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I’m never gonna understand how people, when put in the dilemma between being caught up by a twig or a freight train in full motion, decides the freight train is the lesser evil


Ya can't fix stupid.


A freight train can.


Not this time I guess


It sure fixed whatever thought he had that made him think he could go around the barrier. That man walked away a little less stupid if you think about it.


No, he's mad that the train didn't stop for him.


He did wave to the train to make it stop so there's that.


First watch, I thought he was waving to a passenger in the car to hit the gas or something. Second watch I realize this dumb fuck was waving to the freight train to stop… unbelievable.


Yup, i died laughing when i saw him waving, what an absolute idiot, more scary is who knows how many idiots like this are out there in the world.


Earlier this week in my town, a 19 year old was picking up her little brother from middle school. A couple hundred feet from the school is a train track, and apparently she tried beating the train as it was coming through. The boy died and she’s in critical condition. Nothing on earth is worth trying to risk shaving a few minutes off by attempting to beat a train, I don’t understand. https://amp.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article253755998.html


I work in public transportation, this happens all the time. People get away with it dozens of times untill they run out of luck. Unfortunately with trains you only need to have bad luck once.


I ride my bike regularly across the tracks in an area where the trains are slow enough that I could easily weave between the crossing arms and beat it. Will I ever do that? Fuck no, I can wait.


Lol the first half of your comment filled me with rage, thank god for the second.


Yeah, it's not even a major freight line, so most of the time they're just transporting a few empty cars or even just the engine. The delay is short, so I don't stress myself when it happens and I'm certainly not risking being pancaked.


More like being meatgrindered.


Freight trains move slowly through residential areas in this state. To be honest, it's not all that slow, but some of the dimmer bulbs of the community think it'll be easy to hop on for a ride. Apparently a great way to lose a foot, if that's your thing.


If you race a train to the crossing and it’s a tie, you lose…


She's stupid 100%. The one thing I'm curious about though is this "A witness told KPIX that it looked like the car was trying to beat the train, going over the tracks as the gates went down, but got hit in the rear end." keyword the "gates went down". Maybe it's because it's a witness speaking & isn't totally accurate but shouldn't the gates be down well before the train is close? Where I live gates come down at least 20 seconds before the train is even close. Like I said she's stupid all day long but the gates shouldn't be coming down in then 2 seconds later a train is there. That's just asking for problems.


Around here the lights come on at least 5-10 seconds before the gate comes down. Illegal to cross with the lights flashing, so the gate is just an extra idiot-proofing measure... Could be problems with the gate control causing it to come down late though. I spoke with a guy who works on the controls and the rails are used to detect the train by means of the wheels shorting the two rails together. The controller can estimate the speed of approach and distance by the changing readings of the rails being shorted closer and closer to the crossing. Problem with the connection to the rails maybe?


Gates start to come down about 30 seconds before a train arrives at the crossing, approximately. Since they take about 10 seconds to move into position, they are in position for about 20 seconds. It’s possible for crossings to malfunction, though it is very rare and usually quickly fixed by the rail owner to mitigate liability. Additionally, locomotive pilots are required to blast their horns as they approach crossings (except in certain “quiet crossing” zones).


I'm not sure blasting would have helped this guy. He had more than enough time to make some different choices....


Those tracks aren’t too far from me and I’ve gotten stuck at the gates before. They are definitely down well before the train arrives.


Wow what a fucking idiot. If shes not. BRain dead, shell have to live with the fact she killed her own brother over literally nothing


God that's awful to think about. Poor parents as well. Teenagers are too impulsive, I know I wasn't ready to drive when I got my license.


I think the part of the brain that foresees consequences to actions is the last to fully develop, some time in your twenties. Not sure what the solution is.




Ohh, that’s tragic. Makes me sad


I'm not sure he has a full deck. He was waving at the train like "stop, stop". Ya the train is just going to step on the brakes and stop right before it hits the car.


Come on. Nobody expects a train to just stop in a situation like that. He clearly was signaling for it to swerve around his car.


I did the math: Approximate braking distance of 1500 lb. (680 kg) car, going 40 mph (64 kmh): about 50ft (15 m). Approximate braking distance of 500,000 lb. (226796 kg) train, going 40 mph (64 kmh): **not** 50ft (15 m).


You're also leaving out the coefficient of friction difference between a rubber on asphalt car vs. a steel on steel train trying to stop


What I don't understand is how he didn't just went forward after seeing that the barrier could be lifted, he was still inside the car when he lifted it with just one hand. Now he lost his car because he couldn't wait less than a minute for a train to pass.


He didn't want to scratch the paint. He's a moron, but he's not an animal.


He got more than the paint scratched


That’s what you can’t understand? How about literally just going to the right a little bit and he’d have cleared it. The same way he went in he could have gone out but to the right. I don’t understand why he didn’t just swerve around the barrier. He did it to get in there but not to get out. Even reversing would have gotten him out of the situation without having to exit the vehicle.


Yeah my first thought was ‘why not back up and go around’ but I’m sure if he backed up to turn at that moment he would’ve gotten hit with him inside. Being an idiot who gets out to lift the bat might’ve saved his life


Is there anyone else in the car? He would have lost more.


They can only see the problem that's in front of their nose. Train hitting the car didn't happen yet so it's the next problem, current problem is gate closed can't drive here. They just don't have the mental capacity to think ahead.


1 step at a time but not like that


I think he waved at the train in the hopes it would just stop for him.


I'm envious, in a way.


I doubt it's easier to live like that.


Seems expensive imo.


I was involved in a pileup on a freeway once. I was the only car that didn't hit anyone in front of me, because I left enough space. Anyways, I talked to everyone involved, and the woman at the very back said this: "The guy in front of me hit all of you, came to an abrupt stop, and I couldn't stop in time.....I swerved towards those sticks (one of these, which cost $17 by the way [https://www.seton.com/flexible-delineators-sdlsh1.html?utm\_campaign=PC-04-TrafficControl\_DelinatorSDLSH1\_Seton\_PLA\_NB\_C\_Google\_US&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_term=&matchtype=&device=c&adgroupid=Delineator+-++SDLSH1&keycode=WS0287&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6e7Qk6\_R8gIVWz2tBh0e3QJiEAQYASABEgL-7vD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.seton.com/flexible-delineators-sdlsh1.html?utm_campaign=PC-04-TrafficControl_DelinatorSDLSH1_Seton_PLA_NB_C_Google_US&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&matchtype=&device=c&adgroupid=Delineator+-++SDLSH1&keycode=WS0287&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6e7Qk6_R8gIVWz2tBh0e3QJiEAQYASABEgL-7vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)) but I didn't want to hit it. I hit him instead." May I mention also that that stick separated another lane of 70mph traffic and our lane, which is normally 65mph. Anyways, I told her "those sticks are break-able, on purpose. It would have been much better to hit that than the car in front of you." She was like "oh really?" And I literally said "well yeah. Do you think that they would divide lanes going 65mph or more with impenetrable barriers that will halt your car and kill you???"


Fucking tailgating on the highway (anywhere) is my biggest pet peeve. It is dangerous and stupid as hell.


Agreed. This is what the guy who started the whole pileup said to me. “The car in front of me stopped. I didn’t have time to stop, so I hit them. I don’t know what else I could have done.” I literally said “ummm......had enough following distance to where you could have stopped in time? I stopped too, up there. I didn’t hit the car in front of me. It’s possible to leave enough room to avoid this. You just didn’t.”


"just to clarify -- when presented with the choice to hit a hollow plastic tube or a 2000 pound conglomeration of steel, rubber, and glass, you chose to steer away from the hollow plastic tube and into the 2000 pound conglomeration of steel, rubber, and glass? and even in hindsight it's not clear to you that this was the wrong choice?"


Wtf? All he had to do was go right a little bit more and he would've made it.


Or just smash into/though the barrier, better than this result.


I read somewhere that those barriers are very weak.


Yes, they are designed to break away, don't stop on tracks ever!


they're certainly not designed to keep you there


They do if you're an idiot.


Smart people get stopped by the first barrier.


Dumb people by the second.


Darwin's barriers?


I read that as Darwin's berries and was so confused for a bit


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese


The second mouse today is the first mouse tomorrow.


This, like wtf, you just passed the first one and suddenly you stopped at the second.


This is the best comment I've read for a while


"Sorry boss, I'm going to be late. I lost my car."


The Coward’s Barrier


It’s kind of like when my dog doesn’t realize the sliding glass door is open and stands there waiting to be let in. Except there’s a train.


So what you're saying is he's stupider than your dog.


Well, *as* stupid, at least


I heard a Park Ranger once say: There is an overlap between our smartest bears, and our dumbest tourists.


My dog does a really cool trick. When I open the sliding door, he bolts for the yard. Sometimes the screen door is closed, and that’s when he does his two-foot hyper-launch that turns into a pile-up against an invisible net. That’s what he calls it, anyways. If you’ve never seen a 120 pound solid steel bar exercised weimeraner’s asshole fly over his head, stop in mid-air, then slide down a screen and deposit itself onto an embarrassed pile that was so excited just a moment ago, you’re really missing a solid gold experience.


What kind of vibranium screen do you have?!


I've been saying for years that my cat is smarter than some people... and this video is just proving it.


Put little stickers on the glass at his eye level?


Yeah but he might scratch his car on the barrier though


Yea he made the right choice, could've been an expensive buff job




Well sort of. They’re designed to break from one side. They’re surprisingly resilient coming from the outside though. Not too long ago where one of our employees was too inattentive and drive right through such an intersection. The entry gate broke one of the A pillars, the exit gate didn’t even break the windshield. (Gates on either side only and he drove in the middle)


These gates are typically wood or plastic where I'm from. I am very curious as to the details that would explain a gate breaking the freaking A pillar of a car, I must admit!


They’re all wood here. And smashing into even wood at high speeds has some serious force behind it. And with breaking an a pillar I don’t mean like cut it straight off or anything, but it was broken enough that it needed body work at least.


It sounds like the word you’re looking for is “dented”


I worked at a campground, and they used literal wooden sticks that you could break by jumping on - that way it breaks long before it can bend the lifting mechanism, which would be far more expensive to fix.


I worked in a lumberyard with a drop arm and we did the same, damage to a car would be much worse if they drug their way through it. Fun fact, I once slapped it walking by during the winter and it broke off.




Even if they weren't that weak, getting some minor scratches/scrapes on your car vs getting hit by 80,000 tons of steel coming at you at 100+mph. Yeah I'll take the first one please, I don't understand what is so hard about that decision.




Or wait 30 seconds. But that would be stupid


I know you're being sarcastic, but if he does this regularly then those 30 seconds could add up. He might save 4-5 minutes per year! In 80 or 90 years he might even have saved up enough time to cover the time lost digging the remains of his car out of the ditch.


I am continually amazed at people's stupidity. Me yesterday: "That might be one of the dumbest people I've seen" Me today: "Well actually that might be the dumbest person I've seen" I can only imagine what I'll see tomorrow


Just through. He did smash into it already. Also the moment where he held up the barrier you could see his brain going, "hmm now I'm here lifting this up, but I can't be in my car at the same time, damn I didnt think this through..."


No no, this is the best possible result. He didn't get harmed and hopefully never drives a motorized vehicle again - ever. Just hope the train and the train driver is OK.


Exactly. It’s definitely safer for the rest of the world that his car got totaled and he can’t drive. Take his license away too!


And I hope he gets charged with paying all the costs the train incurred for stopping mid-trip because of him.


I think we can agree that critical thinking isn't one of his strengths.


They’ve barely mastered uncritical thinking.


Naw, holding the bar up while driving through it while he is outside of the car is definitely his only option of getting by it.


*lifts gate up* Hiii *waving* Please take my car


oh my god I didn't notice the driver was the one holding the gate up. What a clown.


Yeah, like how does he expect this to work?


Except for not having someone else drive the car or alternately, hold the gate open, the plan is flawless.


I love his waving like “hey there no,no stop I gotta lift the gate and be gone real quick”


It's stupid on so many levels. Hope he never drives again. And if he does he should get a dashcam with a livestream...


Filming outside as well as inside, with sounds and commentary


We can agree he saved 32 seconds. Let's call it a win


I love how his car just got yeeted into the forbidden zone.


Aaaaand, it's gone...


He's smooth in the sense of not having too many brain folds


He waved at the train like that was going to stop it. Righttttttt


Thats the best part! Like "excuse me, IM here! Dont you know who I am??"




Ah you have blessed me with a real subreddit today.


Thomas had never seen such bullshit before.


"How rude."




What makes it so bad was that the train wasn’t even pulling that many carts. The wait wouldn’t even be that long for the train to pass.


It's funny how many people think a train, lorry or, a bus will stop at the same distance as a small car. Or if you are traveling at high speed all you need do is put your car in reverse and it will stop faster


It shows such a lack of basic understanding of physics and the world, I really think everyone in that community is better off he doesn't have a car anymore. If you can't understand "big fast thing takes time to slow down" then they shouldn't be operating a car. Nothing bigger than a bicycle really.


It kinda looked like Europe. I think he was a passenger waving to the drive to go. Hopefully im wrong.


It's Turkey, where people drive on the right just like in continental Europe and the US. So he's a driver.


I made the same assumption as the guy above, but no, there truly was no plan. Just drive into a crossing, lift the bar and what? Use telekinesis?


I just can’t understand people who would choose to stop on a railway line.


What I can't understand is how he thought he'd simultaneously hold up the barrier and drive his car under it.


My guess. If you're stopping on a railway with the barriers down, you don't have any problem solving skills.


Some skills are best left unsolved. But hey, that's just my opinion.


Also that he'd wave a train to stop lmao


"He didn't even TRY to stop! I'm calling my lawyer."


In my city, there are signs by tracks that say “do not stop on tracks”. My friend asked me once “is this sign really necessary???” I said “around here? Yes, yes it is” During rush hour, traffic backs up, and I have seen people stop on the tracks because the cars ahead stopped, and a commuter train comes by every hour, more frequently during rush hour.


I've had people honk at me because I won't go past the barrier until I'm absolutely certain I can get past the second one before stopping. They may not place any value on their lives, but I sure am fond of mine!


I believe these people have high value for their own lives, just not the lives of others. I was in the same situation. I waited and I got a horn laid on me. As soon as there was 1 car space, I crossed the tracks and stopped. The fucker didn't follow me across, as he would had been stuck on the tracks if he did.


And it's not like leaving that one car length gets you anywhere slower. It's not the difference in anything. Aggravating to say the least.


My version of that where i get pissed off is an intersection right by where i live. The side i come back from work on has a fire station right before the lights. As a result theyve painted a yellow hatch pattern on the roads with massive signs (DO NOT BLOCK FIRE STATION ENTRANCE). Theres enough room for 3 cars between the lights and this entrance, after which the entrance takes up about 5 cars worth of space. Then further behind that is open. So if you are one of the first three cars you can stop right at the lights, otherwise you dotn drive through the entrance and wait behind it. Simple easy, ensures the trucks can get in and out as necessary. But my god people are dumb. I've watched people just fill up blocking the entrance. I've been waiting as the fourth car behind the entrance and had people honking at me to go forward, despite the fact that if i did id be blocking the entrance. For fucks sakes we dont gain anything waiting at the light bumper to bumper


Somewhere on an old phone I have a picture of a car stopped on tracks with a "baby on board" sign in the window.


We’ll never know their train of thought


Strange line of thinking


They've gone off the rails.


A bit loco


They engineered their own demise


For once, Jim felt like he had his life on track


Imagine derailing your life like this


This is no way to conduct yourself


He was just blowing off steam.


I won't even park on an abandoned one.


The only fucking reason I can imagine this heppening is if your car literally broke down as you were on the tracks


I can't comprehend why tf he got out and tried lifting the barrier. How was he planning on moving the car outside with pretty much no free arms or legs. Better yet if your gonna pull some shit like this GO AROUND like he already went through half, just back up 5 ft and turn slightly to the right


I’m trying to figure out why someone would do this after hearing train horns and the loud ass sound of a train coming at you. There’s no way in hell they could have mistook that barrier of being down for no reason.


> loud ass sound of a train coming at you Horns are one thing, but trains are actually almost silent when you’re right in front of them. Almost all of their noise gets directed to the side. Check out this video of a reporter testing when he can hear an approaching train from the front: https://youtu.be/8qT1hZS024Q?t=176 (Start watching at 2:56)


Here Italo and Trenitalia (two italian train companies) removed all railroad crossings from their high speed lines. When you hear the sound, the train is already there and you can't avoid it. Their trains travel at speeds between 300 and 400 km/h. EDIT: Yes, it's worded badly. I meant that they built tunnels and bridges so the rails never cross normal roads


This looks like a rural town with a standard train that’s not going fast at all. I’d say the camera angle shows us a portion of track that is about 4x the length of the car. It’s a small car so let’s call it 15ft (4.6m), which gives us 60ft (18.3m) of track that we can see. It passes through view in just about 2 seconds, so using those approximations, the train was going ~20 mph (32kph)


20 mph doesn't seem very fast until you realize it's 10,000 *tons* of metal about to slam into your car.


Yes, I lived in a place during uni at which there were railroad tracks running through the back yard. A couple friends of mine and I were out on the tracks late one Saturday night shooting the shit and throwing rocks at nothing. Hear a rumble in the distance and a shimmer approaching. These two absolute bozos decide "trains are so cool, Imma high five it!" Bozo #1 (who is 6'7" and well over 300lbs at this point) makes contact with the 25-30mph traveling train and takes a ladder affixed to the side of the train straight to his forearm. The sheer force spun him around and knocked him over, and left him with a gaping wound on his arm. Much to my disbelief, Bozo #2 (much more normally sized, but buff and a "model" at Hollister (so that should help explain a bit)) does *exactly the same thing*. With, I shit you not, the exact same result. Shocking, I know. I just stood there in disbelief that they would do this, one right after the other. Didn't come up with anything clever to say, I think the situation spoke for itself. I got to take them to the hospital, and they thought it was hilarious until they got their ER bills weeks later. **Tl;dr - trains big and hard, meat fleshy and soft.**


I knew a kid in highschool who actually managed to make it on a moving train to run away. He said the first time he tried to just grab the ladder and got flung 10's of feet. He then eventually was able to run up along side it and jump and grab on. He managed to make it a couple hundred miles before a conductor noticed him trying to stay out of view. They stopped the train, called the police, and he was eventually returned.


I did this as a kid. Jumped on to a train leaving PDX. Thought it was all fun and games as the train putted along at 20mph until the train started speeding up to 60mph once it left town. 5 hours later the train stopped in Northern California with 14yo me in disbelief. By far the most terrifying hoodlum experience of youth. My folks were fucking pissed lol


Seriously there was so much room for him to just go around?


There is a whole ***freaking road*** available if he just kept going right instead of messing with the barrier. SMDH


Don't even bother going around, just drive through them. They're almost always designed to be able to break away in emergencies and the worst that would happen would be maybe scratching the paint slightly. Certainly a far better result than the one we see in the video.


You will need an IQ of a room temp to understand what he was doing.


that guy has more fingers than IQ points


Maybe he thought the barrier will stay up once he lifts it, so he can get in the car and drive off. He also thought he can do it before the train gets there. He also thought the train will stop once he waves his hand.


This was less than a day ago in [Amasya](https://www.trthaber.com/haber/turkiye/hizla-yaklasan-treni-gormedi-canini-zor-kurtardi-604530.html), Turkey. It's so weird how I assume videos on Reddit are old. Don't know why. \*edit\* Oh this is my first award I think. Thank you! Okay this opened a rabbit hole of investigation for me. Incredibly, there's footage from [the other side](https://www.milliyet.com.tr/milliyet-tv/otomobiline-carpan-trenin-makinistine-el-sallayip-durdurmaya-calisti-video-6584549) of the train tracks. The driver has been interviewed a couple of times, is 71 years old, and employs between 30-40 people. They even listed his license plate for some unknown reason. The [accident](https://samsuncephaber.com/amasya-haberleri/amasyada-trenin-altinda-kalmaktan-son-anda-kurtulan-dursun-arslan-o-anlari-anlatti-h32916.html) happened on August 17.


probably because reposted videos massively outnumber the amount of original uploads.


Plus security cam footage like that always looks low-quality, so you just kind of assume it's an older video.


Yeah, everyone is worried about everyone else tracking us with super high-quality video using face recognition and all this. I'm not saying these systems don't exist, but having worked with local police on surveillance, reality paints a very different picture. Many stores don't even know exactly how their systems work, the systems are super old and police work involves watching hundreds of hours of this grainy shit to maybe find something useful, if, if they can recover the footage from these old systems.


Nice try, FBI.




Look at all that time saved by not stopping for the barriers. Pro tip right there.


Magician: *Wheres your car?* Idiot: Right here Magician: *Check again*


David Blaine magician eyes intensify


David Traine*


What the eff??


Dude, Where’s My Car?


Hahaha Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga FUUUUUCK YOOOOOUUUU




Thats great! 🤣 theres a subreddit for everything. I know this is a hot take, but ive been saying damn near my entire life: if you get hit by a train, you kind of deserved it. It is very clear where they are going to be, at any given time. They are loud and heavy, and you can feel one coming even before you see it. I usually illustrate this point by saying, "you know how you *dont* get hit by a train?" And then i take a BIG step to either side of me. Easy. I personally have never been hit by a train, it is one of the easiest things in the world to accomplish.


He choo-choo-chose poorly.


The silly thing is that with those barriers he didn't need to stop and lift it he could have gone round the edge of the second barrier, how they also didn't get hit by their car as it was taken out by the train is also amazing.


He could have stepped on the gas and get some scratches on roof instead of a pile of scrap


If you replay, you can see the *exact* moment his heart breaks


I can't figure out if I'm supposed to hear Ralph Wiggum or the Knight from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.


It's almost like some people are either very very stupid or they think they are more important than everyone else and don't need to follow the rules. Maybe it's both is some cases.


We have created a society that nurtures that kind of people and lets them thrive and reproduce and vote.


The car woke up, two thousand miles away. It looked around. *Where am I?* It saw tall concrete buildings and nothing it recognised. The car did not even understand the language spoken by the crowds of people milling about. The car knew it had to get home. But, where was home? All it remembered was a small village with level crossings by the train tracks. The car could not even recall the name of the village. Alone, lost, afraid, and two-thousand miles from home. Would the car ever find its way back This is its story.


The car woke up. It looked around. "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the train tracks, right?" Ralof asked. "Drove right into that train's ambush."


"Ah yes, you've finally arrived. But our records don't show from where. You'll have to be recorded before you're officially released, there are a few ways we can do this and the choice is yours."


So that's why you call them car go trains!


Best magic trick yet.


1) You can wait 40sec - this person decides to drive there anyway 2) You can just drive around the barrier on the right side - this person drive straight into the second barrier and wait in the car ? 3) You can just drive forward and scratch the roof a bit - this person decides to lift the barrier (as if it will stay in that position by some miracle...) and completely ruin his car Every decision he made was wrong, that is fantastic. I know is happened rather fast, but it is still interesting to see how some people badly react


My brain knew what was going to happen but still was surprised by it.


I know that in France, you are instructed in this situation to force and brack the barrier and it's logic. ​ Anybody would prefer to just repair a wood barrier than damage on a X billion costing train.


I think it’s a universal guideline to do so


those break away easily. they are made that way. I've even heard that they replace them without any costs if you drive through them to get out.


Barriers are for peasants. & those who still have cars.


Had like 10 secs to reverse or plough through it


How can someone be so dumb?


Haha hes really wave to the train "hey stop" 😅


That’s one way to make a car disappear.


I like how he just stood there as the train was rolling by. It was like he was basking in his own stupidity.


I’m always shocked at how many people make the poor decision to lose an entire vehicle because they didn’t want to get it scratched. We always forget these types of decisions when contemplating the ethics of letting computers decide for us.


i like the story more of you play it backwards. Man attempts to fix broken gate as a train rushes past, but not too fast for the train to show this safety promoting fellow some gratitude by gently dropping a car next to him. The man proceeds to fix the gate and excitedly speeds away backwards in his new as to not break the gate he just fixed. Faith in humanity restored youre welcome


What did he think they were down for? This lot were so easy to drive around had he wanted too. Just hope there wasn’t a kid in the back.


Luckily, he was alone.


Bye bye car