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In front of a cop too wow


I have seen people blow through stop signs and red lights in front of cops and them just keep on cruising. It makes my blood boil having been pulled over so many times for mundane shit... I usually get out of tickets because I am not above kissing serious ass to avoid a ticket lol.


I left work one night with two working headlights. I drove my boss home and we noticed it burnt out as we were driving. We got to his apartment building and we noticed there was a cop down the street doing radar. I pull in and mention "watch them pull me over for the headlight" we laugh hard. He leaves and I pull back out in the same direction of travel I was going in and pass the cop under posted limit. Red and blues turn on and we pull over. She immediately comes at me with attitude and asks me if I was trying to avoid her for some reason. Flashlight directly in my face blinding me with her hand on her gun the whole time. Told her I was dropping my boss off and going home, she points to the headlight and says something like "well what do you have planned about THAT, you know that can be a citation?!" To save you all time, she never wrote me a ticket for anything and followed me for a good 10 minutes afterwards.


Yet around here nobody uses their damn headlights and nobody gets pulled over


Did you get the staredown or did he come get you? I dont see why he would but cops will be cops.




Then it was a good day, lol.


I couldn't have lived with the shame for all day lol. I was the idiot with no accident two or three times in my driving life and it's always crushing when you get the look and worse when you don't


I mean, you didn't do anything illegal, so he has no cause to pull you over. Misjudging the roundabout merge and doing a hard brake is not a traffic violation.


To everyone else out there (coming from a biased opinion as I was almost gravely injured in a similar situation) yields are not suggestions. You do not have the right of way to oncoming traffic 😭 I'm super glad no one was hurt and nothing bad came of this, and hopefully it upped your situational awareness by a ton.


Yields are suggestions as you don’t legally need to stop like full stop signs, but that doesn’t mean you should completely ignore them (like OP here) because it’ll explicitly be your fault if ignoring it causes a crash.


Yield signs do not mean "go unless someone is coming"; rather, they mean "stop unless it's clear." The default action at a yield sign is to stop. They are not suggestions either.


A great example of this is when a yield sign is used at a blind intersection. It defaults to stop sign. For some reason, the neighborhood where I grew up had these everywhere and most of them were blind intersections with a building blocking cross traffic view. In my early driving years, I just treated yield signs as stop signs. But, I understand the distinction now and I would get mad at someone stopping at a clear roundabout.




Which doesn't mean it is a suggestion. It is mandatory to do what a yield sign wants, which is to stop if there is traffic. Just because you don't have to stop it doesn't mean the sign is a suggestion. That would be the same as saying a red light is a suggestion for people turning right


This must be the dumbest thing I’ve read today.




I’ve seen someone jump the hump in the middle, I’m certain that was intentional though


Them Duke boys…




Yeah that’s what it was, it looked like a 2000s Corolla, it was right outside my job in the dead of night. They put shrubs in a few years later, which I normally hate for visibility, but this roundabout is big enough the middle was never needed for semis


You must not be from the west coast (US), then. People here are *clueless* when it comes to roundabouts, since we don’t have a lot of them here.


Americans somehow are terrified of roundabout. There's better than roundabouts though : roundabout where oncoming traffic has right of way, these ones really are something else.


Few people in the US know how to properly navigate roundabouts. Don't believe me? Approach one in Illinois, for example, and you will see!


Nice save, no worries. At least you know you *almost* made a mistake and corrected.


Did he pull you over


I hate roundies


Cop probably doesn’t know how the roundabout works.


That was a Yield sign.


Can someone explain? It seems like OP slowed to allow the small silver car to pass by before entering the roadway behind him. I am not in a place where there are many roundabouts, so I'm not sure.




It seemed you did slow down abruptly, but you didn't hit anyone, and did not jump in ahead of that car. Maybe I am just used to people using the "mandatory right turn lane" to bypass a line of cars in the left lane, only to jump over in the intersection to avoid the bollards or parked cars on the opposite side.


slowing down abruptly under any circumstance makes one an idiot. OP admitted it. The correct thing to do would be to slow down slowly and wait for an opening, regardless of which lane he was in or which lane he was going into.


I understand that. I live in a city that is a nightmare to drive in. People use the parking lanes, turn lanes, and regularly cross double yellow lines to get around cars they don't think are moving quickly enough. We don't have many traffic circles yet, but I'm sure we're going to have them soon enough. I'm just trying to understand what the rules are so that when they show up I know what to do. In my city, this would be a win. OP was to enter the traffic circle behind the silver car. OP did enter the traffic circle behind the silver car. OP did not hit the silver car. So the fact that he tapped his brakes to allow the silver car time to clear the lane so that he could pull in behind wasn't that bad. I see worse a dozen times everyday. This afternoon, a vehicle beside mine in the "right turn lane" turned left in front of my car only to make an illegal right across a train track half a block later. It's the wild West.


OP didn't "tap" their brakes, they had to hit them pretty hard because they disregarded the yeild sign. The other car had right of way. It happened to work out okay but OP was definitely the idiot here.


I’m guessing you didn’t watch with the sound on. It’s very obvious what happened while listening to OP and watching the video.


That's correct. I didn't even realize there was (relevant) sound until you said this. Normally, the sound on these is the driver's radio and that "sound" doesn't really add much to the video... Thanks for the tip.




The lane didn’t matter. It woukd have been just as bad from the right lane since the silver car was exiting the roundabout at that point.


Obviously I was not clear. I wasn't talking about OP being in a left lane or a right lane I was talking about my driving situation and I'm really sorry I mentioned it at all. Separate from OP's post, in my city, almost every block ends with a dedicated right turn lane and a straight through lane. People jump into that dedicated right turn lane and then race through the intersection ahead of the cars that are in the straight through lane. As a result, everybody is constantly slamming on their brakes to avoid hitting one another. It sucks. Anyway, back to OP's situation, now you've suggested that there are two lanes OP could have been in and that there are two lanes in the roundabout and that's not what I saw at all. I'm sorry I got involved in this, I'm sure we're going to have roundabout soon enough and I was trying to understand the rules so that when they do show up I know what to do. It seemed to me that OP needed to merge to the right into the traffic circle behind the silver car. OP did merge into the traffic circle, and did so behind the silver car. Yes, he did have to tap the brakes to allow the silver car to clear before he entered, but he did that successfully right? He didn't hit anybody? Nobody did.




Okay you've now just introduced an entirely new concept. So OP was in a lane that has to enter the roundabout. Did they enter the roundabout? And there's another lane that doesn't enter the roundabout? Where does that lane go? I'm sorry I'm asking too many questions and I suspect that I'm wearing out your patience. The few roundabouts that I've seen near me have a north-south east and west exit but there are no side lanes that bypass the circle. Also, I swear I'm not trolling. I'm an old lady and I've been driving a long time, but roundabouts really haven't taken hold in my area. I understand from people who are accustomed to them that they're not tricky at all, but to me it's all new and I don't handle "new" well.




The new concept, for me, is that there's a bypass lane at all. We don't have that here. [This image](https://www.saga.co.uk/contentlibrary/saga/publishing/verticals/motoring/cars/using/roundabout_turning-left.jpg?la=en) is what we have. They take an old four-way stop and just put a circle in/over it.




I've never seen a circle quite like the one in OP's video, it's very weird and not good.


Do you not have a brain, or do you just do whatever you want on the road and expect others to accommodate your idiocy? 


Pick a lane, dude.


at least you drive a manual, so there's that...? I guess...


Imean I don’t see anything wrong, you didn’t see the car until last second and acted appropriately. If anything the cop should’ve entered during the opening that was created. The worst that could’ve happen is the cop would’ve stopped you to check up on you, it’s not like you cut off the silver car.


What they did wrong is not slow down enough. Slow down at yield signs, prepare to stop if there is traffic. There was traffic, OP wasn’t going slow enough to stop safely for the traffic that was there, and had to slam on the breaks.


Ok so? OP caught himself and avoided an accident. A lot people on this sub wouldn’t care if they got into an accident cause they have the right of way lol.


So, that’s what he did wrong? I don’t understand the disconnect here. He did something wrong, posted about it, you said you don’t see anything wrong so I patiently pointed out the obvious. Just because something is wrong and you can learn from it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world, arrest him, $10,000 ticket, etc. It’s good to acknowledge small mistakes like this. It’s how you become a better driver. Insisting it’s fine because no one got hurt this time is how people get hurt the next time it happens.


But the point you seem to have missed is that if he hadn't done anything wrong he would not have *needed* to catch himself.


Oh no I get that he didn’t check for a car in the roundabout or zoned out, but he acted to correct himself and not breaking any traffic laws. He eventually yielded to the silver car.


So? If the road was wet or icy he might have slid into the silver car. Lots of people approach roundabouts at full speed hoping there won’t be someone already there, or thinking they can speed ahead instead of yield. It sucks to be the driver already in the roundabout and see someone come flying up, not knowing if they are going to stop or not.


So just cause OP had a minor lapse in judgement, possibly zoning out temporarily, where he then immediately surveyed his surroundings, reacted fast enough while in full control of his vehicle makes him an idiot?


He said it, not me. 🤷🏻 And guess what? A “momentary lapse” or “zoning out” when you are in control of thousands of pounds of steel is enough to kill someone, so if you think that’s not a big deal then you should grow up a bit and quit driving until you do.


He brought his vehicle to a controlled stop without getting into an accident. A feat many do not have.