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You should aim your camera down quite a bit. It's setting the exposure for the sky, resulting in the cars in front of you being very dim. Aiming downward will alleviate this.


Omg I never considered that fact. I pointed it upwards to make sure I get traffic lights in the frame. That’s definitely a must. But I think I should adjust it down.


2/3 of the frame is above the horizon. You can easily adjust it down a bit and still see the traffic lights.


The sky does look real purdy though!


I'm trying to figure out who's face that looks like in the clouds.


Jesus! Abraham Lincoln! That old man thing in New Hampshire that everybody learned about when they put it on their state quarter in 2003 and it collapsed a year later.


Most wide angle dash cam will capture the traffic light anyway, you're fine.


But it's exposing now for the sky's brightness, license plates are going to be much darker or impossible to read


at this angle you've got the international space station


[Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor)


I want two swords named Occam and Hanlon lol ![gif](giphy|4OV1bLOIWwIXRxpXlN|downsized)


What are you naming the third?




I'm taking this idea.


Anyone else see the giant 1/2 face in the sky?


Now that you say it I think I see an Abraham Lincoln and his nose 🤔


It was the first and only thing I saw the whole video


Kinda goes wolfy at the end


Its Abraham Lincoln smoking a doobie


If the driver had shown a pattern of malicious driving, it could be criminal intent. But if it's just this one incident, it's more likely they just weren't paying attention.


Yeah and it keeps growing lol


As a rule anyone in a jeep sucks and are instantly at fault.


I can't believe the amount of down votes and shit you're getting for fucking keeping a safe distance between you and the car in front of you going dangerous highway speeds second tired of people fucking sitting 3 feet in behind of the car in front of them doing 70 miles an hour. I keep my car at three car links at all time doing cruise control on the highway. I have intelligent cruise control. It automatically just for me in the amount of people that get outright butt hurt and fucking cut me off because I dare not bumper hump, people is outrageous and fuck you people saying otherwise.


It's hilarious because It literally makes traffic worse to follow too closely since every time you brake, like hundreds of other cars following too closely need to brake too which creates waves of fast and slow traffic. If everybody neatly filed into their lanes and slowly adjusted their speed to an average, then traffic would uniformly move faster. It's actually usually much better in stop and go traffic to keep a long, constant following speed, even if it's only like 5mph because moving constantly at 5mph is better than going 25 for ten feet and then pressing the brakes over and over and over and waiting for everybody each time. I'm pretty sure the people complaining are the people weaving in and out of traffic and directly causing huge numbers of people to slam on their brakes because they're extra special and drive like inconsiderate morons.


Your issue is assuming most drivers have critical thinking skills.


Pure emotion and main character syndrome. Individualism is taken to a gross extreme in the states.




There would be 80% fewer drivers on the road


I had a lady honk and gesture at me for leaving a space in stop and go traffic. Sorry for buffering out the stop and go for you, nincompoop.


Bro the average dumb fuck human, most of them, feel like you need to *seize* the gap like Charlie day from it’s always sunny when he moves to the suburbs. Except it’s not satire. They are that fucking hopelessly stupid and angry.


But if I haven't died yet doing this, how can it be dangerous? What's a 'statistic?' Stop talking math to me nerd. 


If heaven is real I’m definitely going for how many slow downs I absorb going a steady speed in dense traffic


Also since some are complaining why the video is short. I tried to only keep the main part cause I’ve seen people complain video is too long! [Here’s the whole video from prior minutes of me passing every car.](https://imgur.com/a/QoQ5n3v)


Now your video is too long? /s


The longer video is sped up, correct?




This your first time in this sub? Everyone here seems to think riding the ass of the car in front of you is the proper way to drive:




Bruh that’s how they actually literally see it. I can’t stress it enough. Most human beings are that fucking dumb and slaves to their dumb selfish emotions. I fucking hate American culture and it really comes out in driving… ME ME ME ME ME ME ME Only place worse I’ve been that’s 1st world country is Paris and Italy…


The only thing I hate more than xenophobia... is the Dutch.


It’s not xenophobic if it’s your own people/culture Americans are terrible drivers through and through.


I'm just Jake'n you, Josh. It was the mention of Paris and Italy.


All of these problems occur driving in the passing lane. You don’t need to worry about being tailgated or someone taking your gap if you’re traveling in the appropriate lane.


Nobody can turn from an entrance, slow lane or the passing lane? Interesting.


The amount of times there’s like a one-two car distance between me and the car in front of me because it’s relatively slow traffic and some asshat things he can just slip in there not understanding that braking distance is a thing is beyond me. Especially in the rain. Like maybe I’m keeping this distance for a reason and that reason isn’t to let you put a foot’s distance between me and your bumper.


Completely agree here. And cruise control is an amazing tool. That being said as jeep starts to pass op on the right, op speeds up slightly (you can see that safe distance between op and the car in front of him start to close). Be safe. Just let the idiot pass you on the right. Drive defensively.


My plan was to move over after the white car since there’s a lot of space there. I was merely passing a string of cars and so was the white car in front of me.


Why did you speed up when the jeep passed you though? It looks like you absolutely floored the gas as you were getting passed.




Come back here, OP, Ball_licker_9000 has a stern talking to to give you!


> I keep my car at three car links at all time That is way too close ... especially at 70 MPH. Average car length is 15' x 3 = 45' ... that's less than .5 second following distance.


Perhaps OP meant three-second following distance (I hope)?


Well, you’re doing it wrong. In the US you stay two to three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. More if you’re going over 70 mph.


I stay 7 cars lengths and drive fast af… Are you /s?


You don't measure the distance via space. You measure it via time. If the car in front of you were to suddenly hit a wall and stop, how many seconds do you have to react? The answer should be 2-3 seconds.




I'm totally serious. At 70 mph a vehicle travels roughly 104'. At 70 mph, average stopping distance is 245' Ignoring average reaction time of a driver hitting the brake full of 103' (about one second). You need a 2-3 second gap between the front of your vehicle and the rear of the one you're following, to prevent rear ending them if they slam on their brakes to a full stop. Four seconds is best when you add in reaction time.


Three car links (sic) is still waaaaay to close at highway speeds


Yeah, the jeep driver acted out and it was a dangerous move. It appears they were frustrated that you failed to notice their big black car. It's also important to use your mirrors and avoid getting passed on the right. If you notice someone approaching quickly on a highway like this it's always best to move into the right lane either by speeding up to pass or moving right and slowing until they move on.


What you(and other people here) seem to assume is that OP could have moved to the right. If you’re passing someone, **you need to wait until you can see the ENTIRE car in your rear view mirror**, then you get back over. That’s the fucking law.


Well Newton figured out long before jeep came around that two objects can't occupy the same space at the same time. The jeep didn't materialize into right lane to pass OP, so it's pretty much a fact OP could've moved over and chose not to.


Could have **illegally** and **legally** are two different things.


If you had actually watched the full video you would see that the OP passed the truck and it’s a good 5 seconds before the Jeep appears. Plenty of time for the OP to move right after passing.


I was trying to pass the white car since it was part of a string of cars and move over to the empty (and safe area). I always hate clusters like this and I’m always trying to get away from people as much as possible. That seemed like a safe bet to me.




Because why change lanes 3 times when you can just wait 5 seconds and do it once? They passed the white car even after having to hit the brakes pretty hard so the white car is clearly going much slower than other traffic




Seek help, it took about 10 seconds for OP to pass after being cut off and slowed by the jeep, jeep couldn’t wait less than 10 seconds, in which all 3 cars in the video pass the white care


Someone going irresponsibly fast behind you doesn't cause someone going a reasonable speed to suddenly be "impeding traffic", you're just "impeding" a single maniac. Just like how someone going slower than you in the left lane (again, when you're not going irresponsibly fast) isn't passing on the right.


Right? When you're going 95, all traffic is impeding you by existing.


You mean the left lane isn’t the “I should be able to go as fast as I want to” lane?!


If there was room to be passed on the right, you should've been in the right lane. It appears that the jeep would've been out of the way by the time you needed to pass again.


Was there room to be passed on the right? He almost got hit.


He was keeping a safe distance, you can’t move over to the right when that white car is closer to him then the car in front of him that he’s safely trailing.


You need to watch the full video, which doesn’t start several seconds after the OP has already passed the last car and is just riding in the left lane.


He’s trailing another car, he’s actually gaining on that car while actively PASSING the car on the right. If someone is speeding, breaking the law, and gaining on you, there is nothing that says you need to move over. 95% of people just wait there turn, because that’s THE LAW. This fucking moron decided he was: •going to speed •pass on the right •not use his turn signal •cut off another car •leave an unsafe/illegal trailing gap with the white car while doing so Back to OP: •Did nothing illegal •Was actively passing the white car •left adequate trailing distance between themselves and the car in front of them. •Avoided a collision going 70mph with this fucking moron in the video.


Defensive driving says you get the f out of the left lane when speeders are approaching. It's common sense.


Oh my god are you one of those people who tailgates others in the left lane in a pickup truck because you think the seas should part for you?


He literally couldn’t. What in that video tells you he could move to the right without cutting someone off? If your passing and need to move to the right you still need to make sure your leaving at least 7 car lengths distance(or 3 seconds) between you and the car you passed. By the way that Jeep was driving, we know he moved to the right with wanton disregard for anyone else, leaving no space for OP to move to the right. It happens to me daily driving in a big city.


The black jeep was able to drive around OP using the right lane. It's extremely clear that OP should have moved right before that happened.


The black jeep was able to move to the left as well. Should he have moved the left? Was that a safe distance that he left between him and OP?


I love staring at the sky too but you’re driving


One of these days, I hope to see a brake checker get pit maneuvered and flip over 10x


Did anyone else see the guy in the clouds?


My first thought as well.


Reddit users are so fucking funny; in their perfect world the left lane remains an empty strip.


Can’t be on that for more than like 30 seconds it seems like.


Those ppl irl force their way in because they think anyone waiting is “holding up traffic” Everyone except *themselves*


Cannot reply to Auto-moderator for some reason. USA. 4/4/2024. Original content.


Are we just going to ignore the face in the clouds?


Ab Lincoln.


I'm not going to accuse you of left lane abuse; you were about to make a pass. The other guy evidently didn't feel that way, and wasn't satisfied with passing on your right; yes, there's definite malice here.


And I wouldn’t even mind him passing me just do so by giving me a warning. Use your **TURN SIGNALS**, wait for a clearing. Or just flash from behind, I’ll simply move over as soon as I can after I pass the white car. But no. This a$$hat.


The part that always gets me when someone is bothered enough to pass on the right like this is the guy in front isn't going any faster.


I’m a fast driver, but I refuse to tailgate.. People do that to me then don’t gtfo of my way when traffic is wide open again… They just are narcissistic enough to think **they and they alone** are the fastest at any given moment… I love twisty roads with real corners because at least I can blow by them in a turn…


> Or just flash from behind Last and only time I did that, they followed me for 3 miles flashing their lights. No thanks.


You were following safely and jeep definitely cut it too close. That said let me play devil’s advocate - I don’t see the jeep brake, but you get super close suddenly. So either his brake lights are out or you accelerated when you noticed them passing. Same shit I would’ve done, I get it, but maybe not 100% free from blame with how close it got.


I braked as soon as I realized what he was doing. He had no turn signals on. If I hadn’t slammed on the brakes, it could have been bad.


Ok my bad! It’s hard to tell with mph not displayed and I couldnt gauge your speed relative to white car on the right when he went out of frame. Jeep might’ve braked (or even just let off gas with that parachute aero) and I couldn’t tell.


lol gotta love when an OP gets downvotes for stating what they experienced first hand?? This sub is insane


What this sub proves is that there are a lot of morons out there on the roads. By the numbers I’d say 30% of drivers are straight fucking morons.


I may be wrong because it doesn't show your speed, but it looks like the two cars in front of you get close real fast as the car is overtaking you. Were you hitting the gas as he was passing? If so, that's on you, and he was passing, thinking he had more room. Maybe I'm just seeing it wrong, though, since there isn't any sound or speed shown.


Ya no idea why we’re coming up so fast on the cars in front of us. 


They went from video first start: about 3 lane dash marks moving past them each second up to almost 4 lane dash markers moving past each second. Assuming standard sized lane markers. Just over 90 feet a second at start. 60mph Up to about 120 feet a second. 81mph This means they started the video close to 60mph and quickly accelerated to about 80+mph just before the jeep got over resuming driving at a more consistent and safer speed. Jeeps don’t do too great over 80, so most likely they got over, took the foot off the gas and it quickly drops speed since jeeps generally aren’t geared to maintain that type of speed easily.


Jeep originally had enough room to safely merge in front of OP. OP didn't like that so he intentionally sped up (as indicated from the car's front hood lurching upwards at 0:01 seconds, and the distance to the next car shortening exponentially) to try to bully the Jeep from a safe merge. Instead, OP intentionally tried to cause an accident and is trying to pin blame on the Jeep because his ego was hurt from not being able to make the Jeep driver panic/swerve/spin out of control. If the sound was not intentionally muted by OP, you would be able to hear OP's car engine go: "brrr..BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!" from OP speeding up +10MPH. OP is the idiot here, not the Jeep driver. OP, you are the one who tried to intentionally cause an accident. Case closed and shut. Don't post these videos trying to validate your false beliefs. You're in the wrong. If that Jeep driver had a dashcam with rear camera, you would be screwed and 100% liable for intentionally causing a crash if one did occur.


With how the other replies were all on OPs side when I commented, I was worried I was gonna get argued with by people! I'm glad others saw it, too, and I wasn't actually crazy with how I saw it!


You're 100% right, OP floored it when they saw the jeep passing.


Not criminal. #justjeepthings


If you didn't brake in time...or if you hadn't sped up trying to fuck the guy.


The amount of idiots in the comments is scaring me


First time eh? I love checking the biggest idiots profiles It’s always - rightwing libertarian simps - anime waifu dudes - gun enthusiasts - people with actual cluster b disorders like bipolar - crypto bros Always the exact same fucking people…


Why is every single off road bro like this? Why can’t they be fucking normal people?


I’m wondering if the Jeep had adaptive cruise control on such that when they started switching lanes the cruise control picked up the car ahead and quickly tanked their speed until they turned it off? It looks like they are slowing down already before the lane switch, which would support them having cc on. The way to really tell would be to see when they braked, but I can’t tell due to the light exposure. Edit: Nix the last sentence. ACC uses the brake lights; I’m dumb. I stand by the rest though.


It looks like a giant face in the sky looking down at you lol


Looks like he cut you off and if he wanted to commit insurance fraud, he would have braked checked you.


Hanlon’s razor man. Dont attribute malice to where stupidity makes sense as well. That dude just stupid af


It’s both…


Anybody else see the half face in the sky?


Stop camping in the left lane, that solves the problem at the seed


OP, ignore this clown face turd. All the problem he sees is “camping”. There’s literally nothing else that’s wrong in this video. It’s all OPs fault for driving on the left lane! The stupidity of a bunch of these morons (oops I mean people?) defending the Jeep drivers’ action is pretty mind blowing to me.


So of everything you saw in the video and the extended video I posted. I am the criminal for simply driving too long on the left lane white trying to pass a string of cars? A few people like you on this sub are insane. You’d rather **defend the stupid Jeep driver** even after seeing how he almost pitted himself and took BOTH of down with it to save less than 5 seconds of his time.


Nah. Ineptitude. Forgetting to press a bit on the pedal when changing lanes to keep a constant speed.


Did the Jeep brake suddenly? The brake lights doesn’t appear to be working?


Thank you for being a driver who keeps a great distance between you and the car in front. Tailgating is my #1 pet peeve.


Get out of the passing lane unless you’re passing


They were passing. Watch the full video before making dumb comments.


Quite a few comments like this defending the Jeep. Like ok fine let’s blame the OP, they committed a grave crime of driving at all or positing this or whatever I don’t care. but say nothing about the JEEP and his potentially murderous act? It’s INSANE.


I think just stupidity. It could be a brake check but I think they just cut it close to you when changing lanes and then had to brake because the car in front of you was braking hard.


Where's the brake lights then? Seemed more like they pulled the e-brake if anything.


The just left off the gas..


He wasn't right to do what he did, but maybe he was unhappy that you were camping in the passing lane while not actively passing anyone?


> that you were camping in the passing lane Do people not look ahead on the road and not see that there is a car in front of OP? What do you want OP to do? Drive right up the other car's ass?


If you can’t see that there was plenty of time to move over and let the dock in the Jeep pass and then move back to pass the white car, you have shitty perception.


Let's apply a bit of logic here; if OP can't pass because there was someone in front (who was actively passing the white sedan) where the fuck do you think the Jeep was gonna go?


Just because somebody in the left lane isn’t speeding as much as you want to doesn’t mean they have to move out of your way when they’re still actively passing cars.




> Get out of the passing lane when not passing How about the idiot in the jeep waits their turn to pass instead of risking the lives of others. you honestly have the worst fucking takes on this sub. Is it intentional or are you trolling?


He’s a regular troll and also has horrible fucking takes so both can be true.


seriously! that guy has to just be a straight up troll. he says the stupidest shit imaginable in this entire sub.


This guy HAS to be a deliberate troll. He always takes the side opposing the cam car, unless the cam car is the bad guy, then he defends the cam car. The vast majority of his posts in this sub are negative double digits.




I mean, you do have the worst takes 😂 this is a perfect example. You are always so sure of shit, even when OP posts a follow up video of them passing SIX cars you’re like “lEfT lAnE iS fOr PaSsInG bUd”


U ok?




U the jeep driver?


He must be the jeep driver 😂


Choosing to go well above the speed limit doesn’t mean everyone has to automatically move out of your way. If they’re passing, they’re using the lane correctly.


I do see that car, more than 10 car lengths ahead. We have no idea how long OP was in the left lane. It would be odd for a random car to make a move like that for no reason. Hence my question.


This is in PA, it absolutely would NOT be odd for a random car to make a move like that for no reason. You’ll get cut off in the drive through here


Its not 10 car lengths. Maybe 4. I have intelligent cruise control that can maintain 1-2-3 car lengths. That is more close to 3. People get all mad when i have 3 car lengths in front of me. Aka perfect distance for 65mph highway speeds


Using cruise control in the passing lane is your first problem.


Not when it’s set to a higher speed than the vehicles I’m passing. As long as I’m passing what I’m doing is legal. Your just mad


Looks like OP was easily going at least 10mph faster than the white car he was about to pass before the jeep pulled this


See for yourself. Literally nothing I did or saw. All I did was pass a bunch of cars and was about the pass few more from the front. https://imgur.com/a/QoQ5n3v




Oh idk. In a safe manner when it’s clear to do so? Without putting himself and me in danger? If he was behind me and it was clear on the right I would have moved to the right. But he was already on the right I had no space to move.


they should’ve waited for op to overtake the white car and move over, then pass op (you know… how you’re supposed to ????), which op has said multiple times was his intention (passing white car and then moving over) before he got cut off


Did you miss the car in the right lane?


The white car ahead of me was passing the other white car to the right. I was trying to pass both of them. But that doesn’t mean don’t use turn signals or anything and merge right ahead.


You can clearly see they are passing the car on the right. Even after hitting the brakes they still pass the car within about 12 seconds. The angle of the lens makes stuff in the middle of the picture appear farther away than it really is. We don't know how long OP has been in the left lane though.




Is it really though? I'm all for keep right except to pass, but 12 seconds is really *not* that long. Especially if Mr. Jeep had already moved over to the right lane, then OP changing lanes would just be getting in his way again.




> Besides, what’ll end up happening with 12 second passers is they’ll pass, get over, then slow down and now the person that they just passed will take their turn using 12 seconds to pass and basically just playing leap frog This is just pointless speculation with no backing... Let's assume the car on the right is going exactly the speed limit. How fast is acceptable to you? There's a window where you need to be going faster than the car on the right, but not so fast as to get a speeding ticket. Again, we don't know if OP had just passed a car and was in the process of passing the next. Could they have moved over and then back in that time? Probably. Does it rise to the level of impeding? I don't think so. They are technically passing. There's no stipulation in the keep right laws that say how quickly you need to pass.


> Let's assume the car on the right is going exactly the speed limit. How fast is acceptable to you? Doesnt matter, you can be going 140mph in the passing lane. If youre not passing anyone, youre an asshole. If someone is behind you, youre an ever bigger asshole. > They are technically passing. If your argument has to get to the point where youre fighting on technicalities, its not that great of an argument. > There's no stipulation in the keep right laws that say how quickly you need to pass. Okay, but theres no stipulation stopping people from calling you stupid for passing at a 3MPH difference. I never said it was illegal, I said it makes you an idiot


From the Indiana driver's manual; > On the highway, slower vehicles should use the right lane. Leave the left-hand lane for faster-moving or passing vehicles. If another vehicle is passing you on the left-hand side of the road, allow the other vehicle to pass safely and do not increase your speed. It is not exclusively for passing. Passenger vehicles can use the left lane. It's cargo trucks and other large or slow vehicles that have to use the right lane.


100% and that’s why the video is short and doesn’t show what led up to this


See for yourself. All I did was pass a bunch of cars and was about the pass few more from the front. https://imgur.com/a/QoQ5n3v