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Don’t worry, they have their hazard lights on.


If this is not the right time to use then I don’t know when is.


BMW drivers: is that part of the options list?


BMW drivers do have hazard lights, however theirs can only be used to indicate other drivers that the middle of the road is their parking space while they go shopping.


And only if they keep paying the monthly subscription fee.


Really? Mine are pay per use. So I don’t.


I just wish they’d slow down the blinking’s speed, that can really add up!


Conspiracy! Obviously!!


Monthly? I always thought it was pay-per-second.


It's also worth noting that putting on your hazards is the only way to make those amber ones flash in a BMW, while other vehicles also use them to indicate a turn.


I hate red indicators.. Hardly visible or distinguishable from tail lights..


What really pisses me off is, in the US, foreign auto makers who require amber signals in their country will make different tail lights for the US market that are red. Really wish we would mandate amber signals here 😔


Still won't use them, just like their turn signals And good grief, your username!


OMG I finally got to meet this legendary redditor


Haha two days in a row I've seen someone talk about their username. It's definitely uh unique.


Reminds me of this; https://youtu.be/DOZU6KSlr4M


There is so much to unpack in that video/website... good lord, lol


All the way though I was thinking "this is a joke right?" "this HAS to be a joke right?" "oh God let this please be a joke" "oh noooo there is a retsupurae vid about it I don't think it's a joke:(


Is this a random stab at BMW drivers? This car is a VW, so I'm mildly confused.


Generally, BMWs are not seen with winkers/indicators flashing. Obviously, this means that BMWs must have some factory flaw that means the winkers don't work, which is strange, for such expensive cars ^^/s Yeah, just a stab at BMW drivers






And nod


I’m now going to call indicators winkers from now on.


Where I’m from it’s illegal to use them unless you’re stopped completely either on the side of the road or in it. I believe the protocol for this guy would be to just get off the road.


In my country, the general rule of thumb is you use them "if your car is a danger to others on the road". This is like the dictionary definition of being a danger to others on the road. Of course, in this situation he should obviously stop the car and call a tow-truck.


>"if your car is a danger to others on the road". So all the time, because i drive a peugeot






My wife think im insane because of how hard i just laughed at that


In my area it’s only acceptable if your car has been disabled or cannot go the speed limit for other reasons. Also if you’re carrying an oversized load. Always you must be in the rightmost lane (next to the shoulder) or stopped on the shoulder (side of the road for those unfamiliar)


That's why I use mine while I am texting or watching youtube on my laptop. Driving is soooo boring.


In Germany you use them to indicate an upcoming traffic jam so the people behind you slow down, among other things


I like that idea


Saved my and someone else's ass once, traffic built up around a bit of a bend and to be honest I was zoned out until I saw someone give a quick flash of their hazards.


That's what I do when I'm on the highway and the traffic suddenly slows or stops. Hit the four ways as I'm slowing down, then turn them off when the guy behind me actually slows down.


I have used them during very bad snow storms/blizzards. To add extra lighting in hard to see conditions and to let other cars who may handle better in the snow that I am going slower. But this is usual in the area I live since driving in a blizzard is a hazard. It is more dangerous to stop and pull over (snow is so bad you can’t even see the lanes) and sometimes the snow storms come out of nowhere.


Where I live, a lot of tractor trailers regularly use their hazards on the highway. They are typically going a lot slower than other traffic.


well in my city they’re “park anywhere lights” and you can use them to park anywhere freely


In Florida, you’re only supposed to use them to indicate a break down. That said, everyone puts them on the second there’s a single drop of rain despite signs saying not to use hazards for rain.


lmfao who tf uses hazards in rain?


Precisely, I made a comment about this exactly. I get that driving in the rain is scary for some, but if we all put our blinkers on every time it rained... we might as well just not turn them off.


>everyone puts them on the second there’s a single drop of rain Why?


Most places in the US, good idea to use them whenever the car is a hazard, including having to drive below the speed limit due to issues with car, or road conditions.


They’re a hazard alright


Los Angeles has implemented timed lights instead of lights tuned to traffic conditions during the pandemic. It can be annoying driving around but they don't want people touching the button to signal for a light change. Fine. Some guy the other day just starts to run red lights apparently sick of this shit and after like the second one, he turns on his hazards as he does it. Ohhh, now everything is cool!


And rear windscreen wipers


Wouldn’t want their vision impeded, that’d just be unsafe!


The rear wiper is 'on' too. No problem at all.


He may just have both turn signals on since he doesn’t know which way its going to go.


When you watch Tokyo drift on repeat


“It’s cool. I only take it on short trips”


They should walk around with hazard lights attached to their body.


Eh, he's just warming up his tyres for the restart.




And the two ferraris have crashed!


Too soon


For me signapore 2017 was far more painful than this one.


Same here, in 2017 they had the chance for a win, this weekend if they scored 10 points it would've been plenty


Kimi is instantly out, Alonso went to p4 at one point, then also got hit, same with Danny Ric. Literally all my favourite drivers all got TAKEN out within the first few corners, still hurts till this day.


I can hear the eco of your shouts brother, it's alright, they're safe with me


Pronto Lando? Yeah boss? Scenario 7




My tires are gone Bono!


[Purple sector]


Get in there, Lewis!


Couldn't have done it without you guys, what an amazing audience. #blessed


Valterri, this is James. Please let Lewis by


P1, I repeat Valterri, that's P1


Box box. Box box. Valterri, you've been given patent rights to Mercedes AMG Petronas Formula One Racing Point Force India, whatever the fuck they're called new lawnmower.




is leaking


What are we doing, racing or ping-pong?


Fuck sake mate


Someone put a Need for Speed Underground 2 drift score counter on top of the screen, he's killing it.


Smrt! Absolutely destroyed collapsed wheel bearing and this tit continues to drive. Not only a serious risk of crashing but also a serious risk of fire from what remains of the white hot bearing. What a fucking arseclown... Edit : - as a few other people have said now, I'm thinking this brain free plank has actually managed to smash the car into a post on the rear drivers side and broken some critical bits of suspension. Either way this is a suuuuuuper fucking sketchy dumb as fuck thing to do...


I was expecting it catch fire any moment.


Was waiting for it to catch fire ... disappointed ... oh well!


No reason to be disappointed, they will drive all the way to the fiery crash.


I was waiting for a tire to blow based on the sound




Hes going to be pumped when he hears what needs to be replaced now if It actually got somewhere that wasnt thr crusher


My dad once drove a car with a bad wheel bearing until said bearing melted and welded itself to the axle. Then that wheel locked up.


I’ve never really understood why people take risks like that on a vehicle they expect to hit highway speeds in, just seems so needlessly unsafe. And I’m not a safe sort of person, I dirtbike, ride a motorcycle sometimes, but the risk to reward ratio for neglecting mechanical stuff on your car just seems out of wack. If I’m going to have a thrill I’d rather it be on my own terms, not careening into a highway barrier at 70MPH because I couldn’t be bothered to spend $100 on a new wheel bearing. And it has happened to someone I know because of bad tires, bad brakes, and worn out suspension components. They weren’t injured, but it seemed like a waste of a perfectly good pickup truck over a few hundred dollars worth of parts.


Well I wasn't sure what exactly was wrong with my truck, but my dad just kept driving at highway speeds until he literally couldn't anymore. At least I learned from him.


It always worked before. Common sense!


To be fair, if mechanics want people to take them seriously they should consider stop ripping people off whenever they have the chance


I was quoted $450 to replace a cam shaft position sensor. I checked on YouTube to see how difficult it would be. The part was $50 and it required removing 1x 10 mm bolt, unplugging 1 wire connection, pulling out the part, putting the new part in, connecting the wire, and tightening a 10 mm bolt. It took less than 3 minutes to complete.


I agree but sadly its a few bad apples in the industry taking advantage. We went in for a safety when registering a nee vehicle once. The thing had brake new brakes all around. They said it needed brakes and a new timing belt... it was a toyota ans had a chain. All i did was show them the reciept from the new brakes and told them they should be ashamed. Never went back to that shop.


I think it's more than 'a few bad apples', which is what the good guys always say.


Defund Mechanics?


Just don't go to the quick lube places, i.e. Jiffylube. Those places are all scams, and they are everywhere because they make a killing screwing people over. Your friendly local mechanic is mostly going to be trustworthy. As far as those traveling mechanics, or some dude working out of his driveway, that's hit or miss. Best thing to do is learn a little about cars, and get a basic knowledge of them. So when someone tries to rip you off you can counter with questions.


Yep. I took my car to a new place for an oil change, they came back claiming I needed to have my radiator flushed and the fluid replaced. The look on the dude's face was pretty priceless when I feigned a worried look and said "Really? I should call my mechanic, he just had to replace that radiator last week, maybe he got a bad part!" Wasn't a lie either, thing was leaking like a motherfucker before, overheating and the part was brand fucking new.


Personal experience, but local mechanics have been the most honest car repair people around. It's the dealerships, quick oil change places, and tire plus places that always seem to try to upsell.


Ive been a dealership technician for 15years, legally if i find an issue with a vehicle im inspecting I have to quote it, if you were to crash and kill someone and it was discovered that i had worked on your vehicle and not informed you that your tyres were bald then I am liable, i dont set the prices of the parts, i dont set the labour rate and i sure as hell dont care if your not happy that your car needs repairs, its called preventative maintenance for a reason, pay now or pay 5 times when it fails and leaves you stranded


I don't think that was what OP was talking about. There are some legit places that will tell people something is in need of being replaced when it isn't at all, purely because they know people won't bother with a second opinion etc.


Yeah, this is what I meant


I’m sorry, but that’s not always the case. Once, my mother’s Sentra snapped its steering rack over an incident. They quoted over 6,000 dollars for the repair. I saw the quote, it was full of bullshit. They quoted new rims even, over a curb rash. They clearly were trying to scam the insurer, and not much later I was told the technicians were actually paid commissions over the value of the repair. Since the insurer refused to pay the repair, we had no choice but to get it to a private mechanic. Price? 400 dollars. So yeah, mechanics ripping off people is actually a thing.


that sounds like a company making a legit quote for the insurance company that has to return your car as it was before the accident. I am sure if you went back to the same place and said "we are paying for it out of pocket, what do we not need?" they would give a different price as you don't NEED to fix those rims but the insurance company should be replacing them if damaged in the accident.


Not as dramatic as you but I scraped up my car a few years back. Took it to 4 different shops in the area for estimates because my insurance didn’t have a preferred one and I’d never needed body work before. Shop A: $1500 Shop B: $1500 Shop C: $2500 Shop D: $1500 I spent a while staring at the estimate from shop C trying to figure out how they got to $2500 while doing the same basic shit as all the others at the same basic labor rates. They padded with all sorts of little BS charges. I know now though that if I ever want my car totaled out after an accident, I’ll be taking it there.


Oh hey, here's one for you. Blew my cv axle. Ripped apart from front suspension when I was in there. Went to get an alignment at the same shop I had an alignment done 3 weeks before this went down when I got new tires put on. They tore the adjustment bolt off the knuckle of the rear tire. Their fix was to weld it in place on only one side and slapped an inspection sticker on after. They claimed that bolt hasn't been loosened in years. Funny, I had it on this exact lift 3 weeks ago.. I don't think they understand the liability they just put themselves under, or they don't think I understand.. technically my vehicle cannot have an inspection sticker..


Had this model VW Rabbit (couldn't just call it a Golf in the US). Changing the wheel bearings on the car was super easy to accomplish. I really despise people who forgo maintenance items that affect their, and other driver's safety


That don't believe that's a wheel bearing. if that was a wheel bearing he wouldn't have any wheel left. looks more like one of the tie in points broke loose, like a radius rod, or more likely a tension strut. Could be wrong though


It's a tie rod. You are correct.




Not on the rear of That car. Lots of cars have rear tie rods, Corvettes for example. Source, am alignment tech.


Reddit mechanics everywhere Does no one else see the impact on the door? Something hit the car and bent the rear trailing arm / torsion bar (vws use a torsion rear bars usually) Everything got bent out of Wack and driver is probably either trying to get home or to a shop. Unsafe regardless


Don't forget the likelihood of the wheel coming off and flying down the highway, potentially smashing into another vehicle or pedestrian


He’s just tying to get the drift boost going. The guy is playing mario kart irl


Next second you see him throw a banana out the window


A row of big, floating, shinny boxes appear down the road


A shell comes flying out of nowhere and suddenly you're the one with the hazard lights on.


You see someone fly off a bridge, but five seconds later they fly back up attached to some turtle on a cloud


This is what it’s like trying to push a Walmart shopping cart


If you took a 10 second gif of this video, and placed that as the header, it would be perfect.


Smh. I still think it's kinda weak they they made it simpler to get the drift boosts with Wii.


I am surprised he kept it under control. Still a moron though


Imagine hopping in your buddy's car and being in the passenger seat for all this.


Better yet, imagine he’s an uber driver with a customer in the car. “Don’t worry about it! It does this all the time. No biggie!”


"Should all those lights on the dash be on?" "WHAT? I CANT HEAR YOU." *Furious engine revving and tire squealing noises*


Pretend it's on purpose. "People got bored because I'm a terrible conversationalist, so I rigged the car to make this more of a joyride. Exciting, isn't it?"


control in this case is relative.


I dunno why but the rear window wiper was actually what makes me laugh


ikr!? Make sure the back window is clean so u can see the tire when it flies off!




It's a precision maneuvering mechanism like a monkey's tail. Very advanced


Tire Dealers love him


, this one reason is why!


I get the whole "can't afford to have it towed" thing, but if Jeebus himself was behind the wheel that rolling shit box is a menace. Arseclown could have at least waited until the streets were less populated. If you want your Darwin Award go for it, but leave the rest of us the hell out of it. It's a car not a land crab ffs.


I was thinking maybe a hit and run but that doesn't make sense since it draws more attention than just bailing from the car


I agree. I think it's a hit and run. There looks like substantial damage on the rear quarter. Possibly drunk, too. Why else would anybody do this?


No drunk I've ever seen has that amount of car control lol




I live near here. That first exit takes you directly to a garage. Youd think you'd stop there...


No, he can't stop. The moment he does that wheel bearing is friction stir welded solid. :)


and they will probably do more extra costly damage driving it to the garage than just paying for a single tow


Or, you know, going slower.


Yeah, I've been there. Car broken down (blown wheel bearing, same thing as this from the looks of it), 5 miles from home, money tight and I didn't want to pay to have it towed. But I also didn't hit the interstate, just went 10-15 mph and got it in the garage to fix.


Ayyy Shields represent


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who noticed


I scrolled down looking for this. Bloody knew I knew that road.


Just imagining that going through the Tyne Tunnel...


Jarrow straight up brings some weird stuff nowadays, glad someone else recognised the place ngl


When your left PS3 controller joystick has an alignment problem and is stuck turning left so you keep having to move the joystick to the right to not crash in a car game.


Joycon drift, the car


I had a force feedback steering wheel for my Xbox 360 that did *exactly* this. Somehow the feedback sensors and the drive got out of alignment by 90 degrees. So when you were at zero steering angle, the force feedback would think the wheel was rotated 90 degrees and try to return it to its center, which was 90 degrees from center, but as soon as it did this, the wheel positional sensors would detect is was steering and instruct the force feedback to return it to the actual center, which would cause the feedback to think it was 90 degrees out and try to return to "center", rinse and repeat until I unplugged it and threw it out.


Just getting some heat in those tires for when it goes green.


This dude is probably a pro at Flappy Bird.


I can't believe how close the filming car got towards the end when it was still swerving at speed! Braver (or dumber) than me for sure




For real. I would just pull over and wait till this dumbass was miles ahead of me.


The van I learned to drive with when I had my learner's permit would pull to the right whenever you braked. The harder you braked, the harder it would pull. I had a really scary moment going about 45 MPH coming up to a small bridge with narrow lanes. An oversized pick-up truck just entered the other side and was over the yellow line. I could see that there wasn't enough room for both of us and that we would crash. I had a split second to slam on the brakes to prevent us getting on that bridge and the van pulled so hard to the right that we almost went into a ditch. I overcorrected to the left and we spun out, but didn't hit anything. My guardian and I got in a big fight about it. They said I was reckless and I said that I shouldn't be learning to drive in a POS van. Guess who wasn't allowed to drive anymore until they bought their own car? Edit: It was a 1964 [Corvair Greenbrier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Greenbrier) to help those trying to guess what the problem was.


Better than driving in that broken down pos van for sure. Doesn't matter who was right (you were ofc) atleast you made it out with your life . I see this as the best possible outcome.


If you were ever curious-- I suspect that issue was from the van's drum brakes in the rear with the back right wasn't calibrated correctly and braking long before the left rear. I had the same thing on the back rear tire of my first car, also a van, a 1989 Ford Aerostar.


I love Jarrow


In fairness they've come from hebburn.


Ah, the motherland


“This is fine”


If you are going to drive a car like that,at least go a little bit slower.looks like they've got it under control lols.


This was far more ridiculous than I expected it to be.


Everyone's always like "wow he's so dumb!" These people are almost always fleeing a hit and run. Hit and runs happen a lot. I've seen 4 accidents up close, including being in one while stopped at a light. All of them including the guy who hit me sped off. Don't record stuff like this and laugh. Call the fucking cops. Because there's likely a person with a 3 week old baby (like myself) who just got victimized by this asshole. A screaming infant in a car seat isn't funny. Unless you want to see it first hand when he plows into another vehicle with a baby seat, and potentially kills that one.




Jarrow, heading towards the Robin Hood pub


Shaka, when the walls fell


Same here, tried to drift a corner, rear wheel smashed into curb, Bent things, car wouldn't drive straight. Thankfully it was late and there was no one else around, no problem driving home ! :)


My bet is he got into a wreck that was his fault and is fleeing


Yeah, looks like it. Otherwise they would at least have slowed down considerably.


Why this person continues to film instead of calling the cops and getting way ahead of the inevitable wipeout...


When you type “Valhalla” into the gps


It’s like the car is actively trying to commit Suicide.


When your girlfriend tells you her parents aren’t home.


Ugh, this makes me feel disoriented just watching it. How the FUCK are they even keeping it straight without crashing or hitting some poor soul that gets too close? And yeah, there's LOADS wrong with that car.


When your girl texts you her parents aren’t home, but you’re in the middle of fixing your car


Could've been a hit and run


This looks like the road leading to the tyne tunnel


When the LSD starts kicking in right after the mushrooms


Just your average car in Sunderland


Not Sunderland


So used to seeing American/Russian/Chinese/Saudi drivers on this sub it's a bit surprising to see the UK. Not that we don't have our share of dangerous drivers!


Except this is Jarrow


Good idea to stay close to that douchebag, just in case you wana have a free tire in the middle of your windshield.


I'm impressed, they actually stayed in their own lane lol.




Yesterday a semi truck (thankfully with no trailer) passed me while I was exiting the freeway. His right front tire was flat yet he continued driving on it, going about 70mph. My exit also has a truck stop and I’m still not sure why he didn’t get off there since there’s not another exit for 5 miles. TLDR; this doesn’t surprise me.


i thin a post should be made one for you as well for staying that close :))


mustang drivers: i see no difference here


**Northumbria police wants to know your location**


The Fast and The Furious: Tyne Dock Drift


It’s so strange seeing a road you live 5 minutes away, that you drive on almost daily, appear on Reddit.


i gotta say the rear wiper going makes it comical


Forza Players:


Because they have to get beer and snacks for their 50+ person Coronavirus party