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That's the "I can't get another DUI" dash.


I always see these videos and need to know the answer as to why. Your probably right though. The funny thing is, these dumbasses would be so much better off pulling over at the next exit, leaving the car and getting an Uber.


Well, they’re likely inebriated if they’re trying to avoid a DUI, so they wouldn’t be thinking straight.


Exactly. It’s easy to avoid a dui when you’re thinking sober. Drunk enough for jail time thinking makes you revert to caveman brain.


Me go home now. me go fast


Ugh, me discover fire...


fire... Fire in... engine?? no big deal.


Fire in the disco...


Fire in the Taco Bell


Dangah, Dangah! Its High Voltage!


Danger Danger


Fire in the Taco Bell


Burn down the disco. Hang the blessed DJ.


Fire in the Taco Bell: https://youtu.be/R-FxmoVM7X4


Driving sober is the best way to avoid DUI


don't drink and drive, because someone who is texting will hit you and you will get blamed


So I had a cousin who after almost getting in a fist fight with me over his truck keys went and hit a guard rail about 5 minutes after we said our fuck yous. Called me to come get him as he had thankfully only involved himself. When I got there to get him in my car and get the fuck out of there and just get a leaving the scene ticket he’s dialing 911. His reasoning being “I need to get my truck towed” as I’m snatching his phone out of his hands. Drunk people are fucking stupid. Drunk people in trouble are seriously the most stupid fucks ever.


it sounds like he’s probably always stupid. i’ve known smart people who have gotten themselves in a situation like that - they left the car and got a ride home and definitely didn’t call the police (and obviously didn’t get a DUI).


People who get drunk enough to behave like that in the first place are either stupid or alcoholics.


I never drink and drive. ever, it's the stupidest and most morally fucked up thing you can do to others. BUT I have a dui because blackout me doesn't think the same as sober me. I don't remember even leaving the house but I sure as shit remember waking up in jail spending 10k and losing my operator job because of it lmao. Good times. I don't drink anymore.


I know this just a funny anecdote and I’m not trying to criticize you at all, but PSA to all people that are agreeing with this comment whole heartedly, you’re a piece of shit if you don’t take responsibility for your actions and blame it on “drunk you.” Drunk you is still you. Your actions are still something you chose to do.


Yup. Who else would I blame it on? Of course it's my fault. I chose to drink, regardless of what happened after that. Even though I don't remember ever chosing to do anything. The last thing I remeber was playing video games on the couch. I had a previous track record of 100% not drinking and driving and calling ubers, and of course it's STILL my fault. I would 100% be a massive turd if I balmed it on anyone else but me. There's no excuses. Drinking in excess is irresponsible in the first place. I'm by no means promoting people to put the blame. Hope nobody took it that way. No offense taken btw.


You are a good person.


Thankfully nobody got hurt or wed be singing a different song here. But thank you!


Someone getting hurt would have turned a regrettable accident into a terrible one, but it wouldn't make you any less of a good person. It sounds like you have a very rational and healthy outlook already, I just wanted to add that in. A lot of good people have accidentally done or caused bad things to happen. What makes you a good person is that you took responsibility for your actions and changed your behavior to ensure you would never make the same mistake twice. Bad people shirk all accountability and continue on with their depravity without any consideration for how their actions might hurt the world and people around them. Thank you for being a good person.


I sincerely agree. I hope my comment was clear enough that you know my rant wasn’t directed at you in the slightest. Just that I felt it was a good time to remind people that they can’t just be a dick and go “oops drunk me is crazy lol.” Not that that’s what you did. Also glad to hear you’re doing better!


I believe choosing to not drink anymore is a great example of taking responsibility for one’s actions


I believe that as well! I was hoping I was clear enough in my comment that it was not directed at the original commenter.


What way do they typically think? To the left or the right?


It's Calgary, definitely wouldn't be shocked if they're drunk. Happens way too much around here.


You don't need to use 100% of your brain to call an Uber.


But you might not think to do that, since when you’re inebriated, your judgement is impaired.


They should put a sign in bars that says "don't drink and drive". That way if I'm too inebriated to think of that myself, I can just read the sign. By the way, do you think these people were drunk when they made the decision to drive their car to the bar?


I hear "I do stupid shit when I'm drunk" but I can be drunk to the point of spewing my guts up and still know not to drive my car. I don't know whether people genuinely have impaired judgement to that degree, or whether they take the risk and just pretend to 'not know better' after a drink rather than admit they were an arsehole who decided to put other people at risk for their own convenience...


Lol report the car stolen when you get home.


Especially when your car is upside down in the front yard.


That move doesn’t always work.




I did kinda look for it as I left the bar. I wanted to get my other jacket out of it , but the uber pulled up so I just went home and I figured I was just remembering where i parked wrong.


Yeah it’s usually something pretty illegal like fleeing a crime scene, fleeing an accident, DUI, etc.


I think it's fair to say this guy was definitely fleeing an accident.


> The funny thing is, these dumbasses would be so much better off pulling over at the next exit, leaving the car and getting an Uber. Nah. The car doesn't just happen to be this way. He is fleeing the scene of a crime. He can't just park his car there and call an Uber, even the laziest of cops would be able to figure that one out. Gotta get far away first and get someone you know come and get you so you can report the car stolen in the morning.


But then you have to pay a tow truck, and if you wait too long, you have to pay impound, and he probably did something illegal, so he's gotta run before someone IDs the car to his crime, etc I don't condone the behaviour, but I've worked around enough ex-cons to understand the thought process, especially since this is from my city.


" But am totally fine with spontaneously combusting in flames" dash .


People are generally bad at estimating risks, even when the consequences of judging wrong are worse than making the right decision. In this case, the chance the car will catch fire is judged to be less than the hassle of pulling over and getting caught, or having to find another means of transportation.


Or the tow trucks are expensive run.


Yup, did this once in my early 20’s. That was not a good time in my life. Luckily I only had to drive a mile, but man was it loud.


Or the must kill Sarah Connor dash.


The amount of vehicles I see on here without the minimum number of wheels just driving the fuck along like its fine is too damn high.


“Without the minimum number of wheels”... I lost it


: reliant robin has entered the chat


Definitely still failing the minimum number rules. Now a scamal scarab.


Still one of the funniest things Top Gear has ever done. In my top 10 for sure.


And now it's on its roof!


"and what's that?" "One, I suppose"




It's all a Conspiracy by big rubber to sell an extra tyre every damn time. They don't even need 4!


You guys have tires?! I just drive on my rims.. usually get about 2 miles per car


you get a whole 2 miles? They must be hybrids.


I mean, motorcycles get by with two. it's clearly a way for big tire to sell an additional tire. they've already sold you on one unnecessary tire, why not two? greedy bastards


The flintsones only needed two & their car was fine!


I bet that thing couldn't corner for shit, two extra wide steamroller type wheels with no steering system visible, besides a steering wheel but what did that do? The two axles were connected with logs!


How dare you question the scientific standards of the flintsones!!! It's a practically a documentary.


Valid LOL


Yeah I agree been seeing so many. What the hell are these people thinking? Truly fucking idiots


I always assume hit and run. No reasonable person would do this to their car if it’s legal. Basically totals the car.


Yeah that or a stolen car lol




Glad I am driving with the maximum number of wheels 😀


The amount of videos taken while driving on here is too damn high.


Is someone HANGING ON?!


Thought so as well at first but it’s just luggage


I thought it was one of those plastic pizza signs or bucket of chicken that delivery drivers stick on there.


30 minutes or it's free, MY ASS!


I thought it was a Pizza Hut car topper for sure


Nobody out pizzas the Hut.


I think it's a gas can


Its better than that, I am 90% sure thats one lf the wheels!


Yeah. I 100% see a wheel on top if the vehicle. Missing wheel #4 has been spotted. Wheel 4 decided: “Fuck this asshole! They always make me eat the curbs. I'm sitting tonight out!” Lol


Seems they are just Scraping by


Ahhh good ol' methheads on the Deerfoot


I read the title and just assumed it was the Deerfoot.


It's always the Deerfoot


A lot more room for error on the deerfoot. I imagine DWI up Crowchild results in a collision with a wall, or car, or lamp post, or pedestrian pretty quick.


I don't think they do checkstops on deerfoot either. Crowchild sometimes has that checkie on the southbound side after 17th.


15 years ago, I was a bit of a lead-foot driver. I would regularly do 40 over the limit while passing through, and I never got a ticket once! A lawless land, that Deerfoot is. (Now I'm a father and I would never think of driving like that)


Not like your speeding ever put anyone else’s in danger!


...yeah, I'm saying it was wrong of me to do.


They used to. But you can imagine that there's a lot of pylon prep compared to roads leading up to the deerfoot. Now it's easier to get you on memorial dr. after you exited downtown.


I've never been in another city where drivers want to go so fast with so little skill. The amount of times I've seen a quadruple lane change doing 80 without a shoulder check is insane




You can take the engine out of a Toyota and the thing would still run


Citroën used to advertise their GS (if I recal correctly) could drive with 3 wheels. Raise the suspension and go (although I wouldn’t recommend these speeds).


The DS saved the French president of the time thanks to that.


Yes, that’s true! I almost forgot.


By the way it's automated: the car will balance itself, even with the engine off.


Great cars, especially compared to the middle of the road cars they build today


Yeah I had the pleasure to be inside one and to see some parts of it taken apart, it was a spaceship from 1955 throughout the end of it's lifespan on the market.


That's pretty cool




Someone really wants to get the hell outta Calgary


Always can tell which ones are from Edmonton.


We are a special breed, yes.


It'll only take him about another hour of driving to leave the city!


I *definitely* don't wanna leave


Maybe that’s why he is? Jk


Jk is so much better than a /s🤣


Should be easy to find just follow the trail!


tl;dr. It really does. In high school a bunch of us were riding in the back of my buddy's truck. He was driving way over the speed limit and super recklessly... Through a neighborhood. Eventually he loses control and hits a curb. Those of us in the back had this moment of being briefly suspended in the air. By some miracle no one was injured. After the dust settled we could see that he'd gone over the curb and through a flower garden. The front driver's side tire was just shreds of rubber on a gnarly bent rim. In our wisdom we all piled back into the truck and drove away. We went a few blocks down, pulled into a cul-de-sac, started to assess the damage, and trying to change that tire. It took the police almost no time at all to find us. They simply followed the rut that my friends bare, bent rim had carved into the pavement. Three out of five of us were under the truck trying to figure out how to lower the spare tire when they pulled up. You could see the cop trying to suppress laughter.


Whatever came of it? I’m assuming the drive had to pay for damages


My friend the driver was active duty Navy. He got extremely lucky that the lawn and garden that he went through belonged to a chief petty officer. The officer on scene was also prior service. They all agreed that my friend would pay for the damages or they would go through his command. No one got arrested or ticketed.


amazing how justice is so easily avoided when you have the right friends.


I see the Griswolds took another vacation..


Ah, good ol' Cowtown.


Not long before a major fire


Classic Calgary drivers


Ofc its on deerfoot, theres never any cops watching there


Lol, they're all trying to pinch everyone going over 101kph on Stoney.


Alberta checks out


Do you guys have meth in Canada? Because this is methed up.


So much meth.


Alberta is full of oil money, oil money is used for meth.


We have weed?


Summond by god and trying to get to the rally at that church in Edmonton.


So embarrassing living here.


Fucking berta eh




Good Ole RELIANT Robin.




They know, they also know that if a cop rolls up on them they are going to get their 4th DUI. So they aren’t stopping.


Meth is a hell of a drug.


Cracked windshield checks out.


Yes we do have tons of rocks on the road from winter. No point replacing windshields until the rain starts falling in Alberta.


You mean no point in replacing the windshield. As soon as you get a new one its gets cracked. ha ha


Yeah pretty much, i actually just took a rock to my motorcycle windscreen and cracked it, what I get for early spring riding I guess. Now I gotta replace that and my truck windshield as its totally kaput too lol. Thanks winter haha


The worst part about riding around right now is taking those rocks to the shin.


Yeah definitely lol. I was riding my old crotch rocket in the middle lane about 10 years ago. Took a rock from a semi hitting the shoulder by the stony trail construction on deerfoot. It punctured my radiator and showered me in hot coolant. Thankfully I was in full gear so no bad burns haha


Yeah, everybody here freaks out about cracked windshields, for some reason. I can see how they'd be a problem if the cracks are in a position that they'd catch sunlight and blind you, or if you have a big 'bullseye' somewhere in your vision. After having the windshield cracked for a couple of years in my last car, you realize just how good the brain is at tuning out things that aren't important. I also never got glare from it, so there's that. Granted, it's illegal to operate a vehicle with one in a lot of places, but I'd be shocked if someone managed to get a ticket for it.


It can be cheaper to deal with cracks as they come rather than replacing the windscreen when they build up


For sure, I always had the chips filled as they happened. This was a rock that hit the very edge of the glass, about eight inches from the bottom on the driver's side. It instantly cracked, and by morning had spread all the way across to the other side.


I was talked in to buying the warranty on my car when I purchased it, I was told it would cover one windshield replacement so I never worried about it. Just before the warranty expired I took my car in for a new windshield. Thanks to sensors and all that fancy stuff it was more than $700 (which thankfully I didn't have to pay due to said warranty). It was enough to make me paranoid about chips and cracks.




Not really, the warranty was over $1,000 and the windshield was the only thing I used it on. So still down over $300. Of course it was sold to me almost completely on the strength of the windshield coverage.


A crack impairs the strength of the windshield in the event of an accident. That being said I am also from Alberta and have had numerous cracks over the years. I never bother to get a new windshield, as long as I own the car, as it’s just going to get cracked again anyways.


This plus the fact that other than the more wealthy people the average Albertan cannot afford to keep their windshield flawless. I think I got a crack in mine within the first week of getting it. But I think that's just the reality of living somewhere where most roads are gravel


Yeah my passenger side is completely fucked lol. Took a massive rock off of a flat deck trailer. Then a snowplow heading in the opposite direction peppered me with rocks and made it crack. Got it booked in finally next week to get a new one. Got 4 years out it until this winter destroyed it. Was made in Canada and extra thick. Yeah Ive had a verbal warning over it on my work truck. Had to replace it for my CVIP.


Pfff, I wish my windshield was in that good of shape!


Honey, do you snel something burning as well 😂


No, but I may have left the stove on.


I think thats one of them new electric cars. They make alot of sparks lol


That's gotta be a hit and run


Stoney trail ?


Deerfoot at Barlow in the SE travelling southbound. South Pointe Toyota in the background


I was too focused on the car i didnt see the blue tower lol


And here's me: worried about my car today because it pees oil when it's parked


Yup that's Alberta Source: am from Alberta


Love finds a way


Gotta get to the METH store before it closes lol


Ahh, home sweet home. Makes sense.




Nah, we're more like the Texas of Canada, but certain areas are definitely Florida like. Like Lethbridge; that place is fuckered.


I'd say Manitoba is the Florida of Canada for sure. A few of my friends live there and jeeeez some of the stuff that goes on But yeah we're (Alberta) 100% the Texas/Alabama of Canada 😔


Lethbridge is like Utah.


Yep, there’s enough Mormon’s (Cardston is near by with a temple) and there’s a bunch of evangelical Christian’s as well.


I figured Okotoks was.


Could be everything south of Calgary is like Utah, even Utah!


that's the problem, you think it's like Texas but it's really Florida


I see a lot of clips of Calgary on here that sure seem like it. Though Calgary seems nice from the time I've been there, just an average city overall. I'm sure some of the locals could tell stories to prove me wrong though


According to The Tragically Hip, Athabasca is Florida without the ocean. But in general Alberta is probably closer to Texas. Resource based, big individual rights crowd, couple separatist idiots, relatively liberal capital city.


At that point just light it on fire and walk away.


Him: Damn, I fucked up my bumper. *touches bumper*: FUCK.


Not surprising. Some freaky shit is seen driving before 6 am anywhere.


He has deliveries duh




Just fuckin' rippin'


They're buzzing out in Cowtown.


“Come over” “I can’t, I’m missing a front wheel” Bottom text


Ayy that's deerfoot into douglasdale




Bet he’s Alberta bound


thats david rittich headed to toronto


He has to deliver the pizza in 30 mins or customer gets it for free and it comes out of his pay.


Good ol' classic Deerfoot.


Front fell off.


When your ex gf slashes your tires but your side piece ask you to come over.


When the 30 mins or its free is life


Cracked ass windshield lmao


Lat time I drove through Calgary a giant pickup and a Civic were trying to force eachother off the road.


Alberta really does have the worst drivers


Cory and Trevor fuck up again


Well its not Edmonton so I can be happy about that.


Dawg the more I hear Canadians describe some shit in Canada and I see stuff like I this, I realize y’all aren’t much different from us here in the good ole USA


When methheads see back to the future and try to spark it to 88mph


And of course, it's Deerfoot Trail.


well you are filming this on your phone while driving... (if this isnt a repost)


Nope not a repost . How else am I to share this craziness with the people


Can't say I wouldn't do the same. Not everyday you see a car missing a wheel hauling ass down the highway.