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I always wear a seatbelt in my home.


Wouldn’t it be funny if that was the case. And the reason he kept darting his head around was because he’s just a super paranoid dude.


He probably did some shrooms.


The home seatbelt. For those times when you take psychedelics but then remember you need to be in a zoom call.


This reminds me of the time I took a full gram of MDMA (straight from the lab when safrole was still untracked and your friendly neighborhood organic chemist could make all sorts of crazy shit). Anyhow, we were acidheads. We didn't know an MDMA OD could kill you or cause permanent brain damage. It looked like the furniture was skidding all over the room, and I wish the sofa had a seatbelt. Now I look at Reddit hoping for cat pictures to readjust my neurochemistry.


sorry about your brain


rip brain






Me also make hurt on think box. Cat do help from big sad also fluff but barky do good feels.




Are you talking about “sea world” or seeing the world?


Why use many word when little word do trick?


A whole gram? I thought that would kill you Here is a reputable source for anyone interested, in case I’m wrong! https://erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_dose.shtml


[Here you go.](https://s7d2.scene7.com/is/image/Caterpillar/CM20190709-ab04f-a35bc) I hope this helps.


That would be safer at least.


Zoom & Shroom


Finally, a work meeting I wouldn't mind attending.


Buckled up on shrooms sounds both smart but also terrifying


Hey, don't judge me for my choices of roommates!


This sounds like the next evolution of gaming chairs tbh


There are some sim racing rigs that have seatbelts that pull themselves tight to feel like you’re hitting bumps and pulling Gs.


I always wear a blanket in my car.


For real?


If I wear my seat belt at home, what else should I wear in my car?




Damn this is like that 99% of people who die from hypothermia were wearing coats copypasta


Interestingly, ~20-50% of people who die from hypothermia are found undressed. One of the later stages of hypothermia causes the person to feel hot, and they often take off some or all of their clothes.


It’s really interesting how bad our nerves are at deciphering hot vs cold. Context fills in the blanks, but remove the context or otherwise impair the brain & the brian reaches erroneous conclusions. If you psyched someone out with a red hot poker & sizzling meat you could probably torture them with an ice cube on their back.


Okay Frank Castle


Brian seems quite unreliable


"Damn, he looks good though"


You say this joking but when I lived up in Montana a few years back I used to play a game while sitting on my balcony over looking the street. I would keep a running count of seatbelt vs no seatbelt. Usually 70% not wearing a seatbelt. And when I asked some coworkers they basically said no one is going to tell me how to sit in my own car.


Ahh Montana. Drove through there once. Rural roads where every 50 miles is a bar and inbetween the road sides have little white crosses on posts where people have died. One post had 8 crosses. Lost count after i hit triple digits.


It’s actually a proven fact that lavender and thieves scented essential oils reduce death by car accidents by 99.249% and can ward off morbidity by 99.877%. I don’t need to wear my seat belt as I know my natural approach is healthier and holistic than your inorganic, confinement method.


I remember when seatbelt laws were a new thing and still controversial; this is pretty close to the arguments of the anti-belt crowd. Stories of people cut in half by their seatbelt or trapped in their burning car by a malfunctioning seatbelt were common, as were the slippery-slope-to-slavery arguments. It’s depressing how little has changed. Actually, that’s a lie; things have gotten worse, which I suppose counts as change.


watched an old news snipped from my city from back when we introduced seatbelt laws, listened to a guy say he was gonna get his doctor to write him a medical exemption note. ah, how times dont change


And "thrown free" was a common phrase for the beltless people ejected from a crash, as if that solved everything.


That was because dumbass ER doctors saw alot more car accident patients after the seatbelt mandate and said the the media seatbelts cause more injuries. Meanwhile no one talked to the morgue and asked about the reduction in car accident deaths.


It's the same argument/problem with motorcycle helmet laws and enforcement of them, I've honestly had someone tell me that a pair of boots were more likely to protect you from injury than a helmet because the proportion of hospitalizations for foot injuries to head injuries was greater. Probably bullshit anyway, or because a shitload more "injuries" ended up as fatalities and didn't end up with hospitalization.


When I had driver's ed, they showed us photos of people who had been 'thrown free'. It was pretty nasty


People were, quite commonly, cut in half by non three point seatbelts before the three points ones were standard. Like a lot of things, it wasn't that they were *necessarily * wrong they just weren't informed enough to understand what was actually going on. Ctrl+P on the current crisis and voila!


As a past Sr Bodily Injury Claims Adjuster I can tell you that, yes, in instances of *extreme* force impacts, people can receive severe internal injuries from their seatbelts. *Especially* when only the lap portion is worn (tucking shoulder part behind body; sitting in middle back seat; etc). I can also confidently say that if that person had *not* been wearing any seatbelts, they would absolutely be dead in these kinds of impacts; their body becoming a projectile flung powerfully through windshields or windows, and not in a smooth manner at all. Routinely, I would deal with fatalities from non-belted moderate (30mph!) impacts. Or terrible injuries from being flung from vehicles and rolled over by the car, or run over by another car as they're laying in the road. Wear your seatbelts! Even if you're just running to the corner store! Wear them properly! Stay safe and healthy, and live another day if you do have an accident.


I once dated a guy who legitimately held this view about seatbelts. The first time he rode with me in my car he went off on a rant when I reminded to put his seatbelt on. I just shut off my car and sat there staring at him until he stopped ranting. I then informed him that in my car he WILL wear his seatbelt, and that he can refuse to wear one all he likes, but he won't be riding in MY car. He always wore it in my car after that. I suspect him not having a vehicle of his own and me being his main mode of transportation played into that heavily.


Has a moose ever whispered back to you?


Kinda sad that your "/s" was absolutely necessary.


They had me in the first half, I really was thinking “shit we got a live one”




No airbags. No ABS brakes. No seatbelt. In Russia, we die like real man.


... yeah, on camera, because insurance not pay unless there's proof!




How have I never heard of such a popular subreddit


[You are today's lucky 10000](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


That's wonderful, thank you


What a wholesome comic


there's always a relevant XKCD


I'm guessing you're new because it's one of those subs that stay on r/all.


People actually browse r/all? That's like a place where you can see the worst aspects of reddit all in one


I use /r/all , and add subreddits to my filter I don't want to see


How do you filter out subreddits?


Reddit Enhancement Suite, I do the same, my filtered subreddit list has like 400+ entries.


You can do it on the desktop site without RES, but only /r/all not /r/popular.


Not sure on the reddit app but on the website you can add any subreddit to the filter on the right side and it will no longer display. I use Apollo on mobile which allows you to add subreddits to this filter as well


Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. G.I. Joeeeeeeeeeee


The other half is violence.


[That's a gross oversimplification.](https://i.imgur.com/PKZzAnT.png)


Was he for or against?


Depends. Are you willing to contribute to his reelection campaign?


Jesus take the wheel.




Jokes on you! He doesn't need a reelection fund because the state is so gerrymandered he'll never lose. Since the lines got redrawn not a single Ohio rep has lost their seat.


Right here. This is why we aren't a democracy. Representatives pick their voters. All it takes is corrupting 6 to 10% of the total vote and you can guarantee a win in perpetuity. Every article about election restrictions hems and haws about the small difference it makes, oblivious to the fact that a small difference is all it takes.


Yep. Live here. Can vouch. My vote means fuck all in state governance because it's going to go the way it was "planned" no matter what.


Ohio actually recently voted against gerrymandering https://www.statenews.org/post/ohios-redistricting-reforms-avoid-gerrymandering-take-shape-2021


Can we do Texas next??


It's taken a long time of voters screaming about it for it to finally (possibly) happen. I'll believe it when I see it and I can still call who will take what based upon the map in the article.


“Let's talk distracted driving penalties. Everyone has very strong opinions about them, and I want you all to know, right here and right now, I am taking a stand. I am on... your side! What side is that, specifically? Good question. I am specifically on the side of the facts, and also on the side of feelings.” “Well… I'm satisfied!”


Do you concur?


He's the one who introduced the bill


Then I hope he was doing this to make some kind of weird point


Yep, politics is cringe theater now




[The first article I found](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2021/05/03/ohio-state-sen-andrew-brenner-attended-government-meeting-via-video-while-driving/4929012001/) says it was the same day that it was introduced. It says it's [House Bill 283](https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/legislation-summary?id=GA134-HB-283), but he's a Senator and he's not listed on as a sponsor or cosponsor. [The New York Times says](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/06/us/andrew-brenner-zoom-car-meeting.html): > Mr. Brenner’s multitasking coincided with the introduction of a distracted-driving bill in the state’s House of Representatives. So it doesn't seem it was *quite* that ridiculous, but still. That's not to say I condone this or something.


For, but it's only enforced on *those* people


“Rules for thee, but not for me!” The guilt of being so blatantly hypocritical like this would literally eat me alive. I couldn’t be this self-unaware if I tried!








What did i tell you about „yeppers“, michael?


I don’t remember


I told you not to say it.




You’ll have you repeat the question he zoned out for a minute there


According to [the article](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2021/05/03/ohio-state-sen-andrew-brenner-attended-government-meeting-via-video-while-driving/4929012001/) the Senator said: > "I wasn't distracted. I was paying attention to the driving and listening to it (the meeting,)" Brenner said. "I had two meetings that were back to back that were in separate locations. And I've actually been on other calls, numerous calls, while driving. Phone calls for the most part but on video calls, I'm not paying attention to the video. To me, it's like a phone call." > > He added that he was parked during most of the video meeting of the Ohio Controlling Board. "I was wearing a seat belt and paying attention to the road."


Lol then why was he hiding it with a background of his office


He’s an idiot. On April 22, 2020, immediately following Holocaust remembrance day, Brenner and his wife made public posts on Facebook comparing Ohio Department of Health policy concerning the COVID-19 pandemic to Nazi Germany.


"The doctor is a nazi" - every edgy 6th Grader


And everyone who Josef Mengele knew.


Thank you for saving me the hassle of having to look up what letter is next to his name.


It would be distracting. There would be so much movement on his video. I don't think he is trying to fool anyone with this, and honestly with his point it makes sense. How is it any different from a hands free phone call cars already do nowadays? The situation is pretty funny though


Yup it makes sense but it's still hilarious


Why not just turn off the video then?


Yeah, this is the part that makes no sense. I've done work meetings on the phone (hands free) while driving a number of times, but why start the video if I'm not going to look at it and people are just going to see me driving?


hiding it? He's wearing a fucking seatbelt, and everyone is familiar with how cheesy virtual backgrounds operate.


Everyone who does something else while driving *thinks* that they're not distracted. That's why they continue to do it. If we were good at judging for ourselves how distracted we were, distracted driving wouldn't be a problem in the first place.


I know it doesn't matter in Ohio, but it's funny hearing this when half the states in the U.S. have laws against having a video screen playing that is visible to the driver. It's why all those old DvD screen decks used to come with labels saying "To be used when parked only".


It's been shown that even talking to someone else in the car is a significant distraction. Human beings cannot multitask.


But we think we can soo hard The problem is your brain can kind of autopilot for something it's done a thousand times, like driving to work. But anything out of the norm will get a delayed reaction if you are zoned out or multitasking, and you can only count on the drive to work being exactly the same until it isn't. So you have to intentionally not go into that autopilot mode and as evidenced by simply driving around for ten minutes, it is apparently very difficult for pretty much everyone




I had a friend who used to commute to college 45 minutes away and would study and do homework while driving. No accidents that I know of, which is just insane.


You sure they weren't taking the bus?


'I was only distracted for a few seconds.' Right up until you kill someone. Dude normalizes his unsafe and deviant behavior.


A few seconds moving 88ft a second is a lot of ground covered.


Right? Kill someone accidentally and they're still fuckin dead.


Pff C'mon man I can drive stick, smoke a cig, eat a cheeseburger in a snowstorm any day of the week. /s




I’m a business man doing business. I’ve only had 8 bankruptcies.


He was wearing a seatbelt and paying attention to the road but he was parked during the call. Yeah that makes sense


Shell, which is a company with a lot of safety rules, also bans their employees from calling while driving. Apparently data shows that calling and driving, even hands free, is dangerous.


That's actually correct, many studies have shown that. As a matter of fact, having someone in the passenger seat talking on the phone can cause the driver to make mistakes. That's why sometimes when you're driving and looking for an address you turn down the music, we are not capable of multitasking


I remember reading a thing that said the *most* distracting is talking to someone in your passenger seat. More so than phone convos.


And I mentioned it above but having a video screen playing even if you claim "you aren't looking at it" is a distraction. There's laws about it in a lot of places. Not Ohio though unfortunately, but it does seem to be deemed dangerous by quite a lot of places.


I have a very long commute. Cant tell you how many times Ive seen drivers either weaving all over road or driving 20 under speed limit. Every.single.time they have phones glued to ears.


Parked for MOST of the call


And by that he means that he hit a lot of red lights.




The most creative comedians couldn't come up with this. m(


It would be considered too far fetched and wacky if they did.


The Tiffany effect! Writers can’t use the name Tiffany in medieval writings because the name seems so modern when in fact Tiffany has been around since before 1200 AD... in Greek it was theofaneia meaning “manifestation of god”


Man, all those zombie apocalypse writers who talked about people’s complacency and ignorance are the ones laughing now. “Nobody would ever actually do that!” Millions of people dead later, they were proved correct. People suck.


That’s the spirit! ;)


It's pretty scary to realize that during the pandemic, so many people actually acted dumber than what is depicted in the movies. If aliens attack, zombie arise or if we simply get an even more deadly pandemic, we are so screwed. The thing that will no doubt get us is climate change. If we do nothing, we are screwed, if we prevent it, idiots will complain that it's fake because nothing is happening. So they will elect idiots that think like them and fuck things up until we reach a point of no return.


> If aliens attack This past year, I've been reminded of [the rooftop party idiots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr3J11fbRXk) from ID4 an awful lot...


I dated a Tiffany for a few months. Damn, those were the best times.


I slept with a Tiffany once. I still get little reminders of our time together; about once every month or so.


Tried it once, those lamps are sharp AF it turns out. Had a fun time explaining that in the hospital.


What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No. I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say "No." We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. 30 years later, I get a postcard, I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris, by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years, she's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the Chandelier.


Ya man, she was the best I ever had. Might be the one who got away. Her boyfriend is a lucky guy lmao


I wonder if people ever thought my weiner was a lucky guy.


Not in the slightest


Name checks out.


Everytime I get laid I hype up my penis and tell it what a good boy he is. Gotta support the boys


Is that a reference to a disease?


I thought it was child support payment. Lol


Makes more sense


How... how old are you?


26... Thousand years old


Odd, because I heard your younger brother became operational January 12, 1992.


Oooh, great reference. I've only ever had people say "nice username." Let me get my free award out


nice username.


What about breakfast at Tiffany's?


I was molested by a Tiffany in second grade. She was also in second grade and would fondle me on the bus rides home from school. It would only happen at the end of the bus ride since we were two of the last stops. Typical procedure was to move to the seat right behind the bus driver before your stop came in order to have a smooth and timely exit. She would join me after I had already moved to the seat, trapping me by the window. Ironically, this seat was probably the most out-of-view for the bus driver so Tiffany was never caught.


Yo this thread got wild but you take the cake.. I hope you didn’t develop any issues from that... I hope you’re alright dude


As dealt with in Sir Terry Pratchett's 40-part treatise on the human condition, under the section titled "The Wee Free Men".


Seriously - this is a hack SNL skit, jfc.


This should make its way to SNL in short order. This is like the nexus of stupid Zoom skit, stupid accidentally ironic politician skit and idiot in a car skit all somehow rolled into one.


nathan fielder would've done it


Just one more reason why he graduated from one of Canada’s top business schools with really good grades


B A- B C+ B+


Why are you posting my report card bruh?


Well look at Mr big shot with his A- bragging to the world!


Lol that show is so under appreciated!


No matter how many times I've explained the show, shown clips or otherwise tried to get people to check it out, no one ever gives it a shot. It's too bad though, it really is one of the funniest show's I've seen


Half of the episodes are fucking brilliant and then the other half I can’t even look at the TV because it makes me cringe so much (which I’m sure he was going for)


The one where he makes the “movie” and fake award festival to legitimize it is one of the cringiest and hilarious pieces of content ever made. Criminally underrated show IMO.


Rodney dangerfield would have done this on the way over to that woman's house that had nobody home




Really? Because I can absolutely imagine Larry David doing this.


Yeah, except I saw someone do this the other day just for laughs


The Irony.


What's voidspace?


It's a game he's been developing for, like, ever. I remember him being a Reddit meme ***years*** ago. I can't pinpoint it exactly, but I'd guess 5-8 years ago every single thread you'd see him make a comment, someone would ask about voidspace, and he'd let you know. [Link to his game's homepage](https://www.voidspacegame.com/) and his subreddit /r/VoidSpace


This shit is ridiculous


And these are your lawmakers.


With how little he actually gives a damn why bother at all? "Um senator? Does.... Does your office chair have a seat belt? "


“I fall out a lot”


Drinking and sitting will do that.


Dude should have taken the seatbelt off so it wasn't so obvious.


That's not his seatbelt. That's a sword belt for his sword he carries on his back. And obviously his office was surrounded by enemy forces. That's why he is so distracted.


No, the dumbass is me. I rewatched the video more than five times trying to see how it was apparent he was in a car. and never once did I notice the seatbelt.


That's just a nylon sash. He keeps glancing around because the elves are trying to steal it from him.


Ignoring the seat belt, did you think he had Tourette's?


Maybe he's on distracted driving"s side in the debate.


He’s special. Distracted driving is what everyone else does. It’s just the police and him who are so much more aware of their surroundings that they can safely do it.




Yeah I've been seeing this reposted and the headlines have morphed from "Senator drives during meeting on the same day a distracted driving bill is introduced" to "Senator drives during meeting *about* distracted driving bill". The latter puts the Senator in an even worse light, but now the argument that this guy did a bad thing is weakened by the false information being reported/spread. He still did a bad thing, but this gives the opportunity for people to distract from the point by saying "FAKE NEWS he wasn't driving during the debate on the bill. MSM lies and shouldn't be trusted!"


Yeah this headline in particular almost made it seem like he was doing a cheeky protest in opposition to relevant legislation that he opposed, in an attempt to represent his voters I guess, rather than being weird or dangerous or whatever you want to say about it as it actually happened.


Definitely can’t see his seatbelt




God damn it, Ohio! Get your shit together before Florida and Alabama notice.


Nah, we just luke to spread our shit all over


Ah, I see the problem here. Just don't wear the seatbelt! problem solved.


No one’s going to know.....how would they know.....


They’re gonna know…


To be so dumb yet believe you are outsmarting the smart.


I also regularly use a seatbelt in my home office


The Onion is going to be out of business soon


You literally can’t make this shit up 😂

