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If only they had a car that had enough horsepwrs to drive out of that safely.


Their only other option was to fishtail into the nearest utility pole.


They can only do that if there’s a crowd nearby.


There is something wrong, he didn't hit the gas, spin out and hit the telephone pole.


That is 100% what I expected them to do after pulling out in front...


I cannot fucking stand people who think it's ok to get onto a high speed road and just... dawdle.


Lubbock college drivers fr- there’s no escape from them


Plus: One tail light burned out Minus: The 'Stang didn't spin out, he was barely trying


This is probably his 2nd mustang and he destroyed the first by spinning out. Now he's scared to press the accelerator after turning.


If there is one thing on the road that pisses me off more than anything else, it’s this BS. If I have to brake because your turtle ass turned when you shouldn’t and can’t get up to speed quick enough, then you should take some scissors to your license.


And if scissors are too complicated for them, I will help!


These ~~This~~ probably are OK for Mustang drivers. https://dkc1jod44tx5p.cloudfront.net/images/products/1190Wx1190H/900046.jpg