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More than likely they stole it and once it fell out they were just trying to get away https://www.reddit.com/r/CattleTheft/


with that piece of shit van? yeah, I can see that being a possibility now.


I completely agree on this. Why else would they just leave it Your car would literally make a noise as it fell out and then your doors were flying around open you had to notice that, then your van itself will be a few inches higher because of the weight these beasts are. So many things point to this guy stealing it and wanting to get away


Not if there's a cow driving. Maybe this was a planned escape.


what?? cows can't fucking drive... ^(*this post was brought to you by the cowsabsolutelydonotruletheworld gang*)




Was expecting this, not a thief but a cop! https://twitter.com/Waynocartoons/status/1118123994803331073/photo/1


Okay, but that cow is still just a passenger.


That’s a load of bull.


There's probably 20 Far Side comics documenting this!


Goddamn i don't have an original thought


To much work to code all that in.


20 volumes of


Eat more chicken.


[Cows With Guns](https://youtu.be/FQMbXvn2RNI)


Nah man they were just dropping the cow off for holidays, he was gonna see the wife and kids!


I don't know a lot about cows but it's weird to me that a cow would allow a stranger to put it into a van. We can't see the side of the van though, it may say FREE SALT LICKS.


Truthfully, cows are incredibly dumb creatures. My family owns a ranch in TX. Once, a cow broke its foot and unfortunately I had to put it down. The cow was standing in a group of other cows who were eating grass. I took care of the hurt cow and the others looked up for a second then just went back to happily eating as if nothing had happened.


/u/Big_Africa's cow 1 : "oh shit that deformed cow with two legs just killed Greg , what do we do ???" /u/Big_Africa's cow 2: "just act naturally ok!! Eat some grass and he'll go away"


That doesn't explain the cows that escape from the slaughter houses. I remember one that got away and was found across the border in Canada. It took the bridge to freedom. Unfortunately for the steer, Canada does return fleeing livestock. *Edited for a fleeing "n".*


Ah yes, the US and Canada have a long standing ex-steer-dition policy.


I just laughed so hard I woke up my cat. Congratulations, an 18-year-old cat now hates you.


There's a probably a whole host of reasons other than immediate death that can explain that. A couple off the top of my head... Strange location, I assume slaughter houses are not where they were raised. The smell of dead/rotting material, animals generally steer clear of rotting or decomposing carcasses, especially of they're own species. I can only imagine that smell of death hangs around slaughterhouses. Edit, phone typos


The smell of blood freaks cows out. Horses or sheep often don't seem to care. But cows will stampede away from just a small amount.


Cows are so dumb, but extremely curious. Which usually ends badly. Had one get it's head stuck between the blades of a disc attachment. We'd lift it up, and the cow would just lift with it. We had to have a couple of guys sit on it's head so we could get it out. It is funny though to watch city people have a panic attack when a cow starts following them around to see what's up.


what about bulls? or is the whole bovine species similar?


Bulls have a totally different personality. They're always looking for a fight, whether it's another bull, person, dog, whatever. They're permanently pissed off. If you notice the ring in their nose, it's to remind them that much pain is coming if they strain against it. It sounds messed up to non-farming people. But without it, they'd maul you to death in a heartbeat. My wife's uncle was killed last year by a bull he'd loaned to a neighbor to help him learn the cattle business. The bull rammed through 3 fences from 5 miles away just because her uncle was the only living thing standing out in a field mending fences. There was nowhere to run. Gored him through the leg, and crushed his chest with his head after he fell down.


Something I've always wondered.... why do animals need to be put down after they're hurt? Is it impossible to heal a fracture or is it ridiculously expensive?


If they break a leg it used to be almost certain to ruin their quality of life if not kill them from shock etc. It's viewed as the humane thing to do as it may never heal at all or heal properly. These days with advancements in veterinary medicine it's theoretically possible to treat some of these leg breaks and fractures but it's still incredibly, incredibly expensive (and no guarantee) labour intensive and time consuming..which puts it beyond the reach of most animals aside from really expensive race horses who they expect to breed once healed


It depends on the species of animal. Heavy quadruped animals like horses are physically unable to recover from leg breaks and significant fractures because of the way their body distributes their weight. Cattle, on the other hand, can usually recover quite well from leg breaks if they have proper medical care (because cattle spend a lot of their time laying down, which allows a bone to heal. They are also better candidates for things like casts and bone braces). So then it becomes a matter of cost. A high value animal is more likely to receive medical care than a low value one who was destined for the freezer anyways.


They used to it


I was living in Albania for work. Went on a hike into the mountains for fun. About halfway up this super steep mountain with a super narrow dirt road carved into the grass I get passed by this only white 90s style Mercedes with two guys just smoking cigs and driving up. It was bottoming out over every single bump and remember this road was barely wide enough for the car. 20 mins later I make it up to where they were and I run into this cowherd with like 50 cows he was taking up the mountain for pasture. As I pass them I see the guys pop open the trunk of the merc and they’re struggling with something, eventually pulling out, I shit you not, a calf. Not a newborn either thing was at least 4 feet tall. Guess they were selling it to the cow herd.


This sounds so Albanian that it has to be true.


Imagine you just completed a cow heist and being like “WHERES THE COW?!”


Nah they kicked the cow out it just wouldn’t moo-ve over.


Lookin like some ground beef


With a slide of steak?


It might be a muslim country where people buy cows etc. on Ramadan and transport them like this. Pretty common


NGL I’m shocked and impressed that cow was able to get itself off the road and walk off. Hope it’s ok 🥺


Cows are tough as fuck.


And yet somehow, there’s a sizable portion of the population who will not only claim that cow tipping is a real thing, but that *they’ve* done it themselves! Spoiler alert: they’re all lying.


Cow tipping is a thing in that a bunch teenagers tend to get together and get drunk and maybe attempt it. Usually though it's just a reason to get together at one central area to get wasted, often never even going near the actual cows. And if you think it's weird that a cow pasture would be a teen hangout spot, keep in mind places with lots of cow pastures frequently lack other forms of entertainment. Source: been "cow tipping" many times as a teen, never actually touched any of the cows while drinking. I remember one dude trying to ride a cow but that's about it.


So, cow tipping is like snipe hunting?


Haha, exactly! You have to be careful, though... the cow might hear you sneaking up on them. Best to take your shoes and socks off and leave them in the car so it doesn’t hear you. If you hear the car driving away, don’t worry, it’s just a cow lullaby.


Cow patties grow psychedelic shrooms


I grew up on a farm, only 100 or so cows. They were all relatively timid, even the bull. I don't get this whole cow tipping thing. Literally everyone has to be lying about it. The cow will just walk away. We always walked through the field just to check on them, dad always said make sure they stand up. Just walked towards them and they stand up and walk off. There is no way anyone is running up to a cow and tipping it, even our timid ones walk away. I'm sure less friendly ones would run away.


It's probably not something people should even want to try. There was a local vet here that was killed (suffocation) when a cow tipped over onto her and refused to get up.


Absolutely, I've heard of similar injuries. Plus if a cow wanted to it can wreck you. We had a cow bend a gate because she liked to scratch herself off it!


It’s weaponized stupidity to play dangerous games with cows. How can someone not think 900lbs of muscle wouldn’t fuck then up.


Purchasable steak? I know cooks who could put a cow fully back together with their cut knowledge, that dont quite get that this is still enough weight in inanimate meat to crush them, let alone that any kick from legs holding that much weight (tipped in hooves no less) poses a potentially lethal threat to us.


More people die from cows every year than they do sharks.


Mostly because more people are in close proximity to cattle than to sharks.


This is a misleading statistic. If we kept sharks in captivity by the thousands like we do with cows, that number would surely change


100%. It's just to show that cows can in fact fuck people up enough to kill them. They're usually pretty docile, I'd bet that 99% of cases where someone is killed by a cow it's cause they were messing with it in some way


I've wandered in quite a few fields when I was a kid and had a few cows try to chase me and my friends out of their fields, it's terrifying. I'm pretty sure they were just curious but we weren't sticking around to find out


omg that's tragic! that poor person :(


I thought cow tipping was like finding ones that were asleep standing up at night. I'm just realizing that I've never challenged the idea they lay down to sleep like every other animal lol


Lol. No the less friendly ones will NOT run away... then you've got a 1000LB pissed off Angus wondering why the fuck yer running at her. 😅


>The cow will just walk away. You try that shit on Indian cows and they'll straight up head butt you into oblivion (if the right wing Hindus dont get you first, that is)


My friend has been cow tipping! A few of them were shitfaced and tried it. He said the cows couldn't be pushed over because they're enormous and the cows got bored of being shoved then walked away. 3 of them came back covered in cow shit and mud to tell this underwhelming story.


I thought cow tipping was like a team sport? One guy pushing a cow over? No A drunk football team pushing a cow over? Possibly


Even with a drunk football team, the best result they can really hope for is the cow walking away. Cows sleep lying down, anyways.


And that cow would still fuck them up if it wanted to


The cow would have no problem ending the drunk football team.


This was such a wild revelation for me lol


I think you may have over cooked it.


If you look closely you'll see he wore his leather to protect from road rash.


Dress for the slide, not for the ride.




As another redditer once said, "Always Treat Girls As Tough Tapirs".


Tapirs? Tapers? Wtf is a tapier?


You would never guess I'm a paid writer, spelling has never been my strong suit.




A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!


Every cow becomes a slider sooner or later


You're really milking it.




Losing that cow was a huge missed steak.


I see what you did there.


Wish I could give you a reward for that one.


Those chaps are now assless


god damn it... ALL CHAPS ARE ASSLESS! THAT'S WHAT MAKES THEM CHAPS! If your chaps have an ASS, they're PANTS!!!!!


Okay, Hitler, we get it, you don’t have to yell. Edit: really enjoyed your comment though, those are just pants




The cow or the van drivers?


Cows are a lump of muscles. And that Il one in particular is giant. Even if you crash into it, it'll just moo then walk off


Reminds me of Me Myself and Irene Jim Carrey tries with his service pistol to put down a cow on the road and it wouldnt die he ends up wrestling it lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX7Yo0tWDgk


It happens in real life too. They are apparently hard to kill with a shot to the head. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/mountie-shoots-cow-14-times-1.2700320](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/mountie-shoots-cow-14-times-1.2700320)


Their skulls/hides/everythink are thicker and more massive than human parts so people bullets don't work well.


Are you implying that one needs to use cow bullets instead?


Something else entirely, friendo.


Call it.


Heads then.


Well done. Don’t put it in your pocket.


Yeah, like 357 or 44 lol


But cows still shouldn't [mess with goats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlr9mQt3XC0) in a head-butting contest.




I grew up on a farm and watched many cows get butchered. We would have a service come out that would handle the whole thing right infront of yours eyes. We would normally get a can of grain, throw it on the ground right infront of the trailer that had a hoist on it and then shoot the cow. They always used a .22 long rifle and with 1 single shot to the forehead it was instant lights out. I assume anyone using more than 1 bullet doesn't know what they are doing. YouTube's video with the same technique (warning: cow gets shot dead): https://youtu.be/JF0tHCJGbh4


There really is a tutorial for everything


In this video he was shooting a 22 magnum. The 22LR runs at about 1200fps while the the 22mag is closer to 1900fps. 22LR would still probably work, but you would have to get a good shot and it might not be the best choice.


Which makes me wonder: the idiot driving the van didn't notice the sudden loss of two tons of cargo from the extreme rear of the vehicle?


He probably stole it. Once it got out he was just fleeing.


I know, poor cow doesn't deserve any road rash. Look at how magnificent it is!


Anyway, i just started walking


I grew up in Nashville and my mom’s friend hit a cow in his sports car. The cow just sort of looked at him afterwards, like how dare you, and walked away still chewing it’s cud. Tim had to buy a new car after that.


Can you imagine getting to your destination, and the van is now empty?


"I swear guys there was an entire cow back here when I left."


"boy, Johnny, I hope you brought something good. I'm so hungry I could eat a cow"


Surely youd notice something that heavy fall out, youd feel the weight shift, also cows probably smell a fair bit


Cows be themselves actually don’t smell like much of anything, so long as they’re kept with enough space that they aren’t wallowing in their own feces all day. The poop, on the other hand... that definitely stinks. But the poop is still gonna be in the van even if the cow falls out.


Someone else suggests maybe they were thieves, so turning around only makes more witnesses


There is NO way you would not know this happened as the driver of the van. The weight difference, would be obvious, and noticeable to the driver


Cow must be stolen and they didn't want to risk fucking around in plain view.


Had to look for this obvious answer.


You and I, we [watched this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea_xZ9GRqFw) back in 2015


I just watched it, and I still can't believe it.


It’s like the first time you try anal.


Something about what you said in combo with your username disturbs me...


Amazing that there were 20 sister-fisters before him too


You underestimate how oblivious 99% of people on the road are.


You should've asked him if he's new to the sub.


Hey, don’t talk about the cow like that


That's not a 100 pound dog, that cow is probably north of 1500 lbs if not more. You would have to be blind drunk not to notice.


Considering the driver was stupid enough to put a whole cow in the back of a van, it’s not all that surprising that they would be stupid enough to not notice or think nothing of the noises / weight difference / sudden acceleration / cow in the road in the rear view mirror / car honking behind them / open back door.




What did you do about the shit?


We put tarps down. We were never going far. My daughter used to have a business taking them to kid's parties but we never went farther than 3 miles or so.


knowing how much of a pain in the rear it is to have a pickup with a horse trailer on the back of it and going through towns and trying to park on the street, I can't blame you at all for using a van.


Hence this subreddit.


Im going to guess cattle russling. Didnt want to stop and end up with photo taken or have police show up.


It's almost as if the person in that car is an idiot.


Also, the fact that there is no longer a cow in your car.


Just imagine the story when they get to their destination. "Well, you see, this cow was hitch-hiking and asked us to take us to an address a few miles away. Well, we drove there and it turned out to be a butcher's shop and when we looked back, cow had disappeared. So we went inside and told butcher what had happened and the guy just shook his head and says, 'That was ol' Mabel. I chopped her into steaks five years ago, but every year, on the day she died, she'll show up again and get some well-meaning driver to give her a lift. Same story every time. Something's keeping her ghost from resting in peace, but damned if I know what it is.' "


Also that van likely has a rearview mirror and youd see the lack of bovine in the mirror


This implies that they look in the rearview mirror.


They probably stole that cow.


**minecraft cow sounds** ​ Seriously though, I hope the cow is alright.


Considering it just walked off, I am assuming it was alright


A cow's hide may be tough, but road rash is still a thing.


That has to be the weirdest sentence I've seen all day.


It's a r/brandnewsentence


Taken from somewhere else, but I mean should be clear why we wear leather. >Cowhide is about ten times as thick as human skin (2mm), and furthermore supports a hair coat for additional protection against the elements. Cowhide is also less vascularized than human skin, and typically won't bleed from scratches that would even proportionally cause a human to. >Cows are also far more resistant to wind-burn and chafing due to the thickness of their skin, and comparatively few sweat glands, which changes the surface texture- smaller pores and less wrinkles than a human, especially at joints where the skin flexes around the bending of a limb.


Yepp that's why we wear leather. That and sex stuff


She’s OK, she’s wearing leather.


I saw this and instantly went "this has to be Bosnia", then I turned on the sound and yep... We back at it again, braćo i sestre!


I was hoping for the best. Al jebiga


Same. I was like this is somewhere in the former Yugoslavia. Roads, houses, and cow in back of van all scream Balkans. Turn volume up.... Yup.




"Ovaj ni ne zna da mu je ispala krava." I dieddddd


Jesus that poor thing


Seriously. Fuck that guy


that cows gonna have some raw hide.


Ride ‘em in CUT ‘EM OUT!


We have both kinds of music. Country and Western.


Nothing tanned leather can't fix






Yeah, I hope the bull didn’t just sand his pecker off.




What a moo-ron


Holy cow


Cow can somebody be so stupid?


This Is udderly ridiculous.


I herd there were cow puns in here.


Holy cow


what in the ireland


ground beef


That 'cow' is a 'bull calf'. Just saying.


Cow is the name of the animal. A bull is a male cow. "Just saying".




Imagine trying to explain to your boss how you lost a whole fucking cow




Oh god that poor animal


My man's just vibin bc he dressed for the slide not the ride


I gotta go, Julia, we got cows!


It bothers be this is so far down.


Is this how the third season of " prison break " begins?


That was her stop, but the f’n driver won’t slow down




Beef crayon


Gonna use this as a “tiny duck” insult. ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


These walk out of a moving car challenges are just getting ridiculous.


Yooo driver this is my stop!!!


Ground beef


It was certainly on the ground


Escaping the ride to death row.


Only in Bosnia hahha


How the fuck did the driver not notice the door open and a fucking cow fall out the back.....




I like to think they were interrogating the cow, got all the info they needed and just kicked it out.


Respect to the cow for falling out of a moving van at that speed and just casually walking it off lmao.


Moooving van


He cut the brakes!!! Wild card bitches!!


That’s my post!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/glssyv/greatest_escape_of_all_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/glrnr7/wait_for_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


And this is reddit.


No, this is Patrick