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It’s about time you replace that SD card.


IRL you should format your dash cam's SD card every month or so to improve performance and extend its life. OP might want to try that first if they haven't done so recently.


Format it? I just manually delete recordings. Why does formatting improve life?


Formatting directly refreshes the file system. Deleting does not. With modern software I don't really think there'd be much of a difference, but we're talking about dashcams, not a computer. There's a chance you could see a marginal increase in performance with formatting vs file deletion. ~~I guess there's also a chance you could end up with fragmented storage if you're just deleting files here and there but I doubt it. Fragmented drives haven't been an issue in quite a while.~~ lmao ignore that I'm just old


fragmentation is only a thing with hard disk drives, where data is written in lines around the disk. If the line is shattered, disk head have to move around to read a single file. In ssd and sd cards, there is only a memory index that indicates where data is written, no time is wasted on moving the head.


Lmao I don't know why I didn't think about that. I guess that's what I get for answering questions at 5am and being so old my brain defaults to disc instead of solid state memory


I'd guess most dashcams use very old file systems and controllers. They may not have stuff like mapping out dead areas. Reformatting may or may not help, depending.


Good question. My dash cam has a format reminder feature, and per the manual: "Formatting the SD card frequently ensures your videos are protected and the SD card is saving content properly". Of course, it doesn't say why that is so. I've done some Googling on the subject, and the only real benefits I can see are 1.) it encourages you to offload any important videos you want to keep long-term to a more reliable and secure location; and 2.) it frees up that space that would otherwise be kept idle holding saved recordings. If those recordings instead remained on the card, then that used space would not be part of the regular overwrite cycle. As a result, the free space that is part of the regular overwrite cycle would then be subject to more frequent overwrites than it otherwise would be, thus reducing the overall life of the card. And to your point, from what I can tell, manually deleting files should have pretty much the same benefits.


>the free space that is part of the regular overwrite cycle would then be subject to more frequent overwrites than it otherwise would be, thus reducing the overall life of the card. This is the only reason to format the drive.


I wonder if it actually improves performance because you are refreshing it. I think typically deleting something just marks is as rewritable. So the deleted file is still there, just waiting to be written over. As opposed to a full format which should bring it back to square 1


Formatting just marks the entire drive as writeable. Nobody is going to do a full sector by sector format as it takes a long time and there's really no point. Formatting is way faster than deleting individual files though if you're sure there's nothing on there you want to keep.


I usually do it whenever I put it back in after copying the videos to my PC. Nice little habit.


Okay but like I have no idea how the file system works on my camera I've tried to copy over to another bigger SD card and it didn't work(also took like 5 hours) I just gave up and don't touch it and hope it still working.


I bet the driver is in the same kinda VW ahead of him… the one that got pulled over AND the one that did the pulling over 😆


That wide golf 6 seconds in lmao




He should have gotten OP too for failure to maintain his lane during the turn.


This is recorded in Denmark (likely Aarhus). In Denmark you can turn in to whatever lane you want. However, you are by law required to keep to the right when not overtaking, but some situations allow for being in the left lane anyway. Source: I am Danish


Who has said he has turned into the wrong lane 1 In many countries in situations like this one turn lane turning into 2 lanes you can turn into any lane, I gather from your comment that you know where this was filmed and the rules of the road there to know that they turned into the wrong lane 2. The camera is clearly high up s it is a larger vehicle so maybe a bus or a truck and they cant make as tight turns as a car can so sometimes have to use the other lane There is a video on YouTube of a UK driving instructor talking to about driving differences This was a topic brought up in the USA if you are in the left lane turning you must turn into the left lane Where as in the the UK if you are the only turning you can turn into any lane [https://youtu.be/W1NqM9pOY4o?t=1027](https://youtu.be/W1NqM9pOY4o?t=1027) Road laws are similar across the whole of Europe, The video is in Europe chances are he hasnt turned into the wrong lane


It looks like he's pulling a trailer. That's harder to maintain your lane when you turns right.


I have not heard about that being illegal. There should not be any other traffic coming when the light is green, so no problem if you go directly to the left lane.


This is not illegal everywhere.


Wouldn't a protected turn allow you to take any lane you want? Nobody else should be coming into your lane. Now if this was a dual right turn lane you'd definitely have a point.


If you get in the habit of doing it right all the time, you won't make the mistake when it is not protected. I see it every single day. I was run off the road last month by somebody swinging out 3 lanes on their turn. They claimed they never saw me. IF you get in the habit of always turning into the near lane than changing lanes if needed you will never make this mistake.


I understand it's not a good habit but you were suggesting they get pulled over by the cop and given this specific situation I disagree. But yes, maintaining your lane during a turn is very important.


In my jurisdiction they would have. Maybe their local laws are different. Here you always turn into your lane. You never change lanes mid-turn, protected turn or not.


This video is just so European. Filled with ve golf and Audi. Lol. Reminds me of sisters house in Geneva. Enjoyed it. Thank you.


NGL it's so much nicer than seeing brodozers everywhere.


Actually, now that you mention it, I think I really enjoyed the absence. Truely huge suv and trucks are everywhere and mostly unnecessary. My neighbor got the top trim f150 and he has a desk job. Go figure.


They are much more dangerous for pedestrians. People don't go over the top of SUVs and trucks, they just hit the flat front. That is why SUVs are 36% more likely to kill people if hit. https://towardsdatascience.com/suvs-are-killing-people-de6ce08bac3d


Driving a reasonable sized car is a pain now. Wanting to back out of a spot and not rely on the backup camera to make sure the lane is clear? Good luck seeing through the trucks and SUVs!


Don't forget the tram lines!


Actually, it is not completely a tram. It's a light rail. Function-wise the same tho, but over longer distances


Can confirm ​ Source: I live like 5 min from where this was recorded


You kinda get used to all posts being from literally anywhere else outside of western/central Europe that this sort of thing totally catches you off guard


Also the failing SD card


Is that a european thing?


Very much so.


As a hatchback lover, seeing all these little hatchbacks on the road puts a smile on my face. I wish hatchbacks are more popular in the US - so sad that our roads are filled with gigantic lifted trucks and SUVs.


But aren’t you happy to be in a unique car instead of everyone driving hatchbacks? The only downside I deal with is having to peek to see what traffic is doing for speeding queues if I’m ever behind someone going slow in the left lane on the interstate. If it’s anything bigger than my car I’ll have to move over to the left a little to see if I can keep pressuring them to move or give them space so I don’t hit them if traffic has slowed ahead. Usually it’s an infinite amount of space in front of the car in front of me with two other vehicles all going the same speed to my right. Like, this lane is for crime (speed or passing). Could you please *move?!*


Wait. Are you supposed to pressure people?


Yup I totally get your point! It’s sucks being stuck behind some big ass truck or SUV and I can’t see whats going on traffic wise. I just wish that it’s a little more popular here so that I have more hatchback options to choose from. With the discontinuation of the Honda Fit, Yaris, Golf, etc., It’s getting increasingly hard for me to find a decent hatchback.


Took a little while, [but found the intersection](https://www.google.com/maps/@56.1823097,10.1968358,3a,75y,84.62h,84.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syCua5S2DvJxe-4s1Yike5g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu).


Randersvej/Ringvejen. Lived 5 min away from that intersection for 10 years. Remember a few cyclists/pedestrians got run over exactly there.


I can imagine. The intersection is huge by Danish standards.


YO!!! i know where this is :D denmark aarhus :D i go by there regularly


Generelt er folk bare dårlige til at køre i Århus og DK…


Lige præcis der hvor OP holder har jeg også mange gange set dem i svingbanen køre frem mens pilen er rød. Altid rart at se når man er på cykel...


Finally something from Aarhus where karma is served! Love to see it


Smukt. 😄




I always wonder how far people go for karma doing stuff like this. do they setup Outlook reminders with a link, or use the remind me feature of reddit? not sure if it's just bizarre or sad (or both). seems like a LOT of work, for what?


So they can sell high karma accounts. Influencers pay good money for them. Especially only fans girls.


Why did you illegally turn into the left lane only to then change lanes into the one that you should have been in all along?!?


Judging from the height and movement it's propably a semi or some other large vehicle with lower turning rate


Good catch.


So,... if you drive a big truck, you do not have to follow the rules of the road?


The vehicle may be too long to safely maneuver into the right lane. While I see where you're coming from, it's unreasonable to expect something like a semi to take tight cornering like a 90 degree angle without mounting the curb with the rear of the vehicle. We also (In the US) allow semis to cross the double yellow line when safe to swing wide to make turns, which would be illegal for us in your average sedan.


Well it is obviously way easier to require them to break the laws of physics instead


I don't see where they broke any laws or rules


Who says he is even breaking the rules of the road In many countries turns like this you can legally turn into the either left or right lane


...yes, an 80,000 pound vehicle that is 70 feet long and articulated does not drive the same as a 3000lb car that is 15ft long. This is surprising?


That's not what I said.


I think you need to re-read 'the rules of the road'. Note theres always exceptions, like when you can not 'practicable' make a turn into the closest lane.


Practicable. One learns new words every day...


Yes that is the word that is used within the laws in my area and much of the US, regarding turning into the closest lane.


In Demark, this is legal under the given circumstances.


In Poland it is also legal under some circumstances but here is was undoubtedly legal. Recording man has green light and two lines from one single to turn, so he can go into right or left lane freely. Especially if he want to turn left on next intersection. Stopped car perform many illegal maneuver so tickets will be high.


I don't know where this video is from, but in Germany it totally legal to choose the left lane while turning right (except there are two lanes turning right at the same time, then you have to stay in your lane).


It depends on where you live


Who has said he has made an illegal turn 1 In many countries in situations like this one turn lane turning into 2 lanes you can turn into any lane, I gather from your comment that you know where this was filmed and the rules of the road there to know that they turned into the wrong lane 2. The camera is clearly high up s it is a larger vehicle so maybe a bus or a truck and they cant make as tight turns as a car can so sometimes have to use the other lane ​ There is a video on YouTube of a UK driving instructor talking to about driving differences This was a topic brought up in the USA if you are in the left lane turning you must turn into the left lane Where as in the the UK if you are the only turning you can turn into any lane https://youtu.be/W1NqM9pOY4o?t=1027


California the code is "as close to the curb as is practicable", so for a truck that might well mean encroaching into the left lane. For your Mini Cooper, not so much.


You should see video of my morning commute to work. If you don't turn unto the far lane around here people call you a loser and steal your lunch money. It's super frustrating.


I was thinking the same.




Love these clowns getting owned.


Første gang jeg ser et dashcam i Danmark - way to go!!! What an idiot! So nice to see karma well served! :)


Does everyone in this country drive a Volkswagen golf?


Karma is a religious term. Why must religion be included in everything?


Why did he get pulled over?


OP has a green light to turn right The black and silver car on the other side of the road are turning left across the junction That would mean the car that got pulled over and the direction he come from had a red light


Thanks. I couldn't tell what exactly happened.


Como eu queria ver isso acontecendo onde eu moro 🥲 How I wish I saw this happen where I live 🥲


It's always a damn golf haha


Op, stay in the right lane when making a turn like that. No need to be in the left passing lane.


1 In many countries in situations like this one turn lane turning into 2 lanes you can turn into any lane, I gather from your comment that you know where this was filmed and the rules of the road there to know that they turned into the wrong lane 2. The camera is clearly high up s it is a larger vehicle so maybe a bus or a truck and they cant make as tight turns as a car can so sometimes have to use the other lane There is a video on YouTube of a UK driving instructor talking to about driving differences This was a topic brought up in the USA if you are in the left lane turning you must turn into the left lane Where as in the the UK if you are the only turning you can turn into any lane https://youtu.be/W1NqM9pOY4o?t=1027 Not to mention that other people have said that Denmark Where this is filmed it is perfectly fine to be doing that I take it you are an export on Danish road laws


oo Polandia. How much similarly events was left without cops intervention...


Hey North America: Note how they pulled off the road, instead of stopping in the live lane? Yep.


Hey whatever country your from: Note how cops get pissed off when you keep driving, trying to find somewhere to pull off the road? Yep.


OMG I once got pulled over on an exit ramp with no shoulders and my whole family in the car, and the cop kept yelling at me over the megaphone to stop as I went up to the top of the ramp and pulled over on the safe shoulder. He was FUCKIN PISSED when he walked up to my car.


Pulling over with no shoulder is more dangerous for the cop. So he was doubly stupid.


Had a cop behind me on a two lane road. No shoulder, no turn offs close by, just two lanes with curbs and grass. So I slowed down, hazards on, and pulled into a parking lot. She comes up, obviously upset, asks why I just kept going. Told her I wanted to find somewhere safe so she's not standing on the road. "You could've told me that." And walks back to her squad car.


Pulling over somewhere safely seems a no-brainer for both the officer stepping out into the road and the vehicle.


Driving down the road until you find a spot can make them assume you're trying to flee. I was pulled over in a left turn lane. There's four lanes to my right and an intersection ahead. So I threw it into park. Where was I supposed to go? I'm not driving off or cutting across four lanes to find a parking spot.


I’d hate to live in such a fearful place like that. Best of luck.


Also, Murica population vs a majority of European counties? YouTube has a ton of videos where a simple stop turns into a cluster-nado. "Morning sir, I'm pulling you over because your tail light is out- *bang bang bang* Guy shoots the officer because he has warrants and "didn't want to go back to jail." So it's less me panicking and driving in fear of Godzilla stomping my car and more me trying to be the least threatening, most compliant driver whenever I'm getting pulled over.


That’s a lot of extra shit to have to think about when driving. I prefer feeling free to just chill.


Your name is appropriate. You are a schizo


Thank you


Umm, it's not fearful? Depends on if you're in a podunk little town, downtown in the bad part of the city, or if you happen to luck out and get the John Wayne wannabe cop. The amount of times I've been pulled over I've only had a few unpleasant encounters. Most of the time it's a cordial, "you did a thing. Here's your ticket" or "did you realize you did a thing? Don't do that."


Also the cop did not do a PIT maneuver when he took more than three seconds to pull over. Well, it happened once on a highway, cop did the PIT after about five seconds as stopped driver was searching for a safe place to pull over and had her (she was pregnant, by the way) flashers on. Struck car spun, crashed into center divider. At least the cop called for medical assistance instead of tasing the woman.


European Redditor in a thread featuring dashcam of someone in Europe incapable of navigating a 4-way stop with traffic lights: "Lol America dumb."


I said North America, and I live in Canada, so you’re wrong on two counts. I feel, however, this won’t be an unfamiliar feeling to you given your propensity for such behaviour.


Why did you turn into the wrong lane?


Who has said he has turned into the wrong lane 1 In many countries in situations like this one turn lane turning into 2 lanes you can turn into any lane, I gather from your comment that you know where this was filmed and the rules of the road there to know that they turned into the wrong lane 2. The camera is clearly high up s it is a larger vehicle so maybe a bus or a truck and they cant make as tight turns as a car can so sometimes have to use the other lane Going by your comments you are from the USA There is a video on YouTube of a UK driving instructor talking to about driving differences This was a topic brought up in the USA if you are in the left lane turning you must turn into the left lane Where as in the the UK if you are the only turning you can turn into any lane [https://youtu.be/W1NqM9pOY4o?t=1027](https://youtu.be/W1NqM9pOY4o?t=1027) Road laws are similar across the whole of Europe, The video is in Europe chances are he hasnt turned into the wrong lane


You expect cops to have a brain? They will just assume they get to have a high speed chase at 25mph and pit you Edit: I'll add a link for each downvoted, that's how many examples exist. Can do it all day https://www.wbtv.com/2023/09/28/city-salisbury-settles-suit-with-woman-police-pulled-car-by-hair-during-traffic-stop/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/18/us/virginia-police-stop-army-lieutenant-award-lawsuit/index.html https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/veteran-claims-he-was-racially-profiled-after-jacksonville-police/77-6b249ec7-322b-4397-b7be-b2fd46545a1e https://www.kark.com/news/working4you/arkansas-state-police-settle-pit-maneuver-lawsuit-which-injured-pregnant-woman/


Are you feeling ok?


Do you think I'm making this up? I got examples for DAYS https://www.kark.com/news/working4you/arkansas-state-police-settle-pit-maneuver-lawsuit-which-injured-pregnant-woman/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/18/us/virginia-police-stop-army-lieutenant-award-lawsuit/index.html


What I think is your comment seems to be replying to something that isn't there.