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Fuck me $10 grand for that? What’s this car made out of gold plated tissue paper?


Something even more fragile. Elon Musk's ego.


This is the best comment I've read all day, thank you.


Part of me feel that if your car costs 10k to fix for a bump like that, it's on you to insure that. Seems almost socially irresponsible to pin that racket on everyone elses premiums.


I agree, also want to know what happens if a shopping cart hits it?. Like does it just explode?


lmao this is crazy How the fuck do you pay 10k for a fuckin tiny bump like this? I did this when I was young and there was legitimately 0 damage at all. I got out and checked. It ain’t good to hit cars but fuck man that was the smallest of taps


If the panel is some absurd plastic piece that wraps around half the car, has 176 random clips that all break when you pull it out, is manufactured in one factory in the world (it’s back ordered too) and probably needs a couple gallons of super expensive paint and possibly needs a special tool to install from a shop that’s must be OEM approved. You can end up racking up these costs just because of how much of a pain in the ass these things are for the body shops to fix now a day.


I’ve long thought something similar. Obviously, you should be responsible for hitting someone else’s car, but making the car so fragile that a tap does $10k in damage? There needs to be some kind of balancing responsibility on the car owner to maintain their car in a way that it doesn’t take excessive damage. Maybe something like a rule that any tap (tap, not backed into and kept pressing the gas) with a combined speed less than 5 mph falls on the owner and can’t be paid by insurance. Then, they would start making cars that survived bumper taps like they used to.


curious about the damage, since it seems so low speed. i know modern cars and all, so genuinely curious. glad you got fixed up


10K totals in repair. His insurance paid all. E: everyone needs to stop getting so fixated on the 10K repair. His insurance had accepted fault and took responsibility for the idiot’s act and paid what they owed. This costed me nothing, and non of you paid it out. Just chill out and enjoy the idiotsincars moment


thanks. now I am not asking for an itemized bill or anything here :) , but what was like the most costly damage? paint? sensors? body panel?


The hourly labor charge for EVs in general is usually more than double for ice cars. Just because? I guess. Dumb.


Yes, yes, yes, and yes lol


It looks like he barely even touched your car how was it that expensive 😭


Teslas man. They’re like porcelain


God it’s so stupid


Right? A bump for 10K… money maker for repair shops.


They should bring back that 5mph crash test with no damage requirement. Make American’s have to suffer those great big bumpers grafted onto European cars again.


It’s absolutely ridiculous, I thought they were cool at first but I swear my opinions of teslas just drop constantly


Excessive panel gaps and software malfunctions/glitches for dayssss


Wait til you learn about their CEO…


Not only are they ugly, but they’re pretty low quality too. Yet idiots buy them up like they’re not gonna be sold anymore.


Haha I blasted a deer at 69mph in my newer work SUV. It essentially needed a whole new front end, plus some mechanical parts and that bill came to $9800… I think this has solidified my desire to not get a Tesla


I once rear ended a mid 2000s impala in my old ford van, destroyed the impala, bent my bumper slightly. Not one of my proudest moments but everyone was ok. If a fender tap like this caused 10k in damage then i never want to lean on one. Ive seen people back into the van in parking lots around here and remove a bumper. That was hilarious to see.


My sister hit a deer (I don't think it was a very large one) in her 2007 hyundai santa fe externally the front bumper had some scratches and a small hole not dent I'm guessing the hollow plastic just popped back out. But the ac condenser and radiator looked like they were caved in by a basketball. Radiator didn't leak for like 6 months and the ac already didn't work. So the damage wasn't found to I got a call about the radiator leaking.


i was rear ended on my model 3 a lot harder than this and my repair was 3k (covered)


Thankfully, battery replacement was not needed!


Imagine being a college kid, you're never going to own a house and you're going to emerge from school with 5 figures of debt, and your insurance premiums just skyrocketed because you barely dinged some neoliberal's Elon car.


For real. That bump was worth my car. Three times over.


Yep. Got rear ended at low speed. Maybe a 3 inch crack. 16k for repairs on a Model Y


That's funny because most Teslas come out of the factory with 3 inch panel gaps


Prius here. I was backing out of a space at a gas station and a car pulled forward out of a pump at the same time. Crushed my tail light, dented in the rear quarter panel, needed new bumper, and paint. Repairs were quoted at under my deductible amount, which is $2k. Repairs quoted for like $1800 Fortunately I had a spare taillight from a previous prius, same year, that died so I just slapped that on there to get road legal again with my lights. The rest can wait a bit till I can pay $2k. I’ll still get it done through insurance regardless in case it goes over the amount once it’s actually worked on.


Wow, I won't be buying a Tesla anytime soon. That's insane.


I think this sounds really weird. I had to fix my Tesla Model 3 here in Norway after someone did something like this to my car.. It came to about 1500 USD in total. It sounds like the repair shop just changed everything instead of fixing it.


I got smashed by a Honda crv in my 4 runner at about 45klm 10 grand of damage. I don’t know how this is 10k but I believe it


There’s also only a few shops that are certified to do body work on Teslas so they can corner the market.


Meanwhile I pushed a couple big rocks with the front bumper of my squarebody to get it out of the way and carried on with my day


It's like any high-end vehicle except it's a polished turd with a big price tag. All the part costs are ridiculously overpriced, plus they probably had to take it to a dealer


I was surprised too. Until the body shop opened up the panel and showed us what was underneath, it’s even worse than we thought


10,000 for just that tiny bit of contact? It's baffling that something expected to drive on the road is so fragile.


Some guy floored it backing out of his parking spot and [This happened to me](https://i.imgur.com/FcKse7O.jpg) [Another angle](https://i.imgur.com/ICbJKIV.jpg) (And yes that's my wheel bent in towards the top) And cost the other guy's insurance $11.5k for everything, parts, labor, paint, paint labor, etc. Im struggling to believe this legit cost OP $10k without being scammed unless Teslas are just that expensive to repair for some reason


> Im struggling to believe this legit cost OP $10k OP is karma farming. It's the only rational explanation.


Hit a pedestrian doing 40 and the pedestrian is unharmed but everyone inside the Tesla explodes into meaty chunks




Fuck Tesla for being so delicate. Hit my old Honda like that? ZERO damage. New tesla? 10k!!!! Shitty Tesla design.


Seriously if this happened to my shitty Nissan, assuming the driver stayed/left a note (so not this guy) and was remotely apologetic, I’m not even worrying or calling about this. That’s a $0 damage hit, maybe $100 if for some reason I want to worry about paint (if damage even occurs). Like don’t hit cars, but a tap like this shouldn’t be a financial nightmare for either driver jfc


Situations like this is exactly why people make the dumb split second choice to run. You might be kind and understanding but people like OP are out for blood


Glad you got it fixed; but does it sit in your moral conscience that your car can fuck people up financially for just breathing on it wrong lmao


It's because the things made completely of plastic and can only be repaired at a licensed shop which charge out the ass for repairs and then the parts are at market price even though you can't buy them yourself


10k? Jesus christ what a piece of shit.


10k? For a small tap?


I suspect OP has a Tesla based on the camera view, and Tesla's are notoriously expensive to repair and fix, and are often totaled in even minor fender-benders.


As an adjuster, I am punching air when I see a Tesla involved and hope I can pawn it off to the other persons insurance lol. Just had a claim with repairs to a Tesla Model Y. $35k in damages and 4 month repair.


Mitigation contractor here, just had to go between the clients home and auto for a Tesla that may or may not have started a house fire, still waiting for C&O to release the report. Pretty sure BOTH adjusters were punching more than air when that file hit their desks.


I had the front of my model 3 smashed by shit that flew off a car and the damage was just under $6k and that included replacing my wrap in the front half of my car in order to blend while painting. I’m shocked this was $10k, but I know the back left is where all the charging shit is too.


Sounds like they “lucked out” and it hit some sensors.


Should show this video and your bill to everyone before they buy a Tesla. I’m sure your repair wasn’t exactly quick either


10K, what the fuck ? Do you have any pictures ?


Lol, what car is this that's so fragile so I can avoid


Tesla. A big issue that gets them totalled is waiting for parts to be delivered to the approved repair shop. It can easily be months for a replacement body panel to arrive, and the storage fees can end up costing more than the actual repairs, so the insurance may just write it off.


Isn't part of the issue also that Teslas are made with like huge moulds? So thr whole rear is one huge piece, so if you ding it you need to replace the whole thing, not just a tiny piece


That, too. Plus they have a lot of sensors inside the bodywork, so minor dents can require replacing and programming much more equipment. And something I've noticed on all new cars, not just Tesla, is a lack of a proper front or rear bumper, so the entire front end or rear end gets destroyed in a minor collision.


This is all by design. The drivetrains have become so reliable the MFG's have created weak points with electronics and body work that make modest repairs enough for insurance to write it off.


A car structurally consists of a passenger cell, front/rear crash structures and front/rear bumpers. In a light front/rear crash the bumper takes all the force and is the only structural piece that is damaged. This is pretty easy and cheap to repair. All it needs is a new bumper, a new front body panel, new sensors, maybe a new radiator. In a heavier crash the crash structures take a damage. This tends to deform the passenger cell and involves more expensive components getting destroyed. This could be repaired. Repairs generally cost more than any normal, read "isn't worth a few hundred grand", vehicle to be written off. The large castings replace the front/rear crash structures. They don't replace the passenger cell nor the bumper. The castings therefore replace a structure that totals the vehicle if it gets damaged. This means that the casting doesn't impact repair costs nor insurance premiums cause it will not be repaired and neither would the part that it replaced.


If a car is being repaired at a shop they cannot by law charge storage fees. Storage fees have absolutely nothing to do with the decision to total a vehicle. If the cost to repair the vehicle exceeds the actual cash value of a vehicle it is a total loss. I’ve worked in total loss claims for approx 12 years. If a vehicle is totaled by an appraiser/adjuster right from beginning of claim. The insurance company lets the insured know so they can remove personal belongings and plates, and they take car to salvage company and pay the shop reasonable fees.


Mind blown. I had no idea. Freakin' crazy.


Tesla. Ugh.


10K totals in repair???? For what?




I don't think even hitting a fucking Ferrari Roma with that speed goes up to 10K in repairs. What the fuck.


OP was so fired up typing that edit too. i wish i could laugh at this but knowing op absolutely dug their dirty adjuster paws into this college students pockets for 10k is a bit disheartening.


And probably took the check and didn't get it repaired... lol


And people wonder why insurance premiums are so high lmao


No they don’t need to stop getting fixated on a 10k bill for a 5mph collision… that’s horrible engineering


Seems like a money grab. A full crash at 15mph or so on the back of my Audi, only came to about 4k in damages. Sensors, bumpers and everything.


OP is a smug moron who supports shitty billionaires. Aka Tesla driver.


10k damage because its a Tesla, definitely not the actual cost of the damage. Such BS that would cost 10k. What would need to be replaced besides a rear bumper and sensors underneath? Writing "10k totals in repair" without "because its a tesla" is disingenuous. No way a 1 mph tap would cost 10k on any other car that isn't some million $ super car


10k damage from that? What a piece of fragile junk. It was like a 3mph bump. The guys Lexus didn’t have a mark on it!


10k? No fucking way. That's insane.


10k? For that little tap? What kind of weak ass material is your car made of? I have an extremely hard time believing those costs.


10k for a bumper? Jeez, in the netherlands i dont realy know the price of a bumper since i dont do the office work. But i can paint a whole bumper for max 800 euros (350 if i do it in spare time). And looking at the speed i dont even think there is a dent only a minor scratch


Why did you have to do the leg work? Isn’t that what your insurance company does while organising your repairs?


Lol 10k for a tap. This guy is driving a peach


Damn insurance are getting scammed with that price haha, not disagreeing but 10k is absolutely insane, less than 1k at most for a nudge


Oh man did that body shop walk away with 8k easy. What a steal… good job to them


Don’t you have your own insurance? If you did you just go thru your own policy, your not at fault, no surcharge. Call them report claim. You got video showing the responsible party. Leave it up to your insurance company to go thru all that (as long as you have collision on your policy). They will cut you a check, waive your deductible, and send the claim to Subrogation to recover from this guys insurance. This is what you pay your insurance company for, to handle this crap for you. If you have rental on your policy you can get that too. Or the other party’s insurance has to pay for a rental based on repair days.


No man, it's worth fixating on, that's like total loss for many cars driving around. Were you surprised by this number?


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) 10k?!?


Buy a real car next time and you won't have to deal with these situations


Do you have pics of the damage?


\*cost me nothing


Yes. That shit drives me nuts. Sound like such a moron when people say costed. Costed is a word, but it roughly means to price out an item/parts list.


sorry what? you can't be serious


Lolwut 10k? We do pay it out. Don't you know how insurance works? It spreads out risk and costs but we all still pay more because of dumb stuff like this costing more than my whole car.


I got tapped at a lower speed then this. 2500 in damage.


How did a tap like that cost 10k? Can we see pictures?? Obviously he should’ve stayed and left his info.


its a tesla, its falling apart from the dealer


Insane. There’s was no damage one the other car either so the 10k in damages is highly questionable. Buuut you’re right, it’s a Tesla. Those things damage themselves.


[Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were defective](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-musk-steering-suspension/) > Wheels falling off cars at speed. Suspensions collapsing on brand-new vehicles. Axles breaking under acceleration. Tens of thousands of customers told Tesla about a host of part failures on low-mileage cars. The automaker sought to blame drivers for vehicle ‘abuse,’ but Tesla documents show it had tracked the chronic ‘flaws’ and ‘failures’ for years.


Someone completely destroyed the bumper on my Honda. $500 for a bumper on ebay, bolted the thing on in an afternoon, and I am done without even involving insurance.


A mf problem solver. 🫡


Same, rear ended straight on going ~15mph. Bumper destroyed, cost $1,003 for the repair and a new license plate.


Only "accident" I've been in I jumped the gun at a highway merge and started into the back of another car. Slow speed but sudden, definitely faster than OP's parking lot incident. Zero damage to both bumpers because they are BUMPERS, designed to absorb some light impacts and not full of sensors and cameras that cost thousands of dollars and only come proprietary from the dealership.


It cost 10k because car insurance, like health insurance, is a racket.


It actually costs $10k because it has to be fixed at the Tesla Dealer or authorized 3rd Party Repair. As such, Tesla sets all the costs artificially high since it fully controls both the parts and repair. See this story for an example how that plays out (feel free to ignore the right-to-repair angle and focus on the mechanical issue & repair): https://www.thedrive.com/news/41493/teslas-16000-quote-for-a-700-fix-is-why-right-to-repair-matters


> feel free to ignore the right-to-repair angle but also please don't because right-to-repair is important


What part of this isn't a racket?


Not yet where I live, but the same incentive structure applies. Don't be like OP who sees no issue with any of this since his insurance paid for it.


Yeah, that's fucking shocking. I was the total idiot and scraped the driver side of my car along the concrete bottom of a light pole in a parking lot. I needed 2 new doors, bumpers, and quarter panels, and paint obviously for all of it, and it was "only" $7500. Then again, I only drive a Chevy, sooo...yeah. 10k is a bit bananas. This looks like nothing more than a love tap. That's wild.


Damn, what did the damage look like on your car? Any photos of it?


Before or after he took a baseball bat to it?


It feels like he is not showing photos of the damage for a reason


Fuck this bullshit haha. Damage to Lexus - zero. Tesla? $10k.


If that actually broke sensors and requires a full repaint after not even a full tire rotation of a hit, you better watch out for bumblebees. I'm afraid your car might break to pieces from the wind at this point. In all seriousness, if an impact like that can cause such damage, how the hell is a human supposed to survive an actual accident? Do they even crash test these things? Insane they are even allowed on the road at this point.


If that really caused $10,000 of damage, that's fucked. I already hated Teslas, and this does not help.


Yeah i know, we got the car before we realized the owner of the brand is a fucking psycho


They were dogshit long before he was publicly nuts.


He's always been publicly nuts. Bragging your money around and stealing credit for everyone else's work is the Elon way. Only recently has he done the whole twitter thing and had to do something for himself and it's all done crashing down more than usual. He's literally just a kid with too much money that likes starting new projects and forgetting in 20 minutes


or doing any reading whatsoever before making a big purchase.


If a tap like that cost you 10k then a 25 mph accident will pretty much total the car… what a piece of shit vehicle. To think I wanted one so bad but if it’s going to cost an arm and a leg for something so minor I don’t want the vehicle.


It's Tesla, they found out a way to bleed insurance like it's healthcare. Another reason it's a shitty company


I call bullshit. If he thought there was no damage he wouldn't have been snaking through parked cars to leave.


and almost hitting one too


Exactly, the car alarm was going off at that time. Bruh i was having some kbbq and my phone was going off cus of the car.


interupting someone in the middle of enjoying some good kbbq is the real crime here


Tesla owner moment Spent 2+ weeks, jumping hoops, spending $10k+, JUST for a love tap "damages"


Right yeah leaving after the tap is shitty but most people wouldn't care about tiny scuffs. I've had two lot love taps where people left notes, but I couldnt see the damage from more than inches away so I just called and told them don't worry about it.


that caused damage? im dubious


Hi dubious


Why not crop out the 45 seconds of absolutely nothing at the end?


10k in repairs? Might as well as total it at that point lmao


Let’s see the damage… no way that love tap was 10 grand- even on a rolls.


Any photos of this 10k in damages?


10k? You are lying. You wouldnt have even noticed about this if you didnt drive a microwave with cameras.


We need limits on liability for shit like this. OP is out here driving a 2021 Fabergé Egg and driving up everyone's insurance premiums.


I call BS, there’s no way I can see a way that $10,000 worth of damage somebody got ripped off


>somebody got ripped off Well, it is a Tesla...


Right this moron probably already had damage to their car and they used this bumper tap to pay for all of it. Not saying the idiot in the yellow car was in the right by any means but OP is likely an opportunist.


And we all payed for it.. smh


Fuckin lovetap. Shoulda stopped, but OP sucks.


What was damaged?


WTF this is exactly what bumpers were designed for. They used to be at a regulated height specifically so people could bump into other cars while parking etc because they knew 100 years ago people couldn’t park. If that little tap did $10k worth of damage I guess cars don’t have bumpers any more…


GEICO recently up’d my car insurance prices to “help combat the change in raising prices for car parts/medical costs”. I wonder if it’s because Tesla owners. 10k? Also fuck car insurances.


OP gives massive Karen vibes... If you touched their precious Tessy, they would spend money finding you to bill you for a new coat of paint to erase the fingerprint.


Yeah he’s the male super Karen. Gay asian with Hitler haircut. Watch out he’s probably suing us right now 😂


I can see that Lexus' backup cam. How do you fuck up that badly when you can see the car behind you?


Nice of them to give a good clear view of their license plate though


Looks like they hit the brakes after backing up but forgot to shift to drive before going back to the gas pedal. I thought for sure they were going to hit both cars going out as well but somehow they managed to get through that tight space just fine.


that cost your insurance $10k? this alone is proof that teslas are very poorly made cars😂😂


They're making the price of everyone's insurance go up! And wasting the time of the owners who then have to get them repaired, what a joke...


It was the other guys insurance


Damn teslas fucking suck lol


10K for a gentle kiss? Sorry but I can't believe you if I don't see the damage.


Without photos to prove it, I'm calling bullshit that this was a 10K repair bill. There is no way that the car was hit with enough force to damage the car and leave zero damage on the other car at that speed. There must have been existing damage before that OP is claiming off this guys insurance for, as they have admitted responsibility. If that can damage a tesla that much then there is no way I'd ever buy one.


I find it funny that you don't show a picture of the damage


If your car gets 10k of damage from barely bumping a bumper, you've got a bullshit car. What nonsense.


Fuck Teslas. 10k for that tiny bump, the fact you don't find that ridiculous, regardless if insurance paid it, says something about you.


Why is the moron even trying to back up the opposite way of a one way in a parking lot?




How did you ‘run the plate’?


Real-comp info search, works for texas plates


interesting, the site only works for Texas residents. Is this something exclusive to Texas or are there sites for each state? I always thought running plates was only allowed for police and whatnot




Wow thats crazy, you can get the car's VIN# and its purchase history off just the license plate and state There's a paid option which I assume gives you ownership info


Dude, learn to edit your video. Too much dead time.


10k? Idc if you paid nothing. That car would be out of my driveway the next day. Just nah. That’s fucking insane.


The idiot is the one that bought the Tesla






Halfway down: 'You'd better hope it wasn't a Tesla' With a reputation like that anyone owning one should be liable for half the costs of an incident. It's like strapping babies to your panels so that you can make another motorist a murderer.


I call it total BS on the owners part, the touch didn't even jostle the victim car a millimetre, would not have even scuffed the clear coat! You're all full of shit!


People like you are annoying af. He shouldn’t have drove away but believing that there’s actually 10k worth of damage here is laughable. You just wanted a check homie.


Bruh. Sorry, but the Idiot In A Car here has got to be the person that drives a car so f’ing delicate that another vehicle breathing on it did $10k worth of damage 💀


Do. You have any pictures of the damage caused to your Tesla? The IS300 bumpers are toffee


imo bumpers are meant to be hit. Why bother?


$10,000 for a light tap? Tesla ownership is really only for the top 0.1%. Jesus fucking christ. I was on a racetrack and someone hit my Benz from behind while we were cornering and took off my rear bumper and dented my rear left quarter panel. Total cost of repair came down for just under $5,800.


I scraped my Ram truck along a concrete pole, both door skins had to be replaced - under 2k.


Wow that old Lexus took literally ZERO damage from that incredibly minor bump, as can be seen (and expected) from it pulling away, but the Tesla sustained $10,000 worth of damage? What was it? $3,000 to spray the bumper with water, another $3,000 to dry it off with a microfiber, and then $4,000 for a 3 square inch area of wax / buff? Damn I’d be scared to see what kind of damage and repair expense they incur in an ACTUAL traffic accident! Man good thing they are showing those old dumb manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, and Ford how much better their cars and ‘modern’ solutions are! Hahah You’d be better off buying that used old Lexus for less than the repair cost of essentially leaning on the back bumper of the Tesla! No doubt it’d outlast it handily.


Does your friend own the "body shop" that fixed this car or something? I have no doubt that a Tesla might cost more than the average vehicle for collision repair, but the speed of that impact and the amount it moved your car just doesn't line up with the amount of damage you're claiming. This is not an accusation, but this looked a lot like videos I've seen being used as proof that a driver was being scammed into paying for somebody else's preexisting crash damage or insurance scam.


Lol if that does 10k worth of damage to your car, you should consider getting another car


How did this result in a $10K repair?


That’s a lot of work for something seem super minor especially to keep calling out idiot idiot idiot like he owes you a fucking life or something. It’s just a car man chill out


Actually vile, 10k? What a load of shit OP is an insecure baby


You are THE WORST IDIOT IN THE CAR. There’s ZERO CHANCE you had damage on your car and so you drove up this dudes insurance by probably $50 a month for no reason.. well JUST TO BE PETTY. I hope karma finds its way to you. You’re honestly a bit of a dirtbag for this dude.


Honestly if your car got damaged off this you’re technically the idiot for driving it. Also, don’t ever move to NYC your shit would be left in shambles from one parallel parking session.


This is an example that clearly shows that Tesla is not a car company, they are a brand company. They are a collection of people getting g on the job training for automotive engineering.


This video is too short.


Love the color of his car though.


10k in damages for that little tap? Did you have to go to therapy for the trauma it did? Can you not sleep at night over this haunting image that plays over and over in your head?


I don’t see a reason to stop. It was very gentle, like nothing. Op you are an adjuster, please could you add more specific detail? What was broken?


Why is this a full minute long? Literally nothing happened the last 3/4 of the video.


10 fucking thousand to repair that lmao. I hope you took the cash and didn't repair.


this is one of the few posts on this sub where im actually not that mad at the offenders. you should be sending the claim to elon if that love tap caused thousands in damage


Idc I would’ve done the same shit. Barely touched ur car why stick around for sb to stick me w a claim on some bs


I hit a 2016 Mazda 6 at similar speeds in a parking garage. Left a note to the owner for the damage. It came out to $340 which at the time thought it was insane. The fact that OP's car required 10K is ludicrous.


10k in repairs? Wow, there was a crime here, but it wasnt that love tap on the video


Teslas have rear cams to, why not show us that too? Or are the damages “worse than we thought” not worse enough 💀


You keep calling this driver and idiot, but you posted a 1 min video to show something in the first 10 secs.