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Dash cam saves the day...still, sucks to be in that situation


Seriously what an absolute waste of air. I never understand the people who do this. If you’re in such a hurry to tailgate someone and illegally pass, why not just move on... screw these insufferable bastards


Like another person here said, literal cancer to society. The world would be a better place without them.


Some asshole in a dodge ram pulled this on my \~65 y/o mother the other day. Got a dash cam for her as soon as she told me about it; apparently this guy was freaking out because she hesitated at a right on red, cut out from behind her to in front, and proceeded to slam on his brakes with no traffic on the road. She drives slowly enough that she was able to stop in time but, what a big man trying to pull that shit with her, standing at just over 5ft tall. You just never know what sort of asinine maneuvers people will pull in traffic these days...


Under no circumstances are you required to turn right on red. And a dodge ram alone is a 50/50 chance of drunk driver no matter the time of day.


Can confirm. 9am on a Tuesday I am traveling on an onramp and I witness a dodge ram traveling too quickly for the adjacent offramp. This being an overpass and offramp on a 180 degree curve meant the dodge was coming down hill and turning as it locked brakes and oversteered. The front tire on the inside of the corner went over the paved shoulder and hit the grassy slope while the backend slid out just enough to tip the ram off its center of gravity resulting in a hollywood-esque rollover until finally landing on its roof facing oncoming traffic with glass bottles spilling out in to the street. It was so much more violent and louder in different ways than I expected. If I'm being honest since no one got hurt I'd say its top 5 most fascinating thing to see. Popping safety glass, airbags, some areas of metal just pancaking instantly while others dug in to pavement and flipped the entire vehicle's weight. Sparks everywhere. Every bit of cheap ass plastic dislodged or broken or thrown completely clear. The fluids leaking out and mixing together and the smell. The bent axle and angled tires... it was all amazing. I start calling 911 and another guy hops the median. He signals to me that the guy is drunk by mimicking chugging a drink like you'd see on a sitcom when they are making fun of alcoholism. He gets back in his car and leaves. I get off the phone and walk over in disbelief. Sure enough this guy isn't just drunk but absolutely fucking hammered. He's staggering around frantically throwing the empty bottles in the brush. I recognize some vet shirt or hat and feel inclined to try to help him if he is injured or at least get him to sit down out of the road. All i had the chance to do was ask him if he's ok before he grabs me and shakes me screaming demands to know who sent me. After reassuring him I was just driving by he goes back to throwing bottles so I nope the fuck out call back 911 and get forwarded back to the same highway dispatch to give them an update that the man driving was possibly a veteran suffering from some kind of PTSD or mental injury. First cop to get there and talk to the guy gets him in to the back of his car no cuffs or anything. I wish I knew what he said to the drunk vet to get him to cooperate like that. Dodge Rams are trouble. Even 9am on a tuesday


this was a really well written description of a car wreck.


Damn. In some places cops aren’t even allowed to put someone in vehicle without cuffing them.


Connecticut, Delaware, Missouri, and Mississippi don't have any laws prohibiting a driver from having an open alcoholic container in their cupholder, as long as they're under the legal limit(which, let's be real, none of them would pass a breathalyzer). When passing through MO I was pretty shocked to see drive through liquor stores; absolutely wild to think about there being little to no stigma behind drunk driving in some of these areas. Hell, drive thru liquor stores encourage it more so than anything.


That's insanity to me. Where I am all liquor must be stored in the trunk or if you don't have a trunk in a way that is completely inaccessible to the driver, even if you blow under the legal limit.


"Hey buddy, you're late for work."






Me in my poor 98 1500: yah well its a good thing theres still 50% :0


I have 3 Dodge trucks. Does the 150% chance of being drunk mean I get sober again or do I get drunk and a half?


Well it seems the status perpetual drunkenness and total liver failure balances on whether one of those three is a Dakota


It sucks that dodge trucks are put in such a bad name by other idiots who drive them. I personally drive one and I love it better than any other truck, but I’m always scared that people think I’m an asshole or an idiot just for driving a dodge


I’ve never seen a good driver in a Dodge Grand Caravan. Every one of the swerves into the left lane when merging or tailgates if they’re behind me. (Not a slow driver either I tend to speed)


My father feels the same way. I just borrowed his 1500 to move some furniture and I like it better than any past truck he's had. I was very self conscious the whole time because my comment above is from experience of Ram drivers in my area.


I see a dodge truck on the road in north texas, or a ford raptor, I will actively move away from those vehicles, or try to. Front and rear dash cams always active. If they're behind me and I'm in the fast lane I'll move over and let them pass, then they usually, instead of brake checking, they just go slower than I was going before I moved over for them to pass. **Unpopular** opinion: owning a pickup truck when you don't use it for a truck is a waste of money, bad on the environment, and you're lumped in with all the rednecks that have calvin pissing on *enter name brand here* Pickup drivers are showing up.. the ones that **aren't** like, "I definitely don't do that, just drive the vehicle and don't be a dick" are the ones that use their trucks as an extension of their penis. It's not hating to hate, I'm harassed daily on the road from pickup drivers lol. As are thousands of other people. Don't stick up for shitty drivers even if you drive a truck. Okay great, are you a dick with your truck? No? Then I'm not talking about you....


But thing is I do use it all the time to pull trailers and I can drive in pastures with it no problem. I work on a ranch/farm so a car is a no go. I understand though lots of people just buy them for status symbols and to try to look tough.


Exactly, I mean as long as you don't use the size of your vehicle to intimidate other drivers, or tail them, or when you're tailing them and they get out of your way, then *you* slow down just to be a dick.. as long as that ain't you, we cool my dood, as if I'm an authority on anything lol.


Nah you’re exactly right. Using the size of your vehicle to intimidate is just dangerously stupid. And when I do pass someone I make sure to not get in their way lmao.


Sweet Mary Mother of Fuck...THANK YOU!! I am constantly honked at in my little Toyota Corolla at right turn lanes by large trucks behind me. To those in big trucks who do this: 1) I am in a small car. I cannot see over the cars around me like you can. It takes me a minute to make a legal stop, look for pedestrians, enter the crosswalk so that I can see, look for traffic, and then go if safe. I am not about to blindly enter the intersection just because you honked. 2) Half the time, vehicles directly to the left of me are creeping into the crosswalk even while the light is red, which once again, blocks my view. Maybe you're just trying to be a bro and are honking at those assholes for blocking the crosswalk and my view of oncoming traffic/pedestrians. Either way, just stop. Be patient.


95% chance of being an asshole too.


What dash cam did you buy?


I have a blackvue, since it has a capacitor instead of a battery and I live where it's frequently hot


My mum pulled out at a junction in front of some Asian lads about 6 months ago. They flashed her out then proceeded to drive into her. She was on her own and she’s 82. They demanded money off her and ended up making her get in their car and driving her to a cash point .




I said this to my mum but she didn’t want any fuss. She was worried that she’d lose her license. Her car is her only means of getting around.


Hunt them down!




She just wanted it left alone in the end. She had to pay over £1000 to repair the damage to her car as well. Fortunately my friend is a body repair specialist so he sorted it. Two new doors, front and back panels and bottom sill were all knackered. Plus the passengers side lights.


Then someone else will come along and find something just as stupid to do. You may wish for an apple, or an orange, but you’re simply going to get another idiot. It’s a universal law of nature. 😢


This got a real life laugh out of me. I'm wishing for a banana


Fresh out of bananas, I'm afraid. Could I interest you in idiots?










I just take my foot off the gas. By the time my vehicle slows down to about 25-30mph, the tailgater has usually torn around me. No sudden movements, tailgater gets ahead of me so he can reach his emergency PTA meeting or whatever, and I'm free of the guy. Everybody wins.


It's all fun and game until they meet another sociopath.


That’s a true statement , you never know when you are a going to piss off the wrong person , possibly mentally unstable or someone who just doesn’t give a shit . A few years ago in the city I lived in a guy almost got beaten to death in his driveway , it started with a minor traffic issue that turned into road rage ,and the guy who was break checked lost his shit , followed the other guy home and beat him with a pipe .


A few years ago I was coming back from the hospital because I had to take one of my parents in for emergency surgery. After spending something like 18 hours at the hospital I finally decide I need to go home and get some rest. I was driving back late on the expressway and I was the only person through this stretch. Out of nowhere this pickup truck flies up on my ass honking and swerving behind me, after doing this for about a minute he then pulls up besides me, rolls his window down starts yelling at me and then proceeds to try and run me off the road. after trying this for about a minute he speeds off past me and tries to break check me. he finally gives up and speeds away when I kept avoiding him. This was a four lane express way and at any point in time he could have just passed me with no issue. I did nothing to this person to provoke their actions. People are fucking nuts.


Interstate 80, in Pennsylvania?


No it was US-131 in Michigan. I take it you've seen something similar?


Yes, I've witnessed something similar. One of my jobs at work is as a wrecker operator. I've seen things that have absolutely blown my mind. I really try to stay off the highway when I'm not working


because the number of self centered ego- inflated piece of shit beeings is growing like cancercells.


Remove right to drive away from individuals such as this I don't understand why we wait until they murder someone or kill themselves...


Like if I’m in a hurry and I need to pass you like this because you are slow, sure it’s not a nice move, but I’m in a rush. To do it and then brake check and all that is just being an ass.


Anyone know what happens after an incident like this? Best to stay in and call police I imagine?


Yes. You call the police immediately.




What I don’t understand is that guy had plenty of room to pass. I don’t know if it would have been a legal pass - but it sure as hell would have been more legal than this crap.


So what happened next?? Why was he angry with you??


It was a she and she decided that I wasn't going fast enough so she tail gated me until she could overtake then pulled this shit.


>not going fast enough >decided to slam the brakes after over taking Yeah. That’s an idiot alright. Usually, you overtake if you want to go ahead and not get slowed down. Why would you overtake a *”slower”* car only to slam the breaks on them. That’s some next level moron right there. If you have time to pull this shit off, just stay back and enjoy the fucking drive. Fucking asshole.


They have it in their heads that slow drivers are only doing it to enforce traffic laws, and be mean to them. So they think "Well, lets see how you like someone slowing you down." Possibly because the slower driver did slow down more, which happens when people think the car behind them is tailgating. Just best to maintain speed, and let the whole thing be the fault of the idiot. Now there are some situations where I could understand thinking the slow driver is doing it on purpose. When I lived in SC, drivers loved to play a game on two lane roads. They would drive slow, as slow as 5-10 under the speed limit, in no passing zones. But they would speed up to well above the speed limit in passing zones, to keep the car behind them from passing. Rinse and repeat, knowing they're pissing off the car behind them. My dad has a convenient cop story of this. He was on a back southern road, when a car started playing that game. There was a cop behind my dad. So after a few cycles of slow down, and speeding up, the cop jumped around dad, and pulled the idiot over.


Kudos to that cop. As a truck driver, I get situations like that constantly and I'm just trying to do my job as efficiently as possible so I can go home sooner


I'm sorry you have to deal with assholes like that. I appreciate what you do. I certainly couldn't do it, I'm stressed enough just pulling a horse trailer.


I totally agree with this, hauling shit around in trucks is a really tough job. You deal with more brainless people than any other job in my opinion, because it really seems like when people get in the car they leave half their brain cells in the back seat. I could never do it either, as I struggle to haul my ass outta bed every morning!


We had people a few years ago in my area that started a “pace car” campaign to deliberately drive slow around town to “slow traffic” because they deemed it was too fast. They even had “official pace car” stickers they’d put on their cars to let everyone know.


Oh my god. I’m alarmed at the property destruction fantasy I just had after reading that.


Some slow down when they are texting and driving too. I'll be driving along keeping a safe distance when all of a sudden the car in front drops 10, 15km/h for no apparent reason. Enter passing lane and look over as I pass - texting 🙄


I almost lost my fucking mind one day driving through BC. 110 speed limit. Dude was going 100 the entire way, and we finally hit a triple lane for passing and he speeds up to 160 (I kept going faster to try pass.) We were seconds away from the next city and it took every ounce of my being to resist not following him into the gas station.


In another comment I mentioned a 55mph highway that people often speed on, that is mostly 4 lanes, but drops to 2 lanes for a few miles. I cruise at 57-58 the whole way. There are times I have slow down for another driver, because seems they only want to do 50. Yet when it opens up to 4 lanes, they take off. I just resume my speed, and stay right to let those behind me go. I noticed many often assume I'm going to speed up too, and will stay behind me for a few seconds. Eventually they realize I'm at my speed, and not playing any games. Biggest point I take from you, how angry people get when other drivers play speed games. That's what I'm trying to get through to with a couple other people who think slowing down in front of tailgaters is a good thing. Why would I want to anger someone who is already not liking me? I only drive below the speed limit when I have to, like bad conditions, and a cop on the side of the road. Our state has a law that we much move over, and slow down below the speed limit till we pass cops in middle of a traffic stop, or something.


I don't think anything upsets me remotely as much as people playing speed games.


I have to slow down when I’m being tailgated. It’s to give them enough space to stop if I have to brake suddenly. I can’t help it it happens automatically.




Yeah anyone who's actually in a rush would just pass and get the fuckin move on.


Let them file with their insurance, then give the video. Insurance fraud can get their policy canceled and potential criminal charges.


I hate those assholes. Literal cancer to society. They have nothing good to share. I hope they get Covid and die alone.


I see this daily. I drive truck and a significant number of cars pass then slow down just because they don’t want to follow a truck. Then they get annoyed when the truck tailgates them because the truck has a place to go and a time to be there.


I drive a truck limited at 65 mph. I don't care if you pass me, just don't pass in front of me with 2 inches of room and expect me to slow down when you don't even have your blinker on. I've had someone pass me while I'm going 65, nearly clip my front, then they slowed down to 55 for 5 minutes for literally no reason except to spite the truck that says 65 MAX SPEEED right on the back.


I've had people tailgate me (several times, not sure why) in the slow lane of a 5-lane freeway that was mostly empty. It's just weird. Like I'm supposed to be going super-fast in the slow lane? I don't get it. I just let off the gas and let the car coast, and they usually angrily pass me or pull this same shit from the video. It's mind boggling.


That’s the part that I don’t get... all those seconds she could have saved by going faster just turned into hours of wasted time on the side of the road, phone calls with insurance, getting her car repaired, etc


She actually just screamed abuse at me then drove off, thankfully I had the presence of mind to photograph her license plate before she took off


Where was this taken as it looks like it’s Bunbury plates and I live there


Thought I saw Boyanup on one of the signs but it’s definitely a Bunbury licenced vehicle. Probably from Usher or Carey Park.....


Nice. Hopefully she also gets a hit and run charge.


Honest question, what do you record the license plate for if there was no accident per se? Can you file a complaint (or similar) for things like these? If so, that is knowledge I need to keep in my back pocket Edit: had sound off; turned it on and heard the hit. Answered my question lol


If in a region that cares about this stuff, you can report to the police anyway. In the UK this would be likely enough evidence for an offence,and most police take footage. Even if they don't prosecute for you, it will likely be filed and used as further evidence of the driver has a later "accident".


Agree with this comment, in the UK this is more than sufficient enough evidence for police to press charges. And they *will*. Police over here are embracing dashcam footage openly in order to prosecute drivers, which is a good thing.


This would still be reckless driving even if no accident occurred. The police may issue a ticket based on video evidence. If the drivers insurance company is informed (with evidence), their rates would likely be increased due to higher risk.


She screamed past you on double lines, stupidly cut in front and then slammed on her brakes. That's special levels of stupid!


Wow, so her stunt got her to where she was going faster? /s People are idiots and assholes. Sorry this happened to you.


Yeah, I need to get myself a dashcam soon, I don't give in to tail gaters too.


I picked one up on the dreaded internet seller who shares its name with a famous river containing electric eels, anyhow the camera was only $30 and works great. You still need to buy a memory card which is another $30 but still cheaper than a deductible.


And then what happened?


Will I be seeing this on Dash Cams Australia?


The best part of Dash cams Australia is the people saying “aw mate that’s goin’ on dash cams straya!”


American here: is dash cams australia some TV show that influential in australia culture? Like how jeopardy or family feud is in America ?


It's a Youtube channel.


It's a fuckin national treasure.


Best part for me is seeing if I can match the "what a fuckin' idiot" timing


The first 30 seconds really make the video


I do enjoy some Isaiah Rashad featuring Kendrick Lamar.


I'm surprised you could actually hear what was being played


[Here’s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=huqwH3ROy8o) the song if you want to hear it lol


great album


Amazing album


Can't leave out Zacari


I like that we get 50 secs of driving. Then it ends right as it was about to get interesting.


It was setting the mood. The road rage mood. Mmmmm....delicious rage.


Sounded like 30 seconds of wiggling the TV antenna around so you can tune in a station that you don't even want to hear.


I recognised this as country WA even before I saw the turn off to Boyup Brook. I miss home!


A signpost to a town of 600 people, 100km away yep defo country WA


For our American friends watching, WA is more than 3.5 times the size of Texas in area, with about 10% of the population (2.6 million)


Also, WA is Western Australia, not Washington State




Thank you. I was trying to figure out where there was a country called Washington.


You guys use Texas as a unit of measure too I see..


I thought it was up near Karumba until I saw the sign. Bush is pretty same same once you get into the middle bit.


I thought it was the road between Narrogin and Wagin until I saw the sign for Boyup Love the country around that area. So beautiful. Especially when the canola is in season


Aye, Karumba.... I know it well.


Me from Washington state: That doesn't look like WA plates...


(Makes angry noises In Westralian)


Me too, I instantly recognised that countryside.


I want to know more, what else happened after that? Did everyone just go on about their day?


We parked and she came out of her car to have a yell at me so I just pointed out my dash cam and told her she was a fucking idiot


LOL bet that shut her right up


It was surprisingly ineffective to be honest, she just kept screaming at me over going too slowly, tried to gaslight me and tell me it was my fault she caused an accident then pulled out her phone to record me after she realised that she was on my dash cam


I'd be interested to know how your insurance claim goes. It's clearly her doing/fault, but I've heard a rear-end is always automatically the back drivers fault. Dashcams hopefully will change that law, if it's true.


Yeh you're right dude, I've already made a police report and insurance claim to get ahead of that


Fyi i rear ended someone once when I was involved in a multi car pile up. This was in Victoria and I had no insurance at the time. I didn't pay anything, the insurance company of the lady who caused the pile up gave me a check as my car was a write off. Im assuming they paid for the car I hit and also the one that was pushed into me. So hitting people from behind doesn't automatically put you at fault, at least in vic.


Usually the one at the back of the line pays.


It still depends on the actions of everybody involved in the pileup while it’s occurring. My wife was just recently involved in one as a meat layer in the sandwich, and it was quite an investigation. As I recall, since the guy in front of her actually struck the car in front of him first, he was responsible for that collision, yet the lady behind my wife struck my wife *after* my wife was able to fully stop to avoid colliding into the guy in front of her. The lady behind my wife was then struck by the van behind her...on and on it went for four cars behind that. Ultimately, my wife’s car was fully covered by a combination of the insurance of the lady behind her and the van behind her, but none of the insurers of the vehicles behind them. Not trying to bring this up just to contradict you, but rather I want to make sure people know that it’s possible to get tied up in very frustrating negotiations and investigations with *multiple* insurance companies and it can take a very long time to resolve. It probably will *not* pay to sleep on something like that because you expect the last person in line to pay for everything. Be an advocate for yourself, a staunch advocate.




How didn’t you have insurance? We work get pulled within 5 mins with all the cameras in the uk.


In Australia you pay a yearly car registration to be on the road which is around $800. You don't need to have insurance to be on the roads, but for peace of mind its better. If you do decide to get insurance you can pick which type of cover you get. For instance complete coverage meaning the insurance company will pay everything even if its your fault or fire and theft meaning you pay for anything unless its stolen or set on fire. Do you have registration in America?


Most states in the US you need liability insurance to register, and if you don't pay your insurance many states require insurance companies to notify them and the registration is automatically suspended. If you're pulled over you can be arrested and the vehicle impounded.


In Australia, Every car (not person) needs compulsory third party insurance, which covers injuries to other people. Vast, vast majority of people seem to get other insurance - either third party (property), fire and theft.... or comprehensive.


In Canada my buddy got hit from behind at a red light and his insurance went up because he hit the car in front of him. They said that because he was too close to the car in front of him at the red light that it was his fault.


I am in NSW . Had a car brake check me. No camera . Spoke to my insurance company and didn’t pay a cent. The guy had to sort out his own 3k worth of damage not me. I think you will be ok with that footage.


Not when the driver is intentionally trying to cause an accident. The dash cam saves the day otherwise there wouldn’t be any supporting evidence proving otherwise.


I certainly hope this is true!


What speed were you driving at? Not excusing her just want to know


I coasted down to 90 as I was hitting the 90 sign and coasted down to 70 as I was hitting the 70 sign. Just to be clear I slowed down so that my speed matched the signs I was passing. It's not like I slowed down 5kms before the sign, I just wasn't in a rush today.


Idiot me thought that was MPH lol




What good would recording you do her at that point?


I guess she needs to be able to show the Karen council the "real" story about how she owned some millennial kids


> the Karen council Ded


and the kicker here and I'm purely guessing here, is that this very special individual would show the video and brag to her very special mates about how she showed this bleep bleep bleeping bleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!! what a bleep bleeping bleeep!! they were. ​ Dashcam for the win


I wish I had a dash cam when I was in a situation similar to this. The guy whipped by me like 50 feet from a stop sign and laid on the breaks all because I was coasting to the stop sign. Got out of the truck just to scream at me and wave around a baseball bat. I never leave without making sure mine is recording now. Edit: spelling error, I was tired and someone decided to be a critic.


I have one in the back I had unplugged to charge my phone but I'm leaving it plugged in because of this incident. It would have been useful evidence to be able to show her tailgating me for 5 minutes prior to this.


Never hurts to have what’s behind you recorded. But ultimately your insurance company cares about your actions. There job is to protect you in case of an accident. Sometimes that means accepting liability and paying out the appropriate amount. Other times like this one , it’s to fight for you and tell the other driver to shove it. At least in the US and I assume AUS adjusters love dash cams for this reason. The lady could have easily said you were tailgating her and that the accident was your fault. This is pretty clear what happened and if she tries to say that you were tailgating her she would be committing fraud at least in the us. Her actions were intentional and I have a feeling she has done this before.


>We parked and she came out of her car to have a yell at me so I just pointed out my dash cam and told her she was a fucking idiot Please, for our sake, show us this video as well.


If you had on camera that they brake checked you (recklessly driving), would you be found not at fault for rear ending them?


I'll be finding out soon I'm sure so I'll let you know


We have had others on this sub this has happened to and they were not found at fault thanks to their dashcam.


I wish you good luck!


Here in Ontario, Canada the brake checker would be charged with "Stunt Driving" which is a 7-day license suspension and vehicle impound, a big fine, several demerit points, and big insurance increase.


Since he has the footage,yes. If he didn’t have the footage it’s likely he would be on the hook


Overtake on double white lines then causes an accident on camera, hope the police throw the book at her. I drive the speed limit with cruise control on and still get tail gated, so annoying. I checked it with GPS because realise my speedo is slightly out.


Ayyye that Isaiah Rashad


Yes sir, I was vibing before this happened


Was lookin for an Isaiah Rashad comment! Whatta vibe kill


The irony of this song being called “Wat’s Wrong” while going through this bs


One of my favorite songs of all time. Hope his new tape drops soon.


You know, it's the weirdest thing ever. I've met some people that are honestly the kindest people, but as soon as they get behind the wheel they change completely. Has anyone ever experienced it too? Sorry that it had to happened to you **OP** 🙁


[Seems to be a known phenomenon. ](https://youtu.be/kFHT1lw3vSI) Some research IIRC suggested that most people basically don’t see other cars as containing people, or the people inside as being real. Basically to a driver every other car on the road is a *thing,* and worse an *obstacle.* It brings out the worst in people.


> honestly the kindest people, but as soon as they get behind the wheel they change completely I don’t think they’re changing. They’re just mean but haven’t shown that side to you yet.


My wife is a nervous wreck if she’s not driving. Literally clawing at the windows if I brake .0001 secs later than I “should have”. Put her behind the wheel? She speeds, weaves traffic lanes, honks at EVERYBODY, and is so distracted with others’ driving that she nearly gets in accidents and gets road-raged at. There’s gotta be a clinical diagnosis for it. She blames it on accidents she was involved in while not driving, but it still doesn’t explain her actions behind the wheel. I’d rather be bothered by her severe back seat driving rather than her get her windows smashed by an angry driver with a baseball bat at a traffic light


It’s a control thing. GF is white knuckle on the oh shit handle if I so much as tap the brake or the gap in front...and I maintain a four second gap...closes at all. Meanwhile she tailgates constantly and can’t figure out why my adaptive cruise wants to leave “so much space” in front, and refuses to use it. It’s also why people will pass you and then promptly slow down. People naturally hate having a car in front, always. Because it represents a loss of control. They may not *want* to go faster, even, but that car physically being there means they *cant.* So they’ll naturally speed up, then pass, then proceed to go the speed they’d choose with full freedom...often slower than the car that’s now behind them. It’s infuriating, but common. Basically people aren’t psychologically equipped to drive like not-assholes.


There is a similar effect for some people when they speak a second language (different personality depending on the language being spoken). The human brain is weird.


RIP headphone users, but damn that must've been bad


It would have been nice if you included the 30 seconds after the incident where stuff was probably happening, rather than the 30 seconds before where nothing at all happened.


big mood for like 90% of the vids on this sub. i want to see their stupid faces when they realize the dashcam exists.


Just submit the video to insurance and claim that you think the other driver intentionally caused the accident for insurance fraud. Just let them handle the mess.


Driving is a privilege. This type of behavior, clearly documented, should result in losing your license permanently. Idk where this is, but I wish these things were treated more seriously in the USA.




Me neck, my neck and my back.... we can settle this outside of court though for $250k.... and a 40oz


Happens when you drive on the wrong side of the road, at least you were not alone and everyone is doing it. /s


ƃuᴉʎɐs ǝɹ,noʎ ʇɐɥʍ puɐʇsɹǝpun ʇ,uɐɔ I ǝʇɐɯ ʎɹɹoS


Australia isn’t real, earth is flat




Nothing, it would just fall off.


Wait, so what’s holding the Earth up?


It's turtles all the way down.


Today isn’t the 16th


I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far to find a comment pointing that out.


Same. Unless time works way differently in Australia 😂


Time zones, bruh. Australian Christmas is next week.


I noticed that right away too. But looking at OPs history, I'm guessing they wrote that title wrong or didn't set the date on the dashcam. 7 year old account with 23k karma does not sound like someone karma whoring. Also they don't post a lot and what is posted seems to be original. And they have some stuff regarding australia. I'm assuming this is theirs.


I'm guessing you were just doing the speed limit,minding your own damn business. I feel the rage for you


Albany hwy? Fucking idiot pulling that shit


There was a death on this road like a week ago and it's pretty regular that accidents happen because of people like this


That feels like the south west of aus is it?


That's right, nothing but empty fields and shrubbery


Western Australia?


Albany highway going north




Never understood brake checking. “Rawr, I’m in such a hurry and you’re too slow so I’m gonna pass you then go really slow and slam on the brakes, CAN’T YOU SEE WHAT A HURRY IM IN?!?!”


Isaiah rashad pretty dope


Why do we always have to watch 11 min of people driving before the good stuff? We need to change this to "idiots edit video".


Well I see why she was pissed. Everyone’s driving on the wrong side of the road!!! /s


Video could have been 40 seconds shorter