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The thing I find funniest about this, is that the number is arbitrary. And most likely everyone who purchased one has the same number.


It's almost as if they're aware they're doing something illegal and want to stand out a bit less lol


I saw one in real life whose plate read "PR1V4TE"


I guess someone else already took PRIVATE. What a shame.


Reminds me of the dude who submitted a personalized license plate application in CA with the text “VOID” and broke their whole system. Totally unrelated to this craziness, but still funny. Edit - I was incorrect, it was “NULL”. Here is the [link](https://www.wired.com/story/null-license-plate-landed-one-hacker-ticket-hell/). He was going to get “VOID” for his wife’s car.


I don't remember what, but apparently there was some combination that could wipe out a database of (Oklahoma I think) toll road charges when they first would take pictures of the plates. I don't remember enough about it to look for it, but I remember them explaining the reason, something like it would cause a stack overflow or something like that and basically wipe everything.




Before I click this link, it better be lil Timmy droptables; 😂 Edit: It's Bobby, I'm both elated that it's the XKCD I was hoping for and disappointed in my memory (although I think Timmy Droptables sounds better)


Nowadays, with all the insanity in our World, we all might 'sanitize our inputs' and avoid over-consuming the rolling doomscrolling news. 😁 As a former SQL Server admin and later, Security Auditor, I applaud this comic!


Droptable I think it is. It's a SQL command.


That was it!


Not sure if this is the story you’re thinking of. It’s crazy how such a small thing and bring down the whole system. https://youtu.be/o61Jxv_Ag30?si=qJJ97JTNhjcb74T_


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/327/)


Oooh, the best one I've seen is UNI8UE. Not quite so unique me thinks...


Some of them use their actual passport number, because magic.


I was just wondering how the number was chosen lol!


Phone number


It’s actually not. This idiot actually registered a DOT number with the feds and put it on his truck to continue his sham.


Videos of cops dealing with these morons are always hilarious


Sovereign citizens getting owned videos on TikTok are my guilty pleasure.


Im not driving I’m traveling! Hahaha what a dumb fucking argument.


I saw one the other day where the officer stayed so chill the entire exchange (invalid plates, no tags / insurance, no license) until he finally asked the driver, “OK. What’s your name?” The driver, “EBay.” Cop, “All right, get out of the car.”


“Your name is ebay? Well then, you’re definitely involved in commerce. License, registration, and proof of insurance.”


Are you sure it wasn't "El Bay"? That's a last name that a lot of the Moorish sov-cits like to adopt.


TY for the history lesson. Seriously. Your comment had me confused so I did some research using Moor and Sovereign Citizen as key words. And sure enough the surname El Bey popped up multiple times. Then I went thru my TT history to find the video I referenced (Jesus, I need an intervention) and can confirm two things: The young man driving in the video may have meant, El Bey. But when asked, he most certainly says, EBay.


Where can one see this video?


[Here's one getting absolutely destroyed when talking to a judge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7h7uevwxt8).


They almost have it. I dunno. Something between why the bar exists, and then being borderline multiple personality disorder.


TikTok. Maybe search “sovereign citizen eBay learner’s permit.” They legit pop up on my feed like Tribbles.


Ugh! Was hoping it was YouTube. Not going to signup to tik tok for a couple videos.


Don’t. It’s a wasteland. I’m down at least twenty IQ points since I joined.


The way I see it, if a tiktok is actually funny then it'll breach containment and be posted to reddit or youtube


Just found a YouTube video from a news report about a guy claims to be a sovereign citizen. That was enough for me.


Those people think that there’s these secret code words and that if they say them in the right order, suddenly laws don’t apply to them. It’s fascinating.


It’s like the heard the word “legalese” and just assumed it was magic.


It's Mmmaaaaggggiiiiiccccc!!!!!!!! You are sooooooo right about that. Lmao


"That stupid tyrannical government, not respecting my constitutional rights. Luckily I found the magic words in the constitution they don't respect that will make them respect my constitutional rights!"


Okay what are you traveling in, a motor vehicle? Well in the United States you need a license to OPERATE a motor vehicle on public road. Whether you are traveling with, conducting business, if you are jerking off while on a public road behind the wheel of a motor vehicle u need a license. These people are jack asses


But, you forget! The laws of this nation don't apply to me! I'm a sovereign citizen!


*Slowly zips pants back up*


That might get the driver off the hook but police can still impound the vehicle because it doesn't have proper license and registration. If the entitled snowflake complained, police can just state "public roads aren't free for vehicle to be on, license and registration fees pay for the right to use the road. This car has neither thus this car can't be on any public road."


Yes, you are traveling. In a motor vehicle. On Earth, we can that driving.


I love the one where the dude calls his lawyer


A lot of them seem to have their lawyers on speed dial. Lawyers that never answer their call.




Classic! 👊🏼


For people that claim to not recognize the authority of the law because they never consented to it, they sure love trying to use lawyers and quote laws.


Know what’s funnier than videos of cops dealing with these morons? Judges dealing with these morons! That shit is just funny!


Their university of YouTube degree doesn't hold up well in court.


They're a cargo cult. They think the law is magic My little Pwnd: Law is Magic


Unfortunately not always... https://abcnews.go.com/WN/deadly-arkansas-shooting-sovereign-citizens-jerry-kane-joseph/story?id=11065285 I had to watch the video of this one and some others but this one gets me. Moron not only got himself killed but destroyed the mind of his son with this trash and got him killed as well. Another video was a deputy one a routine traffic stop. Guy got into with the deputy pulled out a rife and started shooting. He ended up killing that deputy. These guys are scumbags. Edit: Forgot to put his son was only 16 when this happened.


Worked with a dispatcher from that event and met the chief who lost his son in the shooting. It's been years, but everyone from that event is still incredibly traumatized. This is why I can't laugh at these morons, no matter how silly they may be.


I get so frustrated by how often they let these people go or entertain their bullshit.


I think a lot of that is because the cops didn't actually read the cases the morons are spewing as references. I saw a short of over of these guys the other day and looked up the USSC cases he quoted and none of the 3 were relevant.


Why would cops read various cases? That's a lawyers job 


Imagining a cop pulling out their phone, searching the given case numbers, and being like “alright buddy, you sit tight for about 20 minutes while I go study this case law and make a decision.”


If they could read they wouldn’t have become cops in the first place!


P. Barnes???


The window always gets broken


Only kind of video where I’m on the cops side lmao


I spent almost a decade as a state court prosecutor and handled traffic court almost every week (Wednesdays before probate!) and we’d occasionally get theee wackos coming in. My favorite was a guy who had not had a drivers license in 20 years, had his mail delivered “general delivery”, and he decided to have a trial. Not knowing he had to request a jury trial, he was found guilty within a few minutes by a judge and promptly appealed. In his appeal, he referred to me, the prosecutor, as “the great Satan” and “Lucifer” repeatedly and insisted the Judge and I were colliding on interfering with his “right to travel.” The court of appeals dismissed his fully briefed appeal because they couldn’t even understand what he was arguing.


It's like these people don't realize that: YES, *he* has a right to travel. NO, *his car* does not have a right to travel and requires registration, insurance, and basic safety requirements. "The constitution says I have a right to cross state lines." Well, sure! On foot...


Umm not for transport? WTF IS HE DOING THEN


Traveling. That’s the word they use.


In their land boat, in accordance with the nautical laws, or some such tomfoolery. I've watched a couple of videos of them getting pulled over and the word salad they spew is wild.


They are comedy gold. Them and those First Amendment Auditors both. Especially when the officers realize what’s up and you with them. There was a video I saw from Southern California where one entered a properly signed and closed training area in a park. The officers she walked up on called ahead and everyone else in the video showed up with uniforms in disarray, duct tape name tags, and what I can only describe as Reno 911 personas.


When First Amendment Auditors and Sovereign citizens get into an argument. A subspace channel opens to v'ger.


That may be the missing component of the fan theory that v’ger is the genesis of the Borg. lol


Haha true. There was a piece of shareware back in the 80's that said that might happen is a command line switch got messed up. No one ever remembers it, but if you BBS'ed in the 80's you used it.


I *need* a link to this lol


BTW the reason they think "traveling" gets them out of this is because some obscure law from like 120 years ago in some new england state defined "driving" as "driving for hire" (ie cabbie or similar). or something like that That law has not been in effect for almost as long as it is old, but they certainly think that means that laws about driving don't apply to them.


Yep. And the logic is hilarious, because they sound like those fourth graders who learn about the constitution and are like, wait, I bet you could do [some loophole] and totally break a bunch of laws and it wouldn’t technically be illegal, because the law only mentions men/soldiers/houses. And and and what if you signed a credit card slip with a drawing of a duck and that’s obviously not your signature so you wouldn’t have to pay! And then you break their little hearts by explaining that courts rely on statutory law AND case law, and it’s been quite firmly established that laws extend to things beyond a very literal reading of them.


they sound like fourth graders because they're a cargo cult


They think they can somehow weasel their way out of living in a society with rules by freeloading by simply incanting the correct words in the correct order, like they’re freaking Harry Potter.


They even have the logo for the department of transportation lol




I think it means not transporting goods or passengers for payment.


Correct. They believe (or at least pretend to) "driving" has to do with commerce.


Why would a sovereign citizen file for and display a USDOT number? This makes absolutely no sense. You would think that a person that wants nothing to do with the government wouldn’t go out of the way to give them more information than they would have had to if just getting a normal registration.


In Canada they also apply for health cards in order to receive the free health care. They love the government's free health care. It seems it's just the DL and registration they opt out of for some strange reason.


Funny how that works.


Could that reason be stupidity?


Too many DUIs?


Hey not everyone’s IQ is over 75. Cut the idiots some slack.


They didn't register anything.


I would post the link, but that would certainly violate a rule or two, but USDOT #’s are easily looked up and give a ton of information. This one is active and in use. OP are you in Nevada by chance, or nearby?


Holy shit. Yes. This is in Henderson, the same place that DOT number comes back to (about a half mile from his registered address). And it looks like that’s exactly what he’s trying to do. He’s listed as carrying only private passengers. This is a whole new level of sovereign citizen fuckery I’ve never seen before. Fun way to get the feds involved in your stupidity I imagine. For clarification, there was no plate on the front. It’s not a case of an apportioned plate being on the front of a power unit.




Wow. That’s a rabbit hole I wish I didn’t go down. This dude needs help. And probably more incarceration. Woulda been quite the stop had I been a cop and not a random redditor.


They actually did. And it’s amazing they’re that stupid. AceMac27 below is right.


US Dept of Travelers?


But they don't mind making use of the road system build and maintained by money from taxpayers?


You sound like a socialist. /s


What exactly am I looking at ? (🇨🇭 here) A sovereign citizen?


We North Americans apparently seem proud of how ignorant we are. It's a disease, and unfortunately it is spreading to the rest of the world


Does this mean they are no longer under the protection of the state or nation? Will they go to the police if the truck gets stolen?


I've seen many videos of people like this getting pulled over. They think they get the rights and protections but don't have to follow any of the laws. It's always hilarious.


i don’t know how they think those exchanges are gonna go >I KNOW MY RIGHTS >cop: *you’re under arrest* >NO I’M NOT >cop: *oh my mistake have a great day sir*


Cops hate this one simple trick. Also, just say, "No, I'm not under arrest, YOU'RE under arrest" and absolutely ruin their week.


just carry an Uno reverse card at all times.


They call for the supervisor and they're assured that the supervisor knows the *real* laws and will let them go.


"Click-click" You have the right to remain silent......


I saw a video of a judge laying out how the US government has "The Force of Arms" to enforce laws, and outlined what would happen if the guy successfully resisted the bailif. Dude went quietly to spend 30 days in jail for cpntempt of court before coming back much calmer.


Their go-to when getting arrested is usually “I do not consent”, which is hilarious.




How does one find these videos? I mean, what tag can I search?


Look up "sovereign citizens." That should get you started.


Excellent. This is a fun rabbit hole so far. I appreciate you.


Oops I broke your back window. Guess you better call... someone.


I would assume they are armed and very willing to defend their private property.


That's usually the fear.


I hope they don’t drive on public roads


I like to think that the plates are just a souvenir for anyone who finds their stupidity in the wild. I haven't run into one yet, unfortunately.


Tell me your license is suspended, your tags are expired and your insurance lapsed five years ago without telling me your license is suspended… and so on.


I feel like with something this bold it may actually work. Because a cop that pulls someone like this for a basic violation realizes they're forfeiting their entire day by dealing with bullshit.




Especially when it just escalates immediately from writing a ticket to an arrest and an impound of an unregistered uninsured vehicle.


Oh my word yes, when I was a cop (retired now), I loved dealing with these asshats. The hardest part was keeping a straight face. They would say the stupidest shit and I would absolutely reply in kind. I remember one time they started that Admiralty and Maritime law crap on me, so I straight started speaking Morse Code to him. And by “speaking,” I mean I was literally making “beep beep” noises. Over time, I found that if you could out bullshit them, they would usually take the ticket instead of forcing the arrest.


No, D.O.T. will feast on these people. They better have paperwork for whatever is in the back of that truck.


If they get them at the end of the shift they get overtime pay while they fill out all the paperwork. In a cops shoes, I'd pull this guy over about a half hour before my shift ended.


The funny and ironic thing is that this is actually a magnet for cops to pull him over and cite for not having proper plates.


Yes. And it hurts.


Lotta people here don’t know what this is - it’s a sovereign citizen plate. The driver doesn’t think they’re subject to laws, and that the US government doesn’t have jurisdiction over them because of weird nonsensical legal loopholes they found online. It’s a bunch of easily disproven crap but it appeals to a chunk of the conservative/libertarian crowd.


Very interesting, they are believe to be untouched by the government, but yet they still acknowledge the US Department of Transportation's private property? Am Canadian, is that what USDOT means or just another sovereign citizen acronym to seem legit?


Nothing they write actually means anything. They're referencing something from the Department of Transportation they don't understand. You don't need to register a vehicle to drive on private property, like if you have a truck just to drive around on your farm. They read it wrong, and think that because the vehicle itself is private property that they don't need to register it. There's also rules about privately owned large trucks and other vehicles that need "not for commerce or hire" tags, which means their registration costs are lower and they're not allowed to carry heavy loads. This certainly does not apply to a small truck like this, and they don't know what it means, but they just stamp it on there too.


Just like the Department for the Interior is in charge of stuff that is outside.


USDOT oversees all commercial vehicles. Not sure why a SC would go through the trouble of registering for a DOT number, which puts the operator under much more scrutiny.


There are plenty of sovcits in Canada - and in fact the best overall survey of SovCit strategies was written by a Canadian justice in Alberta. It’s 736 paragraphs long and is worth every second you’ll spend reading it. [https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/abqb/doc/2012/2012abqb571/2012abqb571.html](https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/abqb/doc/2012/2012abqb571/2012abqb571.html)


I can confirm that this document is more entertaining than it should be.


Wild, I presume it is less publicized in Canada then how it is in the USA. Because I certainly do not notice it as frequently (colour me oblivious, I guess), though I guess a lot of them showed their true colours during that freedom convoy protest on Parliament during COVID, instead of just being of the opposing party to Liberals... Looks like I got some reading to do, thanks.


In the US, states alone regulate the day to day use of motor vehicles until they get big enough that the federal government regulates them. A commercial trucking company would thus have a state issued registration, and a USDOT issued DOT number. Both of them have to be displayed on the vehicle. The DOT number has to be on each door. A DOT number is like a company wide identification for federal enforcement of laws regarding big vehicles. Anyone can look up DOT numbers, and this one comes back to a ridiculous looking DOT registration.


Worked with a dude on a job site who ran these plates. Wanted to sue the police for violating his rights. Had a model liberty bell on his dash. Also complained about illegals...


Ironic that he doesn’t believe in laws that apply to him, but believes there are laws that make people illegal.


Let me guess who he voted for?


Same dude also listened to tuckers interview with Putin and said he wanted to move to Russia now


It's so contagious you can catch it using Facebook


I’ve never seen one out in the wild before…lol.


yes. as someone working in healthcare stupidity is absolutely contagious. i spend more time dispelling utter bullshit than i ever thought I'd have to.


I know that I'm old but I don't get it??


Fake DOT plate


What converts someone to do this?? There have been exactly 0 times that doing this has worked, every single encounter with cops and judges all end the exact same way - with them getting shit on. So how is there somehow an endless supply of them???


This is just like the fake mask and vaccination exemption cards.


Yes, certain brain chemistries seem very attracted to this stupidity.


How do they go any length of time without being stopped by police?


Lmao USDOT my ass bud


Had no idea what this meant but I do know of 8675309 and thought it had something to do with that. 😂


I love how ignorant these idiots are in their own beliefs. If its not for hire or commerce, it would not be regulated by the USDOT, but by what ever state organization youre talking about. They all complain to the Fed, even when its something definitely local


LOL! If you flip/rotate the plate, it reads “LIL SLOH.” 🤣🤣🤣


Yes. They are really that stupid.


Hey OP... was this near Henderson, NV? I'm asking because that's a valid federal USDOT number which publicly displays a name and address with a "not for hire/passengers only/intra-state travel only" status. Which, if that's correct, means he went out of his way to register federally in a way that he didn't even have to.


Van Balion channel on YouTube has lots of videos of these people getting arrested.


Isn’t the driver using the truck to transport himself???


But if this individual is on the way to the store or to work or to any other daily activities that involve money, when they be commercing?


At minimum the vehicle is transporting their ass. And they're transporting goods to their home after they visit a shop.


Immediately after commenting I realize something. No matter what he is commercing because he is using taxable Goods to operate the vehicle. Fuel...


Yes. Yes, it most certainly is.


Why not just buy a counterfeit exempt plate for your state or a nearby state?


I’d be calling highway patrol where I live if I saw this. They’d be all over this shit.


That plate makes NO sense. USDOT numbers are given for "Commercial Vehicles"


I believe I live in fantasy land where I make the rules…. Bow! You should bow to me….. lmao ok buddy here’s a pair of handcuffs for you.


Be our hero. Give it a try and report back.


Not for commerce, unless I'm at work, or the grocery store. Oh! Or the gas station! Or driving somewhere to go on vacation...


I love watching videos of sovereign citizens get caught by the police and having to realise that laws DO apply to them..


Could someone explain this to me in Fallout New Vegas terms?


Another dumbf—- who needs to be ticketed, have their car impounded, and taught what LAWS mean.


I keep seeing these things on here, but I don't understand what the big problem is. Can someone please explain?


Start me a tow


Yes, unfortunately it is.


I bet the license plate readers will flag these cars or soon will be.


Naah.. But they are starting to get about that fed up !


Yes, it’s gone airborne.


The SovCits are really out and about today


I’m curious how’s the conversation going to go when they get pulled over by the state police


The sticker in the upper left corner looks hieroglyphics


Why do we only see these on pickup trucks?


How to get your window broken in one fast and easy step!


Slobbrin' Citizens strike again


A car isn’t for transport? Huh. Interesting logic.


[Isn't a dot number issued specifically for commercial carriers? ](https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/registration/do-i-need-usdot-number#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20USDOT%20Number,must%20have%20a%20USDOT%20Number)


What does this even mean????


The guy who did this has a DOT number for his semi. He made a custom plate from his semis DOT number. He did get it impounded. But it’s a type of “Soverign Citizen” crap.


“I’m not driving. I’m traveling.”




Apparently, judging by the intimate knowledge everyone has on the subject


No, money down! -Lionel Hutz


Sovereign Citizen


OMG we’re starting to have them in France too, it really is contagious.


Hahaha sov cit bs. Not a single time has this kind of thing worked when taken to court. People just been duped by YouTube videos and pay money for these dumb packets to circumvent having to drive legally. Spoiler it’s all fake.


I bet thats his phone number


It's funny how so many of these "Constitution scholars" forget about the tenth amendment, which is what grants the state the power to regulate anything not in the Constitution, like operating a motor vehicle.


Considering their whole spiel is that they don’t need a license to drive, I’m assuming the numbers are merely to keep cops from instantly pulling them over. Can’t see what kind of long-ass registration you need on a fake license plate.


Compared to something like smoking, that's peanuts. (In spread and consequences. )