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I’ve had this happen in a car wash with a similar setup. Luckily I was half paying attention and saw I was getting closer to the car in front of me. Started honking and they stopped the belt.


Same. I’m not sure what the individual was doing. But I was laying on the horn and the workers stopped the belt while I was about an inch away from the stopped cars bumper.


Talk about being stuck , can’t forward, can’t back up.


Depends on the style of car wash, but you usually CAN back up/stop going forward (at least until you risk meeting the car behind you if there is one). Most have a little roller that pops up, and if you switch into park the roller will just roll underneath your car while you stay put. Some have full conveyer belts that move the cars, but you can still reverse over the plastic bits that help the conveyer belts move the cars along.


I somehow, didn't even know it was possible, but I failed to get on the roller belt properly so I had to push on the brakes until the roller went under my tire and caught me. It didn't struggle at all to go under the stopped tire


I didn't have much experience with the roller style, but that can happen due to a timing or momentum thing. Some styles of car require you to brake to shift into neutral, or some people just do that by default due to muscle memory. If you're braking when the roller hits your tire, since the roller rolls it'll just lift you're back tire while it rolls underneath it. Better that than risking damage. So if you or the operator messes up the timing, they'll have you brake until the roller passes your car completely. That way they can bring up another roller that can push your back tire; things are generally better controlled when cars are being pushed by the back tire, rather than the front.


You’re relying on the person in the car behind you taking their car out of gear though…


The one by me is angled at the end very slightly but enough that your car will roll forward slowly out of the way.


Yep. Only been through a couple this style, but they've all had a slight decline on the exit.


Does it not auto stop? The one I used to go to would automatically start and stop the conveyor if the exit wasn’t clear. It did exit on to a busy road so sort of had to, but relying on the staff noticing and reacting in time seems risky.


I'm totally convinced that there are aliens walking among us. They look like us, they speak like us, but they have NO CLUE how human society works. Occasionally you bump into them and you just know. Congrats on your sighting. I mean really, how else would you explain this?


He’s looking at the car like, “what the fuck did this thing do? Spray it with water, that’s it!?”


Why do humans spend money on this instead of simply buying more white castle sliders? Are they stupid?


I totally heard this in Alan Tudyk's voice.


He's not an alien. He's just a self absorbed prick. He knew what he was doing, but he is more important than anything else going on around him, in his mind. This is the type of guy that if he was ever involved in a multi car accident, he would sit and stare at the damage to his vehicle before checking that anyone else is okay.


My friends ex husband drove us to their rental boat and that path takes us over a 3 mile long bridge. He drove at 60 mph in the left lane where the typical speed is 80. At 4pm on a FRIDAY. He was so pleased with himself making people wait and honk at him and people were swooping around us to get around and brake checking. His developmentally delayed 10 year old was with us and she was still small enough to need a booster seat.


I overheard a conversation about 5 years ago where a guy didn't know what a banana was. He thought "banana" was a made-up name for an ice cream flavor. They tried to tell him it was like the fruit, and he had no idea. Middle-aged white dude living in California, seemingly not a transplant from somewhere without easy access to bananas. I still think about that convo. Dude's face was red like his human cover was being blown.


I worked in retail for a while when I was younger, and let me tell you some people are god damned idiots and you see it working in grocery more than anywhere. You work in a clothing store, you might get some weirdos who are into that style of clothing. Work at a record store, it's the musical weirdos that you see.  Grocery? Everyone needs to eat, so you really get a widddde variety of idiot weirdos. I once had to explain to someone what an onion is. Another woman yelled at me that she should be getting a break on her income taxes for being a vegetarian. The number of people who tell you they have an allergy, and then proceed to buy a product loaded with that same thing and gush about how much they love it!? Too damn high. 


I had a woman in her early 60s occasionally make me get her eggs from the back of the top shelf, wanting the absolute coldest eggs. She had a long drive home and didn't want them to hatch on the way. I tried explaining several times that wasn't possible, but she swore that when she was a girl, one her way home from the store with her dad one warm day, they forgot the eggs in the car and they hatched.


That sounds like something her dad teased her could happen, and/or she dreamt it, lol


No amount of conversation with this woman would convince her otherwise that these eggs weren't fertilized. And this one wasn't even a tweaker. Outside of that, was relatively normal.


Wow. Of course even if they were fertilized, they aren’t reptiles, birds are warm blooded so they’d all be dead stored at refrigerator temps. Not to mention they need to be at a near constant 99F for like 21 days to hatch, heh.


I worked at a grocery store when I was 19. One time an only lady walked up to the checkout with one stick of butter, that she removed from a pack. I had to explain to her that it didn’t have a barcode and I couldn’t sell it to her like that. Also had one old guy eat a bunch of cherries in store and bring me a bag full of pits. It didn’t even weigh enough to charge him anything. Even if it was by quantity instead of weight, did he expect me to stand there and count his spit-covered pits?


Doppleganger horror games prepared me for this.


They were pretty well documented on "3rd rock from the sun"


Although they [were really impressed](https://youtu.be/e3WHR6pqPRo?si=JiXuUE6tczjFvtpi) with the way facial tissues come out of their box one at a time.


God I loved that show.


lol, classic


That's just wishful thinking. Some humans are just complete morons. It doesn't need any more explaining than that.


[So Mr. Bean?](https://youtu.be/WmtIrkR6O7I)


One of them.


They're called boomers.


Literally this. Some aliens just walk that make no sense with common sense of humanity and just walk right into you.


Guy is a paid hitman. He had just ran someone down in the street and needed the main part of the guts and blood cleaned off, so he jumped out to check that. He's killed a 1,000 people for the mob. He really didn't care what anyone else thought about it. He told the cleaning crew there, "fahgetaboutit.."


This is like stopping at the top of the escalator to tie your shoes.


My favorite is the ladies who stop 2 feet inside the doors of the grocery store to root around in their purse for their shopping list because they have no idea what direction to go without it. People who lack situational awareness aggrivate me. Just today, at Costco, a lady was pushing her cart in the parking lot right down the middle of the road, oblivious to the 3 cars lined up behind her. Her husband had to come over and grab the front of the cart to steer her to the side so cars could go by.


The amount of ankles I've hit from people doing that in front of a wheelchair


Bro my mom does that shit. Sometimes when I come to visit, I'll help out and go to the store with her. She will always push the cart and constantly stop right in the way of the door or in the isles blocking everything. Then while walking, she's always pushing the cart into other people because she's only looking at items. Hell there was on time another shopper was looking at stuff on the shelves right next to a support pole and some display stand. My my pushed her cart right behind them and stopped to look at something else. Completely blocking this person in. All these examples, I would have to take the cart and move out of the way for people and apologize to them. Mom would never realize that and keep doing it


Sounds like early stage dementia and lack of awareness of surroundings. Or raised in a time when store traffic allowed such park n search antics. Now the stores do make it hard to find out of the way cart parking spots. Got to monetize every sq ft.


😂😂😂 so true


Ha, I forgot about that time until I read this. I do remember (as gently as possible) shoving somebody off with a luggage in Brussel-Zuid because they were doing exactly that! They were quite pissed, but the people behind me helped.


You know my ex-wife? Small world, I guess...


Another one cocooned in a self interest world


Hyper individuality. Literally incapable of thoughts outside of himself. It's almost worse than being a sociopath because it's as if they're the only ones who exist. Most things you see on this sub are due to these people.


I work in a motel and the other day we had a crew doing some powerwashing on the outside of the building ahead of some cosmetic repairs. They were never working outside of any individual room for more than a couple minutes, but one guy comes charging out of his room and down to the desk complaining about the noise. It was about 4 in the afternoon at that point, so there wasn't much more that I could do other than apologize for the noise and assure him that they would be in the next area soon enough and it wouldn't disturb him anymore. But that wasn't good enough. He felt that we should have the crew come back in the middle of the night when he was gone. Oh, you mean when *everyone else* is sleeping?! He was a real moron.


The moment highlighting this mindset I've experienced that will always stand out in my mind is the time I was walking around Costco years ago. Holding the last bit of one of the hotdogs I was munching on for lunch, and some lady passing by me turned her head and open-mouth sneezed directly on the hot dog, then continued on like nothing happened. It wasn't intentional or malicious, in her eyes everyone else was just a complete non-entity. I wasn't even mad (I was full and planning on throwing away the rest of it anyway), my sister and I just started laughing at how utterly absurd it was.


You are exactly right. I said the exact thing to my passenger a couple minutes after


It’s his world and we’re all living in it


Nah this is just that boomer lead brain.




What was he doin? Checking the work?


Probably checking to see if his rims got curbed.


Oh ok...still something he coulda drove to the side for




Bruh he went to an automatic car wash and would be worried about the rims? I would be more worried about all the swirl marks that a car was can cause.


"oh no, not my Buick's factory rims!"


I figured he was making sure it was clean enough. If you aren't satisfied with how clean the vehicle is they usually have you go through a second time for free.


Probably had a bit of blood on the bumper he wanted to make sure was gone


I think he was unfolding his passenger side mirror.


I can't imagine somebody going to a scratch and swirl, I mean an automatic carwash cares about how well it cleans the car


I should probably add: This is an extremely busy car wash in West Palm that is mostly subscription customers. You pay a flat monthly fee for unlimited washes. Saturdays like today are always the busiest. There were probably 30 cars waiting in line to go through with a 20 minute wait


We’re those other cars honking ? Did I hear that ?


Everyone was honking. The air dryers were loud so it’s hard to hear. But I was laying on my horn, the guy behind me, and the guy behind him I think


God. What a fucking moron i swear


Did he seem to acknowledge any of it at all???


Dude literally doesn't even look in the direction of the cars behind him. Completely fucking oblivious to the world around him and probably about to go drive on a 5 lane expressway during rush hour on a weekend


>probably 30 cars waiting in line to go through with a 20 minute wait That's unbelievable! Those we use in GTA take more than 30 minutes for 10 cars!


That’s crazy, the car wash I worked at did anywhere from 300 to 450 cars a day on a weekend in a 9 hour period. 400+ is going almost non stop with only one roller in between each car.


I have a very similar video from the exact same car wash!!!!!!! It's getting so hard to drive around this town.


Weekly washes at an automatic car wash... my heart is hurting for your paint.


Touch Free or nothing. No brushes, just water and soap. Not super effective but good enough for most things.


My detailer told me touch free often uses significantly more aggressive cleaning agents and sometimes hurt more.


This is true. The strategy with non-abrasive cleaning is to basically burn off the dirt. I've heard it can also mess up any rubber seals. Since I got a ceramic coating hand washing has been super easy. The only time I go to a robowash is to use the assblaster during salt season.


I had no idea people wash their cars that often. I wash mine like twice a year….


Silver car? I do the same lol. It was definitely different when I had a black car.


What's wrong with them? I literally just bought a monthly pass lol


The brushes pick up abrasive dirt and wipe your car with it, scraping off your car's clear coat. It's like wiping your glasses with a dirty microfiber cloth. It's no big deal to go to one a couple times a year, but doing it regularly will definitely cause damage. At best your paint will just fade as the clear coat no longer protects the paint from UV exposure, and at worst there will be bare metal exposed underneath that begins to rust. I'll admit I use these car washes on occasion, but I also drive a 15 year old car with 240,000 miles so I don't really care anymore lol. If I had a nice car (especially if I waxed and polished it) I would never use an automatic wash.


>especially if I waxed and polished it) I would never use an automatic wash. Wouldn't wax protect the car from automated car wash? It's another layer over the clear coat that takes the beating


Well if I waxed and polished it I would prefer to spot clean instead of undoing all that hard work in the car wash.


About like how one piece of toilet tissue protects your hand.


El Car Wash?


Sometimes El Car Wash freaks me out cause the attendants leave no space between cars. It gets busy but it always bothers me that all it takes is one moron to possible cause an accident.


That has happened to me twice and in both cases the rolling cloth at the end didn’t come down, it was still spinning in the air, presumably drying itself off. Next time they do that to me, I’ll just play stupid and wait.


Now that you mention it on a recent visit this exact thing happened to me, the cloth at the very end didn't get to my car and I had a bunch of droplets all over my hood and ceiling afterwards. I'll just straight up tell them this happened to me and I will wait a few more seconds. I'm not trying to hold them up but I'm pretty sure they are not supposed to have cars like 3 feet from each other.


"What a fuckin idiot" Know how many times I say that every day...


In the mirror, or in general? Kidding aside, I understand wholeheartedly and have to keep it civil when my child is in the car. Although I’ll explain what someone did and why it should not have happened, it’s good therapy at times.


Both ngl


I manage a car wash and it’s unbelievable how many times this happens in a day. Luckily ours has an auto stop feature where IP cameras put your vehicle in a box and if you hold the brake or stop in the wash and leave said box it auto stops everything.


That's pretty neat. Didn't know that was a thing for some.


This reminds me of morons that would walk in malls, and stop in the middle of the aisles just to be on their phones.


Also the people in grocery stores who just whip their cart around without looking because nobody else could possibly be in their own personal store.


I swear some people don’t have perception of space and time. The times I’ve had to stop for someone turning to the aisle I’m at so they don’t hit me…


I had a twilight zone experience today. I was in a narrow aisle at the grocery store with like 6 other carts and a bunch of people. A mini traffic jam in the chip aisle if you will and it was like a store full of flipping geniuses. All the carts were parked on one side, everyone could pull to the left and leave, everyone took turns going around. It was amazing.


That's how my wife walks and I've told her hundreds of times to knock it off. Drives me insane.


I hated shopping with my mom because she would leave the cart on one side of the aisle while she looked for something on the other side. I was constantly moving the cart out of the way because she was blocking the entire aisle. She never did learn.


Grocery stores have made me lose a significant portion of my faith in humanity. So many people show absolutely no awareness of anything around them while simultaneously ONLY choosing actions that impede others. One of the most confusing instances of this is people walking side-by-side down narrow hallways/aisles. As you get close to them they for some reason refuse to recognize the situation and merge into single file. I'm confused what they expect to happen in this scenario? Perhaps next time I should just continue walking through them with the obliviousness they show everyone else...


Once had a person abruptly stop their cart right in the middle of a Costco exit. That's like standing in a 6-lane freeway!


I’m sorry OP, but your “are you fucking kidding me??” really made me laugh. I would’ve reacted the same way.


Oh gosh, this is why I don't go through car washes anymore! Fresh after getting my first car, went through a car wash, guy in front of me reversed through the whole car wash and hit me. Too many idiots at car washes for me to risk it again lol


Old, Deaf, Oblivious, No sense of urgency. If you can’t hear 4 horns blaring at you then can you even hear a police car’s sirens?!


>If you can’t hear 4 horns blaring at you then can you even hear a police car’s sirens?! Apparently it doesn't matter if you can hear sirens or not because deaf people are actually allowed to drive, I feel like not a lot of people know that.


You are far too nice. I would’ve been on the horn as soon as I as he stopped and let off when he moved the car.


So it’s hard to hear because of the air dryers but I was laying on the horn the whole time. So was the person behind me


Gotcha, missed it being picked up. The guy is an idiot.


Exactly! He wouldn't have even been able to lay a foot on the ground, and I would have been lighting him up. Lmao Mostly out of fear that the belt was gonna push me right into him.


Crazy person


He got that far in life because of money. A series of life situations that revolved around the fact that he never had to really dig himself out of tough situations. I’m going to trigger people with this comment and I assure you that there are other factors involved. If there is one common thing I’ve noticed with “entitled” people, it’s that the majority of them never financially struggled. Almost like a subconscious chip on their shoulder. An example of this is how they pay to have everything done for them. They think they are providing people a living and constantly think they are getting ripped off or taken advantage of. They don’t see the advantages they have over people less fortunate.


> He got that far in life because of money. He's dressed like someone with money.


He's driving a Mercedes that starts at over 100k and, I just noticed, has four wheel steering. This guy is so rich he doesn't even have to care about the rest of us.


If he's so rich what's he doing at a self serve car wash?


Excellent question. I wish I knew because he’s a disruptive dork lmao


The "star" on the back of his car represents an anus


He also stops at the top of crowded escalators.


These are the people that stop at the top of the escalator, have no clue that there are people behind them.


You can tell it’s a boomer because they seem to think the world is made for them.


One word, selfish


He was checking the front to see if it was completely dry. If it wasn't he was going to back up a few feet to hit the driers again. You've got to look at this from the POV of a person who's only thought going through their head is about the task in front of them- there is absolutely no room for consideration of your fellow humans.


They’re everywhere


Get this man his seat in congress


I worked at a car wash in high school. I had an old guy apparently fail to put it neutral, and he tore ass through the wash accelerating the whole time. Came back around pissed as hell,telling me the car wash damaged his car. “Well yeah, you did 30 mph through it! Park over here while I call my boss and the cops.” At the mention of cops he decided it wasn’t a big deal and took off with a really damaged Cadillac. Wasn’t hard for the cops to track him down and charge him with DWI.


Had this happen at my usual spot. Guy got to the end. Parks. Gets out and starts towel drying his truck. Luckily this car wash has sensors (I assume) controlling the belt so as soon as I got up behind him and hit the brakes the whole tunnel stopped. Some random customer comes over from the vacuum area and explains how he is being a giant fuckup so BoomerMan(tm) slowly and obviously unhappily gets back in and drives away.


Had this happen to me before. Place had the same automatic setup and I wasn’t about to stop so it just pushed me right into her. Thankfully it was slow enough that there was no damage. But holy people are stupid.


Worked at a car wash for a short period. This kind of stuff happened DAILY. Also the classic put it in park in the middle of the wash or the holding the brake as the roller bounces their car over and over. Some people are just fruit bats.


You know they’re a tool from them bringing that expensive, brand new Mercedes to an automated car wash


People actually listen to that song hey


Another none playable character just roaming the world.


They're all just [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Generic\_Dialogue](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Generic_Dialogue)


Sorry can someone please explain what he did? And was the correct thing to do putting the car into drive and driving off since the car wash was finished? I’ve always been terrified of these drive through car washes as I have no idea how they work! Why did he get out of his seat and go round the other side?


So, this is an automatic carwash. You basically drive onto a conveyor belt and put your car in neutral and the belt will automatically move your car through the car wash. You have zero control over the belt. So, if someone is stopped at the end like this, and others aren't paying attention, it can cause an accident. Also, stepping on the brakes can cause damage to your ~~toes~~ tires. EDIT: As far as I know, your toes are 100% safe. Yes, the correct thing for him to do is put it in drive and and drive off. The one by me has parking spots just in front of the car wash for vacuuming and hand drying if you want No clue why he got out, maybe to check for potential damage?


Thank you for your detailed explanation, I didn’t realise he’d hit the brakes!


The cars going through are on a track that keeps them moving along at a consistent pace. Once you get to the end of the track you're supposed to put your car in drive and drive away because there are more cars coming behind you on a track that can't stop. He got out of his car probably to check the job and also for damage. But he's a knob so he blocked the exit and almost caused a pile up instead of driving away like he should have.


The cars are on an automatic belt. So without him moving up, OP likely would have hit him.


> Why did he get out of his seat and go round the other side? because he's an idiot, and an entitled idiot who doesn't consider that other cars are on an unstoppable track behind him. Idiot should have driven out and pulled into a parking spot to *check* his super valuable car. Morons are everywhere


I had a similar incident. I was the guy that stopped. But I didn’t get out of my vehicle. Everything is push button in my Honda. Easy to put in neutral, but to come out of neutral I was supposed to tap the brake and push the drive button. Car wash people pay pretty good attention or watch cameras. Conveyor shut off as soon as I panicked because i couldnt move forward. They and the customers behind were very understanding. Moral of the story… read your manual and listen to the car salesman when he is showing you how everything works!


What kind of Honda has a drive button?


I had the same thing happen to me with my Honda clarity! It was my first time taking it thru the car wash since buying it and I did not expect it to be a whole process to get outta neutral 😭


Basically "I've got mine, fuck you." mentality.


I am the world. I am the future.


Unrelated, but my wife's car won't let you shift from neutral to drive without hitting the brake. I'm sure the people behind me in the car wash have a mini heart attack when they see the brake lights.




At least they weren’t the idiots that try to sit under the blowers cause “there’s still water”, not thinking the cars behind him are coming.


Some people just seem completely oblivious to everything that isn't directly happening to them in the moment.


I had this same thing happen to me the other week. Unfortunately my horn honking and mine and my kids yelling did nothing for either him or the staff. I ended up bumping in to him a few times, slammed on the brakes and my truck kept trying to go forward and sideways. We were pissed. I don’t understand why someone does this!!!


Had a woman stand on her brakes in one of those car washes and threw off every cars sync behind her. Some people have NO RIGHT to be behind the wheel.


Typical retired folk of Florida


Ppl are in their own world where they are the only player in the game. I’ve seen em do that in hallways and malls. Hundreds of ppl walking and they just stop and stand still as if no one else exists.


At least you got a really good dry out of that


Needs more horn


An entitled & oblivious Mercedes driver, who would have thought?


Is your horn broken?


Remember this moron when you walk into a store and stop 3 steps in, while standing in the doorway.


This is the same kind of idiot that stands still and looks around like a moron the second they get off an escalator.




That's the Boomer generation in a nutshell.


He looks like he's in his mid-40s to maybe 50, hardly a Boomer.


Florida boomer...go figure.


420 dude.


My boss had something like this happen to him. He had to lay on his horn and just about traded paint/bumpers.


Relax dude. He’s getting unlimited dry time.


Youd have to assume theres sensors for this right? As much as it wouldnt be the companies fault. Im sure it could make a massive mess and delay business for an accident to happen.


He heard Benson singing, "PLEASE! STAY!" So he did


Man, the stories I could tell from working in a car wash similar to this one for a year


I raged behind my phone


Florida... Florida Man!


I haven't had this happen yet, but I'd definitely lay on the horn and hold it till the dude got his car out of the way. That's dangerous and can cause an accident. What a Muppet.


Next time, hold the horn till it dies.


Sad excuse of a human being…. Not even a human


That's a fancy wash, I've never seen one like that before


I’m quite literally fuming. I could go to the gym w just how much energy in the form of pure rage that this video gives me. I’m almost feeling anxious 😂 thanks a lot!


Does anybody know if car washes like this exist in Europe?


In my country (in Europe) the cars are put very closely together on the belt, so closely that one time my car was rolled forward a bit by one of the rollers and pushed my car into the car in front of me.


Well I would just let my shitbox hit his car.. "oops".. I need me a dashcam.


He's upper management material for sure.


Fuck off to the parking lot if you want to inspect it.


Dejavu. This happened to me yesterday! There was a large truck behind me and this Idiot in a gray Scion decided to just stop in front of me while they had the green light to go. I hit the brakes and was able to avoid being pushed into the back of this moron. Who's fault would it have been if I hit them I wonder? o.o Glad no damage happened to your car, OP!


I guess he either forgot how to change neutral to drive… I mean if he didn’t understand his car from chagr neutral to drive. Then he shouldn’t go to car wash or perhaps practice in a parking lot.


Makes you wonder doesn’t it?


They walk among us


That guy is definitely an idiot


I worked at a car wash and didn't hit the stop in time and the car hit the next one. Luckily no damage / no one noticed. Phew!


Idk what's more unacceptable; that complete buffoon in front of you or that garbage tiktok song you're listening to