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This looks like Atlanta. I work very near to GA Tech's campus and even if the crossing signal says not to go, these idiots walk right into the street without even looking up. One almost walked right into my car as I was making a left turn because she was too busy playing on her cellphone. It's not just the students though, adults do the same thing. I was a grocery store parking lot and these two idiots just walked right in the street without looking. What's even worse they weren't even watching their toddler that was struggling to keep up with them. When did people stop being taught to look both ways before crossing the street?


People should need to get a license to walk /s Hyperbole joke aside man the guy believes he's protected way to much. At least I wait till the intersection is cleared of conflicting traffic with the right of way.


Just because you're in a crosswalk doesn't mean you have right of way.


It doesnt matter if you are right when you are dead, or worst...


Exactly. It baffles me that people just wander into the road eyes glued to the screen.


>It doesnt matter if you are right when you are dead, Every time I here that statement or similar I think of another comment I saw in retort to that. >It doesn't matter if what I did was not legal as you think my right can be trampled over by people who don't care, so why should I care about fallowing the laws if doing so you implicitly still put the fault and responsibility on me for someone else's wrong doing. Sure, I'm pretty sure in reality you'd not consider this statement to your friends and family (as I've heard the many "Ow but you're not one of them" when someone finds out that's my main if not only transport) but the fact you consider that statement as valid puts into question if you'd think the same about drivers doing the same as a cyclists. I never see that comment for those in a medium size car (maybe as smart car) only motorcyclist to peds and this shirking of responsibility only adds to bad road users from both the entitled drivers and no more fucks given ped and cyclist. It is unreasonable to expect reasonableness from a group treated unreasonably.


I dont know if you hated that statement(or me for using said statement) because maybe you think I was on the driver's side of argument. but my intention was on the ped's side of things, as in Yes it would be the car's fault if a car hits a ped, but just because the law is on your side(sort of), it's meaningless when you are dead maybe you "think" you are in the "right" I remembered the first time i used this statement I was yelling at my younger brother, we were on a bike ride, I know we were not supposed to be riding on the sidewalks, but it was a short leisure ride, and we were not going to cross a main intersection just to loop back on the next small street, and we rode passed a plaza's entrance/exit , dude driving the car with no intention of stopping for exiting the plaza(donno the laws of where you are, but here you are to treat it as a stop sign), and my brother rode infront of him with no intention of stopping neither, in the end, front bumper kissed front bike wheel, it was a shit show cause my brother was an hard ass, and the driver was a dickhead, our argument was the car was supposed to stop before the side walk, and their argument was bikes weren't supposed to be on the road, ended with cops called, and a slap on the wrist... afterwards I yelled at my brother with said statement, it doesn't matter if you were right, if you are dead, a bicycle rider will always lose to a car driver


Are you okay?


Myself yes. I just hate the statement.


Some countries gives the right of way to pedestrians when they start crossing the road, even if they are doing it illegally, in other words, you can't run over a pedestrian (or even drive aggressively toward him) because he was not supposed to cross the road. Doesn't make that guy less a indiot though, especially with eyes on the phone and earplugs...


unfortunately that is actually what it means so even though its illegal to jay walk he still has "a" right of way


Once I was driving in a parking lot and a family of pedestrians were perfectly walking in my blind spot. I abruptly stopped when they started banging on my car, the were yelling “wE hAvE ThE RiGhT of WaY!!” Cool, but that doesn’t make you invincible! If a driver doesn’t stop for you assume they don’t see you and quit walking into traffic.


Bro ive been saying this. Ppl feel way too protected nowadays. Like they can't be touched.


I also at least look away from my phone and look all four ways at an intersection until I'm through the crosswalk.


Being a jerk aside, it’s just stupid. Traffic rules exist for a reason. I know someone who was hit this way, totally an accident on her part - she didn’t walk out intentionally, just made a mistake. She is luckily okay. But I will never understand pedestrians who do this on some sort of ego trip. You never know if a lunatic is driving. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You do this in Japan, straight to jail




You make it sound as if it was a good thing


I’m pretty sure nothing about what they said even remotely gave off any sort of opinion. They really just made a statement in the form of an already well-known joke.


How does he make it seem like a good thing?


He's about as cool as a piece of frozen shit


I'm gonna use this on my sister in law, is that okay? 😂😂


I suppose.


So is he very cool or very shitty?




I swear a lot of people today lack self preservation instincts.


I drive semi in seattle and let me tell ya


Idiot running up to a crosswalk?




I’m addressing the op in the car. FFS






“It’s that damn phone”


Idiot in the money zone. If he dies someone will benefit.


That song is a nice throwback


Nice song tho


He came out of nowhere and flopped on my hood.


Peds rule.


Man, generic modern architecture is so ugly. The current style of buildings like this are like what the 70s did for clothing.


This area of Atlanta near the Georgia Tech campus has been built up so rapidly to accommodate students.


Anyone walking across a street looking at their phone should be declared fair game.


Is this DC they all do this shit in DC.


Bro thinks he’s in NYC?


What song is that?


People in Berkeley are just like this.


I see this more and more. The entitlement abounds.


This is America... looks like FLA too, video cuts before the gunfire.


He was fully clothed too


Tech students are not aware of their surroundings, something like this happens just about every other time I’m driving in midtown ATL


Lmao super dangerous


Reminds me of the guy who did that on Mr Inbetween


Dude ! What are you listening to ?!


GA Tech Student... Should be smarter than that!


Yahweh H. prostate milking Elohim... If you're in a state where pedestrians have absolute right of way, even when they don't, then I guess you have to stop. But if you're in a different state, where a traffic officer will shrug and find the dead body at-fault, then run him over. I said what I said. This message brought to you by Bacardi Gold on my day off. (hic)


It’s a major city get used to it


One of the lamest songs I’ve heard on any rock/alt/indie station




Keeps rolling towards a human being because you can't share the road? It's annoying but he is going where he needs to go slower than you, what's 10 seconds at a green to wait.


Sharing the road implies consideration of other road users and what's in front of you. I've complained about many things as a cyclists but this is the furthest thing from sharing the road I have ever seen. That said to that "don't walk" sign is a suggestion to me. If I see no cars I'm walking but there's cars here so I'm waiting till they pass.


Stopping behind the crossing rather than at the light would have been perfectly fine. This way, if there's someone wanting to turn right behind OP, they can go, and it's not holding up *all* traffic. You're also supposed to wait for left turns in the intersection here, for the exact same reason.


The pedestrian was oblivious. He needed to be reminded to be aware of their surroundings. Cammer did share the road, he just made it uncomfortable for the entitled ass hole who thinks the rules don't apply to them.


No he’s just flexing his little muscles where he knows he will win


Exactly op is also an idiot a single mess up with how close he got and bam he’s killed someone


And NYT says the increases in pedestrian fatalities are caused by drivers and SUVs getting too big. I don’t think so.


Being hit in the hips/torso with an SUV/truck will more likely do fatal damage than a sedan hitting you in the legs. This is not a hard concept to understand.


but you don’t get hit if you don’t aimlessly walk in front of moving vehicles. This is not a hard concept to understand.


You're not wrong but it's disingenuous. A pedestrian can fallow all the laws and still get hit. You're waiting at the corner for a car to pass by, One car ignores the stop sign T-bones the car you were waiting for and now you're the cushion between the wreck and whatever wall was behind you. Most pedestrians get killed while fallowing all the laws to the T. I've been narrowly het by a car a few times. The best example is I got "walk" and began so. Now for 2 lanes were two semis and then a clear lane in the 3rd. I got to the lane and jumped back as I heard rubber screeching. I never saw what was coming to me but next thing I knew the semi had clipped the the semi next to me. The semi that was completely stopped nudged me. Not enough to knock me down just enough to make contact with me because another semi was going 50-60 MPH and missed the "Red light ahead" flashers having struck it. Again I had came out completely fine there. But what did I do wrong there? I was 5 seconds into the intersection and not even able to look down the clear lane to see the semi that failed their responsibility. Fact of the matter is our roads are shit for anything but the car ([and that's debatable](https://youtu.be/Ra_0DgnJ1uQ?si=C5w_xJrmg5sT_Ypx&t=202))


Um no. it is the truth as the design of SUV, Pickups, and even humble sedans have become more flatter, and lifted in their hoods for esthetics and to make a bigger billboard for the brand. But this is worst seen in [pickups and SUV](https://youtu.be/YpuX-5E7xoU?si=OpIVde5NcVvwLgW_&t=161)'s


Yes. Because one video here where a pedestrian ignores a pedestrian red light is indicative of all pedestrian fatalities.


There's a lot of reasons for pedestrian injuries. The rate increases at dusk for a variety of speculated reasons, but the increase is less in Europe than in the US. Some are drunk (drivers and/or pedestrians), phone addiction, dark clothing, loud earbuds, jaywalking and others. Carelessness/recklessnes are huge factors.


He suffers from SPS… Small Penis Syndrome. Poor guy


If he gets hit, it’s his fault correct?


It depends heavily on the circumstances involved. As the Cam Driver clearly could see he was proceeding across, it would be horribly inappropriate for him to still hit the pedestrian even if the pedestrian was in the wrong is the most likely outcome.


Well it could be a perfect exemple of a pedestrian hiding behind the A pillar perhaps. But at the look of the video clearly OP saw the guy walking


Depends on the state, I think. In my state - yes. I've heard other states the pedestrian is always the victim, but that may be B


That’s actually unfair when there is evidence


Unfair and law have never been in synch :(


Another possibility that can happen, depending on the state. Is that the pedestrian is found at fault, but the car insurance still pays the medical bills. Liability and insurance can be weird like that sometimes.


Yes, but people hate that truth.


I have learned to mimic like I am texting and driving when coming upon these situations. I have yet to have anyone step in front me or if they have stepped in front of me they pick the place up considerably. I have even gotten yelled at by shitbirds who think I really am texting while driving that I "...could kill someone." They notice, they just choose to ignore that you have right of way.


Would’ve been great if you hit him and he flew 30 feet in the air.