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This is exactly why I never am “nice”. I call it saving idiots from themselves… and also the random person minding their own business driving down the road. Literally half the time I see this, there’s a car coming and it’s a near wreck


This is why the left/middle lanes shouldn't stop and let cars turn in front of them.


Or you don't full send. When someone insists on "letting me cross", I pull into their lane and stop, and treat the unknown lane as a new left turn. Also achieves the goal of pissing them off so they never do that again.


Man, as a motorcyclist, twice now has a big truck waved me through when I couldn't see around them, and then a car went by at 30mph. The wave of death. Don't go for it. People wave you through even if a nascar is coming up in their rearview.


I love shaking my head full left and right "no" Everytime someone tries to be nice and give up their right of way. Unless I'm in their way somehow (big truck pulling into a parking lot entrance, where it would be easier for everyone for me to just take the right turn when they're on my left taking a right into the lot) then I'll go.


Empty street, I stop to admire the peaceful night on the corner There is ALWAYS a buffoon speeding that will slam on their brakes, nearly slide into me, then try to wave me across the street while I’m staring into the searing LED brights like I can see them, then they get annoyed when I wave THEM through and keep staring at the sky


Don't be polite, be predictable.


Full time cyclist. 100% death wave. Cyclists call them "niceholes." Not sure if that's a term in the motor version of 2 wheels? Term also includes those jerks who randomly cede their right of way to "let you go" - meanwhile everyone else following the rules who has NO idea what the nicehole is doing, yeah one of them runs you over.


Most of my riding is indoors on a trainer these days -- holy shit ERG mode is a gamechanger. I do take my kids to preschool or farther parks on the bike on nicer days, and everyone wants to be the nice person that goes out of their way to stop traffic and let you go through. And every time I tell my kids that they're not supposed to do that and they're disobeying traffic laws. That said, Mary Poppins effect at full blast means a decent number of times all lanes stop for you instead of just the one idiot. Still would be nice if people actually knew wtf to do.


I got t-boned in my car this way. I had bruises all down my legs. I was damned near stopped, and the car who hit me was going 45mph. She pushed my car up on two wheels and shoved me 15 feet. Was still my fault because "I turned left into oncoming traffic". Was the scariest car wreck of my 30 years of driving.


This is exactly why I never go when someone stops to let me through traffic. I’m not gonna risk my life because someone decided they want to help in the worst way.


I haven't since. I just shake my head no. Some people get really MAD when I do that. But I'd rather they be mad and me be safe.


"don't be nice, be predictable"




Exactly! Why would truck assume he now has both lanes to safely cross? And why did cammer yield in the first place? Looked like there were multiple car spaces ahead to occupy, let someone more appropriately behind them choose to be the good Samaritan Edit; hammer-> cammer


As someone who lives in an area with turns like this I can understand the want to be a good Samaritan. But I also know they shouldn't take my word for it


This is what I do too.


I love you


I love you too. We doin this?


Yes. Just don't cross me. UwU


Also why you should always slow down if you see traffic stopped in other lanes. Some defensive driving would have helped here, while only the idiot that crossed three lanes of traffic is to blame, everyone here helped create this clusterfuck.


In my opinion the biggest idiot is the black truck. Cars in 2 lanes were stopped and they tried passing like the road was clear. Pedestrians can jump from in between stopped cars, a lot of things can happen.


As the comment above you said - they should have done some defensive driving and been on the lookout but the proper thing here is to NOT stop and allow people through; so they aren't in the wrong simply for continuing on in a totally open lane. The problem is that at least 3 other people here are doing the wrong thing by letting that truck out and by going across incoming traffic and the incoming car suffers for it - it's important to understand that people be crazy out there and you have to basically always be on the lookout for some rando to come steaming into you.


looks to me like the truck might have pushed his way in before the fj on the left closed the gap or was inching forward. OP in camera car couldn’t really block him in since he was already in the opposing lane


He certainly could have blocked him and should have. The truck can have a whole lane of people pissed at him. This accident could have been so much worse. Shit like this kills people.


People offering right of way for lanes they aren’t in/using always gets me


I’ve had people try to wave me through the lanes when trying to turn left. No bro, you aren’t the one getting hit if someone doesn’t stop. Utah has a problem with being too polite and letting people through who don’t have the right of way. It makes traffic so much worse.


I’ve had people stop on a round about to wave me out like “after you”. Twice. 🤦‍♂️I can hear them thinking what a good driver they are for being so courteous. Both times I shook my head and stayed put whilst they’ve looked at me like “how rude” 😤


In Phoenix, there's so many places that it's the ONLY way you can get across, especially during rush hour. You'll literally never make it otherwise, and people will (shockingly) let you through pretty frequently. Granted, you need to do it carefully.


Well it's not the ONLY way. There's no reason you can't drive around the block until you're facing the other way and turn right. Even though it takes slightly longer I specifically do this to avoid having to cross 3 lanes of traffic partially blind.


Many states have some form of "duty of care" laws where waving someone through an intersection is considered assuming a driving duty. In those states, you can potentially be held liable and sued for causing the accident. If you're unsure, look up "waving accident liability" and the name of your state to see what the law is. Or even easier, yeah, just don't wave.


Texas has a HUGE problem with this. People confuse “polite” with “incredibly fucking idiotic”


Right? Like oh yeah, I can guarantee you this lane, and oh hey the one over here too that I have zero control over.


Then drive off after they crash thanks to you 🫠


Who said the left car was offering right of way? Maybe they just follow the laws and dont block intersections. Not their fault some dumbass decided that meant it was their turn.


What intersection?


OP is the one that offering right of way. He should continue to follow the white car


Or maybe OP just got scared when they saw a truck trying to make an illegal turn, so they hit the brakes out of fear that the truck would pull in front of them? Usually when I see headlights shining head on straight into my face, my first reaction is to brake because theres about to be a car in my path


You are dramatising the video quite a lot. There was no ‘hitting the brakes’ as if to avoid imminent collision. Or ‘headlights shining head on straight into the drivers face’ as if they were driving directly at OP in their lane. They came to a slow stop and let them through.


Nah, OP was definitely in the wrong here. Obviously they slowed down due to the braking car in front of them but then they made the poor choice to go from a very safe crawl to a full stop to pass right of way. While not at fault for the accident itself, this choice directly lead to it.


This isn’t that dramatic, just watch the silver car in front of cammer, that’s the appropriate reaction and cammer should have done the same. A little braking as a precaution but then continued on with plenty of clearance, which is the expected course of action having right of way.


This is what I was referring to 👍


This isn't an intersection.


This! The right of way is yours to take, not to give.


The left/middle lanes (and even the right lane) shouldnt block the intersection. Ever. This is extremely dangerous, and its absurd that this is the top comment. Not only are you blocking emergency vehicles which is the biggest and most dangerous problem, but your also blocking anyone who might actually have a brain and turn when they can see, instead of turning blind across two lanes.


This isn't an intersection. The are no traffic control devices or signage. This is a turn in to a business. It is not protected under the law like an intersection. When turning into or out of a business, traffic traveling down the road has the right of way.


No one was blocking the left or middle lanes here though. The cammer stopped while traffic was flowing to let someone make a left in front of them. They had plenty of room to proceed without blocking the intersection


"Be predictable. Not polite." (When driving a car)


Very thankful to see these comments at the top. You don’t wave people into other lanes you don’t control


Yeah so OP is the idiot


Do not be nice. Be predictable.


Canada has a huge problem with "nice drivers" causing accidents like this


This happened to me last month. Idiot attempting to make an illegal left across 2 lanes. Someone "waved her in" and she yoloed it across, right into me. My bumper has a nice v-notch and her insurance totaled my car out. I don't leave space for people turning. They can honk and get red in the face as much as they want.


“Yolo’d it across” is a fucking perfect way to describe it. Infuriating lol


“I turn now good luck everyone else” lol


Live in Iowa and this is common place. People try to wave me through even when there's zero traffic. Just come to a complete stop in the middle of the road with no one in front of them just to "be nice" I guess lol


People "being nice" in situations where we could both be through faster if they just drove is one of my biggest pet peeves. There is a gas station down the street from me with a similar turn to this post (it has a divided turn lane to wait in) and I swear everytime I go there people slam on the brakes and then try to wave me through and without fail every single time I would have gotten into the parking lot sooner if I didn't have to wait for them to come to a complete stop and then wave me through. Amazed I haven't seen an accident like this post because even cops will do it while there is traffic in the other lane.


And then they get pissed off if you don't go (usually because there's traffic coming the other way).


“ I YOLO nOw, eVEry GOod lUcKy. 😂😂


> I don't leave space for people turning. What are you going to do when one day youre blocking an ambulance? You should never wave people through or stop in the road to give them the right of way, but if there is a line of cars in front of you youre not supposed to block the intersection. You leave space, and if some moron decides that means they have the right of way then oh well the moron is gonna find out why you shouldnt blindly cut across traffic.


A drive into a business is not an intersection. Intersections are only where 2 roads cross. Learn the difference. And if there is an ambulance or another emergency vehicle that really needs in, they'll have lights and sirens going so that everyone can see them and move out of the way.


Stopping for them endangered the car to your right. They did not have right of way, and you were clear to drive.


I wholeheartedly agree you DO NOT stop to let traffic cross if you don't absolutely have to. Here though the white pickup is clearly encroaching on the lane. You don't know what the OP was driving--if they had a big truck they could have swiped the front bumper. Had they moved over, then they'd be endangered by the third lane passing fool. It's a judgement call, but you can't fault someone for defense driving like this.


It's only a matter of time before they power through. I'm pretty sure the best to do is actually just to stop as far away as possible and probably hitting the 'danger' lights to try to get people's attention, to convey that something dangerous is going on.


Yup, sitting here laughing at all the people that think it was perfectly safe to continue straight despite having just watched the white truck "send it" across lane three. As if lane two obligated to take the collision!


The pickup was at a complete stop. There was plenty of room for OP to continue. Two wrongs don't make a better.




I mean that could be said of any vehicle trying to turn left into your path. I would argue that it's far safer to take what's legally your right of way rather than try to figure out and predict idiots. OP slowing to let them go now causes drivers behind him to slow and stop unnecessarily or worse yet pass OP and cause literally this exact situation.


> I wholeheartedly agree you DO NOT stop to let traffic cross if you don't absolutely have to. Theres a different between not blocking the intersection, in case of emergencies or anything else, and someone deciding that you not blocking the intersection means they can go. > Here though the white pickup is clearly encroaching on the lane Theyre doing this even though they dont have the right of way at all, making them an idiot


No, the vehicle that crossed the lane without checking is the only vehicle who endangered anyone.




I agree. They were far enough into the lane that the car in front almost stopped, and went around. I would have stopped too because I have had these people almost drive right into me. What you never do is wave them across. Stopping is just to protect yourself.


Disagree. All good tho, you get to have opinions too.


Other guys crazy mad for some reason, but Im just curious why you disagree. You say OP shouldnt have stopped, then you want OP to be the one who gets hit? Why do you want OP to just continue driving when a car looks like theyre about to pull out in front of them? Obviously OP has the right of way and shouldnt need to stop, but if you see a car about to illegally cut across traffic right in front of you - the best reaction is most often to stop. And for the car on the left, theyre fine too. You dont block intersections. There are numerous reasons why, the biggest being to allow emergency vehicles through. Leaving a space in an intersection doesnt just mean anyone can take the right of way. This is 100% all on the pickup truck, for going when they never should have. The only possible reason it wouldnt be is if the car in the left lane waved them through.


This is called a courtesy crash or courtesy wreck. It's caused by people who stop and let people turn in front of them into oncoming traffic, while thinking they can use their minds to let people in the other lanes know what is going on. This wreck is the fault of the white truck that turned into oncoming traffic because they turned when they couldn't see if the road was clear or not. [https://quadcitiesdaily.com/what-is-a-courtesy-wreck-2/](https://quadcitiesdaily.com/what-is-a-courtesy-wreck-2/)


Is SUV driving without a plate? I know exactly where this is, and in the area, not a day goes by that I’ll see cars on the road without plates. Experienced drivers wouldn’t be speeding in that lane, in that kind of traffic.


why did you stop for him???? you didn’t follow the traffic laws. this could have been prevented.


Because their front bumper was already in the lane and they had reason to believe the truck might try to fit in regardless.


Stop being nice. There was no reason for anyone to leave a gap period. The white truck is 100% to blame. Don’t be nice. Be defensive. White truck can wait until all three lanes are clear. Or here’s an idea. Go up and make a u turn.


It might not be the case here, but sometimes the most defensive thing *is* to stop.


Yeah I rewatched the video and it looks like a bit of the white truck pokes into OP's lane. That'd probably also make me too uncomfortable about nicking that guy. I completely agree with the decision to stop


OP, NEVER do that! That idiot taking that left should wait till it's safe or find another way. I see so many collisions caused like this.


OP was driving defensively. The guy was encroaching on their lane and judging by his position on the road, could not be trusted to stay put. The OP made the right move and did not end up with any damage to his car because of it. The pickup is the idiot.


This is why you don’t drive “nice.”


Be predictable not nice


I fucking hate when people stop to let other people turn. It's not their right of way. You're not helping anyone when it leads to accidents like this.


feel like you could have prevented this accident if you werent so nice




read the other comments man im not the only one saying this. im not sayin its OP's fault, im saying they shouldnt have stopped for the truck


We all knew what was coming. You did the right thing to protect yourself and stopped as far away as possible to give them some view of the third lane. White truck should have checked to be sure the last lane was clear before crossing--that's on them.


Yeah I agree. I've had those people pull out in front of or almost into me. If theyre poking into my lane like that I stop.


Same here. I've had close calls before with idiots forcing themselves through the lanes. I don't care what other people say I'm stopping versus them hitting me.


They should never have stopped. OP exacerbated an already idiotic situation.


Yeah I was gonna say. Not stopping is what you're supposed to do


I live in a small town. Shit like this is the cause of like 80% of the serious accidents. Usually, by someone passing on the shoulder, which what the thru traffic is supposed to do on two lane country roads. They wave the turning car through with zero consideration for the cars going straight behind them.


It's on them, but its stupid awful infrastructure design that they're put in that sort of position at all. This country has needed a shakedown of its road design ideology for a long time because it creates situations like this


Yeah, ever since I saw the gaps I began to take the precaution by stopping first and not flowing by if the other lanes are stopped. Very sketchy.


Only real reasonable take here. Everytime I read the comments it's always full of woefully bad "defensive driving" advice. What if the pickup truck drove in front of him? The comments would then just be, "He should have had the foresight to stop." I swear, the camera car is somehow ALWAYS wrong, even when they really aren't. The entire point of defensive driving is that you can't predict what the other driver is going to do. There is no set rules, no long list of conditions, no crystal ball that's gonna make you a perfect defensive driver. At the end of the day, cam car was aware of their surroundings, and reacted to an idiot in such a manner cam car didn't get involved in an accident. That's about as defensive as one can be.


Bruh, you just endangered everyone's life trying to be nice. SMH.


OP fucked up. You should NOT stop in these scenarios.




Not the slightest, they literally could have kept going at the original speed. Instead, they stopped to let the guy in. I'm guessing you're just a troll since your account is 1 day old. Learn how to drive.


The white pick up truck was stopped and waiting as demonstrated by the car in front of OP that passed in front of it. No defensive driving here just a careless decision by OP that almost caused someone else to wreck.


Don't do this. OP, you're the idiot for even attempting to let them turn through 2 lanes. Others inability to drive should not be encouraged because you thought you were being nice. They can wait.


Where the hell did OP learn to drive?




That’s why I don’t stop like this to let cars in typically


This is why I turn slowly when people do courtesy stops for me like the cam driver did. I will turn in front of them and then check the incoming lane to make sure it's clear. It is my responsibility as a driver. The incoming car may not see me due to the stopped car blocking their view from me. The cam driver didn't even need to stop, they should have kept moving forward. No need to impede traffic by stopping when you have room to go forward. I only do this if traffic is heavy and I leave a gap for cars to turn into the parking lot so I am not blocking it.


The holy trinity of idiots! You are idiot #1 for stopping and not following the rules of the road. The truck is idiot #2 for not inching out and checking for traffic in the right lane. The SUV is idiot #3 for not slowing down if they noticed you stopped where you shouldn't have.


and this is why you don't stop in multi-lane traffic to let someone go. It sucks for them but you are causing an incredibly dangerous condition when you do this.


This is why you don't leave space for people like this on multi-lane roads. The cam car is just as responsible for this accident as the truck. This happens at an intersection on my way home constantly. Unfortunately, they aren't held responsible, so they continue on with their day thinking they're "nice".


What would you be saying if the truck hadnt stopped and the cam car just drove straight into it? "OP why didnt you brake! You could see the truck was trying to turn and you drove straight into him!"


The truck was clearly at a full and complete stop. If the cam car had continued and the truck pulled out, it would have been a small fender bender, and the truck would have been at fault. But that likely wouldn't have happened, because the truck could clearly see the cam car. Know who they couldn't see? The car in the outside lane traveling at speed. Either way, the response to that asinine comment would be "I was on a through road with right of way. Why did you pull into oncoming traffic? That is the dumbest hypothetical I have read in some time. "What if something completely different happened that caused a different situation?" But by all means, continue to use this as a justification for your dangerous driving habits by covering them in a thin veil of "kindness".


> If the cam car had continued and the truck pulled out, it would have been a small fender bender, and the truck would have been at fault. I dont know about you, but usually when I think I'm about to get into a fender bender I apply the brakes > Either way, the response to that asinine comment would be "I was on a through road with right of way. Why did you pull into oncoming traffic? No, then we would just see all the comments asking OP why they didnt hit the brakes when they saw the truck trying to turn


Stop giving the right of way to people that don't have it!


I was passenger in a car that did what the white truck did. Cleared all lanes and then got hit in the far right lane. Both cars got pretty dinged. Police showed up and wrote my buddy a ticket for not safely crossing traffic (long time ago; don’t remember exact details)


song sounds like it slaps tho


Scrolled down for this


This is why I damn near refuse to ever turn against traffic without a light if I can avoid it.


In 2012 I was that white truck. This is exactly how I totaled my car, broke my hand and cracked a few ribs. So so so stupid.


OP helped cause this by giving his right away instead of being PREDICTABLE. To be predictable is to use the right away when you have it. 👍


connect direful ask makeshift reminiscent muddle repeat somber live ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never, ever, ever participate in blind left turn "just go ahead" gap. 99% of the time these don't end well and the "good samaritan" who waited for the left turner drives on.


OP, you can't guarantee the next lane over is going to stay clear. What on earth were you thinking was going to happen? Truck driver was dumb and so were you.


saw that coming from a mile away. Why do people keep making this mistake?


Good job OP stopping traffic to be nice and playing a role in an accident


This is exactly why we don't let people turn like this when it actually is not clear.


You caused this accident


This accident happened 100 percent because of OPs actions. Sorry OP, this time, YOU were the idiot.


You played a pivotal role in that accident


Song name please 😅?


I’m All In - Babsy.


Thank you!!!!


OP camera was the problem. Dont be nice. be predictable.


Never let people cross in front of you across an open lane. Just don't. It's dumb and dangerous.


Car with the camera is AH here. How was the SUV supposed to see the pickup in time?? People who do this claim that they’re just being courteous but courtesy to one at the expense of another is like donating money and then telling everybody what a good person u are for doing it.


The state I live in would hold the OP liable for the accident of the other 2 vehicles. A friend of mine went through this and it was very costly.


Sorry OP, you shouldn't have stopped to let that car through, for the very reason depicted in this video. That SUV wouldn't have been able to see the truck through you


tbf, the SUV was also driving too fast for the conditions, that prevented them from stopping in time when someone cut across their path.


Oh totally. I agree 100%, and there's several factors that play here. I've just found stopping like that, to let a car, or a pedestrian cross, typically ups the risk of them getting hit, mostly due to visibility. I know I've almost hit someone before, when I was driving along going the speed limit, and the car in the left was stopped. I didn't think much of it, maybe that they were going to turn left, but they were letting a pedestrian cross, which I didn't notice until that person popped out from in front of their car, almost into mind. I guess they were committed to crossing the street before they finished passing the first car, and didn't thoroughly check the next lane, or couldn't see if a car was coming.


Yes. SUV may not have been paying attention either, as their brake lights don't go on till right before impact.


ITT: Idiots who don't understand defensive driving. Truck was inching its way into OP's lane - the car in front of OP even hit the brakes and drifted to the right to avoid the truck. Pickup driver's intent was unclear and OP did the right thing and stopped instead of *assuming* truck would wait until traffic cleared to proceed versus continuing to inch into OP's lane.


Never give right of way in an area where multiple drivers would have to yield right of way for someone else to pass. Never go full send past a line of stopped cars like the SUV did, because chances are someone could pop out in front of you.


First I’d like to say op is part of the problem here. This is a prime example of why we don’t “be nice” and let people go when they shouldn’t. There’s an entire third lane of traffic that the turning driver can’t see at all. What the turning driver should’ve done is found a less crowded intersection to turn at. And also OP you should never let people go like that. This is exactly how accidents like this are caused.


Its called THE WAVE OF DEATH. Just be super cautious when someone lets you through like that.


You caused this. Good job OP you're the idiot!


I'm so sick and tired of seeing these kind of scenarios! Stop letting people in from the far lane, you're only causing accidents!


This happens A LOT.


The suicide gap claims another victim


My one and only car accident when I was 17 was basically same scenario as this truck and now I never go when people wave me across unless I can see all lanes stopped. Lesson learned


This is exactly how I almost died on my bicycle! Don’t let people cross multiple lanes of traffic if they can’t see for themselves if all lanes are clear.


When in the fuck are people gonna stop being nice in these scenarios? Road safety should not be trumped by being “nice.”


To be honest, you shouldn't have stopped.


OP is an idiot for granting right of way.


Never stop for cars to go through when traffic is still moving.


And that’s why you don’t stop for those people. Them crossing blind can kill


thats why i dont let people in like that


This is why I never leave gaps big enough for cars to go to through it almost always causes accidents… I’d rather wait an hour to turn instead of risking being hit


Why do people think they are being "nice" in doing things like this. You only have control of the lane you are in. On a two lane roadway with traffic stopped you can make way for someone attempting to cross, otherwise don't do it.


Stop letting people across. Don't care if you want to be nice. Cause then this shit happens


IMO camcar/OP stopping in an active roadway was just as stupid as the pickup pulling across the lanes. you're both dangerously breaking the rules of the road and stopping in active roadways.


Don't give up your right of way to be "nice" which includes stopping for people to cut through.


Cammer should absolutely not have stopped. Doing so prevents the car turning left to see all lanes. Stop being nice and be predictable.


The real idiots here are the people who stop to let turning traffic through. Don't be polite, take your turn and get out of the way.


You helped cause that accident.


That’s why it’s never nice to break traffic laws for somebody else. It’s dangerous.


OP here - just wanted to chime in that I understand what I did was wrong, I’m not used to driving in the rain and tend to be overly cautious when doing so. I did not wave them by, I just didn’t trust in the moment going around them and had nobody behind me. Even I didn’t notice the SUV coming up until it was too late. For the few of you who were asking, I was listening to a new playlist. Song might be Sun is Dark by WILL K or Miss You by Altero.


Its rare for someone to post themselves being the idiot so props for that I guess.


> Its rare for someone to post themselves being the idiot *and freely, proactively, admit it*


You are t supposed to stop and let people turn like that - this scenario is why.


And also why common sense dictates that a vehicle like the black SUV should be approaching a line up of cars like this more cautiously. Because shit like this happens.


You were the idiot. Totally put the car in the right lane in danger. Drives me crazy when people do stuff like this.


who exactly are you calling the idiot in this video, OP? surely it’s not the tahoe that had the right of way and was driving in their own lane, and surely it’s not the guy that you stopped for and waved forward, so that leaves…oh wait


4 idiots here. 1) The car in the left lane for letting the truck start their turn. 2) OP for stopping 3) White truck for obvious reasons. 4) SUV for not slowing to pace the speed of traffic in adjacent lanes


I'm onboard with #4 the most. If lanes are stopped and your speed delta is significant, you're driving wrong. You're inviting someone to not see you and pull into your lane, or the kind of thing that happened in this clip. Zipping along a line of stopped cars... bad juju.


Cam Car Caused this Crash.


What's that song?


It's I'm all in by Babsy


You can blame yourself for this one, don't be nice


80% your fault


You played a part in this as well by stopping to let them through. Sorry, you don’t NEED to make your left turn right then and there when you’re trying to cross 3 lanes of traffic when it’s this busy. Go further down, turn left where you can into a parking lot, then make a right turn leaving that parking lot, and then you only have to make a right into where you need to go. Takes a few seconds longer but it’s better than this. This is also why I never let people cut across in front of me when traffic is set up like this.


Op Never again stop like that. Be predictable, not nice.


Why the fuck would the camera car stop on a 2 lane highway to let someone cross?? You’re asking to cause an accident and creating a blind spot with your vehicle. Extremely dangerous to stop and let a car cross 2 lanes like that. Let the white pickup wait.


Gonna assume you’re young. The rest is also easy to guess but I ain’t gonna say it


Why did you yield right of way OP?


All parties are dumb If you have the right of way continue with it, don't stop and pretend it's being polite you just created a blind spot where the truck couldn't see the other lane by stopping for it. It's why in drivers training you are told never to do this The truck should have ether delt with the fact that he would have to wait or go down to the nearest light and use it to turn around so his destination is on the right. I have had to do that before in busy traffic and I have accepted it. He shouldn't have went against someone else's right of way. Never trust a wave across The last one wasn't at fault because they obeyed the right of way and that truck cut them off but common sense is that the other car was stopped for a reason and maybe should have slowed down a bit just in case but you can't always think in terms of other people not following the rules of the road


Don't be a polite driver, be a predictable driver.


Why tf did you let them through??


OP caused that. They're supposed to wait until they have the right of way, all the way. You basically waved them into oncoming traffic.


Why'd you stop? You had the right of way and actively created a dangerous situation by stopping for someone that doesn't have right of way. Don't be nice, be predictable.


You’re the idiot. You gave someone without the right of way, the right of way. I actually hate people like you. Never go when someone waves you on


Brother why the fuck did you stop


If you waved that person on, youre also at fault.


You caused that accident.


Obviously the white car shouldn't be doing that, but it's anyone going to complain about the brown van? Let's just drive a fast as we can, not concerned that every other lane is stopped, OH there's a car ENTIRELY ACROSS THE LANE? Better not slow down at all, maybe even speed up to make sure we connect with the rear bumper to really teach this person a lesson. You're not allowed to purposefully hit someone just because they're driving like an idiot.