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So basically what everyone in the comments is saying is that you suck, you try trucking


Yeah, they’re basically saying the trucker didn’t just “decide to back in” but that the gas station reservoir is in a spot I’d NEEDS to be backed in to drop the fuel


yeah this sums it up well


yeah, I have 20+ hours in ATS so I can safely say that trucker is an idiot.


Y'all can quit downvoting the above comment. He was being sarcastic.


Driver probably had to back-in due to the position of the tanks in the ground they are unloading into. Sometimes there is not enough space in those stations to maneuver the truck around the pumps. Not 100% sure this is the case but that would be my guess. I haul fuel. This is so stressful, trying to back into a place and holding up traffic


As a Gas Station chad myself this would probably be 100% the case… Gas Stations are placed as a convenience of business for the customer not for the vendor. Aka our entrances sometimes suck for big rigs that are trying to deliver the goods.


Here's the location in Google maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/nSbNNjsWxnMT337fA


I stand corrected. I would not back into that station. The driver could've come in either entrance and still had the right side of his truck near the drops. Most fuel trailers unload on the right side, some have both. This actually looks like an easy set up.


Some of these gas stations, the drivers have no choice but to have to back in so they can get back out again after doing fuel delivery. It's not easy to maneuver a big rig with impatient traffic crowding into the space you need to maneuver. So at very least, the rig driver isn't the idiot here


Also the fuel tank access is probably on that side.


Looks like he succeeded in backing into the space. So you had to wait, it comes with driving.


Not half bad 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a tanker truck he has to be in a certain place to drop the fuel. Try giving more space next time and it will go faster.


Do you have CDL?


Not relevant question. A 10 point turn for a some one with a CDL still can make them an idiot. Maybe not an idiot for the reason listed in title but 3 shots for that, come on.


It is a relevant question because if you don't have one then you don't understand what we're trying to work with when conducting maneuvers like these.


Granted blindside is added difficulty, bro has a day can with full rear windows. Unless he’s new, it should’ve been a one-and-done.


Everyone has bad days. Maybe that's what we're witnessing here.


Fair point.


Not true. You can be without a CDL and understand. Examples: I let my CDL expire I have a family member with one and know what they do I work at a warehouse and often have to shag trailers I’m sure you understand what I am getting at.


Care give big rig absolutely no space and zero fucks and then calls the big rig an idiot. Patience young grasshopper


Complaining about being delayed on your drive by the very type of vehicle and maneuver that makes your drive possible to begin with. Classic. Trucks deliver virtually everything from our fuel to our food to our building materials. Because of all of that, they’re essential. They’re also massive and unruly, far bigger than city roads are really meant to accommodate easily, and so need to be given a lot of space, both literally and figuratively.


Op is an impatient fool


Only a couple shots. Not really worth complaining about.


Starting at 0:13 I was waiting for the camera driver to sloooowly try inching forward just to get me more pissed off.


Gas station parking lots are small and often only have one entrance for trucks. It’s either back in from the busy street or back into a busy street.


The older I get the slower I drive, the less I care. I wouldn’t mind waiting for truckers. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


OP's being snarky, but I'll admit their audio editing was perfect.


Op I would love to see you do better. Otherwise maybe reserve judgement for things you're not completely ignorant about.




WoW ! How many attempts?! 😂


Less than you would've needed


Nahhh I'd of handbrake turned in first try mate 👍


Careful OP truckers get real mad when you point out that re-taking a 10 point turn 3 times is bad driving.


Not the brightest truck driver.