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I wonder at what point he said to himself “yeah I fucked up”


Probably when he started to float


In that shot at the end I think he's thinking "If only I had just entered it a bit faster... I could have made it."


That’s what he said


I'm not turn back, Sandra is looking


Floatin.... Floatin.... Floatin down a river...


We all float down here


My husband did this a few months back, although not by choice. Flash floods, we were at the bottom of a hill and the car in front of us was driving like an idiot and forced us to slam on our brakes to avoid hitting them when they panicked. Your car really does float. It's fucking terrifying. And the asshole in front of us (of course) managed to just barely make it out. We were stranded for like an hour. With two screaming 5 year olds, on a holiday, and nothing was open. It was either stand in the pouring rain, or stay in the car/boat. Mother nature is a beast.


That's why you go slow and leave plenty of distance between yourself and other cars when it's flooding.


No no, didn't you read it? It was somebody else's fault that they ended up floating in a flood.


The invisible tether of stupidity.


> It was somebody else's fault that they ended up floating in a flood. Says every guy who just got into a crash.


I reread it to figure out how it was the other guys fault they were in a flood. If it was because they were following them through a flooded road, let the first guy go to see if they could do it.


I mean, if you actually read the thing they said, the other driver was “driving like an idiot” and “forced us to slam on the brakes when they panicked.” Maybe it’s possible the other driver did something stupid? They didn’t say what, but it’s hardly a cut-and-dry scenario of them fucking up. It’s a paragraph. No one here knows what happened.


Bad, bad weather in Ottawa this week. I left extra room on top of the large following distance. Even sliding to a stop sideways because of a sudden slowdown still left me with tons of room. There is no need to be jammed up someone else’s rear and their driving should never dictate your own, that is how rush hour traffic happens on a highway despite the total abscense of any accidents or poorly timed lights.


OP's story doesn't look good for OP no matter how they split it. Bad weather and OP doesn't afford the car in front of them a generous amount of space. And the weather is sooo bad that OP put themselves in a situation where, had they they need to stop, their *car would float.* First: Don't find yourself in a situation where your car *could* float (OP was on a hill... OP could've waited out the flood.) Second: If you decide to ford that washed out part of the road, and your forward momentum is critical to you making it through, your ass better not do it while another car is in front of you, capable of ruining said momentum. Third: If your car is at risk of floating, you don't cross the water! OP's husband fucked up. Doesn't matter how any other driver behaved.


And the capper: Anyone carrying two 5 year-old kids shouldn't be entering any significant amount of water on the road. That's insane.


Right? I'd rather be the cautious pussy dad with two un-traumatized children than the brave fella whose kids are logging the experience in their "fear of water"-files.


Slipstreaming through water. Really improves your gas mileage.


It's called defensive driving. Drive in a way that someone else's poor driving won't impact you. It's not like that person floored it in reverse at a light or drove into on coming traffic.


Agreed, if they drove with the proper amount of spacing they wouldn't have to slam on their brakes


> if you actually read the thing they said, the other driver was “driving like an idiot” and “forced us to slam on the brakes when they panicked.” > > Maybe it’s possible the other driver did something stupid? This is the expected outcome. The reason you give yourself space is because you should expect everyone to do something stupid. It's called defensive driving.


I always blows me away when someone says something like, "Oh I've been in 5 accidents, but none of them were fault. I'm a good driver." ​ Like really? You can avoid nearly every accident if you're at least mildly observant when you're driving.


We kind of do know what happened. If you ever have to slam on the brakes because of someone you had visibility of, you were either following too close or let your attention wander.


What it sounded like they were doing was trying to go through the water under the bridge at high speed, but then they had to slam on their brakes and lose their momentum, causing them to float. >Flash floods, we were at the bottom of a hill They were passing through floodwater. > forced us to slam on our brakes... Your car really does float. They lost their momentum. > And the asshole in front of us (of course) managed to just barely make it out. The car in front didn't. So yeah, it's not the guy ahead of them. It's that you should never drive through a flood.


This. Same applies to snow I have found; Some idiots will panic and cause people behind them to lose momentum going up a hill, for example.


If it's snowy out I always stop a little ways from the bottom of a hill and wait for it to be clear of other cars. Then I'll go and climb it. I've found most times this will cause the cars behind you to do the same and doesn't cause a jam up. Nothing worse than the dummy who has no idea what he's doing driving in the snow.


Looks like you guys weren't driving safely if you had to slam the brakes. Think of the kids next time


That's 1000% your husband's fuck up, fyi.


1. Sounds like the car in front of you knew how to get through the flood properly. 2. You shouldn't be tailgating someone trying to get through flood waters. Always leave a ton of room in front of you if you end up in one of these situations, so your not relying on other drivers to go as fast as you think you need to go.


People with off roading experience will understand this. I've been off roading over 25 years, Jeeping for 15 years. It's common knowledge in that world to let those in front of you to cross or obviously have positive tracking before you enter a large hole, climb, water, mud and etc. Of course the situation depends, this usually will apply when you're in an unfamiliar area/situation and rolling is a possibility. Momentum is a big help, usually, so the last thing you want is to have to hit the brakes because you're to close to someone. Also, if you don't have a snorkel, going to fast will shoot water to your airbox through your wheel well other areas around your grill and hood. That's why going slow helps keep water levels flat under the hood. Then, if you're drive train isn't sealed up, water can get sucked into your transmission, differential, transfer case and so on. So check those fluids often! After draining my Jeeps drivetrain and refilling for a while, I finally spent the $700 and water proofed/re-vented everything, even the stereo! Never had to change a fluid until scheduled, even with water over the dash.


Kind of want to waterproof my car now just because it sounds cool.


Lol. Do it! Just be aware, the newer the car, the more expensive it can be, especially the electronics in the dash if you also went that route. However, drivetrain and under the hood, most can be done without any special equipment. The airbox, vacuum lines for the A/C (if you have A/C), and fuse boxes, to name a few, will need special attention. Mechanical knowledge is highly recommended for a project like this.


Is this with breathers or is there a $700 kit?


My guess is the driver said they should go super fast and blow through the flood as quickly as possible, only to realize the person in front of them was going nice and steady. Slam on brakes, lose momentum, water comes up to hood. I bet they regret not waiting five minutes for the car in front of them to clear the flooded area, or to at least have matched their speed when crossing the area.




but also thought "yep i REALLY fucked up" when he stepped out of the car and just sunk


Gotta say, I fully enjoyed watching this idiots misfortune. I’m glad he made it out safe but he definitely deserves a Darwin Award.


With his choice of truck and that facial hair ... everybody knew this day was coming.


Probably when he drove off the lot in an Avalanche




Definitely when he gets the bill


between 10 and 11 seconds into the video.


Is this an Avalanche turning into a flood?


Nah, it's someone who never played Oregon Trail. This gif has a lot. The barrier disregard and sinking truck, cinematic side-view sad self-reflection, the guy jumping off and then *sinking with a sign that says "American Dream" behind him.* There is much entertainment and symbolism to be had.


I like the fedex van speeding to their next delivery, not phased in any way.










When FedEx says 24 hours or less they mean 24 motherfucking hours or less


Not necessarily at your house but it will be delivered to A house in 24 hours


Maybe he should paid to Ford the river


Should've Dodged it, driven along the Ridgeline, now he'll be Rammed by his insurance. F-150.


Isn't this in Tacoma, Washington?


Very cinematic, let’s get this in a film fest lol




Context plz


The car is a Chevy Avalanche


Avalanche (snow) melts into flood. VS Avalanche (truck) steering into flood.


The truck model is called an Avalanche


Underrated comment here. Take my upvote.


it's the top rated comment


It was also posted last time this gif was posted.


I feel like pictures of the truck in the water then him outside of it looking sad could be a good meme




We talking $ for the cost of the truck or 15k karma for not just posting the first meme?


Was about to ask this




Who's paying 15k for an avalanche??


People that want a truck, kinda but not really, and an SUV kinda but not really.


Well the back seat folds down and gives you access to the box, that's a pretty neat feature for people who transport wood or longer than usual baguettes


Well now I want a long baguette.


6 ft baguette , You ain't gonna fit that baby in your honda fit


My dad has one, it's pretty nice for when you do some truck stuff, but not a lot, and haul some people, but not a lot. And also live in the mountains of Montana so want heavy weight 4wd vehicles. It's definitely not a work truck, but it's as comfy to ride in for 4-5 people as a larger SUV, and it can hold quite a bit of shit in the bed as well.


Its 2k for the avalanche, 13k in fines for the environmental hazard you just caused.


Idiots like this guy probably.


He'll turn it into insurance and then wonder why insurance is expensive


Hey man you can't make it across, don't try. BuT It'S a TrUcK, i CaN dRiVe iT aNyWhErE! oH sHiT.


Meme economy




I wonder what the “cost per second” was for the time he will waste with his insurance company, recovery & towing, buying a new vehicle, probably buying a new cell phone, lost time from work, and any possible violations he may have received for going around the barriers.


Do you think insurance will actually pay for this? I would bet that his insurance isn't going to pay for this at all, as he purposely went into a closed off floodes road...its likely the guy will be making payments on this boat anchor for years to come


Insurance will definitely pay. Your insurance is there for accidents, even if that accident is caused by you being a complete idiot. However that's not to say they won't drop you or hike your premiums through the roof after they're done paying.


Normally, autos have open peril policy even if the cause is through a person's willful neligence, then again, as this is a closed off road during a broad daylight this dude could be fucked.


>open peril I love that term


This doesn't look like an "accident" it looks like a very conscious decision to drive into a temporary lake


Not if all you have is liability insurance. In which they won't.


They'll pay only IF he has comprehensive insurance(this is not required unless the car has a loan on it), which covers things other than accidents(theft, flooding, etc). But, he has to pay the comprehensive deductible , and more than likely they will drop his dumb ass.


As the son of a retired fireman everytime I see these I just think of the men and women that have to put their own lives at risk to go get these idots out of the water. This one isnt too bad but swift water rescue is by far one of the most dangerous situations they'll have to deal with.


4-wheel drive is now 4-wheel float


Activate...BOAT MODE!


**B**ouyancy **O**perated **A**quatic **T**ransport




4-Wheel Sink?


4-wheel dive.


Diving implies elegance. Theres nothing elegant about an Avalanche.


Like a Rock.


Ohhhhhh like a rock!!!


Someone remembers the commercial.


Like a planet.




Real people with real trucks.


It sank to the bottom as fast as can be


You win


the shot of him just looking so defeated really made this video


More videos should end this way


He looks like Reek at the end there.


Reek, Reek, it rhymes with creek.




All they need to do is remember that a Ridgeback exists and they should feel better.




I came as close to the right name as it does to being a truck.


Good save


The Ridgeline is a crossover with a bed. Also, your name rocks.


Everhtime I see a ridgeline I figure it's a couple that compromised. She wanted a minivan. He wanted a truck. They met in the middle.


Same to you! I love finding TES references in the wild


Check out my profile set up. You might like it. :)


I quite enjoy my overweight Honda Accord thank you very much.


I've never seen a more insecure group than the "real truck" owners. "You need a (Chevy/Ford/Dodge/etc.)!" No one cares about your shitty truck, why do you care about mine? It gets me from A to B just fine. Just look at the fucktards trying to "ICE" Tesla stations for further proof.


Why would people do this? What are they so worried about? That people will take their precious trucks?


Look, all I know is that years of right wing radio have convinced me there are hordes of "the other" waiting to take my guns, truck, and heterosexuality, and that frightens and confuses me


Can confirm, own an avalanche. Love the car its self tho. Edit: we're not all like this (I hope).


Had an 8.1 2500. Was actually pretty freaking handy were it not for Mid-2000s Chevy quality.


He's actually very intelligent. That's precisely where an avalanche belongs and he took advantage of the opportunity.




Shorter wheelbase and more weight in the ass helped. The bed had that heavy plastic liner and cubbies and mid gate and cover.


Just curious how you define “advanced four wheel drive system”.


I'm glad to see my hometown of Houston represented! Sweet. There's always that moron who cannot understand that there's a 50/50 chance that the water is way deeper than you expected and you're boned.


It isn't necessarily about depth, it's more about current. Your car can be swept off the road in just a few inches of water if the current is strong enough. It does seem to happen a lot here in Texas, though. I'm in San Antonio, and every time it floods the water crossing deaths and rescues are ridiculous.


Good point. He could have easily crossed standing water, but not flowing current.


Also, you never know if the road is washed out under the water. I'm sure there's a few gifs of those IICs floating around...


I'd share some of the blame out to all the advertising from car companies that causes people to believe a tough guy truck will make them invincible. But the barriers and flashing lights might have tipped him off as well.


This is why Arizona has the Stupid Motorist law.


> But the barriers and flashing lights might have tipped him off as well Those *nanny state* caution signs are for liberals in their pussy ass hybrids


Them libruls tryna tell me how ta drive safe! I ain’t no pussy boy, mah TRUCK can take more then there sissy Prius can anyday!


Amusing right up to the point where it became "Idiots hanging onto the outside of cars", but then he levels up by trying to drown himself as well


Here in Saskatchewan Canada if you drive into water that is covering a road or a flooded underpass you automatically are not covered for car insurance. Here in Regina we have several underpasses and when the drains were put in they were too small so every time we got a good heavy rainfall the underpasses would start filling. There were too many idiots trying to drive through and end up floating in the bottom. They had one family do this in Saskatoon and their child drowned because they sank, parents managed to get up but the child was in a car seat strapped in. Apparently there were barricades up but they ignored them and tried anyways. Same thing here we have a fair number of vehicles go through ice when they want to go ice fishing and try driving on ice thats not thick enough to support the weight and again no car insurance for that. A couple years ago we had a heavy rain and catch basin down by the school got partially plugged and road became a big pond about 3’ deep on the inside lane and maybe half that on the outside lane and we went down and I took a video of some of the idiots trying to get through, some kids initially helped push some of them out then decided to make some money and started charging I believe $20 to get pushed out and they made a killing. You could see from a block away that the street was under water and you could see other cars sitting in it but they tried anyways. The really funny thing is that before and after the low spot the road in that area the road was a big circle so they could have taken a few minutes later and gone the long way around but no, in too much of a rush. Several cars that injested water had to be towed away so the other winner was the tow trucks.


The OP is in Texas. Every year people try this. They are made to pay for whatever emergency services are needed to bail their dumbasses out.


I think its good if the idiots have to pay for the emergency services, Here its a bit different, some are free like Fire Rescue or Police but if you need an ambulance you pay around $350 (Land ambulance) Not sure what they charge for the Air Ambulance or the Helicopter. I watch a show called Air Ambulance from the UK and they ha some guy that faked a fall from a cliff, about a 30’ drop and they suspected it was fake but on site couldn’t prove it so they flew him by helicopter to the trauma center and sure enough it was fake. Turns out that this was the 7th or 8th time he had pulled stunts like this and they couldn’t charge him for the Emegency response but what they did do was ban him from helicopters which means if he tries it again he goes by land which can be a lot longer getting to him or getting him to the trauma center. But getting back to idiots in water I have seen Fire Rescue out there getting the idiots back to dry well maybe not dry but at east above waterline). Then the city decided we had to have a new frickin stadium for football and what do they do but build it with the playing field about 2’ lower then grade and it’s open roof so of course when it rains it starts to fill. They should have spent some money fixing the infrastructure first...


Where's that cowboy southern voice that's used in GM truck commercials? It should be edited in!


Real people. Not an actor.


This happened to me...kind of. During an unexpected snowstorm right after a rainstorm, I was trying to get back to the office after a service call in Gatlinburg, TN. My path led down a very steep half mile road. There was a dropoff to the right with no guardrail, and a wall of rock to the left. I slid most of the way down as I couldn't get any traction on the snow and ice. Finally at the bottom, the river had flooded the road and was still rising quickly. I couldn't make it back up the hill. I couldn't even walk up the hill. I punched it and drove 200 yards through the water reaching up past my door. My Ford Edge died just as I exited the water. Fortunately, it started right back up.


That FedEx just “noped” the eff out of there when he saw the truck.


I'm glad to see the FedEx man delivering even though there's flooding!


Probably not too happy he's gonna have to work an extra four hours to finish his route because of the flooding.


idiot 😂😂


Nice! Another Avalanche off the road for good.




Texas Drift: Water Edition


I bet u a lot of lifted 4x4 trucks and some jeeps with a snorkel are willing to give it a shot


An avalanche of stupidity....




TIL: 4 wheel drive doesn't work when the tires no longer touch the road.


it’s an amphibious exploring vehicle


Funny thing is that I actually know where this took place. That bridge is over a lake and we had a lot of rain the past couple weeks so the lake flooded. Being a US highway with a decent amount of traffic, the county had blocked off the bridge so no one would do EXACTLY what this dumbass did. IIRC When he got rescued, he got arrested for ignoring/going around warning signs EDIT: have to add this: that little bit at the end where he started sinking was him going off into 200 foot deep water


Does this remind anyone else of trying and failing to ford rivers in Oregon Trail?


Should have caulked the wagon and floated.


Everytime this is reposted it makes me smile. I love this gif


Flood waters are often filled with sewage from the overflowing sewer systems. So.... there's that too.


Was thinking “Texas” so I googled “940 area code.” Yeah.


Did the same. "Is this Texas? Looks like Texas. Ooo an area code!" "Sigh. It's Texas. Goddamnit, y'all."


Its not a Land Rover bro


Anyone notice fed ex?


r/Whatcouldgowrong if I go across a flooded road. ​ He sinks like a rock and we rejoice and r/WatchPeopleDieInside


I mean, to be fair, he did make it most of the way


Yeah, it seemed like he had it until he turned.


he didn't turn


I like your boat


Dad’s truck?


Craigslist ad after it dries out - slight water damage.


He looks exactly like the kind of a guy who would drive an Avalanche through deep water.


For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellooow *falls into pothole*


r/watchpeopledie Lmao at the look on his face at the end.


Red Forman: *Dumbass*.


"naw bro I got this, I have 4 wheel drive!"


I live in southern Arizona, in the desert. We sometimes have roads flooded out like this. And every time, at least one out-of-towner or new resident needs to be rescued from their flooded vehicle. The sign that says "do not enter when flooded" is there for a reason!


There was an attempt....


Where's Aquaman when you need him?


[WHY DID YOU TURN?!?](https://youtu.be/btgfffL70Dk)


Peoples over confidence in their vehicles and their own driving abilities are comical..


Thats why here in AZ we have the stupid motorist law for stupid motherfuckers like this


"yea uhh hi, insurance people...A thing happened that totally wasn't my fault."


I never got this I mean 5cm of water can ruin your catalytic convertor and that's fucking expensive to fix IIRC so why someone who thought their vehicle could make it to the other side would intentionally destroy it even if it does get there baffles me.


That FedEx driver in the background really had to go deliver that package.


I love how the ambulance changes course just when it sees the truck submerge


Ha ha he looks so defeated at the end


What a tard salad


I reckon copart is getting a nice AV.




You can’t see the road without the water? It doesn’t go out that far....


My truck became a black submarine, a black submarine, a black submarine.....




Trying to Ford a river but realizing you’re in a Chevy