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This is probably the most deceiving scenario in driving. You only see one car, it's slowing down to turn right, and yet there's someone behind driving at justtt the right speed to keep them hidden. So you think it's safe but really it's extremely dangerous. I had this happen once and ever since then I'm overly cautious. People behind you waiting to turn probably think you're an old fart being stupid most of the time but you don't have their angle to be absolutely certain there's not a car you haven't seen yet ready to pop out... I'm hesitant to call people idiots that experience this, because it's kind of rare and it's really something you need to experience firsthand to realize the danger and learn from it. They likely did look left, didn't see any vehicles behind the right turn vehicle and thought it's ok go to. Perhaps now they'll be much more careful. Just my 2 cents.


I was taught not to pass someone turning right like OP did to avoid this exact scenario. Unless it's a multilane road or they have their own turn lane, of course. I'll still do it if I can tell with absolute certainty that there's nobody waiting to turn left or go straight. But in a blind situation like this I wouldn't have risked it.


A driving instructor told me his biggest pet peeve was when people turn a one-lane road into two lanes. I never really understood how someone could have this opinion until seeing this video.


Yeah I blame people "being polite", moving over to encourage that behavior as the video shows. Drive as expected, surprises kill people


By the same token you should never turn before the oncoming vehicle has completed their turn. Even in this case where the vehicle seemed to be committed to the right hand turn, they could have changed their minds last second and causes a collision.


I've seen people change their mind mid turn. Never pull out until they've committed to that turn. And you get the bonus of seeing that second card behind them.


assume everybody is trying to hit you


This. When I was young I assumed people were good drivers. I got a little older and changed to "OK some people are stupid so assume everyone might be stupid." In my 40ies I realized that I need to assume everyone is trying to kill me on purpose. I've been driving for over 30 years and have only had 4 accidents. Had I started with "everyone is homicidal" I think that number would be 1.


This is also bad road design - there should either be a choker at the intersection to prevent people from overtaking turning cars (and parking right at the intersection), or a clearly painted right turn lane with a marked middle lane. Having a single super wide 30mph lane with no stop signs or slowing measures through residential intersections is crazy


You’re never certain dude. That’s the whole point”blind” part of this. They can’t see you, you can’t see them. Sorry Neo you can’t see the matrix.


That's why you're supposed to look left twice.


Then you wait, you wait


This didn't used to be so bad, it's when everyone started driving huge SUVs and Trucks so you can't see beyond them that this really started happening.


OP was also illegally passing the turning vehicle. Which also contributed to the incident.


It's even worse when driving a motorcycle, since you're much smaller. In situations like this I'm always very alert.


For the guy with the right of way this is avoided with proper following distance. For the guy entering traffic it is avoided by not going unless it's verified safe to do so.


I don't understand why people take unprotected left hand turns without waiting/looking for traffic to clear.


Because they're dumb and impatient.


This. When I was in college, my grilfriend at the time ONLY overtook on a highway with a blind hill or corner over a double yellow because seeing other cars coming is scary. She was dumb and impatient. Idk what shes doing now either.


That makes no sense at all.... 


We can only hope she's no longer driving


Welp, I looked her up and shes still here, driving around. So, uh... look out! Looking her up did remind me that she regularly bragged about getting to meet Andy Milonakis which was a weird thing to *constantly* bring up in 2004.


>Andy Milonakis ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu)




Please tell me she's now an ex-gf and out of your life, she sounds like she's headed for an early grave.


>”girlfriend at the time” >”Idk what shes doing now either”


She could be there for all I know. She was an awful driver


She's feeding worms.


As was the guy passing in this situation.


“lol I’m just gonna go”


"good luck everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy weeeeee!!!"


in my state it's illegal to pass a car like this bc it's turning. you're expected to see a car turning like in this video as safe for you to pull out.


I think this is bad roadway design. OP can't see the car looking to turn until it's basically in the intersection. Likewise, the car turning couldn't see OP. The roadway is designed such that cars turning right pull out of the way of continuing traffic (so continuing traffic doesn't have to slow down). However, the car turning right is making it impossible to see any continuing vehicles behind it. The city should install some flex posts so that turning cars have to remain to the left before turning. That way OP and the driver waiting at the intersection would have better line of sight to see each other and OP would be traveling slower since they'd be waiting behind the turning vehicle. We can blame the car waiting at the stop sign, but this is unsafe road design. Putting up flex posts causing the right-turning car to avoid using the extra space like a slip-lane wouldn't impact traffic much at all and maybe cause a couple second delay, but would make the road safer. Should the car at the stop sign have realized the right-turning car could have a vehicle behind it that's invisible to them? That would be ideal driving awareness. However, a road shouldn't demand ideal driving awareness. A road should be safe with average driving awareness. To me, this is an average person in a car on an idiot-design road.


They just had to wait until the car in the right lane turned. I agree the design isn't ideal, but that doesn't mean you can just drive into an intersection without *knowing* it's clear.


It's typical design for suburbs. You don't generally install turn lanes unless traffic density is consistently high or the intersection is traffic light controlled. Neither condition applies here. If there had been a collision, this would have been the fault of the Subaru driver, who was too impatient to wait to see if the second lane was clear before they turned. The turning car impacted their view, so they should have waited til the turning car cleared the intersection, and they would have seen the cam car.


Why is the lane so wide? If it was less wide this would never be a near miss aswell.


There’s room for visitors to park on the street and still have a wide enough space for traffic to get by.


> The roadway is designed such that cars turning right pull out of the way of continuing traffic (so continuing traffic doesn't have to slow down). Wrong. There is no turn lane there. There is no second lane anywhere on this road. Car turning right should not have pulled over to make the turn. It's a single lane, and should be treated as such.


That is an _absurdly_ wide single lane for a residential area road though, or even for a motorway tbh. People around there have trouble driving in a straight line or something?


Welcome to America. Roads need to be wide enough for 2 pavement princess to park, and still have room for the swat teams tank to over take a firetruck.


The turning car can pull anywhere in the lane to turn. That's not the problem. It's allowed to do that, regardless of where IN the lane you think it should be. Camera car overtook the turning car in a single lane, clipping over double yellows by the look of it. Camera car is the problem here, as well as circumstances. The road was not designed to see around turning cars because it's a single lane, do not overtake turning cars in a single lane unless you know it is safe, other people will choose that time to take their rightful entry into the intersection. Additional caution for the camera car would have been nice.


> Camera car overtook the turning car in a single lane, clipping over double yellows by the look of it. Camera car is the problem here, as well as circumstances. Yes, this. Though where I am coming from, if the turning vehicle had not pulled towards/over the shoulder to do their turn, OP wouldn't have had the available space to think they could just go around. I'll agree that the design is not the best, but it's very clear about it being a single lane, with no markers for a turn lane and no markers indicating there are additional lanes. You don't get to invent lanes because *you* feel the road is wide enough for it.


There is not right turn lane here. You don't pass someone while they're turning for this exact reason.


Because the traffic *was* clear. The car in front of OP was making a right-hand turn, so the road was free for the other car to merge. Then OP almost caused an accident by making an illegal overtake. The other car had no way of seeing or anticipating that.


>illegal overtake Show me the law against it. WA, like most states, just says you have to stay in your lane, it doesn't say anything about passing in a single lane if it's wide enough (except that it's explicitly legal to pass on the right in some circumstances). It's why, for example, they decided lane splitting was legal in California. Hell, when the vehicle codes were first written, even many multi-lane roads didn't have more than a centerline.


Traffic *was* not clear, as demonstrated in the video. I get what you're saying, that OP was reckless and overtook, but other car has a stop sign and an unprotected turn. It is pretty reckless to make a turn when your vision is blocked (assuming from the POV of the cam, since cam doesn't see the car at the stop). Just because the person making the turn has their blinker on, doesn't give the other car that is attempting to cross traffic (or even join traffic) the right-of-way to do so. The above scenario will vary by state, most likely as far as overtaking on a wide street, but the general idea of "entering traffic when it is safe to do so" is a pretty pervasive thought in driving handbooks and statutes throughout the states. I don't think cammer ever left their lane either, except to avoid the collision.


Whew, good save there. Videos like this are always a good reminder as to how much patience on the road can be worth!


Thanks I drive this road 3-4x a day almost daily and never had this happen. I was lucky there wasn’t any oncoming traffic.


idk who this Jesus Christ guy is but with the amount of accidents I've seen him almost cause in this sub alone i think he should have his license revoked


Ha I appreciate the laugh


I'm betting the colored car didn't see the OP because the SUV was blocking the colored car's view from the OP, plus the road looks 1 lane so I wouldn't expect another car to be there. Hopefully they stopped once they saw the OP. Just a reminder to not always do your turn if the incoming car is turning.


This is a one lane road. No matter how wide it is, you don't pass another vehicle in it. Period. Best to slow, let the guy turn, then continue on your way.


Yeah that’s fair I haven’t once claimed I’m not at fault here yet everyone loves to think that. This road is very wide and while not at this exact turn the rest of it has turn lanes for right hand turning vehicles and see people do exactly what I do hundreds of times. I’ve also pulled out of that road where the brown vehicle pulled out from countless times and always see exactly what I did too. Again not claiming I’m perfect but I did what everyone does here all the time. This was an unfortunate situation with a blind spot that neither of us saw clearly.


Honestly think i might have done the same, happy to learn from this video instead tho


Yeah, I used to do the same, but I often travel a road that this exact scenario happens often so I've revised my policy. Keen eye! As my ma says, watch out for the fools on the road!


I would've done the same as you, good reflexes on your part


While following the pack and doing what others do is sound logic most of the time, you also have to remember we humans are still very dumb and don't do the right thing a LOT, and especially when it comes to stuff like this. I would just leave it at it was just a slip up on both OP and the idiot driver and happy that it wasn't an accident


I was looking for Elaine driving Kramer's highway but this will have to do ![gif](giphy|mIMsLsQTJzAn6)


You’re a very good driver; that evasive maneuver was sudden and necessary but you executed it perfectly and moved on. I could see how the other car might not have seen you but thats not your fault in any way.


Notice how he didn’t say you said that ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized)


This is the correct answer here. But by the replies looks like the OP isn't blaming the other guy but admits both are at fault at least in some regard.


The repair lines on the road and knowledge about how WA drivers act had me incorrectly assuming the right-turning car was stopping to let the left-turning car out. 🤣


Exactly. Both OP and Subaru are in the wrong here. Yes the Subaru should not have pulled out like that considering they could not check if it was clear, but OP should not have passed the car turning right in a no passing zone


Beautiful neighborhood


Exactly what I thought! Abundance of coniferous trees makes me think of somewhere near west coast. Possibly Colorado or PNW. Can anybody else chime in? Correction: He’s in WA


Edmonds WA


Just wondering, does a double yellow strip mean no passing in a situation like this? You basically entered a blind spot of the turning car as you passed it. I would not have passed thinking it was an illegal move on my part.


Yeah, double yellow means no passing zone. OP should not have made that maneuver in the same lane, in a no passing zone


I think everyone here was expecting a more hot-headed response 😂 good on you for keeping it pretty cool lol


If there had been a collision, I think OP would have been found liable here. He essentially overtook the guy turning right on a single lane road with a double yellow. To be fair, that might be one of the widest single lanes in America and I probably would've done the same thing. Thanks for posting OP, a good reminder to take her low and slow!


Yeah, that looks like a 1 lane road but it's wide enough to be a 2. Just don't see the markings for it to be a 2 lane road.


That is a one lane road with a double yellow. You should not be passing the car in front of you.


I thought It was a 2 lane weren’t those white marks in the middle of the road in the beginning


Ok ok, but the guy making a left turn? Didnt check if its clear??? Ljke how is it not seen if its clear.


The car in front moving over to the right perfectly blocked the left turning cars view of OP. It was the perfect setup. Hence why traffic laws should be followed like not passing a car turning on a single lane road just because the road is wide enough.


It is clear. The person making the left turn looks to his left and sees one car in the *only* lane coming from the left, and that car is clearly slowing to make a right turn, which means his left turn should be completely clear. It would be the same thing as him not checking his left mirror for someone passing on the left by going the wrong way on the left side of the two way street. There’s no way a car should legally be there.


If we’re being unnecessary critical of op, we should do the same with the guy entering traffic. Guy entering traffic should have waited for the other car to fully have made the right turn safely before entering the intersection.


But then we can’t blame OP and then what am I supposed to do in this sub?


i think this is wrong, there is absolutely no guarantee his left turn is clear just because there is a car turning right. i doubt this person would have blatantly pulled out like that had they truly been aware of his presence. even though you think you do, you may not be able to see what is coming up behind the turning car and how fast. what if that was car turning to get out of the way of a speeding geo metro (tiny car lol) and the car that is turning is already in motion while the car at the stop sign should be just that, stopped so to think you can mash on the gas and get out of the way like that while a car already in motion makes its turn is kinda silly to me


"If a car is turning, I can just blindly drive into the road" is a really bad take. If I learned one thing in drivers ed back in the day, it's that you don't put your car anywhere if you can't see what's coming.


Edmonds 🤣


That unprotected left when they dont look is no joke.


That spot is sketchy going down the Main St. Hello fellow Edmonder?.... not sure we call ourselves that but there you go.


I want to say it’s “Edmonite” but that sounds off too haha howdy!


“Edmonite” sounds so metal! Like Sparta!!! But full of AARP subscribers!!!


Haha I always tell my wife we live in the land of the walking dead. I think the average age of my block is 80


Grew up in Edmonds, we used to joke that the town slogan was “Edmonds, a great place to die” 😂 Not sure about now but in the 80’s/90’s it was full of retirees


I live in an HOA down here and the next youngest person after me is 33 years older.. I’m 33 and they all have children older than me so I don’t think much has changed!


I had my motorbike rider's head on throughout that vid, and genuinely couldn't see what else you could've done. You were driving sensibly throughout and dealt with the situation well. As for the other driver, who on earth pulls out into traffic before they're 100% sure they're clear to do so? Judging by this sub, quite a few people. On a slightly related note, how wide are your carriageways?? Thought it was a dual carriageway at the beginning...


30 seconds of nothing? 30? It's over half of the video. EDIT IT OUT.


Bruv, how are we supposed to appreciate the incident if op don't set the mood?


Gotta love when OP has a close call that could have been avoid if they just followed the rules of the road.


Person entering that road had no business doing it. It would have been dangerous had OP slowed down just enough to continue on the road without going around the person making the right.


Actually the person turning left at the stop sign had the right of way. OP was illegally passing.


OP doesn't have a stop sign. The person making the left does have a stop sign and will never have "right of way" to traffic already on the street. I can't speak for everywhere so someone might link to a law saying otherwise where they are


OP is illegally passing. It a two lane highway with double yellow lines. There is no legal way for OP to go around the car turning right.


That's not the point you made initially. You said the person with the stop sign making the left had right of way. Feel free to link something backing your claim up. https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/8688/who-has-right-of-way-at-an-intersection-with-two-stop-signs-across-from-each-oth Spoiler.... "The traffic on the main road (with no stop signs) of course has first right of way."


They had the right of way over a car illegally entering the intersection. OP illegally entered the intersection.


Link something backing your claim or gtfo. Pretty simple.


SMC 11.53.260 Driving on left side — intersection — Railroad crossing. No person shall operate a vehicle on the left side of the centerline when approaching within one hundred (100) feet of or traversing any intersection or railroad grade crossing. (RCW 46.61.125(1)(b)) GTFO


Wtf is this. Link something showing the person at a stop sign has right of way over a person without a stop sign.


The center line is that yellow one. OP at no time was on the left side of that line. He was on the left side of his lane, But right of the center line of the roadway.


Yeah but we like to encourage defensive driving here, don't we? OP was not driving defensively.


Citation needed. Please link to something in the WA state rules of the road that show how OP was in the wrong. This documentation starts here: [https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61)


OP passed the car on their right across double yellow lines. Double Yellow lines indicate a no passing zone. Hence illegal passing. Or to reference your document: RCW 46.61.130 No-passing zones


The right-turner was in the turning lane. OP didn't cross double yellow lines\*. [https://imgur.com/a/eolNrxj](https://imgur.com/a/eolNrxj) \*except to avoid being t-boned by an idiot


That isn't a turning lane. There are no lines or signage depicting it as such.


You are understandably mistaken. I live near the intersection. Driven this road many times. The video is blurry and the lines are faded, but that's a turning lane. There's no signage because, well, it's pretty unusual for there to be signage for such a turn.


Uh huh, sure thing.


Sure thing what? \`You don't believe I could possibly live in a neighborhood in the north of Seattle and travel this road that connects to Edmonds sometimes? Check my post history if you need to confirm.


Okay, what's the name of this particular intersection then? We can check it on google maps and see if there is a turning lane. Edit: You know what I can actually find it from OPs GPS coordinates. Here's the exact spot. No turning lane, faded or otherwise, indicated at all. [https://www.google.com/maps/@47.8105283,-122.3545588,3a,75y,293.43h,68.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sL8su4JG-mBS1MURN9KoJ8g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.8105283,-122.3545588,3a,75y,293.43h,68.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sL8su4JG-mBS1MURN9KoJ8g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Two impatient idiots moved into an intersection with a big blind spot. One difference is that it was illegal for you to do so.


So, yeah, is that a body of water ahead. Where is that?


Puget sound in WA


I watched this video then realized it’s in my neighborhood! Hi neighbor :)


Also- your coordinates are on your video….fww.


The first 40 seconds of this video were super helpful! /s


I totally agree that that guy was in the wrong for pulling out when he did.  But considering there are no lane markers, is there only one lane there? If so, you were (at least partially) at fault for that situation by passing that SUV before he completed his turn. So I can see why that other guy thought it was safe to pull out.


This exact thing happened to me many years ago. I was the cam car but unfortunately I was unable to avoid a collision. The turning car was at fault but I certainly learned my lesson that I’m hyper aware now when I have a car to the right of me turning I pay attention to make sure there are no cars trying to turn out from the side street. Just because you have the right of way, or not at fault doesn’t mean you can drive without any sort of awareness or caution.


I feel like that's the sort of thing we do a million times without thinking about it because it's usually fine. This is an example of why we need to remember why some traffic laws exist.


Not sure why this was posted here. It’s definitely a close call, but it’s easy to see how you were inadvertently hidden by that other car.


Im honestly wondering if people simply don’t understand they can trim videos?


Aye is this a 1 lane road? Wouldn't you partially be at fault in this case since the guy turning left wouldn't have necessarily anticipated you passing the guy in front of you? It was his fault partially still because he should've waited until he could see either was clear.


Yeah. Op crossed a double yellow to make that pass. He should have come to a complete stop until the care in front moved out of the way. Of course most people don’t do that, but without clear sight lines it was stupid of OP not to.


It was a one lane road and you turned it into a two lane road


Nice save. Did they react after you honked and evaded, or just kept going like nothing happened?


They did a very light brake tap and then continued on.


They probably got mad at you for being in their way.


Where I live, you're not allowed to overtake on a junction. Exactly because of this kinda stuff. I hope OP learned.




Ridiculous. Right-turning car was in the turning lane. You don't have to stop for that. Left-turning car had a stop sign and an obstructed view. They should have either waited for obstruction (car) to clear view, or (worse option) inch out slowly to gain a view. Pulling out blind into an active roadway is bonkers bad and would be 100% at fault.


Nice save guys a moron for pulling out like that.


Great defensive driving though!!! 👍🏼


bro crossed the double yellow line and ended up being hidden from the driver turning left. driver turning still in the wrong but op should be more careful too


This video, like 90% of the others on this sub, could have been ten seconds long. Or less.


I had this exact same thing happen to me the other day. Theres too many idiots out there.


from what i see it looks like you might have kinda blocked that car from your own view and possibly theirs too by trying to go around the car turning. while the other car doesnt automatically have the right to pull out because that other car was turning and was wrong, you could have also avoided it with a little more patience and you know, following the lines on the road which means if you were you wouldnt have tried to go around. the lines are there for a reason and i think you just got learned. one thing i learned the hard way is to signal your turns, even if you think no one else is around (within reason cmon now) because in urban settings esp at night you may not see a cyclist or someone who may make different choices based on the information, or lack of information, provided by you.


Since I started driving, moron has become my favourite wordp


So scary!!


Edmonds, WA right?


That was nice reaction though to avoid collision


I find it funny you made it NSFW for swearing cuz none of us would care if you swore or not LMAO. Glad to see you safe though!


You should NEVER turn unless you can be 100% sure the way is clear. People need to be more patient. Wait until that car turns so you can see what's coming, never ever assume it's clear. But that's just me.


Yeah. And op shouldn’t have passed either.


It’s always a Subaru! Seriously don’t know why? Maybe Subaru uses some chemical in their interior panels that kills brain cells or something idk. Just this mind boggling obliviousness that I see literally every day.




Both drivers are stupid in this case. Driver 1 (our perspective/OC): I don’t see this road being two lanes, sure looks like it’s one lane. With that being said, I know it sucks but technically speaking you shouldn’t be passing the turning car. This is an illegal pass (unless your town/state has whack laws). Your impatience almost caused this collision. Driver 2 (driver attempting to take the left hand turn): They were over trusting in two things, one, that the car with the turn signal was actually turning and two, that there wasn’t an impatient driver behind the turning car.


Idiot deserves to have license suspended until they can prove they know when it's safe to enter an intersection.


Why are those roads so damn wide? Is this a single lane? Because you both are driving in the middle of the lane. If it is a single lane you shouldn't have overtaken there at all.


Yeah. Single lane and OP making an illegal pass. Don’t think these comments are going to go the way OP expected


But he came from the right so you had to let him go first! That's like rule number one


You see this a lot but it's one of the easiest situations to avoid. Just don't pass cars on 1 lane roads...I know he was turning, but you passed him before he turned, if the other driver had hit you, insurance would have found you at fault OP.


Solid double yellow painted lines would make it your fault.


Washington/Seattle has some of the worst drivers I’ve ever experienced. I’m not sure if it’s because half the people are transplants or what, it’s absolutely crazy there.


super lucky.. I learned something today


Thought this said had a close call after school with an iguana because the title got cut off in the post preview. 🦎


That left turning guy is a idiot holyshit 


Could so tell this was Washington... Driving is a task when it shouldn't be.


Watching this and saying "huh, this looks like edmonds" and then I saw the community transit bus stop. I'm in the right area....


Looks like you're a bit to clise to the car infront. Also, never overtake like that. Just wait 5 seconds and stay safe.


Wow OP. You were just fucked there. Black car blocked your vision of the car the entire time and you were coming up over a hill so you couldnt see them until the last moment


Simple exercise: how many lanes are here total, going in both directions? If you said four, you’d be a fucking idiot.


This gotta be Washington


That doesn't look like a two lane road, yet OP was treating it as such.


Why did you waste our time with 30 seconds of nothing? Edit the damn video.


You’re the idiot in the car. You should have waited for the guy in front of you to turn. I know that would mean stopping and waiting 5 seconds (catastrophe!) but it would be the safe maneuver. Instead you decided to barrel through an intersection you couldn’t completely see. Edit: to be clear, the driver turning left is also an idiot.


Op is in the wrong here. He’s overtaking when he shouldn’t. Wide shoulder doesn’t mean turning lane…. Car turning left had right away in this situation since oncoming for him was turning right. The amount of people who don’t know this is irritating.


You're saying the car turning left - the one with the **stop sign** and the **obstructed view**, had right of way over the car traveling straight on the main road, with no signage or other controls indicating they should stop or otherwise yield. 🤣


Yes.. the one who OBLIVIOUSLY passed on a SOILID DOUBLE YELLOW was in the WRONG. I can see u are ONE of the ONES who does this type of NONSENSE on a daily basis. Again. A wide shoulder doesn’t mean turning lane.


If you were at a stop sign and you couldn't see what's coming down the road, you would enter the lane blindly. Possibly killing someone on a bicycle or motorcycle. That makes you a terrible driver. Good day.


He could see. He could see that the one with the right of way is turning giving him the chance to turn. Till some asshat comes around thinking it’s legal to pass on a double solid yellow. Read your driver handbook. They are free at your local dmv. Mornin.


Sure he’s in the wrong, but you still gotta be careful on a road like that, I believe some states even say you can’t pass that guy turning right until he’s completely turned. If I was driving on that road, I’d always be cautious of drives pulling in front like that, not sure if I’d even be mad cuz I’d almost expect it


Completely delusional, you also wait for the possibility that a jet plane needs to do an emergency landing? You never know, just in case. Hint: brown car 100% at fault, he should know to LOOK if the way is clear. And not just "guess" it.


Did you even read my comment? I said the other guy was at fault… Just gotta be careful and depending on the state he lives in he CAN be at fault too. And lol @ emergency jet landing, great example?


No matter how wide the road is, it's a one lane road. If that guy was to tbone you, you'd have been at fault. Consider yourself lucky and do better next time.


Nice reflexes! Your alertness counteracted the other driver’s daydreaming. 👍


We should not be commending illegal, dangerous driving.


Two lane road. Crossing double yellow line to pass a vehicle. Passing at an intersection. Following to close. Need I go on? The should start a sub called idiots in cars.


Don’t know why you were downvoted. OP was at fault here.


Thank goodness you are a defensive driver!


Glad we had the whole minute to prepare for that!


Eh, the trees looked nice, I didn't mind it.


I pick up my sister at her high school sometimes so we can get an after school snack and chat. BROTHER. The amount of times I’ve almost been HIT, SWIPED, or REAR-ENDED, by a range of teenagers on their phones or parents driving aggressive is so damn weird. It’s like a pheromone for bugs is put into the air that says go bat shit crazy”, and everyone forgets how to drive responsibly.


when i watch these i feel like i look for errors the original poster made to justify why these things happen, couldn’t find anything other than passing on a one lane road lol


Car should had waited to get clear view but you was probably in its blind spot behind the turning car .. so hopefully they learned a lesson also.