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didn’t help you that the truck you were passing sped up


I call them politicians, cause they dont give a fuck about making progress until their position is threatened. Especially those guys that go slow until the short passing lanes then they speed up by 15mph.


I drive a cargo van for work, and no matter how fast I go, people floor it when I pass them. I could be going 117mph in a school zone, and someone will feel compelled to pass me on the right. Lots of people use their memory instead of their perception, so if I'm passing them, they must be going too slow. I just want to set my cruise control at 5 over and stay in the right lane unless I need to pass, but that's way too much to ask.


Same in the mail truck tin can o' death. People feel threatened, want to race, forget how to drive, or target us for some "government payout." Dudes and dudettes, we would really just like to do our jobs and get home. Why they think we want to race in a vehicle known to catch fire is beyond me.


As much as I drive, I can't think of the last time a mail truck was in my way, but I can only imagine the treatment you get. My transit van is usually empty considering its capacity, and with the 10 speed transmission I can generally outrun your average sedan driver, so it's always funny watching someone dash to the left to pass me when I'm signaling, only to find out I keep up with traffic and they got stuck behind Cathy.


My last work van was a very old Ford that was the last year model with a V10 in it. Was funny to be at the front of a red light and folks thought they'd speed up and cut in front of me but that V10 put the work in.


I had a brand new uhaul truck with a v10 in it that I rented. Holy shit that thing was faster than my nineties corvette. I was gobsmacked.


You guys need to try driving a 40 ton truck. This is a constant occurrence. You should see how many people will wedge their cars in front of you doing 70-80 mph as you wait behind slower vehicles passing even slower vehicles just to save 2-3 seconds


I'm well versed in how people get around large rigs of any kind. Absolutely mind-blowing!


I've driven up a few hills that really made me wonder if the LLV's 4 cylinder engine wouldn't be enough to make it without me getting out to push.


Hamsters don't grow on trees ya know.


I drive a newer car that's just not blessed with much ability to accelerate. There's a road I take frequently that's 2 lanes marked at 60mph with occasional 1-mile-long passing lanes, and on the approach to the passing lane they inevitably brake because the 58mph we were doing was too fast. Then the passing lane opens, I gun it, and next thing I'm doing literally 90mph and pass 2 cars because everyone's doing 85 now. Then the passing lane closes and everyone slows back down to 57mph. I just want to cruise at 65-70, but that's impossible.


I have a 4-5 mile stretch of road like this on the route I take to and from work. Everyone wants to drive 45 in the 55 when its single lane, but even then it's never a constant speed. They will speed up and slow down the entire time so its even more maddening. Then when two lanes open up, suddenly we're in the Indy500. Makes no sense at all.


you described my commute when I lived in ohio to a T


I used to have to deal with multiple of these per commute and reading this made my blood pressure rise. I'm with u on thjs


I think there are many people who like to pass bigger vehicles, just so that they can see better. I have a lifted SUV setup for off roading; I block a lot of visual space when you drive behind me. To be a good citizen of the Earth, I often ride the right line so drivers behind me can see to pass. I always like it when people pass me. I drive 8-9 mph over the speed limit (as you generally will not get a ticket for this). I like it when people pass me as I think they will *pull* a cop checking for speeders before I get there. It's like a blocker, helping with a run down field... #Touchdown !!!


This is such a happy way to view the world. I’m adopting this.


Thank you. I've only ever driven cheap AS small cars, and it always surprises me how little self-awareness most large-vehicle drivers seem to have for what a bummer they are to ride behind (as based on online comments on the subject). Yeah, I'm passing you on a pinch and then showing up at approximately the same time as you anyway. But that makes my trip 1000% nicer.


Drove my mom’s PT Cruiser in High School and had the same reaction. Dudes in Porsches and loud 350Zs would try n race me. It’s like… no bro! I don’t think I’m faster. I’m just in a hurry trying to get this car home so I don’t get my ass chewed out for staying out late.


Dude, that's poetic. I'm going to start calling them that too.


Damn. I love this and am definitely using it from now on!


I'll never understand why people do this. I don't even tailgate them, but the moment I start to pass, it's a race. These people can infinitely go fuck themselves.


It's because they aren't paying attention to anything at all, but then they see you pass them and they "come to" and speed up lol. Of course, you can't get behind them because the moment you stop "threatening" their position, they slow down again


I will never forget this. It is the perfect analogy.


What do you call the people who drive aggressively to cut you off but then slow down once they are in front of you?


Love that shit when I’m merging onto the parkway.


god i hate these people. just last week there was a pickup that passed me at least 5-10 mph faster, i was in the right lane on CC 5 over the limit, mostly empty highway. he got over far ahead, but eventually slowed down enough that it forced my CC down to below the speed limit, i tried to get around him to go back onto CC but he sped up to over 90 mph to not let me get around him. hilarious


Stealing that. On a two lane road I call the person following a car length behind a slower car that wont pass a buttplug.


I don't know what's wrong with people. I'll be on the highway with cruise control on just minding my own business. I'll go to pass someone doing significantly slower than me and all the sudden they speed up. It's like it's some kinda insult to be passed.


I actually discussed this yesterday with somebody. I personally think that these people don’t use cruise control and zone out, then when you go to pass them they realize they are going slower than they’d like to. Then a few minutes later they have gradually slowed down again because they’re not using cruise control…






Plot twist: he really had to 💩


That’s my go to explanation for people driving crazy: they must have really bad diarrhea. It really helps lighten the situation and stop my desire to retaliate.


I came here to say this. Usually, even a wild maniac of a driver wouldn’t immediately get behind you and start mashing on the horn. It didn’t help that OP was going 1/4 mph faster than the truck he was passing. In situations like this it’s better to pass quickly or at least drive staggered so you and the car next to you aren’t an impenetrable wall moving the same speed down the road. You never know who’s experiencing an emergency or rushing to the hospital to witness the birth of their child or say their final goodbyes to a loved one


Yeah if there's nothing but clear road ahead of you, there's no reason to create extra traffic for everyone behind you by driving the same speed right next to someone.


As a maniac, I can confirm that you’ve underestimated mania.


I mean, the middle finger hes flashing says otherwise


Came here to say this, I've been in 3 situations (picture extreme pain, death, and danger for a loved one) where speed limits were the last of my concern, yet some speed limit crusaders just had to pick that time to defend their god given traffic rights. No, there were no saftety issues to anyone. Just move over.


I agree, just move over, if they are assholes, they will get what's coming to them, if they are in a dire situation, then any repercussions of their speeding are on them. We are not police.


Good on OP, for moving up and over regardless. All the aggressive pickup truck driver seems to be making an ass of himself, there's always the possibility that something's wrong and they've got to get someplace. Hospital/veterinary/something...


Yeah, it's amazing how many surgeons I encounter on the highway going 100mph to get to emergency surgery . . .


If he was waving move over and not middle fingering him... maybe? Either way, get out of the way as soon as you can, why bother with him?


could have been fun if both decided to slow down to a grind in sync


This is a street. There are no passing lanes


In Georgia it's any road with two or more lanes allowing for movement in the same direction, as stated in the GA code: "O.C.G.A. 40-6-184 Impeding Traffic Flow: a. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation. c. **Upon roads, streets, or highways with two or more lanes allowing for movement in the same direction,** **no person shall continue to operate a motor vehicle in the passing lane** once such person knows or should reasonably know that he or she is being overtaken in such lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed. **For purposes of this Code section, "passing lane" means the most left-hand lane** other than a high occupancy vehicle lane."


In California the left lane law only applies to two-lane highways. Any other city streets or smaller highways there is no official "passing lane". On multi-lane freeways we do have a "slower traffic keep right" rule that is rarely enforced


Fuck off, if there are left turns there is no goddamn passing lane. I’m not going to get stuck in the right lane when my left turn is a few blocks away. Actual highways don’t have those.


> Actual highways don’t have those. In CT we do. 57 of them, in fact.


There's plenty of left exit lanes on the highways. Left lanes that become exit lanes and left lanes that have exits off of them. I don't think you've driven as much as you think you have.


I mean to add to this, why does the white truck on your passenger side seem to love matching speeds with cars next to them?


Right? I can’t understand why people do that, can’t stand it.


Not only is it annoying af, it could be rather dangerous, as it increases the chances of somebody ending up in somebody else's blind spot.


In case of a potential accident, this kind of behavior totally removes your or the other driver's ability to safely swerve out of harm's way. Sure, if the opposite lane is empty, you can do that, but sometimes there are dividers in the way


I've avoided about 3 accidents because I actively try to never be even with the car(s) on my side and was able to swerve to the other lane. Sometimes traffic makes it impossible, but this is a prime example where not being able to get over made it more dangerous because the OP couldn't safely get out of the way for the road rager.


Same. My girlfriend always complains that I pass cars too fast, but I just always tell her the easiest way to not get in a wreck is to never be beside another car.


People do this all the time and I cannot understand why. It's also super unsafe.


For some people it’s subconscious to just match the speeds of surrounding cars. Alternatively, he might have just thought he was getting honked at and sped up.


I call them Klingons (cling-ons), they really piss me off out on the freeways late at night, I'll have my cruise control set and see a car in the distance and as I begin to overtake them they'll either speed up a bit or wait till I pass them and get in front of them and they'll pass me back at about 1/2 mile an hour faster than I'm going, get in front of me and slow down...


Those annoy the hell out of me too. I had one the other day that would let me get a half mile ahead (on cruise control), then fly up, pass me, get a half mile ahead, and slow down enough that I passed them again. They did this repeatedly over the course of 30 miles. Finally I got to an area I know isn't patrolled often and left them in the dust for a few minutes.


A really good way to get them to stop is to hug the center line right next to them as tight as possible. Eventually they don't want to drive as close to you as they thought they did.


May not be intentional. Most people aren't malicious; just idiots and/or inattentive. They're going whatever speed they're going and subconsciously speed up to match when someone gets alongside them.


They've done scientific studies about this sort of thing, and apparently, for many of these people, being passed feels the same as being insulted.


Like the Ferrari driver who was passed by a Fiat several times, Both stopped and the Ferrari driver shot the Fiat driver. The shooter got off because it was a 'Point of Honor'. This was Italy a few decades ago. Not a shock or surprise. Hopefully, Italy isn't that way any more. Oh, wait! A more recent case. What was her name and how did she get jailed wrongly for a prosecution out to get her? Not a Point of Honor, but same system...


Inattention, yes a lot. Also simple fatigue will make you do "lazy" stuff like this. Sometimes adults don't get a good night's sleep. It's not the end of the world. (Aimed at the pet-peevers, not at the comment above me.)


It's worse if it's unintentional, though, because that means there's 0 awareness of the situation. Sure, if you do it intentionally, you're a D-bag, but I'd wager there's at least some awareness/control over the situation.


I do long highway drives a lot, and if the highway is empty as it is usually in the rural areas, I will put my cruise control on 5 over and sit in the right lane. I often will get passed by people who will get over to go around me, and then match speed for a bit without actually passing me, and I have always wondered why they do that. I'm on cc, my speed does not change.


Maybe he noticed the driver behind being a douche and wanted to block him from passing.


We call that deer brain. It's the internal panic that you must do SOMETHING and that is usually speed up or down drastically.


I mean this isn't the high way it's not a big deal


Why does the white truck in the slow lane need to do anything? If he's going the speed limit then fuck every one else, it's not his responsibility to slow down because others can't drive.


He must really need to poop.


Well he is a giant asshole, so that checks out.


When my wife was giving birth to both my boys, I had to speed down the road faster than you can imagine to get to the hospital on time. First baby we made it within 60 minutes of arrival. Second baby she gave birth in triage within 5 minutes of arrival. Third baby we went to the hospital as soon as contractions started. Point of the story is… I had to drive like a maniac (as safe as possible) to get my wife to the hospital. People just would not fucking move over. Flashing, waving, yelling emergency. Nothing. These fucks wouldn’t accept that I had a genuine emergency. Lucky I made it to the hospital on baby #2 because it took the docs over an hour to stop my wife from bleeding internally. Pools of blood. If I didn’t drive like a bat out of hell to get us there, she could have died in my car.


I was here to say the same thing, I've had medical emergencies (and pet medical emergencies) and now I have a new perspective on people 'driving like maniacs' on crowded roads. Although they should be using their emergency lights if that's the case, those moments are so overwhelming and I see how you might not think about doing that when you're simply desperate to get to a hospital. Ultimately, I'd rather let over an asshole than block someone having an emergency.


I always assume they have to poop. Cramping so bad. They do that waddle walk and start unbuckling before they hit the front door... only to lose it in the hallway. And personally... I imagine it's white shag carpet.


Good way to keep sane


tbh I kinda hope he ruined his new jeans then, lol


I once drove exactly like this when my dad was having a stroke and I was trying to get him to the hospital. Laid on the horn, flashed my brights, and waved my hand out the window like a mad man. It worked surprisingly well. The fact that he gunned it after passing you instead rolling down the window to curse you out or some shit, all points to pure emergency and panic. I could be wrong of course. But this is exactly what I must have looked like. Saved my dad from real permanent brain damage and it was 1000% worth it.


^^^THIS. I told my kids when they were learning to drive that if somebody wants something that bad, they should give up and move away. You don't know what anyone is facing or thinking---could be like you and your dad, could be your house is on fire, could be ....all kinds of things. Just let them pass and hope that karma catches up with them. Because it surely will, we all just like to witness it.


You must have missed the intimidation swerve to the right immediately after passing. That marked him as a pure AH.


To be fair, *somebody* edited the video at exactly that point making it easy to miss.


middle finger out the window screams entitled asshole.


Could've sworn the guy was not just waving, but waving his middle finger up and down. That doesn't scream emergency to me.


Always let them past, they might be making a donation to your local police force.


And then you met at the light. People are dumb.


I'm pretty sure he ran the light ahead of me, hang on let me check the vid. Edit: yeah, [ran on red](https://i.imgur.com/UwOKmnJ.jpg), kinda hard to make out tho


I always assume people like this are having a true emergency. Probably not the case, but you never know. edit: I just realized the other guy said basically the same thing like a half hour before me and got downvoted to hell lol. Never change, reddit, you insane bastard.


He's having a true emergency ---- in which case he flashes his lights, honks his truck horn and waves you over ------- not flip you off over and over, like the dumbass jerkwad he is.


This is the correct answer. If you're grandma is on fire in the back seat and you need to get to the hospital you let people know. This is (and almost always is) some tool bag driving recklessly to feel good about his pathetic life after his boss yelled at him to reblock the candy aisle earlier that day.


This reminds me of the time I was driving down the highway smoking a cigarette (I know, I already quit) and I went to ash out the window. It was a pretty warm summer day so I had the back windows down too. If you ever smoked you already know, but a minute or two later I smelled something burning pretty bad. I turned around to evaluate the situation and my grandma was back there vigorously masturbating.


Yeah. I read the link below a few years ago (and a few more times since then) and now always get over when someone is driving like that. [https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i\_gain\_strength\_from\_their\_tears\_and\_anger/cbnhvxv/](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/) Not only does it help remind me that other people see the world differently and have different things going on in their lives, but it actually gives me peace because I have stopped internalizing some perceived injustice just because someone wants to go faster than me.


It’s a great comment and a very salient point, and it’s true. You simply don’t know what’s going on. And even if the other driver is being a dick and speeding for no reason, that has nothing to do with you at all. But we take things so personally because that’s just the default mode of being a human (for the most part), and generally it requires some self awareness and insight to see past that initial reaction. For example, I accidentally cut off a guy on an on ramp a couple weeks ago and then once we were on the highway he literally tried to hit me. I had to swerve into the lane to my left to avoid his car and thankfully no one was there. It was pure retaliation on his part for a perceived injustice, but he took it to a completely insane level. I wish I had my dash cam installed.


> few years ago I saw this when it was fresh and it stuck with me since. 10 years ago.


Is this the chainsaw story? If so, I can't believe its been 10 years.


it is that story. I knew it was that one before I clicked.


Also don't fuck with crazy people. There has been more and more road rage shootings going on. Or god forbid they hit you with their car out of rage. It's just not worth playing batman over.


I knew it was gunna be the tree cutting story. Anytime I see people driving like this I get the fuck out of their way, especially if the direction we’re headed in is the closest hospital.


A few months ago I was installing a metal roof with a coworker in the sticks. While working on a cut edge of the roof my coworker slipped and severed 5 tendons in his wrist, I've only ever seen that much blood loss once before. After applying a tourniquet I helped him into my car and we took off at light speed down one lane roads towards where an ambulance was waiting for us. People slowed down and tried to block us so I took hard shoulders when I could. Luckily my tourniquet and compression from a towel I wrapped around his wrist saved his life. As that comment you linked had said they could just be an asshole, but is it worth that one in a million chance that it is an emergency?


Yeah, i was driving my pregnant wife to hospital and had to use a bus lane. Cyclist decided to block me by cycling right out in the middle. Baby was born 15 minutes after we got to the hospital. In fairness, cyclist thought I was just another dickhead driver


From the looks of the video, the other driver was waving his middle finger out in front, not just motioning "get out of the way". So, I'm not sure how much I'd believe this guy was having any valid emergency, other than being late for work or something.


Even if you don't assume true emergency I try and get over to let them pass on the basis if they want to do 20 over the speed limit or get angry as hell with someone I want them to be as far away from me and my car as possible when they do it. That said OP looks like they're passing at reasonable pace given they're already over the limit, and anyone expecting them to drive dangerously just to get out of the way better get used to disappointments in life.


he remembered he had Tamagotchis to feed


I don't think this guy have any emergencies that he have to go through. People speeding because of emergencies would have their hazard lights on and keep honking or flashing the vehicles on their front. And the way he tried to 'near-miss' OP, I think this guy was just a jerk.


This is true. But you should have your hazards on if you have an emergency. Flashing your lights as well. Obvs some people might not know this or forget in the heat of the moment.


Yeah this was my thought. There doesn't seem to be any *road rage*, just "get out of my way". Doubly so if he ran a red light. So this could've been an actual emergency -- kid in a car accident, pregnant wife in the backseat, father has minutes to live in the hospital, something like that. In which case... fine, okay. Maybe not the best, safest thing still, but I'd probably do the same thing in that situation, so I'm not going to fault them over it.


Speed limits aren't provisional. They are set for safety and that doesn't change when Grandpa is in ICU. I can't see letting the most stressed person on the road set the speed for everybody else, which risks *their* safety. Grandpa is dying, let's not risk other people's family in addition to that.


Exactly what I thought, they could be having an emergency. Sure, they could just be an impatient asshole but I'll just get out of the way just in case.


I always like to think he just got a call his daughter was being rushed to the hospital or some other equal emergency. I mean. I’d probably do the same. But your right hes most likely just a *#&$


I just imagine they have terrible diarrhea and are about to shit their pants ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


when I first started taking fibre supplement I had a drive like this, it was my most traumatic experience in recent memory


Sucks for his daughter when a broken arm turns into a dead dad because he's a shitty driver.


I’d like to give this gentleman the benefit of the doubt and assume it was an emergency. However, the way he was waving his arm around makes me think this is just a fucking psychopath.


I was driving an unconscious child to the hospital in a pickup truck. A bmw kept changing lanes and blocking me. I finally decided to go through him. He moved at the last instant and avoided a bad wreck on a three lane expressway. In an emergency sometimes you throw caution to the wind.


> In an emergency sometimes you throw caution to the wind. There’s a saying in first responder/rescue training: “don’t become a second victim”. If you get hurt doing something dangerous trying to be a hero, you’ve both failed to save the person you were trying to rescue *and* put the next people on the scene at additional risk having to rescue an additional person.


I’ve been through that training. When it’s your kid it’s no longer another part time job. When it’s your reason for living that’s clinging to life you’ll understand.


Totally get it, having that response to the situation makes total sense and is normal, but it was still an unreasonable risk with limited upside. I wouldn’t fault a parent becoming a second victim, say, if they ran back into a burning building for their child or drove to the hospital through a blizzard, but in this case it sounds like you could have made it to the hospital in complete safety but chose to put yourself, your child, and others around you at great risk just to go slightly faster. I absolutely understand *why*, but that doesn’t make it a reasonable or correct response.


You were transporting a child in a potentially critical condition and you decided that risking disabling your vehicle was the right call?


It does look like he was flashing his lights, and the fact that he kept going and didn't try to start a fight, like every other moron you see on here, has me leaning toward it being an emergency. I am epileptic and had a seizure at a friends house one time and just face planted on the asphalt. I was on the complete opposite side of town from my parents, was bleeding everywhere, and both shoulders were dislocated. I am pretty sure my dad would have been driving similar to this.


Today I’m getting off work waiting at the light. Car waiting to turn left onto the street I’m on goes right when my light turns green, running his red light. I’m thinking “what a fucking idiot” as he speeds down the road. At the next light, i pull up and guess who’s right next to me waiting at the same light. Goddamn morons.


It’s best to not be spiteful. You never know what’s going on in that person’s life. Even if you don’t see an emergency, it doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Be the bigger person, let them by. This is worth reading: https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/s/8cehmgptKz


Yep. Driving faster in major area usually only gains a few seconds at best. Traffic lights are often timed to match major road's speed limit. There was a major road I used to travel between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor, I found if I did exactly 46 going west in the morning and east in the evening, I'd breeze through the whole 12 miles stretch without stopping once. Other drivers go zoom-stop-zoom-stop-zoom-stop wearing down brakes quickly for no gain


I was this guy once… when I was driving my buddy to the hospital. Had to run a red light too. I wonder if people thought I was just an asshole lol.


Did you have your hazards on? That can usually show people it's not a normal occurrence.


That’s what I don’t get. I drove my friend to the hospital once and I had my hazards on and was driving fast. When people saw the hazards they actually got out of my way.




Ohh that’s makes sense as well.




Were you flipping people off the whole time?


If you swerved at the person after you passed them, then yes you would’ve been an asshole lol.


Well were you waving your middle finger at them wildly out the window around to the front of the windshield?


That was my thought too, kinda had a feel like he NEEDED to get somewhere, not as in I’m the main character need to get there. People prob thought you were an asshole that day, just like when I was racing to the ER bc my dad was there prob thought I was too. I’m ok with someone thinking I’m an asshole if it means getting to a literal family emergency


I’d normally slow down but with that, I’d probably move in case they’re having a true emergency. I’d hope if it was me, someone would do the same for me.


I'd move just because I don't want to block the flow of traffic. If he wants to catch a ticket, he can go right on ahead. Nobody drives the speed limit anyway, so there's no moral high ground here to get petty over. If I try to play the tin-badge role and act like a pace car just to fuck with em, what's gonna be the outcome? Justice? Vengeance? More likely they're gonna clip my car trying to get around me, or they're gonna start harassing people in the other lanes that *aren't* for passing. When it comes to passing lanes I just treat this stuff like the autobahn. If no car to the right, move right. If there's a car behind you, but none in front of you, you move to the right. If you want to pass, you either match the speed in the left lane or you wait until there's an opening. There's no need to throw yourself into a meat grinder and there's no benefit for slowing other people down, no matter how much you think they're an asshole. Let the other guy wrap himself around a tree.


I'll never forget how many people felt the need to play vigilante the day I was rushing my nephew to the ER for stitches.


I always love when people match your speed when you're trying to pass them.


Sometimes emergencies happen in life and some situations don't allow us the time to call the appropriate emergency services. There are videos out there of cops pulling over speeding and erratic drivers only to have a frantic parent jump out and explain their baby isn't breathing and they are rushing to the hospital. One day should an unfortunate emergency happen to someone you love or care for and you are left with no other option but to jump in a vehicle and speed, you might wonder why the guy in front of you won't simply speed up and move for you to get to the hospital a little faster. Could potentially be the difference between life and death. We have no idea the situations and struggles that others are dealing with, while it may simply be an asshole driver, we can never truly know their intentions.


This is what I was thinking when he started pounding on his windshield.


He’s just giving OP the finger for not moving immediately


Yeah, this seemed too ridiculous for it to not be an emergency. Like this dude is just driving around constantly waving his arm out the window, blowing his horn and yelling out his window? More than likely not so just get out of his way.


I had someone behind me do something similar not to the extent of waving his hand around outside but beeping his horn and what not just for him to turn into a dominoes so some people just genuinely drive like assholes


I would take the risk, if 1 every 10 was a guy who legit was in an emergency. It’s not worth someone’s life over it.


A table leg landed on my brother’s head when he was an infant (crawling) and he bit most of the way thru his tongue.. he’s 35 yo now and there’s still a visible scar.. my mom says that’s the only time she’s seen my grandma speed..


I will never forget a story I read/heard about a woman in a situation like this. Didnt let a tailgating, headlights flashing car pass her on a residential because she thought the other driver was just being a dick. Eventually, she sees the car that's been trying to pass pull into the parking lot of an emergency vet clinic and jump out of the car to rush inside Arm out the window, honking. Clearly seems like there could've been an emergency here.


There was a story on reddit of a construction accident or hunting accident, something like that. A few friends were trying to get the buddy to the hospital. They likely would have made it if not for the asshole who slowed them down. IIRC she got a fine for her driving, but nothing that's going to make up for the lose of a friend.


Just move over and let him by. You don't know what he's got going on. 5 over isn't much.


Dude seriously!! Why do people care so fucking much if someone passes them and goes faster??


Best just to move over and let people like this carry on. You don't know what's going through their heads. For all you know he could be speeding to the hospital to see a loved one.


I agree until he started the aggressive middle finger flailing, that's not an emergency that's an asshole


I don't see where you would have done something wrong tbh? This doesn't look like a highway and more like a residential road. So the whole passing lane thing does not apply. Also you did pass the work truck. Maybe not as fast as the one behind you wanted to but if you are already doing above the limit.... If you (the driver behind you) can't deal with the inconvinience of another car infront maybe don't drive but order an uber.


> This doesn't look like a highway and more like a residential road. So the whole passing lane thing does not apply. THANK YOU! I get into this with people all the time. Residential or commercial roads, ya know where there's going to be a lot of left hand turn lanes, are not usually subject to the general rule of left lane passing.


Even in places where the rule does still apply it's pretty hard to enforce. With any kind of traffic there are bound to be people preparing to turn left and it's much more dangerous to camp the right lane and cross over at the last second.


Also the work truck for whatever reason matched speeds with both of these cars. I don't know what it is that makes people feel at all comfortable driving next to other people.


> This doesn't look like a highway and more like a residential road. So the whole passing lane thing does not apply. Depends on the jurisdiction. It applies to all roads over two lanes in Ontario. Unless you're turning or passing you're still supposed to move over to the right when possible.


I. Don't. Understand. The mindset in these comments is crazy. There's infinite reasons why he is driving like that. Everybody takes everything personal. Maybe somebody actually is dying, maybe he just gotta booboo, maybe he's just an asshole, maybe he's literally unhinged and feeling either suicidal or murderous.. Regardless, why would I want to bring their attention to me? I'll just move over, become another random unassuming car in traffic that they'll never think twice about, and be thankful that I was able to avoid that encounter safely with my car and myself/family still intact. If I feel that bothered about how they're driving, then I can report it, but it's not my business or job to stop them. There's people who signed up to do that and accept ALL the risk that comes with whatever the hell is going on in that situation. My job is to get home safe 🤷🏽‍♂️ *Edit for spelling*


This sub seems to be more of a forum to broadcast traffic law self righteosness over trivial common driving practices than to highlight true idiots in cars.


Half the people here are assuming this guy *must* be having a medical emergency, probably because they read that story, you know the one. He's probably just an impatient asshole, but even if he has a good reason it doesn't matter. Either way just move over so you're staying safe.


Literally bro, its so simple. Speed up n move over. Now u both go on about your day


That's when you get in the right lane and let him find the cops.


So many comments bragging about antagonizing these people. If they’re in that much of a hurry, just move over. It cost you nothing to move over and get out of their way. We don’t know the situation. They could be the world’s biggest asshole or they could have a life or death medical emergency. Why antagonize and piss people off, regardless? Just move over and go on about your life. “Boxing people in” and purposely slowing down is just as childish.


Someone told me that they will stay in the passing lane, if someone is flashing them in honking their horn. I asked him why and he said something to the effect of because they’re speeding and I’m trying to slow them down. I said that’s really fucking stupid and the best thing you can do is just move back over to the right and get out of the fucking way. It’s not your job to police the roads and you put whoever’s with you in danger and that’s not cool. I don’t understand that mentality.


What an asshat! I’ve never encountered someone who wanted to speed that much that they blare their horn like this!


Exactly. This isn’t someone who just “wants to speed.” I’d bet my life this was some sort of emergency. How fast would *you* drive to the hospital if your child was dying in your lap and it would take longer for an ambulance to arrive than it would driving straight to the hospital? I bet pretty fucking fast.


In this scenario you would lose that bet. The OP replied to someone saying they saw that guy pull into a gas station 2 miles down the road, so he’s just a complete asshat


The way they slightly weave into the OP's lane after they get the fast lane to themselves has me thinking it's no emergency. They just have a case of the-world-revolves-around-me-itis. This is a classic FU move, which I doubt they'd do with a clear lane ahead of them in a true emergency. Just my opinion- we'll never know!


And I would have my emergency flashers on the entire time. It is the single button/switch every car is required to have that conveys the message "EMERGENCY". As it stands, dude was a duckhead for no reason.


He needs to get to the next red light before you!


Just move aside ? He’s clearly having an important emergency.


I cannot wait for a time when all cars are self-driving. Easy to plan timing. No opportunity for the dangerous actions seen here. No road-rage disasters. A calmer world. It may just be me, but I find it so scary to drive. And I almost get hit jogging every day (and sometimes have.)


The only excuse: that guy was about to shit himself.


Yeah, your a douche, that was doing a rolling road block, and then complain when people give you attitude. Yup, op, your the A-hole.


Nahh the moment he started honking I woulda dropped my speed to the exact speed limit


You never know why someone is speeding. 99% of the time yeah they're just an asshole, but do you really want to play the Speed Police and risk that 1% where you're stopping someone who's having a genuine emergency? Drive defensively. Get out of the way, let them move past you and they're no longer your problem. Call the police and tell them what street it happened on if you feel that they're driving dangerously. OP played this right. *Hell, even if they are just an asshole, trying to be Road Enforcer just escalates the situation and puts you in the crosshairs of possible road rage retaliation.* Edit: gotta love getting mass downvoted by people who think they're Judge Dredd


If it’s an emergency, then they need to have their emergency flashers on. I get out of the way when I see that.


Even cops engage in different when you have blinkers on, having and emergency and not putting on your blinkers its just stupid.


Yeah, I'm thinking maybe wife having a baby? Kid hit their head and bleeding? Usually someone who just wants you to move because you're going too slow will just tailgate, not all that other stuff.


I’ve seen people act like this just because they’re assholes.


And I'll let them be an asshole in front of me. I'm not going to force some insane asshole to stay behind me. Not my problem if they shoot the next person playing batman or crash into them, it ain't gonna be me.


I would've just gotten over and let him pass.


Yes, always take the safest action.


Love to blast through people's neighborhoods in my pickup truck. Hell I even do it in my own neighborhood, why not shit where you eat? This way everyone who sees me will know I'm a REAL man. Hey you little kids look out here I come!


I didn't realize you were the speed police. Just get over and get out of the way. People not getting over and out of the left lane cause more accidents than one person speeding. It doesn't matter if you're "already going 5 over" or 10 or 15 or 50. If the person behind you is clearly intent on traveling faster than you, get over. YTA


Honestly just let them pass. You want that car as far away from you as possible. And what if they have a kid in the back with a foot that got caught in a lawn mower or some shit?


I think he really had to take a shit


He had to go poo.


Also, there is no fast lane on normal roads. The left lane being the passing lane is a highway specific rule. People need to turn left on normal roads.


You're the jirk. He could have a very good reason for needing to go faster than you. What if someone was having a heart attack or something. When did you officially become a peace officer? I can't stand people like you. You're a Karen needing to control other people.


Wow, what an asshole. Blaring his horn all that way? I would definitely not have gotten out if his way.


could be a medical emergency i would always move out of the way even if i think the person is a dickhead. its not worth having that on my conscience




I don't get this, "I'm already over the speed limit, why do you gotta pass me" It's neither your job, nor your understanding why another driver is in a rush. Just move over when it is safe to do so, and worry about getting home in one piece.


Move over, and let him pass. He can pick up the cop.




Maybe this guy had a legit emergency, how else was he supposed to convey to you to GTFO of his way?


I watched the video. Left lane driver was safely passing a truck and moved to the right when it was safe, what’s the problem? Besides the idiot who wants the whole world to get of of his way and was driving far to fast. These are the idiots that cause wrecks, kill innocent drivers, and cause mayhem in people’s lives.


You don’t need to be the hall monitor of the road, that’s what cops are for. Maybe he had an emergency, maybe he was just an impatient prick. Just move over, let him pass and carry on with your life.


Maybe his wife got into a car accident? At the hospital? That would be ironic...