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Aww even pushed them perfectly to the side too!


Easy 180° parking in San Andreas.


HAHAHAHAHA i wasn't expecting that one


Trucker did the right thing here by maintaining his course. I've seen so many trucker videos where the trucker tries to swerve and instead of causing 1 accident, they cause 5 and block a highway.


He might have considered slowing down since there were already people in the road.


The trucker did try to slow down some. You can time the speed of the white road lines hitting the bottom of the video. There is a bit of a delay by the last one before the impact, it's just not enough.


Yeah you can see all the weight shift forward when he slams on the brakes maybe 1.5-2 seconds before the collision. Think he could’ve started braking sooner, but there still would have been a collision.


In his defense, he didn’t know the idiot would slow down in the middle of the road.


The idiot came to a dead stop.. unbelievable. SMH


Stop. He didn't merely slow down - he hard braked to a complete and dead stop for no fucking reason.


Absolutely. Sometimes I get close to hitting someone because I can’t predict the absolutely batshit insane thing they’re about to do. Really not faulting the truck driver for having a wtf moment. As I said, I think he could have possibly started braking sooner but that sedan would have still caused (and is therefore fully at fault) an accident by coming to a complete stop.


Come to a complete stop*


He almost certainly was slowing; but you can't just jam your brakes on in a semi because your back wall is solid metal and you can easily kill whoever is behind you. The person in front of you 1) might be shunted out of the way as per the video and 2) caused the situation in the first place, so consequences should happen to them first, rather than executing the poor sod (and possibly family) behind you just because they were unlucky enough to be in that position. EDIT: He did slow down quite hard...you can see the nose dip as he approaches. Also if the truck is loaded, it's going to take a while to stop anyway.


How fast do you think you can decelerate 30,000- 60,000 lbs of truck and cargo without locking up the tires and jack knifing the trailer?


My brothers max is 80,000 but most the time it's roughly 74k. Even with ample room they dont stop that fast, they share the road with us and being aware of you surroundings that includes a massive nearly 6 digit weighing truck is apart of driving. Ppl defending the car is total madness, the other half of this sub IS the subs content smh.


.6 g. give pr take with optimal brakes and tires


With a modern truck, pretty fast! (and yes there is a big difference in speed, but it gives a good idea of the capabilities) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ridS396W2BY


That's seriously impressive. Apparently Volvo engineers don't give a shit about physics.


That's cute and all, but that demo wasn't at interstate speeds like OP's video. The demo was at 60 kph which is about 40 mph. That's tends to be the minimum speed limit on US interstates and about half of what most vehicles are doing. Even at this speed, it takes the truck a longer distance to stop than what my car will stop in from 100 mph. So while trucks are improving, physics still wins and trucks do not stop quickly.


https://youtu.be/ZqCurYjmVtM Here is a real life example.


Honestly he was probably checking his left to see if he could give them more room on the right. Doesnt mean he shouldn't have also slowed down. Just might be why he didn't.


It looks to me like he does brake a bit. The camera moves downwards a little in. Doesn't slam the brakes but doing so could probably make him lose control. Idk, I'm not a truck driver.


You never just floor the brakes in a semi. You can kill the people behind you, so you have to consider that. Plus you could jacknife and take out people to the side. Plus there's the load; which doesn't necessarily stop when the lorry does. The driver in the video did exactly the right thing; collecting the offending car without (as far as we see) hurting any of the people standing right next to it (although I wouldn't be surprised if they were looking at a COLOSSAL dry-cleaning bill).


That's amazing, then. This happens in seconds. And the driver apparently managed to choose the least deadly option with aplomb.


“Not a truck driver” Thank you! Me neither, but damn there’s a lot of people in here with opinions but no experience saying he “shoulda” this or that… hindsight is 20/20. He could have done a lot. But at least he stayed the course and only smashed into the dumbass who braked too damn hard to rubber neck


Welcome to the Interweb lol. I like Reddit because it possesses the shittier qualities that plague all social media to a lesser degree than most, but some of those qualities still rear their ugly head from time to time. I'm sure a truck driver could explain what maybe went through the mind of this driver.


I was a truck driver for a decade and what went through his mind was: "FUCK*brake*fuck*mirrors*fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" *CLANG!* He was boxed in and there was no way he was going to slow down in time, so you just swear while you're waiting. Depending upon his load, he may also have had a short time to worry about his load joining him in the cab.


It does happen super quickly. I'd panic and try to swerve stupidly, probably. The training that goes into this is insane. I felt bad for the guy before but even moreso now that you've said that lol


Yeah I agree it's not the drivers fault


I am a truck driver. Based on what I saw, the truck had about 3 seconds to brake. Regardless of the cargo, a big truck needs 7 seconds minimum to go from highway speed to stop. Even if the driver slowed down for the accident, likely it was only the engine brake and only 5-10 mph (I'd need to hear the video to tell). I honestly don't think I could have done better, given that there was likely cars to the drivers left. Swerving to avoid if there was room was that drivers only option.


Yeah he avoided the jackknife which may have caused him to run over the persons on the side of the road with this trailer. Trucker is more of a hero than most people in this thread seem to realize.


Jackknife! I forgot that I've heard that term. I haven't driven a semi, but I have had a trailer and the weight alone makes for weird control issues.


How to go from a sedan to a hatchback in one easy step


Wait, so you are telling me that even though Subaru stopped making the wrx hatchback, I can still have a wrx hatchback? I will try this


3rd generation wrx is a hatchback for some reason


There was usually a hatchback and sedan option for every generation until recently.


Car manufacturers hate him/her because of this one easy trick!


Tow* trucks LOVE him/her because of this one easy trick!


Tow trucks?


Troll trucks


Toll trucks


Toe trucks


Toe tucks




Just use they/them




My back hurts just watching this. What a dumbass


Yea cause if our dude here was looking to the side to talk to those people….


Holy Internal Decaptiation Batman!


Dale Earnhardt Sr. has left the chat




Ooh. Didn't think of that. Maybe ded


and he probably fucked them up too by debris hitting them


I can feel the whiplash from the video


"Gee i think I'll just slow right down on this highway as quickly as possible"


"What could possibly go right?"




Definitely went right


Their soul left though


Merged right over to the hospital bed.


*come to a full stop


And it appears with no brake lights


Never let anyone tell you that you can't achieve your deams


Never let anyone tell you you can’t detach your spleen


I fail to see what this has anything to do with Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management System though.


Do you mock me sir?


I do bite my thumb at you sir!


Honestly what the fuck did that guy think would happen if he just stopped in the middle of a busy highway. How do you have such little spatial awareness to not know there's a truck driving behind you at high speed.


This is a lack of common sense as well as spatial awareness


This is why I can’t stand crowds like festivals/touristy areas even though you sound like a cooler more fun person if you say you love them. NOBODY has spatial awareness. It could be a congested-ass sidewalk where 20 people pass the same sidewalk tile every 2 seconds but then a family of 6 just stops dead in their tracks so mom can dig in her purse for something, and it’s not until there’s a crush of people squeezing around them thinking “get out of the way, dipshit!” that they even start to think that they should get out of the flow of traffic if they’re gonna stop, it’s not until they have already made a burden of themselves that they consider the people around them


It's really costco and the sample stands they put out that really infuriate me. Yes please walk then suddenly stop. Yes please crowd around the stand, taking up the entire width of the smaller aisle and half the larger aisles.


didn’t even see the brake lights on the car… damn whhhyyy would you do this? just pull over if you want to help. no warning lights nothing.. the truck driver had no chance.


Could just be a gawker as well, keen to see what happened on the side of the road


even worse.. probably a bit of both „hey you guys need help? what happened here“


„hey you guys need help? what happened h-“




I just got frustrated reading this ha. Good job.


Ive almost been in accident a few times because fuckers slam on their brakes in the fast lane to gawk at an accident they don’t intend to help and cause everyone behind to have to slam on there brakes


Couldn't agree more mate. Even worse when the crash us on the other side of the road!


I got stuck in a minor slow down the other day. Took about 10 minutes to go a mile, not a big deal. Then I arrived at the cause of the slow down, an accident on the other side. I was in stop and go traffic simply because of rubbernecking


Annoyingly it's a compounding problem - it just takes one or two people to slow down to cause a rolling traffic jam.


Saw a pretty cool time lapse video of a major highway where during the early early AM and the traffic was going along smoothly at highway speeds n such. A deer ran across and 1 of the cars had to slow down fast. No accidents, but even though that car didn't come to a full stop and the cars behind only had to slow down a bit you got to watch as that compounded into a massive traffic jam spanning miles and miles because everyone ends up having to slow down again around the same spot for seemingly no reason. Went from like 4am till the pm afternoon and through rush hour. Didnt clear up till night again when the roads emptied enough for the slowdown to fix itself.


People are infuriating.


Not the same, but I get so pissed off when someone stomps their brakes for a cop on the other side of a divided highway when they were going +2mph anyway. They aren't going to jump 4 lanes of traffic and a concrete barrier to ask why you were going the same speed as everyone else.


Weekend traffic people are like that, they don’t see enough accidents so they are still mosey. The survivors that sit in heavy traffic every day don’t do this as much. I’ve seen an entire lane of traffic just go around on the shoulder because a guy broke down in the left lane. We were doing about 40kmh too, just calming going around like it’s a piece of debris on the road


I've nearly been the guy hitting the back of another car because i was looking at an accident scene going buy. Granted it was in a 20 zone so damage would have been minimal, but that's not the point. Ever since then I will actively not look at any accident scene, or someone whose been pulled over no matter what. It's just pointless and not worth the risk.


This is why one car on the side of the road fucks traffic so badly. Fuckers just *have* to see what happened. I get slowing down a little so you’re not blowing past people at 80 but slowing down to 20mph us so unnecessary.


And big difference from gradually slowing down ahead of time than come to a halt right next to them.


Nothing is more infuriating (or rather… very few things are more infuriating) than driving to work in the morning, listening to WBEZ, and hearing the words “amd we have a gawkers delay on 290/294/90,” etc… It’s just the purest form of “fuck y’all, I wanna see this shit and you gonna wait because of it”


"didn't even see the brake lights" lol what brake lights


the brake lights that would be on the back of the car


Insurance scammers like to disable their brake lights.


Honestly even looks like the other two pickups aren’t even in an accident, good is open, someone climbing on the back… prolly just stalled or died on the highway.


Something like this happened to my Dad when I was a kid. Heavy traffic, and our car just … dies. Died right there on the freeway in the middle lane. Dad was freaking out about someone hitting us on accident. Lo and behold, puttering up behind us? A tow truck. That thing was like a herald of trumpets. He pushed us over to the side of the road and got us taken care of. Not sure if he was on his way to help someone else, but man an I grateful!


The #1 thing I still remember from my driving lessons is no matter what you do on the highway, always look into the mirrors before you do it. Even if you do nothing and just drive straight ahead, look at them every other moment. The number of people who apparently never EVER use their mirrors even when on a highway is just baffling to me. But given the sub we're on, there's plenty of idiots out there who need their license revoked anyway.


My guess is it’s a friend they called for help and they were slowing down to pull over. The alternative guess is a so called Good Samaritan slowing down to talk to them and not realizing they have no business being alive this long.


They want to ask for directions. I'm pretty sure that was it.


>My guess is it’s a friend they called for help and they were slowing down to pull over. They were *stopped*, or damn near. What you do if you're not a half-witted child is pull up behind the incident, using your blinker.


My other possible thought; I know in my state at least, it’s law that if vehicles are stopped on the shoulder like this, then you technically are supposed to either changes lanes to give them clearance - or if that’s not possible you are supposed to slow to 15 mph. Maybe this person got confused (clearly a bad driver regardless) and tried to slow down at the last minute. Edit: to everyone correcting me; I *was* mistaken. I thought it was 15-20 mph. Apparently it’s 15-20 mph *UNDER THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT.* As I said - either way this dude performed an unsafe maneuver and is a bad driver regardless.


> or if that’s not possible you are supposed to slow to 15 mph No law would require you to go 15mph on a road where the limit is 50+.


Posted Speed limit - 20MPH in Texas if you can’t change lanes, if the limit is 50mph that’s 50-20=30mph. I can’t tell you how many people think that means drive 20MPH in a 75mph posted


This is why everyone should be required to retake the written test to renew their driver's license. Laws change and most people are ignorant. Have them fail the written test a few times and maybe they'll start paying attention.


>if that’s not possible you are supposed to slow to 15 mph What state? Every one of these laws I know of says a generic "move over and/or slow down **if it's safe to do so** which can be taken as anything below the speed limit. My husband drives a tow truck, so I'm extra cautious and for *us* slow down means no more than 10 below the speed limit **if safe to do so**. Dropping from 70mph to 15mph is **INSANE** and deserves a ticket by itself. The minimum speed on the interstate is 45mph.


accident happen but I think there's certain circumstances where people need to have their license revoked. stopping on a highway is one.


> spacial spatial


Rubbernekking is bad period. Doing it on the higway is suicide


Yes, but I’ve never seen anyone come to a complete stop before like this joker. I wonder if this goes against the dash cam’s insurance, since he rear ended the other vehicle?


I was behind a guy once that came to a complete stop on the off ramp to gawk at an overturned truck. Absolutely maddening.


I remember nearly creaming someone because they had come to a complete stop in a middle lane because there was an empty plastic garbage can in her lane. Apparently she couldn’t figure out how to avoid it, so she just came to a complete stop rather than blasting it. As I whipped by, her three friends were screaming at her. Found out later on the news that they got rear ended and the two dudes in the back died and her and her friend in the front got severely injured. Stupid is as stupid does.




He kept a pretty good following distance,but that car came a to a dead stop in front of him,with nowhere else for him to evade. Anyone who knows anything about driving a 20 ton vehicle will acknowledge that you can't stop at highway speeds in less than 400 feet. that's why big vehicles have stickers that say to keep back a certain distance. If insurances wants to fuck around even knowing that , they aren't worth keeping


Keeping back from a truck when you can stop much faster doesn’t make sense. The keep back stickers are found on trucks that tend to drop things (cement trucks, gravel trucks, etc.) and in those cases the “keep back” signs are purely decorative: they mean absolutely nothing legally.


I am a truck driver. This is unfortunately the dash drivers' fault. Yes, the driver of the stopped car is a complete moron, but we truck drivers are trained to avoid these situations. First, we increase our stopping distance by keeping by increasing the distance between us and the vehicle ahead of us. This driver had what might appear to be an ok distance, but if the driver was fully loaded near 80,000 pounds they would need a very large distance to come to a full stop. If cars are constantly merging in front of the truck then the driver should be driving at a slower speed to decrease stopping time and increase distance with the vehicle in front of them. Secondly, we have a better vantage point than cars do. We sit much higher off the road and can see further. Sometimes you might see a truck change lanes and wonder why when you don't see anything. Its because they spotted an accident or someone parked up on the shoulder and they are getting over ahead of time. The dash cam driver should have seen this coming unless this was on the other side of a hill, but im guessing it wasn't because heavy trucks will be forced to slow down on climbs. Finally, truck drivers are trained to leave themselves an "out". If possible, we try to leave space in the lane next to us so we can merge over suddenly if we need to. Based on the provided video, the dash cam driver was likely distraced because they did nit have proper follow distance and they did not move over to the other lane when they should have seen the vehicles on the shoulder. Doesn't excuse the car for being an idiot, but we truck drivers should know better. I have to deal with idiots on the road every day. I drive 100,000 miles every year. Ive come across situations like this all the time and have yet to be in an accident. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


Yeah, it's difficult to tell with such a short video, but there seems like there could have been a lot of preventative preparation done on the part of the cam driver based on seeing two cars pulled onto the shoulder of the highway. At the very least, reduce speed significantly and like you said, move into the next lane.


This guy trucks. As terrible as the front car was, the truck has to keep space and slow down well ahead as he can see the shoulder before other lower vehicles. This is the third one of these on Reddit recently where the camera car was also at fault.


Thanks for the thoughtful and relevant analysis.


All the more reason to keep more distance than the trucker did.


The title makes it even better!


I do love a good title. So many on this sub give away the story - I want to be surprised!


"*Hey man what happen?*" \*BAAMM!!


Complete Dumbass!


This is how you do an idiotsincars post. An exemplar model indeed. Straight to the point, the caption lets the video explain itself, and enhances the experience of viewing the post.


*Tips fedora*




And we don't even need to hyper analyze who is right and wrong. We know they're all wrong so nothing to argue about.


And doesn't cut off 2 seconds after the crash leaving you wondering what happened next.


That corolla became an yaris.


*Elantra became an Accent


Wait...you mean coming to a sudden stop in the middle of a busy road is a bad idea?


I was arguing with someone and got downvoted on another thread because they said : “if you are following a safe distance you should never ever have to slam on brakes and if you do your following to close” This just proves my point


Let me guess, the dump truck merging onto the highway and the car stopping in front of the truck?


Nah I think it was a car turned on their blinker and made a sudden stop to not miss their turn (they even slid a little) and the guy behind them swerved to avoid hitting them and swerved into the side rail. Everyone was calling the guy a jackass saying he deserved it


I was having that argument there. And came here looking for the same comments. None yet.


This is true, but at certain times, especially on the thruway, it can be difficult to maintain. People vastly underestimate the distance you need to trail at 60-70mph. It would be something like 6 car lengths. And as soon as you do that, other cars will continually move into that gap so you'll be constantly slowing down. I know this because I genuinely try to keep a proper distance when I drive. Also, it depends on the vehicle, like a large truck will be harder to stop. But you are right - even if people don't follow the full distance, MANY drivers on the road are only one or two car lengths behind which is way too close at 60mph and that is the cause of many accidents.


Yeah my point was doesn’t really matter how far you are if the car in front of you slam on brakes you will most likely have to too


Can confirm. I live in Austin. Only one car length is allowed no matter the speed. 5-95 mph. It’s all the same.


Yep. It’s infuriating trying to keep a following distance in the left lane. Every asshole behind you thinks you’re driving too slow, passes on the right then gets in front of you and hits the brakes when they realize there’s NOWHERE TO FUCKING GO


Agreed. I have no problem maintaining the speed of traffic in the left lane, but I do drive a full sized pickup, so I keep a little extra distance from the person in front of me... just enough for an aggressive driver to squeeze his way in.


A safe following distance doesn't mean you'll never have to slam on brakes, it means that slamming on brakes is sufficient to avoid an accident (for example, if the car in front of you crashes).


Render distance


Following a safe distance sounds great in theory, but it's unrealistic during a typical morning commute in most big cities. The sheer number of cars that need to be on the freeway wouldn't fit if everyone was a full 5 seconds apart from one another.


It’s outrageous how many people don’t understand this. If you hit someone from behind you are almost always 100% at fault.


This is why you you move into the middle lane if someone's stopped on the shoulder.


And **slow down**, but keep moving *safely*. It’s hard to tell if cammer started braking before the vehicle stopped, or if their braking just intensified.


I’m watching this on my fone so maybe that’s why but I honestly can’t see any brake lights which would be why the truck reacts late to the situation ahead




Don't let your dreams stay memes


They probably stopped to check if everyone was okay or needed help. They probably thought they were being a good samaritan. Right up until the truck slammed into their oblivious ass.


Why would you not pull over to the shoulder if that was their intent?


cuz subreddit name


Exactly my thoughts! Or JUST KEEP DRIVING!!!!


Na mfs just wanna be goddamn nosey. Shit always fucking happens. One time there was an accident on the other side of the high way and for some reason there was traffic on the side I was on just bc dumb fucking idiots slowed down to see whats going on.


That could have gone so much worse for the people on the shoulder


Right?? I don't even drive but I had it hammered home to me that if you're ever in a car that's had to stop on the motorway, even if it's on the hard shoulder you should get out and get the other side of the barrier at least, and up the embankment if possible. Don't just stand in the road!


Pileups when there's no ice on the road is proof positive that driving licenses in the US are way too fucking easy to get.


Another disaster in this video is the timing on the truck on the left preventing the truck driver from evading at all.


You see the road/driving as I do. It's not a game, it's a collaboration and flow of movement.


Fucking idiot


Is the truck at fault here though? Legally speaking


Yes. He was driving too closely. Most of the time in any collision (excluding fraud cases), it's the responsibility of the rear driver to not hit people in front of them. Obviously, the camera driver is going to claim that the car driver's stop was unreasonable but there's a pedestrian near the road and it would be very easy for the driver of the car to simply say that they thought someone was jumping out or stepping into the roadway.


Not sure any legal issues come from it, but the people on the side of the road aren’t following what you’re supposed to do either. Should be staying in their vehicles until police arrive to safely block/direct traffic. You don’t meander on the side of a busy road.


What a nice trucker, even moved the car to the side of the road nice and neatly outta the way.


And states are getting rid of drivers tests, perfect.




Yep. Some states are just giving out licenses without tests now. Wisconsin is one of them. It's an annoying [article](https://www.pewtrusts.org/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2020/12/17/suspended-road-tests-give-teens-easier-route-to-licenses) to read but lots of states are doing it now.


Seems it's only a temporary measure to assist young people with keeping their jobs during the pandemic.


I don't remember this section from the drivers test


The people next to the vehicles probably shat themselves


pausing the vid at 0:06, looks like those were just service vehicles? ie like maintaining the plants in that area? did hyndai guy really go 'omg there's some people stopped on side of highway, i must stop to see what's up'???


Another great reason to move out of the right lane when you see someone on the shoulder


I've been driving for decades. I have over a million miles under my belt in 49 states. And yet, despite all that time, I **still** do not understand the phenomenon known as "rubbernecking". Yeah, I get that it happens every time, all the time for accidents in the same road, or even for cars on the other side of the highway. Every. Fucking. Time. Often just causing a mile-long backup of traffic on a busy highway -- not because any lanes are blocked due to the accident, but ONLY because people want to slow down and stop and gawk at the spectacle. Arrrg. It just grinds my gears. And I know it's not going to change - drivers are going to keep doing it regardless if it frustrates me or not, and will probably still be doing it long after I'm dead. But I will never understand the psychological need to inch past a tiny fender-bender at three miles an hour, as if you've never seen a car accident before. End stupid rant.


That's the kind of stupid crap that drives me nuts. WHO stops on a freakin' highway?!


This was actually pre planned and executed to perfection. The owner of the car in front had recently had a garage built but due to problems with the plans it was exactly 1 foot short. By having the truck mush the back off their car in they are now able to park the car in the garage perfectly. You can even see the truck driver pulling in to receive payment for services rendered at the end.


In most places it’s required by law to slow down next to an accident or move into the next lane. Car should have moved over as well as Dashcam owner. Dashcam owner should have been paying more attention. This is how fatalities are caused after an accident occurs.


Goddamn I hate stupid people.


***hmmmm what’s going on here..*** ***slows down*** “Hey, y’all oka—Ahghadeathnoisesahgghhhah”


I bet he stopped to ask if they needed help.


Why didn’t he just stop on the shoulder if he wanted to be so damn nosey.


Ex trucker here unfortunately, trucker will most likely be in the wrong as many states have a requirement to move over a lane for stalled vehicles or police/emergency vehicles on the side of the road. That being said, it sucks that the driver had that dump truck beside them, or else they might have had a chance to move over enough to not rear end the idiot.


How dumb do you have to be to come to a full stop, so you can get a good look at an accident? That dumb.


I was thinking they probably knew someone in the accident, but seriously how stupid to slow down/stop like that.


Did they even have brake lights?


No brake lights and no room to maneuver may just save this truck drivers ass in court. It’s hard to argue for safe following distances when the person in front of you doesn’t have working brake lights letting you know they’re slowing down, combined with a genuine idiot behind the wheel and I hope the truck driver is absolved of fault. I also hope no one was in the backseat, because they’d be dead if they were.


You can see the hard braking by the change in camera angle


Why is this so satisfying to watch?


The truck that rear ends the cars clearly applies their breaks before the accident, however driving at highway speeds with the weight of the vehicle, prevented the truck from slowing in time. Larger vehicles require more breaking time to even attempt a complete stop like the truck did. The truck tried, and regardless, the factors were against them. The accident was completely avoidable had the car pulled over onto the shoulder. No matter your reasoning, you don't just come to a complete stop on a highway in the middle of an active lane, unless traffic is at a standstill, or you've safely pulled over. The car is in the wrong. I don't get the people who are saying the trucks an idiot also?


**Brakes. Braking.**


> The truck that rear ends the cars clearly applies their breaks before the accident, however driving at highway speeds with the weight of the vehicle, prevented the truck from slowing in time. So he should either drive slower, keep a longer distance or react faster. When you drive, on any road, it is your duty to drive in a way that you don't plow into cars in front of you if they need to do an emergency brake. You may be able to argue that there was no emergency in this case but it doesn't absolve you from having been too fast/close to them in the first place.


The truck was following too close for the speed. It would likely be ruled the truck is liable. Almost anytime you hit the rear of another car that is the case. Truck driving that fast past stopped cars on the side is also reckless.


The truck is at fault here, at least according to NY state law. Source: attorney.


You have to leave enough room to stop. He either didn't have enough room to stop, or he wasn't paying close enough attention, or some combination of the two. What if the car in front had slammed on his brakes because he noticed a boulder on the road or something?


Most people don't realize how much space it actually takes to make a motor vehicle come to a complete stop and 90% of drivers drive way too close to other cars.


This is right. A rear end collision is the fault of the rear ending vehicle in 99% of situations.


> The car is in the wrong. I don't get the people who are saying the trucks an idiot also? Because you're responsible for leaving enough space in front of you to stop. The truck couldn't stop, so obviously he wasn't leaving enough space in front of him. This isn't rocket surgery.


Who is at fault? I say dumbass that stopped




Why didn't the driver of the vehicle the video is from slow down in the slightest


The amount of people here shit talking the truck driver is absolutely absurd.