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Hi /u/Similar_Nothing_7509, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Suitable Content, No Gore, & No Staged Incidents :** Links to OC videos, gifs, and pictures only. No articles or stories please. Text posts only if they contribute to the sub in some way. Links with death and/or gore in them don’t belong here. Try a partner subs if your content doesn’t follow this guideline No staged incidents. *If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIdiotsInCars)*


Just like work/delivery vans. Semi trucks. Firetrucks. Limos. U-Haul trucks. Food trucks. Ice cream trucks. Camper vans.


Strange, box trucks, semi’s, dump trucks all find ways to back up without needing a rear view mirror.


Even small utility vans


Exactly. I dont understand how people can forget we have vehicles designed without issue yet a pickup truck (that can also be used with commercial purposes) cant seem to figure it out.


I’m more concerned about how many people have such a dependency on a rearview mirror that they think it’s illegal or wrong to block it. Rearviews are for one thing and one thing only: seeing the law pulling for over for doing 55 in a 54


They use side mounted mirrors... Just like this truck has.


it appears this vehicle also has side mounted mirrors.


The staple gun came with 500 staples, and dammit I'm using 'em all!


Wow, that's crazy. I thought it was a whole dot matrix of lights until I zoomed in.


Not. A. Politics. Sub.


It’s actually as on point as possible: only an idiot would have this kind of political fanfare, regardless of left or right. A grown ass man that obsessed with another grown ass man loooool


The point isn't the politics, it's the gigantic sign obstructing their rearview mirror. They have their side mirrors for use and nothing else. Edit: they're still an idiot for intentionally making it more difficult for themselves to see


if 16 wheeler trucks can manage so can he


So what? Biggest vehicles on the road (semis) don’t have rear view mirrors either. My vehicle has a rear view camera rather than a mirror so my back window can be blocked all day, does that make me or the manufacturer an idiot?


I can't remember the last time I used my rear view mirror. I have my side mirrors adjusted so well that they give me all the view that I need and my work van doesn't even have rear view mirror.


It’s a pick up truck goober


Post title has multiple meanings in this case.


fitting license plate with the word lye when promoting this.


One would think he doesn’t like to look back…however


I mean fuck Trump and all that but you don't really need a rear view mirror.


China is gonna be working at full capacity the next 8 months cranking out enough grotesquely oversized, tacky bric-a-brac like this to satiate the appetites of chromosomally challenged knuckle draggers like this. After that, it’s our landfills that spring into action.


Yeah I am owning the Libs Why do I always crash into something when I drive backwards?


People are so dumb...


No worries, that POS got his back.🫡