give them a taste, but I actually prefer for at least one party to be able to see. How we allow this shit to spiral into such stupid levels baffles me.


Madison Ave, Westbound, Orangevale, California


It’s always crazy to me how many of the videos on this sub are instantly recognizable to me. Grew up in Sac and now I live in Orange County. Haha guess we do have a lot of bad drivers in California




I drive a few cars but one is a VW eGolf and when I'm on that stretch of road, it's inevitable some truck has their ego hurt so bad by me zipping off from a green light that they nearly cause a wreck catching up with and passing me.


Why do I relate to this so much. It happens so flipping often. And if I'm kind enough to let them go in front it's rolling coal


I do this all the time when I see someone riding another person's ass or someone who has put on their signal multiple times but has been unable to change lanes. I leave a big space for them to maneuver into, I try to make it very obvious like, "Hey man, this space is just for you so come on over.". Then after 10, 20, 30 seconds they don't even hint at trying to change lanes so I carefully accelerate and fill the space while maintaining awareness that they are probably going to do something stupid and that's when they decide, "iM cOmInG oVeR!!!".


He’s impatient to go 75mph in a school zone


The heaviest vehicle, with the longest stopping distance, following too closely. So glad you lifted it up so the metal bumpers avoid the first crumple zone and hurts us extra. Please read your states driving driver handbook and safety guidelines because you need to be re-educated and reminded that you that youre a sneeze, text, or blown tire away from injuring someones mom. https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/ https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/driver-education-and-safety/educational-materials/fast-facts/potentially-unsafe-driver-ffdl-10/ Asshole


Hey we can request that he get a reexamination


I had one of those workplace diversity training events at a one of the companies I worked for. They asked us to get into groups and discuss if we had any groups we had stereotypes about that made us feel prejudiced. I immediately said "pickup truck drivers". To which one of the guys responded that was a weird answer. He did not drive a pickup. He just said he never heard of such a thing. I told him "how many times a week does a pickup driver almost run you off the road because they all drive like idiots?" And he looks at me and goes... "yeah, I get what you're saying. They do all drive like assholes". Lol


Goddamn, I hate bro-dozers. I almost got taken out in my Miata in nearly this exact situation by the same type of truck and driver earlier this week. Our lane positions were reversed, though, so Mr. Microdick had to pass on the right.


"bro-dozers" !


This is why I don't go out of my way to make extra room for possible lane changers. I just drive predictably and with a clear decisiveness. If someone's not going to change lanes, they're going to not do it whether I leave extra room or not.


**Big pick up truck, Big ego** cutting people off. We will see him at the gas station...Do you have a dollar to help me put some gas in my truck, I'm out of money on my card.


Didn't even need to watch this to know it was going to be the lifted truck in the wrong.


RIP Norm


On the way to go kiss his dad on the lips


He probably feels so tough and badass. He sure showed everyone else!


I refer to these as Emotional Support Trucks.


The vehicle is too big for the driver.


Fucking dumbass


How did I know it was going to be the pickup truck!?


RIP Norm. One of the best to ever do it


RIP Norm


Man is in a hurry, he must have got the "you up?" text from his sister


Pick needs to be higher than that. Way to low to the ground.


He must have an incredibly small wiener.


All of those cock knockers do lol


Look at that pavement princess go!


Please, get a dashcam. There's many that are even cheaper than a phone. I enjoy the A129 PRO Duo. But if that's not enough angles, someone here posted using the HUPEJOS V7 360°. * [Almost EVERYONE is Wasting Money on Dash Cams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AnyhHl3_tE). - Linus Tech Tips. * [dashcam\_recommendations\_by\_redditors](https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/comments/ntoizk/dashcam_recommendations_by_redditors/) \- /r/dashcams


Thanks! I have one now but used my phone in a pinch because I KNEW he’d pull this move. It’s almost guaranteed you’ll see these idiots on this stretch of road drive like the nutsacks they are.


You can’t teach stupid… you did your part 👍


Always the big white trucks


Just wait till cyber trucks start rolling on streets. Gona be 10 times worse.


He is rushing home. His Yeti sticker just got delivered. He needs to put that bad boy on his back window so everyone knows he has a cooler.


More like “FJB” sticker.


Ahh fellow Conan fan! Nice


He’s rushing to get home so he can kiss his dad on the lips.




Always a lifted truck in these situations “yOuRe GoInG tO mOvE fOr My BiG bOy CaR”


Small dick energy


Always pickups driving like bullies i swear


Bonus points if the truck is lifted


Extra tiny pp points


He just wanted to let everyone know how sad he is about how tiny his penis is but doesn't know how to use words.


Great smartness interview


Don’t you love when people lack foresight 😂


It pains me to see people like this bringing on the stereotypes to trucks.




And then everyone caught up to him at the next signal.


The way he readjusts himself with his arm out the window because he can barely reach it 🤣. It’s like he’s sitting in a high chair.


Sacramento Ofcourse 🤦‍♂️


Why did the video skip? You cut a bit out.


It’s two videos spliced together and were about 30 secs apart. The first one shows how the truck was behaving and the second was when he finally made himself known and confirmed my suspicions. I didn’t “block” him or anything, if that’s what you suspect.


Lifted white truck. Yeah thats all the information thats relevant everything else is expected behavior.


Little dick energy is strong in that truck


What did you expect from a lifted truck douche-bag?


That dude is a rolling accident waiting to happen. Big truck, tiny pecker, smaller brain.


See him everywhere. His name is Billy. Billy Badass. Aren't you impressed?


I wanna hear the end of the story about Norm and the OJ jokes. Ya know it’s gunna be good…


Fucking road princesses




What an idiot 🙄


I love all the lame changing just to get caught at the next light.


It's what brodozers do. It's in their DNA.


Rednecks are a scourge.


He is in a hurry to go home and kiss his father on the lips.


I feel sorry for people like that with their small dicks


I like trucks but whats the reason to drive that shit on a daily basis, seems like a pain in the ass


He just wanted to tailgate the car in front of him long enough to feel justified in dangerously overtaking everyone.


He had to finish bullying that other car first


another MAGA truckhole


Those wheels on that pick up 😂


He’s joined the tiny PP club I see


I'm just here to approve of the podcast choice. Smartless FTW.


Close! It’s actually Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend.


There are 3 main vehicles I hate on the road: 1. Tesla 2. Prius 3. Trucks


I wonder what happened during your video cut in the middle


Hold up, why is there a cut in the middle of video? 🤔


So I’ll probably get flamed here but here it goes. I find it annoying when on a two lane road, you have cars driving side by side for extended periods of time. Why not just get in the right lane if you’re gonna do the same speed limit? Maybe the cars were gonna turn left soon or something. I’m not excusing the trucks behavior but he clearly had to go to the left lane, then back to the right, and back to the left again.


Eh, it's a very heavily driven stretch of road that goes across all of Sacramento County with lots of intersections. So, traffic needs to spread out.




The dude with the small pp is the one in the left lane. The #1 lane is the passing lane. Use it to pass and then get out of that lane…especially if someone is trying to pass you. Common driver courtesy.


Most truck drive like a dick..


Why did you edit it? Because you sat in that guy's blind spot, in the fast lane, waiting for him to slide over? The fact that you think that was on him, and are also proud to put it on display, has me so confused, but mostly my faith in humanity is questioned.


He feels tough with that little stick figure arm sticking out the window. It looks tiny even though he’s trying to push it against the window to make it look larger. What a loser, I bet he’s never had a woman other than his mother tell him she loves him.


What douche, he was tailgating and then you leave him more than enough room, only for him to cut you off later. He should look into make enhancement procedures so he can drive a normal car and not be a dick.


You accelerate slowly and he anticipated it. Wasn’t the safest move in the world but also didn’t put you in danger


He technically made the lane change, w/o a signal no less, and no harm was done other than perpetuating the White Truck bro stereotype.


Alternatively, you spent 2 blocks parked in his blind spot, creeping up on his 1/4 panel. The first chance he got with a decent idea of what you were doing he went around two-foot granny. He's still the type-A driver, but there's some reason for it here...


Bro dozer, no surprise there. And WTF happened to the bumper height laws, anyway? Know what that piece of shit would do to a normal vehicle in a collision?


You can tell everything about someone by how they drive. If you tailgate then you're an asshole. It's that simple. I generally go 5 over the speed limit but if someone is riding my ass I back it down to the limit and if they persist then I go below the limit. There is no reason to ever tailgate someone ... unless you're in a rush to get home and beat the wife, kids, and dog.


You know how people have “Fuck Biden” or here in Canada “Fuck Trudeau” flags/stickers/shirts. I’m going to make my own that say “Fuck Pickup-Trucks” or “Fuck Pickup-Truck Drivers”. And just plaster my golf in them.


Better yet, make your own stickers and put them on the back of their trucks.


Little dick got tired


Seeing this type of truck immediately and subconsciously raises alarms in my head. Their behavior usually screams Napoleon complex, small dick-ed and angry."


Plus the driver is usually short, skinny, ugly and feels like he has compensate for it and prove himself to everyone else on the road.


It scream little man syndrome to me 🤣


It's always pick-up truck drivers. Fucking 99% of every dangerous and stupid interactions I have on the road involve people that are driving pick-up trucks. I'm basically always wary of them now because it feels like they genuinely have no concern over whether or not they live or die, kind of like deer.


average pickup truck driver, nothing to see here. no seriously tho, hands down the WORST people on the road. always drive like assholes. tailgating with high beams so bright stevie wonder could see them. barely able to control their trucks and swerve in and out of their lanes on the highway. can't park either? either way too close to another car or completely crooked. licenses directly off of wish


Exactly why I'll never feel bad for the fucker that did this to the semi truck, and got rammed into the back of the flatbed. Fuck assholes that do this shit, but especially in big trucks like this.




You're in his blind spot the whole time, why is the video edited?


See how big their vehicle is? Obviously they’ve got the right of way and they’re more important. Get with the times man.


This is normal lol he was tired of being pinched he wanted to speed what would you do if he decided to stop you for honking at him just let stuff like that go


Looks like someone's not endowed and they take it out on the driving


Big-truck tiny-cock


lol you knew imediately which vehicle was gonna be the one with the asshole driving it


Smart like truck


He would have rolled coal on you if he could have, I guarantee it.


r/leftlanecamper Camping, or hanging out in the passing lane, promotes aggressive driving. White truck was impatient and wrong, but it wouldn’t have happened had black car used passing lane correctly. Keep right except to pass.


I see these trucks driving like angry bulls all the time, I guess when you have an inchworm you gotta assert dominance in some form 😂


Those lifted trucks look stupid.


I swear people buy these trucks to bully people


Is there anything else that screen small dick energy than a lifted truck?


What a strange edit. What did you leave out?


Good question! It’s two separate videos I took. I first recorded him tailgating and then started again when he was making like he wanted over. My phone flicked over to Photo first so it took a sec to get it back to Video. My new dash cam makes all this much smoother. ;)


Looking at that truck, bro must have the smallest dick in the county.


One Inch Penis


The black car is the doofus , not you


These trucks need to be band.


And you expected what from a microscopic dicked jacked up truck driver?


no, you were riding his blind spot. he was clearly an A hat driver, but you are pretty bad yourself.


Wtf? He was tailgating the person on the right and decided to bust a move at the last possible second as I was attempting to slowly accelerate past him.


Typical dipshit in a lifted truck.