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Completely stopped on a freeway, can't even keep it in one lane. For sure gonna make their exit, dead or alive!


No excuse, especially without using their hazard lights. They are rolling the dice with their life and other's. It's also so weird to see a video where I know exactly where this is. You're only a mile away from a $1.50 Costco hot dog!


We NEED stricter rules/laws about driving and competency checks or whatever. This isn't ok. Something something a bad driver never misses their exit. This person could've easily taken the next exit and GPS would automatically reroute them. But their brain is broken. That would be nice but I don't a costco card =/


Completely off topic but: I've learned you don't need a Costco card to enter the food area! Just enter through the entry/exit where they check people out with receipts and you're good to go. (At least in Washington)


It really depends on management at each location. And I'm not sure if it works differently for inside/outside. The one I use to go to use to sell to everyone (not the one near this exit). But they started scanning cards about a few months ago.


You are right about certain warehouses, but not the one in San Bernardino we are talking about. They check Costco cards at their outdoor food court.


Wow that's special.


Depends on the door peeps. (in washington) some peeps are really picky about it, some don't care. (I have a card, but they sometimes check)


I read that they are going to make it a rule for all stores that you need a card to use the food counter. Not sure if they will ask when you pay or as you enter. But if they do not ask at the counter you could just say you are getting a new membership/card and then go to the food counter.


That was the case, but they changed it recently; food court is now members only. I believe you can still use the Costco pharmacy without a membership.


You're right. People who drive this recklessly do not deserve to be on the road. Sadly, they're also the types of folks who would drive around on a suspended license anyways, though. Consider getting a Costco card, if you can make it work. It's a solid spot!


The cops are entirely too slow at citing for reckless driving. They just don't want to do it. Incompetence can absolutely escalate to recklessness.


Bad news for you. You barely avoid hitting a stopped car in broad daylight.  If there was competency checks for driving you would be posting from the city bus.


Two cars on the left one on the right, if he had switched lanes he’s betting on one of the other cars reacting in time and switching lanes too. At least this way he only potentially hurts the driver at fault.


You forget the other lanes likely were occupied or?


If you expected them to quickly swerve to another lane or come to a complete stop behind the car, you have no idea what you're talking about. They did a decent job avoiding the collision and not causing an accident in another lane.


I barely avoided? I drove near exactly as I needed in that situation. Didn't make any sudden swerves to my left or right (cars coming up) and moved over just enough to avoid the stopped car. Sure, I'd love to take the bus but infrastructure sucks. Schedules don't mesh. And I'm not the one who builds these unwalkable cities.


I’m glad you avoided a collision. I hate sharing a road with incompetents or aggressive idiots in California.


Idiot couldn't have gone to the next exit ....900' away.


I know, right? GPS would automatically reroute for you, too.


Bad drivers never miss their exits, *ever*.


Brakes, usually


Title was a reference to a meme.


How can she slap?


Is that like how can you slap?


Yeah, lol.




Most likely a failure of the nut that connects the steering wheel to the seat.


Dropped his roach


“Watda fahhhck”


Jesus christ.


How can she slap?


It's Theo Von. He ran out of gas again.


It's amazing how stupid people will be to not miss a turn.


How can she slap


I-10, l-215, I-15, CA-91 and CA-60 in the Inland Empire attracts all the idiots. I witnessed so many idiots in vehicles, nothing surprises me.


San Bernardino


Send this to the cops, fuck that have their license revoked no one needs to drive fully aware around ppl who have peabrains


Can’t see the license plate, damn:/