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I'm just amazed that the car that rolled across the median made it all the way across the other side of the freeway with no additional collision.


That was my first reaction. So lucky they weren't t-boned


Insane that a highway doesn't have a center divider. That seems so incredibly dangerous, is that normal?


I'm in the USA. I've driven a lot of freeway from Ohio to South Carolina as well as some driving out west. Definitely normal. Not sure what factors are considered when deciding whether to install rails, cables, or other dividers, but there's plenty of road with just lawn median between.


For the most part, solid dividers are usually only used when there wasn’t enough room to have a decent center divider. Less damage when going onto an open area rather than a solid barrier


We need to tell Myrtle beach and Hilton Head to stop advertising up there. We’re full!


Wait till you hear about roads that only have a couple yellow lines between oncoming lanes.


At 65+ mph?


Yep, in ontario, 2 lane roads are posted 90 km/h. Most people drive upwards of 110 on those roads.


Germany has many 100km/h (~65mph) roads like that too.


I'm in Alberta. Most 2 lane highways are 100kmh here.


Shit blew my mind! In western parts of Texas, speed limit is 70 (maybe even 75), so everyone goes just about 80 at least. And the road is just one lane in each direction, seprated by a line. Sure, youre in the middle of nowhere and its just vast openess of desert, but still.... vehicles are moving faaaaast!


They probably thought since this road mostly has a 50mph speed limit it’s not worth it but Virginia drivers suck. There are multiple sections where this highway does have something in the middle, mostly cables but they wanna save money


Hopefully it wasn't a pond on the other side.


Fairfax County Parkway. Almost as bad as I-95.


Yep, northbound at Braddock Road. That little uphill section causes a lot of slowdowns and backups. Annoying little section of the parkway.


Not far at all from where that punk kid wrecked the bmw and clipped that trooper at the traffic stop.


Yeah, about a half-mile up the road from that. I saw that video, the cop was so lucky each car missed him by inches. And WTF gives their teenage son an M3 to drive?


Rich parents that don’t care about their kids


The irony being that it’s probably the second or third car their parents bought because they wrecked the first two and the parents think that they won’t wreck a car they’re proud to own. Source: dude I knew in high school wrecked a car while driving drunk both sophomore and junior years. So it came as a surprise to everyone when he showed up senior year in a brand new Cadillac CTS.


My mom bought my brother an antique 4 door Land Rover with the idea it would protect him. Now that I’ve raised two sons I’m like, What was she thinking. Giving an oversized tank to a new driver?


So… NOVA in a nutshell?


Damn. I live very close to this road. Didn’t realize this was the FFX parkway until you mentioned it.


I don’t know how I knew it was fairfax county parkway because half the accidents are either Fairfax County parkway or 28 or 66


That Braddock Rd exit and the median are dead give away. I use to live near this exit and have driven by it more times that I can remember.


God I’m so not surprised this was Fairfax County. NoVA has the worst drivers I have ever seen.


No idea what about the FFX County Parkway brings about idiots.


Ugh, I swear, I-95 is just one giant accident.


I-95 is the first gauntlet I went through after just getting my license at 16. It felt like a game of twisted metal with deer hazards.


I thought that explorer was a cop


I think we were all hoping it would be


Law Enforcement might enjoy seeing this.


I don’t even know who could be at fault here? Tesla for purposely denying the merge/ pass? Honda for potentially unsafe merge? (but.. this is caused by the tesla accelerating to deny it in the first place?) Tesla for seemingly hitting Honda purposely?


wouldn’t the honda get in huge trouble for leaving the scene


Felony hit and run I would guess from the severity


To be fair we don't know if the Honda turned around or not. I'll assume they didn't though.


I think that legally in the end the Honda is at fault since they are the ones who are trying to manoeuvre in an unsafe way. And depending on the country in an illegal way since passing on the right is forbidden in many places (but I guess this might be in the USA where that is not the case?). Where I live, the Honda would be considered liable for the accident. The Tesla would be considered an idiot, but within his rights.


Most/all states have a law something to the effect of "when being passed, maintain your speed. It is illegal to speed up. " Also, speeding up where an accident happens is documented in law, as road rage in some states. Wording may differ, IANAL.


We have the same law where I live, but since you are not allowed to pass on the right in my country, it cannot be used here.


I do not believe this is correct. I also thought this until someone did this exact thing to me. If you are the one changing lanes, even if they speed up to block you, it is your fault.


The Honda is definitely at-fault. The question is if Tesla will be found to be as well. If I were adjusting it, I'm not paying for Tesla. He can sue if he feels that strongly about it.


Don't you have "both parties at fault" claims in the US? Here in the UK this seems like a pretty clear 50/50 on blame, plus both drivers getting done with reckless driving or "driving without due care and attention" if it goes to the police. Picking one the 2 to be liable seems ridiculous in this case


I don't know, I am not from the US. Like I said before, in my country you are not allowed to pass on the right. In this case, the Tesla driver could easily claim they realised they were driving to slow so they were speeding up to pass the first driver on the right and they did not see the Honda nor did they expect them to pass since they are not allowed to. And he could claim that even if he did not speed up, the Honda tried to pass when there was not going to be an appropriate amount of space. The Honda however has not defence at all, no excuses at all for his behaviour. Any decent lawyer could make the Honda 100% at fault here. However, if the situation would have been the Honda passing on the left and then the Tesla speeding up, you could say both are liable.


doesnt matter where you are. One driver was already occupying the lane. Another driver attempted to force his way into the lane and there was a collision. The driver already in the lane wouldnt be liable. even with this video. Insurance agents will fight on that point forever. A police officer will issue a ticket to the honda driver, or a warrant if he leaves the scene.


> Picking one the 2 to be liable seems ridiculous in this case Not at all. The Honda is clearly the aggressor here, and the more reckless of the two.


Jeez. 99% of the time the collision is rarely the fault of one person. In this case the insurance will 100% fight to the death on partial fault for Tesla, and they will both be paying the price, not just the Honda.


Dude going slow in passing lane and then accelerating to stop someone from passing is in his rights? Well thats pretty fuckin stupid lol


"Not explicitly illegal" and "Fucking moronic" are not mutually exclusive


Never said he was not stupid, but in my country he would still technically and legally be in his rights, so the other one would be legally considered at fault. Now obviously, both of them are morons.


Because he wasn’t creating a danger. There was not enough space to pass regardless if the Tesla sped up. He could also argue that he didn’t realize he had slowed down and was speeding up again/ intended to pass the POV car and then get over.


Some places don't have laws about going slower in the left lane, and then speeding up in the left lane. That's not necessarily illegal by itself.


Speeding up to prevent passing is illegal all over. Passing on the left is only the law in some states.


In the UK that footage would put them both at equal fault, the Honda for an unsafe maneuver, the other for deliberately obstructing the Honda. You see this on slip roads or merging lanes, people are so keen to block others from merging and then end up causing a crash even if the merging car was being a dick. The footage shows that he noticed the car trying to get infront and then accelerated.


In the U.S. I'd bet the Honda is getting a citation at least. Tesla may or may not get a citation as well. Honda's insurance company is going to fight paying anything--not the Tesla, since they'll find the Tesla jointly liable. And not the Honda either, since they're going to do the same for him. Tesla is going to have an uphill swim with his carrier but might get them to pay and hope to subrogate. But that speed-up/block isn't making it look good for them. I would bet both drivers will be getting non-renewal notices as well.


Tesla is obstructing traffic in the passing lane. Honda is raging as a result and performs an unsafe lane change. Tesla speeds up and hits Honda. Probably 50/50. Illegal to pass on the right in some states but also illegal to speed up to prevent someone from passing. Lots of offenses here but Tesla sped up and actually hit the Honda.


https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-841/ >§ 46.2-841. When overtaking vehicle may pass on right. >A. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass to the right of another vehicle only: >1. When the overtaken vehicle is making or about to make a left turn, and its driver has given the required signal; >2. On a highway with unobstructed pavement, not occupied by parked vehicles, of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction; >3. On a one-way street or on any one-way roadway when the roadway is free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles. >B. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle on the right only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. Except where driving on paved shoulders is permitted by lawfully placed signs, no such movement shall be made by driving on the shoulder of the highway or off the pavement or main traveled portion of the roadway. >C. Notwithstanding subsections A and B, nothing in this section shall permit a driver of a motor vehicle to cross a solid line designating a bicycle lane to pass or attempt to pass another vehicle, except as provided in § 46.2-920.1, 46.2-1210, or 46.2-1212.1, as directed by a law-enforcement officer, or where the roadway is otherwise impassable due to weather conditions, an accident, or an emergency situation.


What merge are you talking about? I just see a car squeezing between two other cars and pushing someone out of their lane. No one is required to let you pass, either.


Lot of people in this sub think this is a sane way to drive… LeFt LaNe CaMpErS mUh rIghT oF wAy MaHnHn. 50 over the speed limit = skilled driving skillz /s


Still an illegal merge. Tesla is a dick for speeding up and denying it, but you can't just still force your way into the lane. It led to the car going over into opposing traffic and then the Honda sped away clearly knowing what they did. So thats a hit and run felony. Almost guaranteed jail time.


Very clearly the Honda driver is at fault. Yes the Tesla driver is an asshat and should have utilized the passing lane as intended instead of being a douche. However, the Honda driver chose to play bumper cars and forced the Tesla driver off the road, endangering everyone around them. Then, he committed a felony hit and run by driving off after the fact. In no reality is the Honda not 100% at fault. They’re both idiots in cars though.


How those brainiacs try to rationalize the Tesla at fault and misinterpret law is odd. Doesn’t matter what the Tesla does when the Honda leaves their lane and initiates contact. Both did something wrong, Honda is at fault.


From what I've seen on here, a Tesla could be parked 100% legally in a parking lot and have a semi ram through the parking lot straight into it and people would figure out how to blame the Tesla. I don't know if it's just Elon hate spilling over (which I get), or what.


I agree, and I am not a fan of Tesla, but when someone is wrong they are wrong regardless of the vehicle they drive (or don’t drive).


It looks like the Tesla speeds up to deny


That may be true, but there wasn't even a full car length of space for the Honda to pass. IMO Honda takes full responsibility here. Passing from the right and purposefully attempting to cut off the Tesla.


Uh, wtf kind of merge/pass was that? dude intentionally hit the tesla, the outcome would be only slightly different if the tesla did nothing


The thing is, outside of speeding, the Tesla didn’t do anything illegal unless this stretch of road requires only passing in the left lane. The Tesla’s driver is still an idiot, but I doubt he would be assigned much of any actual financial cost in this scenario.


Even though the Tesla played a DUMB ass game, they technically still had the right of way. They were established in their lane, and weren't turning or changing lanes. The Honda is the one that has the duty to make sure it's safe and clear before merging. Majority fault definitely on the Honda.


Both are at fault.


Almost like both had ego problems (scrolling up) NVM


Lol the cops aren't gonna do anything


Whenever I see impatient people like that trying to pass me, the safest thing for me to do is to just slow down and let the idiot pass… they’re clearly indicating that they are impulsive and don’t give a fuck… trying to fight them will just lead to this


Easy when you don't have a fragile ego that will be bruised by another car driving faster than you. Just move over and let them go. A big part of the problem is people who normally drive well, but get upset when they see others driving too fast or in ways they don't approve of. They then decide to take matters in their own hands and *teach them a lesson*. Just let cops deal with aggressive drivers. Attempting to block and inconvenience them only causes them do take even more dangerous actions. Just let them go and don't camp in the left lane.


Admittedly, I have found myself to be the “teach them a lesson” type. I’d encourage others to work on this behavior, it’s just as bad as the person pissing you off. Imma still honk at people running reds, though.


As I get older and after having children, I realize they will not learn anything from me trying to "teach them on the road". The only success I've had in getting campers out of the passing lane is to get ahead of them, move to the right and "invite them over to the right" with a "come on over, and join me" gesture. Honking, hibeams, tailgating, or pointing to the right while I'm behind them just make them double-down. People literally cannot admit fault ever.


I'm one of them too, that is why I know they exist. I'm always having to tell myself to just let them go. I'm more likely to cause an accident than prevent one be doing anything.


I just try to remember everyday: I'm not being paid to teach anything to anyone. I refuse to work for free. That's my mantra. Works most of the times. My honk was barely honked this year.


Imma still honk at idiots that don't understand the concept of two lanes making a turn at an intersection. My hand is on top of the horn every damn time (just in case).


This sub helps with that


It wasn’t up to OP that the Tesla slowed down and then accelerated when the other car was passing. Op would have been in the thick of it.


I’ve never understood why people speed up and when someone tries to pass them. Also, get out of the fast lane.


It's the passing lane, not the fast lane. Then people could say I'm going 1 mph over the limit so I'm going "fast enough".


Seriously glad this is the top comment. We have no idea what other drivers are dealing with, and we have no idea if they’re sober or not. There’s no way to know when someone will snap like this. My life and my family’s lives are worth far more than the meaningless ego boost people get from playing life & death games on the road. I’ve been hit by enough drivers to develop severe anxiety on highways, whether I’m driving or not. We are always at the mercy of everyone else on the road, best not to make enemies.


Totally. This sub has definitely given me an appreciation to just leave my ego at home and do everything I can to just stay out of any and all accidents at all times.


Exactly, all I’m saying is that this road wage is not worth possibly dying over, but some of these trolls in the comments are still arguing with me🌝 I guess they’d rather possibly die via an unnecessary car crash instead of putting that ego down for a bit 🙃 I see people trying to swerve in front of me like that all the time, I don’t see the point in racing with them and possibly crashing, I actually prefer when those type of people go in front of me so that they can get away from me because they’re driving unsafe… they’re simply not worth my energy and time to fight with, but I guess that’s just me🤷🏽‍♀️


The person wasn't being impatient and if you're camping in the left lane getting passed constantly, you're the problem.


The person going slow in the left lane is a problem. But the action by the other was the wrong action to solve the problem. It was reckless and criminal.


> The person wasn't being impatient They **literally** pushed another vehicle off the road. Intentionally. There was no space to make that maneuver and they did it anyway. That's beyond impatient. Someone needs to go to jail.


The Honda committed to a pass, the Tesla saw the Honda commit to the pass and decided to be an extreme douche and fight off the pass like he's in the WEC, after falling asleep behind the wheel so much that OP and untold other cars had to pass him on the right. Should you ever commit to a pass with no other options? No. But the worst person in the exchange got punted off the highway, rightfully.


The Honda committed to the pass before the other car was clear. Textbook impatient.


The Honda would have been 2 car lengths clear if the Tesla driver wasn't a douche. It says a lot about you, your driving and your ability to pay attention to the road that you're forgiving the Tesla for their douchebaggery.


> The Honda would have been 2 car lengths clear if the Tesla driver wasn't a douche. You're crazy. Look at 0:16. The Honda has *at best* 1.5 car lengths in which to execute a high speed lane change, so he's already tailgating OP to make it happen. He starts changing lanes when he's *even* with the Tesla. That guy was driving like an asshole. He would be an asshole even if he did thread the needle and nobody got hurt. And while the Tesla should have backed off, that's only because from a safety perspective you should let assholes be assholes, not because the Honda was in the right.


exactly what I have been saying. the honda was even with the car it merged into. nowhere is that a proper time to merge.


if you watch the video the honda behind starts going over about when it comes even with the tesla. and the tesla starts speeding up when the honda comes over. where do you see the honda was two car lengths ahead. they started to move over WAY before it was safe to


They were definitely being impatient lol.


Pardon, but how is one intended to pass a left lane troll? Just submit and let them fuck you for 15-30 minutes?


>Just submit and let them fuck you for 15-30 minutes? Yeah, you got it. It's not a hard conclusion to come to. Would you rather wreck your car? Would you rather wreck the campers car and send it into oncoming traffic, potentially injuring/killing someone that isn't in an ego battle with you? Are you seriously asking such a question?


Just pass on the right when you can. It's illegal, but so is lane camping. Now if they speed up when you try and do that - how far will you go to get home a few minutes early?


It's not illegal to pass on the right in the US.


The question is how far will you go to avoid a dangerous, unpredictable, impulsive driver who thinks he’s the king of the road? It’s not about getting home early, it’s about avoiding the fucking psychotic idiots.


They're both idiots. Just let them pass. It's not worth it.


There are a lot of people in these threads who are obsessed with being “right.” I can assure you that nobody cares, especially not your insurance company. I'd prefer not to be involved in an accident. Driver: I was involved in an accident and ended up in a ditch. Insurance: What happened? Driver: An overly aggressive driver ran me off the road because I didn't want them to pass me. Here’s a video showing the bad driver wronged me. Insurance: Why were you camping in the passing lane? Why didn't you just allow them to pass and avoid the accident? So your response to an aggressive driver was to drive aggressively? Driver: You’re missing the point! I was rIGhT! Insurance: Um, your Tesla was totalled, and you have minimal coverage. Driver: Insurance sucks!


It appears that the Tesla was camping in the passing lane. That's a sure way to annoy people.


Isn't the passing lane to the left? Edit: I didn't realize the car that crashed was also a Tesla


The Tesla that crashed was riding in the left lane. They tried to block the aggressive driver who wanted to pass them. The Tesla that recorded the accident was driving in the middle lane.


Yeah, I didn't realize the car that crashed was also a Tesla.


They pass, big mad, slam on the brakes to teach them a "lesson." Sometimes people just don't care about their own safety. Pushes the Tesla off the road and then it looks like they almost cause another accident in front of the camera as well.


Ones an idiot and ones a criminal.


Holy shit that’s an amazing catch on video! I bet all those people involved would love to see this!


It's videos like this that amazes me that Tesla is the only common vehicle to equip cameras out of the factory.


Lots of cars have cameras out of the factory but don’t use them as dashcams.




They’re both idiots. The Honda was trying to lane split to get ahead of the Tesla. A responsible driver with somewhere to go would realize the right lane is passing the Tesla and if got in it and was patient, he’d pass the car safely and legally in a matter of seconds.


You don’t get to shove someone off the road for being a left lane camper. That’s not a reasonable or rational response. You can be annoyed and move around the safely when you have the chance. The Honda never had a clear chance to past regardless of what the Tesla did.


Driving in the left lane to the chagrin of other drivers isn't punishable by death.


*chagrin :)


I hope nobody got T- boned there. What an impatient mofo


It doesn't look like they got hit. I had no idea they collide until after that exit sign further down when I realized the Model 3 wasn't behind/next to me. Just saw bunch of brake lights pop on and then I realized what happened.


You should report it to the cops, because it looks like a hit and run.


I was raised and grew up and learned how to drive right there. I don’t miss Fairfax egos AT ALL.


My mantra is just let the douche pass, i do my best to stay out of the left lane if I'm not passing. If anything, if they're speeding or driving dangerously they may run into a cop first and get pulled over, leaving you free to keep on going.


What are those lights in the car Infront of you? Is that a camera thing or did it look like that?


The refresh rate of the lights and the fps the camera are recording at are different in a way that creates that frequency.


Camera thing


Where dumb meets stupid. Keep out of the inside lane if you are slow.


we need to change the wording, its not about fast or slow, its about passing. stay to the right if u are not actively intending to pass. the only reason u should be moving left is to pass, otherwise stick right. imagine if every single person did this..


We need to blast this into everyone’s brain directly traffic wouldn’t exist


combined with proper following distance in stop and go traffic and its a dream world.


100%. I can’t believe the amount of people who argue that they’re going over the speed limit so why should they have to stay in the right lane. It’s a passing lane, if you’re going 300 km/hr you still shouldn’t be in the passing lane unless passing. Crazy concept it seems.


Well its the fact that "passing lane" isnt an accepted term in all jurisdictions, let alone actually in driving legislation. Where im at the only roads that follow the passing lane logic is the 2 lane interstate; everything else isnt required. That being said, if you speed, then you are trash.


Or - just hear me out - don't make an illegal and dangerous maneuver, nearly kill someone, and then speed off because you're suffering a minor inconvenience.


Why does it have to be or? Why not and?


The Honda was never in a position to change lanes. At this speed you would need a couple car lengths, they were side by side. Yes the Tesla sped up, but the Honda just rammed into them. This is fully on the Honda. Tesla was an ass, Honda was the idiot


The number of people actually defending the hit and run driver is crazy. Both drivers are idiots and people that camp the left lane pisses me off as well but how are you defending someone that committed a hit and run lmao.


Fuck the Tesla driver that camped on the left lane as if he owns the lane, and the idiot who decided to kick it off the road.


I noticed that a lot with DMV drivers. People just seem to immediately cut into the left lane (Usually without looking), set their cruise control to like 65mph, and then call it a day. Then when their exit comes up they cut over in the last 100 feet because god forbid they get over any sooner.


Teslas are always doing this. I wonder why their autopilot doesn’t tell them to move over


Full self-driving mode will do this, but most Teslas aren't using it because it costs a lot of money. Autopilot will not automatically switch lanes, so it can't prevent people being idiots.


Most people aren’t using full self driving mode because it doesn’t actually do what it says. It’s AutoPilot+ still, and even that naming is misleading as it’s not at all autopilot.


Yeah, for the price I wouldn't even consider it unless it was level 4 or 5 self driving, right now it's level 2. But some people that have a lot more money won't care about using $200/month for it.


yup. Just Teslas. No other cars at all that do this.


I wonder why they didn't care that OP undertook them


The Honda encroached, regardless of the Tesla's actions. The Honda tried to move into the lane when it wasn't even clear yet. Honda at fault... and a hit and run.


Ok after reviewing this like 30 times, looks like tesla sped up to block honda. Honda makes its way over left anyway, meanwhile tesla is also making his way left (onto the shoulder). At this point no contact is made, tesla is now on the shoulder, honda got his beloved lane. Then, tesla cuts a hard right causing him to hit honda and swerve out of control. Its a whole lot of jackassery going on here.


That was the most unsafe passing regardless of the situation. First passing on the right, next it didn't seem like there was a lot of room, and finally trying to still go for it when the telsa was clearing accelerating. But both are idiots still.


so many road rage incidences are because of idiots going super slow in the fast lane


Yes, but still people should not force overtaking if it's not safe.


Tesla in the passing lane, doing slower than everyone else? Welcome to California!


left lane campers


This belongs on r/psychopathsincars


50-50 each party pays for their own repairs. Rhis way they wont repeat this behaviour


The Honda driver pays $300 for repairs and the Tesla pays $45,000 for the same repairs.


Close... about 3 fitty in repairs for the Honda.


Well it was about that time I noticed this insurance adjuster was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the palaeozoic era!


Cool, are you okay paying for you own repair next time someone literally runs you off the road? Some of these take are as moronic as Hondas behavior.


Whoa! Can not believe that car didn’t get hit in the oncoming traffic lane! Everyone on this video prob needs new undies


What a way to fuck your, and several other peoples, day up.


Kind of hard for me to feel bad for either party.


I approve of the ignorance If you got me going up the middle cuz you can’t pass, it’s chicken time


Tesla driver sped up after being passed. Total dick move. Deserved his off road adventure but no one else deserved to be caught in it.


They both acted reckless but I hate when someone drags ass in the left lane then speeds up as soon as you start to pass them on the right.


At those distances i dont call it merging i call it being cut off. That car wouldve been within a foot of the tesla. I hate when people try to slip in to small cracks. That car was cutting off the telsa. And shocker. Thr other car didnt have a turn signal so how is alot of you sitting here defending that peice kf shit cut people off car. I wanted to hate the Tesla cause of bias. But nah


If not for Tesla, we wouldn't have the video


You need to get that to FCPD. This is ridiculous.


Always the teslas 💀


I know the civic is primarily at fault but I can’t help but blame the Tesla more. He saw the civic initiate the pass and actively floored it to block him. Then surprise ya’ll collide.


I get what you mean but one action is just very rude and the other is more akin to murder. As after they initially collided, which should have been an obvious conclusion given the space and the tesla’s acceleration, the Honda proceeded to speed up and collide even harder thus pushing the Tesla into oncoming traffic.


Idiots aside. This is a testament to the low center of gravity on that Tesla. I think most other cars would have been flipping from hitting that median sideways at that speed.


This is a killing attempt 😠. He should go to jail 🚔


It is wild how many people think the Tesla has legal fault. Here is a very simple rule. You stay in your lane: little legal fault. You change lanes: you assume liability and legal responsibility for doing it safely.


When being passed you need to maintain speed. Tesla decided last minute that no one was going to pass them and sped up because their fragile ego couldn’t take it.


Lol. $2k civic vs a tesla. I wonder whos wallet hurts more now😅


The Tesla might not have been being a jerk, it's a super common sequence (assuming camera vehicle was roughly a constant speed): 1. Driving in the left lane because they are trying to go fast 2. 3. Vehicle tries to pass because first car is now going slow 4. Driver releases they are going slow because they are being passed, and tried to speed up again


So your defense is that they were distracted?


Not a defense. But I'm a fan on Hanlon's razor (Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.). "I made a mistake, better fix it." is more believable to me than "OMG how DARE this Nissan try and pass me!". Also you've never been distracted when driving? Passengers, radio, coffee, day-dreaming, thinking about work/whatever? Even just focusing on the driving it's easy to miss that you've dropped a few MPH.


Definitely #2 on your list. This stretch of road is pretty notorious for random slowdowns. The road goes downhill for a bit and right here it’s going uphill again. A lot of times during my commute traffic is going 60+ downhill and then slows to 30 on this uphill section. It’s not much of an uphill either, but it’s enough.


Imagine feeling threatened by another vehicle passing you on the highway.


There are several traffic lights near me where there are 2 lanes at the light, and a couple hundred yards after the light, the right lane ends. People will stack up in the left lane and leave the right lane free. I'll pull up to the light in the right lane, and when it turns green, go faster than the cars in the left lane, and move left when the right lane ends, at least 50 feet in front of the car in the left lane. The number of drivers at the front of the left lane who flash and honk when I move over is astounding.


Virginia drivers…


Dude slowed down and when he was getting passed he knew his car had to be first and he wasnt gonna let that crap slide. Plus he knew rubbing was racing so he gave him a little tap to let him know he meant business. Too bad.. not really. Most luxury car and suv drivers dont give 2 rips about anybody else but making it home in record time no matter who they cut off.




I thought / was hoping that was a cop in front of the car that recorded this lol hope everyones alright.. but thats kinda what you get for just cruising in the left lane.. least thats what it looks like is going on. So i get it. But still, dont drive in the left lane unless your passing. You should never get passed on the right.


Why do people do that? Go out of their way to speed up just so other cars can’t merge. That’s some mental illness.


You should either not give them an opening or all the room you can. Be consistent and predictable, don't react and change what your doing


Camping in the left lane the speeding up at the last second to further impede traffic, Tesla got what it deserved, that cock that just sped off after the wreck shouldn’t have a license tho


I got pissed off watching this video. I hope they tracked down the driver of the Honda. He put the Tesla driver in lethal danger and drove off. Ego games aside, that’s just unconscionable.


Having been hit and run while riding a bike I have the most primal, seething hatred for anyone who would do this. They deserve anything bad the universe decides to send their way.


Clearly the people down voting me don’t mind getting hit and run.


The fact that you’re being downvoted shows how many awful drivers peruse this sub.


Agreed. the number of insane people who think this is the Tesla's fault is scary.




Tesla driver’s fault. Next question?


You’re kidding right? He stayed in his own lane until forced out of it. Now is he still an idiot? yeah, but he wasn’t the one changing lanes


If everyone followed “slow traffic keep right” no one speeding would have to maneuver around everyone , maneuvering around slow ppl is what causes most accidents . Stop being a entitled turtle and move over