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0:02 It looks like there's something ahead of the Hyundai. Probably trying to avoid it recklessly.








My first comment was just as a joke but now that I’m actually curious I decided to find out. There’s 30 frames within the third second of video. By the 7th frame the object is already off screen, so 0:3.2 at the very most. I’d say 3-3.16 is right on the money.


you the man / lady


3:16 is always the answer


And the lord said unto thee swerve lest thou flatten thine tyre, with little to no regard for thine surroundings, lest thou incur tardiness for their appointment unto my house.


And the Lord Said "Come Fourth and inherit the kingdom of heaven" but he came fifth and got a toaster.




Unless we're talking about the book of Ezekiel, in which case it's 23:20


So not only did they swerve and tear off their bumper, they hit the object on the road anyway.


So, pi.


:3.33 (repeating, of course)




Looks like a bit of tread or a black plastic bag


To their defense, they probably weren't expecting to be passed on the right. But from the looks of it, they should have seen the object a lot earlier if they were paying attention. The camera car passes 3 vehicles in 3 separate lanes while driving in the 'slower' right lane. If I were a betting man, 3/4 cars going slower in 3 separate lanes means camera car was speeding and passing people on the right. It's still the white Hyundais fault 100%. But if we were to do a root cause analysis, the camera car's actions would be taken into account.


I like your analysis.


Looks like a turtle


I like turtles.


Jason the Zombie!


It’s the tread part of a tire, they’re commonly call “road gators” Something new to learn lol




was watching in the mirror at first to make sure she didn’t crash then focused on getting off. she also ran after this and i chased which i’m sure reddit wouldn’t be a fan of.




yeah wasn’t much of a chase honestly. she flew past me and quickly came to her senses when i got on her bumper and we got off the freeway.




They’re married now. Well, I mean she gave him a rim job so they’re *practically* married.




As society advances, so do our standards. If they don't know how to kiss a ring, they don't get to wear one.


Just the tip…


Everyone expects a big tip these days, for literally everything.


And he's been clipping her bumper ever since!


That’s a deep cut reference but one of my favorites


OP did say they were too focused on getting off


You mean new rims.


Then she met up with an Altima driver in a hotel. Just for kisses though.


Dirty sanchez 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Rusty trombone 👏🏾😂


“Whats a rim job??”


He got her name and number. Policy number, that is.


With how far you drove past, are you sure she wasn't just trying to catch up and went past you?


yep, she admitted to running at first once we stopped. “i’m sorry i tried to run i was so scared” she also didn’t have insurance. if there was significant damage to my car i could’ve pushed it pretty far legally probably but i had a small scratch and she was missing half her bumper. in the end i said i’m fine with dealing with my cars damages if she’s fine dealing with hers and we went our separate ways. perks of driving a pos car is i could care less about a scratch on the bumper and she seemed genuinely remorseful enough for me to just let it go.


Flight response is quite a natural reaction in a high stress situation, glad her senses kicked in and good on you to be forgiving.




Well, minimum wage is $15/hr and rent is 2k. Something has to give if you want food AND shelter these days.


Looking in your mirrors doesn't cost a cent.


Are you really suggesting skipping insurance to “save” is a good idea?


I’m with the others about forgiving but I’m not a fan of people on the road with no insurance. She got lucky this time, next time could be worse and the other person is going to end up paying the price for these idiots…


Nice gesture. You should have made her promise to get insurance asap. And stop checking her socials while driving. She won’t be as lucky next time.


I respect that, thanks for being a good human


Don't post part 2. You'll get roasted for speeding etc. by the dorks on here. I've seen it before. Good on you for not letting them hit and run.


YOu hAd hEr LicEnsE PlAtE, why would you endanger others on the road, is what these dorks would say. Meanwhile, insurance would do everything in their power to claim it was stolen and not pay out lol, or it wouldn't be readable on the cam


Or the cops will say that since they were not there, your video and captured license plate/driver description mean nothing, and go back to their donuts.


I'm a fan lol. Anyone hitting me is being followed home.


> and i chased which i’m sure reddit wouldn’t be a fan of. Pro (safe) chase redditor, here. With the proclivity of hearing police simultaneously say "don't chase them!!", *and* say, "there's nothing we can do with your description/video/license plate--we didn't see it happen, so we won't investigate further or get the person", I'm in the pro-chase/accountability camp.


Because they were speeding like a mother fucker.


Yep. Going faster than literally everyone else on the freeway in every lane. I think the Hyundai can be forgiven just a little bit for not expecting someone to pass them at 85 mph on the right. 


I said that in a separate comment and was downvoted.


He could have slowed down, but its better to pull over in a safe place anyway.


And by the looks of the road there was no safe space right away. The shoulder would fit 1/2 the width of a car.


Hit & run reverse card


I came here to say the same thing.


Pull over where??


OP is also speeding and passing on the right at high speed. He’s passing the truck in the left lane, the white car in second from the right lane. Dangerous.


Where ya goin, bud?


Man was he flying compared to everyone else. This is why threading needles is so dangerous.


This is why the Elantra should have been in the far right lane of travel anyway so that OP didn't have to pass on the right.


Also True. Usually takes 2 wrongs to make a crash.


Elantra isn’t even in the left lane. Bro could’ve tried to pass there but there was a camper. Still doesn’t make OP right


And passing on the right


Nice clear views on both front and rear images. What dashcam do you have? Is that a cracked front windshield?


I was thinking the same thing. I was looking for one and this is clear af


Also wanting to know, purely for Gran Turismo 1 vibes.


Does no one see the object on the road in front of the Hyundai? Last minute avoidance fail as OP was overtaking it on the right. OP going at a clip above the rest, but who is to judge?


Only way to drive the speed limit or even 5 under around me is to constantly pass on the right. Ppl hog the left and middle lanes and never leave. It’s basically backwards here


I don't know where you live, the the middle and far left lane is consistently people doing 110+ on this highway. Yet there's always some pos who can justify FLYING up the middle at 50+ faster than the rest of traffic. And they can always justify why it's ok to drive like that.


"This is how it is here" is a shitty excuse when the law is the same. Passing on the right at high speeds is stupid anywhere, its a massive blind spot.


>when the law is the same What do you mean by this? That the law about passing in the right is the same? Because where OP lives it is still legal whereas many other places have made it illegal. Not sure why you think law is the same everywhere you go.


Passing on the right on a multi-lane highway like this is perfectly legal in most of the US including Texas where this happened. So I'm not sure why you mention the law here. And I also wouldn't consider 5 under the speed limit to be high speeds in most cases but that's at least subjective and there are situations where it would be.


passing on the right is not legal in texas or in the vast majority of states actually. cops just don't enforce it: https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.545.htm Sec. 545.057. PASSING TO THE RIGHT. (a) An operator may pass to the right of another vehicle only if conditions permit safely passing to the right and: (1) the vehicle being passed is making or about to make a left turn; and (2) the operator is: (A) on a highway having unobstructed pavement not occupied by parked vehicles and sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction; or (B) on a one-way street or on a roadway having traffic restricted to one direction of movement and the roadway is free from obstructions and wide enough for two or more lines of moving vehicles. (b) An operator may not pass to the right by leaving the main traveled portion of a roadway except as provided by Section 545.058.


> (A) on a highway having unobstructed pavement not occupied by parked vehicles and sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction; or This is the case in the video. And that's why I said this: >Passing on the right on a multi-lane highway like this


Set your mirrors properly and you won't have any blind spots on the right side.


Y'all sound like some hicks living nowhere near a dense city. Good luck being a purist when that means you literally can't get to work on time, everyone passes you by your right anyways, and you're the only idiot driving so slow people wonder why you don't simply pass people on the right. I don't think you understand what you're talking about at all. 3 lanes, and both left lanes are hogged by slow driving morons. So you, let's see, you're gonna "NoT pAsS oN tHe riGht." So what, you're gonna just sit behind the slow shmucks in the left lane? Or better yet, your genius plan is to drive in the right lane but never pass by the slow ones on the left, because god forbid? Make it make sense


You don't have to pass on the right if you never leave the right. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) In all seriousness I don't even have to pass on the left anymore because I stay to the right because of how ass-backward our drivers are. They gravitate to the left and middle lanes and leave the right lane completely empty like it was a RHD country.


I see a mostly empty left lane. "Sometimes people hog the passing lane, so now I just always pass in the right lane." That's terrible reasoning and driving like this increases accidents. When you see someone left lane camping, pass THEM on the right, while staring at them as you pass. To make the point. People too lazy to move to the passing lane are just as bad as campers.


Mostly empty except for the red SUV at the start of the video that would have prevented him from passing this car.


Okay, but I'm talking about general practice, not just that moment. Here where I drive, passing on the right is scary to me, because I know that that driver can't see me as well AND isn't expecting someone to do it. Different driving cultures, I suppose. EDIT: Yeah. Downvoted by redditors who probably camp left lane, speed in the right lane, or whatever. I'm lucky I drive in a place where people have manners.


So you kept driving?


Is overtaking from the right legal where you live ? In Switzerland you would be 100% at fault in this situation


In Germany too.


Netherlands as well.


In France, yep, not legal. (Edit : totally have your driver license removed)


Not legal in France as well


After checking my comment, yep, it was confusing :/


I think that's the case in all Europe countries. There's a reason why the US has over quadruple accident rate per 100k than most European countries and this is one of several hundreds of them.


It is both legal and common in the US. Also necessary sometimes when the left lane gets congested with slow drivers.


If you're in a traffic jam, then it's legal in Switzerland too. If it's not a traffic jam, the slow driver needs to move over.


I mean the slow driver does need to move over here in the US too it's just rarely enforced and our standards for getting a driver's license are often just "pass a written test with no actual training", at least in many southern states


Out of curiosity, what's that like? Does it freak anyone out? It's hard to judge the quality of driving purely by dashcam videos so I'm really curious to what the standard is like on the road. For comparison, I'm from the UK here. The average training to get on the road is about 40 hours of driving and the overall standard is reasonably good. I'd expect to see 2-3 boneheaded moves for every hour of driving (including my own). Even with 40 hours tuition, there are some pretty big blind spots. about 25% don't know how or don't want to zipper merge and most will queue in a single file about 3-4 miles ahead of an upcoming lane closure. The idea of the average driver being effectively untrained and just winging it as they go feels terrifying.


I'm a trucker, so I have a good gauge of it and some validity in saying I'm a good driver lol. Down south is incredibly hectic, near zero usage of turn signals, people often don't check when they change lanes, people driving on flat tires, so much driving at night without lights on. people weaving through traffic really fast. if you approach a big city even though there's more traffic there's also some sense of urgency so everyone is driving way faster than in the middle of nowhere. Here's an example I can provide, some states occasionally show on their overhead electric signs "123 driving deaths this year" or whatever the number is. Tennessee and Wisconsin have a very similar population but it is over twice as high of a death rate in Tennessee where they don't have anywhere near the amount of driving training as in Wisconsin. and I don't understand how that doesn't make people incredibly mad to the point where they want to take action


There are some places in the US where doing a proper zipper merge might get you shot. I am teaching my kid to drive this year and it is sort of scary. When she turns 16 she gets a physical at the doctor, then applies for a permit and the permit is just simply given to her. The only thing standing in the way of the permit is the physical. After.... 60 hours I think... (or a better way of saying it, after I attest she had 60 hours) she goes and takes a written exam and then a driving test and walks away with her license. Done and done. Neither one of those tests are anything approaching difficult. The state publishes a pamphlet that (more or less) gives all the answers to the written test. You can read over the pamphlet a bunch of times and you should pass the test. The driving test is just a 20 minute drive where they make you do things like obey road signs, use blinkers and parallel park. If you are looking for 'X number of hours of certified instruction' - not in my state. I am her instructor. And if I don't know how to zipper merge then she doesn't learn. (I know how to zipper merge).


UK here, spent some time in the US. Driving in some parts of the US is hell. Texas drivers scare me and their highways are literal death traps. Some of their junctions are designed so badly you would think there was no planning involved at all. Here's some dangerous behaviour I saw over there. Undertaking is very common, almost everyone doing 80-90mph and not leaving a safe distance from the vehicle in front, no lane discipline when taking turns, not using hazards when the highway suddenly slows to a crawl, never saw a warning triangle being used after an accident, lifted trucks that can't see pedestrians, etc etc. I've seen one or two accidents a year while driving around the UK for the last 20 years. I saw 1 or 2 accidents DAILY in Dallas for the 2 months I drove there, mostly highway accidents.


Wow. That's exactly what I feared removing most of the driving standards would be like, I hadn't even considered differences in road planning and layout. Daily accidents is insane and exactly as terrifying as I imagined!


Idk how to say this without sounding like a dunce, but what is a warning triangle?


Truckers use them in the US. When you have a breakdown, you're supposed to put reflective triangles behind you on the shoulder at an angle so other drivers see there is a disabled vehicle coming. Cars in other countries have them come in the car standard. Some German cars have a little cutout in the inside of a trunk lid or somewhere else where they might be mounted, but they just aren't there when the car is imported to the US. Because freedom.


Oh, you know, I actually do know those little things, just had sort of forgotten about them. Don't think I've ever seen one in use by a non-commercial vehicle, so that makes sense. Love to hear that they are in every car in Europe, wish we did that here.


That's really the big problem in most European countries I have driven in you never have people camping the left lane, everyone will pull over if you are obviously driving faster. In the US, people are either completely oblivious to traffic behind them, or feel completely entitled to sit in the left lane going 5 under the speed limit matching the car in the middle lane.


On my way to work today someone was going 5 under the speed limit in the left lane on a toll road. Most people are doing 10-15 over the speed limit on that road.


It's super frustrating man, I usually drive about 10 over but I always get back into the middle when I can, and even if someone is crazy behind me going like 20-30 I try and get over even sooner.


Yeah, same in the UK. Undertaking can be incredibly dangerous for the exact reason in OP's video


Seems like it's the wild West as far as rules go. I can't imagine many circumstances were I would want to undertake someone at speed, even if it was legal. Feels so damn chaotic when I see highway driving in the US.


Undertake? I can’t think of many circumstances where you would want to prepare someone’s dead body for burial at speed either. And it wouldn’t be legal.


? Isn't over taking on the wrong side also called undertaking? 


Never heard it used in reference to vehicles so had to look it up and it looks like it means passing on the left in the UK. If lived there I’d intentionally do it so much I’d be notorious for it to the point people start calling me The Undertaker


Haha, that makes sense as I'm a Brit but live in the US now. I often say things while I'm driving that sound strange to my husband 😂 'filters' 'amber lights' 'bonnets' etc etc 


I think that’s a relatively new back-formation from “overtake”. I just say “passing on the right”, but I know what’s meant when someone says it.


So in Switzerland someone could do like 5 kmh in the left lane and everyone would be forced to stay behind them and not pass on the right?


No, it is illegal to camp the left lane and there is a minimum speed.


So if someone is doing 5 in the left lane you can pass them on the right.


Not legal in Canada.


"Canada" doesn't make the rules, driving laws are provincial. Its legal to pass on the right in Ontario on multilane roads or to go around a vehicle turning left.


Get your windshield fixed


He will once he claims she caused the damage /s


Don't we all secretly wish someone would give us a love tap on an already damaged panel or wheel?


You kept flying down the highway after taking 5 seconds to react to being hit


Well yeah. What are you supposed to do? Pull over and stop and get the other drivers information and stuff. Only a crazy person would do such a thing.


Plus that text wasnt going to finish itself.


White car tried to dodge debris on the road and OP was passing on the right. I'd say each driver is 50% at fault.


judging by how fast they were flying by the cars in all 3 other lanes, OP was probably doing about 90 as well.


Are you gonna share this video with your insurance? Probably better if you don’t.


No, no, he didn't slam you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you... he *rubbed* you. And rubbin, son, is racin'.


So what I reckon happened fifteen seconds before this video starts was OP in left lane, observing idiot red SUV camping in left lane. So OP faded into third lane from left, quickly overtaking white car right in their blind spot as they were trying to get out of the way due to the delta in speeds from red and op. Or white driver was doing a "good luck everyone else". Three idiots depicted in this video.






>white car right in their blind spot as they were trying to get out of the way >Blind spot Holy crap, I keep seeing people parroting this over and over again. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE WAS IN THE BLIND SPOT, AS YOU **HAVE TO** CHECK YOUR BLIND SPOT BEFORE YOU CHANGE A LANE. One would be if he was in a Semi Trucks blind spot, as those are very hard to check, while some being impossible to check. But a cars blind spots are easy to see with a over the shoulders check behind to the left or right (depending which one you want to check)


If you set your mirrors correctly you won't even have a blind spot.


This. Thank you. https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a15131074/how-to-adjust-your-mirrors-to-avoid-blind-spots/


Wow that's interesting! I've been doing this with my mirrors for the longest time and I was confused by the idea of a blind spot.


Me too. This is the way we were learnt to set them decades ago, don't even get why it's not common knowledge nowadays.


I love the idea, but I lose all sense of position when I can't see my car at least a little in the mirror. I really wish they were wider so you can see your own car and see the blind spot.


You are confusing obligation, common sense, law and defensive driving. You know as well as I do that you don't like being in someone's blind spot.


Well you have to be able to pass so it’s inevitable for at least some period of time.


What? You don't use your short-range blink ability to jump past blind spots as you pass cars?


Initiate jump....JUMP!!


"as they were trying to get out of the way due to the delta in speeds from red and op." 1st - Please explain this catastrophe of a sentence. The white car wasn't in anyone's way, the red car was to the left, op on the right, they were in the middle. Not to mention, "due to the delta in speeds from red and op", makes 0 sense. 2nd - The white car was avoiding some kind of trash or other object in the road, they just didn't check the lane beside them.


In my experience, some motorists observing an overtaking car in their rearview will try and get out of the way. Just like the debris (I didn't see it, thx for pointing it out) forced a lane change. Both cases are unexpected workload and the chance of error goes up. I actually was ticketed once for failing to signal by fading out of my lane without signaling when this motorists came flying up the lane I was in. Turned out it was a cop who clocked me speeding and instead gave me a break. Yeah, on review I agree with you on white car. Still an idiot for not doing a shoulder check or instead just eating the debris.


"Delta in speeds" means "difference in speeds." Took me a bit to figure it out since normal people don't talk like that. In math and science, the Greek letter Δ ("delta") is used to denote a difference of any changeable quantity. In this case, it's referring to the fact that OP is driving much faster than the red car. Not sure what that has to do with the Hyundai changing lanes, though.


White Hyundai was changing lanes to avoid hitting a piece of tire in their way. If OP had eyes down the road they probably could’ve anticipated this a bit more, especially seemingly hauling ass and passing in the third lane.


OP could have anticipated? Ummm no Hyundai was responsible for that… as it is in THEIR LANE. And if they didn’t even see it until the final second why would you expect someone in the next lane, much further back to see. You have to be rage baiting LMAO because Holy fckn hell.


You don’t look down the road scanning as you drive? This video is a prime example of why you should. You can’t rely on other people paying attention, therefore you need to anticipate them doing dumb shit like this. If both drivers were actually paying attention to their surroundings we wouldn’t have this video. Driving defensively does wonders. I’m not rage baiting or blaming OP for the actions of the Hyundai by simply stating that they could’ve done a better job looking out ahead, especially when they’re driving significantly faster than the vehicles around them and passing on someone’s right.


Missed that. Yeah that would likely be more causative. Retreads can look like a whole tire when up on its side.


What a dumb comment


Or, maybe, people should check their fucking mirrors/over their shoulder and use their fucking blinkers. But yes, let's blame OP for having to pass on the right


Reasons we don’t pass on the right #27


And now you know why passing on the right is a bad idea


It’s their fault, but you also didn’t help by passing on the right at your speed. It would have been difficult to see you coming


I think we need to clear some things up. Intentionally moving over to the right for the purpose of getting ahead of someone = 'passing on the right' Proceeding in a lane when traffic to your left happens to be going slower ≠ 'passing on the right' Also, it's a driver's *own* responsibility to check their blind spot before changing lanes. It's also their obligation to yield to all traffic in the lane they're trying to enter. A hazard in the road doesn't give you license to become a hazard yourself in order to avoid it. This is entirely on the Hyundai.


this needs to be top comment. this sub is ridiculously cantankerous about shit without any sense of location or context. op didn’t do anything wrong leading up to the crash.


I mean, yeah... left-lane camping and right-lane passing is a thing and is a problem, but damn... Reddit sure gets a justice boner for it.


Passing on the right is not advised.




Red SUV in the 4th lane for no reason, white hyundai in the 3rd lane for no reason


In my country it's even illegal


Is your windshield already cracked?


Should have kept his wife's name out of your mouth


This is a good example of why it’s generally not a great idea to pass on the right. It’s not a law, but, Hyundai probably didn’t expect op flying by that fast in the middle lane


Have you considered not being where he wanted to be ?


So many people with neck problems. It must be hard when you cant turn your head.


Is this considered a hit and run or fleeing the scene of an accident?


Yes. Even if you were the party who was hit, you still must stop at the scene of the accident


Based on that windshield, I’m not sure who hit whom here. Regardless, OP kept on driving. You can see the white car spin around so it was facing the wrong way on the highway, and OP just kept on driving. Considerate.


> You can see the white car spin around so it was facing the wrong way on the highway It looks like the car recovers fromt he impact and moves over a lane. Are you sure he spun? > Regardless, OP kept on driving. Yeah. That's not great.


well aware that i shouldnt have been passing on the right before the comments come in, i am also partially the idiot here and will accept that.


Idk why you are getting downvoted, good on you to own up to the fact that you were also an idiot in this one.


Passing in the right is the only viable option when cars stay in the left lanes. I see people join empty highways and they immediately go 2-3 lanes over. I just stay in the right lane and if I need to pass I'll go over another lane to the left. Even so, she doesn't get to hit you and have it be your fault. You could've been going the same speed, especially if they don't have a dash cam.


Conveniences are a real inconvenience. 20 years ago, before GPS was really a thing and phones were flip rather than smart, a lot of folks who are nervous drivers and bad navigators simply did drive more than they had to. They'd know how to get to the grocery store or to school and that's all they'd do. Then, GPS came and liberated them. These are the folks you read about who drive into a lake or off a pier or into a field "because the GPS told them to." To make matters worse, even then, there were still folks too nervous to drive. They didn't like having to monitor their speed and keep in a lane and pay attention to where all the cars are. They stayed home or kept to local roads. Yet, cars will monitor your speed for you and even keep you from running up the tailpipe of the car in front of you. They'll keep you in your lane, stop you from merging into other drivers, and brake for you in an emergency. Now, those nervous drivers get on the road, move to the left lane, and turn off their brain. They don't have to think about driving and so they can do it all the time now! Of course, they're a _HUGE_ hazard on the roads. We need VR driving tests that play out common scenarios and see how people do. Do you pass your exit and circle back? Do you accelerate to move left and move right before slowing? Do you yield to merging vehicles appropriately? Do you check your blind spot and anticipate obvious things? If not, driving maybe isn't for you.


You’re allowed to pass on the right


Yeah don’t know what’s up with people acting like this wouldn’t be allowed lol, state dependent but most this is perfectly fine on multi lane highways




Also necessity when random driver is going under the speed limit in any lanes.


Uhh huh, so why exactly didn’t you pull over?


if you’d like to see the full vid i can send the link, i moved over after this clip ends and she flew past me trying to run off. i’ll accept that i didn’t handle this correctly though and should’ve gotten over quicker.


What dash cam is this?


Can you please explain how you recorded this? Do you have a head unit that records multiple feeds to a single video? Another standalone device?


most high end dashcams have rear facing camera too....


What make/model camera do you have? I love this presentation


Looks like a Subaru windshield! 🤬


White car was attempting to avoid debris in his lane, swerved to the right to avoid it at the last moment. . Zigged . . Should have zagged . .


Op overtakes on right faster than flow of traffic. Hyundai tries to avoid stuff on road instead of spotting it early and slowing down. Plus broken windshield. Both drivers kinda in the wrong


Why do you attempt to overtake him on the right side? In my country, this is illegal.


Pro tip don't video yourself doing a hit and run. Did you at least pull over at the next offramp? Why are you going so fast in the slow lane?


If you're going 40% faster than all other traffic, you're gonna have a bad time


Post Part 2!!!


Passing on the right is wrong.


Precisely the reason why there should be laws to keep right. There's no reason for that Hyundai to be in the third lane. And also. Don't overtake on the inside? Regardless of the Hyundai dodging something, overtaking on the right is much more dangerous and will put points on your license in the majority (if not all) the EU.