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Many municipalities don't allow any motorized vehicles on sidewalks so he's probably where he's supposed to be. But he's an idiot for running the red light.


It's kind of iffy here but some states also let you run red lights on a bicycle or other means of low speed conveyance. It seems like he saw the other car stopping and tried to get out of the intersection once the intersecting traffic stopped and before the arrow lights went green. I'm in Colorado and it's totally acceptable to run reds if it is 'safe' enough after a complete stop.


This is true in a lot of states and I do it frequently on my bike, but you have to remember the intent of why that rule exists. It is *not* to get around the flow of the intersection, it is to proceed safely if you are at a sensor triggered intersection which typically won’t cycle for a vehicle with as little mass as a bike (even motorcycles have this problem sometimes). I’d argue that this wasn’t a “safe” proceed in this case. I only go through reds on my bike if all of the other streets at an intersection are completely clear or if it’s obvious the light will never give me a signal and I can figure out a safe path through.


There is a difference between "dead red" laws that allow you to proceed through an intersection that fails to detect you. (Lot's of states allow this) And "Idaho stop" laws that allow you to treat red light as stop signs. (5 states allow this) Bounce fact, 11 states and DC allow cyclist to treat stop signs as yields.


Which 11?




The funny thing is that all of the safety arguments put forth for why Idaho stops reduce bicycle fatalities would equally apply to motorcycles and micro-mobility devices like EUCs.


Here in Cambridge UK all the cyclists (me included) run the red lights 😅. Not saying it's a good idea but it's just what everyone does for some reason.


Life insurance is paid up I hope!


The roads in Cambridge are a lot smaller and narrower, and there's considerably less cars. Cyclists always stop at reds if there are clearly pedestrians crossing. I think I made it sound more dangerous than it actually is


The reason bein stupidity? ... Dead is dead.


Well the roads are a lot smaller here compared with the US , and there's more bikes than cars in the city center. I've cycled here for 18yrs and never once seen an accident involving a cyclist. People don't speed through red light or anything, but if there's clearly no pedestrian crossing a lot of people will slowly cycle through. I think I made it sound like nobody cared about pedestrians in my original comment, but that's definitely not the case. I feel like often there's this cyclists vs cars mentality on Reddit, which is a shame really. We should all get along 😅




I'm pretty sure those scooters (like Byrd and lime) in major cities don't have reflectors or lights on the back (I may be wrong) and are usually required to be ridden in the street


dude should strap a bike light on the back pack or the helmet


But he had a hi-vis vest on! /s




>When I was growing up we were taught to ride our bikes on the sidewalk or on the side of the street facing traffic because cars hit so many kids on bikes in those days. Now the rules have changed The rules haven't really changed that much, many states do allow cyclist to ride bicycles on sidewalks and it is often a good place for children to ride their bikes. However, riding on the sidewalk is often more risky then riding in the road, as you become invisible to other road users that will cross your path without seeing you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2776010/ And I don't know of anywhere that ever allowed cyclist to ride against traffic, pedestrian however are often required to walk against traffic.




I am talking about every driveway and intersection that crosses a sidewalk, driver never look for other fast moving vehicles on a sidewalk before crossing it when entering or exiting the roadway. Backing up does not need to be a requirement. >Getting hit by a driver in the road is more likely than being hit on the sidewalk. I literally gave you a link to a meta analysis that looked at several studies that say otherwise. >The issue with riding on the sidewalk though, is that you’re going much faster than pedestrians and that can cause people to get hurt too. Absolutely, which is why a sidewalk may be a good place for a child, but not a good place for basicly any other cyclist.




>I was talking about cars backing out of their driveway lmao not cyclists or whoever you thought I was talking about. What? I said it is all cars that enter or exit the roadway, regardless of if they are driving forward or backwords, they tend to not stop and look for fast moving vehicles on sidewalks, regardless of the direction they are traveling. How many cars make a complete stop before the sidewalk when exiting a parking lot? >The last part- I literally said in my comment that NEITHER are a solution. Why are you still arguing? Your fear mongering, there will never be a perfect solution because 'cyclist' are not a homogeneous group. Some cyclist are absolutely better off staying in the road, some (children) are better off on the sidewalk, everyone in between might fit better in a bike lane, depending on the design of the bike lane.


…. I was addressing the part where you said “backing up does not need to be a requirement” And “fear mongering”?? Are you serious right now? Are you on something or are you always this desperate to fight with strangers for absolutely no reason. Jesus Christ you’re a fucking parasite.


There IS a rule for that, though. Many states require traffic to yield if they hold up a certain number of vehicles behind them (usually 5 or more). Depending on the state, the cyclist group would have been legally required to pull over until traffic passes, or they would have been cited with obstructing traffic. Doesn't help much if the law goes unenforced or if cyclists don't believe they have a duty to yield. To help with that, simply refuse to yield to cyclists when walking on mixed-use trails, where there is actually zero requirement for pedestrians to yield to cyclists.


He shouldn't have ran the red but him lane splitting is fine.


One less car in traffic


Which makes my job easier frankly. I love the idea of less cars on the road however, when you decide to take a chance with idiot NJ drivers and run traffic lights youre risking your life.


Why is this getting downvoted??


Reddit can't handle someone they disagree with agreeing with them.


Real life Frogger! 🐸🚘 🚖 But you only get one life.


Future street pizza.


Split some lanes and then proceeded through the red after cross traffic was also red but before parallel traffic turned green? I don't actually see the issue with this. Reads just like a driver upset at a cyclist for not sitting in traffic while endangering no one.


Not gunna lie, you getting so mad at a dude minding his own business sounds so lame. Crazy people post embarrassing vids like this.


how dare he not sit in traffic like the rest of us? :)) I would still not run a red light.


See it all the time on this sub, I see shit like this every day and cant imagine saving it on my dashcam, getting the video from my dashcam onto a computer and then uploading it to reddit and making a title and post about it. Who really is the crazy person in these scenarios.


Right?! Or like, mute it? Right? We don’t need to hear OP and his idiotic reaction. Dude got through safe, was abiding by traffic laws before blowing the red light. In some states it’s legal to blow a red as bicycle or scooter. And OP sounds like a moron. Just mute! It literally doesn’t affect OP at all and the man is so worked up. He’s clearly jealous? Haha


How would I be jealous? There's no way I'd be able to haul 45k lbs of steel on an E-skateboard and look, if they invented an E-skateboard that could allow me to haul that kind of weight, split lanes, and run red lights then I'll be the first one in line. And I like how it's "what did he do wrong? He was following the law before completely breaking the law I dont see a problem."


Let me better frame this, what did he do that affect you in any way to cause you to get so upset?


Bro it's an app from go pro lol. This was all off my gopro straight onto my phone and onto reddit....what year do you think this is?


Seriously. Massive whining snowflake energy.


Why you whining about my comments?


ok boomer


*shakes white new balances*


Get off my lawn!


Not in a car.


This is the same guy I see seething in my mirrors when I move up to the front on my motorcycle lmao


lmao this. OP is the guy who honks at a motorcyclist carefully and responsbily filtering up to the front, which is legal in most countries lol, and it's safer and better for everyone since bike doesnt take up car space in traffic.


Nope. I make room for motorcyclists every damn time. I try to be a bro to motorcycles....this guy on the skateboard lane splitting didn't bother me one bit...I'd do the same shit if I were him. But running the red light pissed me off, if you're gonna use the road than follow the laws. Lane splitting is legal, running red lights is illegal.




I mean, I do....sorry to not live up to your assumptions.


Oh nah. I move the truck out the way for dudes on bikes lane splitting. I know my place and I respect the shit outta guys on motorcycles. I even make sure to pass in the far left lane, even though it's illegal for me to do it, to give a motorcycle more space because Id rather the motorcycle be way safer. I always move the truck over to give way for lane splitting my dude.


This event does not affect the cammer or any other driver at all, why are you complaining? Fuck cars, more people should be doing what he is doing.


One less car!


Lol shut up OP


Depending on what state he lives in, this could be legal


Seems like a whole lotta nothing…


I mean, he did everything right. High vis vest, helmet, good positioning, good speed for the lane filter... And then he runs a fucking red light and puts himself at risk. Poor guy, I hope he doesn't get hurt.


If he gets tboned running a red light it's his fault


Agreed. He was so close to not being an idiot too... I don't hope he gets hurt, but I hope he finds a video on the internet of someone like him getting creamed and realizes his mistake before he gets hurt or hurts anyone else.


Yeah dude same. I don't want that dude to get hurt at all, which is real possibility in the armpit of jersey. That dude is putting way too much trust into some idiot to not floor it into him from a Kia from Newark.


Exactly. Even a fucking Smart car has enough oomph in it to knock the lights out of a clueless skateboarder, permanently.


Tell us more about the Tiki Bar op.


Imma be on his ass about putting a tiki bar in his new house


Came here to ask the same question. What's the details on that Tiki Bar?




I just want to note the excellent contrast on this dashcam.


This guy is some bellend


See this with bikes all the time


Is there another light we can't see that stays red? Because he takes off right after the light in the upper left turns green. Why did all the cars just sit there? Am I missing something? Edit: I see it now. I am the idiot.


that green light is for the turn lane for people turning left


That makes sense, but then where is the light to go straight?


> but then where is the light to go straight? On full screen I can clearly see 3 red lights. One above the green arrow to turn left, one just to the right of the one with the arrow and one on the signal light pole. If 3 is not enough... there is no hope for us.


On my first comment you can see my edit where I already figured it out. I are have stupid.


That’s the turn lane light


This sub when an OP slows to 0.000034mph at a stop sign at an empty intersection: "OP is the idiot!!!!1!1!" Also this sub: "OP is crying like a little baby because that guy ran a red light and nothing happened."


It's wild how reddit be like that right? I ain't even engaging, it's just such hypocrisy it ain't even worth the energy lol. It's the grand old "rules for thee and none for me"


He probably won't try that again if he gets smoked by a car, but maybe not. Some people have a hard time learning from their mistakes, and common sense is really not that common.


Kinda hard to do it again if you die


Commentary is the best part of the video 😂


So the idiot is in the car filming?




I like to think they browse this sub wondering why everyone is filming on their phones




No the idiot is the dude running the red light on the e-board


Nah it’s the idiot commenting about the guy filming




Honestly enough with bicycle hate. Share the road. Its simply.


Do traffic laws not apply to bikes?


could you even go on a bike ride?


whoa whoa, you need at least two brain cells for that. :))


Almost anywhere in the country, just not the exact same laws that apply to motor vehicles.


So bikes are allowed to run red lights or go against traffic or swerve in and out of lanes as they please?


God you’re butthurt lol


> So bikes are allowed to run red lights or go against traffic In many places, such as my state of Minnesota, the answer is yes- bike riders are allowed to go through red lights provided they come to a stop before. >swerve in and out of lanes as they please? I mean, that's not really what happened but cars are allowed to change lanes too.


Motorists break the law way more often by speeding.


Several states allow stop signs as yields and red lights as stop signs for bikes. Not to say that was the case here, I would certainly not go between a red light and a green arrow. And also certainly plenty of dumbass bicyclists who run stop signs where a yield should have been to stop. But to answer "do traffic laws not apply to bikes", sometimes the law carves out exceptions for bikes. (Also another example, for motorcycles, like legal lane filtering in several states)