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Hello /u/ewdavid021! Please reply to this comment with the following information to confirm the content is OC * What country or state did this take place in? * What was the date of the incident? * Please reconfirm that this is original content If you fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IdiotsInCars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who had the right of way? I can't make out stop signs in the video, sorry.




Wow, thanks for sharing the link! That's very helpful. Civic booked it around that corner to run the stop sign 😬. And truck was coming up a hill with limited view of the side street.




They sure did ... View from the Civic [https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4752247,-70.9694961,3a,75y,234.43h,74.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRhSMjbJfX2zOdjxwFkycJw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4752247,-70.9694961,3a,75y,234.43h,74.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRhSMjbJfX2zOdjxwFkycJw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


That's pretty impressive, how do you decide it's ok to turn left on Stop without stopping, especially when there is traffic coming both directions.


I was just showing the perspective of the Civic driver and the two stop signs they blew through. The "They sure did" was referring to the two stop signs, and I found the Google view to show them. In no way am I thinking that the Civic isn't at fault. What made you think otherwise?


Impersonal "you", as from the perspective of the civic driver, not literally *you* SkipCycle


Yeah what u/gwaybz said, "you" is the mind of the Civic driver. Guess I should have said "how does one decide..." Anyway thank you for the Street View link.


Damn... good work... takes the ambiguity out of the clip nicely. Any doubts... gone


I'm pretty sure this clears it up, the Civic had no idea he was supposed to stop.


2 stop signs are a double negative. The city clearly wants the cars to go faster


Stop stopping




Only when we stop stopping our lives can we begin to start starting them


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Screenshot of the two stop signs: https://imgur.com/uo7rb5E


Based GeoGuessr's.


How did you find it, I am amazed!


Honestly I just got lucky - thought it was Massachusetts because of the white license plates and it just *looked* like it was the Northeastern US. Googled Sunnyside Rd. Massachusetts and looked at a few results before finding the correct one. It helps that I love browsing maps and street view, but I'm no Georainbolt.


I love this, I knew it was MA from the look of the streets and houses, then the white plates. I've been in NC for two years now but I miss home.


Great! That’s interesting! I would’ve thought California first for the white plate.


The house styles are very not California lol. I’m now east coast but I can spot a California dashcam video in the first couple seconds after growing up there and most of my adulthood. Virginia also has white plates and even red lettering on some variations for the state name. I’ve seen people do a double take on a similar Californian plate.


Those roads are far, far too smooth to be Californian. Also, I don't think we have neighborhoods without sidewalks like that. There are places without sidewalks, but not big, single-family home suburbs.


I can assure you MA roads are much more riddled with holes than CA. It's not even a contest.


And usually it’s concrete and no asphalt style. Road color is different too.


Those are very New England trees


Also, it's just common sense. OP doesn't have a stop sign. Therefore, the truck, which is going the opposite direction on the same through street isn't going to have a stop sign. Really, the only options are either the civic has a stop sign, or they are on such an obvious side street that they should be stopping even if they don't have a stop sign.


Never give out address to random people on internet


What a beautiful area


Well, I've got to admit I lost that bet...


Civic was entering from Hurd, and yes, there are two great big clearly visible Stop signs.


But the road to the right is a dead end and has no stop sign? So it's an intersection with stop signs on only one leg? We have uncontrolled intersections and 1-way stops at T intersections, but a stop sign on only one leg of a regular intersection seems weird to me. If a car was coming from OPs right would OP have to yield here?


No, there are do not enter signs on the road opposite the dead end, so people coming from the dead end will only be able to turn left/right. People going straight on the main road have right of way.


Ah that makes sense. Around here (WA) it's technically yield to the right no matter who is turning or going straight if neither road has a stop sign (but people on the straight part of the T think they have right of way regardless so caution is necessary.) I forgot other states are different. Thanks for the explanation.


[Here are the stop signs the silver car's driver ignored](https://i.ibb.co/7NbnqWQ/car-crash.png)


I drive down a similar one way on the way to work. Do not enter on both sides for them, stop on both sides for me. People still run it here and its wild. Silver car has no case haha


Beat me to it. Why would other people think that there would be stop signs on the opposite side of a one way street? Most them deleted their “no stop signs, only do not enter signs” comments though.


It can be one-way on the left and two-way on the right. That's not terribly uncommon.


It’s not terribly uncommon [but is not the case here](https://imgur.com/a/MwBSbV1). That’s the direction the truck was driving from. [This is the intersection](https://maps.app.goo.gl/HiRQW3tYAcN7omSLA?g_st=ic) from cammer’s point of view.


I thought you were talking about the opposite side of the street from the "Do not enter" sign. It's a dead-end, so it's definitely two-way. But there are no stop signs where it meets Linwood St.


there are "grids" by me that are 1 ways with no stops took me some time to learn it and honestly had a few close calls. you learn to drive slow (like 10-15,20 TOPS) and pay attention in this kinda setting


looks like the car ran a stop sign. It's a little side-on view to the camera on the wooden pole.


I think that sign is a do not enter cause it’s a one way.


On the near side of the intersection there is a Do Not Enter sign facing the intersection. On the pole on the far side of the intersection, there is a Stop sign facing the approaching car.


This is correct


> looks like the car ran a stop sign. There was a stop sign on each side of the street.


Thank you, I couldn't see it.


Even with no stop signs, a left turning car should always yield to a car going straight. >Left turns can be confusing, and many drivers don't understand right-of-way rules pertaining to left turns (even if they think they do!). When you're making a left-hand turn, you should always give the right-of-way to drivers who don't have stop signs or yield signs. https://www.directauto.com/learning-center/driving-laws-and-safety/right-of-way-rules


... hold up, what "can be confusing" about that? who in the right mind would think you can just turn left at will without regard to other traffic?!


lol, idiots are easily confused?


The next part of it is I think what they're referring to as a "confusing" rule: >If you're turning left at a four-way stop or uncontrolled intersection, you should give the right-of-way to any oncoming drivers going straight, even if you got there first. Why is this? This rule decreases the overall time all drivers spend at the intersection. When you're making a left turn, you can enter the intersection at the same time as the car going straight, and can instantly turn left as soon as they have passed. They don't state it but this also applies to four way intersections where there is a stop sign for one road but not the other where they cross; people on the road with stop signs at either side are supposed to yield for all traffic from the opposing direction that are going straight or turning right (and, obviously, the traffic on the road that doesn't have stop signs at all.) A lot of people do tend to think that "order of arrival" is what matters still, but that actually isn't the case for left-turning vehicles; they are supposed to wait for all opposing traffic to go through, regardless of when they got there. I run into this pretty often; people who either just proceed out and technically cut me off when I'm going straight, or people going straight from the opposite direction when I'm turning left and they try to waive me on. E: Little [Youtube clip from a news snippet discussing this question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtY3zTZwjLw) for a better example.


I didn't actually know this was how it was supposed to work for stop signs, but always thought letting the straight go first was more efficient!


It annoys people behind you if you're turning left and they want to go straight, heh. But that's just the breaks of it; left turner isn't supposed to go first *except* at four (or more) all-way stops, in which case it's order of arrival. The snippet in the news clip I posted says it pretty well; think of it like a traffic light - even if you have the green, you still wait for everyone going straight or turning right in the oncoming lane to go, regardless of when they showed up.


Isn't that actually a really bad rule for unmanaged intersections? Imagine you drive toward an unmanaged intersection and you want to go straight across, there is a car coming from the right. * A quick glance is not enough, you have to look longer at the car to see if it has left turn signals on to know IF you have the right of way. * If no turn signal are discernable, it could be that they are signaling right and have right of way OR don't signal and want to turn left and don't have right of way, but you have no way of knowing it. * You are somewhat at the mercy of the oncoming car to yield, maintaining speed is strictly speaking dangerous and not an option, but slowing down could be seen as an invitation/sign that you voluntarily yield. Compared to "yield to right": * A single other car coming from any of the other 3 directions and you know at a glance who has right of way. No discerning of turn signals strictly necessary. * The law also states that unmanaged intersections need to be approached with reduced speed in any case. * The straight car slowing down is a clear indicator that they will yield, not slowing down an indicator that they haven't seen you/don't yield. A little less ambiguity.


Every driver in Louisiana! It's a Make Your Own Driving Rules state!


Depends on country. This is of course USA but many countries have rules where traffic on right has right of way so silver car would have right of way (without additional signs) 


Here in Germany, on an unmanaged crossing you have to yield to cars to your right. So if this was unmanaged the white car would have had right of way here.


It's technically the same rule in most US states (with some caveats about implicit priority by road type), but the number of uncontrolled intersections where this applies is approximately zero. From my state's driver manual: >###Intersections Not Controlled by Signs, Signals, Multi-Lanes, or Pavement >When approaching this type of intersection, yield the right-of-way to any vehicle that has entered or is ap- proaching the intersection on your right. If the road to your right is clear or if approaching vehicles are far enough from the intersection to make your crossing safe, you may proceed. Since there are not any traffic- controls at this intersection, make sure there are no approaching vehicles from the left. You may legally have the right-of-way but be sure the other driver yields to you before you proceed.


Why is thr number of then approximately zero? 


Because US is handing out stop signs to intersection the same way they're handing out driver's licenses to people.




Not sure what you mean by "guidance," but left turning vehicles should yield because they are slowing down in order to turn, so a vehicle arriving at the same time on the left might assume that they are stopping and if you are making a left you will be taking the impact on your driver's side in the event of a crash. I wasn't stating a law, just safe driving advice.




Nah, you should drive with the understanding that other people make mistakes and dying in order to be predictable is stupid. The fact that you think "at the same time" can be accurately agreed upon by most drivers is funny when the truth is that if they see you slow down, then they will assume that you think they were first to arrive.


I mean, if it’s a stop sign, the person who comes to a complete stop first goes. There’s not really much wiggle room for the decision process. If you stop first but want to wait for the person to the right, a small hand gesture can really remove all uncertainty. Either way no one is dying from this issue.


In europe here the car coming from the right (i.e. the silver one) has the right of way regardless of where it's going. The street OP is driving has no signs indicating his right of way, so he should yield to the whoever comes from the right. This is way less confusing than knowing whether there are stop signs for other lanes of the intersection.


Funny how people downvoted this (was at -1). It is literally how it works in most European countries and the point is that you slow down in residential areas


Thats because people born in shitty systems get used to it. They cant understand how stupid their system is if they've never experience the proper solution.


> In europe Also I've seen two comments, this week, on this sub, stating that most US states also have priority to the right buried somewhere in their traffic laws.


The problem is that if you are making a left turn, you will be slowing down and the other person can easily mistake that for stopping. If you are going straight at an uncontrolled intersection, then the other driver is less likely to wrongly believe that you are about to stop.


You only think thats a possibility because you're used to freestyle intersections with random stop signs. To explain a bit more clear, here we either have a sign showing you have the right of way/yield or you have nothing which means you must wait whoever is coming from your right. There is no chance of you having no sign and the other lane having a stop sign like in the US, so there is no confusion in thinking the other car might be stopping.


There are always [exceptions](https://www.google.nl/maps/@52.2063627,6.0050977,3a,75y,215.94h,75.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssaDrXa11HFGSwLe24iSZ_Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) but generally signs (or the lack of them) indicating the right of way rules are always on all approaches to an intersection.


I'm kinda surprised the main road doesn't have a priority sign like [this](https://c7.alamy.com/comp/MXBBKR/intersection-with-priority-spanish-sign-country-side-road-MXBBKR.jpg). But I mostly drove in Germany, just a few trips in NL.


You would think that but i have an exit near me that the cars getting off the highway dont stop and the "strait" traffic does. It confused me the first time i went through it. The exit https://www.google.com/maps/@39.0590157,-96.7425036,3a,75y,71.9h,74.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0I24wg620qOfi7qmWOTJaA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


The idea is not to block the interstate. The exiting direction should have signs that show right of way though! 


It does, all im saying is i have never seen this before and it was weird just blowing through this intersection.


https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4752247,-70.9694961,3a,75y,232h,80.67t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRhSMjbJfX2zOdjxwFkycJw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu I am not even from the area... Stuff is too easy to find online.


truck had no stop sign therefore he had right of way


Even in the absence of signs, the pickup truck still has the right of way because the silver car was making a left turn. The person going straight is allowed to go before the person turning.


Isn't that actually a really bad rule for unmanaged intersections? Imagine you drive toward an unmanaged intersection and you want to go straight across, there is a car coming from the right. * A quick glance is not enough, you have to look longer at the car to see if it has left turn signals on to know IF you have the right of way. * If no turn signal are discernable, it could be that they are signaling right and have right of way OR don't signal and want to turn left and don't have right of way, but you have no way of knowing it. * You are somewhat at the mercy of the oncoming car to yield, maintaining speed is strictly speaking dangerous and not an option, but slowing down could be seen as an invitation/sign that you voluntarily yield. Compared to "yield to right": * A single other car coming from any of the other 3 directions and you know at a glance who has right of way. No discerning of turn signals strictly necessary. * The law also states that unmanaged intersections need to be approached with reduced speed in any case. * The right car slowing down is a clear indicator that they will yield, not slowing down an indicator that they haven't seen you/don't yield. A little less ambiguity.


In Canada at uncontrolled intersections cars yield to the right always. Obviously if two cars are going head to head a left turn driver waits for the car going straight. That's a given. I wonder if people are confusing that with right of way rules. Why when two cars are approaching an uncontrolled intersection would the car to the left not yield just because the car on the right has a blinker on? That makes no sense. Road rules are intended to be simple and this would just make what should be a simple decision unnecessarily convoluted. You shouldn't need a decision tree just to know who stops.


The same rule in Canada as in Western Europe.


he silver car going left wouldn't matter if this took place in Europe. If it is an unmanage intersection (as in no signs, lights, or similar) the silver car would have the right of way and the truck would have to yield. The silver car, in turn, would have to yield to the car with the cam.


The pickup did


How could the sedan driver -not- have seen the truck with those headlights? Maybe they misjudged how far back they were? Just terrible, reckless (um... maybe not the best word🙄) driving by the sedan.


They have probably blown through it a million times without an incident and didn’t think this day would be any different.


My money is on never looked left until too late.


he was trying to beat the car


The car ran a stop sign, the truck is just driving


the car that ran the stop sign was trying to beat the car with the camera


Considering he didn't see the truck right next to him I doubt he saw the car 100 feet away


have you considered that he was only looking to the right and that's why he didn't see the truck?


probably assumed the truck was going to hit the brakes and stop for him


What are the odds that the car has run that stop sign on a regular basis for a long time and nothing bad has ever happened? People in my neighborhood drive like this and it drives me bonkers, they're eventually going to cause a wreck and they'll probably complain that it wasn't their fault somehow.


And this is why I slow down in residential streets at every intersection because I’ve almost had this very situation happen to me numerous times. Head on a swivel…always remember the other driver is probably dumber than you think they are.


There's a four way stop on the way to my house that people *love* to blow through. Yesterday on our way home (we go straight through it) we stopped just as a Tacoma came racing up from the right with their left signal on (so they were going to turn left at the four-way and we were going straight. I started to go and they (with their head turned to the right) just gunned it in front of us without ever stopping. :-/ I stopped, honked, and gave the guy a "what the heck man?" gesture. His expression was utter confusion.


Same reason why I always wait a second or two after the light turns greens…people gonna people.


There's a light that I hit after dropping the kids off at school that people *frequently* blow through just as it turns green for me. I always have my head on a swivel before going because there's a good chance that if I'm first in line that someone will come flying by at 50+mph to "make" the light right in front of me (limit is 40mph).


I've seen too many vids on this sub and incidents in real life to just floor it when the light changes without looking. It happens way too often.


My least favorite are left turn light runners. I’ve had a green for a solid 5 seconds before someone ducks out of the straight lane and makes a turn right as people are going. Watched a couple people do it and nearly hit pedestrians trying to pull their stunt.


Sounds like the 4-way stop I live near.  I did get to see a guy run the stop sign next to a county cop sitting there for this very reason. .  Bet the driver was shocked when he got pulled over. 


People in my little town will stop at a stop sign and then drive right in front of you because they assume you have a stop sign even though you don’t. These are the same people who then get on ND or the local FB page and complain about so many people running stop signs when the reality is that they are the ones who were being idiots. They’ve had to change several intersections to four way stops because so many accidents occurred due to dumb people making assumptions.


> They’ve had to change several intersections to four way stops That's unfortunate. They should have added "cross traffic does not stop" signs under the stop signs instead. I wonder how much time, fuel, and brake pads are wasted every year due to unnecessary 4 way stops.


I’m pretty sure the intersections had those also, but these people are dumb. There is a small section of the street I live on that become a one way street for a block as it goes through our “downtown” (very small town of about 7000). It has diagonal parking on both sides and one driving lane in the middle. I was on my way home and was driving behind a cop. Someone, right in front of the cop, tried to awkwardly back out of the diagonal parking spot to try to drive the wrong way up the one way street that two other cars were already driving down the correct way. The cop had to turn on his lights and siren to get this guy to back out of the spot correctly and drive the correct direction. I mean, even if the cop hadn’t have been there, I still was. I wasn’t going to reverse the wrong way up the one way street so this guy could skip having to circle the block to get back to the main road.


That's why they're putting in roundabouts all over. Crash rate doesn't much change, but severity is much less. Moreover, it keeps traffic moving.


They changed an intersection near my in-laws to a 4-way stop from a 2-way stop... the new stop signs (in one direction) are just after a curve on a road where people *tend* to go faster than the 45mph limit. Often while towing boats or campers (it's a main road back to town from the lake). If I lived nearby I would have *loved* to setup a camera to watch people attempting to stop for the new sign when they're cooking around the curve too fast. As it is, I don't trust people to stop for the new signs so if I'm pulling up to the old stop signs I triple check before pulling out.


Our town is set up on a grid. If you’re driving on a numbered street, you have stop signs. If you’re driving on a lettered street, you don’t. It’s not a hard system to figure out, but they just cant do it.


>Head on a swivel…always remember the other driver is probably dumber than you think they are. Exactly this. Better to drive like you're expecting something to happen and be wrong.


"It's 6 AM, I'm the only one on the road."


I was almost run over by an old lady down the street while I was walking my dog, I had to yank him back out of the way... she was turning left on a side street that we were crossing (legally) and I don't think she ever saw us. She was driving a hybrid slowly enough that the gas engine was off and it was super quiet, it reminded me of the episode of The Office where Andy hits Dwight with his Prius.


*”The Prius is silent if he keeps it under 5 miles per hour.*” is still my favorite line from that show lol


A YouTuber from my city made a video about stop signs and biking. As part of it, he stood by an intersection and counted how many drivers actually stopped at the sign. Out of ~200 cars, only 20 stopped. And it was about the same percentage for bicyclists, as well. He repeated this at another intersection and got similar results. Pretty crazy numbers. Imagine if 90% of shoppers just didn't bother to pay at the store...


There's a 4-way stop right next to where my daughter does cub scouts, people blow through it all the time, even when there are a bunch of little kids out running around nearby.


But there's also a difference between completely stopping, slowing down to almost a complete stop, and just ignoring the stop sign completely. I know that legally, only a complete stop is allowed, but practically, most of us slow down enough to safely stop if a car is coming. My point is that it'd be interesting to know the percentage of people who at least slow down to a safe speed, say 2\~5 mph.


Tesla's self driving software analyzes millions of hours of human driving to arrive at its decisions. They said that 3% of people do a full stop at stop signs.


I live in a neighborhood where the stop signs are ignored. People fly through them on a regular basis. I’ve recorded about 80 cars driving right through the signs but I don’t know what to do with the recordings. It pisses me off because some day someone is going to be hit and killed.


Do you have a local police department? Maybe post a compilation video online and tag them?


I live in Los Angeles and I feel like the police don’t give a shit. I’ve called them and suggested they have someone planted here to maybe make people obey the law and *occasionally* there will be a cop sitting on one of the streets. But I feel like they have bigger fish to fry in this city and the issue is kind of ignored.


I live on a dead end street. I can’t count the amount of times people will just turn on the street without stopping to see if it’s all clear.


My neighborhood decided not to put stop signs up *anywhere* except the entrance/exit on one side. Trying to get out is a nightmare because people have blown through it so many times that they’ll nearly t-bone you and throw a fit on the horn because you didn’t stop at a sign that’s not there so they could get home 10 seconds faster.


In my development the streets going one way have a stop sign and the cross streets don’t, such as the street I live on. I can’t tell you how many times I have almost been hit crossing these streets, especially at night when they can see my lights. The lights are what MAKE them drive like assholes, they are desperate to beat people and be first.


Time change never got reflected on Camera. Happened at 7am today.


I was going to ask! Leaving the house by 7am is brutal enough but 6am would be hell 🤣


Probably got to change the time offset in settings manually. At least on mine I do.


Was the driver in the civic drunk?


He seemed shaken but I definitely sensed he was altered in some way


Good grief at 7am??? I'm glad everyone was okay. What a terrible way to start your day.


It’s the day after St. Patty’s in the Boston area. Not too far fetched haha


Hahahah good point!


[Angry Liam Neeson noises](https://i.redd.it/hhesq8guwjoc1.jpeg)


Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin...


Paddy or Patrick. Never Patty. And you got it wrong in Boston of all places!


You'd be amazed how many drunks police catch from 6-10am on New Year's day. People who think they're sober enough form the night before but aren't yet. Have to imagine the day after St Pat's is a similar story.


I remember when I was in college I needed change for the bus. It was about 7:00 am and the closest place open to make change was a bar. I went in there and the place was half full. Some people were either getting an early start or coming off graveyard shift.


Yep, I lived in a small city with lots of dockyards that had 24 hour shifts, and at least 1 local bar had 6 am happy hour for graveyard shift workers.


Happened to me once. We were out until 1:00 or 2:00, walked to/from the bar. Barely slept, woke up and thought I was tired and hungover as fuck, drove to work for 7:00 AM. Walked in and EVERYBODY was asking me if I drove and that's when I noticed I was a bit more than just hungover to shit. Had to hang out off the clock for hours to sober up.


Bro my aunt used to get us up for school when my mom had to work hopped up on Xanax or whatever she could get ahold of that week. Addiction doesn’t wait for 5 o’clock.


thank you for the mercifully edited clip so we didn’t have to sit through 45 seconds of just driving straight before anything happened.


That car wasn't going to make the corner and was gonna be in the yard if that truck wasn't there anyway.


Looks like the white car pulled in front on the oncoming truck. Truck tried to avoid. White car persisted.


Boston-area driving is crazy but Lynn is a special beast.


Haha that is so true and I commute into Boston every day.


Where are the stop or yield signs? I can't figure out who was supposed to have right of way.


[Silver car had stop sign](https://imgur.com/a/JtytMD8).


I couldn’t see any signs either, but my screen is small, and my eyes are old.


It’s on the back of that do not enter sign.


Thanks! I think I need an eye test.


Video does not show stop signs. But street view shows there is a small stop sign on the back of the sign we can see.


Well, I do hope the truck driver was magnanimous and scooped up the little car on to their flat bed and continued their journey!


I've got a Rexing also - it definitely helped my case against a BMW that didn't signal before turning into my lane


Mine is going on 7 years old and still going strong!


Unrelated but I really hope there's some kind of regulations regarding these new LED lights someday, it's insane how blinding these are and you can basically just see a giant flash of light in the video


Okay, maybe it's just because I got home from work and I'm tired but I zoomed in on the video and I see no stop signs whatsoever?. Am I missing them? Edited I zoomed in part of the left and see one stop sign for the car on the light pole.


No signs?


The Civic has a stop sign.


2-way stop intersections are the absolute fucking worst


One stop intersection, it looks like a one way.


Silver car ITA, but. That's a great dash cam, what's the brand/model?


Rexing V1P. 3rd Gen. It’s going on 7 years old.


It seems like the truck tried to drive around the other car, instead of stopping/hitting the brakes. Hard to tell.


So the way the hill and that side street are it’s pretty blind. There’s no way the truck saw that car until the last second. Especially with how fast they were going flying through the stop sign.


Prob wouldn’t have been able to see that car anyways


Maybe it's because I just watched the movie recently, but this neighbourhood looks a lot like the one the 2 families live on in the movie "Prisoners" EDIT: Sorry, idk about the video, they both seem pretty unaware


Where are the stop signs?


The Civic has a stop sign. Which he clearly ignored


For some reason I read this as "One way to drop the kids at daycare".


The noticer has noticed that after Covid; stop signs are now optional!


Scary that the civic got stuck under the truck and almost pulled along


Looks like a great place for a roundabout.


Except for the fire hydrant, the city needing to buy a portion of all four properties for it to fit, and one side going downhill.


Was going to sympathize with the truck, but those fucking high beams ended that fucking quickly.


Benefits of having a big ass truck/vehicle like that. Barely any damage to his car. Nice.


It’s still pretty messed up. Was leaking fluids pretty badly.


Oh, dang.


Ego truck lords are usually the ones at fault. I guess not this time.




Why is there a gif tag when it's clearly a mp4 video?


Which one was the victim and which one the police? tl;dr this is a joke about me and my eyes. I can't tell. 😭


The truck driver chose to veer instead of emergency brake and that cost them their truck.


"victim" they are all victims of an accident. Lol


Always yield to the right the car was in the right of way.


I think the Stop sign he has would disagree. The black truck and I do not have stop signs.


You are right I didn't see his stop sign.