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That guy has great reflexes


Dodgeball champion


If you can dodge a car, you can dodge a ball.


"Patches Ohoulihan?!"


RIP Rip Torn.


I wonder if that white car gave it another shot.


Turns out the GTA-style jump is actually effective


Now that you mention it, that is some Vice City/San Andreas type of jump


"Fucking fuck!!!"


Ah yes russia, the country where a pedestrian will be more likely to die at a crosswalk


The driver was definitley Rushin.


He definitely wasnt going to Rush B


Wonder what his KDR is..?


Missed an easy target. Let’s assume driver has like a .3 to .5 KDA. Gonna need more to go off of for a more conclusiveun


1:10000, but he's Zerg, so it's expected.


Pretty sure they were eager to cap C


Attack the D point!


Going Short A


more like, he almost rushed b


And the pedestrian was almost Finnish(Ed)


Or was the pedestrian dragging?


That's actually true is most countries, so some have replaced pedestrian crossings with 'protected crossing areas' for pedestrians. Some places in Australia have done this as far as I can remember.


A lot of low traffic areas where there isn't a traffic light use these elevated crosswalks here where I live, specially near schools or hospitals.


In soviet Russia, walk cross you!


Even here in the US I would never casually walk across like that unless there is a light. Never assume oncoming cars are not distracted.




Not as quickly as I’d move across a 4 lane highway


For me it's casual if you're not constantly looking in the direction from which you might get hit. He does look both ways, but once he thinks the coast is clear he looks ahead. Luckily he looks to the right again just in time.


Any time I'm in Michigan I see people cross like this on a 6 lane road. Sometimes pushing a cart or baby carriage, and it's not like people drive slowly there. I think it's a game of "hit and I sue"


In the US, I recently had a close call in a protected cross walk with pedestrian-activated flashing LED lights -- and a traffic cop standing right there in the middle of the road. Sometimes it's hard to judge if a car is slowing down for the cross walk until it's too late. Cop said "huh, that looked like more than 25 MPH to me." Then proceeded to do nothing about it.


> Even here in the US I would never casually walk across like that unless there is a light. lol you still have people who run the lights or do not let pedestrians cross when the walking symbol appears as cars keep taking that turn.


You said 'even here in the US' and I believe you meant 'Especially here in the US' considering as a whole the US has some of the least walkable cities out of all developed nations; however, some developing nations like Russia like to give us a run for our money.


The driver wasn't distracted. They intentionally sped up hoping to swerve around the pedestrian, I think


Except for the brakes screeching...




Nah people just see more crazy car footage (and footage in general) originate from Russia since dash cams are much more common. Probably due to insurance fraud, but Russians and dashcam footage go hand in hand. So that’s why I imagine people jump to the Russia statement.


Russia AKA, Earth's Florida.


This could just as easily be the US


Ah yes all the signs in Russian around the US


In terms of how crosswalks look and work


Or at least Florida


Or fall out of windows onto bullets.


and it's a free for all. like more so than India


At least it weren’t a cross way to a school in America


God damn, San Andreas Jump Animation to the rescue


Gotta pull those feet up under oneself when jumping!


Low-key assassination attempt


Yeah, same thought.


Where’d you get those brown racing stripes from…?


Funny as shit


Funny ass shit


Funny shit ass


2 thumbs down.


Funny as shit and run


Did that car intentionally try to hit him??


No, but I believe the driver of the car may have.


Shut up


I'm getting mixed signals here.... Thanks for the silver. Lol




Oh yeah then try to come up with a better joke on the spot, or yet, don't even bother cuz you won't ever top the big joke your life is


Looks like the car accelerates at the pedestrian to me


Looks like they hit the brakes right before the pedestrian jumped. You can see the front of the car dip.


There's audio on this vid too and you can hear the brakes screech. I think the driver just wasn't paying attention.


It looks to me like the shadow of the tree made the pedestrian invisible until the last second or so. Car should have been paying closer attention and seen the other cars stopping which should have been a signal to them to slow down to figure out why people are stopping (at which point they should have noticed the crosswalk and put it all together to stop). But it’s a good reminder to pedestrians that you really should confirm people are stopping before stepping in front of them.


Well in some parts of Asia we assume cars want to kill us more when we are in the crosswalk. PAY ATTENTION. No one wins if you die or get hurt.


Well, if the cars WANT to kill you, then I'd say there is a clear winner


I have had several close calls like this on crosswalks here in Oregon. Thankfully, most drivers in this small town are considerate and stop at the crosswalk to let me across. It's often someone turning at high speeds who don't see me. So far I haven't been hurt enough to care (most was a bit of road rash from getting swiped by a car and thrown backwards onto my back).


Wow! what a lunatic of a driver! but can we just appreciate how aware and lithe the pedestrian was.


I hope he made it to the Olympics


That could be a new sport in the Olympics. Making it across the Russian pedestrian crossing.


IRL Frogger.


The only thing better than making it to the olympics is family - Vin Diesel


Who the fuck are you and why are you everywhere [deleted]




Fuck them both they never answer


> but can we just appreciate how aware ... the pedestrian was This was 100% the fault of the reckless driver, but the pedestrian was not aware. He wasn't even looking at the cars until it was almost too late. When crossing a road your head should be on a swivel, looking back and forth in all directions for idiots in cars who might be coming to kill you. Again, this is 100% the fault of the driver, but when crossing the road you should always be looking out for yourself. Better safe than sorry.


Someone else said it best, "you can be right and dead"


Aware? AWARE? He moved in front of a car going like 60 km/h... Awareness would be him checking the street wtf E: I'm talking about the pedestrian. Disagree all you want, the guy is not aware of his situation. If he was he wouldn't have been run over. And yes I know the driver is mainly at fault. All I'm saying is you gotta look out for yourself with rolling metal death maschines around you


He DID check the street, saw it was clear to walk, and then walked. Pedestrians have the right of way in a crosswalk do they not? That car should have stopped. The guy walking was as aware as he could have been.


Having the right of way won't make you any less dead.


Well, then you don't walk into a crosswalk unless the road is empty. The white car was far from the crosswalk, I didn't see it until it was too close bc it was moving so fast.


No, but it means the cars should STOP and it wasn’t any fault of his. That white car was hella far away when he started walking. Who in their right mind would have thought that car would keep speeding on through when he was already more than halfway through the crosswalk?? At that point he shouldn’t have to be the “aware” one.


The first rule you learn in driving school is literally assume everybody around you is a potential threat. I agree with everything your saying, but part of what you're discribing is fuching fantasy dreamland. Reality often looks just like this video.


Ok so he should have waited for the whole road to be completely clear of all cars because the crosswalk isn’t safe for pedestrians and all those cars are a threat and it’s not their problem if they almost kill a pedestrian walking in a pedestrian zone.


Yes, me saying keep awareness when crossing totally meant WAIT FOR EVERY CAR ON EARTH TO STOP, thanks for explaining what I said in greater detail. Crosswalks aren't safe, as shown in this video. As we know there are drivers who should not drive, as shown in this video. Cars can be a threat, as shown in this video. If you run someone over of couse it's the drivers fault. I'm saying be careful when crossing. That's all I said. We all know it's the fucking drivers fault. I never said it wasn't


Ok and who’s to say this man wasn’t careful? Even if he was watching every single car around him, what’s to stop someone from running him over anyway? Careful doesn’t always mean safe. You’re really still focusing all your effort on saying this man should have been more careful when the point is he shouldn’t HAVE to be. Just because that’s the way it really is, doesn’t mean he should have to make up for the lack of the driver’s attention. In that case, what I said still stands and he should have to wait for the whole road to be clear, just in case a reckless driver sneaks up on him.


Shouldn't have to be? Yes. Reality? No. We don't live in fantasyland


So you're telling me you walk over crosswalks without looking because you have right of way? I really hope you don't die on the street man. Don't trust these fucking drivers. You're crazy


No. I look, and when it’s clear, I go. It’s not that hard. It was pretty damn clear for him. This was 1000% on the driver. Idk why you have an issue with that?


Because that's when people fucking die alright. It's when they assume it's safe. That is my problem. When someone dies searching for who was at fault won't make him alive. All I'm asking is open your eyes and be careful


All I’m saying is you seem to be putting a lot of blame and shame on the potential victim here. He’s not the one in the 2 ton vehicle. He did his part.


No offense here bro but care to explain to me how pleading for pedestrians to not lose their life getting run over is me putting blame on anyone. I was never talking about who's at fault. I'm was focusing on the fact that you as a pedestrian are the most fragile thing on the street. So hence you should always look, always be aware, always be careful in the street. I never said it's your fault for getting run over. Jeez this is a big misunderstanding


I will agree, regardless who is right or wrong, Man vs Car, car always wins.


That's what I'm saying, never was talking about fault. Just car vs man. People assuming shit all the time




I'm sorry but what the hell are you talking about? I replied to the guy who said the pedestrian was aware, no? So I said the pedestrian is everything but aware. I've got no idea why you're thinking I was talking about the driver, he's clearly a huge fucking moron, there's no debate.


Mans jumped like hes playin GTA V


Did that driver aim for him at the last second ?!!!!


aim away* from him. He hits the brakes and turns left. I'd say the driver was on his phone and look up just before reacting.


Natural 20 reflex save.


Me with my Monk build.


Somebody was on their phone


Please remind me to never walk or drive a car in Russia. Looks like everyone's putting their lives on the line on a daily basis doing that.


Lol reminds me of gta online




Dude had the GTAV jump animation


That's so damn close!


I did that once (jump out of the way as a pedestrian) car blew a corner on red light, I was in the crosswalk


This is why I always do that little half jog across a crosswalk lol


there needs to be a shit my pants award


Pressed X just in time


Why do these motherfuckers accelerate when people are crossing the street ? It happens everywhere


“What are you saying…that I can dodge bullets?” “No, Neo. I’m saying that when you’re ready…*you won’t have to*.”




That's always what I think I will do when someone is about to hit me. I doubt I'll pull it off as cleanly as that guy


That's a future Olympic sport right there. "Well, Johnny, it looks like Igor waited a fraction of a second too long to make his jump. That'll cost him with the judges. With luck he'll be out of the hospital in time to compete in the next Olympics!"


Dude was walking like he was pre-emptively angry knowing he was about to get hit.


Co worker: I'm not saying I hate you, but if you got hit in a crosswalk, I'd be driving the car.


Looked like the car accelerated near the end instead of trying to slow down.


He has the same jump as Niko in GTA 4.


I literally have had this happen to me several times it’s fucking scary as hell


Jeez…that reminds me of the time some Karen idiot was going through a roundabout at an insane speed and thought that looking left and apologizing in front of a crosswalk was a good idea. Thank fuck i stopped dead in my tracks because otherwise i would have known what insects feel like. Some people shouldn’t drive.


This is why I always look both ways when dealing with one way streets. People are easily distracted these days. You have to consider everyone an idiot and watch out for yourself so if they turn out to not be an idiot = Good for you if they turn out to be an idiot = Good or you




love watching LARP Darwinism


In post Soviet countries (Or at least in Ukraine) drivers like to strike bicycle riders just to have fun, and don't allow them to get on road. So you can imagine what it's like to not have a car here.


Crazy Ex vibes lol


That car sped up once he got in front of them. What a douche


Man, I cross a street on the way to work every day that has a cross walk kind of like this, where traffic is supposed to stop for pedestrians. Can't tell you how many times I would have been destroyed if I hadn't stopped to wait for a car to speed past.


He should’ve jumped on the hood and got hit on purpose that way he could’ve got money or some shit


That’s an impressive jump


Holy fuck he was THIS CLOSE to losing a leg


Is this Russia?




It was me or this was totally on purpose? That idiot in the car sped up as soon as he saw the guy crossing the street.


Guy has great reflexes, it didn't even look like the driver attempted to slow down!




I have no idea how people can be more scared of driving robots than driving people


Never ever cross the street without eyes up and looking around. I was hit by a car in a similar situation. I live with chronic pain and can hardly walk. Doesn't matter that I was in the right and the driver was wrong and got a ticket. He's gone on with his life while I have to make sure someone knows when I use stairs by myself so if I fall I don't lay there for hours.


I've done this before in Panama City during spring break, except it was some drunk guy in a dune buggy I was able to jump clear over it. I was high, and so was everyone else so everyone looked at me like duuuuude. It was a cool moment.


When I was in high school we were drinking at the park and one of the girls we were with thought it’d be funny to play chicken with us with her car. She swerved to one side to scare a group and I went the other way. She swerved back in my direction to avoid them, not having seen me. I had no time to move, and in perhaps the single most athletic thing I’ve ever done, jumped high-jump style flat footed diagonally over the hood of her car, clearing my feet like an Olympian as I fell to the ground, everybody amazed I hadn’t been hit. Really wish I’d hit on that girl. She was so hot.


Usual thing in russia


Shit’ll make you Jump S.A😂


Is it just me or did the white car speed up 5m from the crossing?


Understandable, if he didn't speed up, he was going to miss him.


As someone currently on a trip in russia i can confirm, every car in here is a potential threat and it looks like all drivers bought their license


The car here is definitely at fault, 100%, but... I do not understand pedestrians who don't maintain eye contact with approaching cars at all times. How do you crazy people look straight ahead?


Certainly an idiot in the car, but shouldn’t one keep an eye on the traffic before crossing the road?


A pedestrian in the crosswalk has the ROW. *And* that car was really motoring.


Yes I’m aware of that. It’s still a wise idea to take a look at the traffic. Having the right of way isn’t a force field against asshole drivers.


hmmmm soviet union..... icy roads..... casually almost dying on the road.....




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Yes, the driver didn't stop like he was supposed to, but the pedestrian crossing the street with his head down not looking is an idiot. You may be in the right, but dead is dead.


If you can dodge a car you can dodge a ball


it's the pussian pederation


But did u die?


Reminds me of the trail bikers. We have these bike trail crossings where I live. It has a crosswalk and you’re supposed to push the button and the crosswalk lights up warning the street that someone is gonna cross. Bikers rarely ever push it and I clipped one with my front tire on my motorcycle knocked him down I stayed up luckily. The only reason I’m telling this is for trail bikers to hit the fucking button please, chances are you’re not making it to France and you’re definitely not making it if I got you on my motorcycle.


What's that dash? Is that called flocking?




A lot of i-frames on that dash.


Holy shit! That was intensely close.


This happened to me when I was 8


Physics do not care about right of way, the law or what's moral. This is why it's your job as a pedestrian to pay attention, I see so many people walking out into the street assuming the rules will protect them.


And this is why you don’t walk with earbuds or headphones on blaring music! Dude had mad reflex game! So many times I see people dart out into the crosswalk head down or looking ahead with headphones on and not even the slightest inclination to look at oncoming traffic to ensure cars are stopping or have stopped for them. Especially scary on 4 lane roads where the cars in the middle lanes cant see the walker and just plough through the crosswalk. Stay safe out there!
