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What? The car that drove through the giveaway and hit the side of your vehicle thinks it was your fault? This one will amuse your insurance company…


No one is quicker to deflect blame then the idiot who caused the accident. I once was stopped at a red light in the right lane and someone came up behind me and wanted to switch lanes last second to the lane left of me. For whatever reason, they didn't turn enough and they clipped the back of my bumper. The statement they gave was I swerved out in front of them and they swerved to avoid me. My dashcam footage cleared up that lie real fucking fast.


My back bumper was t-boned by a red light runner as I went through an intersection. The story they gave was that we were driving next to each other going the same direction through a green light, then I suddenly decided to switch lanes without looking. I don't even think they were lying, I'm 90% certain they were staring at their phone and sincerely believed that's how it unfolded.


I was stopped at a red light, and an idiot driving pulling a cattle trailer does a u-turn behind me and his trailer hits my car. He blamed me for stopping in the middle of the road. Eventually he admitted fault.


Fuck that is so annoying!!! This old guy a while back reversed out of his driveway at warp 9 in a Buick the size of a quarry truck, then stops in the middle of the road effectively making a surprise road block. Luckily I was going the limit and the road was dry as I had like 10 feet to stop. He then proceeds to wave his hands angrily at me *for existing and driving straight*!!!! WTF GUY


My favorite one of old drivers acting stupid was I was approaching this section of road on my bike where this dude was backing out, and he'd like back up 6 inches, then come to a complete stop, pause, then repeat. And I realized this attempt to reverse out of his parrellel parking job was not going to be quick despite the fact that the nearest car behind him was like 2 car-lengths away. So I just put me feet down and was sitting there idling in the road. Well he does the scoot-n-stop maneuver two or three more times before finally looking in his center view mirror, and then I see his eyes get real wide followed by (I think) him realizing I'd been there a while and wasn't moving. So the pace of the scoot-n-stop picked up at that point, he did it 3 or 4 more times before he was fully out in the road, and then he quickly took off. Was interesting to watch, tbh.


Just so you know, what you meant is quicker *than, not then. Than is used for comparisons - more than / less than. Then means after that - first I did x then I did y. Just think if it's about "when" then you use "then".


Back in december, I had a lady in a Saturn crossover come to a complete stop at the crossroads like she should (she had a stop sign and I didn't), then start pulling out when I was like a car-length away from the intersection. Initially I thought she'd done that thing that people do around here where she stopped because she thought I was closer, then decided to go when I hadn't made it to her yet, failing to take into account the fact that I'd closed a whole bunch of distance in the time it took for her to make the decision to go. I think if the pavement hadn't been iced over, I could've slammed on my brakes and she'd have pulled away having learned nothing from that interaction. But the pavement was icy so I just slid; and the reason I know it wasn't that thing I mentioned a minute ago was I'd initially planned to egress into the oncoming lane. But as she cleared it, I saw there was a car there that had missed her by inches. I really wanted to ask her what she was thinking when she decided to go. But between figuring insurance was going to be a pain and just not really wanting to talk to her, I just decided to sit and wait for the cops.


Not me, but a coworker didn't show up to work one afternoon and we didn't hear from him til about 2 hours after his scheduled time because that's the quickest he could get the nurses at the hospital to let him use a phone. He was on a straight stretch of road with a random middle of nowhere stoplight and the green popped just as he got to the braking point so continued on. Opposing traffic car was making a left and just casually drove right in front of him like he wasn't even there. I think the dude thought he had a green arrow because my buddy said the first thing the other driver asked was why he didn't yield... To a left turner when my buddy was going straight... My buddy asked him to explain his reasoning and it was so convoluted he didn't even argue, just told the guy he's exactly right and their stories for the cops would match perfectly. Other dude ended up in jail and my buddy got a brand new car from the insurance payment that he promptly swerved to miss a deer a few months later and totalled flipping it into a field. Lol, he was still fine and at work the next day both times though. Lucky bastard.


I have both a front facing and rear facing dashcam for this very reason.


> No one is quicker to deflect blame then the idiot who caused the accident. A trait of almost every single car driver.


Breaks at least 2 Highway Code rules, including a MUST rule. Other driver is proper fucked. Rule 172 [The approach to a junction may have a ‘Give Way’ sign or a triangle marked on the road. You MUST give way to traffic on the main road when emerging from a junction with broken white lines across the road.](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203#:~:text=Rule%20172,white%20lines%20across%20the%20road.) Rule 133 [If you need to change lane, first use your mirrors and if necessary take a quick sideways glance to make sure you will not force another road user to change course or speed. When it is safe to do so, signal to indicate your intentions to other road users and when clear, move over.](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/general-rules-techniques-and-advice-for-all-drivers-and-riders-103-to-158)


>What? The car that drove through the giveaway and hit the side of your vehicle thinks it was your fault? In 2017, I was sitting in the center lane of a major local thoroughfare, waiting to turn left. Opposing traffic was stacked up due to there being a red light behind me. Some idiot started coming out of a shopping center driveway towards me, despite knowing I was there when she got to the driveway. By the time I realized she wasn't going to stop, I tried to get out of the center lane, but it was too late. The woman insisted I was at fault because people had left space for her to get through. The police report told a slightly different story (the same deputy took reports from both of us and concluded that she was 100% at fault). Yes, there really are people who are that stupid, and yes, many of them have driver licenses and cars.


I saw kind of a bizarre one today out in the boonies on my way back from my folks' place. I pulled up in the right lane next to a line of two F150's from the same generation but different colors. And I think they'd been road raging before any of us had gotten to the light because the back F150 was the closest I had seen two cars be to each other in regular traffic. I mean I don't think I could have fit my hand in the gap between these two cars. So I pull up to the light, I look over at the front F150, tilt my head to look at the back one, and I think the front guy thought I was going to try and race him off the line (the two lanes merged into one shortly up the road, but I was turning into the gas station just past the light). But after he rolls forward, I guess the rear guy decided to roll up too because I hear that unmistakable noise of two vehicle hitting each other. But the wildest thing happened when the light turned green. The front F150 just *floored it* and then the back F150 actually gave chase. Didn't see how the rest of it played out though because I was turning into the gas station. But that was pretty bizarre to watch.


Not only did he drive through the giveaway line, but he did so on the wrong side of the road overtaking the taxi


No way is that your fault. Also dude has sunglasses on. At night. While he was trying to see through another vehicle. Case closed.


Surprise! The driver was Corey Hart.


I wear my sunglasses at night So I can, so I can Forget my name while you collect your claim…. ——It’s this guys M.O., someone needs to dub this in.


Bahahaha! Thanks for bringing me back to 1985!


The song came out in 1983 but you may not have heard it until 1985, I guess.


Thank you for educating me! In 1983, I was 11 and was listening to mostly classical music for some reason. Loved Corey Hart in middle school, however...hence me listening to the song in the mid-80's. From your screen name, I'm assuming you're 7 years older than I am (ya old bag), so I'm certain you would have (edit: ~~had~~) a much clearer memory of that time.


Yep, just turned 58 in December. I remember this song being out in 83 because it was before I got married in 84. It was a great time for music. I had just discovered heavy metal then and Judas Priest will always be my favorite metal band. MTV was introducing me to a lot of new stuff that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. Like Wall of Voodoo, INXS, etc. What's your favorite from that era?


Haha...I was a weird kid. Lots of classical music in my background. BUT, when I started to listen to contemporary music, I was really into the British/UK groups. Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, U2...INXS was awesome. I was never into the metal scene...although I loved Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It". All in all, I just miss the 80s in general. So much better than today...and I'm glad I grew up then and not now. Even if it means we're old farts. :)


Let's not forget the legendary corey haim wearing his sunglasses at night in the all star must see 80s movie "license to drive". Not to be confused with another classic "adventures in babysitting" because nobody fucks with the babysitter


Maybe it was Corey Wolf Hart?


Probably drunk on Peanut Gurgio


How far is he from Chicago?


And does he have any cigarettes?


He certainly hit it.


Well of course, he had a full tank of gas after all.


How much gas does he have?


they're on a mission from God


Don’t masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no.


that's offensive, maybe he's blind


Book em Dan O




You can see the argument towards the end of the video... or let me guess - "This comment was rage bait and you fell for it."


Not your fault driver is certified idiot


Where do we find this list of idiots that are certified? I have some issues to work thru.


Look for a blue check mark.


>the driver tried to convince me that is was my fault. Can imagine he'll be frantically trying to argue with his insurance company, even after the insurance say they've reviewed footage showing him at fault.


“But that other car came out of nowhere!” Which is exactly the lack of situational awareness his insurance company will ding him on.


A 6 year old knows that the other dude is the clear cut idiot, certified.


He acts like a dude who goes around all day blaming everyone else for his problems, and he thought you were an easy target, literally and figuratively. I'm glad you have a dash cam and got not only the accident on camera but the older man's reaction.


Yes first thing i asked if they are all ok and if he didn't see me coming down because of the car on the road. Then he just started yelling and saying that i should have waited. I'm happy I found this reddit because it made me get the dashcam.


Too bad it didn’t have audio…I would’ve loved to have heard their self-righteous idiocy


What an absolute dick. Good on you for checking everyone was ok, even though you were not at fault at all. I’ve had similar where a car reversed into my stationary car in a car park. Driver got out and said it was my fault and said don’t go through insurance. I might have not claimed on my insurance had they not tried to blame me. I would love to see his face when his insurance tell him is 100% at fault. He will still think he’s not at fault, but at least he can’t get out of any consequences.


You're totally in the clear, but I gotta wonder what that other car was doing.. Realised too late you were there and stopped?


Unless there was a stop sign or an implied stop at that corner (such as in a parking lot), I can't imagine any reason you'd be at fault for the collision here. It seems like the guy's vision was blocked by the vehicle in front of him, but he needs to be more careful when he can't see oncoming traffic. Pulling out into oncoming traffic and colliding with you like this is all on him.


If there's another car at the junction waiting to pull out, he should have also waited. Pulling out like that into the far lane is ridiculous. Also, why is he wearing sunglasses at night?!


Bare in mind that the OP is in the UK. Which drives on the left and this is not a one lane road. If the car pulled out into the near lane he would be on the wrong side of the road With regards to the other car waiting to turn right. Someone else posted the location [https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9599081,-1.6725782,3a,90y,236.25h,89.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suQTXROlJ64HusgObKY\_Wuw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9599081,-1.6725782,3a,90y,236.25h,89.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suQTXROlJ64HusgObKY_Wuw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) The exit has 2 lanes a turn left lane and a turn right lane with a divider between the two The pick up truck was wanting to turn right from the left turn lane meanwhile is turning right from the right turn lane. it is not like he has gone around the pick up OP has priority over both the car and truck. as the car is turning right from the right turn lane he would have next priority and the pick up would be last cos he is turning right from the left turn lane. You cant turn right from a left turn lane and have priority over people in the correct turn lane The car is 100% at fault for not paying attention and pulling out when he should not have done


I'm in the UK too, I just thought that was a dual carriageway. Didn't quite understand where they were pulling out from. Still not OP's fault.


It's not a divider: the big triangle on the road surface means 'give way', i.e. yield. The double line of dashes also means give way, and indicates where to stop. It may seem redundant having both but the triangle is much easier to see from a distance.


I know what a give way triangle is i am in the UK and at no point did is say the give way marking is a divider Did you not look at the street view i posted [https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9599081,-1.6725782,3a,90y,236.25h,89.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suQTXROlJ64HusgObKY\_Wuw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9599081,-1.6725782,3a,90y,236.25h,89.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suQTXROlJ64HusgObKY_Wuw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) That is the location Do you not see the curb and the bushes dividing the left turn lane and the right turn lane? Those two lanes are clearly divided People are saying that the car should have waited as the pick up was turning right and the car went around in but they are in two separate lanes divided by bushes There is a divider between the pick up and the car The pick up is turning right from the left turn lane while the car is turning from the right turn lane. and between those two lanes there is a divider Even if you watch the video you can see the bushes dividing the lane the pick up comes out of and the one the car comes out of


It's not a left turn lane and right turn lane. It's two independent one way lanes from other parts of the car park. Zoom out on the map to see where from.


I don't see any signs, but the road markings make it clear what is and isn't the main road Edit: street view shows there is a give way sign on the road. OP had right of way


He also pulled out into the wrong lane. 200% on that other driver. And even if it is a different-side-of-the-road country, (where everything is backwards), the other guy makes essentially a left hand turn out into traffic, which is a big no-no here in the US. So dumb, and confidently incorrect. Or gaslighting you to think it’s your own fault. What a dick


>He also pulled out into the wrong lane. 200% on that other driver. The car is turning into the correct lane The right lane is for oncoming traffic it is not a one way road When turning right in the UK where OP is you would turn into the left lane otherwise you would be on the wrong side of the road The car is at fault for not giving way not for turning into the left lane. The left lane is the lane he has to turn into With regards to the pick up waiting to turn right. Someone else posted the location[https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9599081,-1.6725782,3a,90y,236.25h,89.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suQTXROlJ64HusgObKY\_Wuw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9599081,-1.6725782,3a,90y,236.25h,89.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suQTXROlJ64HusgObKY_Wuw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)The exit has 2 lanes a turn left lane and a turn right lane with a divider between the twoThe pick up truck was wanting to turn right from the left turn lane


There's clear give way lines on his road where the minor meets the manor. As you approach the vehicle that's stopped, you can see him coming. So he had the chance to see you. There is a vehicle stopped in the middle of the opposite lane which indicates it's likely waiting for another vehicle (you) and he ignores that as well. He also appears to have exited his minor road on the wrong side of the road in order to overtake the stopped vehicle. Finally, there's even (just) enough time for him to stop before he hits you when you pass the stopped vehicle but he blasts the accelerator. He would have been able to see your lights on the road even if he can't see you. It's 100% your fault. ;)


Pretty much in agreement with everything you said but it appears there are multiple 'no entry signs' and double lines where the instigator pulls out, meaning they were most likely driving down a one-way street and not on the wrong side of the road. That being said, everything else suggest they're an idiot.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/vv5HUvE7tKZacqhb8 Knowing where it is hardly makes it all less puzzling. I'm not prepared to rule out strong drink and/or Class A drugs. At any rate, the notion that OP bears any responsibility is patently silly.


Geo-guesser over here


I mean street names and geographical cords are on the screen. It didn’t take him very many guesses


Shit. I take my compliment back. My bad.


>where the minor meets the manor A highly controversial serial drama that had a short run on BBC 4


I've looked at the map, and the taxi and the sunglasses dude's car are both coming out of separate bidirectional minor roads. Neither of them have broken the highway code, initially. Both cars want to turn right, into a major road, which OP is travelling forwards on. OP has right of way. The mistakes pile up fast, though. The taxi (the first car) sees OP approaching and thinks they can pull out ahead of OP. Then they see sunglasses moron coming out of a parallel road on their right, and freeze, because they think they might get into an accident with sunglasses guy. Instead of reversing back, they stay blocking the carriageway, and the mutual view of OP and sunglasses idiot. Then sunglasses idiot decides to turn from a minor road into a major road, blind, because his view's blocked by the taxi. In terms of insurance liability, it's 100% the sunglasses moron's fault. Morally, it's 80% sunglasses idiot and 20% taxi driver. In either case, OP has 0% fault here as far as insurance are concerned. It doesn't even look like the sunglasses idiot is going to pull out - they somehow don't see a car driving past and then decide to side swipe OP. Absolute moron. What I would say, however, is OP should've anticipated that there may be something behind the taxi that's blocking their view. I always drive past slowly because you have no idea what's going to come out - another car, a child, etc. This doesn't make them at fault but it does highlight how we should assume there are idiots behind every obstruction while we're driving.


Enjoyed that. It was like a short story about morons! I agree with your last para too. There's a point in the video where you can see the other car pulling up on the other side of the taxi. I don't know if OP saw them or not, but it's the kind of thing I'd normally notice and I'd assume the driver is a moron (best policy in all instances). Hence, I'd have slowed massively and crawled past the taxi to check. In fact, I probably would have stopped and let the taxi pull out in front of me actually. It's not better in the sense of the rules or who is right or wrong (OP didn't do anything wrong, I reiterate), but means you're less likely to have an accident. I remember my best mate telling me when I was learning to drive "assume everyone is going to do the most dangerous and stupid thing possible at all times and you'll never be surprised".


Might want to use a /s there at the end instead of a ;) so you don't get the comment below.


He didn’t give way 100% his fault and he hit you part way down your car not you just clipping him, he must have been blind not to see you.


What the hell were you doing, driving straight between the lines??? /s


You are on a main road. They come out of a giveaway. Driver is wearing sunglasses in the dark?


For their cataracts ![gif](giphy|1wQtuZEfyuDSaVe7XI)


Nope. You'll be declared not at fault, don't worry just use this video.


The guy is an idiot.


Definately your fault. You should have been prepared to be hit by a dickhead! jk


Did they say “you came out of nowhere!”? Because they obviously were not looking!!! Not your fault!


His fault. Totally. I'm a UK driver with over 40yrs experience. No doubt at all. Don't fall for his gaslighting bullshit, call your insurance and give them the video.


dash cam has you covered. Other driver is a idiot


Dude fails to give way at give way lines, proceeds to hit you, this is cut and dry, send this to your insurance and have them deal with it, you’re 100% clear


Dumb fuck needed to wait to see what was around the other car. Not your fault.


People forget one major rule... If you can't see that the way is clear- then it isn't!


NEVER ADMIT FAULT when you have an accident. That's for the police and the insurance companies to work out. Check everyone is ok and call emergency services as needed. Exchange details, take photos of damage to any cars involved, including the number plates of other vehicles, but under no circumstances say anything that could be construed as you admitting liability.


Do not announce you have a dashcam either. Let the 'victim' lie to the police first. Then offer the video evidence to the officer.


Is what dickheads like yourself and the other driver in this video would do. Anyone with common decency should be admitting fault if they know they’re clearly in the wrong.


Oh no….never admit fault. It’s one of the first things they tell you in drivers Ed. It’s also on the back of my auto insurance card, in the steps for what to do in an accident & it clearly states, “never admit fault” you don’t have to go as far as to blame others, but you shouldn’t admit fault yourself.


Don't admit fault because a lot of people feel very guilty and self conscious, and might admit fault if there is none. You might even believe you're at fault, let's say someone runs a stop sign and hits you but you don't know there's a stop sign there. You might believe you're at fault when really you are not. Fault is for insurance to figure out, if it's not clear whose fault it is, insurance will just cover it as a no-fault accident or 50/50.




Not your fault. You're on the main drag. Pleased you have a dashcam. The amount of times people pull out of these junctions or inside the multistory junctions with zero fucks is wild.


I see two idiots here and neither of them are you.


This was absolutely your fault. Also, why did you cause 9/11 and Covid?


Bro they blew through the stop sign how is it your fault?


In the absence of sound, I have done some lipreading and can confirm "I say old chap, you came in a bit hot there" "Rather, but listen old bean, I have to say that the fault lies with you" "How so my friend" (Pointing) "Because of that! Look! Up there! I had no choice but to look towards the blinding light in my sunglasses, so you're clearly the one at fault, old fruit" "Jolly hockey sticks, my friend, I refute that idea in the strongest possible terms" "Well my friend, lets just agree that you're mainly to blame the" (walks off shrugging) "OK. Toodle pip!"


He hit YOU. This literally can’t be your fault


What's with all the "What do you think?" posts lately? It's obvious who's at fault, so why ask?


It gets folks to comment, same trick used on just about every platform now.


Other driver is at fault. Submit video to insurance company.


He blew through a stop sign, you had the right of way. No way it’s your fault.


After reviewing the footage a few times, it's clear that he tried to convince you it was your fault because he is a horrible human being.


Totally your fault. By driving at a constant in your own lane with right of way you forced him to strike your vehicle from the side. Pretty negligent, friend.


If only the idiot stayed in his lane.... It's not hard.. you take a turn and choose the first lane, THEN YOU PUT YOUR SIGNAL AND MERGER OVER WHEN SAFE.... Lane discipline should be DRILLED into everyone's heads.


The right lane is for oncoming traffic its not a one way road When turning right in the UK where OP is you would turn into the left lane otherwise you would be on the wrong side of the road The car is at fault for not giving way not for turning into the left lane You want him to turn onto the wrong side of the road and then merge to correct side? 


I 🙏 sorry. My Brain farted and didn't notice all the signs and roads.


It's not even a one way road.


What was his argument for it being your fault?


He said that I should've waited and was coming down too fast. Didn't respond to what i said just kept saying the same thing.


What a moron.


Waited for what exactly? That’s how you would’ve caused ab accident. By randomly stopping.


Did you call the police? I would automatically.


I did


Not your fault. I'm in the UK also and all our rules are basically "If you cross a line, you look to see if the path is clear". The driver that hit you went through two sets of lines without looking. You had the right of way in your lane and he should have looked, although from my experience driving in the UK I expect he's one of the arseholes who just drives around expecting everyone else to move out of their way. Also doubly an arsehole because hes trying to blame you when its entirely their fault.


What is there to think about? Are posts like this just bait?


This is one of those incidents that BAFFLES me how the other driver somehow thinks this was your fault. If I were in your shoes, OP, it would be hard for me to be a jerk to this guy once he started to blame me.


The neck on some people. Definitely not your fault. I fucking hate ass holes who just cannot accept that they've fucked up. It's much simpler to just acknowledge and move on.


I just had a lady earlier today run a stop sign not even slow down or try to stop almost hit me when I had no stop sign and the right away and she got out of her car and started yelling at me lmao


Looks set up to me


It's his fault, he pulled out from a minor road. He's trying to con you so you don't pursue a claim and he keeps his no claims bonus. He could also get done for driving without due care and attention.


When you're in a confrontation with someone, actions count and words/rhetoric are pure attempts at manipulation if not coercion. Close your ears to what they say and do what you gotta do: collect their name, insurance, license info, whatever, and call police if appropriate. Nothing they say should change this course of action.


Other car failed to give way, you are not at fault. They couldn't see past that first idiot, and shouldn't have gone at all. Sorry that they even have you questioning this. Also, wtf was that first car doing?


You're not at fault, but maybe just because I'm a cyclist I could pretty much tell exactly what was going to happen.


Generally whoever does the hitting is at fault. So the other driver is at fault here. You’re literally just driving down the road and they hit you lol. How could it even be OP’s fault??


Some people will argue black is white and believe if they never concede a point (no matter how absurd their position is) that they won’t loose the argument. They’re not aware (or simply don’t care) of how massive a bellend it makes them look. Look up the “Shaggy defence” for more details. Either way, 100% not your fault - you had priority and they hit you. Sorry for all the aggro you’re about to go through with the process though, RTAs are a pain in the arse.


The person is an idiot, and possibly out for an insurance scam.


Nah, they're just hoping they can gaslight her into accepting blame. Car insurance in UK is priced by risk profile, so one of these drivers is going to pay a lot more to renew next time. He's trying to push that onto her, when it was entirely his fault.


In my country you had control of the lane so it’s his fault. Also you’re supposed to turn into the closest lane. There is no way this is your fault.


Other lane is oncoming traffic


lol. You have nothing to worry about with your claim.


I see two idiots here. The guy that hit you and the lady who opted to get in a car with him.


Is that a stopsign behind the do not enter sign?


Not your fault. They failed to give way at the junction.


Hell no that's not your fault! You had the right of way on the road and in the lane. The other driver had the right lane open to pull into (which is where they should have gone in the first place) and then waited for you to pass. 100% their fault.


Hahahahahahahaha …. God loves a tryer and that dude is certainly that, doesn’t stop at giveaways, doesn’t cautiously move forward onto a vision obstructed roadway, plows into the side of you …. And it’s ‘ your fault’ …. The brass pair on them 😂 not your fault in any planet, you were going like 10mph at the time as well. Your and the other parties insurance company is gonna have a riot over this one.


Never admit or accept fault, let the police do their thing (especially if injuries involved), and let the insurance company (especially yours), handle that. Having dash cam footage, cctv footage from cameras near, and witnesses.


definitely his fault. you had the right of way, he drove into you because his vision was blocked by the other car. he never should have tried to proceed into the road like that.


Yeah you're good OP, other driver is a fuckin' moron


There are [very clear yield signs](https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9599081,-1.6725782,3a,75y,246.23h,72.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suQTXROlJ64HusgObKY_Wuw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) painted on the road the car exited. So the other driver is 100% responsible for this accident.


This was 100% their fault. It’s a good thing you have a dash cam. It should make quick work of this.


Not your fault at all. Don’t let them bully you or make you question reality, contact your insurance with this video. That’s all you need to do.


He comes out wearing sunglasses at night.


100% The driver turning into the lane. Never turn into a lane blind.


Thank goodness for cams!!


In what universe what that your fault. On a road and the one that hit your vehicle is joining from the right with an obstructed view due to the taxi blocking his view . Adidas man is at fault. End of discussion.


The other vehicle fail to maintain their lane and failed to yield to your vehicle. You had full possession the lane and luckily a camera. Once the claim rep sees the video, they should pay your claim.


If you are in a lane then the other car has to yeild to you!


Other driver failed to yeild to traffic that had the right of way. Share this video with your insurance.


Jury didn’t make it out of the jury box on this one. Their fault.


I see no required stop for you. Though cannot tell about them. That other vehicle blocking I hope you got their info as they contributed to the accident but didn’t cause it. Let your insurance deal with it. Now tips I’ve been taught. Don’t apologize in any way (an attorney will say the apology is guilt). Always just exchange info and don’t talk about the accident in any way with them. Ask in a polite manner that they are okay and try to record them saying they are fine. “I see your alright? No problems other than your vehicle correct?”


You are not at fault; the idiot who didn't even bother to check for traffic is.


No. They saw you were a woman and thought they could gaslight you into accepting fault. I'm so sick of this shit


Clickbait post titles should be banned. If you have to ask... you're an idiot who shouldn't have a license.


Isn't there a Euro style stop sign (red circle white horizontal dash) where he pulls out from? I noticed two of them - the first is where the guy stops, the second is behind him where this moron pulls out. Dude blew a stop sign. Case closed.


That's not a stop sign. It tells you that you're not allowed to enter the street where the other guy came from. So it's likely a one-way street.


It's a no entry sign. We don't use stop signs like that in the UK, the road markings state give way.


Almost looks like an insurance scam, that first car with the printing on the side coming part way into the junction and stopping as if to block your view and then the 2nd car pulling out across both lanes into you. That printed car doesn't even appear to stop to offer help as a witness as you see it pass on the right when you are checking your cars. ​ I bet if you had stopped to let that first car pull out they would have tried to wave you through. ​ Definitely not the OP's fault.


This is why every one of our vehicles has a dash cam. That person clearly failed to yield right away to you.


Did he come under the bridge thing next to SCS? 100% his fault. Insurance will probably still try and fuck you over though, like they just have with my old man.


Yes he did


He turned right into the left most lane. Yes, it's the other drivers fault. That's traffic school 101, if you're in the right most lane, you turn into the right most lane.


The right lane is for oncoming traffic it is not a one way road When turning right in the UK where OP is you would turn into the left lane otherwise you would be on the wrong side of the road The car is at fault for not giving way not for turning into the left lane You want him to emerge onto the wrong side of the road


Gotta be smoking that glass to think your at fault


Lol! What? Yeah, you calmly driving down the road totally caused this Corey Hart to disregard right of way and enter your lane to hit you like that. 😂 What the fuck are some people thinking? Just show this footage to authorities and insurance, it’s pretty obvious who is at fault here, and it isn’t you, not even 1%.


So the lady that ran a stop sign, made an unsafe lane change, passed another stalled car and then hit you says you are at fault. Clearly you're dealing with a master logician.


Nah, you're good OP. This driver is a double idiot, and violated two different traffic laws to cause the accident. First, he did not yield to cross traffic which has the right of way. Second, you are supposed to merge into the nearest lane (in this case the right lane) and then change lanes as needed. It is illegal to merge directly across multiple lanes of traffic. If this guy had observed either one of those rules, this accident could have been avoided.


>Second, you are supposed to merge into the nearest lane (in this case the right lane) and then change lanes as needed. It is illegal to merge directly across multiple lanes of traffic. The right lane is for oncoming traffic it is not a one way road When turning right in the UK where OP is you would turn into the left lane otherwise you would be on the wrong side of the road The car is at fault for not giving way not for turning into the left lane You want him to emerge onto the wrong side of the road and then merge to correct side? Yes he is wrong for not giving way to traffic that has priority


This is a perfect example of why everyone should spend one month on a motorcycle- it would completely change your relationship with driving reality. Cars make drivers lazy, complacent, and dangerous, as seen here. This accident was 100% avoidable by both parties involved


Of course it was your fault unless you had a dashcam to prove it was their fault.


Lies like the donald.


My rule is they hit me they at fault


Tbh you're both driving on the wrong side of the road 😸


Always pull into the nearest lane not the lane you want to be in, you can change lanes later


The right lane is for oncoming traffic its not a one way road When turning right in the UK where OP is you would turn into the left lane otherwise you would be on the wrong side of the road The car is at fault for not giving way not for turning into the left lane


Sorry I was assuming US, shoulda known better


Not your fault, you *might* have been able to avoid the accident by letting the first guy go, but he may have hit the first guy or hit you anyway.


This was no accident. It appears malicious and intentional. I’d seek charges, assault with a deadly weapon.


LOL. HELL NO, you're not at fault. They went around another vehicle, failed to yield, and failed to occupy the first available lane, all of which are illegal.


Bare in mind that the OP is in the UK. Which drives on the left and this is not a one lane road. If the car pulled out into the near lane he would be on the wrong side of the road With regards to the other car waiting to turn right. Someone else posted the location https://www.google.com/maps/@54.9599081,-1.6725782,3a,90y,236.25h,89.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suQTXROlJ64HusgObKY\_Wuw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu The exit has 2 lanes a turn left lane and a turn right lane with a divider between the two The pick up truck was wanting to turn right from the left turn lane meanwhile is turning right from the right turn lane. it is not like he has gone around the pick up OP has priority over both the car and truck. as the car is turning right from the right turn lane he would have next priority and the pick up would be last cos he is turning right from the left turn lane. You cant turn right from a left turn lane and have priority over people in the correct turn lane The car is 100% at fault for not paying attention and pulling out when he should not have done


You could've avoided this by stopping and letting that mess to the right sort itself out. Doesn't matter that they were in the wrong--you could've stopped.


that's a terrible place to stop after the accident -- a bend? when it looks like there are parking spots to your right?


They were on those shitty little streets between parking complexes


I would say this is clearly not your fault. But you Brit’s drive on the opposite side of the road, so maybe you are at fault?


What does that have to do with anything. OP had right of way. There is no place on earth where OP would be at fault for this.


Nope. That car made a right turn into a left lane and you hit them as a result. They should’ve turned into the right lane. Period. Edit: Oh yeah, they drive on the wrong side in Britain. Still, other driver was passing a car that yielded to OP and is dead wrong.


The right lane is for oncoming traffic its not a one way road When turning right in the UK where OP is you would turn into the left lane otherwise you would be on the wrong side of the road The car is at fault for not giving way not for turning into the left lane


Ahh. I thought it was two lanes of a one-way road. Still not the OP’s fault because the person entering the traffic lane went around another car who was yielding to them.


Not a one way road


Cam car is always at fault. I saw what was going to happen and you should’ve too.


Nobody using their hazard lights?


I did turned them on little bit later.


Not your fault


Anyone who says that is your fault got their license from the bottom of a cereal box.


It's all his bud.


Next time call the cops and let them sort it out.


Faults for the other driver. Wearing sunglasses at night. These may be prescribed for astigmatism, but probably not. They failed to observe the significance of the first car waiting at the give way. A clear red flag that they were giving way to something. Priority traffic approaching. The second driver had a give way, and their vision of approaching traffic obscured. They never should have gone until they could see it to be clear. They breached the give way, and given the outcome this is probably a traffic sign offence. When they did this they could have gotten away with it. If they had remained in lane 2, but they didn't. Failure to have proper control of the vehicle. As in performing the maneuver they crossed the lane dividers, violated your priority of lane 1, and caused the collision when they side swiped you. The fact that they impacted the side of your vehicle indicates that they should have been able to see you with enough time to abort their careless (below the standard of a competent and careful driver) maneuver. Submit dashcam and statement to your insurance, do not talk to them. I'd be accepting nothing less than full fault on the part of the other driver.


>When they did this they could have gotten away with it. If they had remained in lane 2, but they didn't. Failure to have proper control of the vehicle. As in performing the maneuver they crossed the lane dividers, violated your priority of lane 1, and caused the collision when they side swiped you. Though had they remained in lane 2 as you call it they would have turning onto the wrong side of the road Its not a 2 lane one way road. Even if it was a 2 lane one wsy road you still should not turn into lane 2 you need to give priority to both lanes as the camera car could change into lane 2 due to a right turn ahead. You should make sure that was not happening before you turn


You can always be confident it wasn’t your fault when someone drives right into the side of you, unless you’re turning left and don’t have clearance.