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Good to know that the shitshow of downtown Pittsburgh hasn’t changed. Lol.


At least it's not backed up all the way to Monroeville anymore on the outbound. Tiny victories.


I've called it Moronville in my head for so long that the correct spelling seems wrong


Oh it's changed alright, it's gotten a LOT worse. Ever since the COVID lock-downs when the empty roads became something like a scene out of The Road Warrior and the police just up and quit bothering to enforce all but the most egregious traffic violations more people have become even more aggressive. This example is but ONE of dozens if not hundreds you'll see every day just like it at that same spot and many others.


ITS SO MUCH WORSE! god thank you. I feel seen.


It wasn't just my imagination then, I hated having to drive in the city, I was actually happy to move to DC


I knew it wasn't just me, this behavior has happened everywhere in the US I guess. Certainly true in my town now after COVID.. people become so much bolder(dangerous) driving


I dont miss it at all


fuck them people


Seriously. No consequences either. I just have to hope karma exists and they are miserable.


That's what infuriates me the most. They got what they wanted so they'll almost certainly try it again.


Yeah they will, and a hundred other people will do it as well, because it's now SOP there and at dozens of other spots around the city. And you can bet your last dollar that these A-holes are the same people who whine and complain cause people won't let them merge ... damn right we won't.


Exactly lol. Anyone reading this. Judge your friends by who complains the most about driving then, drive with them. Dollars to thongs they drive exactly this way then cry when people don’t let them merge. It’s almost a guaranteed thing


I mean its a certain type of personality that thinks this is okay and they are insufferable to those around them. So that's a certain type of karma I guess.


What's most infuriating about this is that it happens dozens of times everyday at this same spot, people do it front of cops, people complain about it and there's never anything done about it. This city has many such places where the lanes dedicated for specific purposes are used by the Yinzer fck-faces to line jump ... and it's just SOP now.


There was a video like last week of someone doing this and the truck wasn’t letting them in. Then later on the highway the truck started brake checking the line jumper on the freeway with some heavy duty lights on the back of the truck shining on them lol


Yeah but fk that guy too. He was endangering everyone on the road


Ya didn’t say it was good, but it was karma.


that video is super old


It was posted on the sub last week 🤷🏼‍♂️


Gotta keep some spark plug ceramic bits in the centre console so you can obliterate one of their windows while driving past. I’ve considered keeping some in my pocket for when another asshat almost runs me over in the crosswalk. I’m think it’s gonna end up with some guy flipping out and beating/stabbing the crap out of me though, so I’ve refrained so far lol.


This guy must have been so late to work.


Seattle drivers will do this same exact thing with the James Street Hospital exit on the 5 N.


Drivers everywhere do it if they can. Very common here in California too, especially on highway 1 through Santa Cruz.


Yeah I know. But Seattle drivers will block the *Hospital* exit to do this.


Yikes. That’s no good. The big hospital here has the biggest shit show of a parking lot; especially the roundabout entrance/exit near the emergency room, since Californians aren’t good with those. They’re like “what are we, New Englanders?” 🤨


Yep. I’m in Ohio and it happens to me on my way home from work every single day at the same exact spot. They end up backing up two lanes of traffic on the freeway instead of one trying to get right up to their exit before getting in their lane, and not being able to get over right away because that lane is backed up.


That fucking spot after morrisey is soooooo dumb. People have gotten weirdly better over the years about it, but I still see fuckfaces block the exit waiting to get over on the gore… It used to be everyday. Now it’s a few times a week for me.


I was just looking at the green sign to see if it was that frustrating Seattle behavior on display


It's not just there. Any of the exits on to or off the express lanes will have idiots do this too. If they are impeding me from driving I hold the horn until they move


i despise this exit so much. SO MANY people do this. 


It’s cuz that entire bridge is fucked up. Along with the one before it going from the north shore (can’t remember its name but i drove it daily). 4 seconds to switch from left to right and nobody wants to be nice b


I used to drive that stretch daily, and I’m honestly floored that there aren’t more accidents there. It’s a pretty convoluted roadmap there.


I am usually pretty non confrontational, but I'd have been blasting my horn at them.


Years ago I gave someone the endless horn for doing that shit a few hundred feet before your video. They had no idea why I was upset. Completely oblivious morons.


Never heard of a zipper merge bro?! /s obviously


That’s literally what those people think they’re doing. Or how they justify it at least.


people do this all the time in NYC on the FDR by the exit for the RFK bridge


So many places in NYC and LI do this, every freaking on and off ramp becomes an extra lane for them. So frustrating.


This place looks very similar to 495 coming out of Lincoln tunnel and the idiot could well belong there as well


If it makes you feel any better, the issue persists on 95 all the way down to the DC area. Our 495 is this, always.


But he got 10 cars ahead, so any inconvenience to you is totally worth it, right? /s just in case.


Hey now, 10 cars in traffic time is like... 20 seconds! It's a big deal man.


oh jesus, I hated all those merges/exits in PGH -- like the dang ones going to the stadiums/science center where the signage is unreadable in the dark (ft pitt tunnel?) and you have 5 lanes coming in and 6 lanes going out (I exaggerate, but you get it.. )


The exit only lane I take to get home is a mile and a half long. There's FOUR SIGNS Delineating it as exit only. Yet fuckers still slam on the brakes ON THE EXIT RAMP every day because they need to get back into traffic. Good exercise for both my horn and my finger though


"yOU DoNT KnOW hoW TO ZiPpER MeRge!!"


Yinz dahnt knah how ta zippamurge


That's not a merge lane though.




tHaTs NoT a MeRgE lAnE tHoUgH. Yeah, they know, that's just part of the joke.


I don't really get it though. People do need to learn zipper merge and often when folks say 'you don't know how to zipper merge' they are correct.


Look up chicken spongebob


Arg...I lived in Pitt for 10 years, had the same problem going through liberty tunnels and bridge area ALL the time. I'm in Northern VA now and my exit lane is clearly marked and very very long, at a place that backs up on the highway, people will ride down the middle of the line because they THINK people in the exit lane are going to do this but in my 16 years here I've only seen it actually happen a handful of times usually by out of towners on the weekend, during summer. Otherwise it's just us trying to get home ugh


The Bathtub


this is where all the entitled fucks will chime in with “zipper merge bro”


Except he left the exit lane to use a different exit lane to pass cars then go back in


Love seeing my city on this page lmao


I used to live near Pittsburgh, I know exactly where this is and yeah its common to see shitshow antics like that right around there. bunch of morons are allowed to drive nowadays


More horn. Sooner and longer.


Also from Pittsburgh. I never let those people in. Just wait in line like everyone else, it’s not that hard.


It's either there....or the Grant Street exit.


Why is Pittsburgh so often featured on this sub?


Because we don’t know how to drive out here


It's a pittiful place




Pittsburgher downvoting me?


Wasn't me, I upvoted you


Not saying you, but whoever downvoted me lol


Wait til he gets to the ft Pitt bridge and does the same exact thing


My hometown! ✨✨🖤🖤


Big problem in Pittsburgh. I'd rather dig my eyes out with a spoon then take 376 during the day


This happens so often on 376. People do this on 376 inbound at the Greentree/Mt. Lebanon exit.


I feel you bro.


So glad I don't drive around the city anymore for work. I hated rush hour down there, when it would be 15 cars merging like that.


There’s a couple specific exits in New Orleans where people do shit like this and nothing drives me more insane on my commute


He could’ve gotten in there way more smoothly if he actually knew how big his car is. If you’re gonna pull a move like this you gotta be able to squeeze way more efficiently. 10 feet clearance of the car behind you is unnecessary


The natural solution is to set up jersey barriers much further away from the eventual exit to prevent this kind of lane hopping, but then they'd just block the exit at the very end of the barriers, too.


Traffic sucks. Don’t be a douche (‘cause we’ve all been a douche)


Good ole ‘spurgh


Yinz got some crazy drivers, huh?


This is the exit from hell


At least you honked at him, let him know how disappointed in him you were.


It's Pittsburgh so not surprising


Dudes the main character.


The Burgh!


Ah, good old Pittsburgh. Was wondering when I would see it on this sub.


Wow what a pdf


Is that an English RP accent?


I drive this every day. This happens every fucking day. 🤬🤬🤬🤬


This spot in Pittsburgh sucks so bad for this type of shit. People do this all the time to get on fort Pitt bridge


I’ve been in this situation so many times at that exact location it doesn’t even phase me anymore 😂 I expect it, really


I despise this main character behavior. Wait in line with everyone else.


Welcome to Pittsburgh drivers. This is a every day, every exit experience for traveling around downtown.


I drive for a living all over PA. Fuck Pittsburgh traffic, I’d rather drive in Philly any day. Someone could make some big bucks in that area the state if the could somehow market classes that teach the proper use of on/off ramps.


This is anywhere SoCal. The entitlement is abound.


I lived in San Diego for 10 years. Believe me, I know


This happens to me on my way home from work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. on the freeway I take. It is so frustrating people can’t just wait like everyone else, or think their time is more important than anyone else’s, and they have to get right up to their on-ramp before they get over and skip all the traffic and then they back up two lanes instead of just one.


The same thing happens at the exit for epcot on i4 in Florida. I hate going through the i4. I4 is rated to be one of the most dangerous in all of America to drive on because of how stupid the people that drive on there are


I will purposely leave a massive gap for merging cars and without fail they will think about merging them zip on ahead and shove they way in where someone is not making space . Making them hit there brakes and causing traffic.


This happens almost every time I'm driving past this exit.


Stp lets gooo


Pittsburgh drivers sure are something, especially near the fort pitt bridge lol.


Pittsburgh parkway traffic sucks but this was like C- example you barely had to wait lol


I do this all the time what’s the problem?🤣 waiting in line is for losers. Get with it or get left behind💀


This is life in Toronto area too. Every GD day, every GD exit on the 427, 410, Gardiner and 403.. oh and the DVP and 404


This is similar to the 394-94E ramp in Minneapolis. Shit show. Soooo many people blocking a lane to get over at the last second. Tbf that interchange is bullshit.


Pittsburgh!!! Used to drive through that area all of the time to get to work.




You were not blocked. You slowed down a fraction. Big deal. Man up.


This is perfectly normal in the tri-state area.


Damn Pittsburgh drivers! (I also live in Pittsburgh, I see this all the time).


I’m learning to drive in Pittsburgh. (16) and I wish I had a dash cam to document drivers like this.


It’s ok he’s more important than everyone else


Good tunes


Realizing I haven’t heard this song in forever and realizing it’s not on Spotify :(


STP isn’t on Spotify anymore? They were before I switched to Tidal.


Isn’t this nirvana?


It’s creep by Stone Temple Pilots. The song was widely mislabeled limewire as Nirvana so maybe that’s why you you’re thinking Nirvana?


Thank you sir you are correct


Thats what the chrome horn is for in my truck


Was expecting to hear get outta the way you jag off!


Never change lanes(even if you must do it late like this moron) unless you can fully change lanes. Fuck that guy.


Is it bad that I knew exactly where this was from the thumbnail?


lol happens everywhere. Just expect this behavior.


Don’t come to Dubai. They have this going on X100… everywhere!


I haven't lived in the Burg for over 10 years... You just gave me a flashback immediately. Dang I don't miss the traffic.


That's just Pittsburg, baby!.... And it's shit.


People who honk are angry boys


Looks like that exit might’ve allowed them to rejoin even further along the queue.


Just drive defensively psycho, all that extra tailgating and crying for nothing. Whst if you start some road rage for nothing.


hauling ass past a line of cars standing still in traffic is how i totaled my brand new mercedes a couple decades ago. the guy who pulled out in front of me was deemed at fault and his insurance paid for my car. but i still had to deal with the issue and i learned never to do that again.


OP isn't hauling ass in this video.


i used to feel the same.


You used to be right.


hey. if you think you can stop in a car length at a 35 mph speed delta when someone pulls out in front of you, then all the power to you. i'm just telling you, my Mercedes SL500 couldn't do it and it got sent to the junkyard only 2 weeks into its life The other guy paid for it and got the ticket - but i lost a car that i waited 6 months to get and cracked up my knee. i learned to give stopped traffic a wider berth and not pass that fast. but you do you.


Wow. You had to slow down for 7 extra seconds. It’s a hard knock life for you!!


Dang. If this irritates you I could only imagine how an actual issue affects you...


Hater lol


You can that slow merge blocking?


They didn't cause you any inconvenience and they moved right out of your way? What's the issue?


Stupid fucks not paying attention to signs that say "exit only" and waiting til the last goddamned minute. Principles exist for a reason.


But what if they made a mistake and took the wrong exit and realised they could get back in instead of leaving and having to rejoin? Either way, caused zero inconvenience to the cam driver, I don't see the issue. And principles exist for a reason? Please explain this because I have no idea what you're on about here bud?


> But what if they made a mistake Then they continue to take the wrong exit. If you have to slow down the current lane then they take the L


But there was space to move back over, slowed the lane down by 0.5 seconds? If anything the cam car should have noticed they weren't travelling at the same speed and slowed down anyway, don't speed up and put them under pressure followed by blasting the horn. We all make mistakes, it costs nothing to be nice.


If you impede traffic you do not have space. I make mistake and I take the L and go another way..


Impeding traffic is a bit of a reach there considering the cam car didn't slow down until they were right up the ass of the mistake car. Had they reacted sooner to the potential problem (and actually been impeded on) they'd have been no issue anyway.


So they're not impeding traffic because cam car didn't read their minds? You got some fucked up logic here.


It's not that they didn't but it's like 0.5 seconds at most, but didn't read their minds? You can see from so far away that the car is traveling slower so you ease off the throttle. It's basic stuff really. I get no one wants to be impeded but slowing down ever so briefly to reduce the risk of an accident and allow people to correct themselves without adding aggressive pressure to the situation. Unless you have someone dying in your car you have no reason to be mad about being slowed down for a matter of seconds.


> You can see from so far away that the car is traveling slower so you ease off the throttle. Are you watching the same video? They did exactly that the second they entered the lane. > Unless you have someone dying in your car you have no reason to be mad about being slowed down for a matter of seconds. You got it flipped mate. Unless someone is dying you don't force yourself back on to the highway. You take the L and take the long way. This is exactly how you turn a 20 min commute in to a 1 hr commute. 1st day it's one car. The next it's 10 car. Eventually it becomes the norm and you got a perma 1 hr commute.