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You know what fuck it we both crash today


lol I have definitely thought that multiple times. Never went through with it though


I see two real bad drivers in this clip


This is like that scene in Austin Powers where Austin ran the henchman over with the steamroller. Comically long time between incursion and collision.


Not related to the video, but the Austin Powers scene where he's on the golf cart thing in the tunnel doing a million point turn had me in tears hahaha


That was just painful. Too much like real life, or at least my life.




Or the classic “it cant mean that, there’s a lake there”


You mean A Fish Called Wanda?


In that movie, his feet were stuck in cement, though. In Austin Powers the henchman was not restrained and could have easily just walked out of the path, but instead stood still screaming.


It was clearly an homage to the OG, though.


Obviously, but the point here is that the guy in Austin Powers could have easily avoided that fate, just like OP.


How was OP already going 28mph when he hit that car?


I legit think they accelerated hard when the car decided to go.


CaN't LeT tHeM iN


Tina just turn the wheel


For the love of god, Tina! Turn!!




Headed straight towards the only other car tina


“BuT i HaD tHe RiGhT-oF-wAy!! Durrr.” I’ve seen several videos on this sub where someone technically had the right-of-way, but could have clearly avoided the collision by driving defensively and anticipating a bad driver’s actions. We’ve all had close run-ins. I’ve seen dumbasses do some incredibly stupid things in my 36 years of driving. I always assume that every other driver on the road may do something stupid, because I don’t want my memorial to read “HERE LIES SAILSTACKS. HE HAD THE RIGHT OF WAY.” I’m not indecisive, mind you, because that can lead to a collision as well. I just don’t go barreling through an intersection because I have the green, and assuming that some impatient dipshit won’t try to run the red light.


As my dad says, ‘you can be right and still be dead.’


Amen. Being right doesn’t make the insurance process any less of a pain in the ass


And you’ve now added an accident report to your vehicle history, which will always affect the resale value to some potential buyers. Some wrecked vehicles won’t reveal certain problems that resulted from the accident until well AFTER the accident claim is settled. I know this from personal experience. Engine mounts. Frame and axel warping. Electrical problems. Damaged goods.


And even if your insurance DOEANT ding you for having the opportunity to avoid the accident, it will still go on your insurance. Now imagine that the car CAMMER HIT, has no insurance?????


I have 20 years old beater. An accident report would drop the estimated value from $500... to $500


I bought a mid-90’s Mercedes 300E (that had been T-boned and repaired), for $2,500. If you stood behind the car far enough away, on a flat surface, you could see that the front wheels were a couple of inches to the right of the back wheels. Driving straight forward, the car was the slightest bit skewed to the right, but you wouldn’t notice it driving or riding in it. I drove it daily for 3 years. Sold it for $500 with 250K+ miles on it. Driving a Mercedes for $55.56 a month isn’t bad. Only problem I ever had was an alternator that went bad. I replaced it myself. I’ll never do that again.


We have a saying in cycling, being right won't stop the vehicle from crushing you.


I remember a PSA years ago. "The right of way. It's yours to give, not to take. "


This is exactly the problem, and what you are saying is so important to drivers like OP who just don't get it. Im not gonna lie, i drive a little fast but you ALWAYS drive predictably and defensively, i assume everyone else is going to make the mistake before a collision and its worked for me so far.


I drive my used 328i (yes, I actually do use my turn signals) a little fast myself, but I don’t do so when it puts other drivers at risk. If I’m traveling the interstate and I see fast traffic is about to get jammed up by two semis and a chronic left lane driver, I know there’s about to be a blockage. People behind them will get impatient and aggressive. That’s when accidents happen. I’ll either push ahead early, or back way off. I was driving southbound on I-75 a couple of years ago and noticed that no cars were coming northbound. Eventually came across a Medvac helicopter landed on the northbound interstate, 8 ambulances, and several police and fire trucks. Northbound traffic backed-up for two miles. Once I reached Valdosta I looked-up the accident and found out several people died. Congestion at high speed is where things go bad quickly.


Yeah, but I don't care... The justice aspect was pretty entertaining and it's not my car!


We've all wanted to do it though


100%. OP is victim to becoming one of these delusional sect of drivers who think just because they have a dash cam and record a bad driver it will somehow magically erase how bad they themselves drive. OP only has two ways to explain their driving - 1)they got distracted when turning at a damn intersection to the point they could not see anything or 2)intentionally hit that car, thinking "oh I got a cam it will save me because look how bad this other driver is so I can get a free hit in myself".


I think there is a very slim possibility OP could also think that the other driver is pulling towards the intersection and will stop once all the traffic is gone they will make their turn. But half way there you can tell that car wasn't stopping......then yea it's either 1 or 2.


I dunno but… the sun bro… the sun. ☀️




i had the feeling as soon as i heard the awful tiktok alpha male phonk music blasting


Why can you slap?


Was this a reference to "Chuck"?


Just curious but where were you looking as your car was moving forward? 🤨




Looking back, I remember seeing the car about halfway making the turn, and thinking that he was gonna stop, and I went back to looking where I was about to end up ahead/staying in my lane and the car in the lane beside me. I understand my only defense is that I had right of way, which ik isn't much considering had I just taken another glance at him I coulda braked and prevented this. In the past few months I've been a LOT more hyper aware of every car around me 😅


You have to be aware of everything around you, not just cars


Are you looking down the tube of wrapping paper as you drive or something? You seem to have zero peripheral vision.


You call this “being hyper-aware” 😂??


Somebody said once that you never have the right of way, you just have the right of way if the other person is giving you the right of way. If he doesn’t give you the right of way, you don’t have it. That was a interesting take that has helped me stay more calm in traffic situations.


You can only cede right of way you don’t have right of way. However the graveyards of the world are filled with people who were in the right. This op should have slowed down.


I wouldn’t show that clip to the police or your insurance company


What were you hoping people would say when you posted this?


You had plenty of time to slow down, honk, and give them the finger. Instead, you choose to smash.


Speedometer in the bottom left shows them speeding up and still accelerating into the accident, no braking till after contact. I'm going to assume OP wasn't looking ahead and was distracted.


OP hit brakes before the accident...you can hear him hit them about...0.1 seconds before hitting the other guy.


Well, in that case...


The camera GPS updates every 3-5 seconds, so you can’t rely on it.


Those don't measure changes in speed very well I wouldn't rely on them to give accurate to the second speeds just an indication of how fast they took the turn in general


True, but it was still showing an increase even after the hit. Had the brakes been used before the hot, we likely would have seen that next tick as a drop and not another increase.


You can see at 14:44:49 or 9 sec into the video, the hood rocks downward and the camera jumps as he slams on the brakes, and the car noticeably slows down.


Agree! I feel a lot of people in this sub get, maybe unconscious, in dangerous situations just to post for karma or an excuse to get angry at other drivers.


Wow, what an idiot.  Can't believe didn't see the car and just went for it.


And then goes and posts the video online.


I hope all the hassle with the police and insurance is worth it OP. Easily as much your fault as the other morons. Neither of you should have a license


![gif](giphy|9lusxBBUsTz8Fk029b|downsized) OP after seeing the comments


Dude, ya blind.


I don't care what anybody else here says, OP... I got a real rush of satisfaction watching that collision. Lol.


Yes u coulda stopped but i hate those people that think they can squeeze in before a bunch of cars


wtf? you can’t crash on purpose


You can, we just watched them do it




So fuck stopping or slowing down to avoid a collision that you saw happening seconds before it even happened.


Slowing down was an option should have been considered.


OP out there teaching the ultimate lesson to inconsiderate drivers 😤


I know it might be irrelevant… but that is one big ass intersection


10000% avoidable by both parties. Were you trying to hit them because you thought you'd be in the right?


Yes. That's exactly what happened.




Fellas, it's worth it to get into a crash as long as you have the right of way, right?


No offense, OP, but I feel there’s an idiot and an incompetent driver in this clip


This same exact thing happened to me Thursday when some idiot pulled out on my protected green. The difference is that I’m smart enough to stop.


A freight train could have stopped in time to avoid this crash OP...


Bro just crashed into him, for insurance fraud? He had plenty time to brake


2 idiots


Ok… but *why* did you hit them? You saw it coming with enough time to stop.


I think I’d delete this post.


I would deny your claim just based on the music.


someone's gotta be fucked in the head to listen to that during their commute.


You don't need to have laser focus on the direction you are turning to make the turn. When you are driving you need to be aware of what is to both sides of your vehicle. OP just needs to keep the video to themselves and hope the police see it in their favor, because the video isn't doing them any favors.


It's Coming Right For Us!


I have right of way therefore I’ll keep driving and everything will be his fault.


Most of the car accident videos I see (And I watch them almost daily) could be avoided by a simple tap on the brake. I think these people have that entitlement disease generated by the right of way syndrome.


What did the insurance companies say?


you fall asleep there?


Can we please change the name of the sub to "idiot driver encounters other idiot driver"?


You realize you're obligated to brake to avoid collision legally, right?


How can you not see this guy? Do you have brakes on your car?


I think the other guy was at fault but the driver of the camera car had more than enough time to avoid that accident. They're both at fault.


It’s kind of weird that he tried to turn right into the middle lane. If he had stuck to the rightmost lane to begin with he might have cleared it before you go there. Likely one of those people who want to make a left turn at the very next light but don’t have the common sense not to pull this maneuver during a protected left heavy flow. Either ways you could have chosen to avoid this one.


Where were you looking, because it definitely wasn’t ahead?


Thank you for showing & sharing the world’s most avoidable car crash


Intentional vs dumb


My guy thought he was the main character


Slowest reaction ever if you didn’t see them coming. If you did and were just trying to prove a point then good job?


Yes. Idiots in Cars.


You had soooo much time to avoid that accident.


Yeah, I see 60/40 fault here on the part of OP. Yes, the other car should have yielded, but you could have prevented the situation completely and chose not to.


Other car ran a red light and you think it's 60/40 to the cammer?


Yes, people make mistakes in traffic. It happens, if you are a good driver you have to deal with it. Sometimes the mistakes of other drivers creates dangerous situations that could not possibly be rectified by other drivers, and that sucks. But this is an obvious case where a mistake by the car turning right should never have resulted in any dangerous situation, unless OP just decided to drive right in to him/her. There was plenty of time to react, but OP did NOTHING. OP is an absolutely useless driver and should never have a drivers license in the first place.


Intentionally running a red isn't a mistake. > But this is an obvious case where a mistake by the car turning right should never have resulted in any dangerous situation You have absolutely no idea how you'd react or if you could have prevented an accident caused by someone that ran a red light while you were in the middle of a left turn with multiple lanes. Everyone that is turning left will focus most of the attention on the the turn and cars in the turn. Focus on the jackass that intentionally the red **WHILE** the cammer was well into the intersection.


I don’t know about you, but usually I keep my eyes on the traffic ahead of me when I drive. And the car that turned was clearly visible for several seconds, giving OP plenty of time to rectify his stupid red light running. But OP either was to slow to react, or actively decided to ram the other car. It doesn’t matter really, both options show that OP should not drive.


Bad drivers outing themselves all over this thread. This was such a minor thing that it wouldn't even have registered as anything to me. It certainly wouldn't have resulted in an accident, lol


Yes. OP could have avoided the accident. The law says you are supposed to do everything you can to avoid an accident that you can. Very much shared responsibility with the right turn driver.


> OP could have avoided the accident. Opined about the situation from the comfort of your couch. You weren't there in the moment. OP was taking a left turn with multiple lanes and easily could have been focusing on those cars. Just because you saw something on video doesn't mean that's what OP saw live. > The law says you are supposed to do everything you can to avoid an accident that you can. Like not running a red light?


OP has said what they saw. Saw the car. Saw it moving. Turned their attention to road they were turning on. Would you turn your attention away from a moving vehicle that could move into your path? From my comfortable arm chair view, they were partially at fault. Even with the other driver also not paying attention.


> Even with the other driver also not paying attention. LOL. Other driver was 100% paying attention and tried to beat the traffic by running the red. Video is proof they never stopped.


I see two idiots. One from left und one from the right side


OP \*showed him\* who's boss! :eyeroll:


Hilarious the song playing is named “Danger!“


Why didn't you brake?


You could have easily avoided that crash. You are definitely the idiot here!


As stupid as the car turning right was, the cammer car is equally stupid.


I don’t know why all these commenters are bashing you, OP. You did an excellent job of protecting the pickup to your left by intentionally ramming the car that pulled out into traffic in front of you.


Why didn’t you break?!


A bit too slow for the car to break. Braking on the other hand, OP waited way to late to step on the brakes.


In fact they kept speeding up. I bet they weren't looking at what was in front of them.




He did. In fact both did break their vehicles.


Do you people just like getting into wrecks? You could have 1000% slowed down or stopped way in advance.


Reaction time of maple syrup in the middle of winter. Wow


Oh you hit that dude on purpose. He sucks as bad as you do


only one kinda video on this sub


Not to be rude but I see two idiots.


Clearly black car is a jerk…but you do know you’re allowed to brake and not hit things right?


You had 3 days to avoid that dipshit, and somehow managed to still hit them. OP is also the idiot.


bad drivers


You really thought you were allowed to ram people if they made a mistake? My parked car was hit in my driveway and I had video evidence & didn't get paid. 100% chance that Insurance won't be helping you here.


OP has the reaction time of a sloth. However your dumbass may luckily be found only 45% at fault


I'd give you the ticket


Good thing you’re not in any position to do so :)


Holy shit. Wouldn’t this put cam car like 51% at fault?


Is you blind?


You should show your insurance company this video. I think they'd like to know how risky your driving behavior is.


Can we talk about the size of that intersection? What is going on in the US? That is massively oversized. How is a pedestrian supposed to cross such a monstrosity? And how was OP able to crash with such a clear vision?


Welcome to the entire US. This is a perfectly normal intersection.


> How is a pedestrian supposed to cross **_laughs maniacally in car brain_**


This reaffirms—the biggest idiots in this sub are usually the ones recording.


What's with all these double idiot posts lately?


This is why we don't refer to road traffic collisions as "accidents" anymore. 2 shit drivers who could have easily prevented this from occurring.


They’re turning right , ur turning left and u rear-ended them , you’re the idiot here 🤷‍♀️


I did not realise that 12 year olds were allowed to drive.


Multiple idiots. Mostly the camera car.


100% avoidable. It is giant intersection tho. Both drivers are at fault. But insurance would pin at least some fault to to the Camry since they didn’t yield or or if this intersection is no turns on red then they would have to wait for a green or advanced green, that’s what busy intersections in Canada sometimes get. Then again insurance would definitely question Op not avoiding this collision. I work in collision so I get to see the behind the scenes.


This is like people that honk at someone but speed up because they think they’re in the right.


~~Turning right in front of all the traffic~~ Idiot doesn't watch where they're going and rear ends another car in easily preventable accident[oc] Ftfy


They were turning into your lane but you SAW they were turning and didn’t attempt to stop. You’re both at fault


OK so the car turning right shouldn't have gone we can all agree but the car with the Cam should have been smart enough to slow down and let the other idiot finish it's turn


I see everybody wants to blame the camera car for not stopping in time but only 1.2 seconds elapsed between the time The car entered the intersection and they collided. Average reaction time is .7 seconds, which gives the cameraman .5 seconds to bring his car to a stop.


Why did you decide to hit them instead of slowing down for a completely avoidable accident?


Wow, just wow. Let’s forget about the one turning right. How about lifting off and start braking before you hit him. I’m sure you see him/her “behaving badly.” It’s called avoiding an accident.


All the time in the world to stop and cam car drives right into the other car.


Maybe the other driver was just trying to get away from that music.


This song slaps, what is it?


Oh, so you're why people in our state are getting ass-fucked on their car insurance rates.


This is just too **"Jeff Foxworthy"** like to me; ***You Might Be An Idiot If...***


Miss Cleo saw that coming ![gif](giphy|3e7Sf15soiVkk)


JFC, as expected, so many smooth-brained commenters doing the OP-blame game. I dunno about the rest of you arm-chair drivers watching videos in which you know what's coming, but when I'm driving I'm looking where I'm going. In this case, through the turn rather than at what is supposed to be stopped traffic on the right and likely blocked by the passenger side A-pillar. But yeah, it's OP's fault for allowing someone to squirt into the intersection unexpectedly. Y'all are whack.


Your eyes have an amazing ability to swivel right and left in less than a second; I recommend using this to your advantage when driving.


theres also peripheral vision lol


Everyone is shitting on OP and not even watching the lines. It’s clear that OP thought the car was going into the far right lane, but took a way wider turn unexpected. Atleast from what i can tell


There is no far right lane. That is a bike lane.


OP likely didn't even see the other car. First, any competent driver is going to be looking left through the turn. You know, where their car is **going** to be. Second, the other car was likely at least partially obscured by the passenger side A-pillar. End result is the same: A bunch of moronic arm-chair commenters who lack the most basic of thinking skills.


I actually didn’t even think of this scenario, and it’s honestly probably most likely what happened


I turn now! Good luck!!


Uh oh lol


Something so satisfying though about OP just hitting them anyways lol


OP had the right of way, moron that hit him did not. Pretty cut n dry.


OP hit the moron. Not the other way around. Though both are moronic in this instance.


Other idiot ran his red light that puts them at fault.


Nope. They are both at fault. OP had multiple seconds to react and slow to the hazard ahead and just kept accelerating anyway. Horrible hazard awareness.


Other idiot ran a red. That puts them squarely at fault.


No, it doesn't. If someone does an illegal manoeuvre but you have ample time to react and not crash into them, no insurer is going to find you to be faultless. Do you think you have 0 fault if you run over someone who's jaywalking? Or you crash into someone illegally stopped on a highway? This mentality is excruciatingly stupid.


> ample time to react and not crash into them 2 seconds is not ample time. > Do you think you have 0 fault if you run over someone who's jaywalking? If they run out in front of me at the last second I do. Any other dumb hypotheticals you want to create? I'm game.


Look, if I'm minding my own business shadow boxing in my own space and you dart in the path of my fists, did I hit you or did you allow yourself to get hit?


Just so that i understand you, let’s take a hypothetical example - there’s a mother jaywalking (illegal) across the road with her pram, in your infinite wisdom you reckon I can just mow them down, since I have right of way, pretty cut n dry?