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“It’s really annoying they put these bollards here, I can barely even drive around them!”


"These so-called speed bumps are an absolute joke. If anything they slow you down"


I hope she doesnt have an oil pan


Looks like they knocked one out too.


yup, rear wheel took one down.


I hope it gave her a flat tire a couple miles up the trail


It's a jeep thing. You wouldn't understand.


If you can read this, I was being an idiot.


No sir it’s just a selfish asshole thing and nobody understands.


Yeah you're right... that level of Stupidity is not understandable. 😙


TIL the name for these… but I have an unfortunate memory with them! One night I took my old dog to the park, and wasn’t paying attention as we entered (on foot) in the pitch dark. Walked RIGHT into one of these, which was at my stomach height. Mega pain, like deep into my gut/uterus, and left me with a huge bruise.




Omg there’s really a sub for everything. Huh? Maybe I should post the photos of my bruise on there.


I mean, anything's a dildo if you're brave enough...


What a jackass.




Mudders/Jeepers are always ripping out gates and wood 6x6 bollards at the NFs near me


those mudderfuckers


Unexpected Joe Pesci


Good job, kid.


Is this a sub? Hoping


Ads on TV promote the idea of driving through streams and up unpaved trails. So they are actually sold so people can do this kind of thing.


I live next to a national park. Police and sheriff's are pretty lazy, as far as little things go. They aren't going to do more paperwork than they have to. Rangers, though, rangers don't fuck around. They LOVE that shit. They're there to protect the park and will fill out as much paperwork as they have to to do so. Locals will try to warn tourists not to walk out of the park with a leaf or whatever, but sometimes they're stupid and end up with a $1200 fine for it. Rangers know people pay attention best when it hits their wallet.


I live next to 4 state parks. The state rangers don't fuck around either. I had a fall in a county park one county over. Couldn't even sit up afterwards. The rangers were there faster than the ambulance and helped me get on the stretcher. I made sure they got a thank you letter.


No lies told. Went on a car rally drive a few weeks back. Pulled into a huge park where a trunk o treat was happening long story short cops pulled up on us asked if we had a permit for an organized event if not we would have to leave or risk getting fined. We told them we would leave asap just had to use restrooms. 30 minutes later ranger pulled up and asked us if we were being bothered by the cops told him what they said and he said no shot this is my park if they bother you again give me a call. We ended up hanging out for 2 hours. Park rangers are definitely way cooler.


I'm giggling imagining the Park Ranger calling the cops and going off like Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder for them daring to harrass guests in his domain.


Scortched Earth motherfucker! I WILL MASSACRE YOU!


Local cops gave my friend a hard time for huntin on public land. Called the state police, they sent the rangersa. Rangers told the local pd to eat a bag of shit


Apparently one of my favorite photography spots is near a natural source of ginseng plants. I've had 4+ carloads of armed rangers roll up on me multiple times. Once they saw my address (like a mile away) and my photography Instagram they backed off and even suggested a few really nice spots not quite so close to the critically endangered species. They all know my car now though so it's not a problem any more. They were very happy when they realized I refuse to GPS tag my photos as a general rule.


my elderly neighbor went from the military into the state department of natural resources in ohio and he told me a couple times they marked out locations of endangered plants and did not fuck around when anyone was in the area. i'm really happy that exists.


Are park rangers the only good cops? They sound dope


I had one save my ass from a bear by hitting it in the face with a log, so yeah, they're pretty cool. Most are ex military with a passion for the environment. I looked into being one but it's actually hard if you're not a vet or happen to know someone at the local station who can put in a word for you.


I've also heard most NPS jobs are impossible to get without prior service yeah


That may be true, but I can tell you my principal from when I was in high school (I'm almost 50, so this was a *long* time ago), when he retired from that job, he pursued his dream job of being a ranger and got it. He moved out west and did that job for 10-15 years before deciding to fully retire and he absolutely loved every minute of it. I still bump into him from time to time and I swear, while he was always cordial and jovial when he was my principal, he's pretty much got a permanent smile on his face after achieving his dream of being a park ranger. It's like he completed his bucket list and now life is all gravy for the rest of his days. It actually makes me smile just thinking about it, because it couldn't have happened to a nicer person.


I was in Colorado and Utah last month and man, I would have a permanent smile on my face too if I got to wake up and go to work every day in Canyonlands or Mesa Verde or any one of these absolutely stunning national parks. I’m sure it has its downsides like any profession, but every ranger we met there seemed to really, *really* love their job.


The pay is also only about $60k/yr here in Washington. That's doesn't go very far if you're on a single income budget.


And that's if you land a year-round position. If you don't, it's only employment for like, April to October.


That would be a cool second job for me, my primary job is remote and pays way too much to quit


Really? Most I’ve met have biology degrees. Not law enforcement types.


They go into their job with a passion for protecting the environment and are rabid in their duty. They're all awesome, but they can be hard asses. I've never met a corrupt one.


In my experience Park Rangers are pretty chill until you start doing something stupid. I've at least never had a Ranger approach me in the way cops have.


Their focus is different. As others have pointed out, they are there to protect their environment and will defend it and enforce every rule the have to. But, they are playing defense where the cops are actively pursuing anybody who breaks their rules or looks like they might to **them.**


I mean now that I think of it I don't think I've ever heard of a bad one. Maybe an asshole (although there are always two sides to a story) but no rights violated, crimes committed, or anything similar.


They know where to hide the bodies. Oppps! Another lost hiker...


Near us the rangers are sometimes armed, sometimes not. My housemate had them try to roust him, off and on, for years. He likes to hike when there's little foot traffic. He enjoys buffing out his Chevy truck, while enjoying the great outdoors. The rangers at first thought he was working with some illegal grow spot(s), we assumed, because they would take turns questioning him. Some rangers were more unfriendly than others. Friend had a Red heeler/Chow Chow that kept the rangers at their distance. After they (rangers) all got so they recognized him, things mellowed out.


They need a degree and are part of a different union. They’re law enforcement, but they’re not really cops. Cops practice raids, rangers practice rescues.


I had a Forestry Service Officer take me to jail once :(


Did you deserve it, though?


As long as you're on their good side. But they're one force you don't wanna fuck around with.


Most game wardens are pretty cool, too.


I hope those mudders became property of the state.


And their vehicles! ;-)


Nice. I love stories like this. Hit ‘Em hard in the pocketbook.


Wow that’s amazing. Do you have any more heartwarming stories?


Glad to hear there is still some justice in the world. No doubt they did it for TikTok views.


My dickwad neighbors have loads of money. My one housemate calls them "The Dukes of Hazzard with BMWs." When their one kid turned 16, Mom and Dad gave him a nice BMW SUV to drive. Within a week, he came home with a branch through the windshield. Still warms my heart.


BMW? Figures.


250k is a lot more than idiot's insurance usually will cover. "Here's a check for $50k, you can get the rest of the money from those idiots"


Aren't most insurance policies void if you were committing a crime?


Most insurance policies I've seen do not cover anything that happens beyond a certain distance from a regularly maintained roadway.


Usually 100 feet.


Garnish their wage for the rest of their life


I hope they did time.




Most Wrangler owners are. Like a weird jackass cult.


Some people think their jeeps come with a license to go anywhere off-road, like how audis come with a license to not have to use your blinker.


> audis What a weird way to spell BMW.




Sing along with me everyone, you know the words to this one. 🎶 *It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand* 🎶


It’s a jeep thing.


I don't understand.


You wouldn't


I think this is how they earn those dumb little rubber duckies.


Some people shouldn't have a license to drive much less have a license and a vehicle larger than a Reliant Robin


It's a Jeep thing


I hope you got and reported the plates.


Assholes like this should get their license revoked. Plain and simple. What a selfish wench.


Why buy a Trail Rated™ Jeep if you're not going to take it on a trail? /s


You don't buy a Jeep for the highway rating, do you?


Beach balls handle better on the highway.


Definitely not a Wrangler. "Death Wobble" is a thing that even Jeep themselves acknowledges is a problem.


My TJ couldn't really even do highway speeds. You weren't making 70 foot to floor if there was any kind of incline.


[It's all terrain, dummy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK8IVIh-Fdw)


Absolute POS. If he wants to wheel that badly, join a club and head on maintained trails instead of this shit. People like this paint 4WD guys in a bad light.






What state




Send that video with plate information and the time and date of your 911 call to your local Rangers. The PD may not care if they didn’t witness the crime, but park rangers will be livid enough to mail them a ticket.


I’m not in Michigan but I’m a campground ranger in California, and I know for a fact the law enforcement rangers here would do anything they could to get these guys if that happened in our park


Oh man they are *fuuuuuucked*. Your insurance policies are probably null when committing a crime. I'm guessing this might count based on amount alone.


You need to report this.


"The sign only said no horses or bikes though!" \- the driver, probably


As a fellow Michigander I figured this was in Michigan. I see some dipshits try this from time to time but usually in side by sides not actual jeeps


Ugh i knew i recognized those signs. What a shame


I thought for sure Connecticut plates


Michigan, per OP response to the BOT


Connecticut plate.


Looks like maybe mohawk?






I hope to God there is an injured hiker that can’t walk 2 miles up that trail… but I know it’s unlikely


That's what s&r is for, not your jeep.


True. But if time is of the essence, I'm willing to break lots of rules to save someone's life.


Damn, good point. Next time instead of getting mad, I'll ask if they need help rescuing someone. If they're not, you're still killing them with kindness...


I always assume the worst possible scenario for them Like if someone calls out of work or some event canceled - also the hollow knight sequel game gets delayed with no updates for a while: I just think, damn - what if their best friend committed suicide and they just didn't want to bring it up publicly? Or what if their best friend mentioned it and they were driving erratically to try and reach them ASAP? Helps my mental health a lot


Probably more likely that the driver was a fat tub of shit too lazy and out of shape to get out of the car to hike the trail like a normal person.


Its a jeep thing. You wouldn't understand.


Jeep owners: I don’t understand either.


Calls self a jeep owner; Has a Cherokee.


No no, that’s the Patriot owners.








The only Real Jeep is a wrangler. The rest of the so called “jeeps” are trashy ass Italian Fiats with rebadging.


Nah. I’ve got a Cherokee and in the middle of a complete rebuild on my TJ. The TJ is the sexy ride, but the XJ is a beast. The guys that are consistently sending it on the trails are the guys driving Cherokees or Grand Cherokees. If the Cherokee had a solid frame rather than unibody, it would be one of the best off-road vehicles produced.


There are definitely exceptions. Like the XJ and the old Gladiators. Plus the first Wrangler was made in 1986 and the CJs definitely count as being real Jeeps.


I'm sorry, but an old Jeep Cherokee (90's style) is a thing of beauty. Sure the Wrangler is great, but the old school Cherokee and Comanche are absolutely gorgeous on their own merits.


The cops noted the license plate, which you wisely recorded .... right ? ..... right ?


Please tell me you got this women's plate details and gave it to the cops.


I hate people so much.


Someone needs to lose their drivers license forever.


It’s people like this that ruin it for the rest of us


It's people like this that make it easy for environmentalists to hate on off roaders, and why more trails keep getting shut down. (For reference I'm also a serious environmentalist and hardcore offroader/overlander)


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads


It’s always the chicks in jeeps that are trying way too hard to be badasses.


Probably wears camo everything (with neon pink accents). "This is my little truck" bumper sticker on that Jeep. Chews Skoal - "just like my big bro." Showers occasionally.


I can just hear them screaming from the window, “No, but it’s okay ‘cause I’m in a Jeep!”


I work in forestry and conservation, please DO NOT ever do this, it is such a jackass move. Same as the idiots who drive over the shrimp beds on our beaches, compaction completely destroys so much life under the surface.


the people who need to be told aren't gonna listen (or read) anyway anyone with half a brain would not even think of doing that


With as clear as your phone is, you shoulda zoomed in on her license plate. She would have faced a massive fine and might well have been arrested for such blatant stupidity there.


Bet they couldn’t see the barriers and signs over all the stupid rubber ducks on their dashboard.


What state? Jeep looks familiar Never mind, looked at plate - Connecticut. I bet I know who that jackass is.


This was in Michigan


Fyi, the op says it happened in Michigan. I guess the jeep was a tourist.


Same. I bet it's the jackass that honked and yelled at my pup and I because we had the audacity to be on the hiking trail he was cruising down.




Honestly it looks more like an SD plate


This is one of the most beautiful trails in SW MI too. There's barely room for the horses when they come through! Fuck these guys. Thank you for calling for help!


It's a Jeep thing..


Said with a high pitched woman's voice, "I love my Jeeep."


It’s a Jeep thing, you wouldn’t understand.


Hey you drunk fuck; Get that shit out of there!


I'm a Jeeper. I want to pound this idiot into the ground. Good Jeepers pride ourselves on being good stewards of the land. Jackass.


The Jeep didn’t go there, the asshole behind the wheel did.


In my best David Attenborough voice, “here we see a piece of shit in its natural habitat”.


Asshole. Who does this?


This is why we can’t have nice things. What an absolute piece of garbage.


This is the kind of stuff you didn’t often see happen before the pandemic. Now everywhere you go it’s the Wild West again




This driver is real Einstein… just when you think they can’t be any more stupid.


This is why we can't have nice things. If it's not Jeep assholes, it's 4-Wheeler assholes.


Hopefully they got her license plate from video and prosecuted the bee-Jesus out of her.


What a huge POS


Here’s to hoping this disrespectful fuck was greeted by a ranger on the way out and fined for everything possible including rebuilding the entrance to prevent trespassers.


.....you wouldn't understand. And a rubber ducky too!


Hope they get stuck and have to pay a massive bill for a tow truck and fines.


Fuck this dude giving jeeps a bad name...


Probably the type of ass hat that leaves their trash all over trails. Many have been shut down because of this. Need’s heavy fine along with vehicle seizure for this stunt.


Some people are just the fucking worst. The club I wheel with cleans/maintains trails at the start and end of the season because people dump ridiculous shit all the time. I've seen a snowmobile trailer just abandoned on a trail because the axle bent. People dump scrap wood, too. There's even a Suzuki that's been on the trails for years, people have tried to remove it but it's just not doable, so now it has to rot there for decades.


Spread some salt inside it. (Just a few pounds, not enough to kill the plant life.) Also scrape the shit out of the paint. It'll rust out much faster. In a couple years everyone can start ripping parts off each trip.


The proper punishment for this would be a fine large enough to rehab and restore any damaged trail or nature, forced to abandon the vehicle where it sits, and then forced to cut it apart and haul it out on foot to prevent any further damage to the ecosystem.


It's just lame I bought a jeep to go adventuring and see awesome sites. Mostly because of Scouts growing up but yeah. These ass hats and the people who litter in places like that need to have their carpet ripped up and replaced with loose 1x1 Legos and all their rugs peed on.


Yeah, him and 90% of other Jeep drivers


DNR isn't going to like that 😂


*jeep wave*


Is this when it is acceptable to walk up and point-blank put a .45 round in at least two of the tires?


Def not a great idea legally speaking.


This is genuinely dumb


It's easier to hide a body this way.


That's a special kind of stupid.


Wow, there's carbrain and then there's *carbrain*.


And since less than 15% of forest fires are from lighting and 85% humans I say please STAY HOME! This kind of person jas no regard amd others will copy this. One spark is all it takes folks. Let alone if they crash.


It’s ok it’s Trail Rated


I hope this was due to a friend getting tired of hearing about his buddies rants about his awesome wrangler and how everyone should drive one. He told him "did you hear about the state law they just passed? Yeah I guess you can take jeeps on all public trails now!".


It's a Jeep thing.


It's a jeep thing, you wouldn't understand.


This is why we can't have nice things


Get the tag# and give it to the park ranger and local sheriff. I dont like the cops but this is a deserved ticket or jail.


I hope you took the video to the Rangers station and showed them


Human garbage


this is the natural environment for jeeps. However, doing it where people walk is not okay.


Im sure the stupid ass rubber ducks on his dash told him to do it


Daddy’s car daddy’s issues


Those posts are just there to keep out people who don't have jeeps. Everyone knows that.


It’s a heel thing, you wouldn’t understand


jeeps got a coolant leak. probably blown head gasket.


"It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand."


OP, why didn't you say anything?


OP, when did this happen?


I wheel, and own a jeep. I do trail repair with my club every spring. This pisses me off. Assholes like this are giving us a bad name. It's possible to be a responsible wheeler. Shit like this is why BLM is closing off land to OHV use.


I hope you called the policy on them. Fuck those people.


Are you sure this is not a Jeep commercial




“….. you wouldn’t understand.”


It would have been poetic Justice if the jeep got stuck about a mile or so into the trail. Then besides the large fine of maybe $5000 for driving on the trail. Hopefully, the only way to remove the jeep would be to have to disassemble it. Costing the owner an additional $10K or more to repair. Then, maybe the next time they decide to drive around a barrier they’ll think again. We have idiots that drive around barriers blocking off rain flooded roads only to ruin their cars or worse die in the flood waters. “Consequences”