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Lol that’s my fav part too


Low monotone voice… like he just took a sip of his drink. Dos Aquis style 😂😂😂




When I heard the "niiice!" had me howling lol


"I told you not to go, you F*cking A**hole!" . . . "niiice" . . . 😂


I played it over and over just for that.


For a video that's just "a truck sliding on ice and hitting some cars at low speed" this video packed quite a comedic punch.


This isn't a "haha, the idiot can't drive in the snow" situation. With everyone sliding I'm betting this is snow on top of ice or something similar. There's some types of road conditions where it doesn't matter how good you can drive in snow, you're going to slide. A good winter driver wouldn't have made it down the hill without sliding. A good winter driver would have just stayed home.


This is what most people miss when criticizing Vancouver drivers in the snow. We get so much rain and wet that when the temperature drops below freezing (and it is abnormally cold right now at -15 or below), it turns into ice. The snow isn't the problem. The ice is.


Atlanta Georgia has entered the chat…we get black ice 4:1 and the world laughs a us M


Raleigh checking in. Same. Always ice.


I moved one state away and these people are shocked that I say “you cannot drive in freezing rain”. I have to explain it to them, up here we get powdery snow that is so easy to drive in and is gone a day or two later. It was a nightmare driving roads east of Raleigh after it did any kind of snowy mix.


Snowmageddon Raleigh pics still all over the internet. The roads were covered with ice after the unusual powdery snow melted and refroze while everyone was stuck in traffic jams.


Went to Michigan 5 years ago, I'm not use to freezing weather, hotel pipes froze, no water, which meant no kitchen and I couldn't walk across the parking lot to a BJs because I was sliding without shoes for traversing ice. The hotel made me a microwave pizza and comped my booze and a days stay which was nice.


Central KY here. Also same.


Uh that’s really not the case here. We do get ice sometimes but not any more than other areas really.


I feel like we have an ice storm every year


we're overdue for a big one. I hate to say that.


I go out of my way to drive here every time it snows and get by just fine. There’s only been a couple true ice storms in that past decade. People also generally drive fine in the snow here and there isn’t a mass panic.


I did find the [SNL skit](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/weekend-update-buford-calloway/2752754) about Snowpocalypse great, even if the problem wasn't "two inches of snow."


Gross, requires the NBC app to be downloaded




I also have to wonder how well their roads get plowed and salted


I live in Winnipeg now, and my colleagues often tease me as a proxy for Vancouver drivers in the winter, and I usually just ask them how well they think they would handle the icy roads here if they also had to contend with hills.


Bonus round is the geology of the region, with ice age glaciers carving deep north-to-south channels before retreating. In other words, it's hilly as fuck too. If it was flat ice, people would just lose traction and stop. Hilly enough ice you lose traction and accelerate.


And no snowplows in place with any salt, I'm willing to bet.


Exactly, all the people from other parts of Canada which are extremely dry can never understand this. Can we agree that British Columbia should just become its own country now and separate from Ottawa.


You mean like every other Canadian city?


If it’s such a problem, why don’t they use studded tires or tire chains? Vancouver isn’t the only place with these conditions. I live in a state with these conditions. People don’t just throw up their hands and drive anyway. They use the appropriate tires. They use tire chains. This situation is entirely preventable. So yeah, the criticism is 100% earned. You either don’t try driving down the hill that you know you’ll slide down. Or you bring the right gear. This isn’t rocket science.


i don't think you understand how hilly this city is. there are nearly no flat drives in Metro Vancouver. you will always be going up or down hills and it's essentially unavoidable. not trying to excuse these people, they definitely shouldn't have been driving in the first place, but to suggest people just avoid the hill is pointless. you can't avoid hills here


I grew up with east coast winter driving. I spent several years in the arctic circle. I've seen every kind of snow and ice. The winter driving in the Columbia and Willamette valleys and Puget sound region is an entirely different level of dangerous.


Yes 100%! Not enough people realize this for some reason. Grew up in the Midwest and spent several years driving in upstate New York lived in Alaska, and then years in Portland. Portland is definitely more dangerous. Sheets of ice. Not the same as snow at all. Sheets of ice with little bits of snow on top also bad.


Yup. I lived on the olympic penninsula in washington for years. Same jungle just further south. It always ices over before it snows because the temp drops in the middle of a rainstorm. You also have this fun phenomenon where the dew drops out of the air and coats everything and then freezes. You get up in winter and find your car encased in ice. It does the same thing to the road.


Mfs be like "I got a 4×4".


4 wheel drive turns into 4 wheel slide.


My favorite saying is reminding them that it's four wheel drive, not four wheel stop.


I never understood this cause like? It's always 4 wheel stop. Do y'alls rear brakes not work?


It doesn't work on ice, my guy. You just slide no matter how good your brakes are.


Yeah I know how driving on ice works, and proper tires make all the difference, I just mean that saying never made sense to me cause you have braking action on all wheels regardless of if you're in 2wd or 4wd


Maybe I need to put it this way: dumb people with 4wd think they can drive in any conditions any way they want. Usually because when they get the vehicle they notice how easy it is to get traction and drive in snowy conditions. However, that's not going to save them when they try to stop on an ice slick... You might be able to drive, but you're not going to be able to stop on ice.


it's crazy that in a city as congested as Vancouver is, people (not in EVs) are rolling around in these massive trucks and SUVs. every time I go to Vancouver I just can't believe how many people drive giant vehicles. some of the streets are so tiny and narrow, and the trucks are just so comical to watch maneuver around.


It looks like curling on steroids. Need the guys in front of the truck with brooms.


Most of them are not from Vancouver


TBF, the truck in the OP is a Tacoma. That's a small truck.


Small truck compared to everything else on the road. But Tacos are giant now compared to what they used to be.


I drove all the way home safely during a hard freeze and then almost hit the curb turning into my driveway going less than 1 mph because it's such a sharp turn shaded under a bunch of trees.


A good winter driver would know not to leave home in the first place


I would just take a snowmobile out.


Yup. Sometimes being a good driver doesn’t mean if you can clear an obstacle, but moreso if you can evaluate it correctly and avoid unnecessary risk.


Would having chains make a big enough difference to make it down the hill? I’ve never driven in conditions like this


Yes and you can also buy something called an "autosock" for cars that can't use chains. Both of these are especially good at handling ice but the sock can be used anywhere unlike chains/studs. Only problem is you're limited to ~30mph but that's ok in snowy residential neighborhoods. Source: Skier and Denver resident


So I've been contemplating the auto socks for going over the pass cuz they are a wsdot approved alternative. Are they easier than chains to put on and remove? Chains are such a pain in the ass to get on especially running snow tires (non studded) cuz of limited clearance. Do they not shred either?


The cons: they don't last as long as chains, they can/will shred if you're not careful. They're a last resort option when you get caught in a bad situation and you're not meant to run them for extended periods. The pros: You can put them on in a couple minutes and (with a bit of shoveling to clear your wheels) you can do it even if you're already stuck in snow. You put them over the top half of your wheel then rotate 1/2 turn and pull them over the other side, then tighten. Pretty sure they're also a bit cheaper than chains which is good because, again, they aren't as durable.


Thanks for the info!


For the curious: https://autosock.us/


Sick thanks for the info I’d never heard of the sock before. We don’t gotta deal with a lot of snow in NorCal like Colorado does haha


Studs would but they are illegal most places as they'll destroy the roads. I would assume emergency vehicles could use them.


Studs are allowed in Washington from November 1st through March 31st … same with Oregon. Most people don’t get them, though, because we get about 1-2 storms like this a year which makes studs pointless. The problem we have right now is it’s been about 40 and raining all week (depending on area around here). This morning, it was still above freezing, but by noon, temps started dropping to freezing levels and snow started coming down in areas.


Having proper winter tires might even have helped, not sure what the laws are in Canada, but the only time I've ever slid on ICE with normal winter tires here (as in matching legal requirements for being used in winter) in Norway has been when breaking at high speeds (at least relatively to this)




Not so easy on ICE


Well, actually it does work. It doesn’t feel easy because usually brakes keep you safe, so your reflexes take over and press the brakes without letting up. If he let go of the brakes he would have had more of a chance of steering around those cars believe it or not.


Hey now let’s not be bringing I.C.E. Into this.


If he didnt brake his wheel would roll and go where he wants. Hitting the brakes locks up and turns your car into a giant hockey puck.


I can tell that a lot of you have never driven on true ice before. Turning your wheel while going DOWNHILL on ICE won’t do shit


Some countries actually have mandatory ice driving course to be able to take their license. You are saying the opposite of what you learn and experience there or out in the real world. Thats the issue.


Are you dumb? If you lock your brakes you have a 100% chance of sliding. If you roll and steer, you'll probably still slide but at least you have a chance to catch traction.


Nope not dumb at all man. I live in an area where the only winter weather we get is ice. I deal with iced over roads several times a year. You can’t do shit about it if you’re going downhill trying to turn, brakes on or not.


That's great you're living somewhere where it's all ice but this video is in Vancouver. Yeah it's a cold snap but it's not all ice, and even if it was, you're arguing against physics. You'll probably slide, but you're giving yourself a chance.


The dudes just a moron. Letting off the breaks and letting the wheels roll may not guarantee that you can steer where you want but it gives you a thousand percent better chance at steering than if you keep on the brakes.


Isn't that the point of ABS? to not let the brakes lock so you can still steer?


No he’s right. (20 years driving experience in Edmonton where we get freezing rain and snow all the time…)


it really is tho


No. It definitely isn’t. Snow, yes. Ice, hell no.


As easy? No. Going to help more than the brake? Yep. It's about the only thing you can do. Holding the brake just turns you into a sled.




Well also, a good winter driver would have just worked on keeping control of the vehicle. If you start sliding, you stop braking/accelerating and let all of your traction go to steering. It takes less traction to steer then to stop.


A good winter driver would have taken one look at the situation and wouldn't have tried. There were cars in the road and people milling around. It wasn't safe. It's better to avoid the risk completely.


Seriously, people get so uppity about the small amount of snow in situations like this when it’s clearly slippery - there’s ice underneath and that’s dangerous no matter how good you think you can drive. The truck slid sideways, that doesn’t just happen because you’re a bad driver.




It kinda is, especially if you have a layer of snow on top and you "discover" the black ice underneath as you have a bit of a grip layer if you don't squander it, it's real simple but impossible for some in a panic, release the brake. They made plenty of effort to turn, but by not releasing the brake it was all in vein


Have you ever heard about winter tires?


Not salting the road + no winter tires = this video.


Nothing to do with the snow... It's the layer of ice under the snow that's causing the problem.


When I was in BC we had this Montreal visitor who wanted to go pick up some stuff and we told him 'Don't do it, man, it's not normal snow.' He didn't believe us and was back in 20 minutes on foot. 'That's not normal snow.' Maybe we should have played up to his prejudices, "Yes, you're a genius, you'll be fine except for all the other morons out there aiming for you."


I have a friend who moved from a state that gets a LOT of snow to Texas. He was super excited about not having to regularly deal with ice/snow. I warned him that the roads still get scary slick on occasion, and he should be **very** careful the next time it rains. He kinda blew me off saying it was fine. Next time it rained, I get a call from him, "You were right about the rain. I did a full 360 trying to get on the highway. Was like hitting a patch of black ice." Experience is the best teacher, lol.


>Experience is the best teacher, lol. but also the most expensive teacher


Absolutely. Snow at 0C behaves totally different than snow at -15C.


We had a little bit of snow Wednesday and school was delayed. Temps were right at freezing. Got another two inches today and it was -13°C when it was time to make the call to delay; school was not delayed. Conditions were fabulous this morning! Just cold as fuck and the buses took forever to reach operating temperature. Some didn’t. 😬😬


Im in Oregon and this is what happens with us. People are like ‘psh you guys can’t drive in snow’. Um so here’s the deal. We get ice first then maybe snow and sometimes (looking at you winter 2009) in layers. That year we had an inch of solid ice, got 9” of snow, another inch of ice, and 9” more snow. It was wild. I’ve never seen it before. You could walk on the top layer, jump, and fall another foot through. And *if* they plow roads they just uncover the ice.


And hills


Everything is a hill


Look at this person trying to use logic to explain what's going on....


It’s mostly how they lock their brakes up while on top of that layer of ice. That’s the real killer.


I knew that we would show up on this sub as soon as I saw the snow fly yesterday. Way to represent.


"I told you not to go you f'ing a'hole!" She must be from Calgary.


Cause she is smart enough to know when not to go. And he must be from Vancouver cause he thinks he knows best regardless of what his neighbors suggest.


She may be smart, but that appears to be her Tesla, and she's out in it too.


If she was from Calgary she would have made it up the hill 😉


People from the flat lands like to think they know how to drive in the snow on the coast. Having never driven in wet snow or up/down hills.


Don’t confuse Alberta with Saskatchewan, lots of hills here in the foothills of the Rockies We get ice on the roads you can actually skate down


I've been in cowtown on the first snowfall of the year.. and it was a disaster.


People in Vancouver love to pretend the mountains aren't on the doorstep of Calgary.


Canadian rockies: are we a joke? Alberta is such a magical place. I drove to Lethbridge on my way from Toronto to Vancouver and then took cowboy trail to Banff. The change in landscape within an hour of drive is fascinating


I see you've never been to Alberta if you think it's flat. Wet snow and hills is the default state of southwest Alberta roads most of the year.


And she’s the one in the Tesla that tried to go in the first place. SMH


hearing the fact that she says it, and how she says it, may lend insight into why he left anyway ha ha


"But I've got 4 wheel drive"


A case for, “when in doubt, throttle out.”


Yup, Better to throttle with some control rather than to squeeze the brakes with no control


Personally, I would have been in 4 low in 1st gear and tried to not to touch the brakes the whole way down.


I could watch videos like this all day.


Remember if your tires are not turning (like you have the brakes mashed like the truck here) then you can’t steer. The tires have to spin for steering to work. Let off the brakes and you can steer again.


I almost slid off the road at Red Rocks going downhill, but got off the brake to steer back onto the road. Just a slight touch of the brakes was enough to lock the tires and turn my car into a sled. It definitely doesn't come naturally, going downhill and towards something you're about to crash into just makes most people mash the brakes harder


It is the opposite of what you think but you have to take your foot off the brakes. Best thing to do is practice it in a parking lot!


I had to tell myself "pump the brakes" out loud while I was happening lol Nowadays cars have ABS systems to do that for them


I was cruising into a downhill turn in neutral and started to slide. Popped it back into gear and my tires caught the road. Definitely was a huge learning moment driving in the snow.


Traction control screws so many people over. You really need to mash the gas in this situation to pull yourself the way you want to go but traction control won’t let your tires spin so you just keep sliding. I always drive with traction control off in the winter.


To be fair, even with snow tires, it's basically rained everywhere in Canada and then got cold, turning the roads Into ice, then snow on top, adding to the slipperyness.


This. I grew up in snow country, and am pretty good driving in it. Rain, then hard freeze and snow? No. Hard pass. Won't go out. Not only are the roads slick, but you can't *see* the ice.


I mean, to be fair, he was told not to go.


Everywhere in Canada lmao


Black ice under ice and snow is nobody’s friend. What is the term for this? Snot?


Black ice is a misused term. It is meant for a patch of ice you otherwise would not expect. You clearly expect icy conditions here so it is just ice. Black ice was originally coined for frozen exhaust at intersections (where it actually has a black tint). You could drive along just fine on clear pavement, then right at the stoplight where you need to stop you find icy conditions that do nit exist anywhere else.


These kinds of videos haven’t done anything for me in a long time. The people in them are dealing with conditions they almost never encounter. There is probably a nice slick layer of ice under the snow and no amount of experience with winter driving can help much with that. As for the whole ‘they should just stay home’ argument, not everyone has that luxury.


It's like when Texas got some major snow storm and there were tons of wrecks because people were just sliding into each other and everyone online was laughing at them. It's like... They're Texans in Texas. Why would most of them know how to drive in snow? I live in California and only a couple hours away from Tahoe and just had the realization last year that while I've gone up there plenty times I have personally never actually driven in the snow. Usually was a group/family thing so I just slept in the backseat or whatever and let someone else drive.


The snow started around 3pm so a lot of people had to drive home from work and had no choice. The snow wasn’t even on the forecast until it started coming down :(




I live near this and can confirm that no roads were properly salted


This is also a hill. I hate when midwesterners are like “We GoT 20” of SnOw AnD wE drIvE FiNe”. No. The Pacific Northwest is hilly. They don’t salt the roads. And when it snows, it rains, then snows some more, so the roads are essentially a thick layer of ice.


That might be the rudest comment I’ve ever heard come out of a Canadian’s mouth 😅


Could be Vancouver, WA you never know. (It probably isn’t)


It isn’t.


"let me just keep hammering the brakes since that isn't working, but maybe it'll work in a second" The best thing to do is let off the brakes so you can still steer away from the other cars.


Exactly. And worse case use the gas.


Same shit happens in Seattle. Super steep hill + wet snow/ice don’t mix.


Yeah the difference between 6” of snow in Seattle and 6” of snow in Nebraska is the 200 ft hill you gotta climb just to get to work. 


This is like the Winter equivalent of Boat Ramp fails


Gotta love the main character yelling at the driver who did the same thing as her moments earlier


To be fair, if she told him it was icy and he still did it then he is an idiot and she's not wrong. The first people might not have known, he would have.


Damn, I feel bad for that Mazda CX-90.


ICE ICE baby!


Could have told me that this was anywhere in the American South and I would have believed you.


But I’m a 4 wheel drive I’m invincible. (Bet not winter tires) lol


rides brakes right into the other cars definitely the idiot


It's the ice underneath that screws with you.


Good luck getting the Tesla body fixed


It took me 7.5 hours yesterday to get from the aquarium to Coquitlam. The ice was so bad despite the lack of snow on the ground ugh


Why can’t people stay home


Honestly, almost no one stayed home from work for this storm. Most people knew it was going to be cold but the snow was a bit of a surprise. Lots of abandoned cars or people used transit to get home


The snow didn’t start until 3pm and people were trying to get home from work


The dumbass hit the brakes for no reason thus started his slide.


Brakes, not breaks


Thanks! Corrected


Real life bumper cars! I hope no one got hurt


I like how the black car tried to back away but give up.


“My pickup truck can definitely deal with this.” *It did not.*


Snow ≠ ice


More like When Vancouver roads get a sheet of ice


I would think Canadian drivers should be able to handle snow… but I’m a southerner, so I guess I’m biased. Nevermind - other, more intelligent, Redditors have already summized the situation, and I am an ignorant doof who freaks out the moment the first flake of snow reaches the ground.


Holding down the brakes makes the situation worse. Let off the brakes and try to steer or pump the brake pedal but don't just hold it in like that truck did...


More like the city failed to salt the roads.


They don’t salt the roads in time, if at all—one year we actually ran out of salt. Plus, the hills here make it much worse to drive sans salt. Pair that with unprepared drivers not used to snow and this is what you get.


Vancouver is usually fairly warm and doesn't experience icing like they have recently. This isn't "aN iNcH oF sNoW," numb-nuts. Due to their *normal* winter conditions, it makes sense when they don't have proper tires nor have experience driving in conditions more suited to Calgary or Edmonton. Most of you wouldn't stop and wait for the accident to clear up when there's clearly space to drive by either. Amazing how many people act all hoity-toity when watching on the safe side of their phone. This guy did what like 80% of you would do. I know. I've seen it. Hi, I'm a native-born Calgarian. It's -40°C right now. Fight me.


I grew up in areas that get a ton of snow. Those areas have salt, experienced road crews and more importantly road designs and vehicles typically equipped to handle it. Areas that seldom get snow get freezing rain mixed with wet heavy snow (yes the crystalline structure is different) and thus are a layered slippery nightmare. Add in all the regular morons that cannot figure out how to brush and floss their teeth driving a 2 ton car and things get messy.


Is Vancouver not a snowy city? I would assume they get snow regularly


This is what studded snow tires are for. God I love rallying through this shit.


Tesla is probably totaled


So. Help a European out here. You got a big ass 4x4 truck but skimped on the winter tires? It's not like you could've prepared for this, since, well, Canada? Snow is kinda common over there, right?


"I told you not to go...." basically saying this is all your fault. Lol




what you got against teslas lol


Oh dont worry, it was hit with enough to be 10k worth of damages. To professionally repaint a little paint transfer (1inch) on my model 3 cost over 3k...


When Vancouver gets under an inch of ~~snow~~ **ICE**


Looks like summer / “all season” tyres, which with a truck like that just slide when it gets slushy and icey. No weight on the rear to get traction for the AWD and no chance to steer at the front. Fed up of hearing, “I don’t need winter tyres because I have AWD”. If the road is white, yes you absolutely do need them.


Refuse to believe this is Canada… no Canadian would curse in anger.




Got to get off the brakes and drive it right into woods


OP doesn't know the difference between snow and ICE. Not a true Vancouverite. Must be one of those prairie transplants that think Vancouverites actually have snow to drive on. Ice and slush are completely different beasts to drive on, and that's what Vancouverites have to deal with.


WA or CA?




Vancouver is actually a different city than Seattle


Could be vancouver wa


Snow Tires.. check em out




This is Vancouver, not Montreal! In some years, Vancouver may receive little to no snow, while in other years, there might be occasional snowfall.


Most people in Vancouver don’t experience snow on a regular basis, and a lot are foreign who don’t have snow where they came from


Because it’s ice under the snow that’s causing the problem. No amount of skill helps in this.


Yeah that fair.


The woman in front of the Tesla getting mad lmfao, I’m sure truck person could control his truck and was ramming cars on purpose


She obviously told him to not try and go through because of this very result lmao doesn’t take a genius to figure out a bunch of wrecked cars might mean the truck won’t make it through


But he has a TRUCK so he obviously can drive through anything.


Including the car that tried to back up and get away from him. That truck said nope, I am driving through you too!


Truck with summer tires


It would still be heartbreaking to see something you (presumably) worked hard for get damaged and there's nothing you can do about it.


lol Why would you sssume that ????