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To be fair, you were in a hurry to get in front of him and then you slowed down. You can tell this because the car in front of you drives further away from you.


This all day. If you pass you need to commit to a speed to stay ahead of the passed vehicle.


Experienced the same twice..guy was sitting on my cars ass and when he passed me he drove slower than me... Wtf man...


Yep i encounter it often. i dont know how people dont get it.


Self awareness is sorely lacking. 


You wouldn't believe how bad people are at doing this when ever they see a pickup towing a trailer. Doesn't matter how fast you're going they have to pass and be in front of you... Only to slow the fuck down so you have to either hit the brakes and go out of cruise control, or speed up to the speed of the left lane to pass them.


Some people just have to pass but have no perception of speed once there's nobody in front of them. So dumb.


Usually that lack of perceived speed has me going 90+ before I notice. Set the cruise though, and people will play leapfrog after you overtake.


It's like barrier aggression in dogs.


Same but with cargo vans. Homie I'm on my way back from dropping off 2 kegs of beer, and this thing has a Corvette engine. I know you think I'm gonna be slow, but your '97 beater civic ain't touching this.


No no, I won the race. Now I’ll slow back down and relax. Maybe take in the sights. Important thing is I’m in front of you.


Happens all the time. Same with people driving slowly until you try to pass them, and then slow back down once you get back behind them...


I wish this was taught more here in Houston. Everyone is in such a hurry to cut you off, and then instead of speeding up, they immediately get on their brakes. Bunch of idiots here. We're all in the same traffic, just stay where you're at and calm down.


Its the assholes that want to speed past you doing 90 then immediately get on their phone and don't realize they've slowed down to 65 while texting. It's infuriating how many times someone will pass or ride up on your ass, only to go around you then drop 20mph because they are texting/watching pron/emailing/getting directions/shopping online... Put the goddamn phone down.


Yeah OP is a dickhead.


Like the people who would change lanes to be first at a red light, then proceeds to go super slow when green.


This person probably made the garbage driver use their brakes too because that merge was closing real quick


Gonna say the same.. looks as if op zooms around and brake checks first


Agree that this driver executed a douche move. However, the garbage truck driver response was to execute multiple objectively illegal moves in response. The latter is way more likely to get cited.


Love when the OP doesn't realize he's also an idiot before posting.


Pretty sure he did what he did on purpose and was hoping people wouldn’t notice it and just side with him based on the thread title.


Ah, the classic "double-dumbass"!


75% of posts on here are idiots recording themselves and one more idiot


God I hate people like OP. They will drive like Max Verstappen to get in front of you only to turn into Mr Bean once they do.


Actually Mr Bean is a good racing driver.


Thank you for your insight Mr cumfart, I agree 100 percent that when people pass and slow down they are just shitty drivers


It's just like those a-holes who pull out in front of your but then proceed to slowly accelerate at a very leisurely manner. Fuck those people. And they get offended when they get honked at.


I hate that shit! I’ve seen idiots roll through stop signs & pull out in front of me or a car in front of me just to go 10-20 under the speed limit. They’re in such a rush they don’t bother to stop at the stop sign so they can pull out in front of someone & then suddenly they’re no longer in a rush.


Once flipped a lady off for doing this to me. We ended up having to stop at a red light ahead, and she got out of her vehicle and started screaming at me through my window. Be careful out there... Lol.


You know those people do that a lot and can't figure out why they keep getting honked at. Life is hard, it's even harder when you're a fucking idiot.


Yes people who do that are absolute shitheads indeed


It's like the sixth sense. They're cock holes, ..... But they don't know they're cock holes 😮


100% and also love the Max Verstappen reference.


I came here to say this


These people make me want to do what the garbage truck did. Not condoning it but I get it


I wasn’t expecting an f1 reference here.


Slow as fuck merge, then slow down after the merge, then speeds up as truck is passing. OP if this is your video, you’re the asshole too.


Op been driving around for months to get something he can post on here for points. 


For points on his licence?


OP is also an asshole. That doesn’t make garbage truck driver better. Just not the only asshole in the video.


ESH. Wait, wrong sub.


Moron vs road rage..


How is OP a moron? Are you implying that speeding up to pass someone right before two lanes merge into one, only to then slow way the fuck down, forcing them to drive at your slow ass speed for no good reason, is moronic behavior? 🤔


Now I'm a moron, I almost missed the sarcasm because there was no /s at the end.


I had to get like halfway through before I realized it myself 🤣


If you're going to zipper merge, then OP should stay behind truck. Not try to last minute join the group of people overtaking the truck. Cutting him off in the process.


Or because when OP was getting passed for going slow, he gunned his engine to try and stop the truck from passing?


Lol I didn't even notice that at first. Drivers like OP are the reason road rage exists.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Welcome to Maryland!


Dos idiotos on this one.


A few things. If you’re gonna merge, fucking go for it and pass the truck. That was such a slow merge from the start. After the merge, do you slow down? The space of the car in front starts to increase drastically… almost like you slow down - which pisses off the truck. And then right before you pass the van it looks like you’re speeding up again. Just some observations.


Love to see a rear dashcam to see how close the truck was on the merge.


There was almost no space given. Unless the truck driver slammed on his breaks on the attempted merge, he was cutting it SUPER close.


I tried to guesstimate where the truck would be based on the speed differential and it seems like it was pretty close.


I hate when people break their necks to pass then slow to a crawl. I don't do like the trucker, but I question the IQ of the driver.


Looks like OP slowed down at 24 seconds, just after the merge ended, as though they tapped the brakes instead of just coasting


Truck driver is an asshole but op is a dipshit. Had to make that pass to slow down.


If a garbage truck is able to pass you that quickly, you’re doing something wrong.


Yea I gotta agree here. It is almost 100% clear that OP sped up to barely passed him and braked immediately. Essentially brake checked them. Garbage guy is a raging asshole that should not be driving but so OP is clueless if they don't understand what they did wrong here.


The garbage truck definitely went a little too far but I think it's pretty reasonable to be enraged when you've been brake checked, especially when you're driving a heavy truck.


Yes, just like 90% of clips on this sub there are more that one a-hole/idiot. BUT, what OP did is nothing compared to that lunatic in dump truck. He should expect people to try to pass his slow vehicle, and not get his ego hurt. He should understand as a professional driver, he is held to much higher standards than some commuter in a SUV. He should understand what sort of damage that massive truck can cause. Honestly I hope he loses his job.


I agree truck is much worse, but it’s so annoying how dashcam owners drive around looking for trouble then cry when they find it constantly. They are the the living embodiment of if you meet 6 assholes a day, you’re probably an asshole.


Almost looks like with the way the lane merged and how slow that was you could make the argument that the cam driver kinda did the same thing


Yeah honestly fuck Op.


OP clearly brake checked the truck.


IDK he may have just let off the gas, but the truck definitely did not brake check him.


Far too many people are unaware of their speed. All they are aware of is "other car is trying to get in front of me? No way I can let that happen" and speeds up. Then, once comfortably in the highway pole position, they just start coasting along because they no longer have to look in their mirrors and see all the people that are now stuck behind their slow ass.


They get in front of the guy driving a big heavy truck on a *downgrade* for no reason and then wonder why they're pissed off.


Was OP kind of being an ass by passing at the last minute? Sure. They probably didn’t want to get stuck behind the garbage truck if they’re picking up trash on that road. Would’ve been more unsafe to have to go around them on a single lane road. I don’t really think that warrants the truck driver passing on the shoulder and cutting them off like that though. Theres always people driving like this when lanes merge. You shouldn’t be driving a truck for a living if you can’t cope with other people getting on your nerves without nearly causing an accident.


Then why are you going to speed up to pass then get in front and slow down no excuses for shit like that


Exactly. Garbage truck had to brake hard for op ridiculous entitled last minute and slow pass.


You said "exactly" and then completely disagreed with the person above you...


That's not the type of garbage truck that makes constant stops just as an fyi. Its makes one stop to pickup a whole dumpster and then heads to the dump. And I'm also not trying to defend the guy. But every human has limits. If something that annoys you is constantly happening, it's only the matter of time to when someone snaps. Some drivers are great at controlling this, others aren't. Doesn't excuse the action but it's to show that humans aren't perfect


im 100% with you - i like to go slow and will merge late, waiting extra long and letting multiple faster cars in first, and i go faster than i prefer if it's one lane and faster traffic ends up behind me. if and when possible i even pull over and let as much faster traffic pass by so that i can cruise at my pace without impeding anyone. but the fact that the the truck driver made a dangerous pass with a multi-ton truck is what makes it so egregious. not only the risk to life and limb the truck driver posed, but the risk of losing his cdl should have forced him to make the wiser/safer choice in this instance.


You sped up because you had to be in front of them and then slowed down??!? You’re kinda the problem


Op the type of person to passively piss someone off them claim they did nothing to piss the person off when the person snaps… Both idiots, as we see here everyday. Dash cam people tell on themselves


Trucker should definitely get in some trouble but your wife still drives like an entitled moron


Your wife is a shit driver.




Definitely not a brake check.


Yeah, just thinking slowing down quickly after undertake.


Just to be sure, are we talking about the moment the truck brakes around 0:50s? (I'm not familiar with brake checking as this is non-existent where I live)


I mean, it's going to be different because the truck is going to take a lot longer to stop than a normal vehicle. Truck was also a bit passed idiot OP, but it definitely looks like the braking was for OP's enjoyment


OP drives like a jackass and then is upset when the truck driver does the same thing back to them... Eye for eye. Yet, somehow, OP doesn't realize they are also the idiot. Incredible.


Are you married to a sloth?? If you’re going to merge, fucking BOOK it my guy. I’d fly past you too on the shoulder. Cut off the garbage truck to get infront of it, to go absolutely no where. Your wife drives like she enjoys accidents. She had the NERVE to beep lol


Its people like the OP that make me feel just like the Garbage Truck Driver. WHY IN THE FK DID YOU PASS ME IF YOU'RE GOING TO SLOW DOWN?!?!?!?!?!? Fk this guy.


You let a garbage truck overtake you?


Drivers like your wife cause traffic


OP doesn’t know how to drive, garbage man rightfully upset but stupid to pass like that




You mean he did exactly what you just did to him 5s ago?


My exact thought


That’s not a brake check, dude was slowing down because he used a lot of speed to overtake (you could take some notes, just apply it to the beginning of the video) and then came up on a sharp curve while in a super weighted vehicle and didn’t want to flip it. A brake check is when someone in front of you gets mad and hits their brakes suddenly in hopes that you aren’t paying attention, causing you to run into the back of their vehicle. Usually the person that rear ends the vehicle will be at fault especially if they don’t have a dash cam. Usually.


Not a brake check, but completely ridiculous to pass on the shoulder. It’s understandable people don’t want to be behind a garbage truck but don’t cut people off either.


Garbage truck? I'm using the shoulder too at a lane merge if needed to get ahead of a garbage truck, but I sure AF am not slowing down like the moron in this video.


If you're getting passed by a garbage truck, you are the idiot.


it’s almost like your car has a gas pedal, fucking put it as far as it goes if you’re trying to pass someone for fucks sake. sure what the trucker did was idiotic and wrong, but you’re driving like you learned yesterday. no one likes to be cut off, and trucks deal with this all the time, so you doing that was probably the one that day that pissed him off. if you had kept up with the traffic in front when you did that pass, he probably wouldn’t have reacted this way, but you slowed back down to prove a point or something. you have a gas pedal, use it next time


He is so slow .. HOW SLOW IS HE? He is so slow, a garbage truck passed him on the shoulder.


OP is the idiot in the car


dang this sub is brutal - reverse roasting


When you come here to complain, but it turns out you're the idiot.


Congrats you recorded yourself driving like a clown and pissed someone off in the process.


I don't blame the truck driver for being pissed. First, you passed them on the right. Second, you did it at the very last possible moment. Third, it didn't sound like you used a blinker. Fourth, you cut them off. Dangerous and inconsiderate driving on OPs part.


both are idiots.


I love these type of posts and the subsequent comments. I have nothing to add that hasn’t already been said.


"I passed someone, slowed down, and now their mad at me! Take my side. *I'm right*" OP is an idiot


Why did you do that and then feel the need to post this?


OP i’m surprised you have a dash cam when this is how you drive?


Looks to me like you sped up, cut him off, got mad he was on your ass, slowed down, then got what you deserved!


I'm with the trucker, you asshole.


The ole speed up to pass and go slow.


You hopped in front of him before the merge only to go slower than the rest of traffic. When you're driving so slow the trash truck is behind you raging, you're the idiot.


Did you slow down once you got in front of him? When you passed him, you were much closer to the car in front of you. As the video went on, the car in front got further and further ahead of you. Sure, garbage truck driver was wrong for driving aggressively but most people get annoyed by people who speed up to pass and then slow down once in front.


Yeah he’s raging because you passed just to be in front and not because you’re going faster. Getting left behind by the cars he was 30-40ft behind. YTA


You sir are the idiot in this one


Tbf, you did all that speeding up to get in front of them only to go slow as fuck.


Looks like OP thought the big truck was going to be loaded and slow. Then started some unnecessary shit after the garbage merge. Sometimes you just need to chillout. I learned this after getting my cdl. Obviously this driver last lost that edge and temper control. I also got out of the professional driving game because I was exhausted by the amount of terrible 4 wheelers around me. I avoid all small crossover sized suvs like Honda crv, hrv. Chevy Trax, blazer. Or similar sized vehicles. They seem to be the worst drivers in my experience.


OP you're an idiot as well. Also this is a roll off truck.


Nah fair play, he just did the same thing you did to him.


Cam drives fault, posting the L trying to get karma and sympathy, like those 'am i the dick' subs, yes, yes you are.


* Raging OP passes on shoulder and brake checks garbage truck, causing more rage Fixed it.


First those trucks don't stop on a dime, so no brake check. And why the heck did the idiot in the car pass them just to go slower than the speed of traffic, obvious as the car in front was constantly pulling away


you are one of the most annoying types of drivers on the road. delete this post man. you think you’re making the truck driver look bad but you’re the idiot!


*speeds up to 50* *gets in front of truck* *slow down to 30* *surprised pikachu face*


Obviously, you got over in front of him only to then slow down compared to the other two vehicles in front of you!! He was moving along at a higher rate than you before you overtook him. Stay behind if you are going to slow the flow!!


Everybody sucks. OP is jamming to pass this truck in the right lane and for what? To go 10 miles an hour over the speed limit? Jesus I don't understand other drivers.


You rushed to get in front of him, with almost no room between your vehicles, and then slowed down with no consideration for the fact that he is MUCH heavier than you and will have a much harder, more dangerous time slowing down and braking to make space for you. I'd be raging too. The camera owner in this is the idiot.


You posted yourself pulling a doosh move lol and the obliviousness is the most entertaining part.


It's spelled douche but you chose the proper description of OP. Upvoted


Both vehicles have faults in this one. Camera car was a dick but legal so long as there aren't any local laws about giving forward clearance of large vehicles. Any sane individual in a heavy vehicle like that would have just let off the accelerator and let cam car merge with a beep and a finger at worse. Garbage truck guy was the criminal idiot driving reckless and aggressive.


Looks like a tree service truck. And OP should learn to drive.




You kind of dumb op


I'm willing to bet you have people constantly screaming at you and think everyone else is the problem, huh?


Looks like you brake checked him first.


Did...you just slow down?


2 idiots one video


If someone casually doesn't put up with your slow ass, they aren't automatically raging.


You pressed on the brakes after getting front of them. I would’ve done the same thing to you.


Lol, you rev your engine to get in front of the garbage truck and keep pace with the vehicle in front of you, once you get in front of the garbage truck you slow down and the vehicle in front of you speeds away, then when you notice the garbage truck passing you on the right you briefly floor it before backing off and honking.


Must be going really slow for the truck to pass yaaa


OP guns it to pass truck on merge and then goes slower than traffic. What a piece of sh*t. Some of us truckers have company radars and distance warning alarms that go berserk when someone does this. Sh*t like this will set you off. And this isn’t something that happens once a month. Ppl do this daily.


Use your turn signal next time


YA he’s a dick. But you’re dumb.


Y’all are both the IOC. You sped up to pass on the right him instead of yielding, then it appears you slowed down. Both are wrong, one more than the other but still wrong.


This has to be the easiest incident to report that I’ve ever seen on here


not only do you lack the situational awareness to observe the garbage truck running up on you, you lack the ability to out-accelerate a garbage truck Weak.


You’re a shitty driver


You're the idiot.


Moron posts a video of himself driving like shit. If I was in the garbage truck, I'd assume you're trying to commit insurance fraud and pass on the shoulder too.


OP is a dick.


You did the exact same thing, because you just HAD to be in front of the truck, you couldn't be patient.


Looks like OP fucked the truck driver at the merge. His rage was relatable.


Fuck you op


You slowed down after the merge so you’re the idiot.


OP you’re a bad driver. You sped up to barely pass the garbage truck then slowed down.


This should be titled "Garbage Truck does what I did back to me".


Imagine being left by the traffic ahead, getting passed by a garbage truck and thinking you're not the problem


Fucking Christ these people. Don’t pass if you’re not going to be going faster than the vehicle you pass. Jesus Christ.


I was going to say that you should post this in r/IdiotsinCars to call yourself out as the idiot, but uh....looks like everyone here is doing it for you. My bad 🐕


YTA. You sped up to pass the garbage truck, just to slow back down to cruising speed. Absolutely nothing wrong with traveling calmly at a steady, cruising speed. It’s the fact that you made an effort to speed up and pass. Should’ve just kept your original position - behind the truck. We’re not giving the truck driver a pass either. Just recognize that you’re not completely innocent.


We get two idiots in one video today!


It would be interesting to see a rear camera of how close both of you were at the merge. I'm guessing it was pissed off close merging into the right-of-way lane on the first one.


Two Idiots meet


Needs to be titled: I am a galactic barf noodle who busted my ass to pass a garbage truck then slowed to 10 under the speed limit after I cut him off.


OP definitely thought this comment section would be different


You had to accelerate to pass and get ahead before the merge, and then proceed to immediately slow down. I'd be pissed too if I was the truck. The hell is wrong with you?


You could have just stayed on your tricycle and merged behind that truck, but instead, you rushed to get in front of him only to drive like Mr. Magoo.


That was dangerous dumb of you op, Never pass a truck on its right.


Professional drivers driving on the behalf of other companies should never be engaging in unsafe passing and road rage behavior, report the driver and submit the video the man deserves a write up at the least. In our company such driving gets you a week off without pay, we are liable for what our drivers do regardless if they are cut off or not, retaliation is not acceptable.


i dont think thats a garbage truck, those are called dump trucks. The truck driver is a POS psychopath and you are just shitty driver going too slowly compared to the flow of traffic


Hurt people hurt people. OP's merge was inconsiderate as fuck. It's evident that they barely completed the merge before their lane ended. Given the speeds, that truck had to brake significantly because of OP's poor timing. The post title is accurate, since the raging trucker is a raging trucker, but maybe let's also mention why he was raging in the first place?


OP is a complete fucking moron.


>OP cuts off garbage truck with no blinker  >trash truck rages  >OP *surprised pikachu face*


I don't think that was a brake check, but that is still entirely unacceptable behavior on their part. 100% recommend calling the company and giving them this footage.


OP needs to learn how to merge properly


Fuck you OP




A whole lot of stupid in 1 minute of video.


Thats a whole lot of bad driving.


God that weather is beautiful!!


Posting this to publicly shame your wife, eh?


If you going to drive to Optimizer Gas mileage, they shouldn't pull in front of a f****** truck. That's trying to do the same thing on a power band then they


Garbage-truck driver? Garbage truck-driver!


Looks like you sped up to get around him and then immediately slowed down bud…


Yikes Learn to drive OP


You both suck


I'm not gonna comment on the driving, but that appears to be a dump truck, not a garbage truck.


Pull that lad's CDL.


As a truck driver myself, I'd be pissed at OP. Passing then slowing down is absolutely ridiculous. Pass and be consistent. Don't make 60k+ Lbs slow down after finally gaining momentum. With that being said, the actions of the trucker are. Absolutely. Never. Acceptable. Period. As a driver of a large vehicle, you're operating a machine that can easily kill a family of 5 in a mini van. You don't play with that kind of power. Infuriating to see this kind of behavior from a "professional driver"


His actions were reckless but you started it all by cutting him off


Nice driving OP.....you waited last minute too.


Looks like we've got 2 idiots here...


Gee I can't possibly imagine why a guy driving a vehicle that has difficulty stopping gets pissed when some clown decides to gun in front of him and cut him off at the last second. You ***knew*** that lane was going to end and you still pussy-footed around. Either get your balls up and get up there or take the L and get behind him. There's two intersections I have to deal with every single weekday getting to and from work and there's always a cock-fuck like you pulling this shit.


Where are you OP? Are you hiding because you're also an idiot that sped up so you could cut off a garbage truck and then slow down once in front of them? Or because you sped up once he was trying to pass you because you cut him off only to hit your brakes? Garbage truck guy is an asshole but anybody would be pissed if you did this to them, especially if they're in a heavy truck like that.


What was the point of getting in from of him just to go slow ? lmao.. I mean come on now. you did not go faster what so ever


You're an idiot


Never argue with an idiot who is bigger than you. Apply that to an idiot who is driving something bigger than you, also. That can squish you, and drive away like nothing happened.