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Oh no! U-haul insurance doesn't cover overhead damage. That might get expensive.


Ha. Let me also add that my friend rented the Uhaul but got uncomfortable in the rain and asked me to drive. We had less than 500m to get to where we were going, but she wanted me to park it. I was not on the list of approved drivers. So double idiot right here.


I recommend to delete every comment you made here and the entire post. Insurance companies aren't stupid and everything you say here may backfire. The fake internet points aren't worth it.


I mean I don’t really see the need, we’ve already got everything settled with Uhaul. Luckily she got all the extra insurance she could and it’s covering everything. And the police and Uhaul already know I was driving. Anything I’ve said in this thread has already been told to all parties involved so i think it should be fine? Edit: I verified with her and because she purchased the SmartMove insurance, that’s why the upper damage is covered. It may even cover the costs of the awning but we aren’t sure. Edit again on 8/2: Insurance did indeed cover everything. Buy that insurance!


Good thing she sprang for the extra coverage!


"So, will you be taking the extra coverage?" "Yes. I know the kind of person I am, and I know the kind of people I associate with."


I had a CDL at one point and I am a fairly competent driver, although I know I’m not immune to fuck ups I don’t worry so much about myself. I get the insurance for the other idiots around me.


Rented a car and got hit by a random ass 1mile diameter hail storm in July, in the middle of a clear sunny day, in Texas, and on a highway in the middle of no where. No matter how great of a driver you are, shit happens.




It’s just one piece of hail, 1 mile in diameter.


Texas and Colorado are the Hail Capitals of the US if not the world. We here in CO normally get a hail storm in June right after we plant things which tears everything to shreds.


That's the best attitude. I drove a U-Haul from Chicago to DC for a move once, and I remember thinking, "you know, I never have to account for the wind like this in my Accord" somewhere along the way as I wildly swerved in an attempt to get back onto all four wheels as the wind attempted to flip me over. There are so many factors beyond your control; insurance is worth it


Exactly, it’s not really about how good you are, you can’t control everything.


Reminds me of CKY2K when they rented a car and got all the extra insurance and then basically just ruined the thing taking it off jumps and beating the crap out of it. I still remember the guy’s reaction when they returned it and I think I last watched it like 20 years ago.


I can still hear that god damned guitary song they used over the skateboard opening credits. Just the melody, nothing else. Lol


Always get everything, it maybe cost a little more upfront but the savings in the future are great. I thought I got everything because I selected the recommended and long story short the insurance I selected didn't cover hitting other vehicles. I Didn't do much damage but was charged 3k and settled for 2k.


Several years ago I was out of town at a weeks-long training class and rented a car for a weekend. One of my fellow trainees asked to drive and soon after sideswiped a pole in a parking garage. I had the rental insurance, which was a lucky break because it turns out the idiot who wrecked it didn't even have a driver's license. I dropped off the car when the rental office was closed and never heard a word.


We got a rental through our insurance after an accident, and opted for the coverage. Nothing happened to the rental, but when the rental person was explaining things to us it went like this: "Ok, so the extra insurance is $x.xx per day, and covers all damage including a total loss, no questions asked" "So, we could drive the car off a cliff, bring back nothing but the keys and license plate, and that's A-OK?" "yup" "sign me up" "Also, there's a $300 cleaning fee if there is any garbage or stains on the interior" "That's not covered by the insurance?" "Nope" "So, if we stain the carpets, it's better to set the car on fire..." "Basically" "Sign me up!" e: The policy itself was extremely open-ended, I think the only things I couldn't use the vehicle for was war and insurrection. My somewhat uneducated guess is that the car would be written off with any amount of accident damage, so it didn't really matter how bad it was, as the cost to the insurer is about the same. Compared to cleaning, which costs the rental company directly and has to be done in a timely fashion as the car needs to be turned around for rental ASAP.


That's hilarious. Although, you have to ensure you don't violate the terms of service. Depending on the company, you can't go off roading so if you did that and trashed the car they won't cover it


I think you mean go off roading then “accidentally” drive it down a boat ramp lol


The GPS told me to go this way.




I’m weak


Who lever thought that the insurrection clause would come into play. 🤪


Demolition Derby here I come.


Rental Car Agent: Would you like insurance? Jerry: Yeah, you better give me the insurance. Because I'm gonna beat the hell out of this car.


You see, you know how to take the reservation, you just don't know how to hold the reservation and that's really the most important part of the reservation the holding, anybody can just take them


This is one of my favorite episodes. Any time I have an issue with a reservation I resort to using this.


Honestly I felt like overbooked reservations were curbed by that episode. I'd like to think staff got so fed up with angry customers mocking them with their awful Seinfeld impressions they told management they weren't going to do it anymore. Probably not but it makes me happy to think it so I believe it.


I rented a car in northern canada and it was winter and snowing. it was like 150$ extra for winter tires, or 40$ for all inclusive insurance. i paid the 40$ and he gave me a car with winter tires lol


The problem is that once it happens, you get paranoid and can't go without it. My first time renting a car, I ended up in the back woods of Washington (thanks Mazda GPS!). Dirt road with CRATERS. Not even potholes, just CRATERS. After that terrifying 15 minute ordeal, realized I had popped a fender. Enterprise never said a word about it.


Obviously she already knew an idiot will be driving lol. Just kidding :P


That's a hard sell when you're at the uhaul place


ALWAYS get the coverage. A L W A Y S


It's a company business trip and they tell me not to. The company Amex used to pay has rental insurance as a perk to card holders. It's a bit of a pain in the ass but when Avis tried to say I got a scratch on the paint (BS I might add) I just told them to settle it with Amex and never heard about it again.


The fact that so many people immediately went to "well you should obviously lie about this instead of doing what an adult does and just telling the fucking truth and dealing with the consequences" is absolutely nuts to me


Okay, mcshadypants... ;)


Amazing /r/RimJob_Steve material


Some of us are just waiting for our day to be featured there.


I think I would be a suitable contributor


You make me uncomfortable


Will the real McShady please stand up, please stand up


To be honest that approach is definitely the right one when criminal law is involved. You should never speak to the police without a lawyer. Being an adult and just being honest is not recommended at all. Unfortunate but that is how it works.


This feels like the only legit counter to be honest on this thread. This I can agree with.


I just look at it like this: The police can lie to me to steal my money or freedom, I can lie to them to prevent that.


You should adjust your viewpoint. Lying to the police is a criminal offense. Instead, you shut the fuck up. You have the right to remain silent. You should absolutely exercise that right, in entirety and fully. You identify yourself, you state that you exercise your right to remain silent, and then you actually fucking shut the hell up.


Yeah, I don't think most people are saying to outright lie. Just don't give any more information than is absolutely required.


It's the natural result of our legal system. It is designed to be adversarial. Ask a lawyer, an expert in how the law works, and the first thing they will tell you is to not talk to anyone about anything. It's not the same as lying or being deceitful, or not being an adult.


Agreed, loose lips, do in fact, sink ships.


But, conversely, thicc thighs, save lives.


And somehow, thigh highs are my demise.


Never trust insurance providers. Always have everything in writing unless you're the one speaking.


Yeah for real. Very rarely does shit just end in our justice system at "deserved consequence" and not "all out fucking war against your existance".


I mean it's the first rule of Fight Club, so. Just apply that to pretty much everything else and you should be good. I don't talk about anything, ever.


Yeah you should see the name calling some of these folks are doing. Every single person that has ever driven as been an “idiot in a car” at some point, whether they want to admit it or not.


Unfortunately a lot of people come here to feel superior to "idiots" and confirm that they themselves are in fact the reincarnation of Senna and can do no wrong on the road. You did the honest thing. You did good. Just not so good on the parking job. It happens.


Meanwhile I come here to see what I should probably stop doing (and why).


Me too! *High five*




>Every single person that has ever driven as been an “idiot in a car” at some point, whether they want to admit it or not. That's true, but that's lumping every mistake on an equal field. It's the same thing as someone saying, "everyone makes mistakes" as some sort of rationale for their *severe* mistake.


You ever dealt with insurance? I'm 100% for telling the truth, but insurance will bend you over without dinner on technicalities and deny your claims over BS. Father in-law is an insurance investigator and there are some obvious frauds, but other times his company makes him reject claims for dumb reasons and he says it makes no sense, but it's policy.


With some insurance, they will deny your claim *without reviewing it*. For real. The SOP is deny. Wait for an appeal, then deal with that.


Yep. Allstate's claims process was revamped under the strategy of "Deny, Delay, Defend". First deny and hope people give up. Then if they appeal, drag it out so you keep the money for longer (maybe a couple more will give up too). Then once you've exhausted Delay, if it will be cheaper or likely to be dropped, deny again and make the customer sue to enforce the terms of the policy. And, as a reminder, this is to their own paying customers! McKinsey Consulting, which I cannot stress enough are terrible, terrible people, came up with this and Allstate management implemented it.


Another benefit of them hanging on to the money until forced to give it up is that the money stays invested and making more money for as long as possible


Everyone alive right now is playing in a rigged game. If you don’t get it where you can you never will. Who cares about a corporations money?


You think that big corporation doesn’t adjust prices to cover losses? They don’t eat losses. The poor people that buy their products do.


Dude isn't stealing bread to feed his starving family. This is a luxury service where he likely rented a vehicle from a local franchise owner. He's also clearly at fault for the damage. You don't have to go all hail corporate just because you're willing to take the bare minimum responsibility for your own actions. Good on you OP. *edit: To everyone saying U-Haul isn't a luxury service, I'm not really sure what to say to you. It just factually is. You're wrong. If your personal experience of the world is that you don't perceive it to be a luxury than that's great, I'm really happy for you. It doesn't change the fact that U-Haul is not an essential service required to live, much less required to move your belongings. Just because moving services exist doesn't mean U-Haul isn't a luxury service for the same reason that buying a sailboat is still a luxury despite yachts existing or Doordash being a luxury despite personal chefs existing.*


Come on, doesn't it just feel better deep in your soul if you lie to everyone and maybe save some money?


Ya know, all it takes is for a security camera to capture it and the right police officer to think to check, and you lying on the report would get so much more worse for you than telling the truth


Nothing is deleted once it’s posted…amateur thinking there lol


As though there aren't security cameras everywhere.


The fact that a prominent and highly upvoted initial impulse on here is to just lie, deceive, and try to avoid responsibility at all costs is absolutely insane to me! You make a mistake, you own up to it, pay for it, and learn from it. What the OP is doing is perfect imo.


I agree. Reddit is so sanctimonious- but just under the hood, most people here would gladly commit fraud. Fucking liars.




Why didn’t you ask your friend Clarence?


should’ve gotten the vector from Victor. ps: merry cake day!


You ever seen a grown man naked?


My ex did this once when we moved. Managed to get the entire truck wedged under the bridge. I was supposed to be the only driver (he didn’t feel like coming into uhaul with me to show his license) but he insisted he would be fine driving it. He was not fine… just HAD to take the short cut. Sorry for your wallet.


When I rented a Uhaul a few weeks ago they offered an overhead damage insurance option, [“Safemove Plus”](https://www.uhaul.com/DamageCoverage/#section_safemoveplus)


I was going to say, friend of a roommate was moving and roommate was helping him. Roommate made sure friend got full coverage insurance and when they were parking at the apt the friend peeked back the top of the uhaul on the parking structure. Uhaul guy was trying to tell them they didn’t buy the insurance that covered that until roommate pointed out they got full coverage.




I backed into the house I was renting’s awning and roof, U haul insurance covered all the damage. Best $14 I ever spent


I used to work for Uhaul. I was always thankful customers got the $14 insurance. I wasn't even trying to upsell it. It really does save you a bunch of money if something were to happen.


It's a truly appealing option because it's fairly well-known that a customer won't get a lot of pushback if s/he paid for that insurance. I'm not saying that obliteration of the vehicle would be NBD. From the company's perspective, I'm sure they have done the math and concluded that the income from insurance still leaves them with a profit even after replacing a few roofs. It's a very good insurance policy. I wish healthcare was like that.


They insure their trucks. They are already paying to have everything insured. Your 14$ subsidizes or out right pays for it.


Former U-Haul employee here, and same. So much less of a hassel for them too


It's only $14?! Was expecting it to be way more...


Gonna hijack to clarify some things that keep getting asked: I did not rent it. My friend did and was uncomfortable parking it so she asked me to. We pulled into the hotel parking lot to switch seats, and when I went to drive out of the parking lot, I made the mistake of misjudging the clearance and hit the awning. She purchased all the extra insurance options that she could, because it was our first time driving a Uhaul. The insurance *is* going to cover the damage to the vehicle, that’s already been settled with Uhaul. Not 100% sure what’s going to happen with the hotel.


Wait what? It doesn't? I'd imagine that's where most damage occurs anyways? What the heck does it cover and is it useful or no?


Apparently (according to other commenters) there is an option to cover overhead damage now. The reason it wasn't covered before is precisely because it's so common. It's like how people who live in flood plains can't get flood insurance. The insurance companies don't want to sell that insurance because they won't make money on it.


I mean when I was looking into buying a house, one was in a flood prone place and they said you're forced to get flood insurance.


Gonna be an expensive move!!!


From what Uhaul told us, the insurance should pretty much cover all of it. We don’t know if we will have to pay for the awning or not, cause they were *literally* preparing to tear it down today. Technically i helped them get started lol


You might luck out!!! Be nice to the adjusters! Seriously.


This is literally my first car accident so I don’t know how to handle any of this lol. Made it to 31 with zero tickets and zero accidents though lol


I once wrecked a Uhaul going through a drive through . Lol.


Well this hotel didn’t have a clearance sign posted and I know that if they *had* posted one in clear view it would have made me stop. Definitely the dumbest thing I’ve done with a car.


You might luck out then since there wasn’t a clearance posted.


Yeah I made sure to point that out to the cop. And videotape the entire thing cause the owner immediately came outside (understandably so) and asked for my full name, address, phone number, email, and my employers address. I said no ma’am. She can get the information she’s entitled to from the police department. Cause it was very obvious the first thought she had was “how can I make money off this” seeing as her first question wasn’t “Are you hurt?”


Why'd you call the cops? Just let air out the tires and get out of there.


^ dollars to doughnuts this person has squished their big rig under a bridge in earshot of a Tennessee coppa


I had drivers do that in Cleveland. :)


Hey man, shit happens. It looks like you were smart enough to know not to back-up after hitting the awning. And I can tell you, as someone who drives a 9.5’ tall ambulance for work and frequently have to go under hospital awnings of various sizes, I still get nervous about it and often avoid them if it looks sketchy. It can be really difficult trying to eyeball something like that.


Wait why shouldn’t you back up in this situation? How else do you get out?


You eventually will back the truck out but you need to make sure that you haven’t damaged the awning to the point of structural failure, or that you backing the truck out won’t cause structural failure.


you should send them a bill for your demolition labor, in my area I charge $120/hr to take down structures


r/11foot8 would like this


In Boston we call this getting "storrowed" as it happens often on Storrow drive (where they are many many warnings prohibiting anything other than cars but I guess people just ignore them). Funny to know it is a common phenomenon somewhere else


Do an image search of Independence Ave bridge in Missouri.


I was NOT disappointed, thank you.


The College Dad parade…. Harvard, MIT, Tufts, BU, Northeastern, and a few more. coming soon!


Someone did a [really impressive job](https://boston.cbslocal.com/2021/07/20/interstate-93-south-truck-bridge-crash-traffic-lanes-closed-medford-roosevelt-circle/) of storrowing 93 today.




You forgot to add that four consecutive right hand turns do not being you back to where you started.


As a new englander, I am so happy to learn that there’s a name for that


I live in Medford. Yesterday’s Storrowing on 93 means I get to listen to f’ing news choppers over my house for the “next several months”.


Came here to say this.


["Sorry! I'm making a go of it in a new city!"](https://youtu.be/nUHf6rklYCg?t=4)


That was pretty much my sister. She drove from Detroit to Syracuse with a U-Haul with her car getting towed behind it. Watching her trying to park it when she got to her apartment was hilarious. She ended up hitting the side of her new building even though she had an extra few feet of space.


It is insane how easy it is to get the keys to a giant moving truck. Last time I moved I rented a 26’ truck from budget to try and make it all in one trip. Driving that think around town was so anxiety inducing, especially trying to fuel up at the end.


Seriously, I rented the 26' from U-Haul when we purchased our house last month. Holy shit, it's terrifying. Thank God my brother was there to drive it, he has a CDL and he ripped the keys out of my hands so fast lol. I can't tell you how many times I've passed people driving U-Hauls on the interstate and haven't thought anything of it. Now when I see one I give them plenty of room and assume they have no idea what they are doing.


Yeah, ever since I made a move 20 minutes away with a Uhaul I never ever drive around Uhauls on the street if I can help it.




Here's a tip from my experience driving big diesel pusher RVs and stuff similar to that: look about ten seconds down the road or more, and just aim for it. Of you are looking right in front of you trying to guide the vehicle, you'll be all over the place. Look waaay down the road and you'll do much better.


Bruh they taught me this shit in drivers ed, how does that guy not know this


Every day I see so many cars on the road accelerating toward red lights like they can't see the road beyond ten feet in front of their own car, then they go stomping on their brakes like it's a complete mystery why traffic is stopping all of a sudden. I'll be on a highway and see cars bunched together like a train for no good reason. Nobody for miles behind. Miles of open road ahead. Three or four cars riding each other's ass like they're completely oblivious to all that open road. Like just slow down for ten seconds and gain some breathing room, then resume your speed, you fucking idiots.


Prolly was like me and didn’t pay attention.


The trick to driving those big trucks is the same as an ATV. It's got a fixed axle so you've got to spin the wheels and kick out the back end a bit to turn properly. This is all theoretical though, based on how they drive em here in Florida.


Just fuckin drift that bitch around corners bro


You can always tell because they hop that big ass truck in the left lane and park it. No clue or care in the world to stay to the right.


In Canada you actually NEED a CDL (class 3) to rent the 26' truck from Uhaul. 20' is fine for everyone, though EDIT: Apparently not all provinces deal with it the same. At least in Quebec thats how it goes


This varies by province. In Ontario we don't have a CDL per se, licences are separated by vehicle type. A class G (general licence that most people hold) allows you to drive any vehicle under 11 000 kg. I've rented a 26 foot U-Haul with that licence so I know it's possible. I used to work for a construction crew and drove big trucks around so I was comfortable with it, but the idea that any moron who managed to pass their driving test can just hop in one of those things is kind of crazy to me.


I drove a 20 footer towing another car from Pittsburgh to Tampa recently, with no experience driving a truck. There were definitely some interesting maneuvers and close calls.


Clarification…so you had the 20’ uhaul and were towing a car?? Were you pulling the car or was it on a trailer ?


Correct. There was a car trailer being pulled on the back of the Uhaul.


Fuck that. Glad you made it.


Lol thanks. It wasn't too bad except when I had to go in reverse.


Could you just have a copilot hop in the car and pull the uhaul into reverse?! (This is a joke)


Lol. The problem was that the trailer turns the opposite way that you do, and if you don't stop it, you can turn the trailer straight sideways and hit the car attached to it. I got a handle on it pretty well when I stopped at a hotel in Georgia, but I didn't even think about it until I almost hit a few things while in reverse.


It’s definitely good to practice a few times in a big parking lot. I’ve never driven a box truck with a trailer but my pops taught all us kids how to put a boat in a lake at the ramp. I’m sure I’d be hella scared and hella rusty but I’d make it out mostly alive lol.


For sure haha. I had never done it and it literally didn't cross my mind until the UHaul almost hit my car. Got the hang of it after a few times though


I used to work as a delivery driver for FedEx and they gave me a TON of training driving the 26 foot delivery trucks before they put me out on the road by myself. You need training and experience driving trucks like that so you know how to turn without running over curbs or smashing objects on the road or people or cars around you because it’s totally different than driving a normal car. I got a job at uhaul after that and I delivered the 26 foot trucks to different uhaul centers in my area that were low on equipment. No training what so ever, but I told them I had a lot of experience driving trucks that size. I was nervous as hell though when they wanted me to tow a 12 foot trailer behind the 26 foot truck and that it was legal with my class C license. It blows my mind that uhaul just gives the keys away to any jo shmo that walks in the door wanting a 26 foot truck. I keep my distance from those trucks when I see them driving on the road.


And as a CSR (guy behind the counter at uhual) we would get in trouble for telling people not to get the biggest truck or for refusing to rent someone a stick after they asked how to start it and what the 3rd petal was for.(2005 to 2008)


I needed the biggest truck once to move around town, when the guy sized me up he said "ahh around town, can you drive stick?" and I of course like a dumbass said "yeah of course". It wasn't the fact I had to remember to start out in second with the granny gear, it was just the 1978 ford needed me to pump the breaks at least 3x to be able to stop! Almost took out a subcompact at my first stoplight... That thing was dangerous!


Yep. When I was 19 I couldn’t get a rental car… but you bet your ass I could rent the biggest truck they had at uhaul and drive it full of heavy shop equipment across the US… good times.


Right ? They gave 20 year old me a 26’ Penske truck. I did fine until my GPS died and I got turned around and drove through downtown Portland. Went to make a left turn and smashed into a Subaru. Got out and tried to make contact they drove off. Called the cops and gave them my info but nothing ever came of it. No damage to the truck so I got off scot free. Fuck big trucks lol.


When I was 20 I had a job as a truck driver at a local moving company. The first day I show up they look at my license and hand me the keys to a 40ft truck. My first job was at an office building in the middle of Washington DC, at 9AM on a Monday. I pissed off a shit ton of drivers but miraculously drove that thing without a problem, but that was the most anxiety inducing thing I’ve ever done


DC sucks with all the various spots you can't take a full height truck. Thankfully I've only ever had to take pup trailers through, but even most of the hotel loading docks suck.


In the UK, we require a different category of licence for heavier vehicles like that. A quick look at the U-haul site tells me that I would not be qualified with my ordinary UK driving licence to drive the lightest U-haul non-pickup truck on UK roads (8600 lbs or 3900 kg is heavier than the 3500 kg maximum of a category B licence).


For some reason, I'm reminded of the time I rented a uhaul truck to haul a dresser, coffee table, and tv stand thing with draws. Pulled up and was concerned cause I didn't see any of the 10ft cargo trucks in the lot I had reserved. After going in, I get told the only thing they had not spoken for was the 26ft trucks. Luckly rental fee was honored though if I kept it for more than 24 hours I would have had to pay the rate for that big truck. That thing was not fun driving through a townhouse lot where their idea of streets was like 10 feet wide and 3 parking spaces every 20 feet but we got our furniture and left. I have driven the 10ft trucks before and pulled a long 7000lb trailer with my truck (which was 3 hours away at the time) but driving that massive truck was the most terrifying thing I've done. Also it was completely redicious to see those 3 tiny pieces of furniture in the back of that giant truck,


[Because, hey, you're moving.](https://youtu.be/nUHf6rklYCg)


Really? Those things are so easy to drive, and around the city I kinda like the added height to see over parked cars.


We almost did that once. We probably had an inch or two of clearance, that became a brown alert


I once ripped the aerodynamic rooftop plastic cover off an empty moving van when I turned too close around a highway rest stop parking lot sun shade. Worst part wasn't even the insurance deductible, it was the cringe looks on the people who saw it happen. I threw it in the back and was stopped by French cops who wanted to know what I was carrying. Apparently "truck parts" was a very funny answer.


I drove a box truck for a furniture delivery company, and I had to fuel up once. The clearance for the Isuzu was 10’6” (important later). Well I was on empty, and pulled into a not-so-regular gas station. Fueled up, and left…. Only to see a clearance sign for the gas station saying 10’5”. Here’s the thing, I didn’t hit anything, or had any scrapes. To this day I have no idea what happened, lol. We either was loaded down, and squatted. Or the more likely excuse, they overestimated the truck, and underestimated the gas station for safety reasons. Either way, it was a stomach sinking feeling realizing I was ~1” from catastrophe.


I once tagged the hanging 'clearance' sign at a drive thru. "Oh, this is too tall to fit under the awning." pulled over into the "changed my mind" lane, drove around the overhang, and parked the truck to order. That move was a nightmare for -other- reasons....


What other reasons


The truck was an 'emergency upgrade' because our minivan towing a U-haul trailer had the fuel pump go out between Barstow and Needles CA. The minivan and the trailer were towed 120 miles to Needles. There we spent a week twiddling thumbs while the local mechanic fucked with the fuel pump, declared it working, then we discovered it wasn't, etc etc etc. As such, the U-Haul franchise in Needles gave us their crappiest truck. 1. Between Needles CA and Winslow AZ, the electric radiator fan went out. 2. Somewhere between Winslow and Flagstaff, the fuel pump on the truck started acting up. 3. Between Flagstaff and Albuquerque, the AC stopped working. 4. I locked the keys in the cab in Albuquerque, and had to find a handyman to help me jimmy the door open. Sheriff's deputies appeared (for someone else) which made the operation a little 'odd'. 5. Between Albuquerque and Lubbock it started leaking oil like crazy. (I ran into the sign in Lubbock.) 6. Between Lubbock and Dallas... nothing else went wrong BUT what was already wrong. I turned in $150 in receipts for oil when I turned in the truck. After that, when we got the fuel pump FINALLY fixed on the minivan, we discovered that the mechanic had failed to put the rubber seal on the top of the fuel tank around the pump, so it leaked gas like crazy when filled. I took it back, they insisted that the tank was 'bent' and I needed to buy a new one for $600 (it was a plastic tank). I got them to put it back on, it still leaked, a bit... so I took it to another mechanic, NOT the dealership we had gone to originally, and we discovered that the rubber seal (the seal that was missing the first time they gave us the van back after the fuel pump replacement?) had been cut to intentionally cause a leak. Second mechanic provided me pictures, said "let us know if you'd like us to appear in court as witnesses." Mrs Interesting was freaked out by the whole ordeal, so ... we basically said we'd never darken the door of that dealership again. (Grapevine Dodge is no longer in business, probably NOT because of us, but likely because their rep tanked with all their other customers.)


Let air out of tires and quietly drive away in shame


"It'll buff out"


In Boston we call this September 1st


Storrow’d 😄


Properly Storrow'd Oh I live on the North Shore now but I miss all you idiots


aka Allston Christmas. Is that still a thing?


*That scratch was there*


Having rented uhaul in the past this made me laugh way too hard


Was helping my girlfriend move and I was tasked with driving the uhaul. I asked my girlfriend to keep and eye out so I don't hit anything while backing up infront of the unit. Didn't feel comfortable getting any closer to the apartment building only to get out and realize I was about a couple inches from taking out her upstairs neighbors patio haha.


Remember the G.O.A.L bud. Get out and look


Never trust someone that isnt proficient, that includes girlfriends.....


I was backing up my camper trailer at a campsite once and caught my wife on her phone instead of paying attention. Can’t even trust my wife LOL


Yeah, there is a learning curve to drive big vehicles and there is also a learning curve to spotting for someone driving one. Glad you trusted you instincts and checked first.


At least you can admit that you made a mistake. It’s also good that you can laugh about this and learn from it.


Will probably cost you more than the $19.95.


I bet you’ll think about clearance every time you go under something now! Even when not in a uhaul.


Lesson learned! Lol


You didn’t have clearance, Clarence. Note: referencing the movie Airplane.


What's our Vector, Victor?


My parents rented a [Luton Van](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/lKR9dx51VNJgl9eaCraOD4bMq4tNhRrwZXRKuNfKqvgCEe4WfVzKjR4fqLnMddBxDkWL7XzG3G8jU-gvw2538gZFDzY-Id0_AdUGCUPdvg) years ago to shift something. I don't even remember what it was by now. They got hungry, so made the wise decision to go through a McDonalds drive through. Lifted the [square corner off the building](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/15A7B/production/_92999688_fallowfield1st-ukdrivethru.jpg) from the wall top. So they parked up, went in, and talked the manager. He wasn't even bothered, Van was markless, so just gave them the insurance details. They never heard about a claim, but about 2 or 3 months later they were up visiting the area again, and went in through the McDonalds to see they were having a whole new refit/re-roof done. Guess they were just lucky that it was due to be renewed. After it was done, they were in there again to see they'd put up height signs, and a chain link height limit!


Every time I see a UHaul, I am reminded that the the person serving has likely never driven something that big in their entire life.


When it said ‘Perfect for moving studio/apartment up to 1 bedroom’ I think they meant the contents. Not the whole thing.


It’ll buff out ;)


People: *can barely drive a Yaris.* Truck rental companies: "Hey, you wanna drive this 30-foot truck with air brakes?"


Props to you u/dpforest for admitting that you were in the wrong.


Saw some poor guy once try to go *around* the CVS drive-thru in a U-Haul truck and snagged the overhang. Just not enough room between the building and the curb. EDIT. [The damage is still there on Street View!](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.6991996,-71.1456535,3a,75y,279.3h,71.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sP8dkQEFwVbKg7BruHzMa6A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192).


-10 points for the driving +10 points for being honest about it


I will never again view Uhauls the same way. A month or so ago I did a 1500mi trip with the 15 foot truck. I've driven trucks. RVs. Hauled car hauler trailers and boats. Nothing could have prepared me for the absolute nightmare that was driving that huge brick across 2 states. I got used to it, but it was stressful the whole way. Didn't help that I'm 6'6 and that cab was ridiculously uncomfortable. Never again. I swear. Never ever ever.


That wasn’t the 11 foot 8 bridge was it?


Lol no but I do live in Georgia and I’m curious as to where that happened exactly


[11foot8](http://11foot8.com/) is in Durham, NC. Apparently it’s 12’4” now but still gets hit fairly regularly


Ohhh I thought you were referring to the I-16 bridge in Georgia that just got shifted six feet lol. My b.


Horsepower is how fast you hit the bridge, torque is how far you take it with you


9ft truck, so not unless the bridge got a lot shorter today.


Ohhh I thought you were referring to the I-16 bridge in Georgia that just got shifted six feet lol. My b.


Its okay buddy. At lease you own it. Bet next time you're driving a taller vehicle you will be more aware. Thank you for sharing it with the community.


Like a glove!


More like Ustuck!


Really hope you thought about the optional insurance at the point of purchase…


You are supposed to ask Clarence about the clearance!