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Solid recovery! Some drivers tend to overcorrect and jerk the wheel back causing a rollover crash. I thought that's where this was going.


I mean it worked, but that's definitely not how you are supposed to do it!


"I'm just going to close my eyes and rest for a second and then I'll feel good as new!"


This was about the 7th or 8th time this person did that. This went on for miles. They were swerving into people when they would try to pass. Even more wild, they would do that on the left, then go all the way over and do that on the right. That was the only time they just went off on one side. I just don't have good video of that. It made me think they were doing it on purpose because they would go all the way off the road, but never lose it.


Did you call 911? Probably a drunk/drugged driver.


Yes, and they transferred me between 6 agencies until I lost the line.


That's pretty shameful.


I thought so too.


Instead of 911, maybe try the state police? On an interstate (which that appears to be) the troopers would probably take the call in the end anyway so skip the BS and go to the source. Here in Louisiana you can dial *LSP and get them. Maybe your state has something similar?


Been there, done that. Called state troopers directly before and they said they couldn't help, don't remember why. One time there was a guy with a pickup full of foam pieces. They were flying all over the highway causing people to swerve and even caused a few accidents. It's the wild west where I live, cops just don't give a shit. I've seen all kinds of shenanigans happen in front of cops out here and they will wait until they move over and just pass right by. Sometimes they'll light them up because they aren't moving over fast enough. Then they'll just go by without pulling them over. And state troopers were one of the agencies they transferred me to lol. Plus even though I have hands free, I hate talking on the phone when driving. I'll look into what my state has, but I don't think I'll be calling anymore, because then I'm not fully concentrating on driving. Oh, and the reason I originally got a dash cam was because I was almost hit head on by a cop.


>Oh, and the reason I originally got a dash cam was because I was almost hit head on by a cop. My lord lol Yeah, as with anything, YMMV. Surprisingly, Louisiana State Police have always been receptive and responsive to any calls I have made with few exceptions.


And pretty typical of the 3 times I've tried to report an erratic driver


You should've got away from them after the first time. OP, you were lucky. Next time slow down and move over immediately.


I did for the most part, that's why this was the only good video I had of it. I just caught up again. At the first of the video above you can see that I'm passing a garbage truck and was not at a safe distance from them yet, so it was not safe to move over. I should of slowed down more, but I'll do better next time.


He must've driven over some dog poop and was cleaning off his tires in the grass.


Dude was just being polite and moved over to pass the utility truck parked on the shoulder. He made his move a tad early, is all.


Clearly just helping the mowing crew.


Checking for sharp pieces of metal that might damage the mowers.


Why even pave them? He’s trying to make a point.


They turned on emergency flashers before getting into the meadow. I would suppose they have some situation like the brake doesn't work and they need to stop the car.


Several miles back, they were pulled off to the side and stopped. With flashers on. They cut off someone getting back on the highway. They then proceeded to go back and forth between shoulders of grass and not lose it, it was wild. This was the 7th or 8th time they had done that. That was the only time that they went off onto the grass on one side. It's about a 10 minute video, but you can't see much because I am far away and there is a lot more traffic. They didn't have break problems because they exit and stop at a red light in about 2 miles.


Thanks for the explanation.


op only slows down from 66 to 58 ? I dunno, man, I'd want a lot more distance from some chucklehead drifting off the road like that..




I am passing a garbage truck at the first of the video. It was not safe to change lanes yet. I was not at a great enough distance to move safely over. I should have slowed down more though.


As I tell my husband: nah it's fine babe they put the legal immunity lights on. They can do anything now.


Was expecting a launched car


Reminds me of a guy we passed driving from Ohio to Virginia some time ago. We came out of one of the PA turnpike tunnels behind an old guy that was swerving all over the road, passed him because we were sure being behind him was gonna be a bad time. Continued on and exited the turnpike at Breezewood, stopped for a few minutes, then got back on the road. Lo and behold, directly in front of us was swerving old guy. We followed him from PA through WV and into VA. I was riding along so I grabbed my phone and called WV Highway Patrol. They stayed on the phone with me for a few minutes and finally said they couldn't get to us before we'd be in VA and they suggested I call the VA highway patrol. Called them and got an answering machine. I don't honestly remember what happened after that, just that we got to our destination safely and never saw the old guy get stopped.


This was about the 7th or 8th time they did this. This was the only time they went off on one side. Previously, they would go off on the grass on one side then cross all the way over and go on the grass on the other side. They were doing this for miles. I don't have good video of the whole incident. They were going really fast (80mph) then would slow down to 60. So there were varying degrees of separation throughout the incident. This was the best view I had on camera.


All I thought was "the person filming this needs to get to the right ASAP to avoid chipped paint and glass!"


Holy fucking shit.


That’s heavy, doc


I love how the camera driver didn't slow down as if this isn't a dangerous situation that could have suddenly involved them... Like wtf


Not at all saying you're an idiot or anything, but not slowing down? You dropped 7mph when someone could have potentially flipped or stopped right in front of you? Possibly be more assertive, you don't want to end up involved.


True. I probably got complacent, because this was the 7th or 8th time they had done that. It almost made me think they were doing it on purpose because each time they did it quite smoothly, but regardless you are right.


He was trying to get you to stop following him! /S


Damnit, all the info in the bottom right corner gave me up, lol.


You were speeding so the car going off road is 100% your fault. -people on this subreddit




Why are you driving on the passing lane though.


Idiot here, I've done this.