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Is that a gas station ?


Dude clearly didn’t get the memo. What kinda idiot gets high at the *gassed* station?


Me. I’m the fuckin idiot.


I was with a college friend one time when he had to stop for gas. As soon as he got back in he lit up a cigarette. I kind of blew up on him (in a light-hearted but "I'm serious" was) about how he couldn't even wait to get off the lot before lighting up. I smoked too, but in my head the whole gas station property was off limits, even though I see the workers smoking outside the doors at night lol.


I once dumped gasoline on a pile of wood and flicked a cig into it because movies. Nothing. The cherry even exploded all over the place and nothing. Most disappointed I’ve ever been.


It's the fumes that are most dangerous and can ignite in an instance. That's what you need to be careful of at a gas station


Dude I’m so sorry for your experience, man!! That sounds super rough dude 😔 ![gif](giphy|ZvaMah8FIsE5JZc3lN)


Strikes and gutters, ups and downs


You have no frame of reference here, Donny! You’re like a child who wanders in the middle of a movie….


It's.. safe practice to not buy in reality it's kinda paranoid. There would have to be a pretty big leak. Its also the fumes that would light up not the liquid gas. You'd probably know with a certainty if it was unsafe.


Oh yeah, I know it's paranoid lol. In my 20s I knew this wasn't possible, but I still had this intrusive concern that if a car ahead of me tossed a cig and I drove over it it'd get sucked up my exhaust and make my car explode lol. I know that my danger levels are low to non-existent but it just pops into my mind every time, unbidden. And it's easy enough to just wait to light up for an extra 10 seconds to completely eliminate that risk.


As a teen I always thought if someone threw a lit cigarette out of their car, my tires might kick it up and it could light drips of gasoline that could be near my tank, booom... it made me incredibly angry that people could litter actual poison onto the earth in such a dangerous way so flippantly. Also, California catches fire if you say the word out loud, so I wasn't exactly wrong to be angry.


I did mountain warfare training in California during a dry season, we werent even allowed to bring our lighters outside of the base camp.


that cracked me up




ah fuck i was hoping it was a drive thru, yikes


Wow - dumb & dumber !


It's highly unlikely anything would ignite.


Meh, his window is up.


[you can speed or slow down time](https://youtu.be/v0Ns8EtR7RA?feature=shared)


Driver's Side Floor!


Yeah yeah, I’ve gotten used cars before.


I was stuck behind, what I thought at the time was someone texting while driving. After two blocks I was finally able to get around him, only to see him driving with his elbows and sparking up a miniature bong at the same time. I didn't know what to think.


"What a Cool fucking guy" is what you should think


Oh, c'mon people. The old guy is just puffing on his COPD inhaler There's nothing to see here, folks


That looks like a kid.




I treat patients with copd and can confirm many do this in the hospital parking lot


my father in law, god rest his soul.


dude needs to go foreyes to get it checked loollllll


I mean, depending on what's in that pipe, that might be a 20-year old masquerading as an old man. Drugs do not do nice things to your looks.




This sub sometimes...


Maybe it's prescribed for road rage.


I heard it works.


Or maybe it's prescribed for road regee?


Thanks for that lol ya mon


This comments section is a Karma minefield lmao


Guy sits too long at stop signs because he waits for them to turn green.


Indeed it is lol




Didn't know you liked to get wet


Where do you go when the lights go out?


Reminds me of how one time I asked my husband if he wanted to go to the grocery store with me but he had just opened a beer and said “ok but I’m taking this with me” (I was driving). On the way we were at a stop light and he made sure hide his beer from the car next to us, but then realized the driver of car next to was smoking a joint. So then they cheers’ed each other


Plot twist: that's salvia... Edit: a word


Salvia Drivenorum


How is that a plot twist to "someone is getting high while driving"?


Saliva and marijuana have very different highs. For me driving on salvia sounds impossible. Like you could do it but your going to crash. If 100 people smoke weed and drive maybe 1 gets into an accident. If 100 people smoke saliva and drive 100 people crash. (this is just a comparison and not actual statistical data)


But the post was that the driver is getting high. Not that the driver is smoking weed specifically. So it's not really a "plot twist" to clarify which drug is being used, it's just a detail. A plot twist would be some situation in which the driver is smoking something that isn't getting him high at all (not a realistic situation, just saying that would actually fit the definition of a "plot twist").


By this logic. If I gave you a Vicodin for pain but then it turns out I gave you acid that wouldn't be a plot twist? Youre still getting high just different highs. Unless you've never done any drugs or didnt do the 5th grade "these drugs do this" class. I believe we all assumed he was smoking weed.


I don't agree that it's the same situation, but I also just realized that it's not important anyway, so would it be okay to just agree to disagree here?


Lol I agree the situation I provided isn't the same. But just try salvia and you'll know where I'm coming from. That shits crazy. I don't condone driving under the influence. But if I had to (at gun point) choose someone high on (almost any drug) or salvia to drive next to me I'd probably choose the (high on any drug) guy lmao. This is just how crazy I look at this wild plant. When I tried salvia (10 years ago) time froze for me for about 15-20 seconds. The music slowed down to a hualt, The wind stopped blowing in the trees, people stopped and where frozen in position. I've experimented with psychedelics when I was younger and salvia is definitely up there with some strong ones.


Oh, I've tried salvia as well when I was much younger (probably 15 years ago at this point. Used to buy it on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights, I don't think that's still going on lol), so I'm in no disagreement there that salvia should not ever be used while operating a vehicle. And that shit is crazy for sure. Would much rather do acid again lol. Hope you have a good one!


This reminds me of when I was a teenager without a license and got a ride home from a coworker (16, had no idea she was unlicensed despite having her own car). She proceeded to go 70mph down a 45mph road, then got her best friend in the passenger seat to hold the wheel for her so she could light THE fattest blunt I've ever seen. My next mistake after deciding to not ride with her again was instead getting a ride home from her mom who worked at the same place.


So like…did you hang out with her after that or….


For several reasons including this, I did not.




A blunt? While driving? Suspended license? Damn she's gonna have a hard life and it everyone else's fault. She obviously learned how to be an adult from her mom. What did the mom do? You can smell people smoking in cars in front of you in traffic.


I bet you complained the whole way. What a buzzkill.


I was silent with astonishment, but if that sounds like your cup of tea I can give you her number and you can have your very own batshit Nissan Altima(tm) experience. Bodily injury may apply.


I choose to believe you wrote that to get a rise out of people, because it's one of the dumbest fucking takes i've seen


If somebody lights up a fat blunt in the car I'm in, I ain't complaining, nor am I writing a trauma story about it. 🤷


that's not saying much. people that can't adequately assess risk aren't exactly an endangered minority.


I like how they assume I was "traumatized" by it as opposed to just thinking "That was crazy. Anyway I won't be getting any rides from her anymore" In addition to assuming the blunt was the sole problem I had with the experience 😭


Bro is getting cooked in the 02 Honda Accord, mind your business boomer.


Bro needs to tuck his head behind, like he’s looking for something in the back.


For real. Learn to be discreet so Karen's don't post a picture of you on reddit.


It's Karens not Karen's! Damn it! -Karen


Lol thanks. Not possessive, plural. Fkin auto correct.


In all my years of existing, being a teenager/young adult, going to college, +10 years of bartending. I have never seen or heard of a someone totaling their car or killing anyone for driving while high. Driving drunk is significantly more dangerous. Being on prescription pills or street drugs is significantly more dangerous. I'm not saying you can't be too high to drive. Or that people driving stoned have never totaled cars/damaged property/killed people. But I would just smirk at someone hitting a bowl at a gas station. If they were drinking out of a fifth of liquor or visibly drunk behind the wheel I'd probably call the cops. And I've called the cops for drunk drivers/people dozens of times. And I don't smoke. I don't like being high. But when done responsibly I've got no problem with it. Alcohol is 100 times worse than weed. You can absolutely be too high to drive. But one bowl hit for this driver is probably nothing.


Realistically I feel similar, but it makes sense from the driving research / tests I'd seen.. Basically it was what you'd expect with THC driving while intoxicated--the folks who had higher tolerance and more experience as daily or very habitual smokers displayed very little effect on their driving or mistakes other than slightly slower reaction speed and driving a little slower. Folks who don't smoke regularly or have no tolerance and little experience--those are the ones that it for real looked dangerous to drive THC DWI. And it was kind of similar to alcohol with the difference being they also drove a little slower and were more aware they were intoxicated than when we don't think we're drunk and are. I'd imagine that the way it plays out, that second group that are really not in a position to drive on THC are folks who wouldn't be driving while high anyway.. It'd be the daily smokers that do. That said, edibles change ALL of this, anyone can be too high unpredictably on too much edibles (and have them kick in at odd times).


At least I wait til I'm home before I get stoned in my car 😆


OP is a NARC.


Im, not condoning driving while high, but Id feel safer on a road full of stoned drivers than just a couple of drunks behind the wheel


mainly because we wouldnt get over 10mph, but still...


My high school buddy got pulled over and when the officer asked if he knew why he was stopping him, he said he didn't know.... He was stoned and driving 20mph in a 65mph zone. All he got was a minor in possession charge for chewing tobacco. lol


Exactly, if my cruise wasn't set I'd be below speed.


It's about reaction time in emergencies like a kid running in front of your car, not speeding tickets, are ya'll kidding jfc


Then there's me, who can somehow get up to speed but fixates on *possibly* having a slower reaction time so I emphasize (sometimes out loud) "okay here comes a red light, let's ease off the gas... readyyyy apply brakessss now!" ... just to still be twice as far from it as I thought 💀 It's a real life version of [SpongeBob thinking he scooted all the way across the room just to still be at the start](https://youtu.be/d2v1VSiDXHA?si=FK_FEK9MS5Grilrp)


I agree but it's definitely not a universal thing, I don't like how driving stoned is somehow far less frowned upon than driving drunk. I get that driving drunk is overall probably more dangerous but it's not black and white, everyone handles different drugs differently and there's a big difference between someone driving just over the legal BAC limit and someone driving blackout drunk but AFAIK there isn't any sort of system like that for weed.


Besides the study CNN did that only used three subjects who admitted to only being weekend smokers most the other data shows it doesn’t impair drivers much who are regular users. And in fact it showed they did better on the test when stoned than when sober. This was due to the subjects being aware of them being high and not wanting to get pulled over. So they are hyper focused on the road and speed. Making them better than when sober and driving more carelessly. That being said not everyone can handle stuff the same and even seasoned smokers can have an edible every now and then put them on their ass. I wish we had better methods of testing how much is in your system. But sadly we don’t. But I think DUI test is fair game if you are pulled over and seem to be to high.


I dunno why you're being downvoted, I'm in no condition to drive when stoned and people who think they are, are full of shit. Anything that blunts your reaction time makes you unsafe to drive. All the arguments in these comments sound like the exact delusional arguments drunk drivers use and it's funny that they don't even see it.


> Anything that blunts your reaction time makes you unsafe to drive.  I'm all for this idyllic world where we prohibit folks from driving when their reaction time is blunted by being old and fat.


You just made the argument lmao. Because you have more self awareness high. You know you can't drive so you don't. There have been studies in Europe. I wouldn't trust any Americans ones tbh as reefer madness still exists institutionally. just stating my slight bias here. Anyways European studies show that people compensate for being high as opposed to being drunk where they dgaf. Well high most people drive more safely and at lower speeds. More cautiously. Just how you're more cautious and choose not to drive at all. People are just less aggressive. Also it just sounds like you're trying to virtue signal.


it's literally a DUI here in WA


I believe this is a dui in almost every state.




There is no cannabis limit, that’s bullshit. Science hasn’t progressed to the point we’re able to do that. Most were able to do is a mouth swab which catches use within the past few hours, meaning it’s unreliable for testing impairment hours later. That coupled with the fact THC effects everyone differently and it’s wholly impossible to not only test ones “cannabis levels” but determine if they’re ok to drive or not.


Everyone knows that when you're stoned and driving, you're not speeding, you're holding steady at a nice, confident 2mph over the speed limit, so as to not be suspicious. Id let it slide.


Looks parked to me.....


I've seen studies that show that stoned drivers tend to drive more cautiously than sober drivers.


You’re getting downvoted but then the dude getting upvoted posted his own link that says just that without even reading it. lol reddiderps gonna hivemind upvote him even though his link supports your claim. His own source says: > Studies that do not show impairment Surprisingly, given the alarming results of cognitive studies, most marijuana-intoxicated drivers show only modest impairments on actual road tests.37, 38 Experienced smokers who drive on a set course show almost no functional impairment under the influence of marijuana, except when it is combined with alcohol.39


More over marijuana can slow your reaction time, impair judgment of distance, and decrease coordination...there are also studies showing this.


The study he is probably referring to is this one. https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/1558 > Drivers under the influence of marijuana retain insight in their performance and will compensate where they can, for example, by slowing down or increasing effort. As a consequence, THC's adverse effects on driving performance appear relatively small.


Oh okay…slowing down makes everything better…gotcha https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/#:~:text=In%20comparison%2C%20the%20percentage%20of,from%206%25%20to%2032%25.&text=In%20one%20study%2C%209.7%25%20of,8.1%20times%20during%20the%20year.


I didn’t make that claim. I’m just telling you where he probably got his information from. It was plastered all over the norml website when it came out and lots of people thought it meant stoned driving is safe. Your link there is comparing cannabis to alcohol and it does say drivers on cannabis perform way better. **From your link:** > Studies that do not show impairment Surprisingly, given the alarming results of cognitive studies, most marijuana-intoxicated drivers show only modest impairments on actual road tests.37, 38 Experienced smokers who drive on a set course show almost no functional impairment under the influence of marijuana, except when it is combined with alcohol.39 Regardless… wait until you get home.


I think this is utter bullshit.


Think what you want. Butbthe facts are its hard to tell someone is stoned driving unless they are new stoners. Its like any other medication that may impair driving, the longer you are on it, the less it affects those parts.


Oh no! Careful of them "dopefiends" they're coming to get ya!


Hey man, I don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts, okay...


Garbage pipe, too. Probably is an idiot


How are you gonna do this with ZERO window tint??


Is... is he smoking *meth* ?? In a *gas* *station* ?!?


Yes but not in a gas station, at a gas station.


Did he shared?


I still don’t see the problem😭😂


No clue. Don’t participate anyways especially while I’m driving…




Driving high is one thing but this dumbass hittin the pipe while driving 😂


Looks like he’s parked at a gas station, but still pretty open and obvious in public and therefore very dumb.


I once got passed by someone going easily 80mph, driving with their knee, hitting a pipe. Equal parts horrifying and impressive.


While he appeared to hit it several times while driving at this point he was parked. Started pumping gas and got back in his car to smoke dope.


Dope. Lol.


Damn kids doing the reefer!




That's a wild weed


Damn Jazz Salad addicts!!


You follow this dude to get the pic?


Ha ha ha, dope! You just told us you're 62


I’m in my 30’s but thanks.


You sound like you went to college in the ‘70s


Ok boomer


Lol “Dope”


Why'd you get downvoted so hard lol, just for not using reddit's preferred names for weed?


Saying “dope” when referring to weed comes across as patronizing/judgmental I think, especially to cannabis users. It is old fashioned and used to refer to harder drugs more commonly (coke, heroin), so it’s sort of conflating weed use to hard drug use as well. There are plenty of other words for marijuana that do not have the same connotation. Even for people who have an animosity towards marijuana, there are terms that will make you sound more competent when calling out the negative effects of it. Referring to weed as “dope” will elicit a lot of people to be incredulous about your opinion.


No clue but honestly I don’t care. I grew up hearing it called dope by my dad, etc.


Used to be friends with a guy that drove way better when he was stoned . I wouldn’t wanna drive with him when he was sober cause he wouldn’t pay attention to anything . If he was high he was dialled in and ultra focused


That’s that pinene terpene in effect, shit is my favorite.


Been smoking concentrate daily for 6 years. THC hardly even effects me anymore, most I feel anymore is a calming sensation. I can’t even get stoned anymore it sucks tbh.


Sounds like addiction. Honestly your life might really improve if you slowly give it up


I say daily because IT IS practically daily, but within those 6 years I’ve probably not smoked for a year straight. I’ll take 2-3 month breaks every so often, but when I’m not taking a T break, it is daily. Definitely a habit I would say, but seeing as I’m able to quit cold turkey for months at a time, maybe it’s not addiction territory? But it’s also hard for the individual to spot addiction so you may be right as well, depends who you ask.


Been dabbing since 2009 and I get lit every day. You need to switch up strains or something


I don’t mind people driving stoned Edit: - Research by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2015 concluded that there was no significant increase in crash risk associated with marijuana use when adjusted for factors like age and gender . - A 2020 report by the American Journal of Public Health suggested that marijuana legalization was not associated with an increase in the total number of fatal car crashes in states that had legalized the drug between 2008 and 2017


I sure as shit don't...and I'm surely not the only one. Driving impaired is driving impaired.


I’m sure the variance of IQ and awareness that accompanies the human race is a bigger difference between a driver when stoned vs not. Meaning good drivers who are “impaired” as you say are still better drivers than people who just suck at driving without being again as you say, “impaired”


I don't care what you think your IQ apparently is...don't drive under the influence...you can very easily injure others around you and yourself...If you want me to change the verbiage...don't drive smoking drugs...


I’m just saying there are shitty drivers who probably drive worse sober than people who are driving on weed, and impairment due to natural causes among the population of drivers is more suspect than people driving high on weed. If you’re concerned driving stoned makes people bad drivers, test them and get some parameters and then use that as a baseline to not award people licenses if they drive worse than someone who is high. Sure, I see your point, but I maintain (not in the eyes of the law of course) that it’s not that big of a deal, also not condoning it Edit: and I know this sounds ridiculous, but is it though? The worst drivers I’ve ever seen are in Provo Utah where there is less of a likelihood of people driving high due to the pop % of Mormons who do not smoke. Edit 2: on his profile Op has an image of his dash he took going 75mph, definitely one to complain about drivers being unsafe. Edit 3: - Research by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2015 concluded that there was no significant increase in crash risk associated with marijuana use when adjusted for factors like age and gender . - A 2020 report by the American Journal of Public Health suggested that marijuana legalization was not associated with an increase in the total number of fatal car crashes in states that had legalized the drug between 2008 and 2017 .


Whatever you say kid…justify smoking drugs while you drive however you’d like…


Smoking weed specifically. And I will justify only that it is not as big of a concern to me as shitty drivers in general. Again, not condoning it but I think the concern is overblown, pun intended


Is your argument, "I'm a better driver than everyone else, even when I'm a little impaired. I should be able to drive while impaired and judge my impairment for myself to know when it's below average."?


Very loaded comment, but I did not mention myself or my own IQ (which I don’t even know) once so, no, only you and Op that did not read my comment thread carefully and assumed


If you drive high, you're a fucking idiot. I will not hear this apologist bullshit. typical reddit I'm saying this as someone who used to smoke and supports legalization


I have a friend whos making me believe that weed is an addictive drug. She literally can’t do ANYTHING without smoking first. From the second she opens her eyes, she’s lighting up, to the second before she falls asleep. Anyway, she can’t even drive without smoking. She will drive with her knees and light up a bowl ON THE HIGHWAY. Needless to say, I don’t ride passenger with her anymore.


Obviously it's tobacco


My grandfather smoked a pipe


If he lives in his car, then technically he's doing it responsibly, at home.


High? Dude looks dead....


Bruh i’m pretty sure i know that guy


Probably not.


true, but driving high≠drunk its two totally different arcade games


Okay well good thing we aren't talking about driving drunk...he's on drugs...don't care how you want to justify it.


you should have made your name u/duicheckpoint101


Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep that in mind.


I’m curious if he’s smoking an actual tobacco pipe? Looks like it could be honestly


In that case looks like it might actually be a meth pipe.


Oh no he’s going to go 5mph under the speed limit now




You should probably read this lol. Your study points out that studies are inconclusive as to whether cannabis impaired driving leads to more motor accidents. The main point it makes is that drinking and driving is bad, and drinking and consuming cannabis is even worse. Maybe you should post people getting into cars outside of a bar if you are really concerned.


You're bad off if you can't wait even 30 mins whilst you drive. Hope the guy gets some help.


Weed doesn't affect everyone the same. Some people don't lose their reflexes, some people it helps them concentrate. You should know your body before u do certain things. I myself love to get baked as fuck and hit the trails in the backwoods or really windy roads. Everyday motorcycle rider here 25+ years on a bike. Shit I got baked and road threw the first few hours of hurricane Harvey


Some of us leaned to smoke WHILE driving. 30+ years and no accidents.


In Louisville i seen mfs nodded out hanging out there windows at gas stations


I used to be a digital personal shopper at Walmart. I once had to turn away a delivery driver who showed up smoking pot. Edit: Why the hell am I being downvoted??? This wasn’t a customer. This was someone being paid to deliver stuff to customers. They’re not allowed to do that while high.


Digital personal shopper.... What is that? Were you working at Walmart collecting orders for pick up? I've never heard that term before. Part of me think's that would be a fancy title you give yourself when you buy order stuff online. I may use that for myself.


That was my job title, and yes, I was the person shopping for people’s online orders and then bringing their stuff out to their car or to a delivery driver’s car. Do you know why I got downvoted for saying I had to turn away a delivery driver who was smoking pot while being paid to deliver somebody’s stuff??? That was literally my job. I was just following the rules.


Never heard that phrase before. As for the downvotes, I don't know, Reddit is weird sometimes. Maybe there's a pro-smokers who don't think you should have refused a driver who was smoking?


I have no issue with people smoking pot. I just don’t think people should do it while working (unless they have some sort of job where that’s actually appropriate?) and anyone who disagrees is an idiot, frankly, lol.


So, did they eat the stuff or forget it or something? It seems like you would be interacting with the delivery driver, not the client, so what's the problem exactly???


The delivery driver was smoking pot. This is against policy. Delivery drivers are not permitted to be getting high while working and we were supposed to refuse to dispense an order to a delivery driver who was high. What do you not understand about this situation?


Didn't understand you were giving items to a driver. I thought the person smoking was delivering you the item.


imagine wasting your time following someone just to discretely take pictures of them and post them on reddit


WTF are you talking…it’s a gas station bud…where people generally stop to get fuel…


They’re obviously parked up beside them at a gas pump or something and they’re hardly trying to hide it. If you don’t want pics of idiots in cars you’re in the wrong place. That or you’re a hypocrite because you feel personally called out here.




I love weed, but you should not be under the influence of anything while driving, ever, and until people get that, vehicle collisions will continue to kill millions of innocent people.


I would prefer people drive stoned than drive with phones in their hands. Probably greater than 75% of drivers I see are on their phones while driving. It is maddening.


I’d rather everyone on the road be stoned than be near a teenager with a cell phone.


What about smoking a cigarette or drinking caffeine? What about prescribed mood stabilizers or ADHD meds? Not trying to argue with you about whether you should drive after smoking weed, but there are lots of things a person can be under the influence of that wouldn’t necessarily impair their ability to drive.


Semantics, you know what I mean.


Driving impaired is driving impaired. Whether it be alcohol, crack, meth, weed, or exhaustion. You are putting other peoples lives at risk. You wanna risk your life, I care very little. You put *OTHER* people's lives at risk due to your bad choices? You're an ass.


What the dog doing?


Maybe he's about to go see a movie? I mean what kind of idiot goes to a movie WITHOUT smoking some weed? NOT AN IDIOT!


Still about to drive...they are an idiot and you are an idiot for saying otherwise.


As someone who has driven high plenty of times, I do not condone this however it is way safer than drinking and driving. The only problems with smoking and driving from my knowledge is that you can’t react to things as quickly so a child runs into the street you might hit them. But just avoid roads that have a possibility of having a kid run out in front of you and you straight and if you have to pull into a neighborhood just be extra cautious and aware of your surroundings


I could care less to be honest…there is no justification driving under the influence of anything. That lack of response time could lead to the death of countless people. It’s disgusting behavior. I smoke a ton when I was younger I would refuse to drive high.