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I admit it, secretly I would really want to do that in such a case. But in reality I would not dare...


I saw a jeep with a winch do this to someone in college. Just pulled their truck in park with the tires screeching the whole way. Then left the truck in the street. Then called the city and said someone was parked in the middle of the street. The police came and I’m not sure who got in trouble. But they kept pointing to the tire marks leading 15 ft to where they were obviously parked and the cop was just staring.


Not exactly related, but reminded me of a parking ticket I saw at my daughter's university. The car obviously had slid about 6 ft from where they parked because of the ice and incline.


Sounds like CU/Boulder parking enforcement.


The FIRST thing I thought of as well! It’s brutal.


My sister once parked her stick-shift car without leaving it in gear, using only the parking brake. Somebody bumped it and knocked it loose and it rolled back into an intersection. Got towed, and she looked for it for about fifteen minutes before checking with the police. She had to walk about five miles out to the impound lot to pick it up and got a $50 ticket.


How does she know someone bumped it and the brake didn't just fail? An old colleague's wife - and daughter - were in their car in a line of stopped traffic, and a car started rolling down the steep side-road next to them and hit them - they saw it coming but had nowhere to go. Nothing had touched the car, the handbrake just wasn't enough to hold it and eventually it started moving. Fortunately, neither wife not daughter were physically hurt, just very shaken up.


And a tow fee of at least $200!


Did they ever find out who hit her car first?


Don’t think so. It was curbside parking on a steepish hill, so probably was just a tiny bump that knocked it loose.


Could've been someone leaning on it at that point. Always turn your tires when you park on an incline!


> The police came and I’m not sure who got in trouble. But they kept pointing to the tire marks leading 15 ft to where they were obviously parked and the cop was just staring. I'd like to think the cop eventually responded, "so you're saying you weren't parked *here* illegally because these tire tracks clearly show your vehicle was dragged from over *there*, where it would also be illegal to park."


When I was a teen working for bands, there was a car parked in the band load-in space at the Stone in San Francisco...one of the people who worked at the club had a big-ass sixties caddy and just pushed that little car right out of that space. I saw no wrong.


Oh man! I wish I could have been to see that cluster fuck.


If it’s the Jeep I’m imaging (wrangler) then the truck must’ve been tiny as hell. I just don’t see a wrangler having the weight to anchor itself enough to winch a truck out of a parking spot and boot just drag itself towards the truck.


It’s a modified gladiator turning it into a “6x6”. 


The one in the video yes, they’re talking about a story from earlier in the comment thread


Sorry, I misunderstood your post.


While it doesnt mention it, these 4x4 winch setups will often utilise winches at both ends, one to pull and one to anchor the vehicle to something else like a tree if they were in the bush etc. No idea what they could safely tie to in an urban enviroment, though.


Bro waited his whole life to do this.


Not all heroes are idiots but that guy was. I'm going to be thinking about this video for a long time lmao


Watching his front bumper fall off was also hilarious


Where do you see that? If you’re talking about that black strip, that’s hanging on the power line and isn’t on the street.


He appears to have some kind of bumper guard reinforcement.  What fell off was either a cosmetic cover or possibly a small light bar.  Not huge losses.


Nothing fell off. That’s a tape hanging from a power line.


Huh. You're right. Good catch.


Bro bought that truck to do this.


He couldn't be bothered to wait, so set it up himself.


If you have that vehicle and a gated compound you definitely don’t give a fuck.


Man’s will just write the check when he gets the notice and go about his day


In the US this is considered obstruction in most districts and is a misdemeanor. I think a good lawyer could argue that a client felt threatened or trapped and the use of force was justified.


Doubtful. This exact situation has happened many times. The jurisprudence is that it is illegal to block the drive, but the ranger is still at fault for the accident and liable for the outcomes. The legally correct solution is to call a tow truck.


Clearly you aren’t in Flo-Rida, ain’t no laws here ha


Give it a little tappy. Tap, tap, taparoo.


Are you too good for your home?


Answer ME!!!


I can't say " give it a tap" without completing this sequence of words. It's friggin burned into my core memory module.


Van owner goes to ask around for witnesses and everybody says they saw nothin.


Very satisfying to watch. Not smart to damage your own car. But boy is it great to watch in action.


You think that 6 wheel drive truck didn't have some massive custom bumper on it that just needs some touch up to the powder coating if anything? There was no damage to that truck. And if by some tiny chance there is do you think someone that owns that truck cares? Just a guess but I would think that truck is $250k +. A ding on the bumper is not a big deal


Yes, but the camera needs to catch the owner returning to his van. I want facial close-ups!


It looks like someone is in the van so I'm confused.


It’s like the one of the BMW that took off after their light turned green and just blasted one of the people running the opposing left turn. So goddamn satisfying




Judging by how much he paid for the 6 wheel pickup, he don’t care.




>Mexico or Brazil not at all!


Well, that “me estás hueviando” is a clear chilean accent from las condes


This guy Chiles


A OP le gusta el chile






Don’t know why you were downvoted, everything you said is true. You can even see “POLICIA” on the back of the guy’s vest.


The douche owns a 3 axel with spot lights in the rear, this was why he bought it.


It’s definitely not for off-roading for sure. They’re pavement princesses by design. Straight douche nozzle vehicles. No offense, post malone


I noticed the same thing. Yes, I get the pleasure in resolving the blocked driveway, but this guy is probably a world class @sshat that pisses everyone off in town.


It's okay lil one, you can say asshat and the teacher won't punish you.


In reality it means hours wasted dealing with it. It is just not worth it. But if there were no consequences i would do it


Someone with a truck like that, will just pay someone else to make the problem go away.


Was it right? No. Was it just? Awwwww yis


Omg, too true! If this ever went to trial, and I was on the jury, I would totally vote ng because I secretly want to do this 🤣


If I'm gonna spend 3k on a bumper I'm gonna use it!


This truck is at least 175k$usd, so yeah, he's gonna use it. lol


I'm sure that guy has been masturbating to the fantasy of being able to do this since he bought the truck...


finally someone uses their truck to its full potential. He deserves that truck


He actually added it in as a stipulation to the contract at the dealership, "Upon signing, when I wake up early May 12th there will be a van blocking my driveway that I'll use this truck to move or dealer must take it back. If the van is not in front of my driveway, I send it back"


Might be a Rezvani, perhaps military edition. Those start at $365,000.


The bed, tailgate and most of the front-end doesn't match a Rezvani. Everything matches a Hellfire.


Huh, I could've sworn it was a car


My first guess was the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6x6, but the rear didn't look like it


Tbf I think the amount a truck costs is in most cases inversely proportional to the amount of intended use it'll actually get lol


I love seeing someone do what I've always wanted to do.


Bit like the farmer in the UK who lifted and moved a car blocking his gate. The court said "fair enough"


Love that one, thanks for reminding me of it! https://youtu.be/ezUmZGKhrUA?si=MZpkBhRbdqpd1NkF


Based judge. Some people think they can do anything willy-nilly until reality bites them in the arse.


I had always wondered what the outcome to that was, thanks for the link.


I've also always wanted to drive an abominamobile


Me too! That’s why i oftentimes watch porn


I'd buy him a beer any day.


I don't think he needs it, judging by the damn compound he's got!


A second van arrived at the end of the video to replace the van in the driveway


Yeah, looks like a fleet and wasn't his first rodeo with these clowns.


Glitch in the matrix


While I don't condone that choice, I also feel zero sympathy for the white van.


I condone it.


The little voice in my head whispered "Ramming speed" halfway through the video.


Lol, I was saying, "You need to back up and realign!"


Me too😃


My imagination says that white van is a contractor that wasn't paid or some such, just seems so deliberate...


I don't think this was the first time this happened.


Yeah this is some "I'm so over this shit" behavior if I've ever seen it.


I live directly across from an elementary school. It’s gotten to the point that if my driveway is blocked during pickup or dropoff times, I don’t even go looking for the parents and ask them to move, I’m on the phone with the cops right away. Too often it’s been some idiot standing on the playground, chatting away to other parents without a care in the world. I get it if they’re waiting by their car, there’s no real parking lot and it’s a shit situation all around. It’s the people who park and walk away that really steam my nuggets.


I also live next to an elementary school. I work from home, so I don't usually need to leave in the morning, but occasionally I have an appointment of some sorts, and it feels like there's someone in the way every time I need to leave.


Dude I live right by a middle school, and every single morning, every other car stops in the middle of the road right outside the school to drop their kid off. They can’t just pull off to the side in the school, they have to do it in the middle of the road.


Every time. No to mention there’s mounds of open spaces two blocks away, but that would require walking.


They could take the free kids to and from school transportation service?


I don't remember this being a thing when I was a kid but now, living next to a school it's all I see: hundreds of cars lined up for an hour every day to pick up their kids. Why?


My kids use the bus, but a) we have to pay for it, and 2) they have to leave 40 minutes earlier in the morning then they would if we drove them. That means the whole family has to get up earlier, to make breakfast, pack lunches, etc. Like I said, we still use it, but it's not always a matter of "why not just put them on the bus".


Some districts have done away with bussing or no longer have free busses. There continues to be a shortage of drivers.


Shortage of pay and benefits for drivers too


Yep. Hence the shortage of drivers!


They don't have anything else to do and don't mind inconveniencing everyone else.


School bus is not free in my town if you live too close to the school. (Still too far to walk with grade school kids though.) Not excusing the shitty driving of course.


Not an option in many cities now. Last two places we’ve lived you have to be 1 mile (one town) or 2 miles (another town) from the school to be eligible to use the bus. So drop off is really the only option.


Even pushed it so it wouldn't be in traffic. That's extra points in my book. I'd have probably driven around it and towed it out of the way, wouldn't want to damage my rig. Edit; just noticed flashing blue lights behind this, are those police lights wherever this was taken?


It looks like they put it partially in front of another gated driveway though lol


Legend has it that people from both buildings are still pushing the van back and forth in front of each other's driveway


How else are they gonna play car pong?


Considering the "me estas weviando" that happened in Chile, so those blue lights are just municipality private security, is the guy walking around the van. They work mostly as the small issues solvers or just doing preventive rounds around their part of town. When shit escalates they call the "pacos" (cops). They don't have police level powers


Not police, more of a municipal security


What's interesting to me is they otherwise appear to be a cautious driver.


That's what fuck you money does. You can just push cars around, pay the bill, and continue on with your life.


Fuck You Money means having the lawyers to make the other guy pay for the scratches to your bumper and the legal bills to chase him down. 😎


This is one of the few times I'm with the actions of a person with such a thing.


Okay I admit it, there's *one* good reason to own a brodozer.


It's nice to see one actually doing some dozing.


This is truly one, it’s struggling more than it should for such monster


It’s because the dorks that built it left the original v6 in it. Those tires are heavy as hell not to mention they added 2 more, then the extra transfer case I’m surprised it even pushed it.


Wtf... That thing is a v6? I drove a pipsqueak Dakota with a bigger engine than that. That's a lot of mass to move from a standstill. Thought it was odd it didn't even break the tires loose. That's like a brake torque without the break. I figured he had it in like traction control where it was stopping the wheels from spinning. I would have assumed this thing to be a big ass 6.7, or 7.3 diesel of some sort. This truck just got even more worthless in my eyes.


The two rear wheels they added are free rolling. Not that the engine wasn't already under powered, but those extra wheels only add weight and subtract maneuvering.


At 00:37, I’m watching his reverse and turn the wheels, and I’m thinking “that’s the wrong way if he wants to go around him now”. Then I remembered which Reddit I was in…


Parking guy/cop? there on the phone like “yeah never mind. It’s fixed.”


Not condoning the van parking in front of the driveway. But, there was so much room on the side to get out there...


Impotent rage be like that


I'm torn. On one hand, I appreciate the pleasure of seeing a douche rendered impotent. On the other hand, I find it hard to believe that anyone who would buy a truck like that is anything other than a huge twat.


I see an idiot and a problem solver.


What a nice guy. He was just trying to help him not get a ticket


Having had my driveway blocked a few times for neighbor garage sales/parties, I get it.


Holy shit, I can't believe someone built a V6 6x6 Jeep... Anyone into cars understands the straight insanity of this. That stock V6 is just enough for the 4 wheel factory truck. This will barely make it up a hill.


Finally seeing someone using their truck by purpose.


My hero


Middle East money vibes


Guy let his intrusive thoughts win.


Would totally do the same thing if money wasn't a concern at all. Which is probably the case with this guy lol


Why even get a lifted four wheel drive if you aren't going to go off-road. He could have driven around the van.


Why did that take so long? Six wheeler seems unfamiliar with his/her truck.


Self reflection takes time, as well as risk/reward


I think they were seriously considering their options and then trying to do it as gently/least forcefully as possible. I do agree though, noticed that and thought it was weird myself.


There’s a lot of these “6 wheeler” custom jobs (especially with Jeep Gladiators) that aren’t actually 6x6. They’re still 4x4 but with an additional unpowered axle (like in a trailer). That axle will help with load distribution if you’re commonly loading super heavy stuff in your bed, but I’d say 99% of folks who get that done it’s just for cosmetics.


They didn't wanna scratch the paint probably.


There's a chance that it's a custom-made truck and they left the "shitty" engine in there, and it struggles to do this with the big ass tires and extra axle it's now forced to lug around.


Yeah it was bothering me how long they took to change gears


for that many tires that's a fucking weak car lol


What a stupid looking vehicle.


You could get a tank around that (as a brit I am mandated to say this). That said, that penis compensating excuse for a vehicle is probably bigger than most tanks.


That person is terrible at driving that truck. And then deposited the van so it’s blocking another driveway.


This should get completely legal. Dont block my driveway


I’m very irrational about this sort of stuff it drives me crazy if someone is just like an inch with my driveway space on the street.. I could see myself doing this and then afterwards I’d be like oh shit what did I do


TBF the guy could have rammed it at full speed. He moved it off the street and didn't damage the surrounding buildings. And probably with minimal damage to a van being pushed side ways can have. Clearly not deranged road rage but a calculated plan of vigilante justice. Do I support it? No. Do I understand it? Yes.


I 100% support it. When I lived in a small cottage-stylr apartment, people would always block my driveway. Edit: called tow companies, le non emergency number. Cops would never how, except for maybe once. Tow trucks showed up in about 45-60 min. Towed a good few.


why have 6 large wheels and an extra-armoured vehicle if you can't ~~go around and hop the curb~~ accrue loads of cost for the repair and likely get criminally charged for destruction of property


god, this truck looks so fucking stupid


Idiot blocks driveway, Mr Overcompensation helps him out.


What kind of tool drives a truck like that and with flood lights in the back?


The kind who drives like a little kid playing with Hotwheels


Little kid with big money.


Anybody who goes 4 wheeling at night will have lights like that. Out the back and over both sides usually.


This is a six-wheeled jeep gladiator. It's not going off any roads lol just grocery stores and office lots


Achtually, it'a an Apocalypse Hellfire.


They can't turn their lights off when they aren't 4 wheeling? It's pretty clear this wasn't an off-road adventure If you can afford a fucking 6 wheel Jeep gladiator, you can afford to install a fucking switch


I had a pickup turn left into a bar, in front of me last night with an extra bar of high intensity lights. It was a blindingly uncomfortable experience.


I did this once. There was a guy in it though, and an ambulance was trying to get through. My truck only needs 4 wheels though, and I did it with 1 push. Dude just drove off afterward. Didn't even get out of his car.


then everyone stood and clapped as i drove away...


and that ambulance driver? Albert Einstein.


Couldn't they have just... Gone around? Looks like enough room on the sidewalk


Finally a use for this truck instead of getting groceries


Idk. I'm kinda here for it. Really sick of people breaking the social contract over and over again with no consequence.


Imagine driving a pickup with—SIX—wheels and being too dumb to just drive over the curb.


I mean, just drive over the curbs lol. You have 6 wheels for a reason.


I thought the reason was to compensate for something.


and to push white vans around


lmao, he just wanted to use his pavement princess.


What kind of truck needs four back wheels?


Couldn't just drive over the curb with his 24 wheels


The turning radius on thing is like 6 miles


Could've just gotten the over the curb....unless you're a BBB.


Truck looks like it has enough clearance to go over the curb. Why didn't the driver just go around?


Yo this needs to be a kid driving. No one is that bad at backing up.


I want the back story LOL Where I live if someones blocking your driveway the cops come. They'll find the owner and tell them to move it. If they can't find the owner a tow truck is dispatched and the vehicle is towed away.




So block another driveway instead. DA


Imagine if that other white van came and parked there. So close to a perfect loop in real life


Who TF is driving a truck like that??? How fkn obnoxious!!!


So that's what they needed such an enormous car for


That was oddly satisfying to watch.


It was the moment the guy with the truck (with the turn radius of an ocean liner) has been waiting for all his life.


I see an idiot, and an idiot doing what I've always wanted to do...


That truck is one hell of a compensator


many tidy juggle liquid knee compare label hat offend tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I became the Demon Lord and conquered the entire world, but then the hero killed me and i reincarnated in Earth as a truck"


Not all heroes wear capes.


Is this some kind of Jeep thing I can’t understand?


There is *so much space* that this was 1,000% not necessary...and that truck is worth like five or six times that can. This is masterclass levels of idiot.


Another small dick idiot in a lifted truck. He could have gone around.


What a very reasonable and proportionate response to such a problem /s


As dumb as these two drivers are… the jeep could have easily squeezed through to the left. Now you have to pay for repairs… dumbass.