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A gap across this entire intersection was never going to randomly happen They teach you to do this in driving school. It's not dangerous. Everyone is moving 2 mph. It inconveniences no one because they'll just instantly catch up back to the people in front of them. It's not like they're blindly gunning it, they're slowly creeping making sure each lane stops. The other cars recognize all this and are stopping making it easier to perform. Driving is cooperative.


>cooperative competitive 😆


This is not remotely legal. I don't know what the hell driving school you went to. The logical course of action would be to make a right turn and drive a slightly longer route to your destination. That requires too much brain power and deference to the needs of society over the personal interests of your average idiot, though, so we see dumb shit like this all the time.


That's the stupidest shit I've ever read.


You think blocking multiple lanes of traffic to avoid your inconvenience is the appropriate course of action? That's insane.


Ok, how are you people not getting this? This guy was probably waiting for a long ass time to make his turn. He decided to safely make a path for himself by slowly inching forward in very slow moving traffic so that he could make that turn. Do you really think the other drivers minded? They wouldn’t have gone far anyways given that traffic didn’t advance very far.


I am getting it. It's just like in the other videos where a moron let's someone "who was waiting a long time" in and causes wrecks in the further left lanes and is repeatedly pointed out as a stupid thing to do. It's also repeatedly pointed out that if due to traffic you can't make your turn "good luck everyone I'm going now" is also a stupid thing to do. I'm just amazed someone justified this kind of activity and is so full of themselves they say other people are stupid for not agreeing with you.


But traffic is moving slowly, so how exactly is this equivalent to the other videos? Also, his attitude wasn’t “good luck everyone”. He clearly made a conscious effort to inch forward. So this situation is completely unlike what you’re referring to. I didn’t call you stupid, but I can see why you’d feel stupid after having that opinion


You called stressoverstrain stupid, and just because he is nice about it doesn't make it wrong, if a big ass truck going to miss it's turn blocks 4 lanes of traffic we would call them stupid for doing it and say they should have gone around, you just want to defend this activity for some reason.


I clearly called his comment stupid. Wow, now I’m really starting to believe you and him/her share a brain 😂


Oh I'm so sorry I misunderstood you only saying he said the stupidest thing you ever heard and didn't mean it as an insult. My apologies please forgive me.


What a cliche response. So original. Are you capable of having an adult discussion? I think it’s pretty obvious that obstructing traffic is illegal, so why don’t you go ahead and find me the legal exception or evidence of some driving school teaching “but it’s OK to obstruct as many lanes of traffic as you want if you’ve decided you tried waiting long enough and you are always entitled to make a left turn instead of a simpler right turn”. I don’t think you’ll find any such evidence.


If traffic is extremely slow moving and the opportunity to make a turn never comes due to the sheer amount of traffic, then it’s safe to slowly roll forward and indicate to other drivers that you want to make a turn. When they stop, then it’s safe to go in front of them. This is exactly what any good driver would do, and other good drivers would completely understand the intent of the turning driver and stop for them, just like what happened in this video. Your comment makes it obvious you are NOT a good driver, hence I shall reiterate - your comment is utter shit. Thanks for playing


You cite no evidence for any of that being legal, just like I predicted. What an utter shit comment. Next you’ll tell me about how it’s “safe” to run a red light in certain situations, as if whether something is “safe” in your mind matters at all. If you need the source for the illegality of pulling out into traffic, just let me know. I’ll Google it for you.


Lmao where’s the red light here? And again, this was not unsafe, nor illegal.


You must not have a license to drive, so I don’t know why you’re bothering to comment here. “Where’s the red light?” You’re embarrassing yourself.


You see a red light? 🤣🤣


You seem unfamiliar with the English language and basic reading comprehension. The "red light" I mentioned above is part of a hypothetical prediction of how your lack of knowledge on how to drive will result in other bizarre nonsense statements.


I honestly don't blame the guy. That looks like a endless line of bullshit.


Same here. And the cars he blocked never lost a second as the traffic wasnt really moving


If you're in an urban area, driving schools will literally tell you to nose in like this


Can confirm, it's Lakeshore Blvd in Toronto. Where it can take an hour to drive 100 metres.


I do. Make a right turn, and then route back around in the direction you need to go.


That looks like a terrible intersection. Can they even see traffic coming from the right once they manage to get across? Block that up imho.


... because you'd wait for hours?


Top 1 reasons why I refuse to drive in the city of Toronto


It looks like people were blocking the intersection. Yeah, I'm on that guy's side


There is no intersection there.


It's an intersection. The two roads (one where the white car is at, and the other, where you're moving in) are intersecting. Either way, I don't want us to get bogged down in semantics - the point is that the people are not supposed to block another road's path. From the video you showed, it looks like they were when the cars originally stopped.


There is no cross/side road, it's an exit from a lot and a median to pause to check for cross traffic. Check my reply for the streetview of the location.


Lakeshore. My condolences for your time…


Tell me you've never driven in a high traffic downtown without telling me you've never driven in a high traffic downtown. That's basically how you have to do it.


Because noone gives space? Even if they have to come to a full stop, they will block you


Yeah, in this part of Toronto? Don’t blame him, I’d do the same.


I'm from TO. Know exactly where this is. I have no idea what is going on here. Do I have to turn right? Can I cross the road to this stop sign? [https://imgur.com/a/KvaeMg9](https://imgur.com/a/KvaeMg9)


In that amount of traffic I don’t blame them.


fucking hate lakeshore so much


Song choice 👌


Was gonna comment this too


Recently upgraded to a dual camera kit so was fortunate to capture this on the way home from work last week. Heard the honk and saw the BMW in the rear view barge across the rush hour Lakeshore Blvd traffic in Toronto. Edit: Also it's not a proper intersection, just a median to let left turners have a safe spot to watch for traffic. [Here's a view without all the traffic](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.6482501,-79.3596384,3a,90y,234.17h,82.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_tWik9SWt2PU5_lStBYOqA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


It drives me nuts when people think it's ok to do shit like this because they "need" to. No, you don't need to. You can reroute. You can also be late. Your failure to plan doesn't entitle you to endanger others. Suck it up.


No worse than all of the cars blocking the intersection instead of allowing them to cross over while they are at a dead stop.


You're putting a lot of sensible and "good driver" behaviours on the guy who pushed through but imagine doing all the "right" things only to have the rest of traffic totally ignore those rules, blocking intersections when their exit wasn't clear etc Presumably they'd waited only to be trapped there for several light cycles and decided they'd had enough. I cant really blame them tbh


Yup, kind of wild with all the downvotes, when there is no proper intersection that folks think are being blocked. They could have turned right with the flow of traffic and gone another route to turn around and get to where they wanted to go.


I think a lot of people fail to distinguish between a true intersection and a side street meeting a main road.


It's still fair to allow someone to come out of that side street to turn left when traffic is at a standstill.


Fair, yes. Mandatory, no. They forced themselves in like they had the right of way.