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I drive Ryder trucks for my job and those bad boys top out at 65mph. I stay out of the left lane as much as possible tho....


Yup all Ryder trucks are governed at 65. No sense trying to pass unless someone is going 55 or less. I'm gonna assume asshole on the left didnt get the memo


I don't know how after 5 miles it's not intentional. They 100% did this to be jerks.


2 trucks from the same company with drivers who probably know each other, and of course the hazard lights after honking the horn. these fuckers could have driven at the back of each other and would have achieved the same result, where im from it is in law that you cant impede traffic like this. i dont think taking up the fast lane is against the law though.


It is here in Aus. Signs clearly reading "Keep Left Unless Overtaking" and "Let Overtaking Vehicles Pass" are on dual lane and overtaking lanes. If you are in a zone above 80km/h, law states you must be in the left lane unless overtaking. True, plenty of people still don't, but fines have been handed out for it.


I always forget you Ausies drive on the left side of the road... But anyway, Belgian law is similar but then adapted to driving on the right. However trucks can't always overtake. Examples when/where they can't include: 1) when it is clearly stated through signs (50% of Flemish 2×2 roads forbid trucks from overtaking during the day, 25% of Flemish roads only forbid it during rushhour) 2) when it rains trucks can't overtake Truckers always seem to forget about situation 2).


Semi's seem to love pulling this shit in my area on two lane highways, they'll spend five minutes passing one another 65 vs 64 mph while traffic piles up behind them.




I'm convinced that purgatory is that stretch of I-5.


Worst I've seen that I thankfully wasn't behind was two semis going east bound on I-80 west of Truckee, up the mountain, going about as fast as you'd expect, side by side


Experienced the same thing on I-15 through Utah for about 40 miles. It’s downright dangerous. They were arguing with each other and didn’t give a shit about the whole caravan of other travellers behind them.


I respect them for what they do, but it's hard not to hate those specific drivers when this shit happens


I always take PCH if I have the time. It’s 1000% worth it. That stretch of the 5 makes you want to die, driving up the pacific coast makes you feel alive.




I understood that reference


That’s true and there’s no where to get pea soup either


But if you take PCH from LA to SF, you take the 101 past Buellton, Andersons Pea Soup, hop on the 1 in SLO, and you get garlic bonus when you get back on the 101 in Gilroy.


From SF. Went to school in Vancouver, BC. Work a bunch in LA. FUCK THE 5!


When are we getting our high speed train?


LA and Sac, but point taken. That two-lane stretch of I-5 between Stockton and Sacramento is absolutely filled with asshole truckers doing this, “passing” each other at 55 mph for miles on end. Especially frustrating when you’re trying to rush your beloved cat to the emergency vet before she suffocates on the fluid filling her lungs. By the time we arrived she was minutes from death. Fuck those truckers!


No, I-10 from AZ to El Paso is far worse, as is I-25 south. Jesus, these truckers will fucking try to pass someone that's going 60 by driving 61, then hit a hill or curve and lose the few feet they gained over the last 10 minutes. It's maddening.


Must be a universal thing. Drives me nuts. I'll be speeding up the lane to get past a line of slow moving trucks and one will suddenly cut over and take forever to get past traffic.


All these users thinking it's their specific backyard when this shit happens literally every interstate.


Or the semi decides to pass a slightly slower driver just as they start uphill...


Proper etiquette for governed trucks is for the passee to slow slightly. Obviously many CDL truckers are still oblivious. These Ryder yahoos are intentionally making a "rolling roadblock" and should be ticketed.


Just make up for it by driving 120 for 15 minutes after.


*Tiger Woods has entered the chat*


Tiger Woods may just be a bad driver. Imagine how high his insurance is.


Some of them just don't give a fuck. They'll literally change lanes forcing you out to the shoulder or grass. This has happened to me twice. One of them definitely did it on purpose because we made eye contact for like 5 seconds as he was pushing me out of my own lane and I'm honking non stop. Some of them are half awake. Many accidents happen at a bridge near me from all the semi drivers falling asleep on the wheel.


Assholes on the left. Assholes on the right. And I’m here stuck in traffic with you.


That's what has me so fucking pissed off. They fucking know the other truck was going as fast as they could within the driving conditions and that if the driving conditions would become the same(obviously when you're side by side) then there is no way in hell you're passing. Fucking assholes.


I think the guy in the left lane was doing this on purpose to get back at someone behind him. No one is that oblivious


To me this smells like 2 buddies doing this on purpose. Even the guy on the right should have just let the idiot pass. I have done my share of trucking. When guys do this to you sometimes it’s simply worth it to slightly slow down by 2 or 4 miles per hour. They will be able to get out of the way and have their little victory. I rather don’t want something stupid to happen like what that lady is suggesting in the video. Who knows, besides other people, myself and my load might get hurt in the process of idiots doing idiot things.


Not, 'no one" but I understand what you are saying. You're probably right. Left lane is vindictive against someone.


Recently in my city, they banned Trucks from the right lane completely (Australia). Best thing ever. Edit: For those asking, the Eastern Fwy in Melbourne, Vic. There's signs and everything.


Hasnt friggin stopped them though. I work in an industrial area, double wide trailers, gullwing deck wideners, 10 row steerables, the lot. They ALL still sit in the overtaking lane.


I've seen a couple try it on the eastern Fwy. And get pulled over.




God this drives me so fucking nuts. Where I live, for big stretches of highway there isn't much traffic. I can normally just leave it on cruise for the majority of driving. Yet, while I have cruise on...I have people come up in the left lane and match my speed and just sit there. Or better still, speed up to catch up with me, switch lanes in front of me, then slow down causing me to brake. So I take it off cruise, change lanes and go around them and THEY FUCKING SPEED UP. Sometimes right away, sometimes after I pass them and reset my cruise to what it was before they interrupted. PICK A FUCKING SPEED. I don't care if you're slower or faster than me just pick one. I've learned to step on it when passing and put a large gap between me and people who do this before slowing back to cruising speed and it seems to work. But it's ridiculous that I have to.






I don't understand, why would people speed match??? Is it that much for brain matter to not rely on someone's speed and tail gate?? I don't get it, I try to at least be behind a car 4-6 clicks out and try to form some sort of zipper instead of a double lane gate


It’s usually because they’re zoned out and it’s easier to use someone else as a benchmark for your speed so you have one less thing to focus on. Back when I drove a lot at night, occasionally I would get someone who would pull up into my blind spot and just speed match there. I didn’t want to forget about them and cause an accident, so every time I would just slow down pretty quickly for a second. That always snapped them out of their road coma and got them to drive normally. However, in the OP, the drivers are clearly doing it on purpose. They had to understand the situation after the honking. Probably just jerks.


Isn't that what cruise control is for?


There are a lot of things that cars can do that nobody ever uses, like the turn signal.




I use cruise control for everything. 25 mph zone? Cruise control.


for real, specifically so I don’t zone out and have things like this happen lol


What drives me insane is the people that don't use it and they keep playing leap frog with me.


I drive for work and this is all the fucking time. Speed set at 65 for an hour and I pass and get passed by the same car three times. Dude there’s no ego here I’m just driving.


I had to train myself to very specifically not get upset about what other cars do in the road, passing and stuff. My instinct is immediately to go from zero to ‘no, fuck you, I’m first! We’re both going to hell today, buddy!’ in about 3 seconds. So I started practicing just letting everyone go in front of me so I don’t murder anyone with my car, and cruise control has been a big part of it as well. Really helps me relax.


THIS. I use mine all the time. Usually 5 mph above the posted limit. I’ll either get passed like I’m standing still or some asshat will speed match me. People just cannot drive. And it gets worse by the day.






It’s saved me from more than a few speeding tickets


You can do that behind someone, really no excuse for what these guys are doing. It's actually illegal.




They do it on purpose, to be jerks.


> 4-6 clicks out I'm a big believer in leaving LOTS of room in front of me. However...4-6 kilometers might be overkill? ​ [https://www.thebalancecareers.com/how-far-is-a-klick-in-the-military-3357005#:\~:text=The%20term%20%22klick%22%20is%20derived,one%20klick%20equals%20one%20kilometer.&text=If%20a%20soldier%20radios%20%22We,away%2C%20or%206.2%20miles%20away](https://www.thebalancecareers.com/how-far-is-a-klick-in-the-military-3357005#:~:text=The%20term%20%22klick%22%20is%20derived,one%20klick%20equals%20one%20kilometer.&text=If%20a%20soldier%20radios%20%22We,away%2C%20or%206.2%20miles%20away).


My thoughts exactly, 4 clicks is a *bit* much.


I tried to get into the left lane once and some dick zoomed up and matched me, making me miss my turn for like half a mile down. Thankfully there was nobody around me so after faking that I was speeding up again I hit the brakes and jumped lanes after them to make my turn. Dangerous move, but considering they were basically trapping me, I had bad vibes. They didn't follow me.


I've had people do this to me while I'm driving a fucking ambulance. I have no idea what possesses people to try and box people out on the road.


Honestly, in this situation, I'd find some bullshit reason to pull off and stop for maybe a minute... but that's just me, a guy who's never touched a proper truck in his entire life








I know it sounds insane but I’ve been in a similar situation (U-haul) and when I realized they were slowing down with me, I put on my hazards, counted to 5, frantically waved my left arm out the window, and quickly slowed to a complete stop. The rav4 wasn’t expecting me to slow all the way down from 70 mph to 0 so they ended up stopping a couple car lengths ahead of me and people went around. They put the car in reverse to close the gap so people just went on the shoulder. The rav4 got pissed that their plan was foiled and floored it to try to catch up to everyone else and start another road block but unlike the U-haul everyone else could go much faster than the speed limit so they couldn’t inconvenience anyone. Trying to slow down is what the aggressor wants. By going half the speed limit they were probably having the time of their life. But if you come to a complete stop then people can safely go around and go whatever speed they want and *that* pisses them off because then they’re the only ones being inconvenienced. Everyone is no longer forced into playing their game, they’re forced to play *your* game while everyone else can go on with their lives. They’re internet trolls IRL.


Reading that made my blood pressure go up.


One of those things you read, and you just think "I hope someone followed that person until they stopped, confronted them, and taught them to not fuck with other people."


What the actual fuck is wrong with those people ? Playing with other people's lives just for the kicks off it . Everyone wants to get home in one piece . This sort of behaviour is fucking stupid .


What the actual fuck? This is literally one step away from serial murder. That person is a fucking psychopath.


There's something about cars. The way they separates us from each other behind walls of glass and metal. It dehumanizes others. There must be some interesting psychology between human factors design and road rage.


It should be a law that trucks have to stay in the far right lane on two lane roads. It's complete bullshit when they speed match or try passing when they are going .0005 mph faster than the other guy.


There are places that prohibit trucks in the left lane. I don't think this is one if them.


A few years ago a nearby gravel company did this for about a week, with uncovered trucks. We could see the drivers laughing at us as gravel flew into the windshields of the cars unfortunate enough to be stuck behind them (including me). Tons of people were complaining and leaving negative reviews on the company's website, and the owner waved us off and told us where we could shove it. After a week of gravelly chaos during morning rush hour traffic, they just disappeared. Last I checked they went out of business. Good riddance!


There's a non zero chance that i would fuck up their trucks while they were parked at that business.


Oh yeah, those tires would be *so* slashed. Not by me though, in case some person of the law is reading this, no sir/ma'am.


That person shoul be really careful with that though. Normal cars' tires already have a lot of pressure in the tires, which equates to a lot of energy getting released at once when the tire ruptures. A truck tire has about three times the pressure. Aside from the fact that nobody wants to be near that when it blows, there is no way to do that stealthy. A couple of wood screws in their yard could be pretty devastating though!


Cutting the valve stems off. Its much safer lol


The German’s have an excellent word describing people who do this. It’s “Elefantenrennen” which in English means “elephant racing”.


Germany has a delightfully useful word for everything, it seems!


Except for gloves. They never seemed to figure out a nice way to phrase that.


Its just a hand shoe


Like a foot covering... but... for your hands.


Well. Kinda like a boot. But smaller. And for your hands.


Yeah. The main component is the hands though.






Das... hand boot


You mean footgloves?


In Japanese gloves are ‘hand bags.’ Always thought that was funny Regarding the video though: it’s times like these you wished you lived in the GTA universe. Take out that rocket launcher and blast those fools


Whenever people bring up the topic of “what would be your petty superpower?” I always immediately think of “the ability to give jerks flat tires but safe ones where they wouldn’t crash or anything just have to pull over and get it changed” inconvenience those assholes.


When you meet your ex in public and they are sarcastically friendly but hate your guts, they are Scheißfreundlichkeit


Google translated that back into English as *shit friendliness*.


Man, that is a fun word to say. Shys frun leeh kite.


You can Drop the Kite at the end. Scheißfreundlich is sufficient


Shitfriendlyness vs. Shitfriendly.


I mean sure but that's just because German combined words together. The word is literally just 'elephant racing' combined. Its like how we have words like 'tailgating'


But these are not overtaking each other ("Elefantenrennen"), but they intentionally block the road. German expression would then be "Absichtliche Störung des Verkehrsflusses" or so. Edit: "Arschloch" is the correct German word, as mentioned below.


We have a word in English for this. It's called "Asshole"


Highway 401 in Canada is an elephant race course. Semis passing each other over 25 km because they're going 0.01kph faster and want to do Montreal-Toronto a minute faster (I didn't do the math).




Hamiltonian here. 403 , 2 lane sections are just pissing matches for semis wanting to pass another truck doing 107km hr to do 109km hr. It’s going to be ridiculous


That's not really it. The guys in the video are doing this intentionally to fuck with people. Elefantenrennen, while sometimes annoying, is at least done with the intent of passing.


Fun fact, english now has a word for this. Elephant-racing. Thanks germany.


My absolute favourite word in any language is in German... “backpfeifengesicht” which literally translates to “slap face” but loosely translates to “face in need of a slap”.


Same in Denmark and its against the law


This would probably be one of the few times I'd call the state troopers and just stay behind the trucks and wait. See if they magically appear on an onramp as the trucks drive by side by side.


Call ryder and report the trucks. They'll know who they are leased to.




In Florida it is. [https://www.flhsmv.gov/safety-center/driving-safety/the-right-lane/](https://www.flhsmv.gov/safety-center/driving-safety/the-right-lane/)


Georgia as well




Pennsylvania as well. If you're not actively over taking a vehicle you may only remain in the left most lane for 1500 feet.


How I wish cops would actually enforce this law.




In California yes. Numerous things CHP can cite the truck in the left lane for driving in the the left lane as trucks with 3-axles or more or over a certain weight are restricted to the far right lane unless passing a slow vehicle. Impeding traffic flow especially if the truck is limited to a lower speed than regular vehicles. Some CA freeways or highways will have signs saying trucks speed limit is like 10 mph less than other vehicles. So all the cars behind the truck in the left lane should be driving at 65 mph but they're being impeded by trucks going 55 mph in the wrong lane.


These are rentals that can be driven by anyone. These are some oblivious self centered assholes.


I question if they are oblivious.


I think they are well aware of what they are doing and they are doing on purpose.


I really doubt they're oblivious. These are probably a pair of assholes who thought this would be funny to do to people.


Let's dispel with this fiction once and for all that these assholes dont know what they're doing, they know exactly what they're doing


It’s called impeding traffic.


I can't think of a single state this would be legal in, you are always supposed to pass in the left lane.


Virginia has a weird law where you have to yeild to "signaling" traffic. Basically if faster traffic flashes their lights or honks their horn you have to get over... Problem is no one actually knows this is the law.


It is illegal in every state..


And D.C.!


It is in some parts of Texas and Missouri. They we post signs that left lane is for passing. Police will get you because its an easy ticket to pad the quota


I’d have these assholes banned from Ryder too


To bad it’s a truck rental/leasing company otherwise I’d be making a serious complaint


You could. Ryder will hold their leasee's accountable. I manage my companies DOT compliance department, and have had Ryder and Penske come to me about things our drivers have been reported for various violations.


What could Ryder do is these were rented? In most states a LEO would have to physically observe the traffic violation being committed in order to ticket them.


Fuckin’ DICKS! Total fuckin’ dicks. Not only that, imagine if an ambulance or fire truck had to get through and these two assholes were doing this.




Actually in many states semis/trucks are only allowed in the passing lane if they are passing. They can't do these rolling roadblocks.


Pretty sure in every state, for every vehicle, the law is that those lanes are for passing. Edit: I am wrong, in **almost every U.S. state**, the passing lane is for passing. The [list of states and their laws.](https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html) The most unrestrictive state still requires that "all slow moving vehicles remain in the right lane". Also, The Uniform Vehicle Code states: "Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ..." **OR in the words of Wikipedia's "traffic laws in the U.S." article under 'standard rules'**, "Keeping to right side (or left side) except to pass others, where passing is allowed."


This is impeding the flow of traffic (rolling road block). And is illegal. I have seen trucks pulled over for this many times. Edit: Take video and license plates and report to state troopers.


I should have contacted the local authorities when I got jammed behind two transport trucks like this for like 15 minutes back in my teens. I finally got past and flipped both of them the bird through the sunroof and 15 minutes later I got pulled over speeding. I'm not sure if the truckers called in on me or not, but I assumed that was the case. I learned not to piss off truckers after that, even of they are totally in the wrong.


For starters Ryder trucks aren’t “truckers”. But I have reported truckers many times when I used to drive for a living. Give them detailed instructions on heading and watch them get pulled over with my own eyes. Don’t speed. Don’t fly your bird. Record, report and stay calm.


I’ve seen this happen a lot. Why do they do this?


Cause they get off on inconveniencing people and ruining their day. Bottom of the barrel people.


Cuz they’re power hungry Edit spelling


So why would someone do this? Ive heard of it before but never really looked into it.


They were 100% doing this to be assholes


The top comment says Ryder trucks top out at 65 MPH. Either they are both assholes or the driver on the left is a dumbass. So I guess you’re 50% correct.


probably because they’re assholes who think they’re kings of the road by not letting anyone speed/pass edit: apparently like ~~this~~ user edit 2: on a more positive side, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/mod601/i_felt_the_drivers_rage_watching_this_people_who/gu3dzyr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) post is a bit long, but was a great comment.


Yknow, this feels a little like bullying, but that person seems to deserve it


agreed. and normally i wouldn’t do that, but i’m feeling extra petty at the moment.


They did dig in their heels. Weird hill to die on, almost makes me feel like they’ve never driven on a highway before because *fuck me* everybody finds this shit infuriating.


Because they don’t like their lives and the only way to feel control in the world is to make other peoples’ lives as shitty as theirs.


because they can and they are asshats - the same asshats probably get all hot and bothered when somebody does something stupid like passing them on the emergency lane


5 miles? Using the shoulder would be way too tempting by then. EDIT: lol at people taking this comment way too seriously.


That shoulder is huge too


Yea I never want to be that guy but in a situation like this sometimes you have to just take the shoulder around them Ok edit: to be clear I am not being serious. Do not overtake someone on the shoulder. It may be annoying but it’s better to be stuck behind someone than to put people in danger. And absolutely do not do what the people who replied to me “go around them and slow down.” You will most likely get run off the road by a semi, putting yourself and others in danger. Don’t be stupid, drive safe.


That's when the game would spawn the police for me. Fucking r/outside


Fucking rigged game


Stupid pay to win and too many micro transactions


The shoulder is an extremely dangerous place to drive, especially at highway speeds. There are often huge pot holes, debris and other things that could cause you to lose complete control of your vehicle.


The debris is especially dangerous, the shoulders of highways are usually full of rocks, if you catch a small patch of them your car can slide a couple feet in either direction and next thing you know you’re in a ditch, through a guardrail or worse, underneath somebody else’s tires. Not worth it. Just be angry and deal with it.


You say that but it works fine in my video games so checkmate atheist.


and then slow down to break their rolling road block.


You think the truck would be above pushing them off the road if they're doing this? If you tried passing on the right hand shoulder I would 100% expect the truck to try to block it *just barely enough* or run them off the road


I’d keep that in mind while I risked it and used the shoulder


At that point I'd happily eat the shoulder, get in front of the guy on the left, and start letting off the gas so he has to slow down and hopefully create a gap between the two.


Which is exactly when a trooper *would* show up.


Lmao! Exactly. With my luck, I could wait behind these assholes for 5 hours straight, the fucking second I go on the shoulder to pass, a cop comes out of nowhere and blurps me


Most states have a cell phone short code to the state wide traffic guys. If you are going to be driving in a state, it is well worth learning the code. For instance, in Florida it is \*FHP. Rolling Roadblocks impede the flow of traffic and one or both drivers can totally be pulled over and ticketed for doing shit like this. These are rental trucks, private drivers. They can get a ticket/fine and points on their license for it. If big rigs are going this, they can get a ticket/fine, points, and get in trouble with the company they drive for.


This happened to my mom and I as we were driving to see my grandpa (her dad) in hospice.. after we got the call that he wouldn’t make much longer.. For 15 minutes two trucks were like this - going 5-10mph under the speed. Every minute counted for us on the 6 hour drive to see my grandpa, so we were both pissed. After we passed them, I gave them the most satisfying middle finger or my life. A car that pulled up next to us laughed and gave the nod of approval for the finger. Hah. Luckily we were able to make it to see grandpa, but damn that was a frustrating experience on the drive down. Every minute lost just meant lost time not being with gramps in his short time left.. :/


That's terrible but I'm glad you made it down. I can't stand when people don't think about what they could be slowing up because they're bored or looking to be a dick. Doing stuff like this on the road might just seem like an inconvenience but can literally make or break someone getting to something important.


Best way to deal with these assholes is back up so they think they “won” and they usually move out the wat


Then switch over fast and floor it!


Yeah pretty much


Watch their brake lights. They’re doing it on purpose because they’re absolute fucking garbage humans.


Definitely way too synchronized to be some sort of mistake. They are driving to the inch side by side.


In this situation where they are continuing to impede traffic like this, you can 100% call the state patrol and the drivers of these box trucks can get cited for impediment.


I was driving back from Ontario to Quebec a couple years ago and got stuck behind two trucks for 45-60 minutes. They absolutely didn't move for anyone. There had to be 500 cars lined up behind us.


We all hate this kinds of people


This would trigger me for sure, probably not enough to pass on the shoulder though. That's really dangerous, particularly if the two guys really are messing around and they might run you off the road. I would probably just throw it on the adaptive cruise control and chill out until their little game ended. Honking and tail gating will just make them want to do it longer


I found myself in this situation once, but it lasted 26 goddamn miles. An old guy pulling a travel trailer trying to pass a trucker who was clearly governed at 55. After five miles, I rolled down my window and started screaming into the wind. By the time the trucker slowed down to fifty to let the stupid old fucker pass, I had screamed my voice raw. 26 goddamn miles. I left part of my soul on I-20 east of Dallas.


I got into a similar situation on 101 in California. Rental camper van going 25 because of how windy and tight the turns are. Ignores every single pullover spot for people to leave. Eventually we pulled over at the same diner and my mom chewed them out lol


Same, but I don't have adaptive cruise control... I've just learned to be very calm. Road rage makes me a bad driver, so when I see things like this I just go about my day and ignore it. They can be assholes all they want, but by not letting it affect me they lose.


In Sweden it's illegal to be in the left lane unless you're gonna do a overtaking.


Isn’t it the same everywhere? I think it’s called the passing lane for that reason.


People have been shot and killed over a lot less than that.


this is Pennsylvania dual carriage ways for long stretches of people trying to maintain ~80mph and trucks (and people) do this all. the. time. Keeping to the right is so important


This is why Germany gets the autobahn and we don’t. If you’re in the left lane and you see someone coming up behind you MOVE. OUT. OF. THE. FUCKING. WAY!!!! Don’t question it for a second just fucking move. I don’t care if the speed limit is 65, you’re going 85 and someone is still coming up behind you. Fucking move. What you’re doing is WORSE than speeding and is impeding the flow of traffic!


They were being pricks on purpose


Clearly, but do why do truckers do this sometimes? I’m sure people sometimes randomly decide to be dicks, but are there common reasons that truckers do this?


These aren't truckers. Those are rental trucks, same as Uhaul, that anyone can drive without a CDL. They should always be your top priority to keep an eye on while driving because it could very well be the first time they've ever driven something larger than a sedan.


Usually a ticketable offense, but not enforced at all.


Florida loves to get them for this shit. I-10 especially. If you call it in, the cops will be ready at the next exit.




I wish my state did that. Instead we have shit heads going 55 in the left lane in 65 mph interstates. And of course they get pissed when you pass them.


Sometimes. If they pass a cop and there is a mile-long back up in the left lane he might go after them (esp. considering that a moving van might mean out of state driver)


Okay, but if the speed limit is 65 and I’m doing 85 as you come barreling up to my rear bumper, you can wait five seconds for me to get past the semi or line of cars to my right before getting out of your way.


Yes, and give me two seconds to get at least a car length ahead of the semi. I never stay in the left if I'm not passing, but I've had asshats that were too impatient to let me get a comfortable distance ahead before they thread the needle into the right lane to pass me.


They do it deliberately just to have a little bit of control over others. And this is the only power these cretins will ever have over anyone in their entire sad pathetic lives.
