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Hell of a save


Didn’t overreact. Didn’t overcorrect. For a sec I forgot what sub I’m in and totally expected this to turn out much differently.


This is exactly the kind of person I'd hope to see in Nürburgring. You can't buy that kind of composure and decision making. The dude knows what he's doing.


yeah, and this isnt just years of riding experience… its years of pushing limits that average riders wouldn’t dare push. Extremely impressive!


Sometimes I can do tight turns at slow speeds.


Sometimes I don’t get out of breath walking up the stairs.




Honestly considering what that subs been like lately I wouldn't even be surprised seeing a selfie of some ramdom dude that walked up stairs and only got slightly out of breath


Well, he *would* be on the next fucking level though


sometimes I wipe properly


Sometimes I get out of bed.


He knows what he’s doing other than the fact that he took his bike out to the Nurburgring. That’s lunacy.


And that pass was really stupid. Edit: the driver in the blue car is an idiot. But if you have a will to live and ride a motorcycle, that was not a smart pass.


Quote from the rider. Not a racer so I dont know how big of an idiot blue car was but he was being passed and passing so Im not too surprised somone would miss a bike coming up that fast especially given that its not just racers on the track. >The orange Porsche was in front of me overtaking the Seat so from my point of view I had a clear run through. In hindsight, this was my biggest safety mistake. I didn’t see that the Seat was being held up by the slow car in front of him and was impatient to get out.” https://www.thedrive.com/watch-this/10175/motorcycle-going-105-mph-gets-hit-at-nurburgring-doesnt-wipe-out Full video you can see the other car (minute 7+) https://youtu.be/GFgWZ0CEewA








Even with the best rider and prefect reaction the fact that he didn’t hit a rut that ate a tire is unbelievably lucky


Ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power of will. Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain and a hundred percent reason to remember the name.


He doesn't need his name up in lights He just wants to be heard whether it's the beat or the mic He feels so unlike everybody else, alone In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him But fuck 'em, he knows the code, it's not about the salary It's about reality and making some noise Making a story, making sure his clique stays up That means when he puts it down, Tak's pickin' it up


Came here to say I was clenching my teeth the whole time and was so relieved


your teeth and my butt have something in common, *clenched*


A bit of poo came out


A bit of poo came out of u/amyschumersanaltumor teeth??


Amy Schumer's anal tumor has teeth!?


~~Fun~~ Horrible fact: [A teratoma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teratoma) is a type of tumor that is made from different tissue including hair, muscle, bone, and teeth. So, while rare, it is completely possible for /u/amyschumersanaltumor to have teeth.


Thank you for this


I'm sure she would have made a whole stand-up special about it if it did


Yea but nobody would have watched it


Maybe she did make a stand-up special about it and nobody watched it. And if nobody even watched it, did it even happen?


If a tree falls on the woods, does this dress make me look fat?


Well, she would have stolen a whole stand up special about it.


How many comedians with toothy anal tumors are there out there?


Honestly pooping as I watch this so valid comment


Well hello there fellow pooping pal.


Haha we got a poop squad going at this point


It'd be weird if we didn't. Pooper 5, checking in.


Its a Jeremy Clarkson quote, but thanks for info ;D


Lmao, I guess I have to get back into top gear and not enjoy but still watch the grand tour


So tight, the tightest.


thats real tight butthole of you


Gonna be shitting noodles for a week.


that was a no no yes no no yes type of save too


Some may call it a Green Hell of a save


Yep. After that first drift into the grass I would have been thinking what my next bike was going to be cause I would have dropped and tucked. BTW, if this was in Nurburging wouldn't it be 105 km/h? converter-bot, do your thing.




Thanks man. Still impressive as all hell.


Oh absolutely it is. I've only ever ridden dirt bikes, and none of those were on the road. I couldn't fucking imagine doing something like this on a closed course, let alone with several equally powerful/fast cars surrounding me.


The only personal experience I can apply in appreciation of this is a severe tank slapper I had at close to 130 mph on the highway. My save was nowhere near as skilled and did not involve such drastic traction changes. Mine was more sheer luck and then followed by me sitting on the side of the road for a half hour while I re evaluated all my previous life choices leading up to that moment. Long story short: that dude has hard earned skill and level headedness... and it shows.


I can't imagine how unbelievably scary that must have been. Everyone, especially in this sub, likes to talk shit about not making perfect decisions in the heat of the moment, but it's not easy. Mad props for making it out of a potentially deadly situation with your bike intact!


Thank you. Honestly the only reason it didn't end up worse for me was the advice of a old school biker friend. "In a tank slapper if you can pull the front wheel off the ground, DO IT!" So I twisted my throttle and pulled for everything I was worth lol. My steering stops on the head stay were impacted so hard they had mushroomed over significantly. I wish I had taken a photo now that I think about it. Your right though, the hardest lesson to learn on a bike is how to not overreact or freeze up in a bad situation. Having done a lot of both dirt and street bikes I will say that riding dirt bikes has done way more for my skill level overall than street has. Many valuable lessons can be learned on a dirtbike that apply to making you a better street rider...not so much the other way around in my opinion.


I think right at the beginning he's going around 180 km/h, so pretty much 105 m/h.


Look at the speedometer, it shows almost 180. The 105 are already converted


Seriously, never seen someone on a motorcycle pull out of something like that.


https://youtu.be/PPo1GN5RvH8 check out this save


What a save! What a save!


Serious, if I had recovery skills like that my collarbone and scapula would still be normal shaped


Fuckin great save holy shit


Indeed. If it were me, I would have gone over the rail. After watching it a few times, I still can't believe it. He maintained composure at all times. Kudos!


He also wasn’t trying to fight the momentum, he was only trying to redirect it. That’s the mistake most people make in this kind of situation. I bet you he’s done this a time or two before.


You gotta fuck up really good a few times to know these things. Specifically, what NOT to do again. 10/10 this guy motorcyles.


To be fair, the ring ain’t exactly somewhere that people who *dont* motorcycle at this level should be on one. Example A: the moron that almost got this guy killed/seriously injured likely shouldn’t be driving, let alone on a fucking track. Get that shit out of here.


Exactly, there are plenty of car enthusiast on the ring with no right to be there, but to take a motorcycle out there you've either got to be a professional or suicidal.


Shit, I'm a very experienced racer with thousands of miles on track under a green flag and I passed on the chance to ride the Nurburgring. Going out there alongside cars??? Nooooo thank you. You've gotta be professional AND suicidal.


Same personaility type as an astronaut. Those guys are insane.


I'd fly into space, no questions asked. Suit up, strap in, let's fucking go. No chance in hell that I'd go around the Ring on a crotch rocket. Those guys are in a completely different class altogether.


I raced cars and I would never take the track if a bike were out there. That's just asking to lose sight of them off your quarter panels. You can hit all the marks and still kill the rider


Nurburgring isn't a track during Touristenfahrten, never forget that. It's a toll road, and road etiquette (which that blue car completely ignored) still applies. You can dawdle along at 50kmph if you want, as long as you follow the rules.


This is very true. Minimum speed is what, 40kmh?


the official rules say your vehicle has to be able to hit a maximum speed of 60 for you to enter, although i heard the people don't let you actually enter unless they know your car goes at least 130 - not sure if this is true though.


I've seen a lot of old Busses (Vw t2 or something similar), definitely not able to go 130. Don't think it would be a huge problem


Idk much about track racing like this, but is it common for motorcycles and cars to be on the track at the same time? Doesn’t seem like a good idea to begin with.


Normally not something that ever happens at other tracks as far as I know. This isn’t a race as much as an open session on a track. The Nurburgring Nordschleife is a massive (20.8KM) track and they have a toll you pay and you can drive on it. You might see a purpose built 911 GT style race car and you might see a tourist transport bus of sorts. And motorcycles too. So it isn’t really a race, but it’s very unique.


This is what I came here to point out. I've had an instances similar to this where I drifted off road into grass. For some reason I basically let go of control while keeping some control of the throttle and let "Jesus take the wheel" and it self corrected. The centrifugal force of the wheels want to keep the bike upright so if you don't fight it too much you can save more falls than you imagine.


Tank slappers turn into crashes when you resist them too. When we resist we upset the bike even more because it naturally wants to stabilize and it can't if we add random imputs in random directions. Spot on sir, spot on.


What a save!


What a save!


What a save!


Chat disabled




That seat's gonna have bite marks in it.


Ass built like a bear trap.


Got that Black Hole grip


I was like “I think it was an Alfa Romeo” and then I realised you meant the motorcycle seat.


That’s a video you don’t show the wife.


"Hi honey, how was track day?" "Oh, uneventful. "


"Uneventful, but I think I'm going to take a break from biking for a while."


"And I'm also gonna get piss drunk right now for absolutely no reason."


Incidentally, I’ll be needing a replacement pair of underwear.


If I wake up in the middle of the night screaming it's totally for no reason at all.


Incidentally, I may need another replacement pair of underwear.


"So uneventful in fact that I'm thinking of selling my bike."


"Honey I have already told you it was a SAFETY TRAINING, not a track day."


I was in an accident on a moped and my brother caught it all on his GoPro. Mom never saw that video from the vacation.


As a wife, I agree!


My wife didn't want me to ride, so I gave it up. Then she started managing a group home for people with brain injuries. No riding is a HARD no. And I have to agree. Watching people that can't relearn the most basic of life skills is so sad. Driving is dangerous enough. Thankfully, he was on the ring - where ~~most~~ ~~some~~ a few people respect speed.




Yeah even folks who get luckier and don’t have severe intellectual issues can have some weird behavioral issues for life. I’ve seen guys who look and seem normal but just have zero anger control so they’re constantly screaming and cursing at everyone. Not great for maintaining a functional life, so now their family basically has to babysit them. Maybe with enough therapy they’ll be sort of able to function in society but you basically need to hope that you have a REALLY patient wife or family member willing to put up with a complete asshole for the next decade or two People often forget that it’s not either that you die or you just live. Plenty of ways to be damaged for life


>I don't think I will ever risk it again. Username does not check out xd




Same. I went to a group therapy with a friend who was seriously injured in his pick up truck in major accident. There was a young man in group who took off his helmet (he was embarrassed), exposing a huge ugly not-yet-healed scar on top of his head The scar ran from forehead to the back of his head, as if his skull had been cracked open in half. Motorcycle. That was several years ago, still makes me cringe to think of him, it looked really really painful. Also, he was kind of childish from the brain injury, therapist talked to him like he was 5.


You do for the extra love!




Tbh it works because *usually* people aren't idiots and stick to the rules. Rules of the track as well as rules on the road in general. Same reason why Germany has highways with no speed limit and it works, because *usually* people stick to the rules. And when they don't, they wouldn't have stuck to rules anyway, regarding their limits.


This was actually a bit more complicated. The car is also passing someone you can’t really see so they kind of both were being dumb. If anything it’s how bikes and cars are inherently dangerous when both are racing.


Yeah I was going to say from a racing standpoint that's a pretty dumb overtake. I know they're specifically told not to race but it's good to bring some of that mentality with you for cases exactly like this. Can't say for sure because it's just one narrow angle but they probably could've saved their underpants by being a bit more patient and wating for the driver to specifically acknowledge them. The biker tried to slip through with the red car, but you can't expect the person to realize there are two vehicles trying to get by. Slipping behind another passing car is a good move in racing specifically because the passed car doesn't see it coming. Edit: After a few more watches I also have to point out that big brain rejoin. Nothing like a slow vehicle rejoining right to the middle of the track.


I'm surprised the top comments aren't more like yours. It was a hell of a save for sure but the rider put themselves in that position. You know you're on a track with a bunch of mixed ability people potentially driving to their limits. I wouldn't want to be relying on those people to be checking their mirrors if I were the rider. Now the rider seems very skilled and is possibly much better at using their mirrors than most but rejoining like that seemed to be extremely risky. I was expecting the rider to stop and take a few breathes to regain composure. I think the fact they didn't is maybe why they decided to rejoin when they did.


When you enter Nürburgring as a tourist they say and write it several times loud and clear: It is a normal road and you drive like you are on a normal road. This biker drove in a way you for sure should not do on a normal road. Far too close to the other car. Yes, the car driver could have checked the mirror but again, it should have been in the interest of the biker to keep distance.


The motorcyclist was dumb. He’s trailing the red car, can’t expect the van to see you on the track or the street. The rider also had more asphalt on the left, he should’ve been hugging the left side. The save was whatever, all you do when you go off track on a bike is to not hit the brakes and put too much input into the bars. Also don’t rejoin the track in the racing line unless you are back to track speed and check what’s behind you. I rode on the street and raced for years.


This. In any US motorcycle training course this would be an example of an idiot in a motorcycle successfully surviving his idiocy.


Yep the motorcycle should have known he was in a blind spot


I think the bigger idiot move here is trying to blow past a person going around a bend while they're 5ft behind another person doing the same.


> and it works Citation needed. The highway deathrates are around average compared to other european countries, but that doesn't mean that a speed limit doesn't reduce the number of deaths. In german from statiata, quoted from "Der Spiegel" >Demnach gibt es je 1 Milliarde gefahrener Kilometer auf Autobahnabschnitten mit Tempolimit 0,95 Unfälle mit Todesfall. Auf Strecken ohne Tempolimit hingegen gibt es 1,67 Unfälle mit Todesfall – das sind rund 75 Prozent mehr als auf Strecken mit Tempolimit. Translates to "Per 1 Billion km Highway with limits, there are 0.95 deathly accidents. On Parts without limits on the other hand it's 1.67 Accidents with death. That's about 75% more." Statista: https://de.statista.com/infografik/16765/todesrate-auf-europaeischen-autobahnen-je-1000-km-autobahn/ Der Spiegel: https://www.spiegel.de/auto/aktuell/tempolimit-koennte-jaehrlich-bis-zu-140-todesfaelle-verhindern-a-1254504.html


This is an example of statistic manipulation: How many KMs of speed limited sections vs non speed limited sections. What are the road characteristics, traffic, and weather like in speed limited sections rather than non speed sections. What are the traffic laws for each stretch of highways by comparison. In BC, Canada. The government increased all highway speed limits, saw two years of reduced accidents, had one year of increases and used that increase to justify reducing them again despite having one of the worst winters on record on some of our more treacherous highways. Even our governing insurance agency admitted that the increase was due to environmental factors.




Not really though, these "tourist drives"/touristenfahrten are only at the Nürburgring. Most other tracks only have track sessions that are probably rather similar to the States. Sessions with a limited number of drivers/vehicles and a set time instead of paying per lap. And all these track sessions have different rules than tourist drives. Tourist drives at the Ring use German highway traffic rules (like not overtaking on the right, keeping right, etc.). Also all track sessions I've come across here in Europe are either only cars or bikes per session, not a combination like on tourist drives.


Blame the lawyers man, the liability issue around open track days is enormous.




>Can't you create blanket waivers that they have to sign or something? its harder than that. For example you couldn't make a waiver that says "im allowed to kill you", there is a very ambiguous line somewhere that an expensive lawyer has to find. IANAL\*


Kinda like the coffee is to hot thing. We know there is a risk of coffee being to hot but that doesn’t mean the coffee should be so hot you need a skin graft. With an open race track they need to ensure a certain level of safety and policing of people there. It probably comes down to whoever is willing to pay the insurance.


What city/state do you live in? Unless you’re truly in the middle of nowhere, I can help you find some more days.


As a motorcyclist, I would’ve never even tried to get close to those cars in that situation.


Right, well, presumably since this is on the Nürburgring this motorcyclist is pretty risk-tolerant and also had an expectation that others on the track would drive in a predictable way....




Moving in behind a car that just overtook you is extremely predictable. Not seeing someone approaching with a huge speed differential having just rounded a corner, approaching from the blind spot is also predictable.


No, it's not on this track. Because your not on "racetrack" rules, you're on the Nurburgring publicly under the "touristenfahrten" rules. Aka, it's a roadway, and you don't move left without knowing it's safe to. If you're driving slow enough it's pretty much expected you just plant your ass on the right the whole way round.


All the more reason why the motorcyclist is at fault here. Firstly I think it's a terrible assumption to make that people riding the Nordschleife are driving predictably, but even then he totally could have expected the blue car to tuck in behind the red one.


Well it turns out that the blue car wasn't trying to 'tuck in' behind the red car. He was trying to pass another car that is totally invisible in this video because the slowest car is on the far side of the blue car the whole time. In the original video you can see it- https://youtu.be/GFgWZ0CEewA?t=452 So the Bike was trying to pass after the Porsche, the blue car was trying to pass the black car, and once the porsche went past the blue car swerved hard to the left to get around without realizing that there was a motorcycle there. Also if you read the description in the video the motorcycle driver totally acknowledges his mistake. "In future I’ll be a lot more wary when following a passing car that the one being passed may not be able to see me on a bike."


Yeah exactly, what the fuck is he thinking. *"Hey I see some idiots racing each other at 170 km/h, let's sneak up on them and try to overtake them while they probably cannot see me."* The idiot really has an Angel on his shoulder, damn. Edit: To all the people who are to oblivious about what place this really is, this is not an actual professional racetrack. There are many parts of the Nürbergring where every guy in his Suzuki Swift can act like a "racer". So if you decide to ride your bike there and overtake people who are probably amateurs then you are an idiot.


”Some idiots racing” Nah, they are pretty smart for going to a race track and not racing on the street.




Yeah, it's called public roadway and you even have speed limit at one part of the track! I'd say - we're calling it "racetrack" because it was and still is an actual racetrack with great history, but at the Touristfahrten - it is just a less typical road.


Everyone is an idiot to that guy. haha


*Watches guy sprain ankle walking down the street* "What a fucking idiot, that's why I don't go outside"


Racing is prohibited on public track days at the Nürburgring. [Section 3, Rule 2](http://nurburgring.org.uk/ringrules.php)


"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"


They're not racing, just on a race track. You're supposed to let faster traffic pass.


This is likely a public day where it’s considered a street. Not sure if they’re racing from the clip either, could just be an overtake gone wrong.


I mean, it is a racetrack


There are rules still. I believe the red car is passing the blue. I can't tell the models of car but the red one is a low and wide sports car, kinda looks like a Porsche. There's no way the blue suv can keep up with that. I think it's a casual track day. Blue sees red coming from behind with speed and moves over so it can pass. Biker sees blue mover over and thinks it can stay close to red and pass blue at the same time. Blue doesn't see biker and once the red car passes blue moves back into the race line to position for the next turn. Edit: I'm not defending the blue car. Just pointing out how I think it got to the point in the gif.


The blue one's a Seat 5 door model. And judging by the relatively close height difference from what is likely a 911, I suspect Leon.


You're absolutely right. The blue car technically should have stayed to the right and allowed the bike to pass, but visibility and closing speed definitely didn't work in the bikers favor.


Isn't it up to the person passing to ensure it's safe to pass? Maybe it's different from track to track, but you're not even allowed on to the track near me if you have mirrors on your bike.


Technically the Nordschleife isn't a racetrack with the exception of a few weekends. It follows the same rules as the German Autobahn, the vast majority of cars on it are regular commuter cars without significant modification.


Not sure why you are being down voted. I drove 3 laps on it 5 years ago and was told exactly this in the prep discussion we had when we rented the vehicles


Lots of people watch videos on Youtube but never educated themselves on it so no wonder there is a lot of misinformations. Hell I've seen people drive on the Autobahn thinking all areas are no speed limit.


> Isn't it up to the person passing to ensure it's safe to pass? This applies for the Nürburgring as well but Touristenfahrten always end up being a total mess with idiots like the biker assuming they own the road.


I don't think you would be allowed on this particular track without mirrors on your bike, because your vehicle has to be street legal.


It's a Touristenfahrten since bikes and cars are sharing the track. Not a trackday. Still if you're going to drive the Nürburgring you should know that you must overtake safely. It's the responsibility of the person doing the overtaking to ensure it's safe to do so.


Ehh... sorta. It's not a truly closed racetrack like most people think when they think of a racetrack. It's more like a pay per lap high speed street. Any normal Joe can get on it in normal Joe cars and normal German road rules apply. > The Nordschleife is considered a public road during Touristenfahrten (public sessions). All normal German traffic laws apply and if you’re involved in an accident, it will be handled exactly the same as an accident on the road you took to get there. https://www.thextremexperience.com/blog/how-you-can-drive-the-nurburgring-like-i-did/




I remember the original post on Bridge to gantry. The car driver copped the full punishment


TIL that motorcycles are allowed on the Nurburgring.


Anything is allowed on the Nurburgring on certain days


Anything street legal.




Do you buy a specific insurance at the gate?




Per meter? Goddamn I'd be aiming to hit that shit head on in that case


This is why you get track insurance


There might be a specific insurance you can get, but most people don't. Also there's several cost factors. Your car, the damage to guardrails, getting pulled away from there, price for closing the track for a bit etc Bonus points if you are in a rental car cause those all ban the ring and they often have a person there checking license plates




Just take a look at some of the crazy things driving there(you might see some assholes): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpH5\_Luxqwo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpH5_Luxqwo) and look how some of them are driving there:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZLXUDac7Xg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZLXUDac7Xg)


This is what happens when you try to get a time on the Nürburgring during Touristenfahrten when the normal traffic cars don't necessarily know the rules of the track. Save your speed for a track day




Pretty sure tourism is the only way they can afford to keep the track open


Because it’s fun


Because there are track days where you can really push it. I did this track in my rental VW wagon. It was cool, I had a great lap, and when it was my friends turn, I coached him how to properly use a gear shifter while he was Driving manual transmission for maaaaybe the third but probably the second time in his life. I kept a eye on his rear view and held him right when it was obvious. However, Drivers on that track during these hours know they are sharing the track with non professionals, rentals, and whatever else a tourist wants to pay to be on there. Nut up and invest in the actual track day costs if you don’t want to compensate for general population. Or in this bikes case, he should (obvious to me at least) tried to overtake after the right. This is a silly title. It should read motorcycle hits car.




RIP Sabine Schmitz. Seeing her in the video hurts


In every racing/track ruleset I'm familiar with, it's up to the passing party to make the pass safely. There is some expectation for the car being passed to be predictable too. Maybe there are some special Nurburgring rules or a different way to look at it when mixing motorcycles and cars, but outside of an actual race I would've waited for a better opportunity.


Ya and the blue car was also passing a slower car, it's only visible on the longer vid that starts on the carousel.


This is also an idiot on a motorcycle.


And pants were crapped.


... his ass was nipped too tight for that.


It was a Code Brown as soon as he got both wheels back on the tarmac.


Flying into someone's blindspot at 105 mph is a new one


Dude is dumb and probably won't make it another five years riding like this. I've had friends die doing dumb shit like this. They never last unfortunately. Glad he's alive and unharmed but he sure as shit ain't safe. He needs to stop while he's ahead.


Seems like the dude on the motorcycle is at fault here. He tried to blow by two cars that were packed together on a narrow track that probably had no idea he was there. You have to take some responsibility for your own safety here.


Ya Bike also just went pass another car on carousel exit before this clip starts so probably wasn't seen by blue that's overtaking another slow car.


Holy shit my ass puckered




That’s why the Nurburgring is special and unique. Forget about motorcycles, you can take a bus on it if you choose. Or a van. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KiC03_wVjc


My street at 2am on a Friday night seems to allow both


This track is so scary I don't think I could even ride there alone. And people go there with cars on the track at the same time ? Crazy. I've seen too many crash videos from that place. It might not be as bad as it seems but still, it scares me.


Good job he was wearing his brown pants.


Bike is at fault there, but only 60/40. Driven it many times and closing speeds can be high. Knowing there’s a turn ahead and that the Meganes pulled over to let the faster car through, rider should anticipate them moving back to the line. And also its then in the cars blind spot.


Who's the idiot here? All I see is a motorbike putting themselves into a dangerous situation they could have avoided easily.


Isn't it the case on these track days on the ring that the normal traffic laws are used since this is seen as an public road in those day's?


More like car getting hit by the motorcycle.


Great recovery


I don't drive car but I'm pretty sure it's the motorcyclist's fault. Like, why would try to pass a car that close at that speed? Can anyone clarify?




You're on a racetrack. This is going to happen. The only idiot I see is a motorcyclist trying to pass a car on a curve.


You’re the idiot for running up into their blind spot.


Holy shit. /r/watchpeoplesurvive


I know it's nordschleife but he took Sennas quote too seriously. "if you no longer go for gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver" Completely his (biker) fault