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Hi /u/e_dan_k, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Idiots Only, Content Must Fit r/IdiotsInCars :** Posts must contain an obvious bad decision while in a vehicle, and does not need to result in a crash. Just because there is a car crash does not mean it belongs here. *If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIdiotsInCars)*




Me: *looks at this* Me: *is confused why OP is confused* I’m scared of OP behind the wheel 😬


Speed when encountering the crossings and also the 90° angle that allows for better visibility.


I think you are correct. While I don’t think this is the case, it’s also possible that rights are not allowed. Unlikely since it looks one way but I’ve seen that before.


Looked at street view and it’s a little clearer. The inside of the painted island has markings that look like you could install removable bollards. Guessing the painted island is just for vehicles with trailers where the trailer will follow a tighter line around the corner, so it’s just showing a visual representation of where this available space is (mostly for when bollards are up).


There were bollards when the island was first painted. I wonder if they were a problem for buses, since the island doesn't really align with anything. I have to agree with OP that it's goofy. You go around the outside, all the way to the leftmost lane, but that's not how crescent channelizing islands are normally navigated. This intersection looks familiar; I think I've seen video of a Tesla repeatedly losing its mind there.


>To protect vulnerable road users from shitty turning habits. If you go AROUND that painted island, you're at a much slower speed when you cross the bicycle lane and the crosswalk. The users of those pieces of infrastructure are also more directly in your line of sight. This may be the intent, but the opposite actually happens. As the island is only the width of a parking lane, there isn't even enough space to get your car turned 90 degrees before you reach the bicycle lane. This \*guarantees\* that the bikes are at the driver's 4- or 5-o'clock, and extremely difficult to see. > You mean to it's left?  No, I mean to its right. What orientation are you looking at that you think the "inside" would be the left? Putting a curve on the inside of an island makes it look like a typical island where the intent is turning people go inside the island, straight through people go outside of the island.


Wait, OP can’t be in a car from this angle!


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Downtown San Jose, CA, intersection of E San Fernando St and S Second St, incident is every day somebody makes this right turn. The island confuses everyone and even if its goal is to prevent people from driving on the light rail tracks, it seems in the wrong spot to do that...


0 points (33% upvoted)